Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20190124:21:31:00

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a recent surprise announcement that washington plans to withdraw american forces from syria left many commentators asking who will step into the breach so our question on quadriga this week is two years of trump what next from the wrecking ball and to discuss that question i'm joined by three astute observations here in the studio beginning with grace doe bush who's an american freelance journalist and an editor at the business daily hundreds but she says trump has brought out some very construe color interesting stuff also with us is matthew carney chief europe correspondent with politico he says he's trump may be the president everybody loves to hate what's harder to acknowledge though that his impact hasn't been all bad. and a warm welcome to developing her nerve valerie has a trance atlantic background and works for spiegel online and she argues that donald trump is divided not only. nation but also the world america's allies no

Related Keywords

Us , Trump , Question , Northern Syria , Quadriga , Forces , Wrecking Ball , Breach , Surprise Announcement , Commentators , Washington , Two , Trump Bo S , Grace Doe Bush , Studio , Observations , Editor , Business Daily Hundreds , Freelance Journalist , Three , Donald Trump , Europe , Chief , Stuff , Everybody , Politico , Impact , Correspondent , Bad , Nation , Background , Valerie , Nerve , Spiegel , Allies , Trance Atlantic ,

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