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Yes yes yeah. E. Youre all coming home with me. Happy wednesda ty, everyone. So in the beginning, america was a pretty great place. People banded together, Createdw Laws to keep everyone safe. F and You Know What . It worked. Turns out that if you build a country with bordersbuild , a military and a wellregulated thw enforcement prosperity wont be far behind. But You Know What comes after that, donatt you . Complacency, a false sense of security, the declinede followed by destruction. Because when the simples t the of dont have to worry about barbarians at the gates, star devel develop something called luxury beliefs. You know, beliefs on to reality. The belief that the bad guys are actually gooreality. Th tha. And to disagree with that makes us the bad guys because the oppressors who keep thugs from enjoying fun stuff like theft and violenceflike the andg abuse and street. Also known as a walking tour of san francisco. But the saddest thing lastt luxury how beliefs is not how naive they are. Its that they can kill literally. Ly last week in philly, a left wing activist named john krueger was brutally murderedd in own his own home. On twitter and in print. Previously, howeve, r, krueger had downplayed the Violence Gripping Philly and so many of americascities. Do i think krueger deserved to be murdered . Of course not. Ot. What happened to him is a tragedy. I hope they catch the scumbag who did it. Envylicei dont envy philly pole who are already dealing with muggers, dealers and eagles fans. Vist dead in brooklyn, new york, another leftwing Activist Gi Happenedlfriend To Cross what is commonly known as a new york street crazy. All of these Street Crazies are scary. Some of them are more thanace at that. Ryan carson was stabbed to death for being at the wrong place at the wrong tim wro is ts this is the part where i mighttn tell a joke, but theres nothing funny about ryan carsonsg furyan death. He was likely told over the course of his adult life that believing that some people are dangerous, crazy or or il, thats a terrible w prejudice. Unfortunately, the people who sold him that ideaho tha, uy progressive professors, they werent around to help him werem th and if they were,al i doubt they would have jumped in because liberal professors arent reallfessory known for their brass. Remember the antipolice who was carjacked in her own driveway . Talk about convenien t far as carjackings go. It was a short walk homeal, but she discovered Something Else about luxur abouty. Theyll get your luxury car stolen in the end. Progressivrogressie are like pe feathers. Theyre all foshowr show, and ty attract predators. If you recall, she posted on facebooday,e crimk next day, these criminals will not win. We need to take back our city. Well, let me translate that for you. Ive been an idiot and im joining the nrot and i a. Yeah, She Class Clark slowing me down. She backs the blue now that shes black. R blue. Things are getting so bad in our cities. Even bible o that bible of luxuy believes the New York Times is starting to lose faith. Lose they wrote that americas e downtowns are now spiraling from one crisis to the next as spiking rates of homelessness, ss, drug drug ods, safety Violent Crime and psychosis threaten to overwhelm the public Safetconsidery Oncer considered basic to the whuntrys major cities. Wow. Looks like theres one writer whose blm tshirost save him frm a mugging. I hope his biggest problem now is how to get that bidenharris Bumper Sticker off his audi. S Au Di Coursbut of course, some True Believers refuse to wake up and father of three was murdered by a guy with 66 prior arrests. But whats the citys mayor Callin Mayorg . It a Sense Less Act Of Gun Violence . Redato yeah, it was senseless. All right. Its senseless that this predator was stilll on thet. , tt on the streets. And mayor, thats not gun violence. Thats criminal behavior by the blind faith of an activist who holds Political Office actie now, we all know that in the church of luxury believes the high priests are theorce washington dems. They dont just preach this stuff. They enforce i andt and unknowir put their own lives at risk, Whiciswhich Ish is one way of gg them out of office. So you think that when reality reaches of them, their pals might start to question a bit democrat congressman Henry Cuellar just had a gun shoved in his face by young carjackers who, by the way, remain at large. Hould i hate that phrase, remain at large. If theyre so large, they shoulbe easd be easy to fi. Of course, carjackings in our Nations Capital are up 106 . The only deterrent is ths e. When asked about it by peter doocy, white house flack Karine Jeanpierre had this reassuring response. So if president bidens policies are helping bring crimd hee down, would he be comfortable with somebody borrowing his corvette and, parking it on the street overnight in southeast d. C. . Im not going to get into atn hypotheticals. Im just going to get into the facts about what this president has done. Ent has of congif a Member Of S Safe on the streets of the Nations Capital, who is look, were grateful and relieved that the congressman, congressman, is unharmedun. We t we understand what communities are going through across the countrere isy, not just in b theres always going to be bagh work to be donene. Great answers. Shes the baghdad bob ofl ways the beltway. Shes always says theres se workmore work to do about everything, meaning weve done nothing about it, but welgl get it after we paini the white house like a rainbow. So while the dems ignore a all this, the rest of us arent. Look at our nations retailersos. If you want to know where not to move to. Just look where targete i is. Tt stores. Its ironic. Vioic that a store called target has to close because of violence. , port seattle. S. F. Oakland. Portland. New york. Nerk, at target is like a waved white flag. You win, scum look, the dems could only outrun reality for so long especially if youre built like this. And while w and while the republicans have their faults, at least they liv thee the real world. And its a worldy that recognizes that luxury beliefs are more than dumb. Inal theyre fatal. So will things finally change when progreslys realized whatsm killing them is progressivism for the Progressiv Ie denies reality and instructs you to throw caution to the wind. Sincee caution. Cr is discriminatory and therefore racist. Crossing the streeos street. Avoid a gang of thugs that makes you a bigot. You should risk getting just, to show that youre an ally. Fact is, w thie this ahead of t. And what did the libs say . You listen to conservative media. You would think that, you know, the entiree cities are just, you know, brawled and fights and fires, whatever. It we went out, had a great dinner in new york city tonight. You know, both those clowns are gone. But their legacy of miseryh rages on. The fact is, Social Justice should comg e. In a warning label caution. Believing in this tripetr will onlipy you murdered. E do n lets go. I guess. Like his books, hes off putting down hidden leather. Author and fox newsri contributor Douglas Murraybuto , if you need a quiet place to think, try one of his shows. , writer comedia jn joe devitooe, taxidermist. Carl, her life like New York Times Best Selling Author and Fox News Contributor kat timpewbutor kaf. Hes a mix intense and makes lot of sense. New york times Best Selling Author, comedian and former nwa World Champion a. So, tigress, youve been away for a couple of days, so i want to talk m you firste about this, because im sensing that in order to be a progressive noe, you are notdo supposed to be situationally aware. You are not supposed to heed like warning signs, like, baby, theres a Crazy Guy Coming Ould Cro you and you should cross the street with your girlfriend cause that would be an affront to your progressive Virtue Signaling or even jusn tm you know, what we talk about all the time until youre affected, the unaffected or affected, even when their affected, they still dont get it. Yeah, likei watched that when ia that video about your man loses , theret like that and was there was still two adult human beings in that video. Hmm. , scre but no one helped anyone. Yeah. Like, throw your purseam, yell,. Dont scream, yell, ask for k help. Do something. As soon as he pulled the knife me was. Unless the volume was weird. I mean, i watch it over dod over again, like, just at the behaviors of, like,n you dont want to offend him . Ur yeah. Hes killing somebody that you d Thatthen Thecare about. Yeah, i dont understand that. I mean, the guy is still at large. Scah can, and you can idiom. Yeah. He apparently works at a school and the Friendan Theths the vicn are saying the Murder Victim would not want this gut thisy a trouble. Yes, he would. Victim of a system . Yes. Hes not a victim of am of a sym like this. They love to say that because the mission falling apart and now were seeing the ones no matter what happens, theyre goin sh thg stick with e mission, even though one of the no. One should lose their life likes that. Yeah. I dont care what his politics were. He wouldn last tht like me. Rash i wouldnt like him. But the last thing i would if i saw that going down, throwing a do something, swing your purse, Doin Insteadto get of telling him he wouldnt have wanted he wanted to grow old. A yeah, he wanted to get married, have a family he wanted to see. He wanted to go home that nigh n yot. Yeah. Dou when you look at the reality of new york, douglas, you havegl to to accommodate the risks. Whether it makes you look like a racis s t, not who gives up. Well, i mean, its. Look, its the same in city after city. Ive spent most of this week in philly, and its even worse there. I meanere. , Incalculably Worse N than new york and all these cities we just keep allowing to just fall through the floorft and pretend that its sort of not going on or hope it doesnt affect us. And i said, well, there are several major problems to this. And the first one is, and imorl so glad you showed the formerly Television Host chris cuomo. Yeah. Because he covered himself glory after this attack. I notice he said on social media that this showed why citizens should all learn likees martial arts to defend ourselves. I like no, i didnt have to become a black belt in karate if i just want to ride the subway. Yes. I dont see why youve got a to be a master jiu jitsu artist to go and go out forur the evening with girlfriend. But. G but the other thing is this weird thing and its again, this is city after city is always about the autonomynomy of the criminal and very often very, very disturbed people, as we can see all the time in this city, as you see it a all the time in democratcr led cities across america that any individuals or who in any other country would be in an asylum or a hospital or a prison. And always we hear from the dems. No, no, no. Haveu canthey have autonomy. They you cant decide if you like. These people dontdont have hae autonomy. Theyre crazed. Theyre high on crack. Publo have need to haveot autonomy, mainly the autonomy not to be stabbed. Exactly. It a basic right. Its a basic right. I dont want to get stabbed. I pay taxes. Pajoe its not too much to ask. And i agree with as if i were there, i definitely would have swung purse. So You Know What its like. Its like were in the finalatw of rome. But with wi fi, thats what were Experiencinha Areg and its well, at least in rome they in bread and circuses we cant even have the gluten now. So they were ahead of us on that. And its, its ridiculous that they seem s theo surprisedn by these things. So shocked. I dont understandtd wh what te problems with the equation because it says well we we have thesree people who are violent k repeat offenders. What are you going to do with them . Well, were going to keep letting themee out. Oh, well, you can have a lot of police around. No, were going to defund , no, wethe police. Ot well, our innocent people are allowed to defend themselves. No, were not. So its nost a plus. Its just a over and over again. Its a plus. A plus plu plus a. And weve even seen it with, like, the representative in in minnesota. Now shes saying weve got e , fromto take back the street. Yeah. From the people you handed the streets over to. Exactly. Exactly. It is cat. We always talk about the when the policies finally meet,l the policies originators, just g theyll change their minds. But it doesnt feel like that theyre going to theyre Justoio De Reality to deny realy and continue denying like m. Riends of the victi yeah. , i never like whedon im dead. Now, dont say she woulde. Have said this. Yeah, thats true, because ie said plenty of things just play those things. I dont make up new things. Yeah jus, i just dont do that. I mean, look, its obviously super sad. Around you know, i, i dont like, just walk around crown heights, guy my boyfriend, but i used to at 4 a. M. , i used to. Hed a guy in crown heights. And luckily for me, the worst thing that happened to me was that guy. Yeah, thats not even close. But yeah, its its, its so bad. Its also people cant protect themselves, right . Like if you saw me walking on, no one would be like, oh, i wonder if. If she has a gun. Yeah riski, i wonder ifclink shes risking, you know, years in the clink to haveto felon a y charge for having a weapon illegally. So i mean, yeah, Something Like that can definitely happend. And its really, really sad. Its really, really sad. And its really, really scar ay block i had a Guy Today On My Block u. Screaming words that i cant say at people threatening to kill them and bea t them upwa every single day like it was absolutely unhinged. And it was it went well. You know. Ask you, though, were you just kind of like out that . Thats wednesday out there. I call 911. Ota. R ini brings like five times i go, there are people out on the street. He was actually going after women. And then it went quiet, which makes me think maybe there was a cop there, but it was absolutely insan insane. E. This is not some kindve of isolated thing. This is everry d y frickin day. E every every day. Do thats the name about the video. Theres Soeven Strange is thats he doesnt even acknowledge her. Yeah. Yeah. It its just theres got to be more to the story of this mans because it just it just watching it just now. They might have just been dr. Bee he might have been drunk. I mean, it just seems sucha casl a casual respons to somee to soy knifing you. Yeah, they just. Theyre running out of placeo t tell us to not be. At yeah. Because they tell you dont be on The Street Late Athte At , but dont be on the subway. Dont be in your car. And also donte at be at home, you know . Yeah, thats true, because im a bit, you know, where couloughn safe though, you known there wont be anybody there to hurt you. You will be at one ofs joe devitos shows. But You Know What . I s t why that is a compliment. Up next was her activissh tainted because someone stoleip tainted because someone stoleip what she paintedme station. Saveslap t us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless pecking order. 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Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. Goli, taste your goals. Is this real . Ke a when a thief stole her art, her response stinks. A . Stic yeah, its pretty sophisticatead ,huh . A Progressive Activists artist named on yellow. See velazcartisto, sanchez says someone stole two of her paintings from a communityt center in d. C. After her first scri solo exhibit last month. Now, im sorry if im already skeptical, because who steal this . Her art a. Her art looks like something my dog gus would create if i mixed prunesy doe. His science diet. If shes painting by numbers, that looks a lot like number i two. But despite the theft, shes getting the Police Involved because, unfortunately, she does not do copso co. So unfortunately, i do not knowe cops and call cops. And im psychopathnds and wouldnt expect them to be able to find it anyway. So really, is what im looking fore ou is my community to rally and help hel imp me out. Som im not looking to press charges. Im not looking to start somethin mailaintingsg. Ff now. The paintings back at the festival center. Drop them off anonymousl Onymously Ando Co As can be done. She wont do cops, but shell d buthelo their don oh, i bet she called. I be t called the police if someone stole her call zone. Yeah. Good luck with a Perps Mailingra the paintings back. Im sure the post office even offers a special discount when returningerp mail artwork. T yeah, but she doesnt don cops so. Why not put a sign around your neck that reads available for mugging. Ironicironically, on the day heo paintings were allegedly stolen, the center an eventf mas focusing on the failures of mass incarceration. And get this, all of her art is about justice and liberation. And healing. All of my art is about justice and liberation and healing. And theres something especially hurtful about knowing that someone walking throug h a place likeole art the festival center, which is a Community Space and stole art, justice made that makes sense. I hope it makes sense. It makes sense that stuff got stolen at an event that celebrates criminalt of as and look at it this way,bu bozo. Those paintings werent stolen. They were liberategloss, td. But who she is. Who is she really helping here . Thank you. Ic shes not helping other artists when she refuses to get the police involveeif youd. L but have you seen her, art . Its pretty obvious who the real criminals are. Soldthe people who sold her the paint. Yo douglas, do you believe this . And if its all made up, youvee to give her credit for creating this publicity ploy. Ye ity empls. I have not heard of her as an artist. Im not. Im no im not st. Im not sure well hear about her again. And i dont think these are going to be on the database of the paintings stolen from, eo the Gardner Museum in boston. Oo but im still looking for 30 years on. I dont think its real any, like, stolen art database. N soe it might end up on someonesonr fridge door. N by s with a magnet . Yes. Given by somebody pretending its from a chilomy d. Yes. It would be like a bplus. Yeah. And then the course minuuls. M, he could do better. Yeah, certainly. But ti. But i mean, its just so pitiful, isnt it . I mean, its sulo. And i mean, youve got to Have A Heart Of Stone not to laugh at somebody who saysyone. Tice how could anyone steal fromia me when all i want is justice . Ll tas if all the other artists in the world, like im into cruelty and it doesnt. Theres one thing i want from my paintings. Joe, Virtue Signalin signaling p you immune from all crime, joe, right . Yeah, wel i am goinl, im goe honest. I dont think cops are lining up to do her either. Yeah. Oh. Oh, im not sure if this is ad e legit story. She. She could be the Jussie Smollett of finger painting. The big shog t that it seems a little too perfect. Right . And if you see the quality of the art, this is hun is hunter biden would say to her, maybe you should try pottery. Yes pottery. , but to me, thet that. Well, then guy stealing the canvases you can only hope he was using going to repurposer them for art. Yeah, actually paint something. But she complained She Comainede has to give back the money to the persoghn bought that awfl garbage there, which i think is hilarious. Tthat sounds a lot to me. Like capitalism. Trueh, is the true art right there. Its the art of it. E kat it does feel too, wel on the nose right. Well, theres a lot of lessons a that she can learn. Noand another one would be sheth was saying she wants a conversation with a guy. So, like, i just want a conversation. Well sit. And its like once yog that about a man youve already lost, okay . Hes like lot please put me through a lot. And i just feel like he owes me a conversation. Ve its. You already have your answer. He does not care about youke and whats she probably be like. But h hase, my staff and i. I have her. That girl. En you a i feel you and matthew wade. Weve all been there. Coisbut when youre asking for a conversation and hes not calling. He does not. That is so true. Tyrutyrus, if it werent art, lr maybe it would. What if it was her purse or her iphone . I think shed feel differently. I think were missin think wg tg the Bigger Picture here, greg. But she should be thankful that somebody wanted it. Waseyeah, because im pretty sue if you dropped it on the floor right here, that would be here tomorrow when we all came wback in 1,000 . Nobody stole. H th okay, lady, its in your closet. Just push the twinkiese tw, the left. Its right there where you put it. Like this is. I dont do u coffee. It. Of course you dont. You have a reason to. Youre safe. Mmhmm. T ino one stole it. Know im sorry, right . Don i have six kids. Two of them . Vei dont even know what Theirsi Situation is. But even when there are, it comengdaddy,s missing, like dad, somebody stole my art. Ye artp. Y aw may be a huge investigation, but whatever you do, stay away from the trash can investigate. Yeah, huge investigation is still looking for my sons rendition of daddy jus and whoevers out there. Want i just want a conversati. Please. Please retur artworkn all My Das Artwork from the third grade. We miss itease. Th. Well gi please. There will be no reward. Youbut well give you a high f. No questions asked. Melissa garfield you, whats your address . Oh, yeah. Its a four, six, five West Glendale west. Poughkeepsie. Nevada. That doesnt exist. No, i think. All right. Coming up, Dems Trtr Gety to get laughs, ignoring bidens gaffest. 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Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel. Com or call 800 3482867. Call now ready live ageless then listen up and age the smell max keeps me at the top of my game with 675 milligrams of ksm 66 shown to boost total testosterone bigger muscles reduce fats by that and it has not performed to boost nitric oxide production. Turbochargers you in the gym and in the bedroom my vitality and stamina are off the charts just stuff this way live ageless with ageless male max available at these retailers coming to a television debut. It is time for theaterr tonight and cringe theater on tuesday. The official account for the democratic partye demo postd this. Its a picture of Joe Standingfs in of the white house with his aviators on along with the caption, President Joe Biden isnt a regular president. Hes a cool president. Hashtag mean girls day. Of course thats a reference to a popular quote from the movie meanuote when one of the characters says im not like a regular mom im a cool. And october 3rd is known to fans as mean girls day because its the day linsey lohans character speaks to the boy she had a crush on. Ive been there girlfriend. But what a goofy thing to post o. A reference to a movie from nearly 20 years ago. Back with joe was only 107 whe and little hunter was still smoking crack out of a sippy cu ap. Y joe but technically, you could sayis is cool. And by cool, i mean, you know, room temperature, is. Joe, is this a strategy to make Cognitive Dysfunctionad edgy . Its well, i tf i had to pickoud a movie from 2004, i would have gone with zack snyders dawn of the deadgoneawn of t. Think thats more appropriate . Although they do move faster than joe biden does. Cool yeah, its so we did like just stop trying to make him cool with his aviator. Look at the sunglasses. Thats its probablyably fro frt his daily Cataract Surgery that he needs to have. Yeah. Aviato even that theyre aviators that a man cant even boarrsdt l plane, leton alone fly one. But thats true. They they should embrace how old he is right . Loga theyre trying to make him hip and young and cool and say Something Like a slogan. Likeke joe bm no joe biden. To im not really going to be around that much longer anywayrh. Yeah. You know, speaking of, i think we have a rebuttal from yeah, joe himself doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. I mean girls was jus its one on favorites. I was watching it the other night on the telephone. E. N ththey had on the refrige. Look, look, look these young pe, they know im cool, man. Im like the guy on tv shows, his name it with the thumbs. Heres the Story Of A Guy Named Fonzie Cat that you were the inspiration for mean girls. Do you think the way you look at it, its really kind of nices ni that you think i was popular in high school, actually, but its not accurate. What do you make of this strategy . Is it a strategy it was probably just like an intern. It was like, okay, ill doo some something then. Wasn did a yeah, probably not like a deep rooted or at least i hope not. Ohat, i hope there wasnt likeeo a focus group that decided to do this. T thatd be so much worse. Because also, like the mom act about iscool in actually not cool. She like, was coolchoo in school and is desperately clinging to that. I dont even remember thid it movie and i saw it, but you know, thats probably because im olsd. Go ba tyras not that old. Thats true. Could you gocke back the other picture, please . So i just like to point something out. If youre going to have the temerity to tell that theyre cool. Rule one of cool is not using two hands to put on a pair of glasses, is it . Was it moving on into the eye . Just that movement alone is as uncool as it can get. Like thats are these on straight . Epends yeah. Its like theyre trying lmake, you know, depends coo c. Hes not cool. Theres nothing even back. Even eve the in the early 1800s when he first broke in,n in he wasnt cool then hes never been cool. Hes going to go down in history is one of the most worst human beings to ever be president. Like the more were Learning Morew and this is how Uncoolun Is Theh First Black President , as if he didnt have enough pressure i just doing that. S joe picked that time to robo, y. Countr so because he knew that anything that happened would have been the black guys fault. So all this is happening nows hn that was happening then with from that uncle right there. Well said. Do you think, douglas, that theyre playing a joke on the old coot . You know, theyre just mocking him right in front of him because he cantset quit. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So what . Anyways, so, yeah, i objec it dt the whole framing of it. I dont see why the president has to be cool. Yeahhy the. , exactly. I mean, like, when the Declaration Of Independence was signed, it wasnt like coolt we find the coolest men in the country and get them to sign it . Wouldnt be great. Like thomas jefferson. Hes a cool guy. Yeah. Thatr. W, world wa, fdr, you know, fdr is a cool guy. Denh why dont we get him as thisa is not the criteria for electing a president n if i, evee it was the case, which its not. Its like sayins good ag, yo i mean, hes good at dancing or something. Yeah. Okay we need him to do foreignb policy and domestic policy and balance the budget and other stufe budgf. We dont need his aviator stuff. We really dont. Theres lots of other things i put above that. Yeah. By the way, if they, iy if twerf they were looking for a cool thing that you just just heary a exact i love applause. Why, thank you. Den isi how they say that biden isnt a regular president. Well, thats true. , yeah. His bowel movements. I mean, its jus ly he dit more thing. Apparently he did this at night. Look up. Yeah. Pretty cool. Yeah, well, its. Hes so uncool. E i have nothing else to say. You wear sunglasses at night, soca he can. So he can sleep. Ll r yeights. All right. 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Heres her picture presented nothout comment. I see no comment. Sara was convicted of Defamation Discrimination and incitement to hatred. After criticizing her inr tw a facebook two years ago, of course, lgbtq will and oplgbm groups are applauding his jail sentence, calling it a victory against homophobic hatred. Its a swiss courts harshest sentence since they gave the Death Penalty to a guy, said the sound of music, but but sahl showed no remorse, adding, in 60 days, ill be fre wile, but youll still be fat. He didnt cat. Know he really didnt say that. At oh, i know. Thats. Thats fake news. You. Th, do hear what he did,ke thi though . Like, all of you. All of you guys likes guy now. Like this guy now. Like hes like a martyr or now. Its never been easier to belesa a martyr. Or he just called someone a fat, which could have just,. A like, gone by, and everybody would have moved on. But the because you put hiusm in jail for it. Now we know now hes some sort of like conqueror of becausesbi, he said fat and also who sayst fat is a bad thing. Bes exactly. They make the best chili. No, theyre great fat. Il they go round, they build our cars. They cut down on his tuition. Where i would prefer only fat over anyone else. T lethey deliver our mail. They play outstanding softballca. And you dont want to shoot pool with them because theyll clean you ou t. Fat. Es they dont get the Credit Theyee deserve. Tara, is it . They banned the phrase. How will i refer to al franken. . You know you, luckily, this. This happened in switzerland, you know. Happened t. Y neutra whatever happened to be neutral . You guys wer then . E they really neutral back then . Yeah. More like neutered. Yeah t intereson. They paid the interest on the gold to say in the history reference, you can look it up. This is a bat thisd, you know, but this is why america is great. Where namee you can call peoples and not go to jail for 60 days. So i mean, but what he said was g that but he apparently his guy is a habitual offender. Hes been locked up before. He went into francrance ane, sat the holocaust wasnt real and it really the law over there. Sos beeno jail hes been to jair his mouth. So this is i like to think thiso is just they didnt want him here anymore because he was doing it in france. And nofrance iw hes here. So maybe this is more the judge like, listen, weve had enough of this. Youre doing this for show or were going to put you in jail i. And it worked because were all talking about it. And, you know, and it was a gross to call her that. So you cant go to Jail Becauser youre a or id be id be jail. Thats right. You go to jail for words over therthere ebody upthe midde, bun him by the middle of the street. Yeah. Vid its notu to to send you to jail. Its not your fault. Couldnt you just say hes a victim of the systemctim of e s there you go. He grew up watching raunchy comedies. Child, its not his fault. It was a dean martin rose. Systemic. Yeah, donsystemic roast. Don rickles oppressed me. Ri douglas, you are actually a historian. No getw let me get this straigh. Is switzerland in europe right . Not exactly, yes. Ou ldncontinental yes. Yes. Politically . No. Okay. I but thats not very interesting. Talki we were talking about fatfa lizard, and then you get me onto the switch. Europe is now. We use td to that like europes the most open minded and now theyre becoming the most intolerant or the worst. Theyre the worst. And by the way, i mean the ico n you just i dont im no lawyer. But cant you just, like, go to court and just present her as exhibit a and then say and just say just cause . Yeah, i think that works. I think it works, thoughwork no, what i mind about this is a bit of the lgbtq aplus to spirite h the alphabet that longerab than the alphabet. Yes. What i find is the groups applauding this because this goes exactly against what i i think is the basic principle. When people are arguing for gay rights, which equality,t th nothing more, nothing less. And this does not the shoe on the other foot test. Hmm. If somebody had done this, said something you know of know opposite kind, lets say, when s werent in the ascendancy, as now you know, you would have look free speech. That said, its not its its not about invadinyf your or your home. Its nothing about its just. It about privacy and classifyin the its only now that allgroups of these lgbtq groups are saying, oh, no, no, no,to b its not about privacy. Its not about that. Wee want to be in your head . O r we want it to be in your house. S weec t to you. Hing w ife you dont go alongs with everything we say, thats p not equality, that superiority. Mm. Joe, as a successful chunky s ,were you offended . I was more confused because, i saw that picture, two of them, and i thought, well, whos who . Yeah, its like weve said it. It wasnt a nice thing to say. 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Thiis this frustrating or hilarious . Ory ismean this story has obvioy been on this channel all the livelong day and and i cant. N okay. Grace hopper women in techtech. Its the obvious answer. Ill just change it to the grace hopper in teche in. Conference. Yes. If you dont have a , you can it come in. I can just see the merch now. Ow ye. Wes, it is true that were going to get down to the point where its all going to be just about extremities. But in technology. Yes, exactly. Douglas, is it time for all ofa us to identify as anything that offers us preferential treatment . Givetmens you protected status . I credit myself with having come up with a definition of nonbinary, which is look at me. Yeah. I guess this means that thats all it means. Iand occasionally, occasionally im doing somebody well. Wel l you know, theres certain personal reasons. I object to something that youty said, mr. Murray. A my partners nonbinary and they alwaylw s say like that. And i always say, well, do iv they have a . Mmhmm. And thencommitte, like, ive cod the crime. Yes, theyve committed the crimg meate. Boring me to death with a nonissue. Yeah, and i beet these guys who broke into this just wanted to get their end Awad Y In Aquei Female only conference, and they thought left that estion outut the in technoloy conference. Exactly. Yeah. No, i dont know. Be awesome. Id beint im sure. Way what my point is, by the way. Gu no, its funny. T the nonbinary thing is the least interesting thineoplg abo, people. So when people bring it up, it means that theyre borin bgl as to want to throw some tape up here. Im going to throw some tape and then ill ask joe what thihs is the i guess the chairman of the thing talking about this. Roll it, roll. So what do you like about the press and the wayg youre passing out an interview . I thoughtught and you come he and they stick it out and drop. So were sitting in like, you ead of like, see, all of us are doing it, which you have done. So he accused them of lying. How can you prove that . Theres no way you can proveant nonbinary means. I can say whatever i want. I am, you know. I well, first, who has more estrogen than that guy . Hes a little. Hes a little puffy. Lets see him pull that at next years veg. 24. That is whats so funny about this, is how theyre like. E how you violate the boundariee of this thing. We insist be defined. Yes. So theyre not even gamingt the system. This is the system that has been set up. And i thought it was sit wast to hilarious that these tech nerds, youve probably never been in a room with a woman beforeth. Went t they they bypassed all the workshops and they just went right to likt, me, heresb, my resume, give me a job, give me your like, thats the most Dudt Th De Thing lot a nonbinary Tech Attendee could do. I bet women learned a lot from o you kn that. You know what i mean . N You Know What, tyrus . You know what this is like the Canadianteache Iant dj with the giantgerate i. No, its amplify and exaggeratnn it in order to make a point. Youre probably correct. But my fear of you bringinstorg that story back. I refuse to give you credit for that. S islisten, this is a sad, tragc story. Thathis is one of the effects thats not talked about enough. We need to hav e two and a halfct minute commercials to talk about the effects from from the lockdown, because at one time we were a Smartrt Human Huw before lockdown. We knew what a woman was. Yeah, thats we came out, wee forgot. And thwe seee only time we seemn to remember is when it affects a woman. Yeah, on a a tt thats true. S but like before that we had. Me too. M it. Its me too. Okay . S th they changed it. Because heres the thing. If a man who says hes a woman hands you a resume and says, hire me and they say, i cant hire you, youre ao welcome to tech. Yeah. Inists, so feminist, where were neede you when women you where were you in sports. Now its happening to you s happyou anand it, doesnt it . S and i, for one, for kats plan. I think its the only way to do it. But then. Then youve got to worry about Guys Stuckorry in with a o job. Like, how far do you g youo . Di you know, like, we have to. I dont want them to actually be doing Inspectionsy At Myr Conference because. Is a you know, like, how far is a guy willing to go to get of that job . Therell be a lot of friskin gwell your car. Yeah. There you go. Dont go away. Well be right back with a third kid. What does she likes playing golf. Its expensive. Were outlawing golf. Wait, can i still play . Since we work with empower, we dont have to worry. Planning for a third kid. You can still play golf sometimes. Take control of your financial future to empower. Whats next . 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