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Districts over the policies claiming they were illegal and harmful to transgender students. Now, trumps former Education Secretary betsy is blasting the infestation. It is really rather Mind Boggling that were even in a place leak this today where parents have to sue and or push School Boards to know and learn about things that they should be informed of as a matter of course with their children. There is no wonder why participants have begun to speak up across the Country Whether At School Board Meet Lings or voting with their feet and going somewhere else with their children. Parents need to know whats going on in their childrens lives and schools but parents in georgia are putting one up in the win column for the fight against woke Ideology Cobb Kpght School Board Just fired a Fifth Grade Teacher for reading a book on gender it called my shadow is purple. The Controversial Book challenges the concept that there are only two Jengders Genders so strange thing about this fight in particular new jersey on one hand we have this crazed Gender Ideology that the that the teachers and administrators are clearly rying to push on the kids but now you have a situation where you actually have a School District trying to cut parents out of Like Health Care decisions for their children. If you in cases where you actually have actual gender disforya, you have which is very closely aligned with teen suicide. You have these administrators and district officials trying to keep parents from being part of the of the emergency that is this. Youre a parent. Could you imagine allow stepping out of the way for Health Care Decision for one of your children . Especially like a mental issue . No, you know earlier this week we had someone on our air guest a mother who said we get phone calls this is true as a parent you get phone call when is your kid gets sniffles if your kid has maybe oh a little bit warm maybe a fever you get lots of phone calls you have to run down to the school to take care of your kid. This is such a major moment for a child possibly and i say possibly because when youre talking about kids as young as kindergarten theres a lot there to be discovered figured out. Honestly worked out with the parents and i understand where the one argument where they say well we have to protect some kids you dont want to out a child thats not ready to be outed. And there are families out there that are not going to handle this in a healthy way that could be damaging i understand that but this goes so much farther than that where the parent isnt included in the conversation not even beginning of the conversation and that part i agree with secretary devos it is Mind Boggling to think im handling over handling over your child right to people youre supposed to trust. And then they wont even communicate with you for something so significant. Well, obviously, you know, you have children in abusive situations. And schools forever have wrestled with that thats an important thing for them to take into consideration but thats really not what were talking about. No thats not what happening here. Whats happening is School Districts now an entire state in the case of new jersey is waging war on parental rights, and the parents access to their own child. Were talking about babies. Fiveyearolds, look, i get them. We sign them every week my daughter goes on a field trip i have to sign a waiver she wants an aspirin i have to sign a waiver but now school board is telling me were going to introduce her to blatant sex acts sending her on the path of Gender Reassignment but you dongt have a part in this mom and dad im sorry thats crap the 14th Amendment Of The Constitution protects the parents parental rights as due process rights. This needs to be taken i think to the federal level. Because it is not just happening in new jersey. It is happening in california, it is happening in other states. It needs real scrutiny. But the fact that you would cut parents out while in doctrinating children down a path confusing about who they are with parents not a part of the conversation im sorry should never be allowed. As if being a teenager werent confusing enough listen to parents talking about this. Parents were not necessarily aware that this was even a policy that was in existence at one point do we become the guardians over children . These are still parents responsibilities to raise their children. And in every other situation in a School District we inform the parents of everything from a child had a stomach ache and visit the nurse to sign a form for what movie youre watching. They think parents are a danger and that the kids will be will be in harm if they know about it. Fact that we are having this Discussion Concerns everyone. And the parents and the children do have a right to know and thats to backbone of education america in our country. You know, tommy i cant help but imagine a lot of those parents are you know theyre not like right wing activist theyre not probably probably many of them are not even Republican Voters. Right. This is across the board. Might soon be Republican Voters because this is an opportunity for conservatives for republicans, to remind voters in general from both sides of the political divide that parental rights as you mentioned are so important and they are on the ballot in 2024. Make no mistake they are. You look at the side of the aisle thats pushing this, this Gender Ideology in schools, pushing to push parents out calling parents domestic terrorists for speaking up at school board meetings. Look at the party and the side of the political divide that is pushing this and you will see a clear distinction we need parental rights and parents involved in their childs education you brought up a good Point Charlie thing to talk about Mental Health. We know that our young people are already struggling with Mental Health. Because of covid and lockdowns and shutdowns, and the masking and now youre putting in another layer where youre telling them they can be any gender they want to be. I learned that they added another acronym to the Lbgtq Bash Key now a two spirit with two Different Things we need to bring back some sanity to public education. And realize that none of this stuff has a place there we need to be getting back to reading, writing and arithmetic because students are failing in metrics before we Start Talking about being a mentar or two spirit whatever they are trying to teach but it is a dereliction of duty as educators. Most alarming should be alarm bells is that if kids are spending so much time thinking about these things then they have too much time on their hands theyre not learning actual stuff. Right. In the classroom. Exactly and tommy is exactly right weve seen it across the country test scores and i live in a liberal city of denver. Denver Public Schools that School District is having a huge problem right now. There are signs all over the district with parents that say to the board resign. Because they didnt know i was one of the parents my kids were inside of a school and there was a school shoot that can happened in the spring, and it was by a kid who was undergoing patdowns because he was considered so dangerous parents didnt know, we found out when two deans were shot inside the school. And were all looking around going how did no one tell us and theyre saying well we have to protect the privacy of the kid. Not to mention the safety of the rest of the children. So i want to get back to teacher that was fired Fifth Grade Teacher fired in georgia for reading this book. Quote from her the district is setting a harmful message not all students are worthy of affirmation being unapologetic and authentic selves based on vague policies will result in more teachers not knowing where the invisible line will be and censorship presents harm and this was the teacher fired for reading this Jengsdzer Ideology Thing to her students. Look, i know a lot of teachers. I meet with librarians and teachers all the time. Theyre focused primarily is introducing kids to literacy and to the history of their country or their region. And they labored to fine books that are age appropriate to do that. Why this teacher has made it her mission to somehow teach kids that they are other jengders available to them. If its a picturebook you probably overstep your bounds okay. This is something for parents to consider. If parents want to read this at home more power to them. But to suddenly decide you as the teacher in this in this situation you would never have a teacher get up and read the quran because it is infringing on rights of the family this is a personal right of the family and it it leads the child to question things that frankly theyre not prepared to do at that moment in time. Theyre five or younger i i do shake my head age appropriate books are really important. As a childrens author i write for an audience of a particular age. Youve got to read to the right audience it is a great point vast majority of teachers are passionate and love their kids. And the fact that you have this ideology sort of swamping them out is just it is appalling. Okay coming up, Vivek Ramaswamyuation in on being number two plus youre not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels supposed to follow whatever happens to come down the pike on truth social every morning, thats not going to be a durable movement. Did ron desantis have a basket of deplorable moment thats next when the Big Weekend Show returns. This isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Big promises. Small promises. Cuddly shaped promises. Each with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. And the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. Or over promise. Or make an empty promise. We keep them. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. My father didnt know his dad. She knew that i always want to know more about my family history. With ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. I was able to find out more than just a name. And then you add it to the tree. I found ship manifests. Birth certificate. Wow. Look at your dad. I love it so much to know where my father work, where he grew up. Its like you discover a new family member. Discover even more at ancestry. Com welcome back to the Big Weekend Show, were just days away from the first gop primary and Vivek Ramaswamy is making sure voters know he wants to be the commander in chief. Here he is on cavuto live earlier today. Ill be clear im not interested in a different position in the government frankly i drive chains through the sector before becoming a second thats not ego. Heart beat away from the presidency are you saying that you would turn it down if offered to you . I am. And the reason why neil is that if this were about my quest for personal power sure that makes sense. But thats not what this is about. This is about reviving our missing national identity. Reaching the next generation of americans who are badly diseffected from politics. So meanwhile Florida Governor ron desantis has a new strategy to get elected president go after Trump Supporters. We have a strand in our party that views supporting trump as whether you are a rhino or not so you could be most conservative person since sliced bread theyll call you a rhino if youre not rooted in principle if we are listless vessels supposed to follow whatever happens to come down the pike on true social this morning thats not a durable movement. Okay. So charlie ive covered a lot of trump all rallyings i can tell you calling it, listless vessels is going to be on a tshirt it is not already on one right now. Whats i think thats a safe bet. No it is a terrible strategy. And it is so frustrating because ron desantis has a tremendous record to run on he has so much promise for him. But hes really failing like we have seen few politicians with so much going in their direction fail as bad as hes failing. Hes not very good at politics. It is appearing and if biggest tell is when you go after the voters that youre supposed to win over and you attack them and mock them you know weve seen Hillary Clinton tried it with the basket of deplorables as you pointed out and it didnt work for her. And so hes coming up not only coming up with something i dont know what a listless vessel is, xepght that it is insulting and suggestion is that these people are nots only all of the things that Hillary Clinton thought they were but also stupid and theyre get thing snookered. Trump voters are very, very wise to that. And hes doing himself serious damage that is going to carry with him not only through this primary but it is going to hurt him four years from now. For sure Governor Desantis never thought that he would would be compared to Hillary Clinton. Lets go to a flashback. You can put half of Trump Supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. The racist sexist Homophobic Xenophobic you name it empty vessels so tomi is this a fair comparison . Not to compare anybody to Hillary Clinton i consider her to be the Fourth Sanderson sister so i think that we leave it to halloween when we make comparisons to hilary moving forward it was not a good comment to make and im sure hes kicking himself and im sure he wishes he could repaparazzi it now when i heard him say is maybe a colonel of a truth ill tell you what i believe he was trying to get across and he failed at it. I think what he was trying to say is this, im not a rhino simply because im running against donald trump. I think thats what he wanted to say and i think further what he wanted to say where he messed up with the listless vessels comments and rings like deplorable is what he should have said is listen, i understand that you follow trump because you love him and lover his policies and you see whats going on with him and you see the indictments and sham and witch hunt, however, we need to look beyond that and just what were talking about with all of the circus of chaos and indictments and understand that we as a movement have to be durable. We have to live beyond donald trump, and we have to have the America First policies be our bedrock. Now thats what he should have said. Unfortunately he did not say it that way and it will hurt and bruise him badly but hes had to walk land mines hes the only trump competitor maybe outside of mike pence a little bit. Who has had to navigate maga supporter because trump does not attack competitors the way he attacks ron Desantis Vivek will go on and take shots at trump but trump will never take a shot because he doesnt see him as a threat what the Trump Campaign did before desantis announced was label him a rhino out the gate and hes been unable to escape that. The fact is when youre 40 down on the other guys movement. You need chunks of that movement to be competitive and to win by alienating them this way thats a basically what ron desantis has done incredible record incredible family a smart guy lets say that. As a precursor, but to consign yourself to chris christieville it is a bad move looks to me like unforced error and have to walk it back. But clearly this is bad. To tomi point near Impossible Task to walk that balance trying to say that youre the better candidate without insulting the people who are doing a good job hes actually come up with these Ten Commandments for his campaign he put out on twitter or x and those began with two genders, three Human Flourishing requires fossil pulse and parents determine the education of their children. The Nuclear Family is a greatest forming of governess known to man kind do you think parents are paying attention . These facts as they call them you know what is interesting about them is if founders were around today they would be like really we have to write had down yipght know we have to establish all of this. This is all a given. But going and by the way, one of the things that vivek is doing so brilliantly and i get it he does have a slightly different dynamic with his relationship with trump. But he has done such a good job of running a very promising Visionary Campaign where hes presenting something. Which is always a winning strategy. The problem for desantis is when you get stuck talking tactics about well these different batches of voters, you a politician always loses when he starts doing that. We have to start to see what happens at the debate on wednesday watch the first republican primary debate on fox news as i mention on wednesday at 899 p. M. Eastern straight ahead another rogen roast Joe Rogen Scolds Climate Activist after restricting our way of life another liberal double standard exposed, next. Conquer financial reports. Conquer 2000word essays. Conquer 300 thankyou notes. Rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. Do you g2 . Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show, another Podcast Court cy of joe rogen now laying into Climate Activist over their draconian designs that do nothing to save the actual mirage planet. Watch most is coming from china, india so all of this [bleep] dont eat meat to save the world youre not saving jack i dont understand where that message is coming from or why theres not a nuance perspective where people are taking into account all of these other variables. And this comes as forbes ceo got embarrassing Reality Check on downside of tricycle vehicles while on road trick in electric f150. Charging has been challenging to a high low speed charger to get 40 minutes to get 40 . But it was a really good Reality Check of the challenges and what our customers go through. [laughter] how embarrassing, i want to talk about that but first i want to talk about the first half of that which was joe rogen going after activist and you live in colorado im from south dakota right agricultural ranching, farming thats an important part of our economy it is an important part of our economy nationwide. Right in so it especially burns me when as joe rogen said these Climate Activist say you know if you want to save mother earth eat impossible meat, or lets have Lab Grown Meat or eat bugs or eat plants that really rubs me the wrong way as somebody that grew up where i grew up, and im sure being from colorado in the neighbors that you have thats got to hit your community as well when they talk about getting rid of meat an entire industry by the way. Yes. And just to be clear, though, i do live in denver close to bolder they eat a lot of not meat there so that does economist in colorado but the hypocrisy over some of this is staggering when you think back to the Keystone Pipeline shut down that was to lessen our environmental footprint so then what we have to do when it started to happen we have to go to other countries to look for gas and oil right, other countries that have larger foot precinct because it is poke it is coming from over there but here then it is totally different. Same air, same atmosphere, same everything. Same climate so yeah. Hes just exposing something i think thats kind of obvious there. So i want to piggyback because he talks about not just in Climate Alarmism debate but everything china is dunking on us because our own activists are liberal activist here in the usa are doing work for china pretty much putting down american industry at every turn and its working. Let me back up a moment. Since when do we have to wait for joe rogen to tell us Obvious Thingings that everybody knew yes china and indy are major emitters of pollution in the world. Unless you get that under control, this notion that somehow the world can come together and harness our power to save the environment it is a pipe dream so were scientifically provable while china and i could ya are grinding us into the ground economically financially and polluting and destroying the environment. You have got to somehow get better and under control or unleash American Energy production which we have done because our oil and gas is cleaner. Which we never talk about the oil coming out of these third world countries and the saudi it is horrible, the Refining Process takes forever. But the emissions are so much lower in the united states. Lets do it right here. And stop empowering these Foreign Countries that are brutalizing their country and destroying us. You brought up a good point about not only fossil fuels but what it takes to make an electric vehicle because we know getting the battery i thought you said joe rogen. But electric vehicles to create an electric vegan cause more emissions and over lifetime they say it makes up forkers but to the get the batteries to make these an people in third world countries relying on Labor Force Labor child labor to get these batteries made so i think it feels like Climate Alarmist and activist they do this to pat themselves on the back but do you hand in i know you drive a truck are you going to hand in yours for the electric that takes 40 minutes to get 40 . To charge 40 so if you want to charge the thing all the the way its going to take you im not good at math but it is beginning to be like an hour and 20 minutes is that math right there in so an hour and 20 minutes to charge it are you kidding me . This is nuts. This is crazy and, of course, as you point out in order to get to the utopia think of the little third world children whose fingers are bleeding to death because they have to dig up cobolt. They dont care it makes them feel better about themselves and more importantly than anything and this is where they talk about Climate Change all of the stuff because they cant do normal things. They cant put out wildfires. They cant stop people from committing crimes they cant get people off of drugs but theyre going to fix the weather okay. You can always fix the weather because it is always changing you know. Coming up, nocturnal nonsense chicago democrat wants gangs to only shoot each other at night how this liberal lunacy is turning blue cities into all out war zones. Thats next. Im your overly competitive brother. Check. Psych and im about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. You got no game dude, thats a foul and now youre ready to settle the score. Game over. And if you dont have the right Home Insurance coverage, well, you could end up paying for all this yourself. So get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, yeah, like me. 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Welcome become tots Big Weekend Show. Chicago has seen more than 1800 shootings this year so far. In an efforts to stem violence a Community Group is asking gangs to keep their shooting to prescribed hours youve heard of visiting hours theyre urging killing hours from 9 p. M. To 9 a. M. And now, this chicago maria hass supporting the effort. Everyone in the neighborhood is here. As you can see local food, local beer. Local artists and local feathered friends so come and join us. [laughter] what she didnt show you were local gun slangs, the woman is getting behind this shooting times effort. Is this going it make any difference at all . Can you believe were actually talking about this . In america that just what literally blows my meengd and mike tobin covered this story out of chicago interviewed a guy he was i dont know former gang member he worked and he said there are going to be gang member who is see this out there and this is going to draw more attention and not only blow it off but might make a point no one is going to tell them when theyre going to do what so this actually could have the opposite affect. But honestly, i mean you would have to see how this goes and imagine it is going to have no effect other than for the people who live in this city to say is this the best we can do . Is have Appointment Shooting . This is a lawless place. I dont know how this help. But charlie i hope they let us know when the Grand Theft Autohours can neck i want to go during those hours. This seem like a local politician, though. Trying to make a truce with rampant murder and larceny and they have zero credit with the gangs who theyre trying to influence. Yeah while i think thats probably true and thats probably what is happening and thats why theyre losing as badly as they are but i think that i think this person is actually on to something here. I think that we could start doing this and the way you would enforce it is you would start by arresting anybody who shoots somebody during Daylight Hours and put them jail and then go and arrest anyone who shoots somebody after dark and put them in jail. Imagine what a concept. When you got it all done with you would fix the problem. But when you dont prosecute crimes this is what happens in my new orleans 21 juveniles killed in the City Of New Orleans they were not through the year yet, and that is not telling all of the other people. They dont prosecute these crimes and they bounce them in the police dont feel they have any support so they flee tomi i have to get to this in San Francisco theres a new tour called the doom loop tour. The promo roads youve read the headlines youve seen the tweets. Now get close and personal through the doom and squaller of downtown San Francisco. Discover the Policy Choices that made americas wealthiest city the nation innovative leader of housing crisis, addiction crisis, Mental Health crisis and Unrepen Tangt Crime Krietion sis this tour is actually sold out people are paying 30 to go on this thing this has to be most tragic tour since you know, post katrina new orleans. This is called going to work in california so im not sure why you would pay 30 for it there are people that are begging not to have to go to the office to avoid the doom loop this is a great idea by the way. And it is really putting the your honor finger in the eye of the people that are causing these problems in these cities but i think the rnc should be sponsoring this in every major Blue City Run by a democrat governor run by a democrat mayor. Lets have rnc sponsor doom loop so you can really see what these liberal policies are going to get you and then heading up to 2024 you can decide if yowment to pay 30 to go on another tour or elect somebody who will keep your street safe. Thats the choice. Yeah thats a lot of touring im afraid in most of these cities who are in open collapse. Up next, five dollar freebies, making money on returned items the Girl Math Ticktock trend redefining how to balance your check book and lead to spending the Big Weekend Show debates next. How can you sleep on such a firm setting . Gab, mine is almost the same as yours. Almost is just another word for not as good as mine. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add a base. Shop now only at sleep number. 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They made us feel completely comfortable in our home. And, yes, its affordable. I wish we would have looked into it sooner. Think i might look into one myself. Stay in the home and life youve built for years to come. Call. And take advantage of our no interest welcome back to the Big Weekend Show first there was the Girl Dinner Trend on social media where tiktokers and instagram influencers posted their meals of snacks. Then there was the lazy girl jobs trends where genz celebrated careers that can be worked fully remote have a chill boss, and end workday promptly at 5 p. M. Now genz is starting a new trend to justify overspending just like in this clip from confessions of a shopaholic. These Cashmere Gloves i need as it has wirnts and i have hands so thats all. Buy these. These alone. Walk away strong and frugal. Oh, my god. Boots 50 off. Join me i need these. You need those. We are talking about girl math heres a look at the new trend. Anything under 5 is free if i buy something and then return it ive made money. Going to an event or concert is free because i purchased so long ago it doesnt even count. Cash is not real if i buy something with cash it is free but obvious girl math if i buy a purse and use it every day it will cost less than a dollar a day had is basically free. All right lets go to girl tomi right now okay. So i dont call this girl math. I personally call this husband math because this is exactly what my husband does. He will get two iced coffees day and because theyre under 5 he doesnt consider that buying negative and if he uses cash even better if he washes his cash in the laundry and then realizes he has it months later, thats also free. So this to me is husband math threws and through talking about making an investment hell tell me if he buys expense ibourbons to resell for more like hes in the Bourbon Trade One Day which will not happen and girl math in my life this is husband math and he works it very well but money is still money my friend. Im the frugal one who like unplugs Phone Chargers shuts off lights when i walk in and out of a room to me this isnt girl math but husband math but i would be curious to other husband it is you fall into the same category. I hope that husband is not watch but hes not hes at a baseball game. Youre so free. Reason they call you know, if youre employing or using god forbid this girl math it is really what i call girl bankruptcy. Because men have fantasy football, this is Fantasy Bookkeeping except this pangtly will land you at a claim service or have your property taken away. This is a very bad idea. I when i heard this it is so nonsensical i couldnt follow it and it made me angry because youre earning things and youre a custodian of funds and youre basically blowing them with no thought at all creating little fictions in your silly mind let it all go. Just go spend like a lunatic and when youre out i guess retire go to mommy and daddys house i dont know what to say. I think influencers are trying to be funny and theres a lot of chee kas like this gives me license to do whatever i want. Yeah. It is broke math is what it is. But actually, i mean, they have a great you know example of this. You can also call It Government Math because this is exactly what federal government does. [laughter] if they want to launch a new war and run it for ten years they put it on a credit card that nobody pays attention to. Hay dont pass an actual budget we havent had a budget in the federal level in over a decade. So a lot of states still you know, regardless of which Party Controls the legislatures theyll come together to because theyre forced to pass a budgets. And then, of course, when they run still run out of money they just precinct more. So you know thats like government it is government math. Yeah thats a really good point but the banks for sure arent Counting Transactions under 5 is zeros. Those are still subtractions coming each and every time out of your bank account so you really actually do need to Pay Attention no matter what those tiktokers say. Maybe theyre monetizing these tiktoks so theyre making money off of telling you how to spend your money at the end of the day some of the women are genius i dont know what policies are on tiktok but i have a feeling if this is viewed millions of times theyre making good Pocket Change which is essentially nothing to them. But hey, it could be a good strategy. And youve seen the end of money Wall Street Journal did this years ago end of money and my kids this happens in my house our kids get money for christmas and hand it over immediately because they dont know what to do with it because they just want us to just venmo them the number thats all they care about. Because thats real. Venmo is real just ask them. They tax that too they tax that too. Stick around big weekend faults are next. This isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. We always had questions. Who do we belong to . Who are our ancestors . I know we have them. Oh my god, here it is. When i found that Immigration Record on ancestry®, it was amazing. Everything was there. The u. S. Was in dire need of nurses during world war ii. Tia amalia as a nurse in el salvador decided to answer that call. Its a lot of Excitement Finding something new. I feel like a time traveler. Claudia starts calling me. Its a party every time. Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show is a good weekend flops our picks for the biggest fails of the weekend i will go first. All right, has anyone seen petes wild hairdo . He man b but On Fox And Friends while competing and new yorks citys Navy Seal Swim this morning, take a look at. Pizza man been holding up. God bless the navy seals and i owe my life. First question he asked was how long ago did will finish . [laughter] is like 20 minutes ago. Already i think to nashville about a year ago. I think he is taking tennessee a little too literally right know that mullet is a new trend made famous by folks like Morgan Wallen and others who recently shaved his head by the way i think hes taking it a little far. It is impressive these flow i believe is what young people call it. But petes, my friend, weve got to do something about this. [laughter] moving on, charlie youre up next to it. Police squad members forked out more than one point to Million Dollars in Campaign Funds for private security since taking office. All while their communities are riddled with crime, homelessness and drug use. This is, it is just this clear where they want to defund the police and they want to take your guns away while they are spending the money or rich people give them to run their campaigns on their own private security. They hate to stop voting for them. Im going next but my flop of the week goes to joe biden. Who hosted a trilateral meeting with south korea and japan. This was meant as a show of strength against china it failed. With biden at the helm it felt more like a byebye. We can get ahead of the issues as they appear with the experience that we have experience in the pandemic. Excuse me this is falling off. There you go. Us not all that fell off he popped an earpiece at the end of this event and aimlessly walked out as his guest shook hands. At that were not National Security threat enough, we learned today the Biden Administration has been quietly selling off materials for trumps on built a border wall, why question of the Senate Just Passed a bill authorizing completion of that wall. Voight, the larceny never ends for. Think about this. You have the senate which is controlled by the democrats. The reason he is having to do this is to defy people even in his own party. Because they realized that reelection next year its going to be a catastrophe for them that joe biden has created at the border continues. All the cities are crying about the migrants flooding it and wont stop whats happening at the border or even try to appeal the Flow Pickwick selling it off or spare parts. Unbelievable. An entire Police Department on the small Minnesota City has quit over a low paid the Department Offering Officers 22 per hour. That is a lot lower than the 30 per hour minimum offered at other departments. I just think this is so sad for the community but it is all such a sad statement of where we are in this country right now when it comes to police forces. If you do not invest in your police force were not investing in your community. Community ultimately suffers completely. Beyond that what is in ratios what New York City just pay out millions of dollars to 2020 folks out there playing out millions of dollars to the writers and night meanwhile Police Officers barely scraping by thanks to biden makes they cannot afford to put food on the table in this economy. Its repulsive. Really, really sad. That does it for us. Well see bec back your chart 7 00 p. M. Eastern for the Big Weekend Show one nation with Brian Kilmeade starts right now. Brian welcome to Saturday Night i am Brian Kilmeade this is whet nation for tonight on the show to great guests among our other great grass includes Michael Shellenberger takes on the religion called Climate Change. Doctor Jordan Peterson despite the outlook he tells you the key to happiness. But first, its the moments that make a candidate and the moments that break a candidate often. This week is one of the biggest weeks for those vying for the oval office. It is a first primary debates the candidates first opportunity to show all of america what they are really made of it

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