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Islamic movement of nigeria established 300 islamic schools in this country and its neighboring countries. Number the followers of ahl albayt peace be upon him in nigeria reached millions with his efforts. Zakzaky was arrested and imprisoned in the attack of the Nigerian Army forces on hosseini baqitullah, may god bless him and grant him peace, in zaria city in 2013. About 2,000 nigerian shiites, some of whom were Sheikh Zakzakys children, were martyred in this attack. After 6 years of imprisonment, Sheikh Ebrahim zakzaky and his wife were acquitted of all charges and released on august 6, 1400. Channel 14 of the zionist regime reported that several zionists were killed or injured in the palestinian rocket attack on the metropolis. After the end of the deadline for the zionist settlers in esqlan, the battalions launched an unprecedented missile attack on this zionist settlement. The qassam brigades announced if the occupiers do not stop the policy of displacing Palestinian Civilians , the esqlan rocket attacks will continue until the complete expulsion of the settlers, and after their expulsion, the resistance will move to other settlements. The deadline was also the target of the new round of resistance missile attacks. The qassam brigades announced that they targeted tel Avivs Ben Gurion airport in response to the zionist regimes attacks on civilians. Following this attack, sirens the danger sounded at bangoryan airport. However , following the departure of foreign citizens, south korean nationals also left occupied palestine. About 20 south korean citizens entered their country on a special flight. The ministry of Foreign Affairs of germany advised its nationals to leave occupied palestine following the unrest. The American Embassy in the occupied territories also announced. This country has provided special flights for the departure of its citizens. The Russian Ambassador in the occupied territories also said hundreds of citizens of this country have applied to leave. More than 302 thais to leave the occupied territories they took action. Brazil and poland started evacuating their citizens from occupied palestine two days ago. The continuation of the reactions of the people of iran and islamic countries to the victories of the palestinian fighters. The latest survey of the countrys cultural Monitoring Center shows that more than three quarters of the people of iran consider it their duty to support the palestinian people. Continued news indians welcomed the products of iranian sciencebased companies. Iranian knowledgebased Companies Participated in the Indian International medical equipment exhibition for the second year. Last year, iran exported 15 Million Dollars of sciencebased medical equipment to india. This is the hand of an Iranian Elite young man who has a new way and knowledge banyan is taking an ecg, one of the officials of the companies explaining the medical equipment in india is in india, we are looking for such products. These equipments help to improve the lives of patients. They met and talked with iranians to cooperate with each other. In this booth, in addition to this product, a digital phone is also offered. This is one of the stalls of iranian medical equipment on the 34th. Indias medical equipment exhibition. Those who refer are from different spectrums of explainer, producer, doctor and all of them are very interested and in fact they declare that they are interested. They want to cooperate with us. This year, 6 companies producing knowledgebased medical equipment from our country participated in the big medical Equipment Market of india. Last year they also had a company that signed several contracts and alhamdulillah we are witnessing its results in the indian market. Indian companies are very satisfied with the quality of iranian products and cooperation with iranian companies. Some advanced iranian medical equipment presented in this exhibition has few competitors. In the world and the Global Markets are ready to receive the products of Iranian Elites , an iranian equipment based on rna for doctors , more facilities and the easiest to diagnose diseases and provide treatment. 75 medical Equipment Manufacturing companies from 20 countries of the world presented their latest achievements at the indian medical equipment exhibition in 3 days. More than 60 of the medical equipment needed by the large indian market is imported. Our countrys knowledgebased medical equipment manufacturers can gain a share of this market by participating in such an exhibition and communicating with indian companies. The minister of science , research and technology said that from now on, 30 per year scholarships will be awarded to students from member countries in various fields of study. The meeting of the science ministers of the dasht countries was held at Sinai University in hamedan. It is a very good meeting to bring together the ministers of islamic countries, especially those who are on the 8th. International cooperation in the field of Student Recruitment and transfer among these eight countries and diplomacy and scientific, technological and Innovation Cooperation was the most important focus of the cooperation of this meeting. They put forward various proposals regarding the way of cooperation in the field of science and Breeding Technology and it was approved. Some Research Problems related to all countries they were set as criteria and it was decided that the priority should be in the field of research that all countries suffer from and it is supposed to be jointly invested. In this meeting, the subject of the study review of d8 member students, the approval of students Sports Education qualifications and the continuation of scientific and Research Cooperation between the eight countries of iran, malaysia, turkey, bangladesh , pakistan, nigeria, egypt and indonesia were discussed. We do not consider the university as an ordinary university. Because there are many ordinary universities. There is a special university whose goal should be to solve the problems of these 8 countries tick especially the problems of the environment, the water problem that iran and pakistan are facing now are very dangerous to find a solution for these problems. In this meeting , an educational and researchoriented Cooperation Agreement was concluded between the top universities of malaysia and disht International University in hamedan. Heidary. Hamedan radio and Television News agency, the end of this khodangdar news section. Ghaz is a name that is tied to palestine and its occupation by the zionists. The gaza strip is 40 km long and 10 km wide and is located next to the Mediterranean Sea and borders egypt and occupied palestine. There are more than one million and 700 thousand people in this area live. This area, which was given to egypt at the end of the arab war and the zionist regime in 1948, was occupied by the regime in the 6day war of 1967 , and finally in september 200, the zionists were forced to leave the gaza strip under the influence of the palestinian peoples resistance, and after 38 the day with the retreat of the zionist forces under the control of the palestinian authority. It was decided a year later and in the first free elections of this region, the overwhelming majority of people voted for resistance. It was this victory that turned gaza into the center of the struggle against the Zionist Occupation in the region and why they could not stop this victory. It became a regret for the zionist authorities. Hamas came to power and two factions were created between ramallah and gaza. I cant judge. Maybe some people consider the palestinian side and hamas responsible, and some people consider america responsible for not having the necessary followup. Some may blame israel. The zionists lie. They and their allies will do everything until the resistance takes over the power in gaza. From the beginning, they refused to accept the results of the elections that all International Institutions had confirmed to be healthy. The next reaction of the supporters of the zionists resorted to tactics it was a ban. The narrow people of gaza were targeted for sanctions because they had voted for the resistance. In another step, the zionists surrounded the light of gaza from the ground, the sky and the door. In order to end the siege, hamas agreed to form a National Unity government and leave the control of some important ministries to the compromise movement. After the makkah agreement, the Hamas Movement renounced the main ministries for the realization of the unity of the palestinian nation. But the siege of the gaza strip continued. Finally, the zionist regime, which did not see the embargo and blockade as enough , started a fullscale war at the end of 208 ad the destruction of the hamas celebration began, which lasted for 22 days. In this unequal war, more than 145 palestinians were martyred and more than 5 thousand people were injured. In this war, the zionists deliberately and purposefully targeted the children of gaza in order to deprive the people of gaza from the future generations and to force them to leave their homes and lands by creating terror and fear. Children were playing here. One of the military boats hit andazi and a number of them were injured. During this war, all the infrastructures of the gaza strip were severely attacked , hospitals, schools and peoples homes. It was one of the main goals of the zionists in these attacks, to the extent that it raised the voice of protest against the American Jewish policy. Iran, which was created during the gaza war , was far beyond what was necessary for military purposes. Many civilians were killed and many hospitals , schools and apartments were destroyed. On the 29th of diyeh 2007, after 22 days of resistance against the zionist regime s attack, they were forced to retreat, and for the first time in this war, the zionist regime with all its strength and forces and with the support of the powers of the external like america, it was completely failed. The 2nd of december has been called gaza day to commemorate the crimes of the zionists and the resistance of the people of gaza, but the reaction of human rights organizations was only silence. The silence of the human rights assemblies had threatened the zionists to end the resistance in gaza with a military attack. On wednesday, november 14 , 2012, ahmed aljabari, the Deputy Commander of antiqassam battalions, was assassinated. After aljabaris assassination, the Zionist Occupation forces launched a massive invasion of gaza under the title of operation column of clouds. They do extensive operations in 8 days, the zionists had 1,300 martyrs and wounded in palestine. Ahmad aljabari , many of the relatives of hamas were assassinated. More than 130 palestinians were killed and 90 of them were wounded. I thank the us for its Financial Support in this regard. In their calculations , the zionists consider the resistance work to be over, but the resistances response to this invasion is an operation called sejyl stones, for the first time, the resistance is targeted by fajr 5 missiles in tel aviv. Gives and shakes the bodies of the zionists. Disruption of the calculations of the zionists, again at the feet of the eternal supporter he brought them together and the foreign minister of the United States is trying to activate the axis of compromise in the region by making a trip to the region in order to ensure the safety of the zionists by establishing a ceasefire as soon as possible. America, together with its partners in the region, during my days with president morsi, binyamin netanyahu, and mahmoud abbas, i emphasized that there is no alternative but to accept peace. Although the zionists had agreed during the ceasefire to end the siege of the gaza strip, but this commitment of the zionists was never implemented and a few years later , when the siege of gaza had been 7 years, there was a brutal attack. They started another to gaza. On the 12th of june 2014, the zionist army, which had created the iron dome Defense System with the help of the United States to counter resistance missiles, and on the other hand thought that the longterm siege of gaza had left no power to resist again. Attacked this area. As in the past , citizens, women and children are the most victims of that barbaric attack. The zionists deliberately attacked at least 6 military shelters under the supervision of the United Nations , and more than 2,000 people were killed and 10,000 were injured. They left gaza behind. The 51day war of the zionist regime against gaza has undoubtedly been a victory for the resistance groups and the people of gaza and a failure for the zionist regime. Although 218 palestinian citizens were martyred in this war and more than 11 thousand people were injured. And because of the destruction of the buildings in gaza, the Living Conditions became more difficult for the people of gaza. But their resistance and proving that they will defend their land and ideals until the end of their lives was the cause. They are eager to establish a ceasefire. The ceasefire in operation molten leader led us to the pillars of cloud agreement, and then we reached the hard rock agreement. Which way are you going . Shall we go during the truce, the palestinians built a city underground and produced many rockets that reach all over israel, including ben gurion airport. The future war is waiting for us and surely. After the 51day war, the attention of the zionists to the development of talabi in the west bank continued strongly. In the last of these expansionisms, they tried to evict the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood from their homes and houses. We take over the houses one after the other because we prove in court that this area belongs to the jews. For this reason , this area will become a jewish neighborhood. Our vision is that all of east orshim will become like west jerusalem. The jewish capital of israel. They are trying to evict people from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. This is the second time that these people have been forced out of their homes. These people were once again ethnically cleansed in 1948. But all the sanctions and blockades, the Islamic Resistance formed in gaza, this time came to the aid of the oppressed people of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and warned that if the zionist regime does not stop oppressing the palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, it will bear a heavy cost. Today we see the zionists with their corruption of quds and Sheikh Jarrah area, where they can destroy alaqsa mosque. They can expel our citizens from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. They think they can divide alaqsa mosque in terms of time and place. The army, the police and the settlers do corruption. We have warned them many times. The zionists had recently signed compromise agreements with some arab governments. They attacked the worshipers in alaqsa mosque on the quds day and desecrated the courtyards of this mosque. In the attacks of the zionist military on the palestinian worshipers in the alaqsa mosque out of 30 people were injured. Simultaneously with the suppression of the protests of the palestinians living in jerusalem by the zionist military. The planes of this regime bombarded areas in the gaza strip, fearing the reaction of the Islamic Resistance. As always, the target was the children of gaza. The response of our resistance was shocking for the zionists. Decisionmaking authorities in israel. Whether military or political, the power of the Palestinian Resistance groups to attack the depths of israel with a large number of rockets, and shocked hundreds of rockets from the gaza strip , which covers all the occupied territories , showed that the security era of the city is onesided. Sitters it has come to an end until this time the zionists demand a ceasefire by withdrawing from the evacuation of Sheikh Jarrahs neighborhood. However, in all 11 days of their war , they destroyed gazas infrastructure and children. They targeted income. It was a terrible day for me. I cant stop thinking about what i saw. Imagine your children falling apart before your eyes. This was the most terrible crime that i have seen against children. Zionists , disappointed in the military battle with the resistance, once again returned to their policy of boycott and economic blockade. Every one or two or three years of war is tolerated by us, our children and our families. Our life in gaza is indescribable. We dont have food in this, we dont have electricity and hospitals like other people , but despite all this, the resistance and the people of gaza do not give up. I am a resident of the gaza strip. I have worn eid clothes, but because of the war, we could not congratulate each other on eid alfitr. I am speaking to you from the side of barjaljala we have been in the war for 10 days, we are not afraid because our spirit is strong. When we see resistance missiles that every air attack with a missile attack he answers, we dont let fear into our hearts. Despite the fear, devastation and damage, we have hope that we will return to our land. We will return to the land of palestine, which is the land of our ancestors. This haifa and jaffa and all of palestine will return to us again and we will pray in alaqsa mosque. Wayne badi laghi, wayne, or lazel, or algharib, the massacre of defenseless women, men, and children, the height of the cruelty of his child zionist regime and its phalanx mercenaries in sabra and shatila

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