And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 784 Saint Vincent steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much oh this is a hot crowd tonight new york city. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. Welcome to the tonight show, everybody. This is the show to be at. [ cheers and applause ] youre here. You made it. Thank you very, very much. [ wolf whistle ] thank you, sir. [ light laughter ] well, heres what people are talking about, you guys. Happy wednesday. First of all [ scattered cheers ] yeah. Today, Time Magazine named its person of the year this morning. And its the silence breakers whove reported sexual harassment. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. They announced it on the today show. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] al roker was like, heres a a look at the elephant in your neck of the room. [ laughter and applause ] steve hey jimmy and following more allegations of sexual harassment, 30 Democratic Senators called on al franken to resign as senator of minnesota. But hes already got a backup plan. Hes going to run for senator of alabama. Steve oh. [ applause ] jimmy thats an interesting move. You know . Steve you never know. Jimmy this is interesting here. I read that none of president trumps tweets made the list of the years most retweeted posts. [ light laughter ] but trump took the news in stride by creating thousands of twitter accounts and retweeting himself. [ laughter ] he was like, just a million more to go. A million more accounts. [ applause ] today, trump announced that the u. S. Will recognize jerusalem as israels capital. He mentioned all of the nations affected. But he had a little trouble pronouncing one countrys name. Check this out. God bless you. God bless israel. God bless the palestinians. And god bless the united shlates. Thank you very much. [ laughter ] steve what . [ laughter ] what . Jimmy i swear. Steve what . Jimmy i swear that is real, man. Steve oh, my god jimmy no, you got to see [ light laughter ] can we see it again . Its just so good. God bless you. God bless israel. God bless the palestinians. And god bless the united shlates. Thank you very much. [ laughter ] steve oh, my god. Jimmy looks like someone looks like someones been hitting the eggnog a little early this year. [ laughter and applause ] united shlates. Hi, honey. I think trump realized his mistake later on, and he sent a a tweet saying, i merssed up, shrad. [ laughter ] united shlates. Shates. [ laughter ] oh, i saw that Vladimir Putin Just Announced he is seeking reelection. Steve what . [ light laughter ] jimmy really . Whos running against him . [ light laughter ] thats like running for class president when youre home schooled, you know . [ laughter and applause ] think im going to win . Well, i got a chance. I read that for the second year in a row, the mall of america has hired a black man to play santa, which is great. But unfortunately, its once again led to some controversy about santas true ethnicity. Well, here to comment on the issue is our christmas correspondent, yamaneika saunders. Jimmy hi, yamaneika. [ cheers and applause ] nice to see you. Thank you for being here. Appreciate it. Yamaneika, talk to me. All right. Let me just clear this up real quick, okay, jimmy . Jimmy yes. Santa could only be white, okay . No, seriously. Relax, relax. Think about it. Santa breaks into homes on christmas eve. [ light laughter ] if he was a black man, he would have been shot in the ass. Jimmy all right. Yeah. And then trump would have put up, officer saves christmas. Jimmy okay, all right. [ light laughter ] you dont think santa could be black . Well, you know, it is kind of realistic that santa could be black. I mean, he does like him a fat white woman now. [ laughter ] but no, jimmy, listen, listen. All right. All right. Okay. You think a black santa would allow all these boring ass Christmas Songs . White christmas . Im dreaming of a white no if santa was black, it would be im dreaming it was all a dream i used to read word up magazine [ cheers and applause ] hey hey, hey jimmy thats a good one. Thats a good point. Thats a good point. Thats a good point. [ laughter ] my rolls came out. Sorry, santa. [ laughter ] look [ light laughter ] Christmas Gift that keeps on giving. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Look, i wish santa could be black. I mean, how come all the important men got to be white . I mean you already got jesus, and the last samurai. Thanks, tom cruise. Jimmy the last samurai. [ light laughter ] let black people have santa. Jimmy yeah. Come on. We used to have a black president jimmy thats true. And then we had a white santa. Jimmy yes. So now we have a white president , we should like switch off, and have a black santa. [ laughter ] jimmy i think thats a good idea. Why not . [ applause ] im fine with it. Were good. I think thats a good idea. Actually, you know what . Wait. Wait, wait. Now that i think about it, we might not have a white santa longer anymore. You know . Jimmy why . Whats up . Well, you know jimmy, its 2017. And any day now, im sure one of the elves is going to come forward ustoo. [ laughter ] saying that santa groped them, or stood under the mistletoe and whipped out his yule log. [ laughter ] jimmy all right, all right. Yamaneika, any final thoughts . Yes. Maybe this year, instead of focusing on santas skin color, we focus on what he really represents like joy, and peace, and love. And lets just agree that santa that comes down your chimney can be whatever the hell you want him to look like, you know . And in my instance, he looks like idris elba. Jimmy all right. There you go. [ cheers and applause ] yamaneika saunders, everybody. Yamaneika, thank you. Yamaneika saunders. Guys, check this out. I read that ikea is teaming up with an Electronics Company to make home speakers. But you should be careful, because if you turn the bass up too high, all of your ikea furniture will fall apart. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] and finally, you guys, the other day, louisiana senator john kennedy was speaking to reporters about the drama surrounding the gop tax bill when he made a pretty interesting comparison. Check this out. Ive been in politics a long time. This is this is perfectly normal. Part of politics is drama. And everybody up here has politics in his blood, kind of like herpes. [ laughter ] jimmy then his wife was like, id like to ask a follow up question if you dont mind. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much, roots welcome, everybody. Welcome to the show. Good to see you, higgins. Welcome, and thank you for watching at home. Guys, we got some good news here at the show. We got nominated for a a Critics Choice Award today. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. It is for it is for best talk show announcer. Higgins, congratulations for that. Steve oh, my god [ cheers ] united shtates. Jimmy the United States the whole united shtates voted. [ laughter ] steve all of them . Jimmy yeah. Its for best talk show. Were so honored. So thank you so much to the critics of the broadcast Television Journalists association. I want to congrat say congrats to all the other nominees, ellen, jimmy kimmel, james corden, Harry Connick jr. , and andy cohen. Steve ah jimmy such great company. [ cheers and applause ] such great company. Steve very good. Jimmy thats exciting. The awards air january 11th at 8 00 p. M. On the cw. Be sure to check it out. The Critics Choice Awards. [ cheers and applause ] thats a big deal for us. We love that. Guys, we have a huge show tonight. He stars in the new animated movie, ferdinand [ cheers ] i know, we love him. The one and only john cena is here tonight [ cheers and applause ] steve come on jimmy cant see me. Steve love that dude. Jimmy he is the greatest. Steve hes the best. Jimmy later in the show, john cena and i are going to perform some mad lib theater. Steve ooh. Jimmy so stick around for that. Its fun. [ applause ] plus, from the new amazon pilot, love you more, Bridget Everett is on the show. [ cheers and applause ] you know how they do this . On amazon, they do these things ill talk to bridget about this, but they have a pilot. Its called love you more. And what you do is you watch the show on amazon, and on the app, or whatever you got it on, and you watch that. And then when the shows over, they said, do you like the show . And you can vote yes or no. And then if it gets enough positive votes, theyll make a a series out of it. Steve wow. Jimmy so her career balances in your hands. Tonight. [ light laughter ] yeah. Bridget everett is here tonight. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy love you more. Shes the best. And we have great music. Im so excited hes here steve i cant believe he is. Jimmy oh, my goodness beck is in the house [ cheers and applause ] beck i like this jam. Steve oh no, youre not going to cape it, are you . No, dont cape it [ cheers and applause ] oh, my god hes caping it jimmy got to cape it sometimes. Well be right back, everybody, with john cena [ cheers and applause ] resolution 1 binge more. Join the uncarrier, and get four unlimited lines for only forty bucks each. Plus, netflix for the whole family. On us. So, they get their shows. Lets go, girl youre gonna love this bit and you get yours. Watch however you want. On your phone, tablet, or tv. For just forty bucks per line. With no extra charges. Lets rock this joint all on americas best unlimited network, tmobile. At ally, we created a savings account with a great rate. But if thats not enough, our app helps monitor your spending too. And if thats not enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. Look at this traffic. Dont worry. Ok, if thats not enough well start a trainpool. Oh i have a meeting in five minutes. And if thats still not enough. I got it. Well just create a shortcut. Well do anything, seriously anything to help you save. Ally. Do it right. Talking 4th quarter . Yes. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Come to a complete stop. Repeat as necessary. Recalculating. Free, free, set me free. In one mile, arrive at a place where you make your own lane. Only to discover. It has traffic jams too. Your all new compass [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a 16time wwe World Champion and a talented actor who stars in the new animated movie ferdinand, which is in theaters december 15th. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome john cena [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i mean, do you feel the love right now in the room . I always say i always say [ cheers and applause ] rowdiest crowd in late night right here. Jimmy this is the rowdiest crowd, absolutely yeah. Remember the last time i was here and everybody rushed the desk . Jimmy yes, of course. [ cheers and applause ] took your clothes off. We literally, we fought for our lives. It was jimmy yeah, we fought for our lives, thats how crazy our crowds are. Carting people away jimmy yeah. The last time everybody rushed this desk. Jimmy you look sharp. Dont do that this time. Jimmy you look stylish as always. Thank you for coming back to the show. [ cheers ] no, thanks for having me. Its great to be here. [ cheers ] thank you, guys. Jimmy where are you spending the holidays . What are you doing for christmas . Any plans . Hopefully a little time with my family, a little time with her family. Jimmy what was christmas like for you in the cena family growing up . It was awfulsome, and i say that because. [ laughter ] jimmy thats a great new word. Because it was awesome. Because it was like five boys. We all liked all the same stuff so it was like presents aplenty but it was awful because we were very bad kids and we should have got coal every year and santa i hope santas watching hes very nice. And we would all we lived in a twostory house so all of us would wake up at like 04 30 and be at the top step and you cant ever go down the steps because my dad who was asleep but could somehow hear us all. [ laughter ] if he heard a step creak, would be like, stop it but we couldnt go in and wake them up because it was illegal. We had to let them come out of the bedroom. Jimmy no, i know the rules, yeah. So we would try to peek down and then eventually somebody would get brave enough to go in to the bedroom. All right, stop it were going downstairs. And we would go downstairs and it would be like the unwrapping scene in the christmas story where it was just arms and teeth and paper and stuff that needed to be assembled and pieces everywhere, and my old man scratching his head just ready to swallow a shotgun. It was [ laughter ] it was awesome. It was awesome. Jimmy that is just fantastic. Everything needs batteries. Jimmy i totally remember that. I remember i forgot the peeking down the stairs to see if santa came. Oh, man. Jimmy i remember at one point trying to almost, like, grab on to the bannister and the wall and try to just shimmy my way downstairs. Like Mission Impossible or something . Jimmy yeah, and not step on the steps because they always creaked in my house and i didnt want to get busted. You know, i was reading up about you. You know i run your wikipedia page, and i [ laughter ] and i thank you for that. Jimmy i know, youre welcome. Theres one thing i learned, tell me if this is true, but that you learn you try to teach yourself different things, like you learning how to play the piano or youre learning how to speak mandarin. Yeah, correct. Jimmy in your spare time. But youre so busy. But yeah, but man you can like jimmy Rosetta Stone . No, i got a tutor, we talk. Jimmy really . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy mandarins tough. Yes, it is. [ laughter ] jimmy i got a Rosetta Stone. I couldnt even get past the first, like, hour. Okay, so well try something. Here we go. [ laughter ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] john cena. [ laughter ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] jimmy fallon. Jimmy fallon, [ speaking Foreign Language ] the tonight show. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] jimmy thats [ speaking Foreign Language ] ferdinand. Ferdinand, [ speaking Foreign Language ] december 15th. [ laughter ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy fallon. Jimmy thats right thats what you do thats how you do it right there [ cheers and applause ] that sounded right. So jimmy oh, my gosh. So thats all the words you cant say on tv. [ laughter ] jimmy exactly. Thank you for doing that. You got it. It was nothing. Jimmy tell me about tell me about ferdinand, because i loved it. I have two little kids. I love the book, the story of ferdinand, just a beautiful story about a bull who doesnt want to fight. He doesnt want to be a a fighter. Hed rather smell the flowers. And its just a great point to the whole story. But today, you read ferdinand, you were at the library of congress. Yeah, this morning. Jimmy this morning with all these kids and you read them all the book. Look at that. [ audience aws ] how cool is that, man . [ cheers and applause ] thats the best. Thats why we love you. Thats why we love you, buddy. [ applause ] so it was a really fun time. I obviously believe in the movie. I feel very passionate about it. Its a story thats been around for 80 years and its a story about being proud of who you are, even if youre different. Different is okay as long as youre happy. So, weve created a wonderful universe. The guys who made rio, the guys who made ice age have come out and have made this wonderful universe out of ferdinand. I call it a wonderful family film because i think kids and grown folk will enjoy it. Theres a bunch of funny people in it. Kate mckinnon is my calming goat lupe. Jimmy kate mckinnon. She is hilarious. It comes out december 15th and i know every one of you here by being here, you agree to see it. Jimmy yeah, of course, thats the deal. Ferdinand [ applause ] theres a bunch of scenes i loved in the film, but of course the one i i thought was just genius is that at one point, ferdinand has to go through a china shop. Yes. Jimmy to get away. Imagine that, a bull in a a china shop. Jimmy brilliant idea. A bull in a china what would ever happen if that happened . Jimmy its just perfect. I go, of course, that has to be part of the movie. It really made me laugh. It was well done. I want to show a clip. Heres john cena, i think that scene were talking were gonna show, in the new animated movie, ferdinand. Take a look at this. [ speaking Foreign Language ] there he is [ heavy breathing ] oh, no. [ laughter ] okay, think thin. [ light laughter ] alright, you are a 2,000pound feather. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats well done. John cena, everybody ferdinand is in theaters december 15th. John and i are performing a a little mad lib theater after the break. Check it out, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] with 33 individual vertebrae and 640 muscles in the human body, no two of us are alike. Life made more effortless through adaptability. The perfect position seat in the lincoln continental. tens of millions of peopletal. 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Jimmy no, but first, we have to fill in the blanks. Oh, okay. Jimmy its time for mad lib theater, here we go. That sounds fun mad lib theater ah, yeah jimmy heres how this works. Okay. Jimmy im going to ask you for some silly words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, et cetera, well do that, theyll be written onto cue cards, and then, well act out a dramatic mad lib scene. Sure. Jimmy okay, here we go. Okay, this is great. Jimmy right . Yeah. Jimmy give me an adjective. Flamboyant [ laughter ] jimmy flamboyant. Really making the cue card guys work. Pet name. Winston. Jimmy wow, that was really fast. Nickname for a kid. Jimmy bill bob. [ laughter ] jimmy thats a nickname for a kid . Yeah. Jimmy bill bob. Jimmy type of profession. Late night host. [ laughter ] jimmy what would you shout if you stubbed your toe . Falafel [ laughter ] jimmy give me a number. 6801. Jimmy gosh. [ laughter ] give me a madeup fact about chickens. They can fly. Jimmy two words that rhyme. Fallon, talon. Jimmy you dont have to make the whole thing about me. Type of food. Oh. Thats a tough one. Ill let you go with that one. Jimmy what . No. I have to do it . Jimmy this is a game. Its fun. Say any food. Ballpark hot dog. [ laughter ] jimmy ballpark hot dog. This is the most interesting answers ive ever played. Type of drink. A rob roy. [ laughter ] jimmy what . Its a manhattan with a jimmy i know what that is but, no kid knows what a rob roy is. They do now. Rob roys for everyone jimmy rob roys for everyone here. [ cheers and applause ] a rob roy is great. A verb ending in ing. Begrudging . Is that no, no. Running. Running. Jimmy very good. Running. I had to go basic. I was trying to go complicated. Jimmy advice that you would give a shy teenager . Stay golden, pony boy. [ laughter ] jimmy these are the best answers ever. Stay golden, pony boy. Oh my gosh. Its a safe one. Jimmy another good reference. Oh my gosh. Body part. Perineum. [ laughter ] jimmy im going to have to give my cue card guy mouthtomouth after this. Perineum. You want to go medical on that. Jimmy no, no. Perineum. Is that something . No, its the space between jimmy okay, got you. [ laughter ] thats not what that song is about. Thats not what that song is about. That is for me. Jimmy thats not no its not. Thats how Dave Matthews speaks to me jimmy thats not what its about. Thats not what its about. Oh my gosh. Here we are. Jimmy no, i know. This is great. Object. Protractor. [ laughter ] jimmy a plural noun. Puppies. Jimmy puppies. Aw. [ audience aws ] jimmy plural animals. Dragons. [ laughter ] jimmy what would you say if you found out you got an a plus on your chemistry test . Teacher, my names not dave jimmy oh my gosh. [ laughter ] because i wouldnt i would never. Jimmy this is got it. All right, were almost done. Give me a color. Hmm, sea breeze. [ laughter ] jimmy sea breeze is a a color . I got to get my crayola set. Another profession. Wwe super star. Jimmy hey. [ cheers and applause ] couple of fans in the house. Jimmy yeah. Two more. Another body part. [ light laughter ] can i say anus . Jimmy no. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can say it is a part. Jimmy and a verb. Jump. Jimmy there we go. Perfect. All right, we filled it out. We are ready for our scene. Im going to hand this in to the computer and then theyre going to go on the cue cards. Are you ready to perform our scene . Lets do this jimmy yes lets go. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy ah, i love christmas. Its the most flamboyant time of the year. [ laughter ] hey, whats wrong . Theres something i have to tell you, winston. Jimmy what is it, jimmy bill bob . [ laughter ] im your brother and your best late night host. You can tell me anything. Well, this isnt easy, but here goes. I dont believe in santa claus. Jimmy falafel [ laughter ] hey, hey. I understand why you would react that way. Weve been writing santa letters every day for the last 6801 decades. [ laughter ] jimmy this is more shocking than when i found out chickens can fly. [ light laughter ] what made you stop believing . All i wanted for christmas was the most popular toy everyone had, the fallon talon. [ laughter ] i left santa a plate of ballpark hot dogs and a glass of rob roy, but on christmas morning, there was nothing under the tree, so i ran to my room and started running. [ laughter ] jimmy little bro, im going to tell you the same thing dad used to tell me every night before bed. [ laughter ] yes . What is that . Jimmy stay golden, pony boy. [ laughter and applause ] stay golden, pony boy. Truer words have never been spoken. Jimmy all you have to do is look deep [ laughter ] within your [ laughter ] perineum. Perineum. Jimmy perineum. [ laughter ] you remember dad used to say that as well. You gotta look deep for the holiday spirit. Come on, man. You can do it. Youre right, brother. The holidays are magical. Decorating the christmas protractor. [ laughter ] hanging the puppies on the mantle. [ laughter ] and spending time with all my dragons. [ laughter ] i believe again there is a Santa Claus Jimmy teacher, my names not dave you know, the best part about believing in santa is getting to sing my Favorite Song with you. [ laughter ] jimmy you sure you dont want to do it by yourself . [ laughter ] what is the song . It is, rudolph the sea breezed nosed wwe super star. Man, i screwed myself jimmy that is my Favorite Song. Lets sing rudolph the sea breezed nosed wwe super star had a very shiny anus [ laughter ] and if you ever saw it you would even say it jumped jimmy and scene. Go run to your room. Go run to your room and start running im going [ cheers and applause ] jimmy john cena, everybody well be right back with Bridget Everett [ cheers and applause ] you wont believe how much is new at red lobster. That is, until you taste our new menu. 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Three of jacks famous tacos and a small drink for 3 or a classic bonus jack combo for 5 its like i tell jack jr. , its all about big values, jr. Prices. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is an incredibly talented performer who is starring in her own brand new tv pilot called love you more, which is currently available on Amazon Prime Video. Everyone, please welcome Bridget Everett [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey, bridget, welcome back. Oh, my gosh. That was awesome. Jimmy theyre the best. The roots, come on. Theyre the best. Jimmy you cant beat it. Welcome back to the show. Im happy youre here. Thank you. Thank you. Jimmy how long have you lived in new york city . Ive lived here for 20 years almost to the day. Jimmy is that right . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy 20 years ago. Thats great. So youre definitely a a new yorker. I had no when you first came, were you always into cabaret . Was that what you were no, i started off i auditioned. I went on my first audition. I went for a childrens theater tour. And it was a bus and truck tour for hansel and gretel and i played the mother. And i quickly realized that that wasnt for me. So i found karaoke, and cabaret, and chardonnay, and ive been doing great. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy karaoke, cabaret, and chardonnay. But that really did thats the trifecta, jimmy. Jimmy it took off for you, because this is where this is you met Michael Patrick king, right . Yes, i met Michael Patrick king, who did sex and the city, and the comeback, and two broke girls and all of that stuff. Jimmy i mean hello, yeah. [ applause ] and that was 10 years ago, and he told me, he was like, youre either going to break now, or its going to take you 10 years, and jimmy is that right . And that was ten years ago. And we were on vacation a a couple years ago, hes like my mentor and i remember we were sitting on his you know, hes got a lot of a lot of money, and a really nice house. And so we were out on his deck, and hes like, i think its time for us to do a show together. And, i remember thinking, you know, i was like, of course i burst into tears. And its like, you know, youre 45 not, youre 45. I dont know how old you are. Youve got a baby face. I dont know. [ light laughter ] im 45 years old, you know, im a woman, 6 foot tall, got a lot of meat on my bones. [ light laughter ] and you know, you dont always picture somebody wanting to make a tv show for you when you are that. But you know what . Dreams can come true and sometimes it takes a while. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy im so happy for you thank you. Jimmy thats right thank you. Jimmy youre knocking it out of the park. I love the show. Thank you. Jimmy i want to see more of it. Its called love you more. Mmhmm. Jimmy you get it on amazon prime right now, Amazon Prime Video. Yeah. Jimmy explain to everyone what the shows about. Well, i play karen best, shes a 45 no shes not 45, shes probably in her 30s. [ light laughter ] jimmy well you have to play a character. Yeah. I play karen best. And shes a big woman with a a big heart, you know . Loves chardonnay and she works by day, she works in a a home with young adults with down syndrome. And at night, she lives with loni anderson. Jimmy im so excited. I saw loni anderson, im like i love loni anderson. Oh, my god, loni is magic. Oh, my gosh. She is my [ light laughter ] like i grew up watching wkrp in cincinnati. Jimmy wkrp in cincinnati oh, my yeah. And shell tell you all those stories, but she calls it krp, not wkrp, which i love. And she is like shes like a hundred kittens rolled in puppies with bunny ears, and just dipped in sugar with dragon flies, and butterflies all around her. Shes so perfect. Jimmy that is a great description of a person. Its in her bio, its a a fact. [ light laughter ] anyway, the other day, i was out getting toilet paper, because i go too. Jimmy okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] and my jimmy that was going to be my next question. Yeah, just cross that one off. Jimmy yeah, yeah. My phone starts ringing, and its loni. And im like, i just i dropped the toilet paper. I was like, loni andersons on my phone. Im like, i got to go home. I got to sit down on the couch, im going to pour myself a a bottle of wine, and then im just going to call her back. [ laughter ] jimmy i love pour myself a bottle of wine. Im efficient. Jimmy yeah. Of course. Why not . I want to show everyone its the holidays, everybody. Cheers. [ light laughter ] jimmy why not . I want to show everyone a clip. Heres Bridget Everett in love you more. Take a look at this. Hey there, baby. Couldnt keep my eyes off of you. Thanks, sweetheart, but you really need to be that tall to ride this ride. I would have been here sooner, but i got held up talking to kevin hart. So, you like big girls . Yeah, i like big girls. Then ive come to the right place. Here, from that guy over there. Whos that . Some dreamer. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy some dreamer. Dream on, buddy. Bridget, last time you were here, we were very lucky, you sang for us. And it was fantastic. Yeah. Jimmy is there any way we could talk you into just singing something for us tonight, please, maybe . [ cheers and applause ] i mean sure. Jimmy we have a microphone. Let me just take off my shoes for safety. [ light laughter ] jimmy is that what you have to do . For singing you have to take off your shoes for safety . Yeah. When you do it like i do it, i guess so. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, absolutely. Oh my god, its a a celine dion, Barbra Streisand microphone again. Jimmy isnt that the greatest . Come on. This is when you know. This is when you know. This is like jimmy this is real. This is a thing of beauty. Jimmy yeah, it really is. But i could sing something if you guys you guys know some miley, right . [ cheers and applause ] do you have anything from dreamers . Okay, cause, hit the track if you want to. Because sometimes, you know ll cool j, like i always like to say, he always says, ddhd dreams dont have deadlines. And when youre waiting tables for 25 years like i did, you sing this song a lot in your sleep. Hold my hand. [ light laughter ] i can almost see it that dream im dreaming but theres a voice inside my head saying youll never reach it every step im taking every move im make feels lost with no direction my faith is shaken [ cheers ] but i im going to be strong just keep pushing on why im going to tell you why theres always going to be another mountain im always going to want to make it move always going to be an uphill battle sometimes im going to have to lose dont matter how fast i get there aint about whats waiting on the other side its the climb [ cheers ] ladies and gentlemen, when we fall down, we have to remember to pick each other up. Jimmy, i will always be here to lift you up. Are you going to be here for me . Jimmy yes then get out in front of that desk, take off your shoes, and lay down, and lets do this [ cheers and applause ] your dreams are about to come true, jimmy. Are you ready . Lay down theres no time. Everybody, help us out. On the count of three, were going to count him in. Audience one two three are you ready to fly . Its the climb [ cheers ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ cheers ] its the climb [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Bridget Everett, everybody a standing ovation Bridget Everett [ cheers and applause ] love you more is currently available on Amazon Prime Video standing o well be right back with a a performance from beck. Stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] claps hands laughs you have a side that wants to impress. Careful man youre making a mess. A side that opens up a store, doin more than ever before. A side that takes the kids to school. And thinks that minivans are cool. laughs thats why theres nationwide. They help to know, protect, and grow your many sides. 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Intuit turbotax my shoulders carry more they carry my communitys pride my familys pride and pride in myself because shoulders were made for greatness not dandruff [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i love this guy so much oh, my gosh. Hes one of the best. His new album, colors, is fantastic. He has the number one alternative song in the country, which is off of his new album, called [ cheers and applause ] yeah. Not too shabby. The new album is colors. Performing up all night, give it up for beck [ cheers and applause ] when you get the rhythm and words all make you cold when they break it down and this world is all you know hands up youre working it round now get yourself together when you count the dominos fall its time to go now im feeling so far away i see the colors and all the kids going home night is crawling into the day i hear my voice ringing the summertimes singing just wanna stay up all night with you just wanna stay up all night with you theres nothing that i wouldnt rather do just wanna stay up all night with you ill keep it moving dont wait for nothing now gotta keep it moving dont wait for nothing now ill keep it moving dont wait dont wait for nothing now gotta keep it moving dont wait for nothing now nothing now one, two what you doing ive been jumping through some hoops wanna get my body loose wanna tell you tell you what to do ive been running out of breath like an animal struggling looking for a diamond im trying im fighting back into the rhythm now i just wanna stay up all night wanna stay up all night with you with you you just wanna stay up all night with you just wanna stay up all night with you theres nothing that i wouldnt rather do just wanna stay up all night with you living up in the air if you dont really care living dont get you there if you got the time to take it up there living up in the air living out on a prayer living dont get you there if you got the time to take it up there up all night with you with you with you up all night with you with you with you [ cheers and applause ] jimmy yeah thank you so much beck [ cheers and applause ] good to see you, buddy. Colors is out now well be right back. Beck, everybody [ cheers and applause ] amazing speed, coverage, and control. Nooooooo yes all with an xfi gateway. Find your awesome and change the way you wifi. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy come on my thanks to john cena, Bridget Everett, beck once again, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] and give it up for the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Thank you. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight chris hayes, star of darkest hour, actress Kristin Scott thomas, music from alex leahy, featuring the 8g band with michelle baptiste. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. Senate majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell, is calling for an ethics investigation into accusations that senator al franken sexually assaulted a woman in 2006. Because Mitch Mcconnell absolutely will not stand for

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