Doonan show us around their equally totally in spanish. Fabulous Shelter Island refuge. So, we promote education and entertainment through the plus, Alex Guarnaschelli whips up a feast Spanish Language plays, and we honor, in her Bridge Hampton kitchen. Honor our language that we are very proud to speak spanish and but first, author and ad man Richard Kirshenbaum takes us on a tour of his unique sagaponack sanctuary, english in this Spanish Language country, ourespeally. But i think i saw the importance really, just steps from the beach. The favorite thing for me in the world is really to rescue more the spanish in our community because to be wellread and wellfed. [theme music] thats the way to rescue our sort also in california. Regionf damian are you the onenow, lets say you get a script of an obra, of a play, heres the one, the malinche show. We are kicking off our celebration of summer on long lets say you get a script and its in english. Island in sagaponack with advertising do you translate it, or do you get all the scripts in espanol . Veronica well, sometimes i translate information into english, from spanish to english. And when we have a tv project in the past, we like create like a signups for the alzheimer, alzheimer disease. I needed to write completely in spanish. And when they passed it into the screen, they made the translation insorry, i need to write in english, and they made a translation in spanish, or vice versa. Damian subtitles. Veronica yeah, we the have subtitles. Damian all right, and so, abraham, youre an actor. What do you like about the fact that youre on the big stage with Teatro Nahual . Abraham mijangos hi, my name is abraham, and i think we are in Teatro Nahual for almost 14 years. Its a good experience. And shes my director, and its a really good, good learning. A, or did you learn how to act . Abraham im still learning, yeah. Damian what is it about it that says, i want to bei want to be on the stage. I want to be part of it . Abraham i think itsfirst its, you know, to want to do it. And i think my friends or people i know, they want to do it, but they dont know how or where. Thats why Teatro Nahual is here, to invite our community to learn some acting classes. Damian so, i mean, its aseems like a professional theater company, but youre also teaching the acting . Veronica yeah, i offer the spanish acting classes since 2004. And i met abraham, abraham arrived probably in 2005, 2006, and hes been taking several spanish acting workshops. Hes one of the lead actors, one of the best, not because hes present, but he is wonderful. And we are with people from the community, really all ages. Theres kids, teenagers, adult people that want to be introduced into the theater arts, and want to learn about the breathing exercises, how to project the voice in a stage, technique or acting exercises or acting techniques, but are following the stanislavski technique or different improvisations that we work. cause we train actors, and later we offer the opportunity that they can bethey can be part of some productions. Damian what about the audience that comes watch to watch your shows . How easy or difficult is it to get a Spanish Speaking audience to fill a theater and watch an obra like this one . Veronica i think since 2003, it has been like a really hard work. You have to pass information to really get the solidarity, like programs like yours that tend to your program, more people can know that we exist, that we offer acting classes, that we have productions totally in spanish. It has been a hard work. However, we have been having a very good response for latin American People that really feel identify with the rules because they are listening totally a Spanish Language theater group. Its no chicano, its not in english. And they identifying when they arrive to the productions and said, oh my god, thats a long time that i never heard that word or that i keep forgetting my spanish. And thats great that we are refreshing with this place that you are presenting, and thats kind of been a hard work, but at the same time very gratifying to help the population. Damian well, its called malinche show by Teatro Nahual. Its going on at the macla theatre here in downtown san jose. There is their web address for more information. Well be back and talk about the malinche show, stay with us. Well, tell us about the malinche show. What is the obra all about . Veronica well, it is a historical play, but bring it to the audience in a fun way. With entertainment, you can see music, will be totally like a revolution on the stage. And thats likeits like historical play like the way that we are talking this malinche. We are talking about what happened 500 years ago in the history of mexico. But we are bringing aspects of the history of mexico in a fun way, in an entertaining way. And we are showing la malinche, not themalinche that we see in the textbook, for example, that is the traitor, the person that learned to speak spanish and forget about theforgot about the nahuatl, and about the maya, and about all the culture. No, we present really the human part of la malinche, what really in a different context happened on that moment of the history, when he or she tried to help Hernan Cortes, the spanish conqueror, when he arrived to mexico and they wanted to like to conquer the population and of course change the religion to catholicism. So, you can see in the play a totally fight and argument between Hernan Cortes and la malinche, saying, why you did this aspect . Why you didnt do it . I was not guilty, you werent guilty. And it seems that they, in the play, the context or tichat we are trying to handle is that they didnt want to kill peoplepeople i can tell with the conquer. The effort or the power to conquer tenochtitlan on that time i think was out of their hands. Yeah, and they really handle, like cortes handled tons of people and conquers. He was notale blood running with the country, when mexico tenochtitlan on you can see in a fun way the characters like la malinche, Hernan Cortes, appears in a fun trilogy. That is like the power, power of the United States trying to dominate and control all the characters to do whatever they want to do. In la malinche, its like puppet that they have on the stage managed by the trilogy, like the power people. And they want to continue manipulating the population and saying, be embarrassed to speak your language. Be embarrassed on how your origin is. We want you in the other side, yeah . Imploring for the different values and the different culture because we want to control your mind. Abraham my role isim Hernan Cortes. Damian of course you are. [all laughing] abraham im with the malinche show. You have to go to see what is going on. Its 500 years ago, so you know, we bring all the story in here. Yeah, im Hernan Cortes. Damian do you have to know a little bit about the story of la malinche . Or just once youre there, its kind of all abraham no, yeah. You know, some, you know, its a really huge history about mexico. Damian its deep history. Abraham yeah, it is, a lot. Im from mexico. But yeah, i know some things about it, about her. She was not traitor, she was a translator, but she lost the control. And thats what its going to represent. Damian is it easier to have fun with this play, maybe joke around and make people laugh . Damianan md if they dont laugh . Abraham i think its a challenge. [all laughing] abraham they have to. Veronica hopefully, they will have, they will have a great time. Yeah, yeah, i think thatswe are expecting that, yeah. Damian so, is it a challenge to make sure that youre serious about the topic, but then you want to make people laugh at the same time . Veronica yes, because its a farcical play. The actors, i am very like proud to have a great actors like abraham, blanca nieto, louis nicolas, alicia salcedo, heraldo fernandez. And its awe have like nine actors on a scene, and a singer, and a playsome person play and Teatro Nahual, for years we have the characteristics to present comedies and farcical plays, but really going deepest laughing a lot about the topic,e for example how Hernan Cortes went like and, i dont know, kill somebody or like talk in front of la malinchebut people can be laughing at the same time that they are reflecting. Damian interesting. Well, its called the malinche show, its by Teatro Nahual at macla theatre. Now, their premiere is again on february 29, but theyll have more shows after that. Make sure you log on and find out more about the malinche show. Well, thank you so much and good luck. Abraham thank you. Veronica thank you for this opportunity, gracias. Damian and well have more here on comunidad del valle, stay with us. It helps to have someone in your corner. Thats why theres covered california. 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We spoke with her right before the iranian bombing in iraq. Damian she carries her daughters image everywhere. Carla sanchez, an airman half a world away in an area that could come under attack at any moment. Her mom, carmen sanchez, speaks broken english, but sometimes language becomes irrelevant when demonstrating anguish. Here carmen calls her daughter her idol. Carmen sanchez shes one of my idol. Damian carla joined the air force soon after high school in hollister. The airman has been in the middle east for six months. And in the last week, these images are haunting her mother, threats of war and more troops moving in in case the unthinkable happens. [speaking in foreign language] damian the constant fear, she says, of that knock on the door. Male im extremely proud of our soldiers. Damian the family has received an outpouring of support from their hollister neighbors, including the local veterans of foreign wars. Carmen i want to pray for you. Damian carmen, an immigrant from mexico, knows her daughter signed up for this. She knows her adopted country needs brave men and women like carla to serve. And although her worry has ratcheted up in the last week, carmen is proud of her little girl who chose to wear the sacred cloth of this nation. Damian we wish all of our Service Members the very best. Now, this week, we reported that the San Jose Police chief was denied his real id. Now, he understands why he was denied, but its a lesson for all of our puerto rican community. Damian hes been san joses top cop for four years, moving up the ranks from police officer. Eddie garcia is also a veteran, having served in the Army Reserves and national guard. Then came his trip today to the dmv to apply for his real id, and the chief was turned away. Eddie garcia they wouldnt accept my birth certificate from puerto rico. Damian he was told his birth certificate wasnt valid and he needed to get a new one. Eddie you know, its emotional for a while. Damian garcia says denying his certificate felt like the dmv was denying his identity as an americanborn citizen. Eddie being turned away because, you know, the inference that i got was that the fact that i wasnt american and not born in the United States stung. Damian after doing some research today, the chief discovered the reason for his denial. It turns out that the department of Homeland Security deemed all birth certificates from puerto rico invalid if they were certified before 2010. Thats because of a massive fraud scandal on the island lv garcia says he had no idea about the scandal or the government action. Eddie the reason they dont accept it are for absolutely valid reasons. I understand that, it was justit needs to be communicated better. Damian garcia says nowhere in the application process does it explain the requirement. Hes hoping for more clarity by the dmv so no other puerto rican will feel the same humiliation he felt today. Damian and weve since learned that the chief has now received his new birth certificate in the mail, so now hes going back to the dmv. Speaking of the chief, every cadet in the San Jose Police department right now who wants to be a cop is taking a crash course in spanish. The chief says that this is to make sure that they better serve the Spanish Speaking community. Male did you tell him not to stay in the vehicle . Did you say anything else to him . Male i told him, un momento. Damian the recruits are roleplaying. Male how did you tell him to turn off the motor . Male apaga motor. Male apaga motor, perfect. Damian veteran San Jose Police officers are spending three classes teaching future cops very basic spanish. Carlos acosta common words and phrases. As an example, we talk about colors, the year, names, first and last. Damian for many of the recruits, it might be their first spanish class since high school, if not ever. And they know their limitations. Brett vranich were not going to be perfect, were not going to have the best grammar, and were not going to be speaking full sentences. Damian Brett Vranich and his Academy Classmates are two weeks away from graduation. We wanted to see what he learned in tactical spanish. [speaking in foreign language] eddie our two Main Responsibilities are to take the criminal element off the street and to build Strong Community ties. Damian chief eddie garcia says communication is key on any call, and valuable time is lost when a victim or a person stopped by police has to wait for a translator. Eddie just because we show up with a badge and a uniform, thats notthat doesnt necessarily fix things. We need to put people at ease. Sam liccardo this is so overdue. This is a Police Department that i know is absolutely committed to serving everybody in this community. Damian the class is welcome news at the tropicana shopping center. [speaking in foreign language] damian this woman says it matters, especially in the heart of the latino community. Male you went there and you asked him for his apellido, which is a last name. Da damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. [speaking in foreign language] well have more hen stay with us. Comunidad on que pasa. Special day, felicidades. You can follow me on twitter, my handle is newsdamian. On instagram, my handle is newsdamiantrujillo, you can follow me on both there. Also pick up a copy of El Observador newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. We thank you once again for joining us here on comunidad del valle for the last 24 years. Were going to leave you now with another special interview. Buenos dias. Damian becoming mujeres, a special endeavor by my next guest here on comunidad del valle. Dr. Coco castaneda is my guest along with her daughter lupita here on comunidad del valle. Well, welcome to the show, nice to have you here. All about becoming mujeres. , tf well get into lupitas part in it, but tell us about this endeavor. Well get into lupitas part in it, to latinas ages 13 and older on subjects ranging from, with the teens, social exclusion, bullying, body shaming. We also for the older women, we give seminars, so i give those seminars on el aguante, you know, [speaking in foreign language] that famous el aguante, the endurance we are taught since we are very young, and how that is very detrimental to our mental health. Also wewhat we do in these workshops and seminars is we encourage women to foster communication between mothers and daughters, to nurture that communication, that its so important. Because growing up, young latinas have so many questions, questions that a mother should answer or help them find the to the cellphone, you know, the social media, or another friend who may not have the right information. Damian because that leads me to our next question. When you and i were a lot younger, bullying was face to face. It was more confrontation and whatnot. Bullying right now, lupita, right, it can be on a social media post. Somebody might post something that is directly or indirectly targeted towards you, and that is a form of bullying. Lupita castanedaliles yes, it is. Damian talk about how widespread it is among kids of your generation. Lupita itsunfortunately, its not uncommon that a lot of girls like get body shamed on like social media, but also through text messaging. Like, of course like ive also experienced that not only face to face, but people have, like, bullied me online ho damian instead of bottling in it in, right . I mean, because there is a chance that a lot of us, when were bullied, we tend to bottle it in and keep it in, and thats not healthy. Maria exactly. And what happened with becoming mujeres is that it came up out through conversations between lupita and myself on what was happening at her school. It always seems that middle school is damian isnt that the case . [both laughing] maria yeah, its a very intense period for teenagers, boys and girls. And thats when she began experiencing some of these negative comments from girls who were her friends at some point. And in these conversations, we began discussing how she felt. And i thoughtbegan thinking and discerning what i could do in order to help and contribute to solng very serious, and thats how behave video of you, lupita, at the front of the class if you will. I mean, even to thay there you are, youre taking it to the front of the classroom. W. Lupita i find it as an opportunity to, like, let out what i, like, kept in myself, not only just telling my parents, but telling other girls who may not have suspected that i went through these things. And knowing that even like people like me or like one of their friends, like, goes through bullying. And like, the thing is that im not ashamed to keep it alone in silence. Just i want to share my experiences to help them if theyre going through something similar so that they can overcome it and so it can, like, help them throughout, like, their process. Damian is she living proof that your theory or philosophy is working . Maria yes. [all laughing] and also with hercause what she does is that she leads the teen workshops. We offer workshops to latina teens, and shes the one who leads them. Im there as a guide and to give more of a general background, but shes the one whle and she leads it with her own stories. And its so powerful because itsfor the girls who are listening to us, its more powerful for them to listen to damian its not coming from an adult who knows it all. Maria exactly. Damian its coming from somebody, like one of their peers. Maria exactly, so its coming from someone their age, and they can relate. And theyve told us its like, okay, we like that lupita is sharing her stories. And they feel more empowered to also share their own stories and to leave friendships that are notthat are not lifegiving for them. And thats what weve been told by some of the girls. Mi wegoabtr ne segment, but if youd like more information, theres a web address where you can actually look up in this book, its called our lady of everyday life. Well talk about that book in our next segment. Tell us aboutyou have the book with you. Tell us, this is kind of a transformation of what weve beenthe topic weve been discussing. Maria exactly, so l have the book here, our lady of everyday life. I say its my second child. And it is. So, our lady of everyday life is the first sociological study, an indepth study of the ways that mexican women or women of mexican origin, whether they were born in mexico or the us, grew up catholic, their experiences. Growing up catholic has many beautiful aspects. As a few days ago, we celebrated the feast day of our lady of guadalupe, las mananitas, the traditional dressing girls and boys in indigenous outfits in order to commemorate and to remember juan diego, so we have many festivities that bring life to us and helps solidify our identity as btiome teenagers, as they go through puberty, then something happens. And its they enter this silence. Eir ve, of their developing lives and developing bodies. And it follows them through adulthood. You know, the things that you do not knowyou dont ask [speaking in foreign language] you dont talk about it because its a sin. So, many latinas in general, this case study is on women of mexican origin, have many questions growing up, but they keep it to themselves. So, the book talks about the beautiful, lifegiving aspects of being catholic, but also the consequences of that silence that accompanies them. And it in many ways also shapes our identity as adults. Damian and how do you relate that to our lady of guadalupe . Y foundational part of their lives. She is with them in the good times, in the bad times. And they say, for example, the that i wouldill share withis our lady of guadalupe that i wouldnt share with god because hes a man, he wouldnt understand. So, and the devotion, its definitely there. And what i did is i interview three age cohorts of women, so the ages range from 18 to 82. So, i interview Young College women, mothers, and then older women. And then looked at thehow their experiences growing up catholic throughout these three generations, what were the similarities and what were the differences

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