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saying the evidence is overwhelming. clear, undisputed but we have everything we could possibly need to impeach donald trump right now. and at the same time, you heard chuck schumer over in the senate say again, we need more evidence and more testimony for the trial in the senate. he knew he was being handed a house of cards. and i think that nancy pelosi knew that as well, which is why she is slamming the brakes on sending the articles of impeachment over. they know that home-court advantage goes away over in the senate. it's not adam schiff, both prosecutors and judges, it is john roberts ruling fairly on evidence that they don't have, and that makes for a very short trial. >> jason: congressman mcclintock, nancy pelosi is not sending the articles over to the senate. what is your read and what is your take what that really means? >> what that means is they are playing politics with this. they have been from the start and people can see that clearly.

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Senate , Everything , Evidence , T Stand Donald Trump , Trial , Chuck Schumer , Testimony , Clear , Impeachment , Nancy Pelosi , Articles , House Of Cards , Home Court Advantage , Well , Brakes , Jason Chaffetz , Congressman Mcclintock , Judges , Congressman Schiff , Prosecutors , John Roberts , People , Take , Politics , Start ,

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