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Way to put it, he is a liar. He is nor t to bane trusted eve. We will explain. And we have highlights of his most recen wilt and frankly, mot egregious lies about the border, about his son. Now hes blaming the nationwide crime wave that he created, h of course, on donald trump. Cr biden,ght, we got obama, clinton fundraising. It was donald trump was visiting the wake of the slain nypdmp was officer. Hav well have reaction straight ahead. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy will joioh with more on joes transgender day of visibility, a proclamation which he denies. Now we actually have a cop y of it. Lara trump will be here to respond to a nasty, vicious, vilea respon from the dnc and te speaker of the house. Mike johnson has a message for a the president who just called him uninformed. Well see who was uninformed. But first, lets turn our attentio wiln to what is perhaps joe bidens most blatant lie of all. Ie now, yesterday, when Millions O Of Americans were Celebrating Easterl is, which is the holiesh holiday in all of christianity, all white house, they were busy promoting another celebration, frankly, hou one they kind of m up. On Easter Sunday, selfproclaimeond devoutselfp catholic, your president , joe biden, Postevout Catd that e right there, quote, today on transgender of visibility. I have a simple message to all trans americans. I see you and you are made in the image of god and youre are worthy of respect and of dignity. Now, this celebrates you a messy followed an official Biden White House proclamation, quote celemessage i. Joseph biden jr. By the way, not the alias you see is in emails. President of the United States of america do hereby proclaim march 31st, 2024, as transgender day of visibility at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Easter now has been replaced,ce or at least at the very least is now forced to share a day with a new holiday that the administration clearly prefers. I Transgender Daniy of visibilityl on the holiest christian holiday. Now, the Trump Campaign called the mov e appalling blasphemous. Other americans, they were equally outraged. But when the president was harshly criticized for the move. Well, he turned to his favorite tactic of all. He is flat out lied when asked about his trans holiday proclamation. Biden told the press pool, quote, i didnt do that. Maybee just didnt remember. In reality, biden did do that i in writing and then reminded everyone with a celebratory on exit other social media platforms like the one right there on his screen. Now, the white house did avoid any posting of anything that day in its spanishuage a language accounts and what appears to be, to some, a Blatant Attempccs to bt to hio the day from traditional catholic hispanic voters, wher t he is bleeding a lot of support. Meanwhile, the Well Famousle White House Easter Egg Roll that had to wait until todays the day after easter. Needless to say, any display all hristianity was all but banned from the Biden White House. Even religious fro themed paintd eggs. They were strictly prohibited. B we cant make this up. You really cant. This is simplyit d you ca hostility now towards religion and duringhi this easter speech, biden mentioned. How many times zero. However, a very confused looking joe did shuffle out onto the white house lawn for all thuse lawne festivities. But for a president who famously goes to bed earlyte and wakes up late, well, the Early Morning start time was quite difficult for joe hunter, on the other hand, look pretty wide awake. T thhis the big guy really could have borrowed some of that energy. Take a look. Cothat eneyou decide. Enjoy the day. Im coming down to that easterr egg roll. Just a minute. Thank you. All very, very much. An thanks, everybody. And by the way t, say hello to your buddies. Come on. Ive got to get up there. I se e you. Come on, get in there. Pretty big, buddy. All right the slurring, confusio mumbling, bumbling confusion continued during a very interview. Oh, with that hard hitting weatherman al roker on his favorite network, nbc news, where only democrats are allowed to appear. Take a look. What is so specialer about this room . Well, asbestos is just so open. This is the peoples house and40 all of 40,000 people be here. Its the largest ever. And it just we like opening upo the places for people to see. This is their place this ie. And it always makes me feel good to look out there and see average americans just walkingiu around looking at whats going on, because they are. Now, thats the best joe could do. Despit e zero tough questions from the democratic operatives quesbc. Now, of course, the president isnt just a habitual liar. He is also utterly and completely incompetent. And as result, biden is losingresult support from both moderate bs and, his radical prohamas base. For example, by the way, the terrorists moderat, they wer in full force on saturday. Take a look. Therte on your screen. They are interrupting the evening Easterur Scr Mass Ai Saint Patricks cathedral in New York City. Ultimately even rushing the altar here is the worst part. Joe biden is desperate foris des their vote. Right on cue. He is rolling out a secrette. Vice president harris, who is now attempting to wound left voters with, lets see. Calls for a ceasefire in gazaa and calls for elections to get rid of the Prime Minister and the promiszae of all and T Legalizing Weed and drugs and visiting abortion clinics. This white house has drifteds far and away from even the daysm of bill clinton. Remember, he once said about abortion eve, it should be legal and rare. But if kamalas campaign is anything like her time as border czar, i dont think republican as have to worry about. Now, another Biden Strategy Anotame calling in an effort to beat donald trump. Biden is now trying to brategiet more trump like, but his nicknames, yeah, theyre pretty lame. As nic prelamehes not a pro at. For example, socalled bro billi don made billions after truth social went public. Anothe cial wenr desperate biden strategy for november november. Theyre bringing Back Obamacare ,really where premiums have skyrocketed since obamacare. The cost of health care, thats waskt ofy up. D prescription drugs, theyre more expensive. Taxes are even higheprescrip dr and the promise, remember, you can keep your doctor, keep your plan. Pla and the average family is going to save 20 500 a year. Well, that was a total lie. Millions a of americans lost their doctors. S. Nions lost their plan and on average, americans are paying over 200 more with Hamoste Americ half the countryw having only one Obamacare Exchange option. A obamacare was just an expansion of medicaid paid was for by anye that works for a living. Now, this all reeks of. Theyre trying to shore up their base and there are no accomplishing from bidensom presidency to tout. Of course not, joe has been a a failure. Everybody knows it. And if you dont think thi fsecn is a Tipping Point election, an Inflection Point for our country and for the worldt o in 217 days, you are dead wrong. Anywayy an here with reaction to all of this, former president ial candidate Vivek Ramaswamy lozada. D ab well, he lied about having conversations with his son and brother and others about foreign business deals. H for three years, he said the border was closed and the border is secure. No borderw, saying that the economy is doing great and now theyre blaming donald trump for crimy ise. Is there any theres the buck stop there at 1600 pennsylvania0 avenue ever. Loo well, look, the Affordable Care act has made health care unaffordablek,. The list continues to go on, sean. But i think the most insulting thin butg President Biden did ws on easter to name that transgender day of visibility. Visib that is a slap in the face to every american regardless their faith. And its a good example of whats going on in the country, sean. Exampits not a Tyranny Of The Majority that rules in the country today. It is a tyranny of the minority of a fringe minority thatsy actually In The Name Of minority rights, exercising a new form of cultural and political tyranny on the rest of the country. Thats what the biden presidencyltural represen. Thats what the modern left has accomplished, using biden as their puppet, their vehicle to accomplish it. And weve got to see whats actually going on before wr vehr solve that problem. And i think hundreds of millions of Americans Todayhe are beginning to see through that veneer for what it is. Thats how were going to win thisugh th november. By the way, this is just breaking according to the wall street journal, donald trump secured 175 million bond to guarantee the civil fraud 17dgment. In his appeal saving him from having his assets and reald real estate seized, and a reaction to what i believe is a Weaponizedzed Io of justice undr joe biden. Your reaction . Bullock thats obviously narrowly good news, but thatking is a breaking report youre bringing right now. But its an example of this weaponized reportt an system of. Imagine the same shoe fit the other foot. What would the medias treatment be . E were not a country where bepolitical party in power and a president weaponizes the Justice System to go after his politicay Weaponl Opponentse middle of an election. At least thats not what the United States of america is supposed to be. That is the stuff of banana republics. And o be stuffi am worried. We sean we are skating on thinatin ice as a country right nowg on. Donald trump is the one theyre going after today. Well, it can be an cany america. And you know what we have for 250 years in protecting the dream of our founding fathers, setting this country in motion. Thats whats at stake right now in this election, is this is a 1776 moment. Thist t no isnt one of those elections where its about increasing or decreasing the tax rate by 1 or 2 here or there. This is about basic rulesf of the road. Do we or dont we believe in free speech . F julido we or dont we believe in free and Fair Elections without Interference Fromithout Justice System prosecuting opponents in the middle of an election . Thatinterfuting s whats at stake this year. And i think that just as our founding year a our fathers did 250 thi years ago, this is a moment for us to remember the basic ideals idea this country was founded on. And i think if we dls thio wn win this election in a decisive landslide, that dareon and i, in unites this country. And thats why im rooting for donald trump to do and republicans all the way down the ballot to do as well. Thats what its going to takeak to, get this country back. You know, i said on thie. S program in 2007, vivek, i said that journalism in america is dead. I had no idea how right. I really would be. We watched the incident last week with ronna mcdaniel. They dont even want a you know, have you ever been a republican or a trump Supporte Yr Ber . That seems to be their new litmus test. Bbiden lies about the transgender day of visibility. He lies about the economy. Told that lie. All the economys great to al roker. He lies about crime being donald fault. He lied about the border, saying its closed and secure, lied about never talking to his son, brother or anybody about thei er Foreign Businessfg deals. Theres an awful lot of lying. And that lying never Seemsn Bust Get called out. And that, to me, is the greatesto be contribution he wil have this Campaign Cycle that he had, the last Campaignyi Cycle that let this guy hide in his basement and he was abled to pull it off because of covid. No a pulw, is it is anybody in e mainstream media, will they ever hold them accountable or is it always about donald trump . Democracy in peril holdin demagoguingimperi it, lying about abortion, republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, ever oy phobic. I mean, dirty. They want dirty air and water when dirty when does the truth r come out of their lips . I dont thin k possible anymore. Of course, theyve abandoned all basis for trust of theican o American People. But this is what George Orwell warned of when he wrote his books what orwell s. George orwell intended it as a warning. These people have taken it as a how to guide. Just as George Orwell said, war is peace. Now. I diversity is conformity now. Inclusion In The Name Of inclusione theyve created a new culture of exclusion where certain Points Of View justn pu c arent welcome. But its time for us as conservatives, sean, to also level up tim to rise up and say,say were not just going to say this is who were against going the Biden Administration of the radical left. We have to see the problem for what it is. Yeut e thles, but we also have to sai this is what we stand for. Is w is what an alternative looks like. And so if the left is preaching their messag walternate, race ar and sexuality and climate, for i think its time for the Conservative Movement to say we stand for the individual fami family nation god that beats race, gender,ali sexuality and climate. If we have the courage to actually stand for somethin g tha. So that be my advice to republicans this year is, yes, we are up againsty t a ye, were up against a dishonest opposition, but we cant fallfal into the trap of just playing whacamole, just criticizing The Other Side tra jus or dare y it, well have the same results weve had in 2022. And beforme e. If we want to win decisively. And i see donald trump taking steps in this directioecisivelnd and im going to do everything in my power to make sure that we go in this direction, dogeything i we have to articule what we stand for as conservatives as americans,s stand for our sovereignty, stand for an alternative vision . And if we give the American People that. Young or old, black or white, theyre going to flock beyond behind our alternative vision. K thats what we conservatives need to step up and do this year. And we have our work cut ouet us. Hows the economy under joe doing . Unt very well. How do you feel about the border . Its a disaster. Aboutordehow do you feel abouty prices in this country under joe biden . Untr Law And Order and safety and security . Hows it working out law an in your yorktow town, in your city, all top of mind. How Doescity America Lookor on The World Stage getting lectures now from mexico and elsewhere . World stag that later tonight. All right, vivek, thank you. We appreciate your time. Now, trump is nothe the only person the Biden Campaign is targeting. Biden late last week, the dnc Startedw Mocking his daughter in laeew, lara trump, with an ai manufactured song. Take a look. What have you done . The bodies falling down. Its no longer fun. Oh, no. Cant you see you need to sit thinking. Be like most late night comics. Its not even funny anyway. Joining us now to respond to rnccomicsunnyining us cochap is with us. I mean, when people saye sa about me and its funny, i laugh, i like it. You know what she mean aboutes n whatever, im like, thats pretty creative. I took my hat. Good jobd th ptive. But this its not funny. What was your reaction . On yeah, well, sean, i actually released a song last week that i wrote over the winter prior to taking this positiotenp cochair of the rnc. And so i guess they san asy is i highest form of flattery. I must have a loet of fans over at the dnc. Well, its amazing is that whenever they have a candidatede who has the lowest Approval Rating of any incumbent in history and zero accomplishments to tout thist, is where the dnc was putting their focus on in Generateded Sn Song to somehow mock me, as you said, wasnt even funny. Why did they go . Why is it hollywood and the Music Industry and with the dnc, they couldntwood a have gotten one of their people to record a song. Not is amazing to see this sory of thing happen. And heres what zingi know, sea. They are terrified. They have nothing to show forhe their candidate. If they were going to go with a. I. , maybe they should have just done ay i versiowethnt of joe biden. That would have been better than the real thini vers joeg f. But we are doing amazingly well at the rnc. C i will tell them they may want to sit down and get read Ty Foru Our March Fundraising numbers. And they had three president ss it tooank to raise 25 million last week. All We Nee Milliond is one. I can report tonight that this coming weekend we have pledged 33 million to be donated. Donae the rnc and the Trump Campaign from our first major fundraiser. Our firspere them, id sto messing around with the songs and start focusing on their are ai use. Idate you see that theyre now theyve lost their base every. S poll shows that the Historic Coalition of theistori Democratic Party, africanamericans, young people, hispanicccoalit america, even suburban women, they seem to be going hard towardsgoin that radical base just to get them back. Never mind wards th reaching out to others. Kamala harris going to abortion clinic, meeting with Drug Backlization people now. Theyre going back to obamacare. Really, you didnt cause enoughy damage the first time. I dont see that they have a coherent he message and they got a guy that needs two former president sessage a to try to prm which i dont think is going to work. Upch itheyre on the ballot Whit Donald Trump juxtaposed where he was a and he was at the wake of the slain officer of massapequa, long island. And frankly, my understanding is that the family wasisland ve. Grateful he was there, that those miners standing as well. And it shows you the character of these two men. E exactly where donald trump was. He was there supporting our men and wome hn in blue, someone who joe biden. These people have just been cast asiden in bluo jo by him. Of course, he doesnt care about Law And Order. He doesnt carf co he about our Men And Women Who Go Out Everyoo single day to protect our countr ey, whether its in the military, whether its in uniform. We are gratefutry whether inl f. And donald trump is grateful for them. And you saw that. You referenced what a disaster it is over on the democrat side because they dont d have a coherent message. They have made life so much hardereren for people with lif their policies since joe biden became, president. Beca and everyone feels that you cant lie your way outme of it. E we are welcoming all of those people into our tent. L one of the things we are focused on at the rnc peopw is expandings our party. Everyone is welcome to come ex and join our party. You are welcome to come overr an and vote for someone who actually cares about making your life better, putting mor more money in your pocket, securing our border, givin gan us better standing on The World Stage. Its donald gid trump. P an i think were poised to see historic numbers for donald trump whend i. P with h we ask you this with Hispanic American voters, with women, and with women the youth in this country, sean so so they cant run on their. Record. On they cant run on the good economy. 60 of americans live paycheck to paychecrd ok. To pa they certainly cant run on their immigration policies. They cantyccertainl run on citd and towns being safe and secure. They cant run on foreign policy. Weve got war in the middle east. Weve got wacy wit ther in euro and we see what the world looksn like whed wen america abdicatess role on The World Stage as the leader of the freeke whe world. Well, the only thing they got t left is to jushit trump. Okay, thats what theyll do. They dont have anything else. How does that match up to republicans . Yeah, well, we actually have a message on this side. Its exactly what i just said. Its the contrast betweene two different president s. And we can do that now, sean, coe ree we remember donald as president for four years. You remember how low joh the unemployment number actually was. The real unemployment numberempn you remember amazing trade deals with mexico, with canadaua with china, Peace Agreements in the middle east instead of wars in the middle east. Peace talks for a denuclearized Korean Peninsula with kim jong un. These were things that werees actually happening under donald trump as president. Joe biden has take things allyn0 degrees in the other direction. He is basicallty doing the work for us because his policies have done nothing but harm for the American People and for the world. Legal Ballot Harvesting and republicans got to embrace voting early voting by mail and their position on abortion needs to be where the country is. My only advicewhere th people l. Some people dont. Laura, we wish you the best. 217 days to go when we come21 back. A lot more news tonigh7 days tte joe biden lied about Speaker Johnson today. He is here. Today next. He will respond. Also, well ask the speaker in a plans to maintain control amid a very narrowe maji house majority. And later, more on President Trump attending the nypd officers week at massapequa, long island. While joe biden was hanging out with celebrities and with clinton and they try to prop up. Its going to Worko Prop Eithere in 217 days straight ahead. Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. Atkins we inexpensive, expensive things. I know it sounds like a paradox ,but we just flipped the way luxury is made, like, washable mulberry. So unbelievably soft leather jackets find mongolian cashmere at a fair price, get Free Shipping and 365 day returns at queen scot at jones. We know one thing and one thing only backs straight and backs from weekend chores. Tip pulled backs doing your favorite hobbies. 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Bringing you the most Reliable Network of authorized sales and service dealers. Always moving forward. We lead. Others follow. Learn more at adopt us kids talk. All right. This weekend, House Speaker mike johnson, he joined conservatives all across the country condemnings joe bidens proclamation, declaring Easter Sundaoey as transgender day of visibility. But according to new reporting toda easter tray, biden denied in hie voice that he ever made the declaration. He called Speaker Johnson uninformed for his criticism, despite for the proclamation actually saying, as johnso hisn rightly pointed out, that biden did, quote, quotthate, hereby proclaim march 31st, 2024, prol as transgender day of visible oddity. Here with reaction is the speaker of the house, mike johnson is with ake johns. I dont think he needed any more evidence than what you posted on what weve put up on the screen. But he just flat out denied that he di mor d it. Ats y ou whats your reaction to tht . Well, its his own signature on the document. Thats why we posted it. . The evidence speaks for itselfk as we used to say in the courtroom. But, look, its highly possible that he doesnt even know what hes signing, sean. I mean, that mightsibl doesnt n more alarming. But i think this episode highlights b what yourguests two previous guests have already said. I think the vague and laura said it very well this , is election is about showing the contrast between these two visions for america. And this this proclamation on Easter Sunday is just tha a great example of that. This radical leftist, Progressive Vision for the country is not who we i are as americans. And i think most of the country agrees with us, sean, and i think thats why were going to have a very successful l ha ver. N november all right. Lets look at it. Im not really sure why i maybe i understand why Kevin Mccarthy resigned, but thenwh you have bill johnson resigned. Brian higgins resigned. Mike gallagher is resigning. And youre very slim margin, the slimmest of of any v House Speaker in history has gotten even smaller. And look, i feel the samefrustr frustration that many other conservatives feel, and that is that they want the republicans thatnt majority, you know, united on certain principles like securing the border and balancing the budgety un, those two thing. But you cant get that consensus now. It is now resulted in marjoriee Taylor Greenane threatening a motion to vacate. You apparently have been in conversations with her. What is the standing of that . Yeah, marjorie and i are going to talk again this week. Shes frustrated, and we all are. To your point, every Conservativee Ar is frustrated about our current position. We have the smallest co history. Istory ma a we have a one vote margin right now. So its very difficult to movern big things up the field for our principles. But heres how were goingo mo to do it, sean. Its a very simple formula. We will grow the Majorit Yt Majo In will win back the senate and donald trump will be returned to the whiterin bace if we do a couple of simple things, we have to show what were fohouse thr. Thats what the vehicle waswt saying earlier. Hes exactly right. Thats what weve been saying. Ab wfo know i talk a lot about e seven Core Principles of american conservatism. Its individuaoue seven col, lid government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, human dignity. These are the things that Madfreee America the most s exceptional nation in the history of the world. Were for those foundational principles nal nati. And the democrats, the progressives are not. So we got to we got to talk about what were for. And also, to your point, wevet got to unify. When you have such a small majoritywereur, if the republics will stand together, we have much better, obviously, negotiations i, strength when di were dealing with democrats in the senate and a democrat in the white house. And finallngwith they, weve goe our conservative agenda, at least incrementally. E e ouand we can do that. We can show the American People we can fight on these things. Look, were Fon Peopler Standinu to china and securing the border and protecting american jobs and unleashingting American Energy and changing the budget and spending habits of washingto ame budgen. But it takes every single republican in the house to stand together to do that. And i think now people feel the gravity and the weight of this, the importance of it. Feelvity the goingre to do that in the days ahead. Its a long debt time to november, but itlls im be before you know it. And i cant get here soon enough. All righe d itt. Lets talk about the status with Marjorie Taylor greenestats and frank, im going to be very frank. I understand her frustration. I understand chi wr p royce, frustration, Freedom Caucus members frustration. And i if i had to guess, you share it now. My understandinghad to guess ise were 40 or 50 republicans that would not go along with thee 40 republican plan to fight back and stay united. Is that was the number reallyly that high . And what is the status of your e status discussions with marjorie . Yeah, i think youre referring to our procedural rules on the floor. Weve had 47 republicans, house republicans, in this this congress over the last year and four months who have decided that at various times theyll vote against their own procedural rules on the floor. Not to get too deeep in theproc weeds of process, but that really mattersedurn because if you cant pass your own rule on the floor, it means votes have beer ifn passed by suspensn which is two thirds of the house. Remember,sion with a one voti margin, that means by necessity and must pass legislatiothn like funding the government, youve got to get democrat votes. And thats why everybody is so frustrated. Wha so in some ways, were sort of doing this to ourselves. So weve got to get everybody together o ge. Look, i think all of our colleagues recognize that we cant have Ve A Distraction right now, that weve got to keep the Team Together and i think we will. N ill talk with marjorie and about her frustrations, and she knows i share that im a lifelong Movement Conservative t about. Movement right. D we we want to do big things and were going to fight everywt single day with every inch of ground that we can for the American People, for what they want. Eopl and when were deliveredd a bigger majority in november, which will be senate, whita biae house return, were going to turn this thing 180 degrees and we can fix all these Problemsl Grees an. And weve got to show the American People that were willing to do that. Well, our very own chad pergram, who knows all things hitchhikers guide to all Things Congress is rightly ouinting out with a thin margin that you have, there is a riskrg here that this wouldin be,e th i think, the first time in history that a a sitting speake iisr could actually be a switch in midterm. I mean, is there really a possibility that he, hakeem jeffries, could emerge i a winnr in this if, in fact, that that n action is taken . Look, thats a risk. I dont think thats going to happen. Marjorie filed a motion to vacate, not in a privileged form means it doesnt come updos automatically. Shes trying to send a message. I respecnt come Uautomatit Mesg i share her. Again, her her frustration about the process. But the way for us to fix that is to grosw the house majority. And the way to do that is to stand United Togethero House on the agenda going forward. So were going to have everybody working together. Well work on consensuagenda s n s and and and keep this team. Margaret knows how high marj are high. The stakes are for the country. We all do. And thats why never been more important for us to stand together. And i think we will. I think all our colleagues understand that were goingnd t to get through this. Hakeem is not going to be the speaker. And wel teal well care of business. Well do it for the American People. So i think the big Takeaway Forf me is, is that i think needt we more conservatives in the Republican Party elected to the house number one. Number two, i think the Smallth Majority has to stick together. Jorityi wouldnt want your job. Ive had at length discussions with former speaker newtv gingrich about this very issue. And to be honestabou, mean, he t its almost job impossible at this poin sayt because you he varying factions within your coalitione, in yourn an majority. That is very slim. And unlessd yoy everybody agre, you cant really accomplishly the things you want to accomplish. Accomplishnthat to the america people, but this they need to be aware that House Electione Becas really matter ar the size of the majority really matters. If you have a 30 Seat Majority,e you get a lot more done thanre n you can with, you know, a three Seat Majority or a two Seat Majority, whatever it ends up being in the end. So i think thats very critical. Tell u us about the efforts the that you will be involved in to help elect Republican House memberefforts. Yeah, thats great, john. Youre exactly right. Grow the Majority Economy through the website. Im traveling right now. Im in arizona tonight. Ive been all Aroundg Al The Country traveling nonstop, 20 three states so far. Wounde recruited strong conservative candidates who can help us turn this mess around. Us and theyre running very strong. Were going to win this electionn cycle. Were going to have a comfortable margin. Even the pollsters are saying that now. But weve Go En Tht To Stick Tor and get this through the finish line. Well finish strong for the people. Well keep fightin tos finish strog every single day. And we appreciate you keeping our body informed. All right, Speaker Johnson, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. I hope we caiate yngn work thist with congresswoman greene. All right. When we come back, biden may lose the 2024 election because of what justk, happened at the e border. Well check in with Kellyanne Conway and arine fleischer. They will discuss later. Biden ignoring the Slain Police Officer in long island, but he can Fundraisofficer E with celes and former president s. Well have more on that political fallout as. Fo wrme continue. He was only 47. Aneurysm. Did he have Life Insurance . Do you know . Youve got to get on it. Check out selectquote. Trust me, the peace of mind. Its worth it. Life insurance is too important to put off another day. 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More of them said illegal immigration than anythind g else theres a reason forthin that concern. G here is what one general just said about the continuingth Terror Threat from isis, which can easily exploit jobs wide open borders with unvetted illegals coming from even our top geopolitical foes. Take a look. Isis, kay in particular. But but Isis In General Des A Strong Desire to attack our homeland. We should believe them whesire n they say that theyre going to try to do it. Isd so i think the threat thatt is growing. Its begun to grow. Gngand as we left afghanistan,t took pressure off isis. So i think we should expectk wes further attempts of this nature against the United States,the ut as well as our partners in other nations abroad. I think this is inevitable. S aspartneand fbi director wraye last two congressional appearances has been that threat. Its never been this bad orco this loungred, his career. Its not just the threat of terrorism causing concern. Tt look at this. Ice announced in the latest annual report. Nnounc remember, the government doesnt keep statistics uas. Take lcrimes of illegaled but they point outle they arrested illegals in this countrnty and committed nearly 50,000 Violent Crimes. Everything murder from murder to kidnapping, assault and much more. One illegal, by the way, in then state of alabama now stands accused a disabled 14yearold girl. Yet biden is democratic pals. Theyre all in on enabling the crisis in the statein of massachusetts. Say former soldiers home i is nw being turned in. Intrcalled Emergency Shelte for illegals. And while socalled asylum seekers, they get free housing there, theyre also getting a free ride from a local judge in texas who just yesterday said a bunch t of the Illegal Immigrants remember the ones rushing the in frontbu of the Texas National guard . Yeahof, theyve all been set fre in el paso. And by the way, none of thisf th shows any sign of slowing down. But this mexico too busy not helping us. Lecturing america to the mexican president On 60 Minutes adamantly and apparently now trying to extort our country into paying what is Billionying Tsinp and billions of dollars and changing our policy to Countriesay Illions like cuba and venezuela. By the way, heres how former President Trump responds the toe mexico president s threat. On 60 minutes, the president of mexico and says, were not going to shut down our border and change said we your policy a and change your policy on venezuela. Is it okay for the mexican president to dictate american policy . Fohe said he wants 10 billion essentially just to talk, 10 billion to talk. And thats come out since. And now that wouldnt happen with me. They would never say that to me. They would never say before wenr even took on 10 billion a year. Mexico just ask for 10 billion a year. They would never. I wouldnt give them cents. I they know that. Here with Reaction Fox News contributors Ari Fleischer and Kellyanne Conway. All right, kellyannet. Conway. So if we look at it, weve got, lets see, nearly 50,000 joe biden, unvetted illegals arrested for rate kidnapping, violent assault, no more. And were getting lectured by me by mexico on what our our cubaxi policy venezuela policy oughtolc to be. And, oh, they want Tens Of Billiony Ans of our tax doll. Wow. Dould that happen unde or trump . I doubt itll. Hav no. And we have proof of that. It didnt happen under trump. Every time i heaatr oh, donald trump for the president , this may not have happened. I say, well, lets roll the tape. It didnt happen. In fact, sean. Ari, were in Ou Happer Ninth year now of donald trump having elevated it into the Nationa Nil Consciousness and to the top of the polls now, bordere poll and immigration. And he did it to international criticiss norder secm, if not r. And look where we are now. According to the ap pollcrit, 7s of hispanics disapprove of the job. Joe biden has done on the border. 55 of black americans and in fact, four in ten democrats. You now have many of hisk am own constituents. Hes saying youre doing a terrible job on the border. Heres i dont understand it. Ame the American People tell you whats important to them. Whats Vexinri Tell Yog and perg to them. Then theyre giving you a clear roadmap response, theyr n. This administration has done the opposite. D they want to tell us alll us that what we see with our own two eyes day afterwhat w, day, t after night isnt real. Its not important. Its an vast rightwing conspiracy. Also, the border become a proxyh for so many americans. For a Presiden Hast that doesnt listen. For a Democratic Party that doesnt carr e for a systea that rewards those who take it easy and punishes those who work hard. Whene it you come here illegallm not only are you not prosecuted for breaking illegal law, now youre actually rewarded. You get cash, cell phones and shelter and clothing. And this is Whatd Yo American Sc now and they dont want it. Lets get your take. Ari fleische the r. Well, theres no question this joe joe bidens gigantic Achilles Heel and hes the one who loves to show it to us because he caused this problem during the debates. Joe biden said, come when he was asked what his messageas is to people who are trying to come to america illegal, he sai said. He raised his hand when he was asked if he would support decriminalizing people who come into america illegally. This is a crisis of his own, a creation of his own wanting becaus e the end game for the democrats, sean, is to let people come in illegally, get them work papers, which leads to green cards, which leads to votinillegag. Is and already in many municipalities, Illegal Immigrants. Who h ifav they have a green card, theyre not. American citizens can vote in american elections. Tell me how a municipality can te in ll from iate a federal election. This is their end game. It also helps thems their with reapportionment because this one, New York City congresswomasen, said she needs the illegals in her district because thats how she gets her job as a congresswoman, because she needs that number in her district. Tha new york otherwise is losing seats. So this is part of Ais Political Endgame for the democrats to hold power. And thats why its set so wrong with the American People who Ar Wastewrone Fundamentallye by right and wrong and by respect for the lapeoplew and wn theres Wanton Disrespect for the law from the commander in chief. Yeah, it hurts the president. And thats whats happening tha biden. Americans, Take A Good Look at what joe biden created here. Look at the no bail laws and defund, dismantle, reimagine the police. How does that working out . Hows the economy working out . Are you better off how . You were four years ago . Well, in 200 and 17 days, this day country is at an Inflection Point. It matters. Untrall right. All right. Thank you. Kellyanne, always great to see you, too. Int. Straight ahead tonight, youh love this. The Biden Administration trying to blame. The crime crisis they themselves created on. Who else . When the dog bites, the bee stings. You feeling sad . Blame trump. Biden partied with clinton, obama and celebrities. And instead of what . Attending in new york, Police Officers wake. Pretty unbelievable reaction from charlie hurt, clay travis, straight ahead. Hey, i just a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor. Her neighbor. Who still runs marathons. Sadly, not anymore. Wo sore sudden. Were not about to have the we need Life Insurance we need Life Insurance conversation are we know were having though we are getting coverage so we don we putt have to worry ab. Conversation. So jonatha youre calling about5 a month plan from colonial power . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 995 Plantime Todas wey. Is it time for you to call about the 995 plan . 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So the Biden Administration continues to do what they do best. As weve been pointing out, they lied and blame their problems on republicans. H last week, Karine Jeanpierre actually tried to blame formerto President Trump for the Violent Crime all across the country after she was Pressee Acrohe D the shooting of an nypd officer. Noshooting of th, theyre the po bail. Theyre the party of defund, dismantle and reimagine. And the police. Take a look. Violent crime Surgdsmantle E Unr the previous administration, which repeatedly attempted to cut cops program. Adm so this is a president thisinis the bidenharris administratiown have done the polar opposite, taking Decisive Action fronistrm the very beginning to fund the police and achieving a historic reductionn to in undr his leadership. Just a flat reduct lie. Borders, secure borders are closed, right. Another lie. I never i never talk to my son, brother or anybody. Another lie, according nypding o data, crime was higher in 2023. In new yor Nk City Cri Than In K through 2020. And while the Biden Administration 201 claims to support police. Well, dont forget Vice President harrisn defunding police, fundraising for a Forran A Bell Group that helped violent felons get back on the streets. Remember the summer of 2020 . They lieback os red they said te thosd e 574 riots were mostly peaceful. Yeah, another lie. S and the administrations false claims come afterons the Devastatin Falg murder of nd officer johnathon villar, who was shot durinfter theg a se traffic stop. Former President Trump attended the wakes shot while biden was y fundraising with obama and clinto but bidn in new yorky during dillers funeral on saturday. Clinhis wife, loudly and thankfy rightfully called out the failed late leadership that led to his death. Take a looship take how many more Police Officers and how many more families need to make Mak The Ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them. Great question here with reaction. Fox news contributor charlie hurt, along with Outkick Founder clay travis. Clay, get your reaction to this. It really angers Me Becaus Gete that party is the Democratic Party defund, dismantlsee, reimagine, no bail laws. The sean, the guy who killed that brave Police Officer whose wife you just heard speaking left behind a one year old son. L hed been arrested 21 times, 21 times. He was beyond saving. You know, the really difficult thing here is maybe the only thing that joe biden has gotten right in his mostlyyb Disastrous 40 Plus year career of politics wasics a the 1994 crime bill, which put bad, vile criminals behind bars. Three strikes and they were out and keptin in there. It is a luxury of a low crimepte environment to believe that were being too kind to violent criminals. To we have to lock these guys up. We have to throw away the keyin and we have to allow our Police Officers to take violent perpetrators off the street and keep them off their whitte, black, asian, hispanic. Everybody agrees overwhelminglyy on this. Joe biden has failed on crime. Democrat policie this have faild on crime. And we need trump and rational, reasonable Republican Leadership to take back our country straigheadersh 21 arrests, charlie. Nine of thos. E felonies. Hose and hes still f on the street. I blame the peopleelonie that ad that to happen. They do have blood on their hands. Absolutely. Theres a direct line you can draw from the policies of this administration, from the policies that the Democrat Party haadminists has gleefullye embraced for years now from defunding the police to no cash bail to all of these things. All you could draw a direct line from those policies to the fact that this heroic Police Officer was murdered. There is n e facto question about it. And if that were not contempt enough for law abiding citizens that democrats have for lawns te abiding citizens, its compounded by the fact that they then are going to turn around and lie it lie and try to pretend like its not the result of theirlics policies and that its somehow a their political opponentsfaul fault. They will literally lie about anything and say anything to tryt in to get reelected. Y to so our prayers are withte that family and the communitd. Yi great people there. I know the people. I know the peopltyat oplee, massapequa,no very well. Thank you both. When we come back. Le all right. Trillions of bugs havent been s. N in decades and decade yeah, a super emergence this summer. Well explain. Straight ahead. What impacts you every day. Undeniably, there is one influential book that shapes the way we mesh, create and ignite change. The bibles impact is all around you. 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