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They are treating this as related to those other three deaths until they know differently. This morning the victim was killed by an apparent gunshot wound according to police and right now theyre gathering forensic evidence and people in the area are being told to stay indoors. I will continue to track this story. Back to you. It is now 4 30. If you are just joining us we will get you a quick update on weather and traffic. We start with mike. Hi, everybody. We will open the Weather Window on the exploratorium camera. Some clouds left over from the showers yesterday and during the overnight hours. Your 12hour day planner, we will start with cooler conditions this morning, 49 to 52, mostly cloudy conditions also. Then we will become partly cloudy, a lot of sunshine at noon, 61 to 63 and mostly sunny by 4 00, 58 to 63. Did you notice that sunset yesterday . Second day in a row our sunset before 5 00, today is starts at 4 58. Dress for temperatures around 52 to 56 degrees. Your commute planner as far as the weather goes is coming up next. Lets take a look at san rafael, pretty quiet, very few taillights headed in the southbound direction past the Northgate Mall and civic center. If your commute takes you from novato into San Francisco right now is a great time to go, its about a 17 to 20 minute drive. Walnut creek, same thing, light conditions out there with the taillights headed southbound on 680 towards highway 24 and you are moving at the limit from concord to the 24 interchange, its about an eightminute drive. Overall our traffic maps are good. We do see just a small blip of slowing out of tracy. We will take a look at mass transit options in a few minutes, specifically ace train coming out of the central valley. The prospect of a second gun store in san carlos brought out record clouds to a City Council Meeting last night. And it looks like they got their way, a new gun store will not be coming to the city anytime soon. Amy hollyfield live in san carlos. Reporter good morning. The city Council Voted 41 not to allow the gun store to open here. Look at this video of last nights meeting to see just how crowded it was. It was packed. The San Carlos City council listened to about 100 residents speak before taking the vote. Turners outdoorsmen is the chain store that was going to open here. A representative from the company also spoke at the meeting. This location would provide 25 jobs and five management positions in your community. We also sign up more people for california hunter safety course than any other dealer in the state. What kind of environment do people want to raise their children in . Do they want to raise it in an environment where its just as easy to go by a gun store as it is to go and buy a disney movie. The company had already signed a ten year lease for this location on industrial road and spent 125,000 on the store. The company rep did not want to comment after the vote. This is a 45 day moratorium on gun shops to give the city time to decide if it wants to put regulations in place for stores that sell guns. Reporting live in san carlos, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. Pleasanton police are searching for robbers who pepper sprayed Jewelry Store employees. This happened around 8 20 last night at the stoneridge shopping center. Witnesses say nine masked thieves smashed glass cases and grabbed jewelry inside the diamond ring company. Happening today more lawsuits are expected to be filed against pg e by victims of the north bay wildfires and one includes former San Francisco mayor frank jordan. These lawsuits claim pg e ignored safety regulations and did not properly maintain their lines which may have contributed to starting the fires. Pg e has already refuted those claims. Jordans weekend home in santa rosa was destroyed in the tubbs fire. More than 120 people have filed 15 separate lawsuits against pg e over the fires. In a statement pg e said, quote, our primary focus has been and continues to be the safety and well being of our customers and communities that have been affected by the wildfires. Happening today, attorney general Jeff Sessions will testify before the House Judiciary Committee in an oversight hearing on the department of justice. This comes after it came out that sessions was told two aides had meetings with russian officials. Sessions had claimed he was unaware of any such contacts, though. The hearing is expected to start at 7 00 our time on capitol hill. Sessions is considering a special counsel to consider ties between Hillary Clinton and russia. It stems from the sale of uranium to russia while clinton was secretary of state. Republicans claim moscow tried to donate to the Clinton Foundation to persuade her to approve the deal. Happening today san jose officials will decide if the 16 dispensaries already in their city can start selling and delivering Recreational Marijuana in january. Abc 7 News Reporter Katie Marzullo explains. Reporter the owner of buddys cannabis has been selling medical marijuana in san jose for about eight years. He is excited at the prospect of selling recreational pot as well. Going from medical sales only to recreational will overnight increase sales by 30 to 40 is my prediction. Reporter he is adding extra cash registers and increasing production. The San Jose City council will decide tuesday if the 16 dispensees can start selling and delivering Recreational Marijuana. Its an about face by the council which banned recreational sales in the city just as california voters legalized them with proposition 64. Council member johnny kay mows supports the change. I would rather have it regulated and not fall into the hands of minors. Reporter the Silicon Valley organization the citys chamber of commerce is in favor of recreational sales. The president and ceo wrote a letter saying the cannabis industry generates 105 million in annual revenue. Get it out of the black market, bring it above board, tax it, regulate it, thats going to be a success for the city, for the club owners, for the consumers. Reporter the citys approval is only the first step, dispensary owners would have to get a license from the state before they could start selling on january 1st. Happening today Santa Clara County supervisors are set to approve funding for six Affordable Housing projects. One is a 64 unit Apartment Building on a vacant lot in san jose. The money is coming from a 950 million bond measure voters approved in 2016. The county wants to use the machine to build more than 3,000 Affordable Housing units. Check out how much cooler it is where the clouds have cleared out up in the north bay, 7 to 9 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. Clouds lingering along the east bay and south of the san matteo bridge. Still warmer than yesterday but the cooling trend will take over your neighborhoods also. I dont think you will see the fog as much as were seeing in the north bay. Zero, so dangerous ri low visibility not only petaluma but napa at a quarter mile and santa rosa at a half mile. Just about everybody in the north bay experiencing some fog and that will remain through the end of the morning commute at about 9 00. Temperatures in the low to mid 50s in our inland east bay neighborhoods, blackhawk, lafayette, Pleasant Hill at about 48 to 49 degrees. We have temperatures in the mid 50s along the bay shore to upper 50s around Mountain View and san jose, and there are your cooler temperatures, 46 right now in santa rosa, napa 47. Bay bridge we are looking at it from the east bay hills, pretty quiet right now. Your roads are a little damp, but the more people get on them and the longer we get into the commute the drier they will be. Cool to mild on mass trasity, light breezes out on the ferry on the bay. 65 sacramento, 76 l. A. We still have the winter storm watch starting tomorrow 10 00 a. M. Through friday at 4 00 looks like a. M. We will have 10 to 18 inches at 6,000 feet, almost twice that up on the ski resorts. So were going to have a great dumping there. But travel delays are possible and whiteout conditions are also possible. Lets take a look at our morning commute. San matteo bridge looking pretty good so far so good. We have a little bit of a slowing as you approach the highrise, but those taillights are headed westbound towards san matteo and its looking good so far, no problems at the toll plaza. Here we go to this toll plaza, this is the bay bridge obviously and no problems here whatsoever, you have a smooth ride into San Francisco on the upper deck, no problems there. We had an earlier accident this morning at about a little after 3 00 a. M. , it involved several vehicles, one overturned. Now, thats all been pushed off to the side of the road, but its still out there. Tow truck is on scene and not seeing any slow traffic by there, but just have a heads up. We do have a sig alert out near byron, this is vas co road near cam know diablo, all lanes are blocked there, youre being turned around. Expect delays. It is far out there, but if that is your commute, vasco into the livermore area just a heads up you wont be getting through there. Guys. Its like a scene out of mission impossible, how hackers say they have beaten apples face id on the new iphone x. 11 months after the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire oakland reveals the action it is taking to prevent another tragedy. Tragedy. President trump back to the accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. It is 4 43. Welcome back to abc 7 mornings. A live look from the abc 7 roof cam. It is dry today, you will notice, but a big storm is on the way. And mike has an hour by hour forecast coming up in a few minutes. Hackers claim that they have found a way to beat the iphone xs new face id. Its apples Security System that uses facial recognition software. A Cyber Security firm out of vietnam released video showing how they pulled this off. They created a mace k of the phones owner using a 3d printer to form the eyes and mouth and fashioned a nose using silicone. The mask costs just 150 to create. The firm claims this is not a trick. Tech experts say even if its legit its unlikely to affect the average users. President trump returns to washington today after a trip to asia that included visits to japan, south korea, china, vietnam and the philippines. If the hope was to shore up relations with those nations, the trip can be considered a success. Abc News Reporter Karen Travers has more. Reporter 13 days, five countries, an intense schedule of meetings, summits, a little culture, throughout this historic journey President Trump noting with a bit of swagger how well he was feeling and how he was proving his doubters wrong. He told me and other reporters on air force one saturday that some people said it was almost physically impossible for someone to go through a trip like this. One reason President Trump may have such a spring in his step, he seemed to be feeding off of the warm welcome he received at every stop. Grand arrival ceremonies, lavish state dinners. His hosts seemed to have gotten the memo on how to win his over, each going to Great Lengths to compliment him and the president seemed to love every minute of it. He spoke about the warm welcome and great relationship he had with his hosts. It was red carpet like nobody i think has ever received and that really is a sign of respect perhaps for me a little bit but really for our country. Reporter but President Trump also started to sound like he was eager to fire up the engines on air force one and head back to the states. In one speech he quoted the wizard of oz saying theres no place like home. By monday he was starting to note the time of his flight back to washington. For somebody who is known to be a homebody, all of the lavish state dinners and pomp and circumstance just cant competes with the comforts of home. Karen travers, abc news, traveling with the president in manila. We have new details this morning about the heart break that accompanied the 49ers win on sunday. Were hearing from Kyle Shanahan after marquise good win lost his son hours before the game. His wife delivered a Stillborn Baby boy on sunday. The wide receiver showed this photo after the game. He tells People Magazine at 19 weeks pregnant she experienced pregnant and went into preterm labor. Coach shanahan says the decision to play was goodwins. My experience over stuff like that is you cant judge someone or really anticipate how anyone is going to act, you just try to support them. The company underwent fertility treatments following a miscarriage in 2013. Morgan says she and marquie want a big family and will try again. The city of oakland is detailing the steps it is taking to prevent another ghost ship fire tragedy. 36 people died in that warehouse last december. The city says its doubling the number of fire inspections and improving communication between the Fire Department and building inspectors. Its working with Property Owners to fix Code Violations and working to turn unpermitted spaces into safe living areas. An update on that Mountain Lion tranquilized in San Francisco on friday. Fish and wild liar officials tell abc 7 news that the animal is probably the same one spotted in the presidio last week but there is no way to know for sure. A wildlife warden tranquilized the young male after it was spotted between two apartment complexes on Diamond Heights boulevard. The puma project put a tracking collar on the 82 pound cat and released it back into the wild. It is 4 47. Lets get a check of your weather with meteorologist mike nicco. Watching two different areas of low pressure, one coming down from the gulf of alaska, its going to be the strength of this storm and another coming at us from almost hawaii and they will meteorite on top of it. Thats why we have bumped up this storm to a two. We will start at 4 00 tomorrow morning, some light rain across especially sonoma, mendocino and lake counties, through the morning commute thats pretty much where it stays. In fact, it may even go up a little bit higher north, i should say, and before it starts to come back down as we head towards the Morning Hours through about noon. Look at the yellows and oranges. So we are looking at some moderate rain there. Then as it heads towards the bay about 4 00 some reds start to develop and that means some downpours which if the drains are clogged, it could be localized flooding on streets and parking lots. 4 00 to 7 00 it moves through the heart of the bay and right as the evening commute is ending at 7 00 tomorrow it starts moving through the south bay. We wake up thursday morning fairly quiet with a steady rain over, most of the commute is going to be quiet with leftover water on the roadways and then after 9 00 you can see some scattered showers develop, especially across the north bay. Lets take a look at how high our temperatures will get today, about 60 at halfmoon bay, 61 San Francisco, 65 at san jose and antioch. Tonight mid 40s to about 50 so another cool one out there. Here is my accuweather sevenday forecast, storms at 2 00, the lingering scattered showers will be a one for thursday, we get a break friday into saturday and another storm coming in sunday into monday, they will be one, that storm will be light on the storm impact scale. An hour by hour look at the rain coming up next. Were headed outside, we will take a live look at san jose, this is 101, those head lights headed in the northbound direction at the 880 overcrossing and everybody is getting along just fine, no problems here, everybody is at the limit. To the Golden Gate Bridge where you can see the zipper truck at the top of your screen moving the lanes from three in the southbound to four and then two in the northbound direction. Traffic is very light here. We have overall just some slowing beginning up and over the altamonte pass out of tracy, otherwise were doing pretty well except for this one that was a headon crash, vasco road near cam know deebl low, both lanes are closed there, they are turning folks around, sig alert with no estimated time of opening. Hollywood moves north. A new movie bringing paul rudd to San Francisco. Also San Jose Mineta International adding new firefighting power, what these rigs can do that no other equipment can. As weve been telling you it is going to be a rainy day tomorrow. Just an early reminder that when you see weather where you live to post pictures and video on social with the abc7now. You may see it right here on abc 7 mornings. Now techbytes. In todays techbytes the First Digital pill. It uses an electronic tracking system that can alert your doctor if and when youve swallowed it. The fda approved the pill for treatment of schizophrenia, bye peculiar disorder and depression. It is raising ethical and privacy concerns. Boston dynamics is making a less terrifying dog. Video of the companys original spot went viral because of its ability to run and climb. Here is the new version, the spot mini has a new exterior, the company is expected to sell the robot, the apgs on the video only says stay tuned. And watch what happens as a zookeeper in louisville shows pictures of a female gorilla to a male ape at the zoo. He seems to be telling the human swipe left. Go on to the next picture. Not such really . Really . Really . Really . Really . Really . See zero in a whole new way. Get zero down, zero deposit, zero first months payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. Now with the people first warranty. I am a First Responder tor and iemergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. My children and my family are on my mind when im working all the time. My neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so its important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. Its an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. Be informed about outages in your area. Sign up for outage alerts at pge. Com outagealerts. Together, were building a better california. Coming up on 4 54. We will take a look at your sevenday forecast. First we will start with the coast where you can see its going to be wet and windy tomorrow with that two. Thursday morning showers. Our next chance of needing an umbrella will be sunday into monday with a lighter storm. Lets take a look at the seven day inland. Weve got a two and one for wednesday and thursday, but just a slight chance thursday morning, the bulk of the rain will fall wednesday. Your sevenday forecast for the bay were going to get pounded tomorrow afternoon with lingering showers in the morning thursday. Firefighters at Mineta San Jose International have two new firefighting rigs to keep pace with the flight schedule. These new rigs travel at more than 70 miles an hour across the carmack, they can dee supply snozzles that shoot High Pressure water and foam from a boom. They can even put out a fire inside the cabin. A thermal imaging cabin allow them to see hot spots as well as humans covered in foam. If you spot paul rudd in San Francisco you might not be seeing things. Nbc 7 news got a behind the scenes hill. Crew members took over parts of 18th and missouri streets with their cameras and equipment. Ant man and the wasp stars paul rudd, Michael Douglas and michelle pfeiffer. Disney is the Parent Company of marvel and abc 7 news. Its the first one of the season, a category two, moderate storm on our storm impact scale and its hitting us tomorrow. A drenching rain and strong possibly damaging winds, wind gusts could get up to 40 to 50 miles per hour, rainfall at least a half inch to nearly an inch and three kwaquartersthre. Starting wednesday all the way through thursday and everybody in the green that means just about everybody an inch. Down in the south bay that may be a little heavy for you but we will keep an eye on that. The winds will start gusting. Noon tomorrow were already 15 to 25 miles per hour, we will hit 35 to 40 during the afternoon hours through the evening commute and then it will start to taper as we head towards the overnight hours. Our first two of the season, sue. We have road work in lanes this is until 3 00 this afternoon, its eastbound, its the reverse commute, the three right lanes Near University on 80 due to emergency road repair. Your westbound direction is starting to get a little bit busy headed into the mcarthur maze but everybody is at the limit so far. Overall traffic is green, thats great. We do have some slowing out of tracy, up and over the altamonte, thats your fairly common morning commute. An accident reported in the slow lane in the Santa Cruz Mountains northbound 17 near summit. I am not seeing any slowing yet but if that is your commute direction headed from the coast up and over to san jose so we will be following this for you this morning. Happening today, san jose will celebrate the start of the Holiday Season with its annual Tree Lighting ceremony at santana row. The festivities start at 3 00 this afternoon with a Scavenger Hunt then it will be transformed into a holiday wonderland with a special appearance by santa claus. There will be performances by the san jose Dance Theater and ballet school. The 40 foot tree will be lit at 7 00 tonight. The battle over rent control is reaching a Tipping Point in the south bay. Police are warning about skimmers hitting a bay area gas station. The latest from the sexual abuse accusations against an alabama candidate. Good morning, east bay. Lets get up and get going. This is abc 7 mornings. 5 00 a. M. On the dot. Thanks for being up with us, tuesday, november 14th. We have a lot to talk about this morning including the fact that it is going to be quite wet tomorrow. Yes. So you need to start getting prepared now. What time are we talking about . Tomorrow afternoon through the evening hours. Right now were dealing with leftover moisture from the storm that just came through, it was light but it left enough that all these shades of gray you see, that is fog. I just checked our san rafael camera, it hasnt reached down there, but less than a mile in napa, quarter mile all the way up to petaluma. As far as everywhere else were starting to clear out as you can see with sutro tower. 12hour day planner 50 to 54 degrees, 40s up in the north bay. We will see increasing sunshine, 61 to 63 at noon

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