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[the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner] [the starspangled banner] good Morning And Welcome to Fox And Friends, saturday, october 5, 2024. I happen to not be in studio with Will And Rachel because as you know, less than three months ago in butler, pennsylvania on July 13th Donald Trump was nearly assassinated and yet Stood Up afterwards immediately and yelled Fight Fight Fight, rallying of the faithful in that moment, he returns today to butler, pennsylvania in a rally in the same spot, looks almost identical from what we can see coming around the Vantage Point and im live here at the front of the line which began forming at 11 00 a. M. Yesterday so in few moments we will talk to folks that braved the chili weather. They are were ready to go to the rally. We had a chance to talk to a lot of the folks that were there, get their feelings about coming back and great to be here. Good morning. Rachel great to see youve been spending so much time in tennessee that 50 feels like 20. What a great thing for him to go back. I said thIs on the air, that was hIs braveheart moment the way he handled that. Of the way he rallied the nation with the words Fight Fight Fight and it looks like he Is going to get a Heros Welcome in butler, pennsylvania. Will we are broadcasting from our new studio in new York City where it Is bright as a Solar Flare in new york but we welcome you back to new york tomorrow. You bring up the Fight Fight Fight, you bring up the number of people standing behind pete and one of the parts of the story that Is overlooked Is the response of the Rally Goers that day who were so brave, so calm, so commendable. So when you hear the republican national Committee Cochair say thIs about the campaign you can say shes speaking as much about the people behind you as shes speaking about the candidate for president , lIsten to larra trump. In life i feel like you can operate in a place of Fear And Cowardice or you can operate out of a place of Strength And Faith and that Is who Donald Trump Is. I knew before he announced he wanted to go back to butler that thIs would be something he would want to do because hes trying to show leadership right now. ThIs Is a man who s not afraid of anything, he doesnt back away from a challenge and what you will see in butler, Pennsylvania Tomorrow Is a kind of Strength And Leadership we are desperate for and thIs Is going to be an emotional Rally Tomorrow and im looking forward to being there with erica. I think its going to be really incredible. Pete it might had to have different feel, might have about party fuel, the energy of the crowd. It will be interesting to to see thIs develop, to see how that field develops here as well. Lets take a moment, these folks have been braving the darkness and the cold and been waiting and the first individual in line, lets talk to some folks right now. How are we doing . [crowd chanting] [usa usa usa usa. Enthusiastic crowd. You want to be away . You are awake now. You are the first one in line. I came here yesterday at 11 00 am and have been waiting to attend thIs hIstoric rally. Reporter why did you want to be here so early to show your support as he returns to butler . ThIs Is my 30th Rally and why am i here . ThIs Is so hIstorical, second thing thIs Is the place where hes going to say something. I was about to say the last time, the reason i am here and want to support as much as i can, driving all over thIs country. Pete when did you get here . We drove from harrIsburg, pennsylvania. We been to multiple, we had to be here tonight. Pete you are wearing the shirt, the image, what Is it like to be back here . ThIs Is going to be the most epic, theres going to be a whole line of people here. Elon, everybody coming to support Donald Trump. A miracle happened here and everybody has to come and see it. Pete looses flavor of the folks here Is he retakes the stage and possibly says as i was saying, to continue hIs speech from last time. Rachel people realizing there was a miracle in butler, pennsylvania that day and coming back and i imagine they will also pay respects for those people who died, the man who died in that rally, the supporter and also injuries. Pete hIs entire family will be here and hIs wife, hIs daughters, they will all be here, yes. Will thIs Is what will be different from three months ago, the revamped security measures the Secret Service Is putting in place, Bulletproof Glass to protect Donald Trump as Is been used in every rally since that Assassination Attempt. ThIs Is the type of thing i read you would hope to have been in place the first time but will be in place thIs time. Perimeter secured early at increased Secret Service presents. One command post, one Communication Bridge and Law Enforcement will be on top of the Agr Building where the Wouldbe Assassin positioned himself. There will also be Hundreds Manpower increased by hundreds along with Surveillance Drones on site. Rachel they are getting a do over. How are you feeling about the security . What are you noticing since you are on the ground . Pete we drove around the fairground. As you heard from other people who have been here, its not very large and the dIstances are not very far. We drove right by the Agr Building, saw the very building where the shooter was and i am sure theres a presence there but it was basically one unmarked vehicle over watching that area. Its very early. We are told they were locking down the area overnight but its got a feeling of traffic Is going to be really bad. Security Is going to be really tight. You said it. Its a bit of a do over, Bulletproof Glass, its all very intimate. From where we are you see the flag draped, looks a lot like the rally from July 13th. Other Media Outlets outside of fox have not given what happened that day in butler thIs summer the kind of attention it deserves and we are looking forward to getting more reports from you on the ground throughout the hour. We are going to move to fox weather alert. Vice president Is'>Kamala HarrIs will survey Hurricane Damage in North Carolina after Donald Trump toured damage in Georgia Yesterday. The storm claiming 232 lives across 7 states. Reporter more than a week after the effects of Hurricane Helen Is a but you sort of the southeast Vice President Is'>Kamala HarrIs will vIsit North Carolina today after making a stop in Georgia Wednesday to survey the destruction. Or vIsit coming a day after Donald Trump was in North Carolina Friday Meeting with those affected by the storm. He also made a vIsit to Georgia Yesterday for a second time thIs week and when asked about how Storm Damage could impact voting in the battleground state, he said thIs. Im not thinking about voters right now im thinking about lives. To be honest its much bigger than anyThing Else but we are thinking about lives. A lot of lives lost. A lot of people mIssing. Thats what i would be focused on right now. These new Satellite Images show the extent of the Storm Destruction across the region where the Death Toll Is climbing above 230 people across 7 states, many residents feel the federal Isnt'>Government Isnt doing enough quickly enough to help. Havent seen female. Im just being patient and waiting. Ive heard rumors that they are around but havent seen anybody. We need help, we need somebody to start rolling in. The federal government facing criticIsm after it was a real fema spent 1. 4 billion allocated to two programs to assIst the migrants in 202324, President Biden saying he has to ask congress for more money to cover Hurricane Damage. President biden we have to deal with unforeseen cost of what thIs hurricane Is going to cost. Is going to cost a lot of money and im going to have to ask congress before we leave for more money to deal with those problems. That remains to be seen. Reporter President Biden vIsited the carolinas earlier thIs week. Will with little Government Help in sight. Military veterans as Is often the case are taking matters into their own hands, rushing in to help with Search And Rescue in parts of North Carolina. Rachel retard Green Beret says lawlessness Is on the rIse and warrants that hardhit places like asheville are becoming like the wild west. Pete Is teaming up with nonprofits there to help. Thanks so much for being with us. Lets talk first about what you know, you are so connected to thIs area. Your family goes back to hundred years. What are you hearing about the State Of Affairs in North Carolina . It Is a lot of what you heard on the last report which Is a lot of people feel like they havent seen the Government Presence at all. I talked to folks, she Is saying they havent seen any sign of fema, any troops, the other thing, my dad was an incident commander, ive been talking anonymous, there are people on the ground doing heroic things from the park service, the Forest Service but its a massive problem, we are talking about levels of devastation that will exceed katrina by the time it Is done. You see a lot of neighbors, a lot of veterans rushing into the parade to help but also a growing degree of Lawlessness And Violence thats very concerning to locals. Rachel it would be one thing if the Government Wasnt there but we werent paying for thIs money for the government to be there. That the frustration. I dont know if you recall what happened during katrina. Are you able to give a comparIson how quickly things got in motion in terms of Rescue And Help in katrina versus what you are seeing in North Carolina . What i can say Is talking to folks on the ground, i am talking to special ops veterans, but also relatives and local Community Leaders and they are saying the gap in response time particularly outside the immediate structural Law Stones has been massive. Pastor glenda said were it not for the efforts of neighbors and a lot of veterans and volunteers who came in with their own helicopters a lot of them wouldnt be there. They certainly wouldnt have Food Or Water and these are people still without water, still without food, without oxygen and there Is no way off these mountains so you are talking, we are looking at possibly months here so the response time has been really slow and thIs Is something ive heard consIstently across the board and when we do circle around for accountability its going to have to be looked at from Department Homeland Security all the way down because thIs affects potential terror strikes on multiple cities. Imagine thIs across ten cities. Pete what your organization doing and what are you hearing on the ground as far as Interaction Tween vets, private citizens who are tempting to help in the government . A lot of people are hearing conflicting reports of aid Is being prevented from going or fema Is consolidating it, private helicopters being dIscouraged from operating, what Is your sense of how much latitude civilians are being given to assIst given that the government has been so insufficient . We Stood Up Task Force Pineapple to flatten, as wherever we can working with Special Forces charitable trust which Task Force dynamo, still going to be doing amazing work so talking to them, ive heard a myriad of reports like that. The biggest concern, a lot of these private choppers, the only hope a lot of these people have. While the government Is getting its feet under it, it will take another week or so over the Incident Command System to really be operational but these private efforts have to continue because thats all that Is out there. Figuring out how to manage the private and public Sector Effort Is synchronized at an operational level and that has got to get sorted out because these volunteers are the biggest level of support they have right now and theyve got to figure out a way to synchronize that. Rachel No One represent the cando American Spirit better than you and it Is interesting to get more information from North Carolina that that spirit continues in spite of what the government Is doing, thank you. Thanks for having me on. Will ive talked to scott a lot thIs week. A lot of people recognize similarities to what they saw a year ago in maui, what you are seeing Is neighbors helping neighbors, churches filling such an important need in communities and to your question there are reports of for example as Scott Mentioned Helicopters being grounded, Airspace Being commandeered by the feds and you may have seen Elon Musk complain about it, it got resolved, Pete Buttigieg reached out, they cleared it out. Whats happening we will talk about in the morning. Honestly, Incompetence And Failure of leadership are the standard and you are in butler and thats the question for every american, who do you put in charge, what confidence do you put in places of leadership because in moments like thIs it Is exposed, it Is simply exposed. You dont want dei determining whos in charge of fema. Will or mIsplaced priorities. You need to be there for americans. Lets turn to some headlines. Go ahead real quick. Pete Scott Man wrote the Book Nobody Is coming to save you. That could not be more true than what we are seeing there. Will new York Citys first Deputy Mayor Is reportedly expected to resign one month after federal agents raided her home. New York Post sources say Kathy Hochul has been pressuring embattled mayor Eric Adams to clean house as he faces federal corruption charges. Telling the New York Post she wasnt forced to resign. Her husband who serves as City School Chancellor Is being pushed out of the Istration'>Adams AdminIstration and Is said to be replaced later thIs month. Boeing will return to the Bargaining Table with 33,000 striking machinIsts on monday. Last month machinIsts from the company, factors on the West Coast walked off the job demanding better Pay And Retirement benefits. Union workers gave up their paychecks, Lost Healthcare benefits last week. Some College Football action. Sixthranked oregon thrashing Michigan State last night 3110, Syracuse Rally against 25th ranked unlv for the 4441 over time. Alan Is stopped, still going. He gets loose. He wins the game. Jacqui Penn State takes on ucla at noon on fox. And those are your headlines. Jacqui democrats called trump a threat to democracy for years but what about these comments . They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. That has to stop. There Is no guarantee to Free Speech on Isinformation-or-hate'>MIsinformation Or Hate speech. Will Jonathan Turley sets the record straight next. Emergenc Crystals Pop and fizz when you throw them back. And who doesnt love a good throwback . Now with Vitamin D for the dark days of winter. There are many ways to do things. At old dominion freight line, we do them thIs way. ThIs way has people who start early. People who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. ThIs way uses technology and goes the extra mile to deliver your promIses ontime, every time. ThIs way Is why were the number one national Ltl Carrier for quality. For us, thIs way Is the right way which Is why its the only way we go. Why choose a mobile network built for places youll probably never be. Instead of for where you are most of the time . Xfinity mobile was designed for where you need it most. Xfinity internet customers, ask how to get a free 5g Phone and a second unlimited line free for a year. Will after spending years attacking trump as a threat to democracy, j. D. Vance laid out the rIsk to your central freedoms. I believe we have a threat to democracy in thIs country but it Is not the threat to democracy the Is'>Kamala HarrIs and Tim Walz want to talk about. It Is the threat of censorship and Is'>Kamala HarrIs saying rather than debate and persuaded her fellow americans she would like to censor people who engage in mIsinformation. Halyna hutchins Jonathan Turley lays out the fact saying the Is'>Biden HarrIs had been a station has been the most antifreespeech White House and two centuries. It can only worsen if she wins in november. Professor, thanks for being with us. Thats quite a statement, the worst in two centuries, there are periods of Syria Censorship in american hIstory. Kelly why you fear thIs Is the worst. I dIscuss thIs in my book the in the sensible right and thIs Is the most dangerous antifreespeech period in our hIstory because weve never seen an alliance like thIs, the governments, corporations, the media, academia all aligned in favor of Isting'>Censorship And BlacklIsting get. The Is'>Biden HarrIs adminIstration has been profoundly committed to that task. HarrIs particularly supported censorship for dIsinformation. Governor Tim Walz has been out there saying mIsinformation and Hate Speech are not protected under the constitution and theres a crushing Iron Age there in calling get further censorship of other citizens accused of dIsinformation the governor Is spreading dIsinformation. Hes been told repeatedly by many of us that he Is wrong, thats completely demonstrably wrong, the constitution does protect those forms of speech. Will harrIs and Tim Walz pushing for censorship. There has to be a responsibility placed on Social Media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. That has to stop. It Is undermining the Idea Mail in ballots arent legal. We need to push back on thIs. There Is no guarantee to freespeech on Isinformation-or-hate'>MIsinformation Or Hate speech and especially around our democracy. Will lets address those. When it comes to Web Content i have been confused whether or not he Is just plain ignorant or pushing for censorship. As you point out thats mIsinformation. He has also said the fire in a crowded theater line, that Is mIsinformation, thats not the limitation freespeech in america. Hasnt been since 1969. However, harrIs Is openly calling for censorship. Shes embracing it in a way that Is brazen. And shes not alone. You have two former democratic president ial nominees who have been going to the global elite asking for your of and others to censor fellow americans, Hillary Clinton did that after musk took over twitter, went to europe and said please use the digital services act, a horrific new law to censor fellow americans because Isnt'>Musk Isnt going to do it. Forced him to do it. Then you have John Kerry recently going to one of these international groups and saying the first amendment Is blocking us and these poor Governments Cant censor as much as they would want and the line about the crowded theater, i address in my book. It has come up in testimony where democratic members recited that lying to me and i told Representative Goldman from new york do you realize you are citing a line from a case that sent a socialIst to jail for opposing the draft by Passing Out a flyer, Is that the standard you want . He said we dont need a legal lecture but i think they do. These are the same voices saying the same things since the beginning of our republic, that they have a reason to silence others. Will Is pure mIsinformation, its not the standard. Brandenburg versus the united states, they need a legal lecture and some understanding of the united states constitution. Perhaps from you. Thanks for being with us thIs morning. Today, Donald Trump returns to the side of hIs first Assassination Attempt in butler, pennsylvania. We are alive all morning long. Pete on command they heard you here and broken to Trump Trump Trump and Fight Fight Fight because as you mentioned less than three months ago at thIs very location there was an attempted assassination on Donald Trump. He Is survived, Stood Up, encouraged of the crowd and said Fight Fight Fight and we are talking to a lot of people who are in line including wendy, you were here three months ago on July 13th, what Is it like to be back . It feels good actually. Just want to see Donald Trump get up there because we Fight Fight Fight, you dont bend the knee, you dont cower down. We are americans. We will talk to more folks that were there, some encouraging stories as well. Dont go anywhere. Were so happy to be in thIs great state. Were here to break ground on our newest veterans village. It■ll House Ninety of our heroes we are going to be performing a full Gut Renovation of thIs property. Each of these units Is an Efficiency Apartment that has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full Size Refrigerator and their own bathroom. Its their home. We dont build shelters. If frank Siller Wont Stay there or our donors wouldnt stay there, were not putting anybody else there. We have financial training we have job placement, interviews. Therell be representative here to help the vets get jobs. Everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. We■re here to help them do that. The second prong of our program, Is our national case management network. Anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness we provide them with direct financial assIstance so were able to help veterans in real time so the more support that we receive, the more we can support our veterans. Go to t2t. Org to donate 11 a month. Sheldon you know they say, losing hope, thats the real dIsaster. When Tropical Storm Fred sent a devastating wall of Is'>Water And DebrIs down thIs river, it seemed hopeless. But when the waters receded, belfor was here. Not just to rebuild, but to help restore the life of thIs community. Belfor. Restoring more than property. Jorge has always put the ones he loves first. But when it comes to caring for hIs teeth hes let hIs own maintenance take a back seat. Well maybe its time to shift gears on that. Aspen dental has complete, affordable care all under one roof. Plus 29 exams and xrays for new patients without insurance and 20 off Treatment Plans for everyone. Making it easier to get started with quality care. Its one more Way Aspen dental Is in your corner. Will Donald Trump returns to the site of hIs first Assassination Attempt in butler, pennsylvania where he will honor the life of the firefighter who was killed there. Rachel our next guest will speak at todays rally. Will pete Is in butler, pennsylvania with renee white. Pete we are here with renee white. You saw her in that shot wearing a similar or same tshirt. Not the same. I bought 4 of them because i got tired of going to Gas Stations and washing them in the sink and drying them out my window to get to the next rally but that was 32. ThIs Is 47 and trump Is going to be 47. 47 rallies for you. Will what was it like to be back here, you spoke to Lawrence Jones the next morning. What Is it like to be back . To be back Is crazy. It was surreal to come back into town. Was almost like a bittersweet, you are so excited to be back here and to finIsh what we started and to fight and to be here together and have the unity, to let trump we know he has hIs back like we have hours. To come back here was crazy because as i came into town it was an eerie feeling to drive by the place i parked, to go down the street that i went through the town and went Fight Fight Fight and we will never surrender and lets fight harder and people giving me fIst pumps and honking the horns, it was crazy to go back down there and to come back down there last night like it took me 16 hours thIs time to get there. I had to make a Couple Detours to pick up people and get them here so i am here, i am proud and happy. Reporter i would be remIss in not mentioning your from western North Carolina, your community has been directly affected by what happened by helene. What your response to the Governments Response . We just started getting fema up there. Weve been devastated. I had four days of not being able to contact my family, no cell phone service, no nothing. Its hard to go back there and see my community destroyed. We have been trying to trucks coming in, workers coming in, One Hundred other workers, retired marine, we put out the word and we are doing it ourselves, we can do it and we are working very hard to do it, but yeah. My Daughterinlaws Father was out, he came all the way from florence to come up to help and when he came up to help them, he was pulling out bodies out of Mud And Everything else so it Is not over yet. The Body Counts are going to go up and it Is very real and my kid pulled up at a Gas Station to try to get gas, they are limiting how much gas he can get and every Thing Else, theyve got generators in every Thing Else to run, 39th Agreeably 6 coming up really quick and have no electricity for another four weeks we are told so it Is hard on them. Do what you can, they need blankets and warm clothes and everyThing Else but when my son went to the Gas Station there were bodies in the back of the truck. Is 30 some years of age and has never seen anything like that before so to hear him and to hug him four days after was incredible to have that connection with him again but they are hardhit and smaller towns are not getting the help that the bigger towns are getting. I dont know if it Is political. I dont know what it Is but im telling you our small towns like in North Carolina we are the farthest northwestern, we go 11 miles to the Tennessee Border and weve got no help. No help. Will no help in a lot of places, still digging out from what happened, the tragedy, that will be a Topic Today and i know Donald Trump has been there, hes been to North Carolina leading the say we got to do more for these forgotten men and women. Thank you. All of you so much. One more thing, to be here Is really hard when i know my family Is suffering but my family said Keep Fighting, keep doing thIs. Thats why i keep going to these rallies, we have to Keep Fighting and let everybody know that we are here and we want a change, have to have a change. Back to the rally, talking to a lot of folks. Will thank you. Fox news alert, Israel launches fresh strikes on beirut amid clashes with hezbollah near the lebanese border. We have a live report. Will five chinese nationals are charged with covering up a vIsit to a military site. We talk to the chairman of the House China Committee who says he has been warning about the growing Ccp Threat in the state for months. If you have heart failure, farxiga can help you keep living life with the ones you love. Ask your doctor about farxiga today. Farxiga can cause serious Side Effects, including ketoacidosIs that may be fatal, dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital yeast infections, and low Blood Sugar. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of thIs infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosIs. Farxiga will Fox News alert, smoke Is rIsing as beirut after the idea of launched a new strike, New Wave of strikes, the jewIsh state Is planning a serious and significant response against iran nearly one year after the October 7th attacks. Nate foy live on the ground in Israel with the latest. Is real and has blood continue exchanging fire, the united states providing more support from Israel last night striking 15 targets in yemen belonging to the who the rebels. President biden Is weighing in on how he thinks Israel should respond to irans ballIstic mIssile attack. You may remember he cautioned Israel against striking irans nuclear facilities. Now he Is saying the same about irans oilfields. LIsten to thIs. President Biden Beer to release of not concluded what they are going to do, thats under dIscussion. If i were in their shoes i would be thinking about other alternatives. Reporter irans supreme leader spoke before thousands yesterday. He said that iran will attack Israel again if Israel responds to tuesdays attack. He also justified hamass atrocities on October 7th. Meanwhile Israel continues targeting hezbollah positions in beirut. There are reports that Israel killed the presumed successor to hassan but neither the Idf Nor Hezbollah have confirmed that. In southern lebanon, Israeli Ground Forces continue their limited offensives. An airstrike took out a Hezbollah Command Center inside a mask thIs morning. Israel Is also giving out Evacuation Orders in central gaza. And overnight airstrike hit a hamas Command Center located inside the school. A report from the New York Times thIs morning, us officials according to thIs report believe that Hamas Leader Is still alive and making critical decIsions for the terrorIst organizations. According to thIs report, hes hoping a regional war breaks out so that Israels-attention-wont'>Israels Attention Wont be so focused on hamas. Rachel President Biden facing questions about the federal response to helene as we learn fema doesnt have the funds for the rest of the hurricane season. President biden we have to deal with unforeseen cost of what thIs hurricane could cost. Its going to cost a lot of money and i will probably have to ask the congress before we leave for more money to deal with some of those problems but that remains to be seen. Reporter republicans are ripping fema for spending 1. 4 billion to address the needs of illegal immigrants instead of preparing for storm relief. You to reactors michigan congressman John Mullen are. Tell us about thIs money that was spent, i guess they raided fema to give it to illegal immigrants, what do you know about it, what should americans know about it . What americans should know, our Top Priority Is helping the Search And Rescue and making sure we have the resources on the ground to help the people who are affected by thIs hurricane. It has been devastating. Fema Is on the front lines and we want to have them supported anyway possible. I know theres tremendous efforts, samaritans purse, the red cross, many neighbors helping neighbors so thats the positive thing Happening Now and want to continue to encourage that. When it comes to fema, they have various funds and its important that we dedicate those funds right now to thIs dIsaster relief. There been concerns raIsed on how they have been Spending Funds and that a legitimate Concern And Congress has oversight and make sure there would be accountability and transparency. Rachel what im asking Is do you have knowledge that Fema Funds were rated to give to illegal immigrants . That s a question that, theres different funds within the Fema Orbit if you will. Ive not seen specific evidence of that. I will say there are different pockets of Funding Theyve been using for immigrants and illegal immigrants, we of course have been making sure Theres Accountability that funds are not used inappropriately. At the same time, fema, the leadership as well as Homeland Security leadership has said that they have the funding they need to help with thIs emergency. My belief Is they do. We will continue to monitor whatever Is needed in the future to support families affected by it. Will congress should know what happened with any of these funds. The american people wanted to go to americans especially in times of need. I want to move to the second topic which Is the Is-campaign'>HarrIs Campaign Is in your state of michigan and she says america, shes going to make sure america and not china wins the competition for the 21st century but thIs as we learn there were students who were charged with espionage. I want you to hear her remarks and we will talk about these students. I will make sure that america, not china, wins the competition for the 21st century. [cheers and applause] which Is why under my plan we will invest in the industries that built america, like steel, iron, and the Great American Auto Industry and we will ensure that the next generation improves from advanced batteries to electric vehicles are not only invented but built right here in america by American Union workers. Rachel her boss said dont worry about china, they are never going to eat our lunch but now you are telling me that in michigan, you could fill our viewers in on what happened with those students and why we should be worried about china. From the standpoint of the Auto Industry these biden regulations are forcing the Auto Industry in america to play on chinas homefield. We are forcing them to use technologies, minerals the china has dominated so its exactly the wrong strategy to grow jobs in the Auto Industry in michigan, clearly in the area of batteries, china already has 2 thirds of the batteries, these policies of the Is'>Biden HarrIs adminIstration encourages more of the Battery Dominance by china so its the wrong direction. Recently, we had a situation where we trained military forces, we trained international forces, including, Military Leaders from taiwan, the biden adminIstration Is funding a project that would have batteries developed by chinese nationals within A Hundred miles of that and there have been five charged with espionage. AIshah rachel a lot of people are going to be wondering who really Is going to be tough on china in the next election. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. More Fox And Friends next. DIscover the power of wegovy®. With wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. And some lost over 46 pounds. And im keeping the weight off. Wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. Im reducing my rIsk. Wegovy® Is the only fdaapproved Weightmanagement Medicine thats proven to reduce rIsk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known Isease'>Heart DIsease and with either obesity or overweight. Wegovy® shouldnt be used with Semaglutide Or Glp1 medicines. 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Check your Cost And Coverage before talking to your Health Care professional about wegovy®. Rachel an annual tradition on Fox And Friends to celebrate the Fall Season with a beautiful Fall Festival. Will joining us Is actually asdoll of ryan mead farmer. Thank you for your service and for being with us. Fall festivals are very northeastern in my experience. I didnt grow up going to Fall Festival to the extent you guys embrace them but im here it Is a really fun thing. They introduce people to agriculture and farms they dont get to see very often. Rachel you have apples today. Five types of interesting apples. The kanga david. In 1898. I dont know, that was something, a little bit on the sweeter side, nice for a pie, supertasty. Lots of things they can do. First off, pick apples. We have 30 acres, oldfashioned Apple Trees planted in the 30s. Weve taken care of that. I think of myself as a steward of the land in addition to a business owner. Important to keep farming in the north. I love people supporting their local family farms in the fall. Really fun and Mom And Pop Apple Pie literally. Todd get the apple cider, where can we find it quickly . Chester, new jersey, morrIs county. Han Is 22 years old. Hes not just a pet, he really Is a part of our family. Knowing that hes getting good nutrition, thats a huge relief for me and my dad. sings old Bean Piglet Head yes that Is your name. If you saw hIs Piglet Head you would say the same. Toot toot. At ameriprIse financial our advice Is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. All that planning has paid off. Looks like you can make thIs work. We can make thIs work. And the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice. I can make thIs work. That seems to be universal. I can make thIs work. I can make thIs work. No wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. Because advice worth lIstening to Is advice worth talking about. AmeriprIse financial

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