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Are significant. The israeli army claimed that five palestinian paratroopers landed near the army forces of this regime. The zionists also claimed that they targeted some of these people. It is reported from the border developments between palestine and lebanon that a number of Resistance Forces from southern lebanon with they attacked the border base of this regime by cutting the wires of the mayor. According to the al jazeera network, the conflict between the resistance fighters and the zionists has been going on for weeks. They were martyred. Shahab reporter, quoting channel 13 of the zionist regime , reported that a number of soldiers of this regime were injured in a clash with armed elements on the borders of lebanon. As reported by al jazeera tv channel, alquds battalions , the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement , carried out todays attack on the southern borders of lebanon and occupied palestine. Coinciding with the 23rd of rabi alawwal, the anniversary of the arrival of Hazrat Fatima masoumeh, peace be upon her, in the city of qom the people of this city moved from masoomiyah square to the shrine of the prophet to symbolically welcome the crimean caravan of the ahl albayt peace be upon them . A special program was also held in the shrine of lady karamet. Today, a symbolic caravan of camels is on its way to the court from the path you took to qom. Hazrat masoumeh, you blessed us by coming to our city, and made our city clean. I say this to everyone, especially the ethnic groups that are happy in this city , and that in these cities, many people come from all over the country to welcome men and women and old people. Young children and minors. I came to thank god for today one day, i came to visit Hazrat Masoumeh. I congratulate you today from which musa came from tehran. I was in khuzestan, shiraz. We are full of life. Today, Hazrat Masoumeh has come, i swear to give this money and yes to these flowers. Your devotees say how fortunate we are that our intercession is in your hands. The honor that belongs to all shiites is that the intercession of Hazrat Masoumeh includes all shiites, especially the lovers and lovers of Hazrat Masoumeh. You are the guiding moments of our lives it will be recorded in your court that i am very happy in this city because of your blessings and mercy in our country , and we are truly blessed that hazrat masoum is here. Ahmaddi khabarari of qom sed and radio. The National Oil Company is not exempted from the court of accounts to achieve financial discipline. In the meeting with the managing director of the National Oil Company, the head of the audit bureau said that some of the accounts of the oil sector and its subsidiaries have not yet been transferred to the accounts of the treasury unit. The court of accounts will pursue the cases of trespassers in the treasury unit in the courthouse they do. Four new metro stations on lines 6 and 7 of tehran will be put into operation today, at the same time as the construction work of line 10 of tehran metro will begin. Operation of four stations and 9 kilometers of the new tehran metro line at a cost of over 6 thousand billion tomans. By the end of the year 12 , we will actually open another 10 kilometers inside the city. 6 km in line 6 and 4 km in two sections in line 7. With the opening of shahr zeba shahran and shahid arman aliyovardi stations, 6 kilometers will be added to the length of line 6 and the meydon kitab station will add more than two and a half kilometers to the length of line 7 of the capital metro. 6 km with three important stations on line 6 of tehran. We will give the noble people of tehran in that area. Tehran Metro Network is currently serving the citizens with 15 stations, including the four new stations, the number of metro stations reaches 154. Today, as we speak, 15 metro stations will be added to the lines. At the same time with operation of these four stations of heffer tunnel operation of metro line 10 with 34 stations will also begin. 47 km with 34 stations starts from the third floor of trumpas and actually continues until kerash in tehran. I am grateful to you for presenting the collection of 34 tice. The first amount. Tomane, which was signed with khatama manufacturer, the first one of this line actually starts drilling from here and this one starts from here and goes to jannat abad. 17 textile industry in 1401 said the amount of import of pu machines last year also increased by 38 compared to the Previous Year , which indicates the growth of the textile industry. The amount of import of our clothing machinery was 104. 7 Million Dollars in the year. In 1401, the import of clothing machinery was 59 Million Dollars, the difference between 42 Million Dollars and 59 Million Dollars, how many percentages can you calculate, by this percentage, we imported more clothing machinery into the country, my number shows that my clothing industry is a growing industry, mr. Georgia also reported a 25 increase in the import of cotton fibers in the first 6 months of this year compared to the same period last year salal informed and added that this amount shows the stability in the production chain and the growth of the textile industry. More than a million thousand people are employed in the production of textile, clothing, bags and shoes. Stay with us. With the developments of the occupied territories on the khabar do network. Gaza is a name that refers to palestine and its occupation. The gaza strip is 40 km long and 10 km wide , and is located next to the National Song sea and borders egypt and occupied palestine. More than 1. 7 Million People live in this area. This area was given to egypt at the end of the arab and zionist war in 1948 it was occupied by the zionist regime in 1967, and finally, in september, under the influence of the palestinian peoples resistance, it was forced to leave the gaza strip, and after 38 days, with the withdrawal of the zionist forces , it came under the control of the palestinian government. A year later, in the first free elections of this region, the overwhelming majority of people voted for resistance. It was this victory that turned gaza into the center of the struggle against the Zionist Occupation in the region, and why they could not stop this victory became a constant regret for the zionist authorities. Hamas came to power and two factions were created between ramallah and gaza. I can not to judge maybe some people consider the palestinian side and hamas to be responsible, and some consider the United States to be responsible. Because he did not have the necessary followup, they should be held responsible. Some may blame israel. The zionists lie. They and their allies did everything to prevent the resistance from taking power in gaza. From the beginning, they refused to accept the results of the elections, which all International Institutions had confirmed to be healthy. The next reaction of the zionist supporters was related to the sanctions tactic and the narrow people of gaza were targeted for sanctions because they had voted for the resistance. Other zionists surrounded the light of gaza from land, sky and sea. To end the siege, hamas agreed to form a government of National Unity and leave the control of some important ministries to the compromise movement. After the makkah agreement , the Hamas Movement renounced the main ministries for the realization of the unity of the palestinian nation. But the siege of the gaza strip continued. Finally, the zionist regime , which did not see the embargo and blockade as enough , started an allout war at the end of 208 ad to destroy the hamas celebration, which lasted for 22 days. In this unequal war, more than 145 places palestinians were martyred and more than 5 thousand people were injured. In this war, the zionists deliberately and purposefully targeted the children of gaza in order to deprive the people of gaza from generations and to force them to leave their homes and lands by creating terror. Children played here. One of the military boats hit andazi and a number of them were injured. After that, another military boat shot at them and they flew up like kites, and i didnt even see their blood shed. During this war, all the infrastructures of the gaza strip were heavily attacked. Patient. Provinces, schools, and peoples homes were one of the main targets of the zionists in these attacks, to the point where the voice of American Jewish policy protest was raised. The devastation caused during the gaza war was far beyond what was necessary for military purposes. Many civilians were killed and many hospitals , schools and apartments were destroyed. On the 29th of december 2007, after 22 days of resistance against the zionist regimes attack in mossom, the people of gaza forced them to fail and in this war , for the first time, the zionist regime with all its might and his own forces and with the support of external powers such as america had been completely defeated. On this occasion, the 2nd of december has been called gaza day to remind the zionists crimes and the resistance of the people of gaza , but the reaction of human rights organizations was only silence. The silence of human Rights Groups had made the zionists expect to end the resistance in gaza with a military attack. On wednesday , november 14, 2019, ahmed aljabari, the Deputy Commander of the antiqassam battalions, was assassinated. After the assassination of aljabari, the Zionist Occupation forces launched a massive invasion under the name operation column clouds are beginning to descend on gaza. The extensive operation of the zionists in 8 days resulted in 1,300 martyrs and wounded in palestine. Ahmad aljaabi and a large number of hamas relatives were assassinated. More than 130 palestinians were killed and 900 of them were injured. I thank america for its Financial Support in this regard. In their calculations, the zionists considered the work of the resistance to be over, but the response of the resistance to this invasion is operation sang pai sejil. For the first time, the resistance targets tel aviv with five fajr missiles and shakes the zionists. Disruption the calculations of the zionists once again caused their constant supporter to fall, and the American Foreign minister is trying to activate the axis of compromise in the region by traveling to the region in order to ensure the security of the zionists as soon as possible by establishing a ceasefire. America , together with its partners in the region , will work to maintain israels security in the coming days. I emphasized with president morsi, Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas that there is no other option but to accept peace. Although the zionists had agreed during the ceasefire to end the siege of the gaza strip, this commitment of the zionists was never fulfilled. It was carried out and a few years later, while the siege of gaza was 7 years old , they started another brutal attack on gaza. On the 12th of june 2014, the zionist army, which had created the iron dome Defense System with the help of the United States to counter antimissiles, and on the other hand thought that the longterm siege of gaza had left no more strength to resist again. Attacked this area. As in the past , citizens, women and children are the most victims of that barbaric attack. Form. Zionists at least 6 shelters from civilian shelters they deliberately attacked under the supervision of the United Nations and left more than 200 dead and 10,000 wounded in the story. The 51day war of the zionist regime against gaza has undoubtedly been a victory for the resistance groups and the people of gaza and a failure for the zionist regime , although 2,158 palestinian citizens were martyred in this war and more than 11,000 people were injured, and the infrastructure of gaza was destroyed and the conditions life became more difficult for the people of gaza, but their resistance and proof that they will defend their land and ideals to the end caused the zionists to eagerly want a ceasefire. Ceasefire in operation sarrab melting brought us to the pillars of hebrew agreement, and then we reached the hard rock agreement. Which way are we going . Palestine. During the truce , they built a city underground and produced many rockets that reach all over israel, including bengurion airport. The future war is waiting for us and it will surely be more painful and violent. After the 51day war , the zionists attention to expansionism in the west bank continued strongly. In the last of these expansionisms, they tried to the people. Sheikh jarrah neighborhood should be expelled from his house and kashanane. We occupy the houses one after another because we will prove in the court that this area belongs to the jews, thats why this area will become a jewish neighborhood. Our goal is to make East Jerusalem the same as west jerusalem. The jewish capital of israel. They are trying to get people from their homes in sheikh neighborhood. Remove the surgeon. This is the second time that these people have been forced out of their homes. These people were once again ethnically cleansed in 1948. But despite all sanctions and sieges , Islamic Resistance has formed in gaza, this time they came to the aid of the oppressed people of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and warned. If the zionist regime oppresses the palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Not giving up will cost you dearly. Today, we have seen that the zionists have polluted quds and Sheikh Jarrah area with their corruption, and they believe that they can destroy alaqsa mosque. They can expel our citizens from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. They think they can divide alaqsa mosque in terms of time and place. They corrupt, we have warned them many times. The zionists, who had recently signed reconciliation agreements with some arab governments , attacked the worshipers in alaqsa mosque on quds day and they desecrated this mosque. More than 30 people were injured in the attacks of the zionist forces on the palestinian worshipers at the mutkaf in the alaqsa mosque. At the same time as the zionist forces suppressed the protests of the palestinians living in jerusalem , the planes of this regime bombarded the areas in the gaza strip, fearing the reaction of the Islamic Resistance , the target, as always, was the children of gaza. But the response of the resistance was shocking for the zionists. The decisionmaking authorities in israel, whether military or political, are shocked by the power of the Palestinian Resistance groups to attack the depth of israel with a large number of rockets , and were shocked by hundreds of rockets from the gaza strip. It covers all the occupied territories, it showed that the era of onesided security for the urban dwellers has ended, until this time, the zionists demanded a ceasefire by withdrawing from the evacuation of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood , but despite this, they continued throughout the 11 days of the war. They destroyed the infrastructure of gaza and once again targeted children. It was a terrible day for me. I cant stop thinking about what i saw. Imagine your children being destroyed in front of your eyes. It was the most horrible crime i had ever seen. Against children. The zionists are disappointed in the battle this Time Military with resistance, once again to its policy of sanctions and economic blockade. Every one or two or three years of war, we, our children and our families are tolerated. Our life in gaza is indescribable. We do not have a life here, we do not have drinking water, we do not have food, we do not have electricity and hospitals like other people. Gaza does not want to surrender. I am a resident of the gaza strip. I wore eid clothes, but because of the war , we could not congratulate each other on eid ulfitr. In the war to the head we will go, we are not afraid because our spirit is strong. When we see resistance missiles that respond to every air attack with a missile attack , we are afraid of destruction, but we are hopeful that we will return to our land, we will return to the land of palestine, which is the land of our ancestors, so haifa and jaffa and all of palestine will return to us again and we will pray in alaqsa mosque. God is great, god is great. Information information information information i swear god is great, god is great

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