Care systems are not overwhelmed by too many people getting sick at once. You will find the board of supervisors supportive of this decision if we need to continue it longer. The ban on gatherings of more than 100 people will last through march 31st. In the east bay, the officials are reacting to the pandemic and taking steps to help Small Businesses getting clobbered by the crisis is. We are live in oakland with the story. Reporter yeah, so many businesses are struggling during this, during this crisis. We are here at the square, a normally busy place on the weekends. You can see, theres no one here. It is a ghost town. Several businesses and several spraunts are closed. City officials are trying to help out. Covid19 is impacting everyones lives. Oakland mayor libby scha ff said that the coronavirus is hitting businesses hard and customers have stopped coming. The downtown streets are empty. We are slow, but, you know, we are open, the story is open long time. So, still have customer come in, you know. But a lot of people are staying away. I know. Manual torres is struggling to keep his longtime restaurant on webster street open. Workers have been constantly sanitizing all surfaces inside. Now, its very, very slow. Its have 50 and the customers, yeah, its very, very slow. You know, right now, what is good for Public Health is not necessarily good for the economy. And a News Conference for microphones being disinfected practicing social distances, they are offering support. An online resource tool for information on zero interest loans and help with tax bills. Our staff and finance department and Revenue Department is going to work with you to help you meet the obligations in a flexible manner, which includes payment plans and waving penalties. Customers can support businesses without leaving the house. Instead of cooking, order delivery from one of your Favorite Local restaurants. Go online, and buy some items from your Favorite Local stores. Congress woman barbara lee wants to make sure that new pending legislation will make things like Hand Sanitizer. Now in high demand available in stores. Hopefully the legislation will help manufactures understand they have to step up and make sure that the tests are available and make sure that Hand Sanitizer and medical devices and everything that people need. Now, mayor schaff is asking Small Business owners in oakland to document financial losses during the coronavirus crisis. Indicating there could be a type of Financial Assistance . The future. Live in oakland, cornell bernard, abc7 news. We have just learned an Alaska Airlines Customer Service agent has tested positive for coronavirus. The employee felt sick and left work on tuesday. The positive test result came back yesterday. The employee is recovering and feeling better, alaska is now working to identify anyone who may have come in to contact with the employee. The airline said it has cleaned the areas where the agent worked and its employee break room. Getting back to the situation at stanford university. Where an undergraduate student tested positive and now the student body is being told they have to get out. Abc7 news reporter, is joining us live now. Following the story for us. Luc, what do you have . Normally students would be gathered here on the lawn, as you can see, its empty, its not the case after the one case of a student confirmed with the coronavirus. I want to show you the video that we got earlier. The student is an under graduate student with covid19. He is in self isolation. Stanford announced that he is checking where the student frequented and he is working to inform and provide guidance to the all close contact to the student. As a result of the case, the Santa Clara County county is restricting events of 35 or more. And most of the undergraduate students will not be able to stay on campus for spring break and spring quarter. They are making exceptions for some students and one of those is jack ryan. A lot of people talking about coronavirus. A lot of of people saying goodbye to their friends. Or, they are really disappointed, sad, worried, anxious. Stressed about finals. A lot of people petitioning for things to be different. We, there was a petition for the administration to take more action. They were not saying they were not taking enough action. There was a petition for finals to be cancelled. There was a a letter said theyre prioritizing students who cannot go home or who have Severe Health or safety risks or students that are homeless. This applies to cafeterias and other spaces and they are asking to make the wint quarter final exams optional for undergraduate students. All right, thanks. Now, here are the confirmed cases of the virus in the bay area. San tan clare a county, reported 17 more cases today, bringing its total to 91. And just yesterday, it reported a second death from the coronavirus, a woman in her 80s. This is by far the hardest hit region in the state. Los angeles county has the second most with 40. San francisco, also reported five additional cases today and marin county has two new confirmed cases. It shows you how serious the situation is. Tim cook announcing today, all stores outside of china will close until march 27th to help slow the spread of the virus. Customers showed up at the Union Square Location to find that the doors were locked. While u. S. Stores are closing, all apple stores in china did actually reopen today. So, a sign of hope there. Cook said that there will be deep cleaning in all sites and the company will provide Health Screenings and temperature checks in the offices. The company is committed 15 million to treat those that are sick. The long shore union is calling on the princess crew line, to test all crew members klanwi 1rew members s. On board. 19 have tested positive for covid19, but are reportedly doing well. The union said that the crew is on a contaminated ship and needs help. The rest of the crew needs to be tested and they need to be given medical treatment now. This is an international crisis. Assembly man rob bonta said the port of oakland is focused on the crew. Many will disembark and be placed on charter flights this weekend. Now we have the numbers to back up ridership for b. A. R. T. And 186 thousand riders yesterday, the after last month for a friday, 375,000 passengers. The decline is getting steeper each day as more people work from home. To the south bay, the Valley Transit Authority reducing the light rail capacity and suspending School Transit this. Will take affect on monday. The halting of school service, no surprise afterla county ordered the schools to close. All trains will nowing one car but they say, that could change once it gets a better look at ridership data. Believe it or not, theres other news to talk about. Thats good, i hope. Yeah, and it comes from the weather department, because we are getting a significant storm here. Yeah. Our first live look from the camera looking over San Francisco, gray, wet, all day long. You see, the drop lets on the lens right there, we saw a break this afternoon. Drew was standing by with how long it will last. Thats what it loob like over the next couple of days. On and off showers working through the bay area as you see a series of storms moving through at least for the early part of next week. Right now, live doppler seven showing you for the most part, the north bay is quiet and dry. The south bay is quite a different story. You see the pops of yellow and orange, indicating the heavier rainfall. We will zoom in to the east bay. Some light showers there. And some scattered showers over San Francisco, dryer skies though over milbury and san matteo. A lot of snow in the they are having feet of snow headed their way. Drew, thanks. You can track the rain with the abc7 news app. We have live doppler 7 on the app and you can enable push alerts to get the weather advisories on your phone or tablet. Yesterday was the last day of school for San Francisco unified for three weeks at least. And so many families are trying to figure out child care for the kids moving forward. Kate larson tells us that the city is working to set up centers for the parents on trndwoe and weighs on the familys situation. Like many San Francisco parents he does not know how he is going to handle the threeweek sfusd closure. My child keeps going, its nonstop. So, if i got to go, and i have nowhere to take my kids to, the kids cant come with me to work. And so, its going to cause me to lose pay. Reporter jerome picked up packets of books and paper so his three kids can study home. Maybe if there was more cases showing up in the schools where they tested positive for the coronavirus, then i would feel like its justified. Do our students have the capability to actually complete work . And a Science Teacher at burton high school. There have been volunteer forms handed out to teachers to help with supplying food to those students who may be food insecure and i know we are working currently with our Community School program to get students chrome books so that if it does come down to online learning, they will have the ability to actually complete work. This is an example of the food going to the schools. This celery, we have Peanut Butter over here. Paul ash, the executive director of the food bank showed us the pantry items that are available to fsusd families the district is opening 14 food pick up sites at schools across the city. We know families will come in to get the school lunches. At the same time, we are going to give them the opportunity to get groceries. Kate larson, abc7 news. We are keeping an you have dated list of school closures, as well as event cancellations on the website, abc7 news. Com coronavirus. If you are going to the grocery store, prepared. Check out what it lookslike in a safeway in the south bay. Not guil nothing on the shelves. See what you may be dealing with if you can get inside. A lot of panic buying going on. If you are trying to eat healthy. Salad bars are often easy, see what precautions are being taken to limit exposure there, and we. Doesnt mean you got to spend a lot because dennys brought back the super slamâ„¢. With eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and pancakes. All for just 5. 99. The 5. 99 super slamâ„¢ is back see you at dennys . Well, we are seeing lots of pictures like this, empty shelves as people load up on things like water, paper towels and toilet paper. This store sold out of beans, rice and pasta and workers were busy restocking shelves. If they are not going to the grocery store, you know where everyone is heading. Oh, yeah. They are going to costco in droves. The lines are out the door and wrapping around the building. Traffic in some cases backing up on the free ways as they wait to get in the parking lots. We are seeing stores putting limits on what customers can buy. Reporter could it be people working from home were sneaking out to go shopping, a lot of this costco was busier than usual as seen from sky seven and other locations shoppers were lined up to get in, waiting an hour and a half to two hours due to capacity limits. Even this though with a short Shopping List got caught up with i thought i was going to buy a couple of things that i was running out of. When i saw happening around me, it stuck pre. I should buy more. What if i cannot leave the house. Fear of quarantine was sneaking in. But others because they have to stay home. She spent 300 here the other day. She is back again. I have three kids at home and they are not going to be going to school for almost two weeks and we have to feed the kids. Carts were over flowing exceeding what once a month shoppers usually buy. People were buying mass quantities. Theres a rational reasonable amount to buy. You do want to be prepared. But theres people that are just kind of hording it, what do you do in an emergency. Like, i guess thats kind of a human response. Shelves remain depleted of paper towels and toilet paper until the next shipment. Instead, shoppers were trying to get food with long shelf life or that can go in the freezer. I saw a lot of nonparishables being bought. Theres no beans and rices and stuff, its all gone. How much can you eat for two weeks. Parentally like 20 pounds of rice. The packed parking lots and the over flowing shopping carts could be an indication of what others may be doing over the weekend. In san ho, david louie, abc7 news. Several restaurants have closed or plan to close due to the virus. La tais date for reopening. Taco bell is preparing to close its dining rooms if local Health Authorities restrict people from eating inside the restaurants. Now, if that happens, customers obviously can still buy food at the drive thrrus, they are pledging to play employees at Company Owned store fs they are required to stay at home or if they have to close. During the coronavirus outbreak how safe is Something Like the salad bar . Its a high traffic area. People come in to close contact with one another, and our sister station in l. A. Went to find answers. Coronavirus is leading many to rethink the new normal. And that may include where and if to eat out. In las vegas, mgm resorts are closing buffets as a caution. We have to take a great responsibility and you know, in serving safe food. He is the ceo of premier food safety. Educate them on the fda food guidelines. You may be faced with the question of if its safe to scoop up food at a salad bar or buffet. The should have Hand Sanitizers at the entrance. When hand washing is not readily available. Its a good option. But it should not be a replacement with washing with hot running water. Wherever possible, its best for employees to do the serving. In places where its not possible or happening, we urge the general public to take a lot of precautions. They should be served food or make the food themselves and get served by people and their families or their friend who is they know. So, whether its your coffee or lunch, they say that decision comes to trust. You know, you go and you really dont know what is going on behind the closed doors and you are hoping they are doing it right. And while much of the focus today is on the coronavirus, food safety precautions are always a good idea. Not focusing on just one type of bacteria virus. Because, theres many ways food becomes contaminated. Abc7 news. This makes so much sense. Well, the ripple affects from this you dont even think of it initially. Salad bar, well, you have to do what you have to do. I have seen scary stuff at the salad bar. Bear hands and grabbing. Without any pandemic going on, its yeah, lets move on and focus on the weather. We needed rain and we are getting rain. Nothing to panic about, its going to be lasting for a while. Its a series of light systems coming our way, to give us beneficial rain and much needed snow . The sierra. Live doppler 7 showing you the northern half of the bay area. You could see quiet if not seeing peeks of sunshine right now, its the southern half of the bay area, around san where showers have you sea the orange and yellow, thats where the rain is falling. And the front is slowly marching off to the east. We will likely be in and out of the showers in the south bay, over the next hour or so. Now, not only rain, we are tracking snow, winter storm warning in affect until 5 00 p. M. Monday. 48 hours still of heavy snow coming to the sierra. Travel is difficult if not almost impossible. We have chain controls on 80 and 50 right now. For good reason. Look at the snowfall potential through monday evening. We will measure it in feet. Some spots higher than that, nearing five feet in our highest peaks. Thats a lot wiof snow. Back here at home, upper 40s and lower. Its 48 right now, and 52 in the season. And 54 in oakland and 51 that current temperature in santa rosa. The storm impact scale is one. Light in nature w the scattered showers and gusty winds from time to time. Tomorrow, we have the chance of a thunder shower popping up. If it z we could see hail and lightning and our snow level is low. Its a cold storm that we have overhead, we could see a dusting of snow on the highest peak. Later on in the evening. Its scattered showers on the menu. Take the rain gear if you are headed out and about, and the showers will continue early tomorrow morning. The overnight numbers are dropping a few degrees. And settling in to the 40s for the overnight low. So, sunday morning we find scattered showers. Not nearly as heavy as what we are see rieth now. And still, showers on your sunday. Likely seeing some around sunshine as well, if we get the sunshine that could instigate a thunderstorm. And its for that fact, the Storm Prediction Center has placed the northern half of the bay area under a threat of a thunderstorm. If one popped up, again, we could see hail and lightning. We will keep our eye on it tomorrow. Rainfall estimates a good bet, about a quarter to 3 4 of an inch of rain. Good news, we need the rain and its coming our way sunday. Highs on sunday. A carbon copy forecast to today. Temperatures in the low to mid 50s for your daytime high. Its chilly for this time of the year. Heres the accu weather sevenday forecast. Its cold and wet, monday, even for st. Patricks day and we will bring back rain in the forecast friday in to saturday. Level one. So its not intense rain. Its more beneficial. Its nice to see a lot of rain chances. All right, one of the side affects of the coronavirus, Asian Americans becoming targets of hate. What is being done now to combat it. And on monday, abc news will be airing a special edition of 20 20 because of the coronavirus, you can catch outbreak, what you need to know. When it comes to flooring, im hard to please. So, i go to floor decor where i find every imaginable tile, wood, laminate or stone without compromising my design. Cause one aisle doesnt cut it. I need an entire store. Explore floor decor in person or online. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. 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Symptoms include tiredness, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. Blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant or nursing. Every day matters. And i want more of them. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. With the spread of the coronavirus, comes a rise in xenophobia against the asian community. My adrenalin was going, and when i sat down it took a while to calm down. He experienced an unpleasant and under expected interaction with a man next to him while in the restroom of a restaurant. He was wiping his hands and he turned his head and coughed and said, damn cough from china. As the world fights coronavirus that originated in china, Asian Americans are fighting the virus of bigotry. Why are they racist to us, we dont have the virus. The Asian American studies department, images of hate from around the globe. This group had 141 new stories related to coronavirus discrimination. Globally 37 cases a day. And thats just the ones that go reported. Make sure that our different Government Agencies are set up with hot lines to be able to track how many of these incidents are occurring. We see it on social media. But it really does need to be ear documented and tracked. Vincent pan of the Civil Rights Group that said it can be stopped from turning in to hate, starting at the top. The president calls it a foreign virus when you have members of Congress Calling it like the chinese coronavirus, and this is a Public Health situation. And you know, we know that it affects all people. San Francisco States asian sta studies department is going to track incidents as they happen. We have news out of washington regarding the coronavirus, President Trump got tested for it and results have come back and a new travel ban tonight. What its like to live with the coronavirus, a woman walks us through the symptoms and how she is now, your health, your safety, this is abc7 news. Activity today on the national level, when it comes to coronavirus. Now the european travel ban has been expanded and the lawmakers are taking action on a stimulus package. They held an extraordinary news konchs t conference the this morning. At the trump was tested for the coronavirus and it came back negative. In a rare saturday afternoon briefing, President Trump surrounded by top advisers said he has taken the covid19 test and is awaiting results. Is your temperature normal, mr. President . Totally normal. Those that would be close to the president were temperature checked one by one. President trump also urging people to avoid shaking hands. Pike people should not be shaking hands for the

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