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Trial against donald trump wrapping up, what went down. Welcome everyone, im sandra smith in for neil cavuto and this is your world. Opening statements first witness today the jury saw Andy Mccarthy and john yoo on what we can glean from it in just a moment. First made for outside the courthouse with the very latest on what went down. Hi nate. Hi, Sandra Perron during Opening Statements the das office argued that trent criminal conspiracy and coverup leading up to the 2016 president ial election by suppressing negative stories about his personal life whereas trumps lawyers argued the former president is innocent but Todd Blanche The President s lawyer and there is nothing illegal about trying to influence an election, he called that democracy. After court today, trump criticized matt mda alvin bragg, trump reference how federal prosecutors declined to bring a case against him on the same allegations and he says alvin braggs not interfere with this years president ial election. Mr. Trump this has never happened before when the straight price to enter its all in federal elections. Nobodys ever seen it. But you know needs that essentially nothing was done wrong. Sandra, here is the states first witness, David Packard former ceo and president of American Media which publishes the National Enquirer. Prosecutors say trump worked with parker and his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was abreast of those damaging stories about his personal life including allegations of an affair that trent trump denies with a gold from oz trump is accused of Mispronouncing Every but Trump Lawyers said in court today that all Payments Due Cohen represented legitimate legal expenses. Blanche argues cohen received 420,000 from trump that is over three times more than what o p daniels. Blanche also said cohan is obsessed with trump and reminded the jury of cohens history of lying under oath. Tomorrow sandra before David Packard and if he did what any potential punishment would be. Are sent back to you speak to nate for a live outside the courthouse here in manhattan, thank you. The prosecution labeling this is a criminal conspiracy. Where you are next guess he was going . Formulas Andy Mccarthy is here and former Deputy Assistant Attorney General john yoo. Rate have both of you. Thank you for joining us. First eu, and the word you see you going next equities he was going next you met. Obviously we are going to start with david pecker will be the first witness. I think him and Michael Cohen are being offered basically to fill a big hole in alvin braggs case. Bragg, is theory in the prosecution is that trump store the 2016 election. But you hasnt actually charged him in the conspiracy to do that nor is trying to implement an election are suppress negative information in crime and what bragg has charged our 34 book entries that didnt occur until 2017. So hes in the irrational position of trying to say that 26 and election was stolen by activity that took place the following year. You need to try to persuade the jury that there is some kind of nefarious scheme that leads up to the 2016 election and what pecker and cohen are for is to outline the discussions that they had about this catch and kill scheme to purchase the disclosure rights of the stories and bury them which may be unsavory, exactly the things that underlying the stories were unsavory, but thats not a crime. Sandra interesting. John calvin former president and his team are spending a lot of time as he steps out of the court room, you know, just ripping in to the credibility of this case. Well this is former Attorney General bill barr, i can say is not exactly a Big Trump Fun at the moment, here he is ripping the hush money trial. Listen. Even convicted in the in new york about thing is a travesty. You will ultimately be overturned that will come after the election. But him in opinion there is no crime there at all. Sandra surrender the prosecution go with this . Heres the problem for the prosecution, its at as andy said, theyre probably the back because they dont have the law on their side. This is one of those cases were actually trump has the latah county Attorney General because the job of the Da In Manhattan is not do Police Federal elections. Its not the job of the va to say im going to enforce federal election law and im going to punish donald trump for things he might have been for a nationwide election. That is up to the u. S. Justice department, is up to the federal elections commission. That is why i think as andy suggests that you will see the prosecution go over an excruciating detail all distorted facts of this because they dont want the jury to ask why is it that we are sitting in a New York City courtroom, talking about federal election fraud, if that existed . This is not the right place and this is not the right form so i think trump and i think have a really good case on appeal. To get this overturned although it will take after the election. Sandra and the governor former president s part, when he stepped courtroom, what we continued from him is i should be campaigning. This is huge detriment to his campaign not to be out on the trail while his, you know, the current president , joe biden, is. s continued claimed that this is just not fair, you have to start to think that will resonate as people see the prosecution week weaker and weaker in this case . You and no one wants to be indicted obviously but these are the limits hes got and he started to limits you got any strange attorney to dominate. s Got A Prepublished at the end i think he has a very powerful message that we have a twotiered justice system. Its inconceivable that anyone other than donald trump, im tempted to say even any republican other than donald trump that would have been prosecuted in this case and bragg waited five years to bring it so water be time for trial in the middle of the 2024 campaign. Sandra bring this home for us, this resumes tomorrow morning. Would be another big day. What happens . Youre going to see the prosecution continued to bring on the National Enquirer, public publisher david pecker. The effort is to try to show trump and Hope Phishing Head of the National Enquirer and Michael Cohen engage in this conspiracy to violate the election laws. People should be taking a step back and asking why is this case as andy said being brought on frivolous grounds, being its being brought because its targeting not just a former president , but a current candidate of the Republican Party for the November 2024 were there in the lead. Sandra and and being people should be asking why theyre doing that. Sandra and they are, and at the final word from your that conducts one more thing that the president s warning about this calendar president s that the sets. To john points johns point about how limited braggs the relation is, Hillary Clinton who one the 2016 election in new york but substantially and she wanted man at manhattan by about 80 points so you have to ask if this da is undertaking to enforce federal law on whose behalf is he doing that . Because he only represents manhattan, is not supposed to be bringing a case on behalf of all progressives across america who are disappointed that hillary did not win the election. Sandra and the john appreciate the discussion. Thank you to both of you for joining us. Sandra as martha mentioned as the markets were closing recovered. A quick look at wall street after the closing the immaculate kickoff the week with games, the s p 500 and nasdaq snapped a sixday losing streak. Investors seem optimistic to begin the week with the dow up 253 points. Big earnings coming in. And there seems to be some Easing Tensions overseas. So dow up about 252 kickoff the week. Coming up, with trump in and out of this courtroom trial, how will it all play out with voters along the Campaign Trail . Class, anti israel for this continue on the Rock University campuses. Police making arrests at yale while we see an early demonstration at columbia. What will it take to get a handle on this . Will hear from the Jewish El Student who just paste it. Fisher Investments at Fisher Investments we may look like other Money Managers, but were different. other Money Manager how so . Fisher Investments were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client best interest. Fisher Investments so we dont sell any commissionbased products. other Money Manager then how do you make money . 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Sandra former President Donald Trump fired up over not being on the Campaign Trail. What will be the political fallout from all of this . Joining us now is the hills Julia Minister and u. S. A. Todays front desk at chambers, with both of you. Julia do you first. Isnt he missing out . I mean you got president by it all over three stops in pennsylvania last week and a former president is having to sit in a courtroom . That is a really good point, sandra. If you go back to last week that was definitely an interesting comparison to see donald trump stuck in a courtroom in manhattan while joe biden is talking about the economy in the critical swing state of pennsylvania, hes in virginia today and going to be in florida later this week so we are seeing joe biden really getting around but donald trump is continuing to rely on these courthouse appearances, which is getting quite a bit of Media Attention attention, national and local attention. No one cup was during his rally in North Carolina are what was was to be his rally in North Carolina that was canceled due to weather so that was another Loss Opportunity for the former president to address supporters and we campaign. That will obviously be rescheduled but it really shows the fine line he is walking with campaigning. Sandra francesca that this give the current president , joe biden, the edge since you can be out campaigning . Well when you talk about North Carolina in particular, its a state that democrats now see as a potential Pickup Opportunity for them. And florida as well. And some might say that potentially stretched based on recent boarding history but democrats feeling that based on Abortion Rights and Abortion Rights to literally being unbalanced when it comes to florida for instance in the reason why President Biden will be the tomorrow is to one, sure that this is an issue that he cares about not just the Vice President. But two, because the campaign that theyre taking advantage of opportunities right now likely abortion band going into six week to be able to make their message. Sandra interesting you mentioned that. We can pull up some of the most recent fox news pulling on the georgia president ial preference right now. Biden at 45, hes gone down from the 2020 vote trumps 51. Michigan 46 , biden 49 . Donald trump, pennsylvania you can put that up on the screen, neck and neck, 4848. Wisconsin right now the same, 48 President Biden, 48 former president donald tr trump. So i dont know, francesca, please do reactor that is seems that the former president s is nurturing some of those margins in some of the key states. Ins weber suburban woman is an error that the Training Campaign says that it will be targeting to try to boost its numbers in those states on the issue of Abortion Rights but you also heard President Biden i think shook his messaging a little bit on the economy right now. Focusing more on tangible things that you would do he would do including a second term versus making as many comparisons with things like a Written Infrastructure for you, heres all the ways that i think im better than donald trump on the economy because voters just sort of feeling those things so now hes focusing on more things like affordable childcare, what he used the money for if he raises taxes on millionaires. Sandra well dig more in to the innocent second on the issue of abortion but first, julia, to you on this, this is a former Attorney General bill barr, we just heard from a moment ago, but also this over the weekend he had to say he had this to say on his decision to this support former President Donald Trump. Watch. Neil for all your problems with your former boss and other issues that he raised in office and all the damage you argue he had done, you are still supporting him over joe biden. That surprise you go in and surprise me. I know you had that before you would support their public and to get and you are but he is heading that ticket for all those words and problems you cited. Why . Im not happy with it the choice, i think its a terrible choice for the country but it is a choice at the end of the way we are to select between two different individuals and ive started all along, i think my duty to pick the person i think will do the least harm to the country and i think that that to me that is clearly trump and Republican Administration which i think is important. Sandra julia kreuz your action to that. Not happy with the choice but hell also support former President Donald Trump. You know, i think he is saying how a lot of voters feel. Whether they would support trump or biden. This is not a popular choice for, you know, much of america. Its not an enthusiastic choice. You see the basis of both parties really, you know, obviously resoundingly electing trump and trying to do with their standardbearers in but we see that a lot of the country is quite frankly find this choice not palatable going into november. Little want a 2020 round two, you know, there was really a 120 b. Some new blood. But we saw that the new labels obviously did not work. Now there is a third choice after choice seems to be our okay junior or he is a choice and you can certainly stand to be its boiler. I think a lot of it and we dont really know who he would pull from a Conventional Wyndham says he might pull from hurt kellyanne in the long run as opposed trump but were also seeing polling that shows he will hurt trump. So he is a wild card obviously. Sandra really interesting and receive the lack of enthusiasm for the upcoming president ial race classically showing up in the polls as well. Thank you to both of you for joining us, Julia Carpenters can, thank you. Fox news alert to what we are learning from and why others are a been covering the protozoa Columbia University. Now to and why you are affiliate of the ny w. Is bringing us this live feed from the nyu campus moment ago it showed right outside the Stern School Of Business it appears that the schools students are showing signs in the face of a camera there on campus but we are just getting word of this right now nyu has pleaded out just minutes ago following a breach in the barriers, i set up by the Fountain Walker ahead of nyu global Campus Safety just delivered the following message to those who are congregating on the plaza, the one Safety Requirement we made was that no one no additional protesters could enter the university with a breach of the barricades, that requirement was violated and we went this disorder, disruptive and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community. We cannot tolerate people getting hurt, he will need to clear the plaza by 4 00. That ship has sailed, were 20 minutes passed the deadline. Everyone if you need leave now, normal pace consequences for these actions with the police. Again we are 20 minutes passed the deadline and these limitations continue on the nyu campus and a reminder that when we just heard from a member of congress, Alexander Castle cartago on climate change, she referenced these demonstrations as peaceful and student led. So they have been asked to leave this demonstration and leave the campus and it is still continuing. So well see if as promised there are any consequences to their actions. We are watching this live out of nyu, New York City, more after this. It grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. Giving you a stronger lawn. Smell that freedom, eh . Get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, its guaranteed. Feed your lawn. Feed it. Skincarving next level hydration . 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And now there is more than 100 back here on campus through the university did allow us to come back on, we tried to talk to some of the demonstrators county werent interested in talk or just just a short time ago the president of the United States joe biden condemning a lot of these protest and a lot of the antisemitic remarks. Watch. You condemned the antisemitic protest on College Campuses . President biden i condemned the antisemitic protest that way of set up a program to deal with that. About the condemned there was would to understand whats going on in the with the palestinians and their to the Columbia University president resigned . President biden should she resigned . Sandra this afternoon i had four protesters arrested in front of the kids at Columbia University, new york just hours after their president s shifted all students to virtual classes calling for a reset. You will have to see what it dozens of times as you can take a life like right neck or back up on campus, the university called in the nypd just as it will sweep the socalled Gaza Solidarity Income and more than 100 students then were arrested for trespassing and then those students were suspended. The protests have corrupted here at columbia but theyre popping up across the country like at nyu where you just saw there also tens and hundreds of students rallying and this morning chaos on campus at Yale University in new haven connecticut and the university of michigan in ann arbor. Groups of students with bullies at yale telling students to either get out or get arrested. The president of Columbia University had a fantastic opportunity in front of congress to show the world last wednesday that she stood against antisemitism and all she did was like the congress. She said that students have been suspended because she said several professors who had said file file, violent exciting things against the jewish people were being removed and it turned out that all these lands are more than welcome to be on campus. Minouche shafik needs to resign and if she doesnt want to reside, you better do something about this because this is going from bad to worse. Will have to see what laid out here with the president s are not fun of her either so its not just the jewish students that are calling for her to resign and their parents will pay all this money to send them to the schools but also the forecasters. Once again we did try to talk to them, try to get in there and take a look at the incoming that we were not invited into will keep you posted if were anything from them, sandra. Sandra Alexis Mcadams keep us posted live at columbia as we are watching whats happening poorly out of nyu. Our next guest encountered exactly what we were discussing the growing threats on the College Campuses. Chris is that University Student scene in this milieu who said he felt terrified during this oncampus incident that happened on saturday and now joins us. By the way we did reach out to the yale University President for an interview and and have not yet heard back. Thank you for joining us today. Please do weigh and now and he is growing protest that are happening all over the country but in New York City we been watching Columbia University, to the north of your obviously whats happening in new haven, and now nyu campus weve got these live pictures of of a growing number of students protesting. What has this moment been like for you and what have you personally experienced oncampus . Absolutely pure microsoft thank you so much of her having me and two other jews out there, happy kosher passover. As i mentioned, you know, its truly terrifying. At as a jewish student at yale for the first time i feel like im just not welcome and that has been made abundantly clear to me and my peers, by these kind of actions. As we traversed campus we are harassed, we are flipped off, where people chanting free palestine and i know what we are when there are people shouting and using blowhards at 3 00 am in the morning and taking over our dining horse anyhow the libraries. Most recently as you see that video when i tried after the jewish sabbath and the two go on campus i was physically barred by these protesters that released writers as i notice that deano as i was jewish and he saw me and restricted mabry to move move around a common space which i had every right to walk around as much as anybody else. And to allow other students who clearly were not identified to be jewish to walk in and out only we were imputed. Later on selling her to the hospital and throughout all of this year remains unwilling to take the necessary step to really stand up for us sandra anybody who sees that who is looking unreasonably should not have to go through this and this is happening in america i mean i spoke with the student that at hands Columbia University on our program this afternoon. You witness other jews being spent on the Walker Campus come being violently threatened as they walked through the campus for my they dont feel safe out there about the rabbi there was saying about go home, youre not safe. And why all this is happ happening, youve got a member of congress bleeding in to the president of the latest a speech today how this democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez and ill get your reaction to this praising the protests that are happening on these College Campuses as peaceful might take a lesson. It is especially important that we remember the power of your people shaping this country today of all days as the one once again witness the leadership of those Peaceful Student Led Protests on campus like columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. Sandra Peaceful Student Led Protests. Youre reaction to that . I would ask where is the peace with jewish students being shoved and grabbed, having arms rub around them and obstructing you never moment, where the peace in people tearing down the american black at yales world one with the peace other items from jewish students in from assaulting and jabbing in jewish stu students i would apply. There is no peace of these events. s have gone to the wild. This is a mark, this is a right and yelled have has failed to proactively engage with it to try to prevent it and stand up for his principal values using reel action to expel and display to spin the Students Minister has been the copied opposite. To continue to present empty threats and in this case as has happened with us Saturday Night they removed the Police Presence and security from the scene leaving jewish students like myself completely at the mercy of this mob. So theres more theres no peace in this. People who are supporting terrorism God Glorifying terrorists with signs and memorials of set up in calling for the murder of jews around the world so theres no peace here. Sandra we wish the best for you and please do stay safe and i think by the way looking into some of these campuses and what the ability is for police to intervene when things are happening. We know columbias campus does not allow police to come in a letter pacifically called in by the university. But im being been told and why he was a bit a different situation and there might be more the police might have more control were digging into that. 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So you can focus on those special moments. Covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. Talk to your provider or visit freestylelibre. Us medicare sandra the senator to take up that 95 billion for in a package of their House Passage this week, many Border Patrol is expecting extreme disappointment as it lacks anything for the border here. Dr melissa moment. First and check in capitol hill what the political fallout. Good afternoon. The lack of Border Security is one of the biggest disappointments among conservatives with foreign aid package. Garat implored mike johnson to add Border Security to the bill especially if the house voted to aid ukraine. Frustrated that there is very clear, that brown, hrg magnet was voted on today was how was not part of the package and give cover to five democrats voted for it. Its mindboggling lily stupid people down on the floor. Conservatives are upset that the bill sends money to israel, ukraine and taiwan that is not paid for. That is why the right is fuming at House Speaker mike johnson. We continue to reach into our pockets to pay for these and less interventionism this new conservative when its not a real responsibility mack this should be being handled by germany, by italy, by france, the people who Marjorie Filigree did not try to unseat johnson over the weekend but that remains a threat. Meantime some republicans are arguing with each other over 24 ukraine. Ohios j. D. Vance opposes helping ukraine, Lindsey Graham is one of ukraines biggest advocates. I challenged j. D. Vance to go to ukraine and get a briefing from the agrarian military and talk to the ukrainian people then tell me what you think. Gop florida senator rick scott says the border is the number 1 issue facing the country, that the border of ukraine. Scott wants to add more provisions to the bill is that likely both on the gold tomorrow or wednesday. Chandra . Sandra well be watching for that with you. Chad, thank you. Agent with the National Border see here we are disappointed as it package makes its way to passage. Billions Vice President is one of them. Hes here to tell us why. Your thoughts . Its honestly its a Slap Interfaced to not just the man and woman were other but to the American Public and i believe right after the bill somebody said that now our allies at the people of ukraine [inaudible] america has their back all the while [inaudible] the American Public, you know, near the border because they need to find out who has their back because obviously this bill doesnt. Hopefully there are some provisions that are brought up [inaudible] couple of months ago with one of the border bells international Border Patrol also [inaudible] we dont want to do this because it sends money overseas yet here we are, you know, Going Forward and we have the bill by itself [inaudible] in its totality. Sandra what youre saying is so important to make sure you can into that my so we can pick up every word youre saying. But the point beyond even the basics of what youre laying out there is just give us a plan. I mean, you all are facing this crisis and the border every single day. You know what it takes, you know the resources you need. Just what is the plan . Those details are rarely ever laid out or given to you . And thats what it is to be frustrating like i said back those before but all he wanted to do was bring them up to the floor, look at them and make amendments do you can make amendments and fix but [inaudible] but here we are [inaudible] we have a bill that only covers overseas and completely ignores americans as Law Enforcement on the line, our borders. Is a complete slap in the face with everybody on the border. Sandra art, if you could, with so much news that is happening over the country and no with it being a president ial election year, were all over the place, coming out of the protest in the former president s trial happening here in manhattan, you know, our eyes are a little of the board at the moment, you know, and people depend on those life images to show what happening every hour of every day there. How would you characterize this point in the border crisis . It continues to be chaotic and you are right, you know, sometimes the new cycle will concentrate on other things but we need to continuously be talking about it because we dont want it to become the norm for the longest ti time, you know, visa groups that would enter in different areas and people would make it a amira gill out of it but fortunately it has become the norm [inaudible] using drugs at Record Numbers and a lot of people talk about it because [inaudible] is absolutely not the norm and at the end the only ones who are [inaudible] its not republican [inaudible] is the American Public that are losing innocent drug cartel that continued to line their pockets because of this chaos that are winning and there is a problem. Sandra and that is a big warning from you. Art del cueto, thank you for joining us today. Appreciate your time. Sandra are iranian proxies back to targeting where a series at Rocket Attacks on the heels of israel and irans actions are raising that very question. Will have the latest for you. Pneum plus new information as received at the israel protest now at new york university, this is a live look from our affiliate of the ny w. Outside and why y you. This is obviously this holiday gives the undersigned there outside the school of business, a great number of students as well as others have gathered there. You been told to disperse calorie have not. Where following this process live at nyu, we have looked more into some woman. Your bike. We do, too. Thats why were americas numberone motorcycle insurer. But do you have to wedge it into everything . What . I dont do that. This reminds me of my bike. The wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. Have you seen it, by the way . Happy birthday, grandma really . Look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. Hey hey brought my plusone. Jamie . If youve ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. 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The aggression following israels Counter Attack on iran last week and comes as tensions in the middle east or escalating. Fox news jeff paul has been following all from tel aviv for us. Hi, jeff. Hi, sandra. Has been nearly a month since weve seen any sort of attacks on u. S. Military bases here in the middle east but not of course all changing yesterday when u. S. Forces to respond to several rockets that were seemingly fired at a nearby base. All of this happening in northeastern syria. U. S. Official tells fox news the u. S. Forces had to respond to at least five rockets that were fired from an iranian proxy group. Notice knowing no u. S. Servicemembers were hurt or injured in the race was not damage, this is the 170 worse attack on u. S. Bases in the middle east since october 17th. Elsewhere in the region the Israeli Government is criticizing potential u. S. Sanctions on an idf group. s actions were reportedly aimed at the ultraorthodox battalion known as that so yehuda. The unit has been criticized for its treatment of palestinians including after the death of a 78yearold Palestinian American man. From Prime Minister Jimmy Netanyahu called the possibility of sanctions the peak of authority and a moral low. Voice of interpreter i will fiercely defend the idf and our fighters. If someone think they can enforce sections on an idf unit i will fight it with all my might. U. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken says that its decision on these possible sanctions could be made very soon meanwhile the israeli war cabinet members within its are hoping the u. S. Reconsiders. Sandra . Sandra jeff paul live in tel aviv for us, thank y you. So as tensions in the mother is flareup, how should the u. S. Be handling this latest Rocket Attack on usbased . Former pentagon official brett sadler joins us now. Go ahead and answer that one, how should we respond . How we should and how we most likely under the Current Administration are two different things. How we should respond at this point not even thinking about what we should have been doing in the month leading up to october 7th and now but i think a forceful response is required after the locations and the forces that made those attacks and foremost and hopefully that is occurring as we speak. Of course, the odds of that in this administration is not as are not as high as it should be remained other thing that should be made is a very clear message to tehran the deal attacks are being that would hold them to account and to continue to support and go after the irgc. Again the odds of that are also very low but again the timing for the resumption of these attacks just after their Prime Minister from iraq returned from a weeklong visit in the United States should not go unnoticed and also with the timing of israels response to irans attack just over a week ago. Sandra so to your point about what we should do and how we will respond based on your response, what message does that send to the world hour lack of response . Well if we dont respond the most likely is the performance of the past continues in to the future is that we will have more of these attacks and theyll spread again. We had 171 cents since october is that your earlier slideshows but again there was a low for the last month and a half to two months. Republic wearing togo back to those high levels, we are probably going to see increased activity against u. S. Forces not just in syria in and iraq but also in yemen. Sandra guarded. We appreciate rent, you joining us today. Weve got some breaking news, thank you for your time. We want to head back to his anti israel protest that are growing in rock and College Campuses now at nyu across the u. S. We are seeing this happen across the city coercing this happen, Alexis Mcadams has been at columbia. What a split screen this is. 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If people only knew that it really is about the dirt. Youre a dirt nerd. Huge dirt nerd. Im proud of it [ryan laughs] Fox News Alert. Regular Growing Protests that are having all over the country in New York City. We are watching one emerge at nyu, screen left probably have been reporting on and watching the developing situation at Columbia University. Alexis mcadams is back with us now. What can you tell us about whether or not these are growing in number and whether or not any threats are being made . Right now, nyu as we are starting to learn more about that, nyu has not called the police to intervene on campus yet. I think at this point, we are used to the protester the universities are used to the protests. The police are used to the protest. I have not asked nypd to come onto the campus. They were able to remove these tents. They are back up. Keep you walking this way as you can see the tents that are set up in the middle of this campus. Its the same situation right over at nyu where we had some Chopper Footage that showed how big of a protest it was. A handful of protesters and arrested in front of the gates of Columbia University today. That tents are already back up. They werent sure at this university was going to ask linda, and help where they came in the other day and removed all these people. 100 students were arrested and suspended. It could be the same situation over at the university a short drive away from here where lots of students are all near that campus. They are all protesting. It has happened near park as well where they overtake in that area. Because its private property, they have to be given the green light. It hasnt happened yet. We did ask if theyve been in communication with Columbia University. They had not heard from the president so far today. We do know that these protesters are supposed to wrap around 6 00 today. If they dont wrap by 6 00, they will ask the to come in and h help. The nypd had come in the other day. They said the nypd was violent. Several other outlets, they had no issues getting people in and out. It depends on who you talk to. Ive tried to talk to all these protesters who are blocking us now with their umbrellas. They are not interested in saying why they are out here to support the palestinian people. This is columbia obviously on the tents that have been sent out. They were asked to leave. They did not. Nothing is being done to remove them. To those live pictures outside of nyu, we have the aerials there as well. Outside of nyu, you can see someone carrying the israeli flag. You have the counterprotesters that do show up as well for the mayor of New York City was asked about this in a new interview. Calling some of the antisemitic language we are seeing at posters and slurs being used, it is vile and disgusting. His opinion does not determine the law. It is going to be up to these universities to call the police on campus if they want to clear these people out. Thanks for your reporting on the ground of thanks for joining us today. You can catch me and john roberts every weekday at 1 00 for america reports. The five starts right now. Dana hello, everyone. Im dani

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