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Everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is the Ingraham Angle from washingtons night. The bogus bloodbath story, that is the focus of tonights angle. Aside from Theth Democrat machie raking ignn bi, g money f for te campaign, joe biden has had a rather lousy month. F th was much as the press try to sell bidens yale speech, it flopped. Didnt givne e him any bump in the polls bunt reminded of the old uncle direction whenever someone volume when he was watching jeopardy. And this is the new york times. Democrat Voter Registration is plummeting as well, virtuallyas every group of voters under 70 haistes become less likely to register as democrats compared to republicans since 2019. S and even bidens new choice ofne footwear tells a sad tale. Ed are those sneakers . H yep, they are so called Lifestyle Sneakers made by hokah. These are called the Hokahav Transporter and as you can see they are quite comfortable. They have a wided th so, no dou great for stability. And the president has a history of stumbling. He suffers from sensory paris feel neuropathy in his feet. Has laura well, when your candidate has to wear thefa equivalent of an orthopedic shoes because the staff is worried about him Pullinu G On S face, you know you kind of need to changtty e the narrative fasd well, to be accurate, it is the old narrative repackaged say wio new word. Is when he says the word bloodbath, he knows what hes doing whether he means economic bloodbath or Something Else in the same speech. He is endorsing Political Violence if you look at the way he said this. N what is going to be a bloodbath for the whole and then he stops. That is going to be the least of it. That is going to be the least of it. It is going to be a bloodbathenr ffor the country. We are desensitized and alerted to the extraordinary, unamerican threatening thingsay that the former president iss itsaying. When he says bloodbath, he means it literally. Fo laura this was just preposterous. Former President Trump was relegate against chinas move to mexico with Auto Manufacturing plants that crank out cheap suvs. T this is the point the domain the angle has raisedoh repeatedly, not just to compete with car companies, and oh, no, to put them out of business permanently. This would be cataclysmic to th united states. We will put 100 tariff onan every single car that comes across the line. And you are not going to be able to sell those cars. Because if i get elected nowg if i dont get elected, it will be a bloodbath. That will be the least of it, ah bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they will not sell thosee cars. Laura now, anyone with a sixthgrade understanding of of the english language might as well indoctrination when no trump was not calling for or predicting a civil war. It i ls ludicrous ut h but people who call themselves historians have turned into before our very eyes unhinged, leftwing pendants. They cant help themselves. E however this election turns t out, it will be americans were gigiven the voluntary choice to become upons and a dictatorship under a presidency ofs unimaginable brutality and violence. What i would suggest is, lets go back to the late 1920s in germany or early 1930s. The and hitler came to power under a legal system here but te power overnight illegally. Ha they were able to get elected and one reason that happened was people didnt realize that if you are voting for hitler, this could end and the holocaust andu a defeat in world war ii. Laura okay, we haveevs actually moved from Talking Eticabout chinese tvs to the holocaust. It is actually so insultint. G ad set at this point. With it. These people have Becoe Caricatures of themselves. I dont think theyey realized i. The Drug Companies should have abandoned the covid shot and s come up with an antitrump virus. It is nauseous. Is if anyone is stoking on rest before november, it is people like this. This embrace Ofviol Politicae violence, this dehumanizing language, this is what donald trump has been preachin. G for years. In january, he warned they will be in this country of the criminal deep prosecution derailed his campaign. Last year the dehumanizing language of adolf hitler. Laura the boys and the girls in the media who cried wolf every day or almost in instantly fact checked. O indo some cases, by honest liberals, who dont like comp and would never support him. Nbc morning joke deleted hist th nasty tweet after elon musk slammed him. But then he went back on a Profanity Rant earlier today. Hes talking about a bloodbath for america. But is laid out in the terms of it. In these idiots on twitter, these idiots on cable news, these idiots onng sunday shows, the president , you know, he was talking about the auto industry, and this is onest more leap. F laura when i must haves missed the debate Clasths Whenid Swearing is a substitute for gic. Sper it doesnt work. Im like joe now whispering. Ow what was over the weekend was increasing power and influencee of Citizen Journalists and the decreasing power of the corporate press. Hoaxes are piling up thenyea Leo Dicaprios 25yearold girl r friends. Usio first, it was the russian collusion hoax. S Filledt Charlotte both sides hoax. 6th then, the Insurrection Hoax about january 6th. An. D now, the Bloodbath Hoax. This is just another in a long line of Smears Peddled by the same people who followed the same steps. Nk so first, it is an outright liel or just a right distortion of c something, usually trump or another conservative says. Then, the Biden Campaign where the bite and surrogate picks up on the smear. What the i heard was a continuation of th ve sametr rhetoric, thume same endorsement of politicals as violence we hae seen from donald trump foractl years, as you pointed out. It goes further back, right . This is exactly who donald trump is, and this is exactly the d threat he poses to democracy every single day. Laura then the regime media repeats the white house or the surrogate or the pup puppets, they are repeating it. Them, over time, it getsh th repeated with zero factchecking and th thee truth gets deepsixo the process and it is the way they rolled. But now, thanks to elon musk, ww dont just have fox to set thed wirecord straight. We have x. R and with truth press freedom, real facts are harder to bury or deny. Suddenly, there are thousands of factcheckers in real time. If he had this time of uncensored rapid during e Lockdownsbe Th would not have lasted so long in the blue states. But as we saw, the videos rush to silence voices posing important questions. Just what happened to martin at harvard or peter at baylor. Remember the left doesnt seek honest dialogue. That era is long. St that is long gone. They want to stoke your anger. They want to stoke resentmentrs. Among others, and they want division. They always want division. And they will stop at nothing to take down their opposition. The Bloodbath Hoax is a runthrough for what the next seven months will be like. Get ready. Ex they will say they will not and do anything and unlimited funds to promote their lives. We have to keep rebutting rebutting them in real time. And as they abound so do the pro biden hoaxes. My favorite new one is that President Biden is mad at his staff who are holding him back. O and that as he cant wait to get out on the campaign trail. T now the story is meant to makego bidens seem alert and vigorous surrounded by protective aides who want to minimizemize the chs of a flood. The 81yearold has shaved at restraints that he Seestins Cour to his Natural Instincts as a realty nomadic retail politician. An Internaerl Discussion said, E Felt Cocooned at times and eager to get out more. Meet voters facetoface. Takerd the fight directly to trump, said the third person and a fourth familiar with the matter who, like others, of course, spoke on the condition of femininity. These types of stories if you havent figured it out yet, are always peddled by anonymousanon sources. And this is all the equivalentou of reputation triage. Not only is biden not out of it, he is on it. He goes over word by word, every piece of his speech, changing words, trying to make sure he feels the message he isc trying to convey will connect with american people. Laura oh his, yeah, can you imagine biden with his red pen going overdrafts meticulously . No, it is more like a purple crayon. Lets be clear, these stories are obviously lies or Gross H Exaggeratione planted by bidens Communication Team to promote the notion that these fit and ready to go. We are going to take a few questions. Thank you, guys, thank you so much. Thank you. Laura they should makers e that bidens ringtone. Of course, he is failing, they up a of fit, which is why they cannot risk another embarrassment from another debacle in front of the cameras. Can anyone imagine a reala president like clinton or Obamae Vebeing prevented from campaigning . However he wanted tof . Campaigny his own staff . No can think of Trump Being Con Manipulative but his own people . No way no real president is controlled by hist staff. No real president shapes aten restraints or cocooned. Real president s tell their staff what to do and real president se Fire Staffers who dont do what they were told. Hey, biden is in a real president , and he has no choice but to do what his staff says. C they know we cant campaign. Ut so they keep him locked up andar then they leak stories about how he is just eager, so eager to go back on the attack. An it is both obvious and desperate, and we will call thih out every time. There wont be any bloodbath, but there will be ai lot of black eyes on the media t folks who are selling these hoaxes. N se and that is the angle. Hans joining me Hoover Institution senior fellow, victor davis hanson. Victor, there is a serious side of all of this. The hoaxes is preposterous, but there is a serious aspect ofus. This, which is why we like tou bring you on the angle and love talking to you about these issues. Because otherwise, you get losti on the Anonymous Sources saying this or that. But why is it so serious . It is serious because itl. Shows you that these people are in free fall. They are almost unhinged because they have tried to destroy donald trump through law fair. E in the indictments are not working. They tried to get them off of tho bae ballot. They tried to bankrupt him and ruin him physiologically, psychologically, and that hasnt worked. They look at theer issues important to all of us, border, tcrime, inflation, what happenn afghanistan, two wars broke outd on the biden watch mlyy energy, and the cant run on any because ungodly disaster. They look at the candidateorma himself, he is not able to function as a normal 21st century candidate. They look at the o Vice President , so Thisthey Frustration builds up, and they just lashed out. Ders they make it worse. They are like an attic that dont understand, they dont understand the fixation is destroying them and destroying their popularity. Their theme and their message, they cant stop becausn they are so obsessed. Laura victor ive never seen thing liked this before. Many laura victor, someone who was well respected for many, many years, Michael Bennet floss, a talented writer, but to see him, he is completely consud in this Loathing Of Trump Andat Distordistortion of american pom or nationalism or whatever you want to call it. To go from trump and his comments to the own flues, really . That is where he is . As a historian . I know, there is a general role among historians any time you resort to absurdity and hole room, the absurd argument to invoke hitler, you lost the argument and discredited. They know that better than anybody, yet, they cannot help it rig. They destroy the reputations. It iat ts going to get worse. It is the beginning of this. They dont know what to do. Supportive projection, they think if we were donald trump and he was about ready to be elected and he knows what we did to him, we know what we would do if we were donald trump york with a project that anger onto him. Mp the fact is, to Trump Never Weaponize the fbi, cia, doj. He didnt go after people the way the Biden Administration has peer they are projecting what they would do ia they were trump. They are not trumped because we have four years of governance in one of the best in recent memory if not 21st century, surely. Laura victor, do you agree this may and im cons cautioy optimistic, but it may be a Tipping Point though. Because its not working. Is everyone is racist, everything is racist, now everything is hitler and far left. They have done it time and time again. Bidenomics is working and inflation is transitory. It is not working. H re and they are being factchecked in real time now with real facts. And i think they are overwhelmet by facts. F they actually dont knowac whato do wited th facts because they e not used to real debate. Yeah, i think there was Aties Revolution going on in the latino and black communities. They are sort of like the White Working Class i got sick of the elite telling them what to do. And they realize they have Class Interest more attuned to trump thin own elite, Black Latinog We Politician media talking headsoc and they are defective. We dont want to defund the policean. We dont want 10 million illegal aliens in the innercityd. Re o we dont want to mentor border towns. Evol you people are out of touch. That is a Revolution Development and ive never seen anything cal like that either. Le r i dont think they know how to handle that. When they call people racist and then they get a Record Downfall or drop off of black and latinoh votes, it doesnt make anyte sense. And they know it doesnt. They have alienated people. Laura this is wild. They need an rna shop for laura the coverage tonight, on any other network that you will hear froe gom us,d the government Going Forward trg to silence opposing views citine a different type of emergency. E the Supreme Court case that could change the future of free speech coming up. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. 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Plaintiffs from missouri and indiana said dozens of platforms to censor post on covid restrictions. Oercthe government argued that s wasnt coercion. These wereex necessary publicet health directives. Cans in the context of an effortrl to get americans vaccinated during a onceinalifetime pandemicut. O ho that piece of context does notis change the principles buto relevant how they apply here. Ti thinimk it is important tomi understand at this time, this a was a Time Thousands of americans were dying every week and there is a hope of gettingar everyone vaccinated could stop th thee pandemic. There was a concern americans were getting their news from thn faxing from the platforms andtin the not just promoting that r information. Laura justice did not seem eaningto buy the reasoning but e distinct minority. Najoinintog me now eric schmitto filed the original lawsuit while surfing missouris ag and also with me from the originalt medical medicine cabinet, one ol the original plaintiffs on the case here at senator, to you quickly, today the government t the lineourt tha into coercion was not crossed because they never threatened anyone. Pow what is your response to that . He well, the power they wield and i think what is important, rotethe context, laura, they hae section 2 30 protection and clearly a play telling them what to take down and created special Censorship Portals and hadan weekly meetings. So the government was very interesting and pertinenint that pandemic the exception of the constitution people have the right to speak their minds. The government Cannot Outsource censorship like they did Big Tech Giants which is exactly what happened whether a lab l leak, mass efficacy issues or origins of covid. The government was interested in building a lot of power, threatens of an investigation, section 230 and r all on the line force of government if they didnt do their Bidding Incense or speech. Laura doctor, you and i, god rest his soul and a fewther others, obviously, saying stop this madness about masks and the push on children. It was early in the italian data that children were not going to be the main, you know, not even close to being really, reallyr. Affected by this. s the data from europe, that ie the main point, laura, i want ta emphasize. Tht e government miswos source f information during the pandemic. The First Amendment would protect us from this information and offered during the pandemic. But the court was so frustratint to hear because it was the the Supreme Court justices live dntugh a different pandemic where the government didnt say stop the spread of the virus. The government didnt Say Faxing Stop you from spreading the covid. It didnt say natial immunity. Laura when we knew, senator, a lot of Mitigation Measures over history did nots work. I mean, sadly. There is another piece i think you might have sent me on email. Those Mitigation Measures as wellintentioned as they would have been, they dont hurt wrisa dont traditionally work withwe this virus and sadly has to go through a population. And people were vulnerable and willh. Be worst hit and that is exactly what happened. That is the problem when you put the experts with the o f science. E we took Anthony Faucis testimony and it does not give w them the right to censor othert americans, which was what was happening here. You caotn bad speech with more o speech. Nonot censoring speech puke wit this played out and look, even a in those arguments they talkeddt about this a onceinalifetime thing. Ergethat is what every dictatorr tyrant does. You have an emergency and you consolidate power. Yo, u exercise that power in was people never thought they would. Here we are with this important case before the Supreme Court, what is protected in the virtuad town square Question Wereoe certainly people have the Rightr To Express dissent peer they dont get to crush dissent get because we are in antech emergency. They dont get to do that andr use Big Tech Giants to do their bidding for them. Laura we are afraid this will keep going in the selection. I would say, that was exactly the time you needed a Robust Exchange of ideas. Not one person, all worried about dictatorial moves. Wasator we talked about in the first block what was more dictatorial than what they were doing to our childrens customer i think that is really the key point, laura, which i entirely agree with. The First Amendment is essential to the health of our country. Pub but is not just a civil rights but a basic tool public health. You have told out dissent or else the government much more dangerous than somebody posting random on twitter can go unchecked. They they can close schools, they can close churches, businesses, laura they took our churches away. F how many of our Constitutional Rights were abridged for long periods of time . I mean, i still cant believe ws went through all of this. I canr t believe what happenedd our children. Senator smith, doctor, both oftn you, thank you so much. The relationship between obama,e and biden, what isnt really Behind Closed Doors . Ime . What was it overtime . We will tell you where this is coming up again. Our Political Panel reacts next. [slow piano] its kind of like the only thing you think about, really. I didnt think i was going to get adopted. [female narrator] the Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption, works to find safe, permanent homes for teens teens lingering in foster care, like merriah. Just give us a chance, i guess you know. There arent many people that adopt teenagers [narrator] you can help change the life of a child still waiting. Learn more at davethomasfoundation dot org. Mr. President , you know as long as there is breath in me i will be there for you. Mr. President , you know as long as the breath to make, ikn owwill be here my whole family will be. A i know it is reciprocal. Tr laura now, the media tried to portray biden and obama bestx of friends. It was unlikely bromance, but it was all fake. It was a oneway relationship. He tolerated joke, but baracke was not over the month. I hope what i will say will save you time and energy. Pd is just not that into you. So move on. Laura according to white house aides, x he Wasit Reporting President Biden doesnt even speak frequently wt Behind Closed Doors, he does talkoved about him a lot. And while obama may have moved out of the white house, he is apparently living rentfree in joe bidens ed. Jealous by sometimes says speaking about perceived accomplishment and at times,e go bidens competitiveness with obama affects how he governs Spirit Biden Adamant about tha withdrawing troops from afghanistan in 202ould1 and pare felt vindicated obama should have followed his own advice in 2009 to largely withdraw them a then. Onne of course, chaos ensued, 13 american dead and policybased old grudges and the open wounds of a scorned exbff peer at ther white house denies this reporting, but as bidens dues over his old pal, obama to keep his distance and step around the white house while he stays busyi with morthe important matters lw americas strongest ally oversees. Which begs the question, who is actually in the shadows running the government while federal joe fights to get out Fromer O Underneath the shadow . Up obama . Dfor joining me mollie hemingway, Fox News Contributor and editor of the federalist. Mollie, this is kind of sad and i actually think this one is true and sometimes when they leak things, it is to help biden, but this makes him look terrible. It has been a problem for president obama and a lot of people viewed this term as his third term. He has been expressing frustration and disappointment if anything, the incompetence of the current administration. It is hard for barack obama. Hee had failing terms as president. Hidden in the Economy Suffering where the gdp was very low. Now to see it happen again with his Vice President , and his poor legacy. Laura despite to be cut loose, cheap j. D. P said that iw not happening, watch. When cant the president oldh in other News Conference to askd a question without jet noise in the background . I dont have anything to share obviously. The president , as you were justa saying, the president takes. Questions pretty regularly andla enjoys engaging with all of you. I dont have a Press Conference to lay out for you at this time. Laura chris, this is one of the biggest lies ever toldnd that biden is champing and wants to get out there and took that t out. I dont believe that for one second. N dai think he wants to cruise l the way to election day and hope social Media Companies in all his plutocrat friends help them get there. We have been hearing from the whity e ells, be a secretly held him by step. He is a very energetic person. Me this is all a joke. People or are afraid to breathe him because hes so sharp and so with it. I heard kim jong un is an Incredible Archer who winsd marathons. Liev this is ridiculous propagandase that no one can believe. The white house, they are trying to lick it out there. Laura not historicists would say, out with the peoplere sibut real president s, mollie, e run by their staff. Hey, you either let me do what l do or you are gone. O yo that is what real president s do. How ineffective do you havehr to be to say limited in this way. If he is the president , he cane take her at this ohen his own. Ha he is not able to because well see what happens when henscr o actually does have unscripted moments with the press. That is when they allow him to be with the prez, they work out what the questions are with reporters before even asked. But this is a Long Campaign and it is difficult to convince people that we can blame his staff. S th laura with the pressm. Should be up in arms, hiding hiy in the last election, but of course, they are in on the game here they ran. This headline im sorry came out and it is so funny. Put it up onto the screen, unhinged what does it say, unhinged trump threatens m more violence by triggering a landslide on election day. S ba you cant use the word a landslide. That is a Babylon Beeline basically what happen through the media today with the remarks from this weekend. Hing laura well, have to say when the Washington Post is writing and publishing posts saying it is time for Kamala Harris to step aside, which happened over o the weekend. Youre a drag on this ticket because shes lowering the pooley a ratings than biden. E hoof course, donald trump far lowetheyr than and they are word abouf t him and her. Foe they can keep leaking for stuff to the press, thee stories, to keep the democrats happy and no one is buying it. O. They dont have surrogates. Who can they sens god out . D austin is getting in trouble. Every time people to judge, he says something student they neev to walk back here there is no one to relying on. S may or may work this is getting up each beer and who are the heavy hitters in the democratic . Basically president barack obama, like yoe , said, off on his own diplomac. Laura mollie, do you thinkue he will tie himself to this . Ge that is an interesting way to think about it if Heinks Getshik involved, he thinks they would n be able to get biden across the finish line, but it is so bad at this point he does not want toor taint his own legacy. Laura to show up on is probably headed for the hills. O. We will see. s legacy is on the line. Mollie and chris, great to see you both. Throl. E new way illegals but invading the Border Patrol. We have video that you will not see anywhere else. That is next. Fox news is proud to bring you this sheâ– s a hero moment. I knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. Part of my journey is responding to looks. We have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other. Dance is my safe space. I am autistic and i am a performer. And im really good at it. Once were in our own space and we get to create that space, its really fun. I am here because i have seen women do it. If you can see her, you can be her. 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All right, everyone has seen the chaos at the border, but what ix happening underground . New video is exposing how illegals are utilizing Drainage Tunnels to evade Border Patrol in el paso. This isne o one of the tunnes that constantly having to come through to petra. Border walls are behind me and pointed out, you have the water system basically like we e are doing here. We are flowing underneath the highway, includingsite at a sit. There is tons of debris and trash. Ing laura joining me now as aor deman you saw, the border hawk news. Cannot illegals cross the borders through these tunnels . How easy is it to do . An i mean, they are big pure and wider than i would have thought they are. Yo laura, good to talk to you and thank you. One thing important for your audience to understand in El Paso El Paso The Border Walpl and Highway System are almost parallel. The highway runs over the y border wall in placeous or directly adjacent to it Yuriko S Thecowanted to acces city, if you wanted to get overh the border wall, you can enter this Tunnel System and either gy further into the city or accesse Highway System itself. Ve, what can happen is they can crawl underneath, above, to thee side, jump over thcte fence and entered the Tunnel System in Tht Undetected by Law Enforcement viewer to gain access deeper into the city were get to evaluate and get a car andm th transferred into the interiorer from there. Laura is there any effortin to put some type of an obstruction in front Otof Theset Tunnels so when water needs to go through, it can, but people cant go through . There are some of that at the very end of the Tunnel Systemyo like where the rio meets. But most of it, as you can see, worm walking through it. Me i am 6 feet total and i can b stand easily and it is white as well. Weasel Border Patrol navigatingo outside, patrolling the area. For them to completely blolock. There is a City Ordinance of some, but we saw a ton ofback evidence of traffic, people sleeping and going back andsmal forth, walking all over theat place including small footprints which would indicate children. Laura tell us about the caves that you have encounteredd sure. The cave system in the city i nt laura we are showing the video on the screen. Into new mexico there, that is a little caves system that cartel or illegal aliens have dug out and gotten far. N it goes about 50 feet. I took his word for it on that. Didnt go quite that far. The cave system is in the u. S. Oh and they cant cross the border hawk. They can run to the cave and get into supplies, clothes, hop on a train that is right there and entered the City Different ways. They have many, many ways of going undetected by Border Patrol who is already spread so thin that. Laura at thisse point, Border Patrol is kind of welcoming into the country. T im surprised, frankly, anyone use the tunnel s or goes through c the caves at all they are pretty much all allowed to come into the country with ao very, very narrow exceptions. So, i see some of the peoples we that youve actually had encounters with illegals as at iwell. What did you find there . Ng certainly, i think what is important to understand, there are certain kinds of peopleecon coming into the country. , people seeking refuge, economic, family, those people want to be caught. The cross over the wall and five Border Patrol from there. And then people that are much more nefarious so if you aredon taking drugs or smuggling someone you dont want to be caughtyb or maybe yoe u dont wt to be caught and maybe find this other way to access. You can only assume this is very nefarious and oue t the peoplee trying to be caught. Laura terrorists, who otherwise could get flagged. Thank you for the video. Thisthin is something i knew nog about and you taught us something. Thank you so much. Rythwe all right, we have that segmento when everything is racist, well something new racist and itwill involves two people. I will tell you more and byr donalds will respond to thehift latest woke madness next. Wors ke up, youre ready to take on the day. Try it and feel the difference. Mucinex nightshift, its comeback season. We love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. Now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. Its 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. For pricing starting at less than 1,000, transform your Outdoor Living space into a shaded retreat your family will love when you call, well rush you a special 200 Discount Certificate with your free awning idea kit youll get your sunsetter for as little as 799. 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Stud and you can be ready by 12plet qualifying skills, credits, 500 hours of work as a licensed, legal intern pure law clerk can become lawyers i know you are loving this without enrolling in law school by completing standardized, be material, benchmarks and guidance under an Attorneyr Wih 500 hours as a legal intern. You get a lawyer, you get a lawyer, you get a lawyer the Bar Licensure Task force and the Evergreen State says Theiona Traditional Examlly Disproportionally and unnecessarily blocksunrgin marginalized groups from becoming practicing. Ming i love the story. And is at best, minimally effective for insuring competency. There were a lot of judges effe outt there, a lot of great lawyers that cannothert believe this is happening. Laura i okay, first oflove all, i love starting for the bar. M. I. A. D . I took it in four weeks and all you did was just like it was fun and you can work out in Thes Mornin Og and all you do is stu. How about the people who study for the bar and the work. Really impressive. Like you, like you, you studied d worked at the same time. When everythings work and study, believe you me i will take part in as many places as i can. Laura in d. C. , you cant wait into d. C. Anymore hesed used to be able to. Used to be able to but there are restrictions. At the dmv, i think virginia is tougher now, maryland and d. C. Have this partnership, virginia im coming for you. Laura you will not believn it, i took the california bar,oi three days long, they be. In your past . Laura they say i did. Kevin, it is ridiculous, bringing back s. A. T. And they should never touch the bar exam. Great to see you. As always. It is time for. When everything incers raciss well, the most recent prejudiced institution, marriage. The first recorded evidence of Marriage Ceremonies uniting one woman and one man dates back aid from about 2350 bc andc. Mesopotamia. Now the loving bond between a husband and a wife is just patriarchal and apparently white supremacy. Thatsupr is according to Cisgenr Professor at george masony, university. Professor bethany would take rights, a key structuring a element of white federal patriarchal supremacy. Al ef wh she is urging family scien scientists, whatever that is, to further interrogate how marriage vandalism reproduces family and equality in Americanan Family Le and work towards its dismantling. This cant even be real. This has bad writing also so pure joining is florida congressman, byron donalds. Congressman, you now, you are married and your wife is awesome. Youshe is a great person, but apparently you are promoting white supremacy. By being married. Shame on you. Laura, this is the dumbestfe thing ive ever heard of my life. And this is just downright stupid. Look, fathers and mothers in matrimony is the best thing forn kids. The dae data proves that, the ss prove that. People who come from Singlesing Parent household versus two parent households, they workbu hard but there is nothing like m mom and dad in the home. That is the facts. I dont know this lady and how she is getting pages studied the stuff, but she should just stop, just up here and people get married and live your lives. Laura congressman, i have three adopted kids and im a single mom. Hai have to have two godfatherso for each child because it is so hard. An and my hats off to all single mothers, it is so hard. You know, it is good to have at father figure. Figu but when marriage is now racist, i think they are out of ideas. I dont think they have anythin. Left, congressman. Outcome they are out of ideas. If you want to talk about what has destroyed communities,atic systematically did destroy black families or help out joe bidens a poster for 94 crime bill for an extended period o af time. Those are destructed for families and maybe you c shoulde study those and leave the sensible c Common Sense Research to people who want to perpetuate america, continue families, Allowefamid Children To Thrive D succeed. A two family twoparent is thee way to go. Stone Eric Schwerin told congressional investigators that then Vice President joe biden se to him usingbide an email alias under the name robin where 456. President joe biden would communicate with hunter biden and his business associates. Congressman, maybe it is just an Email Address he likes to use we when you sign up for prescriptions, you dont want to use your real and, i guess. Ten, listen, he was taking moneyhe under the table through his sone and brother. The fictitious emails are a way to do it. Weth are still trying to get tho bottom of it. A followup later toth see the progress of those emails. Im quite sure rob or el peters or whatever the names are, those will tell us a lot ao reading them. Laurain we went through a lot of hoa hoaxes and a lot of hoaxes on the Ingraham Angle. The hoax of marriage is racist. We should have statarted but thw one. Congressman, thank you so much. That is it for a spirit always set yournt dvr so you stayy connected with us. Follow me on social media

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