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And what the pope did not say as. Pope francis meets myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and calls for respect from all ethnic groups, but avoiding the term rohingya. Brent im brent goff. Its good to have you with us. We begin with breaking news tonight. North korea appears to have launched a new ballistic missile. Reports coming in from south korea and japan say a missile has been fired. The u. S. Military saying that it is investigating what it calls a probable launch a probable icbm missile. If confirmed, it would be the latest in a series of missile tests this year. The last flew over northern japan and into the pacific ocean. The u. S. Administration has issued repeated warnings to pyongyang to abandon its weapons program. All right, we want to go now to washington to our correspondent carsten von nahmen, hes on the story for us. Good evening to you, carsten. So, whats the latest there, what more can you tell us about this story . Carsten well, not much more as far as the effects are concerned. The u. S. Military has confirmed that there is was a probable launch of that missile, but they are still trying to find out more to confirm this in a bit more detail. The japanese government, in the meantime, has said that according to its information, the missile flew for about 50 minutes, and then landed within its exclusive economic zone, which means that it has not landed on japanese land, also not within the 12 mile territorial zone around japans many islands, but somewhere further outside in the ocean in the exclusive economic zone. And so, its another provocation, but doesnt seem to have been a real threat to japan. But still of course, the governments of japan, south korea, and here in washington of the United States are all very concerned. Brent carsten, have there been any reactions from the white house yet . Carsten we have heard that President Donald Trump has been briefed on this launch while the missile was still in the air. He was on capitol hill at that time in congress, where he was talking to leaders of his own Republican Party in the senate. The big topic here in the United States right now is tax reform, and they were discussing that. But he was also briefed on that launch. Meanwhile, he has returned to the white house and we expect him to appear in front of the press later today to talk about taxes once again, but also about that launch from north korea. Brent and carsten, if confirmed, this will be the first launch we have seen in two months. What can we read into the timing here . Carsten well, i am not an expert on north korean regime astrology, but the reading here is that this might be a reaction to the u. S. Decision to slap new sanctions on the regime in pyongyang, and also to label it a state sponsor of terrorism. If that is true, the message is clear north korea is not backing down. And if the u. S. Wants to put pressure on north korea, the regime there says, we will always up the ante. Brent our correspondent carsten von nahmen on the story for us from washington. Carsten, thank you very much. To kenya now, and a president ial inauguration full of pageantry and protest. After months of election drama, kenyas president Uhuru Kenyatta has been sworn in for a second term. During the ceremony, Police Clashed with opposition supporters who say kenyattas presidency is illegitimate. Reports say at least two people were killed. Mr. Kenyatta wonhe rerun president ial election, but it was boycotted by the opposition. Reporter it was an inauguration ceremony meant to quell any doubts about who was in charge. With all the trappings of state power, Uhuru Kenyatta took the oath of office surrounded by thousands of adoring supporters. I will protect and uphold the serenity the serenity integrity integrity and dignity of the people of kenya. And dignity of the people of kenya. So help me god. So help me god. Reporter but a few kilometers a man, another vast demonstration of support for this man, ralia odinga. He says he is the legitimate president. As we have said, next month on december 12, we will have a Peoples Assembly that will swear me into office. Reporter but as he spoke, police moved in to break up the demonstration. The rifle shots that rang out dashed any hopes that todays inauguration would mean an end the months of election unrest. Brent we want to go now to our correspondent Kathryn Omwandho in nairobi. Good evening to you, kathryn. So, Opposition Leader odinga boycotted the rerun and held a rally today, the day the president was being sworn in. Is he able to put any pressure on the government at this point . Kathryn he can, and he cant at the same time. Given the fact that now constitutionally and by law kenya has a president and a Deputy President , therefore of if you think about it legally. But when you talk about the crowds or the number of his supporters which some people put at two quarters of the population then he could pressure the government into doing something. But then this will only come over time over the next couple days. We have a lot of people who are supporting him, saying he will be sworn in, and now talking about cessation if it goes further than that. So these are the topics that his announcement has brought up. And another issue that is being looked at by most kenyans is police brutality, now that most things have calmed down. So pressure is now the opposition is now considering placing charges of atrocities on this government, given that since the 26th of august weve had 10 children killed, among the scores killed by police during protests. So, we have to wait and see how the issue plays out. Brent let me ask you, if odinga were to declare himself president , what would happen . Are we talking about more violence in the country . Kathryn we could see more violence, we could see more protesters going out on the streets. You are seeing hardened youth who feel like they have nothing to lose. So we will see more protests on the streets, we will see more dissent among his supporters. But then we will also see conversations which at first it was not such a big deal, but now seems to be a big deal the cessation issue, where kenyans are now talking about dividing the country from central kenya, to western kenya, to coastal kenya, so that they can live in the democracies that they want. So thats basically what the situation is bringing about. Brent what about after the inoculation . The inauguration . What did president kenyatta have to say about overcoming these political divisions . Kathryn well, he did give an olive branch to the opposition, saying that he is ready to discuss and incorporate their visions into the government. But he will only do that in the capacity as a president. So if Opposition Leader raila odinga is to join the government, he will join the government obviously in a lower capacity. And opposition supporters do not support this. They feel that they have to go into another election to get a validly elected leader. And also a lot of people say the president did not do enough to bridge the gap. Brent all right, our correspondent Kathryn Omwandho reporting tonight from nairobi. Kathryn, thank you very much. It was tipped to be the high point of Pope Franciss visit to myanmar an address in the capital alongside Aung San Suu Kyi. Would the pope mention the Rohingya Crisis by name as he has in the past . The answer . No. The term is hugely pop controversial in myanmar, where the majority of the population refers to the rohingyas as the galis, regarding them as Illegal Immigrants from bangladesh. Reporter as pope francis arrived in myanmar, he carried with him the hopes of millions around the world even allowing for a small stumble as he disembarked. This is a chance for the head of the Catholic Church to go facetoface with those accused of during his meeting with the countrys de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the pontiff called for peace. But he failed to mention the word many wanted to hear rohingya a term the countrys buddhist leadership reject. The future of myanmar must be peace. A peace based on respect for the dignity and rights of each member of society. Respect for each ethnic group and its identity. Reporter critics say he has caved to pressure from his host. The church says it feared the countrys catholics would face intimidation, the likes of which is known for these rohingya muslims. For more than a year, hundreds of thousands of them have fled their homes amid violence, looting and attacks. Many end up living in squalor. Later in this week, pope francis will hear their stories himself when he visits a refugee camp in neighboring bangladesh. Brent earlier, i spoke to our Southeast Asia correspondent Bastian Hartig in myanmar and i asked him why pope francis held back from mentioning the rohingyas by name. Bastian i think the pope was under a lot of pressure in the runup to this speech today. He was pressured by human rights activists, by representatives of the rohingya minority themselves, by representatives of other muslim groups. They all wanted him to use the term rohingya, because it gives these people an identity, an identity that they are being denied by the myanmar military, by the myanmar government, and also by some parts of the population in myanmar. So thats why they wanted him to use that term. Now on the other hand, even the cardinal here in myanmar cautioned the pope. He said, dont use this word because it will it is a very sensitive issue and a lot of emotions are tied to it, and it will deepen the divide between the religious groups and it will make that reconciliation of the religious groups even harder. So in the end it was the popes decisions to make. He decided not to use the term rohingya, maybe because he thought it would do more harm than good. Brent that was our Bastian Hartig reporting from myanmar. Here are some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. Authorities on the indonesian island of bali have renewed their calls for residents to leave the area amid fears that eruptions from a volcano could become more violent. Mount agung has been shooting massive columns of smoke four kilometers into the sky. Thousands of travelers are stranded after ash forces authorities to close the airport for a second day. Russia says it has lost contact with a Weather Satellite that was launched earlier today and that the meteorm has not reached its designated orbit. Todays was only the Second Rocket liftoff from russias new cosmodome. Irelands deputy Prime Minister has resigned. Frances fitzgeralds departure means the country will probably avoid a government collapse in a snap election which could have complicated brexit talks between britain and the european union. Opposition parties have been demanding that ms. Fitzgerald step down over her role in a Police Whistle blowing scandal. A day after revealing their engagement, britains prince harry and his american fiancee Meghan Markle have announced early details of their wedding plans. They will marry in a chapel at Windsor Castle in may. The historic castle is one of the queens main residences. Markle will be baptized and confirmed into the church of england before the wedding, and also plans to become no surprise a british citizen. Business now with helena, a british citizen herself. You dont have to become helena i knew you were going to say that. Brent thats right. So what is up with bitcoin . Helena bitcoin is nearing the 10,000 mark and it is very exciting. The rise has been remarkable. Gaining 1000 in less than a week. Bitcoin is one of the bestknown crypto currencies out there. There are others as well, they are all Digital Payment systems in which the current sees created on privatey own computers. That means these currencies end up bypassing the central banks, which also means they can undermine monetary policy, offering no protection to investors. Central bankers warn bitcoin has no tangible value and is destined to crash. Its value is determined entirely by supply and demand. So of course, that means it is very sensitive to market developments. When china for example decided to ban bitcoin exchanges in september, its value slumped by 30 . You can see that there marked in red. But soon, it more than doubled again. Reporter bitcoin has never ceased to surprise markets, and now they want to cash in on the rush. The Worlds Largest derivatives marketplace the Chicago Mercantile Exchange group says it will start offering Bitcoin Futures by the end of the year. In recent days, 300,000 users are reported to have signed up to bitcoin, bringing the total to over 13 million. But it is still quite hard to actually buy things with it. A slew of trading platforms offer everything from arm chairs to ferraris and watches. But these are peertopeer sales platforms. You will not be able to exchange your bitcoins for that flashy bmw in your local showroom. But they can buy you some things. There are coffee bars that will only accept bitcoin, like this one in prague. You can book that perfect trip to the maldives on expedia with bitcoins. And speculation is rife that amazon could soon accept bitcoin for payment. With japan also recognizing bitcoins as legal tender, it could be said that the crypto currencys future is looking good. So if bitcoin does not actually crash, it will probably only be a question of time before the broader economy has to join the rush. Helena joining us now from new york is Jacob Eliosoff crypto currencies like bitcoin. He left his job at Goldman Sachs to do so back in 2013. Thank you for joining us, jacob. Now, bitcoin is certainly a volatile currency, so how wild a ride has it been for you and your fund over the past four years . Jacob it has been a crazy ride for all of us. Sometimes crazier than others, this year in particular. But this year has been distinctive because it has been pretty much straight up. Whereas a lot of us who have been around longer remember 2014 and the price of bitcoin dropped over 80 , very painful. Helena how high could you see it going and how you know when it is actually correcting in terms of value . Because this is uncharted water. Jacob yes, well, these are Uncharted Waters in terms of the price. We have never been anywhere near 10,000 before. It was only 1. 5 months ago it first at 5000, so that gives a sense of how quickly it is happening. But if you look at the charts of bitcoin and you go back to the existence, there have been past tremendous spikes. In 2011 i think it went from 2 to 30 then back down from . 30 to 30 then back down to below 2. So it fell more than 90 . In 2013 when a lot of us heard about bitcoin, it had a similarly crazy ride up but then also down. The ups have been followed by downs and that is likely to continue. Helena do you believe the hype . Do you believe it could reach over 40,000 by the end of next year as some people are saying . Jacob yes, i do think that. I think there are reasons to think fundamentally it could be worth tremendous amounts in the future. Or even in the near future. Its just we have to expect a very wild ride between now and then. And anyone who is hoping it will reach that kind of high has to remember it can easily drop by double or triple that. Its very unpredictable. Helena and of course it is extremely sensitive to news developments. So how much of your job is waking up in the morning, looking at these developments, and getting a feel for how the currency might move in light of that . Jacob yeah, thats a big part of my job, just keeping track of what is going on. A lot of it also is longerterm developments. Shortterm is crazy and very hard to predict. What a lot of us is more interested in is the future of this . Will it be widely used in 10 years . Is it going to be replaced by another Computing Technology . Will it turn out to be just a fad that came and went . So the longterm is a little easier to make out and i think in the long term the future of this technology is bright. The ability to send money from one person to another without any organization or company in between is very powerful and i think that has a bright future. Helena that is true. A lot of people, though, also pointing out it is unregulated, it could crash, and investors could lose the lot. Thank you very much, jacob. Jacob my pleasure. Thanks a lot. Helena now, germany still does not have a new government, but that does not seem to be hurting business. German companies are still posting profits, and the latest figures from germanys society for Consumer Research gfk shows that Consumer Confidence is rising. Reporter it will soon be christmas the most important time of the year for the Retail Sector. In germany, the industry has been doing well. Low unemployment and a robust job market have fueled consumption. Since 2012, germanys most important Consumer Confidence index has almost always been rising steadily, reaching 10. 7 points from six points half a decade ago. Germany is not alone. Things are looking up for the Retail Sector in the eurozones secondlargest economy. In france, Consumer Confidence levels from november beat market expectations, making it the first rise in recent times. The survey shows that the french are more optimistic about the future, giving the Retail Sector something to celebrate about this holiday season. Helena all eyes will be on ivory Coast Commercial capital abidjan over the next couple of days. Eu leaders flying in to tackle some of the most pressing issues right now. Brent thats right. Its one of the biggest political issues here in europe. The eu and African Union are kicking off a twoday summit tomorrow that many european leaders are hoping will be somewhat of a turning point in relations between the two continents. Ivory coast is hosting the summit, which is a first of its kind. It is set to increase trade ties and increasing conditions in some parts of africa, particularly for young people. But increasingly the meeting looks set to be overshadowed by the plight of migrants trying to get to europe. Reporter the European Capital was trying to send out some positive vibes at a number of events ahead of the summit in abidjan, and that the european parliament, high raking politicians were also trying to find solutions for better cooperation between the continents. In the past the europeans had a tendency to look to the east towards russia and china. They have not done enough in africa. Sure, we have invested and we are committed, but i think we need to strengthen our strategy, not just throw money at the problem. Reporter the wakeup call for europe was the migration crisis. More than 100,000 africans arrived on the shores of the eu this year alone, and some estimate that two million more are on the move towards europe. The eu has been working on a plan to curb the influx and will try to sell it at the summit. One of the key aspects of the plan is to fight the root causes of migration. In some cases like ethiopia, those are political. In others like nigeria, the main reason is poverty. The eu also wants to destroy the Business Model of human trafficking. Smuggling africans through europe has become a multibillion euro industry. To keep migrants from making the dangerous trek across the mediterranean, the eu would like to beef up socalled Reception Centers in the transit countries. And finally, the eu is hoping to reach agreements with the countries of origin to take back those migrants who made it to europe but were not granted asylum. But many african countries want something in return. Mainly, money. And legal migration alternatives for their citizens. You know, we just lack the funding. We have the will to change things, but this will needs to be supported with resources. Our economy is mainly informal. To change that we need foreign investment. Reporter European Countries are weary, though. They have sunk a lot of Development Money into africa over the decades, like here in chad, often with no noticeable improvement. But for many on the continent, the blame is clearly not entirely africas. The biggest mistake is that aid does not always come with conditions attached, and the red carpet is being rolled out for dictators that are starving their people and corrupting elections while enjoying the respect of the European Countries. Reporter money in return for migration control. Most likely that will be the defining narrative in abidjan. The europeans hope this africa eu summit will yield tangible results. Brent earlier, we spoke to dws janphilipp scholz, who is in abidjan, and we asked him what people are expecting from this summit. Janphilipp expectations are high, especially on the african side. This is not just any highlevel meeting, it is the most Important Forum to discuss burning issues on both continents. We just have to look at the numbers. 5000 delegates are expected. A lot of heads of state from africa as well as from europe, and also the Financial Resources that are made available during both summits are usually quite impressive. But there are also more and more voices, especially in africa, that say that this kind of onesided financial transfer, this is just not sustainable, and the summit should move away from it towards a more Sustainable Partnership between europe and africa. Brent heres a reminder othe top sties we areollong f you. Rth korea has fired a ballistic missile, the first in wellover two months. Japanese officials have said it landed close to japan. It happens just one week after the u. S. Imposed fresh sanctions on pyongyang. President kenyatta of kenya has been sworn in for a second term at a ceremony in the capital nairobi. Despite this, the countrys political crisis is continuing. Police used tear gas against supporters of Opposition Leader raila odinga. Ey s the president l eltion was illegitimate. After a short break i will be back to take you through the day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] steves the dramatic rock of cashel is one of irelands most evocative sites. This was the seat of ancient irish kings for seven centuries. St. Patrick baptized king aengus here in about 450 a. D. In around 1100, an irish king gave cashel to the church, and it grew to become the ecclesiastical capital of all ireland. 800 years ago, this Monastic Community was just a chapel and a round tower standing high on this bluff. It looked out then, as it does today, over the plain of tipperary, called the golden vale because its rich soil makes it irelands best farmland. On this historic rock, you stroll among these ruins in the footsteps of st. Patrick, and wandering through my favorite celtic cross graveyard, i feel the soul of ireland. 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