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Mile an hour winds and heavy rain. We will go there live as some covid19 testing sites are closed for the storm. Our sunday focus on misinformation about coronavirus. Where it comes from, how it spreads and why it is hampering americas handling of this crisis. Plus, harry smith visits olympic gold medallist tommy smith, a half century after his iconic stand at the 1968 summer Olympic Games to get his thoughts on the athlete protests of today. And later, a sunday sitdown with oscar, emmy and tony win are viola davis on her rise from a childhood of poverty to the heights of hollywood and why she knows theres more to life than all of those golden statues. The elixir is living a life thats bigger than you. Thats what it is. If you are not doing that, then you are not doing anything. Nothing. A sunday sitdown with viola dave us plus another life well lived later in the show. Lets begin with the latest on Tropical Storm isaias moving slowly along the coast of florida and impacting the states response to the Coronavirus Crisis there. Kerry a Tropical Storm warning now in place along Floridas Atlantic coast up to South Carolina. Palm beach county has done a voluntary evacuation order. You probably wont see a huge number of those up and down the east coast. Reporter a named storm in the middle of a pandemic making everything more complicated, the hospital sits on the water. Officials there taking no chances. Friday moving their Covid Patients one by one 35 miles inland. Florida, a coronavirus epicenter, closed testing sites in the path of the storm friday in areas the storm missed like miamidade, those testing sites expected to reopen tomorrow. Evacuation shelters also a challenge because of covid. Everybody be will make sure we have masks, Hand Sanitizer, everybody gets their individual Hand Sanitizer and then, of course, social distancing. Everybody will get 60 square feet. Reporter flights in florida canceled, ticketed passengers told to check with airlines about rescheduling their travel. One big concern for floridas Health Department are hurricane parties. The fear is that people may have gathered together to ride out the storm. The worst thing they could do in a pandemic. Potentially spreading coronavirus. Willie . We can see things are picking up there, kerry. We will let you find cover. Kerry sanders on floridas singer island. Lets bring in our meteorologist for the latest on the path and how it will impact the east coast. Good morning. Good morning. Isaias is doing florida a big favor. It could have been much worse this morning. It weakened overnight. If you look at the radar, theres not much rain over florida at the bahamas are getting a ton of it. The worst wind and rain is on the east side of the storm. Thats going to spare florida the flood threat. They will get a lot of beach erosion, storm surge issues. We will have minor wind damage. Florida and the southeast is built to survive storms like this with minor impacts. Thats what i expect. Let me take you through today and tomorrow. Today it parallels the florida east coast. Monday, the georgia coast and heads up for potential landfall charleston, wilmington area. We will not focus too much on landfall. It doesnt have huge impact. It may not have an eye at that point. By the time it goes up through the northeast, it could be a heavy rain event. Thats my concern. If we are going to see big issues from the storm, its going to be three to five inches of rain from richmond to washington, d. C. And possibly the mountains outside of new york city. We will watch that closely over the next couple days. Keeping an eye on the storm for us. This morning, tens of millions of americans are waking up without the 600 a week federal unemployment benefit that expired at midnight on friday. The president s top advisers are working with congress, but struggling to reach a deal this morning. Kelly odonnell is at the white house with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Additional talks are set for today and again tomorrow to deal with these issues that affect so Many American lives. Like enhanced federal unemployment benefits, protection for renters against eviction, funding for schools to reopen safely and more. While there is pressure to act quickly, they arent there yet. Progress but no deal yet for out of work americans in the next covid relief package. This is one of the greatest problems america faces, and we need to meet those needs in a very serious way. Reporter talks between senior democrats and the white house continued through the weekend. Speaker pelosi sending a letter to colleagues saturday night. All parties must understand the gravity of the situation. This is not a usual discussion, because the urgency is so great. Reporter among the key issues, extending enhanced unemployment benefits, eviction protection for renters, funding for schools to reopen safely and Liability Protection to limit covid lawsuits. Were still a long ways apart. I dont want to suggest that a deal is imminent, because it is not. Reporter covid Economic Hardship is all too real for this family in georgia. Being furloughed and not having an income for this many months was very unexpected. Reporter this married mother of two has relied on extra government help and worries about the just expired 600 weekly federal unemployment check that kept them afloat. At this point, without that assistance, we cant maintain the life that we have built for ourselves. Reporter President Trump, who spent hours on the golf course saturday, also took a swing at dr. Fauci on twitter disputing his testimony about how europe slowed the spread with more aggressive mitigation than the u. S. We really functionally shut down only about 50 . Reporter President Trump without evidence declared that wrong. In that same tweet the president persisted with his complaint that more testing has resulted in more cases. That goes against the science that says the outbreaks we are seeing in so many places around the country are because the virus is spreading not because more tests are being done. Willie . Kelly odonnell at white house, thank you so much. Chuck todd is nbcs political director and moderator of meet the press. Good to see you. Lets start with the Coronavirus Relief package, 4. 6 million cases, a steady climb through july in deaths in the country as well. The gdp dropped 33 year over year in the second quarter. That 600 a week unemployment check went away for a lot of americans at midnight friday. Do you sense congress feels the urgency that so Many American families like the ones we saw in kellys piece there, are they reflecting the urgency of the American People on this . Look, its hard to say that they are. Its hard look in fairness i dont know if i would lump them all together. The democrats passed a bill a couple months ago. I think they would argue that they met the urgency of the moment and they would argue its the republicans that havent met this moment here. Thats been part of the problem. You have a Republican Party thats very much divided on this issue. You have some old philosophical divides that think there is too much spending going on, worried about incentives that this comes in. Theres just the president s er rad erratic behavior that gums this up. I dont know why theres an urgency. Think about thursday. The economy contracted by over 30 . That was with all the benefits. What would the economy have looked like without it . If they havent done anything this a week, the urgency will be there. We have 10 of people saying they dont have enough food, 25 of people in one survey said they missed a rent or mortgage payment. The benefits expired friday. The unemployed americans left in the middle with nothing right now. Lets talk about the president s tweet on thursday where he asked the question of whether this election should be delayed. He tried to walk it back a little bit, then walked into it as he often does again. We served republicans where they dismissed this out of hand. They came out strongly across the board. Some are saying he is trolling you in the media. Senator mcconnell, for example, and many other prominent republicans said, this is not happening. We will have the election on november 3rd. Forget what the president said. What did you read into, first the president s comment . And second, the republican reaction to it. Look, if he was winning, would he have said it . Thats a pretty obvious answer. The answer is no. You only complain about the r e rules when you are losing. You dont complain when you are winning. Lets look at it that way. Willie, this is the damage has been done. The amount of questions that the president has used the bully pulpit to raise about Election Integrity has undermined the outcome here. Whether its 10 of the population that wont believe it, 15 , 20 , 30 , we dont know what the number is. But theres going to be a chunk, thanks to the president s own conspiracy theories on this. Then here is the other part of this, willie. He is undermining the Republican Party. The state of florida, for instance, mailin voting is how is among one of the ways that they make sure those snowbirds vote. Its stupid on a strategic front. But its deeply dangerous for the democracy. The president s declared this election rigged based on false information. Check, tha chuck, thanks so much. We will watch this morning on meet the press when chuck talks to a member of the Coronavirus Task force. A rescue member for eight Service Members who went missing in Southern California is over with the military saying they are presumed dead. 15 marines and one sailor were riding off the coast when it began to take on water and sank. Eight marines were rescued. One later died in the hospital. A spokesperson says the search now is a recovery mission. We got the sad news this morning that actor Wilford Brimley died. He had good sunday morning. Current conditions are foggy once again around the coast. 55 degrees in san francisco. That camera is showing the fog because normally it would be a beautiful shot of the city. The fog is so dense you cant even make it out behind there. Microclimate highs in the 80s in san jose, 84. Los gatos, 89. In through the east bay well see a cull of low 90s. It will remain warmer in inland areas. For the coastline expect 50s and 60s at times with breezy conditions for the afternoon. Tr and loews of t and lows of the week, including a tribute to john lewis, capped by a eulogy from the historic president who stands on his shoulders. The story behind a search for a stolen teddy bear and the movie star who offered a reward for its safe return. Plus, our sunday focus on misinformation around the prevention and treatment of covid19 and the implications for our national recovery. These myths can translate to people actually having adverse outcomes. People can die. Its all coming on sunday up wouldntt it be nicice if the was a a place thatat kept you. Shship shape soothehed comfortablble restockeked. Andnd safe . Wewell, there e is, anand always h has been. Walgrereens. Everyryones pla, for r healthy anand safe. Comeme on tuckerer, lets s go. Tuck, tuck, do y you want a k boboy . Tucker, dodo you want t to go . When thehe whole famamily nes an e excuse to g get out, nutros clean rerecipe will lp your dog k keep up. Against uv damage and early skin aging . Try neutrogena ultra sheer. It provides exceptional cellular protection from burning uvb rays and aging uva rays. Save 25 at neutrogena. Com. Removes ten years s ofoptic c rays yellowow stains. Uva rays. Ththats like e all the waw back t to 2010. Theyre jejeans. Theyre leleggings. Ththeyre jeggggings whwhoa remove tenen yes ofof yellow stss withth new colgagate optic c white renen. Spririnting pastst every leaeak in our sofoftest, smoothest t fabric. Shshes confidident, protetec, heher strengthth respectede. Depend. Ththe only thihing stroronger than n us, is youou. To soccerer practiceses. And newew adventureres. You u hope the m more you gie the e less theyyll miss. But eveven if yoyour teen was vaccccinated agagainst meninins in the pasast. Theyey may be mimissing vaccinatioion for meniningitis. Lelets hehelp prototect them t together. Because e missing menbnb vaccinatition could m n mimissing out t on a a whole lot t more. Ask yourur doctor ifif your tn is missising meningigitis b vaccinatation. Theyve rereally stoodod the tetest of timeme. Muchch like thesese majestic rocky momountains. Which mustst be namedd after r the. That wouould be rockcky the flg squirrrrel, mr. Gegecko sir. Obviviously ahh come o on bullwinknkle, ththeyre namemed after. Our firsrst presidenent george rockington that doeoesnt evenn make a any sense. Mr. Uhh. H. Winkle. E. Geico. O over 75 yeaears ofof savings a and servicece. Mr. Uhh. H. Winkle. E. Eveveryday itss agettingng closerer goioing faster r than a rollercoasaster love e like yoursrs will sury comeme my way ahhey, aheyyhey music c playing love e like yoursrs will sury comeme my way [motheher giving b birth] from thehe firstloving tououc. Evererything thahat touches s yr babyby should bebe this comfmfo. Thats why pampmpers, ththe 1 pediaiatrician recommenended brand,d, wraps yoyour baby inin breaththable softntness to help p keep theirir skin d dry healtlthy. So e every touchch is as cocomforting a as the fifir. Pampmpers. Ththe 1 pediaiatrician recommenended brand. D. It makes l lipton green tetea better. And ththese lemonsns better. Whicich makes ththis tastste better. You defininitely needd the e sun for ththat. And d that. Wiwith antioxixidant vitamamc and 50 fefewer caloriries. Choose l lipton green tetea today. Public Health Experts like dr. Fauci and dr. Redfield reminded us of the importance of wearing a mask to avoid the spread of coronavirus. They were compelled to do so after the president retweeted to his 84 million followers a video of fringe doctors claiming falsely that masks dont work. That was the beginning of the bizarre misinformation which included witches, demons and alien dna. It may sound laughable. Magical cures run rampant online with an impact on the fight against this disease. Steve patterson takes a closer look in our sunday focus. Reporter as the death toll of american lives lost to covid mounts higher, President Trump promoted this video as a convenient truth. I have personally tweeted over 250 patients with covid. You dont need masks. Theres a cure. Reporter thats a houston area pushing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid but as part of a cure. After the video went viral, the president praised her. She was on air along with many other doctors. They were big fans of hydroxychloroquine. I thought she was very impressive. Reporter in the past, she has made other questionable claims, includes gynecology cysts are caused by dreams with demons. Her assertion that high droc hydroxychloroquine can cure coronavirus has been rejected. Hydroxychloroquine is not effective in the treatment of coronavirus disease or covid19. Reporter as the u. S. Crosses a grim milestone, 150,000 deaths, the highest in the world, this is the latest in a slew of highly contagious misinformation about coronavirus from hoech hoaxes alleges its bioweapon to it spreading from cellto y towers to bill gates planning to use vaccines to implant microchips. Its spread across social media like facebook and twitter struggling to keep policing. The volume is so intense. They could never keep up with the amount of false information. Reporter hospital workers say every time another piece of misinformation spreads, it makes their job harder to save lives. People find that demoralizing because they are fighting so hard for their patients in front of them. Reporter this primary care doctor says the spread of misinformation has a link to the spread of virus. If it doesnt stop, more americans will lose their lives. Misinformation can cause real harm. Its not just that people are gossiping or spreadi ining myth. These myths can translate to people having adverse outcomes. People can die. Good morning, steve. With all this misinformation out there given what we know about the last president ial election, how concerned are intelligence officials about foreign interference . We know theres an attempt from russian intelligence to amplify the false narratives similar to what happened in 2016. For example, a fake social media account or a bot will push an idea hoping it will go viral whether its about the candidates or about covid like the virus being created by the u. S. Military. Experts say these can be tough to spot, especially on websites that seem legitimate. This may only get worse as we get closer to november. As you pointed out, theres too much for social Media Companies to comb through all of it much thanks so much. A sundaday sitdodown w wit ofof the mostt t talented andnd respected actors in hollywood, viola davis, on acting her way out of poverty, impressing meryl streep on set and keeping a healthy perspective on her success. A life woell lived. The man who served in four american wars and then dedicated his life to helping veterans and their families. As we head to break, our photo of the week. An at las rocket blasting off, headed off on a journey to mars with the nasa rover on board. The mission, which will last nearly seven months, is a search for signs of life on the red planet. Menutaur get a load of my southwest cheddar cheeseburger. Let menutaur make it a doubleeee, yeah its beautiful say what . I said its bea. Try my 5. 99 southwest cheddar cheeseburger combo and makeke it a doububle for a a buck more. E. Order now w with nono contact d delivery. Good sunday morning. A live look outside in san jose, what a beautiful shot there for the last day of your week, good morning and thank you for joining us. Im Cierra Johnson in for kira klapper. Vianey arana joins us with a look at your microclimate forecast. Its the last day of the week. What can people expect today and moving forward . I do want to get started with something that happened around 5 48 and the usgs did report a magnitude 3. 1 earthquake, just eight kilometers north of alum rock here in san jose. Normally i feel them because i am located in the south bay. I did not feel this one. It seems to be the usgs reporting 3. 1 magnitude. Let me know if i felt it. As far as your temperatures go, our temperatures will be once again in the 80s and 90s for inland areas and we get a little bit of a change heading to the workweek. More detail on that coming up. Sounds good, thank you. A day of confusion ends with disappointment. Many business also have to find a way to move outside or shut down. But for a time it appeared maybe businesses would get a reprieve. The county of san mateo remained in discussion with the state and as of august 1st our status on the covid monitoring list remains the same without additional requirements. It goes on the county would notify them of any status changes. Then at 6 00 p. M. Last night the county sent out another detailed message saying many businesses will have to close down after all. So this is what i wall shelter in place 2. 0. Gym and fitness centers, places of worship and funeral chapels, nail salons and other personal care and shopping malls. Bay area amazon workers demanding change. They gathered for a car caravan yesterday morning in san leandro and headed to the warehouse where workers say the conditions there are dangerous. The people in this caravan went to the warehouse once they shut down for two weeks for cleaning. Organizers say the company and state leaders are not listening to reports of unsafe working conditions. Again at the state level they dont feel like theyre being represented or their health is being protected by those we pay every day with our taxes to protect our health. Amazon says it already has in place many of the protesters demands if someone was exposed to covid19 or have a note from a doctor. They have doubled the janitorial staff at their facilities. Coming up this morning on today in the bay, local salon owners say the rules dont cut it. What theyre going to do in protests. Back to sunday today with willie geist. You are kind. You are smart. Smart. You is kind. You is important. Thats so good. Thats viola davis in the 2011 film the help. Davis appears on the current cover of vanity fair photographed by the first africanamerican photographer to shoot a cover in the 37year history of the magazine. Davis says she now regrets her role in the help telling vanity fair, quote, theres part of me that feels like i betrayed myself and my people because i was in a movie that was not ready to tell the whole truth. She says, it was created in the filter and the cesspool of systemic racism. Davis was born on a former plantation in South Carolina in the oneroom shack where her grandparents lived while working as sharecroppers. She grew up poor but found her way out through acting. Viola and i got together last year for a sunday sitdown. It was my choice. My life. I got this. Viola davis knows how to carry a scene. Who wants in . From her breakout oscar nonominated p performance in t help. To her portrayayal of rosee opposisite d denzel washihingto the 201616 fililm adaptptation plplay fences. I took my needs, dreams and i buried them inside you. Which earned davis a place in the Lifetime Club of Academy Award winners. My parents, im so thankful that god chose you to bring me into this world. Reporter th that oscar stage was a world away from her childhood of extreme poverty. I say i grew up poor. What was your childhood like . Filled with happy memories and playing with my sisters and bicycles and all of that. It was also filled with the darkness of when you are poor, you have bad housing. We lived in can democratcondemn, apartments infested with rats. The stigma. The feeling on the outside, feeling invisible, lack of access. Which is why i talk about it all the time. Its uncomfortable for me. It is. Viola and her sisters found their joy in putting on performances around the house in the rough one square mile town of central falls, rhode island. I started acting when i was 8 or 9. My sisters, we would write skits. We would have rewrites. We would have a wardrobe budget. She earned a scholarship to young Peoples School of the performing arts and went on to study theater at rhode island college, after which she was accepted to new yorks fame ed juli juliard. She was nominated for her broadway debut. Opening night of seven guitars when i think about everything i believed that being an actor was, that was it. My mom and dad being in the audience and my dad crying. I was like, im it. This is it. Ive arrived. I wish i were back there. Now i know more. Really, viola . You thought that was it . Right . Davis went on to win two tonys, one for king hedley ii and another for fences. Thats lucky. In 2009, davis earned an Academy Award nomination and the attention of a holly wie ewood it wont end with your son. I am trying to do just that. What do you want from me . What was it like to jump into movies from the stage . I always say, all you have to do in a movie is sustain a performance for 30 seconds. When you are on stage, you can have a 12page scene and there are no edit buttons. It was much different. You are acting opposite someone like meryl streep. So you are standing there going, but im viola davis, im good. Then you are acting opposite her and you are thinking, my god, its meryl streep, my god, its meryl streep. Cut, cut. So much of what we do in movies and tv, sex appeal, how cute you are, do we like you, whats your rating . Im not so good at that. Now i have to tell you, theres a cap on awards. Theres a cap on cuteness and being on peoples most beautiful list. What do you mean . Theres a cap to greatness. The elixir is living a life thats bigger than you. Thats what it is. If you are not doing that, then you are not doing anything. Nothing. I always say the three most important words that happens, especially after you have a trophy in your hand, the three most important words are, and now what. Denzel has the best quotes. I dont mean to out him. He said theres no uhaul in the back of a hearse. You cant take it with you. You say winning an oscar isnt the end of the world and whats next. But to have oscar winner in front of your name every time someone says it, it does mean something. It changed my life to be oscar winner to be on a tv show. The tv show transformed my life more than the oscar. The money, all of it. I remember someone saying, you know, viola, you are not poor anymore. I was like, im not . That tv show is how to get away with murder. Bring it. You think im scared of this . You have never been up against me. Davis earned an emmy playing annaliese, a law professor whose work and private life become entwi entwined. It had its Series Finale this past may. Am i a bad person . The mask is off, so im going to say yes. But am i the mastermind criminal who pulled off a series of violent murders . Hell no. Do you have moments . Do you stop in your life and look back at the little girl in rhode island and look at your life and go, i dont know how i got here, thank god i did, but i dont flow hknow how i got here . Every single day. You know when i think about her . When i open my refrigerator. When i flush my toilet. When i can put a robe on. When i have hot running water. Shes with me every day to understand that every little thing in my life is to be celebrated. My thanks to viola for a great conversation. Violas next project in development is a series called first ladies where she will play michelle obama. Subscribe to the sunday sitdown podcast to hear the edited interview. You can find it on Apple Podcast or wherever you get yours. Next week, a favorite sitdown in a rare interview with keeanu reeves. Next good morning. Look at the cloud cover and the fog once again this morning as youre waking up. A great shot of woodside. Its a cool start but as we head into the afternoon itll be a little bit similar to yesterdays daytime highs. Some winds right now at 1 miles an hour so breezy in some spots, san jose 84 degrees. Morgan hill, 92. Definitely warmer in through areas look walnut creek and con toward in the 90s. Cool around the coast heading into the workweek. Next, our highs and lows of the week, including baseball arguments in the time of covid19, complete with masks and social distancing. Harry smith visits tommy smith whose famous raise ed fis at the summer olympics cost him his spot on team usa but put him in the history books. New colgate optic white renewal removes ten years of yellow stains. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Whwhats that . T . Its a s shake weighght. Itsa weightht you shakeke. Remove t ten yes of yellow w stas withth new colgagate optic c white renen. Who workrks from homome and d then worksks from homeme. But shshe can handndle pick upup even when n her bladdeder makes s a little d drop off. Because e candice hahas poise. Poise undeder pressurere and poisise in her p pants. It takakes poise. v vo make the b backyard, your new b backcountryry. Nature valalley sweet t saly peanut b bars. Crunchy, c creamy and d delici. Wherevever you arere. If not for the pandemic, we would be in the middle of the 2020 summer Olympic Games right now. One of the enduring images came at the 1968 summer games in mexico city when 24yearold american sprinter tommy smith stood atop the podium with his gold medal after winning the 200 meters and raised his gloved fist into the air in protest as the National Anthem played. In our sunday spotlight, harry smith visits tommy smith in the midst of a renewed fight for Racial Justice in america. Reporter it was the very definition of a silent scream. Tommy smith, head bowed, and fist raised. Walk me through the symbolism of what you very intentionally did on that victory stand. The glove represented power. You can call it black power. You can call it just power. Reporter smith and the third place finisher lowered their heads. The next day, they were kicked off the team and sent home. The victory stance represented more than winning. It represented life as it was. Reporter life as it was was separate and unequal. The fight for civil rights was as fierce as it was often futile. Smith was part of the olympic project for human rights, which had threatened to boycott the games. Why should we participate for a country and 100 effort and come back to our homes and are denied some of the rights that should be given us . Reporter his words and his gesture earned him death threats. We knew we had to do this because our country needed that. Reporter smith returned home to a life of obscurity, teaching and coaching track. That image never lost its meaning, its power. As a japaneseamerican whose family was in concentration camps, the idea of civil rights was something that was important to me. Reporter several years ago, this artist offered to take smiths symbolic gesture and turn it into, if possible, something more. Its important to recognize theres a deeper story. Reporter with the image and with the help of the man himself, he set to create art that could span generations. Theres the moment 50 years. Theres the last two weeks. This is about the 50 years in between. Reporter decades through which progress has been gained grudgingly. Recently forced into or minds by the power of another image. So many people with knees on their necks, even now, taking back slavery again. How far have we come . This is modern slavery. Reporter another athlete spoke loudly with a gesture. What did you think . Colin kaepernick was on his knee to epitomize that action. People look at him as doing wrong by saying, please help. Reporter a feeling shared by thousands who offer the same silent protest against injustice. Watching people of all demographics on the street saluting and kneeling has certainly been a powerful reminder of how important it is for us to create symbols that can last. That was a historical move in terms of fighting for freedom. The entire world viewed it. Reporter would we have only listened back then. For sunday today, harry smith, atlanta. Thank you very much. This week we highlight another life well lived. 38 years of active duty, 20 different ranks and service in four wars. That is the astounding military resume of the legendary colonel steven depisler. He was drafted into the army in 1940 and went off to europe when the United States entered world war ii. When he came home, he married gloria who lived in the same chicago tenement building and would be his wife of 75 years. Before the war, he was a High School Basketball star. He continued to play sports during his time on military bases through the years. He transferred to the United States air force to serve in the korean war, then the French Indochina war and the vietnam war. He served in four wars. He was awarded the legion of merit medal four times. He also worked for the cia during the bay of pigs invasion. After his retirement, he joined the Retirees Office in louisiana where he spent another 41 years helping veterans and widows of Fallen Heroes with benefits and personal challenges. He was at his desk up until march when a covid19 Health Emergency was declared on the base. On friday, a memorial was held ththere for t man known affectionately as the mayor at the building named for him to celebrate his 100th birthday. He was known to say, my goal in life is to help one person every day for as long as i live. He lived up to that goal every day for nearly eight decades. He died last weekend of coronavirus. He was 101 years old. The sun is pretty incredible. It makeses lipton green n tea betterer. And d these lemomons better. R. Whwhich makes s this tataste betterer. You defifinitely neeeed ththe sun for r that. Anand that. With antioioxidant vititaminc and 50 fewer calolories. Choosese lipton green n tea today. Y. These fudge brownie m ms arenc really fyes they are. Ories. To put a fudge brownie center in an m ms is. Geninius i knowow. I was s going to s say hard whwhy wont t you. Ughhhh. Ahhh why y wont yoyou go in. New fufudge browninie m ms. Its time for the highs and lows of the week. Our first high this morning goes to the fitting farewell for civil rights icon john lewis and the arc of history that spanned his Great American life. He was laid to rest thursday after a week of tributes. Lewis casket travels over the pettus bridge in alabama where in 1965 he was beaten by state troopers as he marched for voting rights. 55 years later, he was honored with the salutes of state troopers. Lewis Congressional Colleagues held a memorial in washington where lewis became the first black lawmaker to lie in state. His funeral was held in atlantic where Martin Luther king junior grew up and preached. Three former president s came to pay their respects, including americas first black president , barack obama. America was built by john lewis. Some day when we finish that long Journey Towards freedom, when we do form a more perfect union, john lewis will be a founding father of that fuller, fairer, better america. Congressman lewis called president obamas 2009 inauguration an out of body experience given all he had been through to see that moment. Rest in peace, sir. Our first low goes to the utter lameness of baseball arguments in the age of coronavirus. During this weeks game between the cardinals and pirates, the home plate umpire rang up the first ejection of the seasons toing tossing a pitcher. The manager had some words for the ump but not before following responsible cdc guidelines. Lets get on our masks, maintain a safe distance and have a clean fight. Part of an argument, you have to put on your mask. Stay socially distanced. You cant get toe to toe. Doesnt have the same impact. The stadium pumped in a fake roar from the crowd when there were two grown men yelling at each other in masks. Our next high goes to maura soriano who was reunited with a very special teddy bear. This is her buildaba bear whi contains a voice recording of her mother which died last year of cancer. The bear and the backpack were stolen while she was moving last week. Her plea for its return went viral after Ryan Reynolds offered a 5,000 no questions asked reward. On tuesday, she received a message from a man who said he found the bear in a park. It was returned in mint condition. She was reunited with her mama bear. Always remember that you make mommy so proud. No matter where you are, a part of me will always be with you forever. I love you to infinity and beyond. He had says the ordeal was a reminder that her mom will always come back to her. Good to see a happy ending there. Our final low, to the latest installment of i sear series of interviewed being interrupted by children and animals. This woman was being interviewed when a parade of visitors came down the steps. First the dog. Then the 8yearold son who clearly has live tv sabotage on his mind. Then big sister comes to the rescue, literally dragging her brother out of the frame. Shes dialed in and doesnt miss a beat. A beat. Well done. E everyday itits agettiting clososer g going fasteter than a rollercocoaster lovove like youours will susy cocome my way y a ahey, aheheyhey musisic playing g lovove like youours will susy cocome my way y removes ten years ofoptic yellow stains. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Theyre e jeans. Theyre e leggings. Theyre jejeggings whoa remove t ten yes of yellow w stas wiwith new cololgate optitic white reren. So heres s to the strtrong, whwho trust inin our perfofore anand comfortatable, longlastiting protectction. Because yoyour strengtgth is s supported b by ours. Depepend. The ononly thing strongerer than us, is you. Wouldnttprotectetedce if the was a a place thatat kept you. Because yoyour strengtgth is s supported b by ours. Playfuful coveredd fufueled. And safafe . Well, there is, and alwaways has beeeen. Walgreens. S. Everyonees pla, for healalthy and sasafe. Grabab a box of f 15 or t try them loloaded. Get em now w with nono contact d delivery. We got more of your sunday today mugshots. Lincoln the pig in maryland. Sara in north carolina. Terry, stella and lucie in iowa. Tim and ann marie in ohio. Marilyn and her family in vermont. Happy 70th birthday. Send us a photo. You might see yourself next week. You can get that mug at the nbc online store. We will see you back here next week on sunday today. Good morning. It is sunday, august 2nd. Here is a look at downtown san jose. A beautiful shot of folks just starting to wake up. I want to thank you for joining us. Vianey arana joins us with your microclimate forecast. Its the last day of the week. They want to get out and enjoy themselves today. Thats right, and cierra, i dont know if youve heard of the phrase foggest, yesterday was the first of august and faugust is living up to its hype. Haze valley, a beautiful there of san francisco. Almost. You can see how foggy it is

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