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The world is now watching as minnesota leaders are calling for peace. We are waiting for two News Conferences, one from the president of the United States who is expected to make comments after posting divisive tweets about the unrest. The other, from the county attorney, essentially the prosecutor in minneapolis. Well bring them to you as soon as they begin. First lets go to nbcs gray j jay gray who is on the ground there. Reporter a promise of justice in the Police Killing of george floyd and a plea for peace from the governor of minnesota. Help us use humane ways to get the streets to a place where we can restore justice. Reporter after another night of chaos across minneapolis, fires raging out of control. Nddd flames, some overrun by looters. The president calling the protesters thugs in a post on twitter and suggesting the federal military could assume control with a warning that when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Police now line parts of the city left in ruins. Oh, my god. This is the result. This is war. And unfortunately, now we have casualties. All these businesses, peoples homes. Reporter a community battered and on edge. You can tell by the tone of my voice, the tears on my face. Thats how concerned i am. Reporter concerned about what could be next here. Jay gray, nbc news. This morning, Minnesota State Police Arrested a cnn crew that was covering the protest. The reason for their arrest, not obeying an order to clear the streets, apparently. Police have since released that crew. The governor of minnesota has apologized for the arrest and said it was totally unacceptable and inadvertent. Cnn says the arrest was a violation of their journalists First Amendment rights. Locally demonstrators are saer assembling. Protesters in oakland called for the arrest of the Police Officers involved. Now, a National Firestorm over a san franciscobased company, twitter. Twitter has masked over one of President Trumps tweets. Users see a warning before they see the president s words. Lets turn to business and tech reporter scott mcgrew. Someone at the white house tried to use the white house account to retweet that message, scott, and bypassypass the warning. How did that work out . Reporter it didnt work out at all. Good morning, chris. Twitter put the warning right over the top of it, this time on the official white house account. As you point out, you can read it, you just have to click through. You also mentioned that press conference with the president happening any moment. Were ready to take you live to washington when that occurs. We expect the president will announce new policies to punish china for its move against democracy in hong kong. These punitive measures, perhaps sanctions already will have farreaching effects. One analyst on wall street said the president has one shot at this and he had better bring a bazooka. Back to the tweets, here is the white house tweet twitter reacted to just this morning, we were telling you about that. Lets take a look at the original set of tweets on the president s personal account, the one he uses most. This is where the warning first the tweet violated twitters rules against glorifying violence. If you clicked through, you saw what jay gray was talking about, the rioting and looting in minneapolis, the president saying he would send in the military, he says, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Now, that phrase, when the looting starts, the shooting starts, is not new. It dates back to the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s and the miami police chief who gave that warning in 1967. This comes after the president signed an executive order asking agencies to crack down on social networks that he feels censor messages unnecessarily. The big question, of course, is who is unfair and who gets to decide. Twitter says it has its rules, violate them and youll get your tweet with a warning own top of them. Scott, did you very much. To reiterate what scott said, well bring you the special report from the white house as soon as it happens. Ucsf is rolling out a new program to ramp out covid19 testing for people in san francisco. The chronicle is reporting that people from bay view, sunny daily, and visitation valley will be able to participate in the fourday testing project. Starting tomorrow, people can get tested for free. Ucsf says its testing for covid19 and antibodies. The goal is to test as many as 4,000 people. If you live in san francisco, keep your mask ready. Youre going to need it. Starting at midnight, will you have to wear one essentially every time you leave your house. That includes when you exercise. The new requirement is part of mayor london breeds justannounced reopening plan. Here is the timeline. On june 15, indoor shopping and Outdoor Dining can reopen. Also religious services can resume, as well as outdoor workout classes and summer camps. Warriors and giants games can also take place, without fans. Next, in july, indoor dining, hair salons and barbershops get the green light to reopen. Then in midaugust, schools resume classes. Bars, nail salons, and massage parlors will be allowed to reopen. You can also start going to the gym, visit a playground or swim in a public school. Knew, heres whats still uncertain. Concerts. Sporting events with fans. Nightclubs. Festivals. And when tourists can start checking do hotels again. Within the past couple of hours its become easier to get tested for covid19. Nbc bay areas bob redell joins us live. Bob, the bay area just added several new sites; is that right . Reporter correct, chris. Yes, within the past couple of hours, cvs health has opened up nine of its drivethrough pharmacy locations throughout the bay area for drivethrough testing. This is an nbc news special report. This is lester holt. Good morning, everyone. An arrest has been made in the death of george floyd in minneapolis earlier this week. Right now the Hennepin County, Minnesota Attorney mike freeman is speaking to reporters. We are in the process of continuing to review the evidence. There may be subsequent charges later. Failed to share with you, a detailed complaint will be made available this afternoon. I didnt want to delay the news that hes in company and has been charged with murder. Reporter what about the three other officers involved . The investigation is ongoing. We felt it appropriate to focus on the most dangerous perpetrator. I must say that this case has moved with extraordinary speed. This conduct, this criminal action took place on monday evening, may 25, memorial day. Im speaking to you at 1 00 on friday, may 29. Thats less than four days. Thats extraordinary. We have never charged a case can only charge a case when we have sufficient evidence to prove a case beyond a real doubt. We have that. Reporter many others including the mayor says any other citizen with video available would have been arrested and charged brought earlier. Why didnt that happen in this case . We have charged this case as quickly as sufficient admissible evidence to charge it has been investigated and presented to us. Reporter mike, you said yesterday that it would take time. Whats changed since yesterday and this morning . Fair question. We have ableo put together the evidence that we need. Even as late as yesterday afternoon, we didnt have all that we needed. We have now found it, and we felt a responsibility to charge this as soon as possible. Paul . Reporter mike, what was the final piece . No. Folks, im not going to talk specifically about this piece of evidence or that piece of evidence. You will see, and you all are veterans, i can only talk about whats in the complaint. You will see in the complaint the evidence and put it all together. We needed to have it all. Now, let me just quickly say, we have evidence. We have the citizens camera, video, the horrific, terrible thing weve all seen over and over again. We have the officers bodyworn camera. We have statements from some witnesses. We have a preliminary report from the medical examiner. We have discussions with an expert. All of that has come together, so we felt in our professional judgment it was time to charge and we have so done. Reporter based on the other officers role in the video, what criminal statutes could apply to those officers if not murder . Im not going to speculate as to the other officers. They are under investigation. I anticipate charges. But im not going to get into that. Today were talking about former officer chauvin which we believe has met the standards to charge and thats what we have done. Whoa, whoa. Reporter how close did you look at the Second Degree statutes . Either intention or unintenti n unintentional, that on the surface seem to visit the videotape evidence weve all seen . We have looked very closely at all statutes. This is what weve charged now. The investigation is ongoing. We have more discussions to do with our experts. This is the same charges that we made when we charged former Minneapolis Police officer mohammed noor, the exact same third degree charge and manslaughter charge. Reporter are you saying that this is the fastest youve ever charged a Police Officer . This is by far the fastest weve ever charged a Police Officer, okay . Normally these cases can take nine months to a year. We have to charge these cases very carefully, because we have a difficult burden to prove. Let me just Say Something about that. We entrust our Police Officers to use certain amounts of force to do their job, to protect us. They commit a criminal act if they use this force unreasonably. We have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. The Hennepin County Attorneys Office is the only county Attorneys Office to successfully prosecute an officer for murder and we did that on behalf of justin damon. Thats unusual. We know how to do this. We have a very veteran prosecutor group aided by a very veteran Investigative Group at the bca. On top that have weve had great cooperation from the fbi and from United States attorney eri erica mcdonald. She may have things to share with you but she does things on other own timetable. This cooperation doesnt necessarily happen in other jurisdictions according to my friends, national prosecutors. Last question. Reporter it took months, close to a year. This took days. Did public outrage play a role in the speed of this investigation . Im not insensitive to whats happened in the streets. My job have sufficient evidence. We have it today. Mohammed noor was a very difficult case. We didnt have the kind of videotape we need. And we didnt and there was all sorts of other evidence. It took us a long time. We do our level best to charge each case when we have the evidence to do it. But we cannot, and i will not allow us, to charge a case before its ready. This case is now ready and weve charged it. We want to makeprocess. When its ready, well good, thank you. Let me say, so you have it, the complaint has been completed and it is being processed now. And the signed copy will be made available to you today. Reporter have you given a statement to investigators on the other three . Thats all for now, thanks, everybody. Thats Hennepin County attorney mike freeman, announcing two charges are in the works against former officer Derek Chauvin of manslaughter and third degree murder in the case of george lloyd. There is a picture of him. He is the officer who was seen with his knee on the neck of mr. Floyd on monday. The prosecutors are saying they moved with extraordinary feed to file these charges. They also noted when asked about the three officers we see in many of these tapes, that they remain under investigation. He said he anticipates charges. He also hinted that the feds may be making an announcement of their own on their timetable at some point. But what we can tell you is, state charges are now moving forward against former officer chauvin. Again, manslaughter and third degree murder. Gabe gutierrez is in the streets of minneapolis, where fire is still smoldering from overnight. Gabe, how is that ward circulating today . Reporter hi, lester. Early indications are this is very welcome news in this community that saw so much devastation overnight. Again, still questions remaining about what will happen to the other three officers. But as you mentioned, charges anticipated there. Right now authorities had been putting out hotspots in this area. This block, multiple buildings had burned, a restaurant, and another building also went up in flames. A roof had just collapsed a short time ago. Lester, i do want to point out, this is the state patrol. They have set up a perimeter here. They did so early this morning. That is very different from what happened last night, where there was virtually no Police Presence here. Many member of this community were frustrated by that. Earlier today the governor blamed local leaders for not enough of a plan to have, and the Police Precinct here was breached and burned. The question tonight, will the arrest today be enough to ski escalate the violence here . Many member of this Community Want to know whether there will be another night of violence here or an increased Police Charges and whether the charges will do anything to change that, lester. The county attorney making that announcement of charges against former officer cuve we e three other lls. The callsarrest, for prosecution for murder charges. Interesting that the county attorney noted this had moved with extraordinary speed. Certainly the arrest was four days after the alleged crime. But in terms of the filing of the charges, the report would be that the claim would be that they have moved with extraordinary speed. I want to go to Pete Williams right now, our justice correspondent in our washington newsroom. Pete, thirddegree murder, manslaughter, how would those figure in the case of what weve seen so far . Reporter thirddegree murder is an unusual statute. Most states dont have it. In minneapolis it means killing with depraved state of mind, thats the term used in the law, without regard for human life. Manslaughter is killing without intent, every state has that kind of statute. Lester, all along we thought that the state would be the first to fight chancirges, not federal government. The federal government may file a civil rights charge. But the problem has always been in these cases, and you think back to trayvon martin, michael gardner, michael brown, amadou diallo, sean bell, any of these high profile killings, its very difficult for the Justice Department to get a conviction. You have to prove that the Officer Academy inappropriately, and that he knew what he was doing was wrong. Thats where these cases often go south. We always thought, lester, the state would go first. They just have many more statutes at their disposal than the federal government does. All right, pete, thanks. We should note that we are wait to go hear from President Trump. He had previously scheduled a News Conference for around this time. We expect to go there. We would expect he will make comments on these latest developments in minneapolis as he has tweeted about them and made other comments. White house correspondent Kristen Welker has been following some of the president s response. Kristen, some of his comments have been characterized as not helpful in the community of minneapolis right now. Lester. This is a real leadership test for President Trump. Hes obviously watching what is happening in minneapolis at this hour quite closely. We know he did speak with his attorney general and urged for a swift investigation into exactly what happened. But as you note, the president has come under scrutiny for his handling of this crisis, including a recent tweet, lester, and ill read you the tweet in question earlier today, tweeting, these thugs are dishonoring the memory of george floyd and i wont let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him the military is with him all wait. Any difficulty and we will assume control, but when the looting starts, the shooting starts. And its the last part of the tweet, lester, that has a lot of people criticizing President Trump. They say that it sounds a lot like something that we heard back in 1967 from a miami police chief who was widely regarded as being racist. We put that question to the white house, why did President Trump use that specific language. No response. But the white house really doubling down on this quote by President Trump, posting it on the official white house account. Now, it has opened up the president to a broad range of criticism, including from his democratic rival joe biden who has accused the president of fomenting violence. Former president barack obama saying this shouldnt be happening in 2020. And of course it also comes against the backdrop of his handling of this global pandemic, lester. So a real leadership test for President Trump. Hes going to undoubtedly get a number of questions about this, about what next steps should look like, about what the role of the federal government will be moving forward. Again, we are anticipating President Trump in the rose garden. We expect his focus may also be on Foreign Policy today. But this will be at the forefront, undoubtedly, lester. All right, Kristen Welker, thank you. Andrea mitchell has been watching all of this for and you say how its impacting the 2020 race. It gets back to what kristen was speaking of, andrea, this idea of leadership. There are clear trfcontrasts fo folks to note today. Indeed, joe biden going online and making a forceful statement, talking about 400 years of american racism, and that every american has to stand up. This is as he is considering whom he would choose as vice president. And one of those contenders, senator amy klobuchar, has been very much on the spot. I talked to her an hour ago on msnbc and she has defended, fiercely defended her record. She had the job of Hennepin County attorney that mike freeman, who you just saw bringing charges against Derek Chauvin, that was her job before she went into the senate, elected in 2006. She was under fire because that same Police Officer was under investigation for the Fatal Shooting of a stabbing suspect and he was not indicted by a grand jury. She has pointed out, she was already in the senate, it was not her job, she was not on the watch, it was her successors watch when it went to the grand jury. Shes also been criticized because there were two dozen police Fatal Shootings, fatal cases on her watch. But she said in those years it was up to the grand juries, not to the local prosecutor, to deal with those cases. But this becomes very much an issue. She was emotional in her response. She is calling for attorney general william barr to investigate, as he is investigating this case. She says shes been out in the streets, talking to officials there. Shes in minnesota, obviously, she was there last night. This has certainly raised questions as to whether joe biden, under great pressure to have an africanamerican woman as his running mate, will now be under more pressure, now as this has become, once again, tragically, a major debate in america. All right, andrea, and again, as we noted, were waiting to hear from President Trump who is expected to step out in the rose garden for a News Conference shortly. Let me go back to kristen for a moment. I understand theres some clarification from the president about some of his words. Reporter as we were speaking, lester, President Trump tweeted out a clarification of his remarks, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Let me read you his tweets in full because this is from the president moments ago. Looting leads to shooting, he says are and thats why a man was shot and killed in minneapolis on wednesday night or look at what just happened in louisville with seven people shot. I dont want this to happen, and thats what the expression put out last night means. It was spoken as a fact, not as a statement. Its very simple, nobody should have any problem with this other than the haters, and those looking to cause trouble on social media. Honor the memory of george floyd. So for the president s supporters, this will be the type of clarification that they say should turn the page on that type of language. But for his critics, theyll say that hes the president , and he should be aware of the history and the language that it evokes. But again, lester, bottom line, the question becomes what will the president do next, to what extent will he address what we when he speaks at the re addres. What will President Trump have to say as this is, again, a leadership test for him like none other, lester. All right, kristen, i want to go back to Pete Williams right now. I understand theres been a statement from attorney general barr. Reporter we were just saying a moment ago that the understanding has always been that the state officials have gone first. Hes now confirming what we have been told privately. He calls the video harrowing to watch and deeply disturbing. He notes that the fbi and the Justice Department are working together in the investigation. He acknowledges that the process is going along quickly. The states charging decisions will be made first, he says, and im confident justice will be served. So, you know, weve seen these things before where weve got the fbi and local authorities both investigating, the state as well, in addition to the Minneapolis Police department. But the local authorities go first because they have so many more Legal Options to pursue. The federal governments option here is basically under the civil rights law. And thats the one i was talking about earlier that is so hard to prove. But the fact that the fbi is also involved in the investigation obviously gives you a whole separate set of eyes and ears on the case. And that can help the state officials as well. So, you know, in these cases, its not just that the fbi gathers information and keeps it to itself. So whatever it gathers that could be relevant to the state investigation can be shared with them. So in terms of investigative manpower, its a real force multipler, lester. All right, Pete Williams, thank you very much. We want to go back to minneapolis right now. Smoke still wafting through the southern part of that city after the second night of clashes and looting and fires being set to buildings. Our Gabe Gutierrez is there. Gabe, what steps are being taken in terms of policing to try and prevent a repeat of this . Reporter yeah, lester, thats right, we expect tonight to be very different. After midnight tonight, you heard earlier today the governor talked about stepping in and state resources coming in. These are officers on patrol, in riot gear. Earlier yesterday evening there was so such Police Presence, at least when the Police Precinct was evacuated. Well walk a little bit over here. The lester, you can see this line of officers continues all the way over here. And you can see Community Residents actually beginning to clean up the devastation from yesterday. This is actually the first time were seeing this. Its quite wonderful to see young people, community members, coming in here and cleaning up the devastation from yesterday. They say that t, the community weve spoken with say this is not what south minneapolis is, and theyve worked very hard to get the community up in the last several years so theyre heartbroken to see this. Their hope is tonight there will not continue to be violence. Community members described it as a war zone. The Minnesota National guard is here and the governor is promising tonight will be different. It will be interesting to see how many protesters show up tonight and whether those new charges make any difference in the tension here at this point, lester. All right, gabe, thank you very much. As you noted, weve been watching a couple of spinning plates, including the president s News Conference, thats not happening on schedule. Well continue to monitor that. But we do want to remind you of the headline, former officer Derek Chauvin of the minneapolis pd has now been charged with manslaughter and third degree murder. That paperwork is being filed even as we speak. We expect a full readout on it shortly. Thats the headline. Three other officers remain under investigation. The county Attorney Says he anticipates charges. Well go off right now, well come back as soon as the president steps out before reporters. In the meantime, im lester holt, nbc news, new york. Right now on california live, weve got people who are ready to flip over you. Hello california live, welcome. Then dial reno 911 for emergency laughs. Oh, my god, let it rain on you. Plus how to hang ten at home. Just being creative around the house and doing stuff that i havent done and ross is revveda Beautiful Energy he made all by himself. If youre in the mood for delicious and healthy snacks but dont have time to bake,

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