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The Police Station so, jeff parks his car at the gas station at the end the alley so that i can run out, go pick up krasney and take her back to the car. Im freaking thrilled. I hadnt seen her in years so, we were all going to go have dinner and catch up. Now, i get out of the car and go down the alley and because jeff is watching me, i skip down the alley to her house to make him laugh, you know but little did i know, skipping down a Police Station alley is a big nono. Because i end up skipping towards a cop car thats driving at me down the alley the sirens go off. A cop gets out and his gun is drawn. And he goes, put your hands on the hood of the car put your hands on the hood this man is furious. I comply and his partner pats me down now this man is livid. It makes no sense. His anger level towards me is insane i am a young, adorable, delight literally skipping down the street and ive infuriated him so, this man asked me, where are you coming from . And i go, amsterdam. Now this answer enrages him. And he goes, no, where are you coming from right now . Where are you coming from . And i go, from the airport. From a flight. From amsterdam. And he goes, why in the world are you running down this alley . I go, im not running, im skipping im happy to be back in town im going to pick up my friend krasney and take her back to jeffs car and were all going to catch up over dinner. And i remember, oh, thank god, jeff is here i gesture back to jeff jeff is standing outside of his car just watching all of this. And he goes so, the cop and i see jeff, and thank god jeff didnt come running up to us, because he could have gotten us both shot but the cop sees that jeff, a white man, has seen all this, and he changes his attitude with the quickness. Hes suddenly professional instead of antagonistic. He tells me that i was wrong for running. And it takes everything in me not to tell him that if i wanted to run down the alley, that that would be perfectly legal. So, instead i also gently remind him that i was not running, i was skipping so the cop gets in his car and he leaves. And i walk to krasneys house. I get her. We take her back to the car. Jeff is really bothered by what happened, but im not. [ bleep ] that man could have shot me in a second. People who know me would be running around talking about, attacking an officer doesnt seem like something amber would do, but the officer said she did, so that has to be what happened. So the second i see krasney, i feel a lot better. And we go, and we have a lot of fun that night and if you think about it, its kind of my duty to have fun because at any time, i could get murdered by the police now, every black person i know has stories like that. [ sighs its crazy that people dont run around telling everyone these stories all the time but, theres this unspoken rule that black people are supposed to take it in stride can you imagine having someone pull a gun on you and being expected to take it in stride . Now, imagine a bunch of incidents like that over one lifetime multiply that by 43 million africanamericans, and that is why things are like this right now. That is why people are angry and if youre not angry, why not . Seth thank you, amber. You may have noticed we did not have an opening title sequence with the 8g band playing our theme. Today is blackout tuesday where the Music Industry has chosen to pause for a day to silently protest Police Violence in the Africanamerican Community so when you notice that it seems quiet for a variety show, please take that time to think about why. On our show tonight, we will talk to Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms whose city is one of the many across the country that is experiencing this crisis. And my dear friend leslie jones will be here and i cant wait to see her and get her perspective. But first, and this might be crazy, im going to try and actually do a monologue. Seth before i start tonight, you might be thinking, seth looks old. And i want you to know, its not just because the news is aging me, which it is. An hd camera yesterday, and let me tell you, the camera adds ten pounds, the hd camera adds ten years. I really miss how the ipad i was using gave me that soft, Barbara Walters focus. And look, im not saying im as respected as Barbara Walters, im saying i should be im sorry. Im just angry, because barbara called me a few years ago and i thought it was to be on her 10 most fascinating people special. But instead, it was for a special called 10 people youd be fine next to you at a dinner party, but who arent going to blow you away. Lets get to the news. President trump yesterday delivered an address from the rose garden about the ongoing protests against Police Violence, specifically obamas address. Now go get him. President trump yesterday, delivered an address from the rose garden about the ongoing protests against Police Violence and called himself, the quote, president of law and order even though Lennie Briscoe won the popular vote everybodys favorite, Lennie Briscoe by the way, if trump is the president of law and order, jared is the guy they arrest ten minutes in and youre like, so obvious. But then he has an alibi and it turns out it was the wife ivanka, how could you do it . I had to because you didnt have the guts very good ivanka. President trump yesterday walked from the white house to a nearby Historic Church and posed for photos with a bible. But why is he holding it like that its the bible, not an auction paddle looks like a Camp Counselor going through lost and found at the end of the summer. Is this anybodys book . No pictures in it so its certainly not mine he knows what im talking about. Going once going all right, into the trash it goes, you guys. President trump traveled to florida this weekend to watch the spacex launch from Cape Canaveral and as usual, couldnt resist ruining the countdown. 17, 12, 45 this is the best part. According to a new poll, 79 of americans dont feel safe traveling by subway amid the coronavirus pandemic whereas under normal circumstances, that number is more like 79 . Yesterda anniversary of cnns debut wow, 40 years. So that means one of the first things they ever covered was his inauguration today was National Leave the office early day. So i, left in march. And finally, new yorks metropolitan opera announced yesterday that it had canceled its fall season due to the coronavirus pandemic, but remains hopeful it will be able to hold a new years eve performance. Officials say they want to end the year on a hi nghe. Ot followed by a low note followed by a really high note and then a low one again that was a monologue we tried well be right back with a closer look. Subaru crosstrek. Dog tested. Dog approved. Now, theres skyrizi. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 3 out of 4 people achieved. 90 clearer skin at 4 months. After just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections. And lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection. Or symptoms such as fevers,. Sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs. Or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. I feel free to bare my skin. Visit skyrizi. Com. We all know customers can save big. [ cellphone chimes ] um, so, were talking 24 7 protection. As it [ cellphone chimes ] [ clears throat ] mara, hello. [ cellphone clicking ] yeah . We can see you on your phone. Oh, my bad. You can continue. [ clicking continues ] [ cellphone chimes ] i think shes still on the phone. [does your deodorant protect you all day . We put dove men care to the test with mike who transforms homes for those in need. I feel comfortable and protected all day long. Dove men care 48h freshness with triple action moisturizer. Seth the president of the United States threatened to unleash the military on american citizens protesting the Brutal Police murder of george floyd. For more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth Donald Trumps speech last night was one of the most menacing moments in his 3 1 2 years as president and thats saying a lot given that he is always menacing remember during the debates when he stalked Hillary Clinton like a naked and afraid contestant trying to sneak up on a bird i mean, half the time it looks like hes on a chain in the front yard scaring away a mailman. He only has two modes, menacing sociopath or limp french fry thats been sitting in the bottom of the bag soaking up all the oil. And last night he cycled through both of them he turns threatening to unleash the military on american citizens within our borders, and at other times, listlessly reading on off a teleprompter like he just finished a thanksgiving meal of turkey with sudafed stuffing America Needs creation, not destruction. Cooperation, not contempt. Security, not anarchy. Healing, not hatred. Justice, not chaos seth coke, not pepsi. Mcdonalds, not wendys. Pizza hut, not dominos. But if theres no pizza hut, dominos is fine. Hes reading a speech in the middle of a National Crisis like a 13yearold reading from the torah at a bar mitzvah can someone at least show him these speeches before he reads it cold off a teleprompter like hes getting his vision tested at the dmv e, s, m, q. Oh, we love q. Oh, we love the q, dont we, folks . So many great words use the q. Quiznos. Hydroxychloroquine quick but when he wasnt mindlessly reading off empty platitudes, he was adopting a much darker and more sinister tone, threatening to sic the military on american citizens, and violently crack down on a nationwide protests over the murder of yet another unarmed black man at the hands of police. Today i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets mayors and governors must establish an overwhelming Law Enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled. If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them seth i know our brains have all melted from the constant flagrant lawlessness and overall weirdness of this administration and nothing feels real anymore and were all just programmed to move on to the next thing, because trump will inevitably do something bizarre the next day, like throw a tantrum in the rose garden or rub up against the flag like a horny 16yearold at prom but this is a horrifying moment. You know how for 3 1 2 years everyone was warning about the inevitable worstcase scenario where our democracy crumbles and our country descends into authoritarianism that worstcase scenario is here, its happening youre not going to get an invitation in the mail asking you to rsvp to the democracy is over party. Theres no on off switch democracy, it turns out, is on a dimmer this is what it looks like in fact, last night police violently attacked Peaceful Protesters lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights just so trump could walk over to a church for a photo op. Within the last 15 minutes, mounted police have been coming down the street. Youre going to see them in the frame now, using flashbangs in entirely peaceful protest. Not 98 . [ bangs not 99 , but 100 peaceful [ explosions ] protest here today people throwing [ explosions ] there was no throwing of water bottles. There was no throwing of objects. [ explosions ] but a short time ago, mounted Police Officers have been clearing the street. Tony, if you can pan to the right i want to show the military police we live in a thirdworld country i want to show the military police on the side of the street over the last half hour, weve had military police. Weve had secret Service Officers weve had park police. And now weve had National Guardsmen you can see these officers aiming at the protesters who are here in the park seth military police in your country attacked Peaceful Protesters, not looters, to stop them from exercising their First Amendment rights trump couldnt have done more damage to the constitution last night if hed pulled a Sinead Oconnor and ripped it up on Live Television and then ate the pieces this moment probably seemed far off when the extent of trumps lawlessness was just paying off porn stars or colluding with russia or sending the soviet super mario brothers over here to get ukraine to interfere in our election but he got away with all of that he got away with all of that and now the moment has arrived because the only lesson trump has learned through all of this is he can get away with whatever he wants the president used police to violently attack a peaceful protest just so he could walk over to a church where even the clergy fiercely condemned him. And hold up a bible in front of the cameras like a fourth grader who forgot about show and tell until the last minute. You can tell hes a man of faith from the way he holds the bible like hes selling it on qvc. It wasnt even his, and he didnt seem to know where it came from. A reporter asked him about it, and this was his answer. Reporter is that your bible . Its a bible. Seth why so vague . Did you steal from it a hotel . He holds it like hes never held a bible before in his life he probably doesnt know how to read it either based on his grasp of christianity, he probably reads it upside down and backwards lots wife was a pillar of salt, but then she looked back at sodom, cured just like that. Clergy at the church denounced trumps actind his use of the church for a photo op. And in case you think maybe the people around trump will just ignore his lawless authoritarianism, the chairman of the joint chiefs, a fourstar general, was patrolling the streets of d. C. Last night the defense secretary told governors responding to protests that they, quote, need to dominate the battle space. A u. S. Senator was calling on the president to send in lethal military units to subdue protesters and military helicopters also performed a show of force maneuver that is often used in combat zones to scare away insurgents theyre treating protesters like insurgents honestly, how long until trump coasts down pennsylvania avenue on top of a tank in a mouse suit and a bunch of gadhafi scarves what were seeing now is part the result of a cultlike political ideology that venerates violence and briefly elevated an authoritarian strongman who openly fantasizes about Armed Conflict for as long as hes been a public figure, trump has also been an armchair thug who glorifies violence for example, and this is a true story, trump used to fast forward through [ bleep ] Jeanclaude Van Damme movies so he could just watch the violent parts without any plot a new yorker writer who traveled with trump on his plane in the 90s wrote that he brought along michael, a recent release, but 20 minutes after popping it into the vcr, he got bored and switched to an old favorite, a Jeanclaude Van Damme slugfest called bloodsport which he pronounced an incredible, fantastic movie by assigning to his son the task of fast forwarding through all the plot exposition trumps goal being to get this twohour movie down to 45 minutes he eliminated any lulls between the nosehammering, kidneytenderizing and shinwhacking. Trump brought along a vcr copy of the 1996 movie michael starring John Travolta as an archangel whose main mission on earth is to get the two main characters to fall in love and he bailed after 20 minutes hes an angel i thought this was about a man pigeon the cover looks like a man pigeon oh, i mean, just imagine the damage a man pigeon would do. Also, what part of bloodsport could he even be fast forwarding through anyway was there a subplot in bloodsport im not remembering where van damme gives up nunjitsu to focus on his love of pottery making thats why he sits around barfing up psychotic tweets where he threatens protesters with vicious dogs and ominous weapons. Remember, this is a guy who also emulates dictators, who praised china for the Tiananmen Square massacre, and who has repeatedly claimed hes the most militaristic person whos ever existed, whatever the hell thats supposed to mean. I am the most militaristic person i would say i am the most militaristic person on that stage. I am the most militaristic person youve ever had on your show believe me, okay im the most militaristic person ever i am the most militarybased and the most militaristic person on your show. Seth all right, first of all, its just, you know, an insane thing to brag about even actual military people dont call themselves militaristic its their job, not their entire personality. Chefs dont describe themselves as being very knifeoriented second, youre not you just arent. You were never in the military, you dodged the draft, and you cant even stand upright you love the military the way you love the constitution and the bible, only when it serves you, and that is not love. Which you would know if you [ bleep ] finished michael. He had a message for you and now were seeing what happens when a rottenbrained boomer who glorifies violence is in charge of the most powerful military in the world. Yesterday, he shout at governors on a phone call that they needed to dominate protesters with mass arrests. You have to dominate. If you dont dominate, youre wasting your time. Theyre going to run over you. Youre going to look like a bunch of jerks you have to dominate and you have to arrest people. And you have to try people and they have to go to jail for long periods of time youre making a mistake, because youre making yourself look like look like fools. Seth first of all, theres no deader giveaway that youre the villain than using the word fools. You never hear someone say, make sure those refugees get something warm to eat, you fools we cant just wait until november and hope to vote trump out. We need to stand up to him now to stop the countrys descent into authoritarianism before its too late. This has been a closer look. Seth new york city is in crisis and city harvest has been stepping up to rescue and deliver more food to meet the increased need in new york city. 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Neutrogena®. Its the one. The welcome back, in. To that same old place that you laughed about well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and theyve turned around whod have thought theyd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. Seth my guest tonight is the mayor of the great city of atlanta. Please welcome to the show, mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms mayor, thank you so much for making time for us today i want to start by a speech you gave last week you spoke both as a mayor and as a mother it was passionate. It felt very honest. How hard has it been for you to address your city in this really trying time . You know, what you got from me on friday, seth, was every emotion that ive been feeling over the past week or so and youve got it unfiltered on friday and like so many people, we all have so many emotions about this and whether its watching it, feeling it in ourselves, or watching it with our kids, our communities, i had a platform friday just to express what i felt and that frustration. And i can tell you, i didnt plan on saying any of that i didnt know what i was going to say when i said it on friday. And in fact, after i was done, i couldnt remember what i had said and i think, you know, it really speaks to how built up and just how full i felt on friday but, im just grateful that it it resonated with so many people seth you have made the point, which i think a lot of people would share, that the he obviously spoke last night about the need for Law Enforcement to dominate the people in the streets. How do you both protect your city and communicate with your Law Enforcement officers as to how to move forward with whats happening in your city this is a really delicate balance. And ironically, just as i was walking in here to record with you, i was speaking with my 18 yearold son. And he was telling me showing me another video and his frustration. And what i was trying to articulate to him was, when i said on friday, i cant protect you, what i was expressing was that our Law Enforcement officers are tired they are beyond exhausted at this point theyre working 18hour shifts to try and maintain some common stability in our cities. And we understand the frustration and the anger, and all of these emotions that people are experiencing right now. Its understandable. But on the other side of this, you also have many of our officers, especially in atlanta, who are africanamerican men, who are experiencing these same emotions theyre experiencing it because of who they are and the children that they also are raising in this country and you its a difficult balance. Showing that support, asking our officers to show restraint and compassion, while also trying to maintain some type of order in our streets when we have so many Peaceful Protesters. But we have so many other people who are just attempting to be disrupters right now seth you and the chief of police made the decision to fire two Police Officers after watching video of their behavior how do you balance both supporting Police Officers and making sure you remove the bad actors within the police force because it does strike me that what everybody wants to believe, what all citizens want to believe, that if there are bad Police Officers, theyll be removed from the force is that hopefully the message that comes across when you make a decision like that it certainly is and the reality is that had this incident happened last week, we probably would have taken a little more time to look at what happened with this incident and with these officers past week is, we dont have the luxury of time anymore we have to act swiftly especially when its very clear that our officers are not behaving appropriately and i think that is whats to be expected or should be expected from so many of us across the country now. And its also a Culture Shift for many of our Police Officers, that they have to understand that they wont always have another chance to get it right and again, its a shift that we saw the Obama Biden Administration making when they left the handbook on 21stcentury policing. Its the same handbook its the handbook that they probably left alongside the pandemic handbook that the Trump Administration never picked up but, one of the major pillars of 21stcentury policing is that you create trustworthy relationships with communities on the front end and so, you do things like were doing in atlanta, where you have a center of hope where our Police Recruits go and volunteer and spend time with the kids so their first interaction with them is not a negative interaction. Training and there were several pillars to this program. And weve done a very good job in atlanta, by and large, in following those pillars but its got to happen across the country. And its got to come from a National Level in terms of expectations seth someone else who spoke passionately on stage with you last friday was the rapper killer mike. He had incredibly inspiring words. How does it come to pass that you end up with a rapper on stage with you well, again, these relationships are existing relationships. The irony, killer mike, t. I. And i all went to the same high school i was a little ahead of both of them, because im a little older than them but we bleed atlanta we love atlanta. And so, killer mike and t. I. Worked on my transition when i went into office. But and i could probably name ten other celebrities in atlanta who have reached out and said, what is it that i could do to help . So this is not the first time that killer mike has been at the table with us setting policy for our city and having these real conversations about where we need to go and how we need to approach it. Because again, i look at everything as the lens of a mother and i know i can Say Something ten different ways and all my kids hear, whomp, whomp, whomp. But if t. I. Says it, if killer mike says it, its going to translate and its going to be heard and its going to be felt differently. And so on friday, when everything started to unravel in atlanta, i didnt have a very clear picture of what we needed to do but i knew the voices that needed to be heard and thats why you saw killer mike, and bernice king, and t. I. And joe beasley and some other Community Leaders st with me seth and he i should make it clear that while hes one of my favorite rappers, hes also an incredible activist and i think that really came through when he was on stage with you you mentioned your older son, who just graduated high school in quarantine, is that correct thats right. Seth you also one of your younger sons is, i believe youve referred to it as club quarantine. Hes learning how to deejay during this time he is and he loves it he has a Little Corner set up in my office. And now he even stays up all night like a deejay. When i get up at 6 00 in the morning to take a shower, hes taking a shower to go to bed so were going to have to undo some quarantine behaviors. But yeah, it thats thats been the upside of this. Seth all right give all your kids our best. And give our best to the city of atlanta. And and best of luck with everything we really appreciate the work youre doing and thank you so much for just giving me a platform to talk about this. And i appreciate your dedicating time to these very real discussions about where we are in this country. I appreciate you seth all right thank you mayor. Thank you seth well be right back with leslie jones. Its time to step up. Prep up. Step up. Prep up. To help keep you free from the risk of hiv. From the makers of truvada, theres another prep option descovy for prep. 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Her comedy special leslie jones time machine is currently streaming on netflix heres my conversation with our good friend, leslie jones. Seth you made a very posted a very passionate video on instagram can you just tell us a little bit how you feel watching these protests i feel saddened i feel saddened, because, like i ive seen a lot of stuff i was in the riots 30 years ago. And it makes me sad, because im looking at this. And im knowing that this is not going to work. Its not going to do anything. We have a president thats standing up there calling us thugs, sending out National Guard. Hes not listening to anything that anyones going to say i think the only thing hes going to listen to is votes. And this is why i was telling everybody, if youre going to change something, you have to change it. You have to fight the same fight that theyre fighting. You have to get into their ring. You have to get educated and you have to vote its just the only way its just its almost like i wish we would have pulled a gangster move and not did nothing and just waited until november and just stormed his ass. You know what im saying its just like im it makes me mad, because all these businesses, the black businesses that are getting messed up, and people that are getting hurt out there. And trust me, i hear the protesters im black, of course i hear the protesters but im just knowing that theyre not being heard i feel like seth so, this is i mean, you do have this perspective, obviously, of age. But youre talking about los angeles in 1992, right 92, yeah seth and so youre a lot younger then youre obvio and what are your memories of because its probably nothing you could say to them right now thats going to make them not want to protest. Because there was nothing you could have said to me back then. I was ready to burn it down. Because i was like, weve got to do something. Theres got to be something that were doing. And but you know, at that time, we really thought we were doing something. We really thought, hey, we going to tear this up. Theyre going to pay attention. And Nothing Happened the officers got off theyre probably somewhere fishing, you know what i mean . Its and and the city was tore up for years. L. A. Just really got back to where it the saddest part is all the businesses, the black businesses that got tore down, didnt get to come back. Those neighborhoods, you go back into l. A. , are now taken over by other businesses, not black ones so its like its like i feel like we burning down our own house. Seth how it must be so frustrating. Obviously not only do you have the perspective of age, but you have a much higher profile now do you do you feel as though you can use this profile to get a message through . Or do you feel like right now its just too loud to have any signal be heard . Man i dont give a damn. Im going to use it. Im im going to use my platform to make sure that everybody understands the importance of voting you know, we have a lot of people out there thats like, why do we need to vote . What do we need to vote for . Why dont all of us just not vote . When you dont vote, youre voting for him a nonvote is a vote for trump and and a lot of people are making a good argument, we dont have nobody to vote for. Yes, we do we have somebody other than him we need to get him out and then we need to start realizing what our system looks like i think we all just need to realize that were all human and living on the same earth and need to start working together before we dont have nothing seth we had our friend michael che on the show yesterday. And it was really moving for me to hear him say that he has never, nor would he ever, call 911, because he did not think that that was a service that was for him, or that would make any situation that he would call it for better what is your you know, historically, what has your relationship with police been like on a onetoone level well, you know, like i said again, im 52. And ive lived through a lot of stuff. My brother was a hardcore gangster theres been many nights that i had to go pick him up in the alley after sheriffs have dropped him off or beaten him to death, you know, just beating him up they just stop by and pick him up, throw him in the car and beat him up. You know, so, you know, for me coming from compton, you know, the police is a bad thing. But, you know, like you grow up, you know you grow up, and you meet other people, you learn things and i have learned that there all cops aint bad i dont think all cops are bad i think theres a percentage of them that are not trained well you know, its really hard to say because we need to call 911. Because we need the police i mean, i just think that were going to have to reform the policemen. I think that they just need to be retrained i damn, seth, its really hard to say what i really want to say because you know, you just got to keep an even, balanced keel, you know seth absolutely. And i cant imagine how hard that is, now more than ever. I do want to talk to you about some more optimistic, more uplifting stuff. Well be right back. More with leslie jones right after this only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. And in our home food shouldnt go to waste. 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[ laughter ] im so restrained [ laughter ] seth if you know leslie jones, she is doing [ laughter ] that is some real effort they had to sedate me for this, man. Seth hey, one thing that you never need sedated for, you have an incredible stage presence and i want to highly recommend to anybody whos stuck at home right now for any number of reasons, time machine, your standup special on netflix, is so wonderful and one of the things you talk about is very much on topic with being older, having perspective on these things. What advice you talk about going back in time and giving advice to your younger self. If you could talk to 22yearold leslie jones right now, what would you be telling her are you saying before she about to run out to the riots . Seth yeah. I would say, dont take that sledgehammer dont take that sledgehammer because the sledgehammer literally made me a hero in so many places. Its i opened up so many doors with that sledgehammer [ light laughter ] i remember i broke and i have to tell you this. [ laughter ] it was a supermarket and there was a chain fence and they couldnt get it open so i came with my sledgehammer and i was like and it went open and everybody was like, yeah seth well, i do think that speaks to what you were saying if leslie jones with a sledgehammer cant change things but let me tell you, its its i could laugh about it now. But ima tell you, i didnt laugh when i was riding through my city after that, and seeing burntdown buildings and having nowhere to shop. And, you know, seeing black people crying about their business being burnt it wasnt funny then you know seth yeah. So i think i would say to my 22yearold self, what do you think that youre going to change by going out here with that seth i know one therapeutic thing youve been doing thats also therapeutic to watch is youve been interviewing people on instagram live. You talked to cameron diaz had you talked to her before yeah, me and camerons like really good friends ever since the video we made, the back home ballers. Seth oh, right yes, yes. Cameron is the bomb. And still has the same phone number, love her shes so normal. So normal. Just just one of the sweetest people ive ever, ever encountered. Seth i should note that back home ballers, your bowls verse in back home ballers is maybe one of my favorite rap verses of all time i did that in one take. Seth one take . Okay, seth, so you know thats when i first joined, right . Seth yeah. And i wasnt hip to how yall did yall little pretapes and its like torture. So youre waiting around all day, im waiting around all day, im like, yo yo, i been here since 6 00 this morning i got one line lets get this done and they was like you know, its chris and sarah and you know how tedious chris and sarah is they do like 17 takes for one sentence seth yeah. Theyre perfectionists yeah, perfectionist, my ass they tedious so they put me on the camera and i was like bowls bowls all type of bowl fish and chips and seashell bowls my moms got bowl for everything potpourri and nuts and everything i killed it the first time seth well, that was that was very much the same when rihanna did shy ronnie. It was very much the same. Her level of precision yeah. Seth made it very clear that you were not going to have her for a long time, but what you were going to get was going to be perfect exactly thats i was telling them. I was like, im the bomb. I know what you want i know what you want. Im like alec baldwin. You know how alec baldwin is during a pretape nope, you dont need no more. Lets go to the next. Seth yeah. Youre hopeful youre hopeful to get back in the clubs this summer august hopefully, yeah, man. Hopefully. And plus we shooting supermarket sweep. So seth thats very exciting. You talked about this. Youre rebooting supermarket sweep. Yes, yes, yes were rebooting supermarket sweep, and seth you will not you will not have the sledgehammer for this, yes . Maybe [ light laughter ] we havent decided yet we havent had that meeting yet. Seth all right thats going to be a lot of fun. And i always just look forward to whatever it is youre doing, leslie and it really means a lot that you would take time and talk to us during this really difficult time your voice is well, i definitely wanted to speak to you in the little bitty attic. You know, you look tortured in this little small room that you built above your house you know, i dont know what is up with white people and attics. You know what im saying like, you got them two little mini doors all i been wondering is like, who are you keeping in them little doors . You know what im saying why do you need that why do white people need little doors . Seth for Little Things you know, sometimes we have Little Things, little bins but thats every white persons house, they got a set of little bitty doors. Let me know what is that a portal is that a portal to the land that yall dont want us to live in what the [ bleep ] [ laughter ] seth when things get bad, we go to our little tiny doors. But youre welcome to use mine whenever you want. And [ talking over each other you dont want me in them doors. [ light laughter ] seth this does remind me of your your first desk at snl that was the smallest desk of any writer yeah, mines was glass, though that look like thats, like, actual wood. You know, youre not going to have no cheap [ bleep ] in your house. Seth, look at the brick behind you. Who has brick in a attic and then who has the who actually read the thorn birds . Who what white person you know that read the thorn birds . Seth everyone every white person every white person . Seth 60 or older so i go up to a white person on the street, and i go, hey, you read the thorn birds . Theyre going to go, hell yeah. Seth if its a white woman 60 or over you live on the Upper East Side. Ill guarantee you, more people have the thorn birds in their house in the Upper East Side than dont so you are going to make me go to my neighbors house, cause i will go to every one of thems house and knock on the door, and be like, excuse me, do you have an edition of the thorn birds . Seth let me know what your results are. [ laughter ] thank you, leslie. Love you love you, too bye. Seth well be right back with more late night. This home is equipped with gig Speed Internet from xfinity. Theres this gametime internetting room. So fun. And then theres this workfromhome internetting room. Finally, the openconcept internetting room. This is not an open house. But your front door was open, so technically it is. Get gig speeds and the most wifi coverage from xfinity. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Enhance your online experience with even faster speed. Choose from a range of fast, reliable options, up to a gig. Click or call to learn more. Seth i want to thank my guests Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, and my friend, Leslie Jones Fred Armisen and the 8g band are not here today because of blackout tuesday where the Music Industry pauses to silently protest Police Violence in the Africanamerican Community so this show will end silently stay safe. Wash your hands. We love you. Lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh im going to take a deep dive into the treatment of nfl cheerleaders give me a u. U lilly give me an fu to the double standards these cheerleaders face. And ill sit down with the wonderful and brilliant Abigail Spencer and rodrigo santoro. If youve never seen westworld, it is very complicated. Is he the creator, bernard . The only surviving host, bernard. Lilly so far what i gathered is his name is bernard [ laughter ] well be joined by the hilarious Michael Palascak who looked at gun sales in america and theyre like, we need to make this more fun and random [ laughter ] lilly want to add anything check out reprisal on hulu. I work here now lilly sitting it well b

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