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That afternoon, everyone. Im janelle wang we are keeping an eye on that tanker since we brought it to you on our 11 00 a. M. Newscast and we will update you on the situation shortly. We are also tracking other stories on this tuesday, including, could Scott Peterson get a new trial . Ian cole was in the courtroom for all the proceedings including new evidence and witnesses and hes going to fill us in on what happened and what is next. A bit of rain returns to the bay area but wait until you see what is in store for the rest of the week. Meteorologist rob mayeda has our forecast. Would you pay 24 22 for a burrito . A popular restaurant in San Francisco certainly think so. Why does it cost so much . Sergio quintana talks with the owner and what he says might make you understand the high price. But we are going to begin with the hazmat scene that shut down a major street in martinez for hours today. Turns out, an aging tanker with some bad labeling led to the whole thing. Around 9 dirty, fire and county Sheriffs Office were called to this abandoned tinker. Someone had left it on the side of the boulevard. Calls came after a tow truck driver hired to move the tanker saw that there was still liquid inside of the container. No identification on the tanker. Investigators say hazmat was called out to figure out what was inside so they shut down the street and started the process. After hours of an investigation and testing, officials determined the unknown substance was a type of vegetable oil. Its been here for approximately a week. No one can give us a definite time as to when they saw it first arrive but since we know its here and weve got it under our control right now we are going to take the appropriate action identifying the product occasionally we get people dropping containers off on the shoulder. Its an ongoing problem thats been going on for years. The road was finally reopened more than three hours later. The tanker was one of three that were tagged as abandoned last week in the same area. Investigators do not know if the same person dumped all three containers, but they are looking to identify the owners. It was nearly 20 years ago when a jury convicted Scott Peterson of killing his wife laci and their unborn child. Today, he was back in court with new attorneys, arguing that his conviction should be overturned. The new lawyers are part of the la innocence product la Innocence Project and they believe evidence that didnt make it to the original trial may show that he did not murder his wife. Ian cull was in the courtroom and joins us now. Take us through the series that arguing that lawyers are arguing. A lot of this comes down to dna evidence. They say this is not a fishing expedition and what they are asking for is very specific. Today Scott Peterson appeared in court via zoom from state prison. He only spoke to the judge a few times mostly to confirm that he could hear the proceeding. The la Innocence Project has taken up the case saying that they believe there is proof that points to another killer and in fact they suggest laci may have been killed by the same person who broke into a house across the street around the time she was first reported missing. They want to admit new witness statements and review evidence that they claimed did not make it into court during the first trial. The defense was entitled to the defendant trial. Mister peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these Police Reports and audio recordings and video recordings that shouldve been provided. Beside these reports and other recordings, what other evidence do they want the judge to look at specifically . Theres a lot of focus on a burned out orange van found not far from the Peterson House the morning after laci disappeared. Scott petersons lawyers want the mattress that was down inside of it tested, to see if it shows any trace of laci s dna and if it does it would add to the theory that she was taken by burglars. After the hearing i spoke with a bay area attorney who has closely followed the case and says the latest twists is certainly intriguing. I mean, it could be huge. If Laci Peterson s dna is on that mattress in that van that was torched, that is huge. At the next hearing is set for april 16. We hear from a former investigator in the case about the new claims and questions about evidence that had not been brought forth before. More than 20 years later this high profile case still in the headlines. Thank you so much. A santa fe man is under arrest tonight accused of using a printer to create illegal guns inside of his home. Acting on a tip police searched the home and arrested Benito Hernandez on gun charges this week. Inside the home they found guns, a silencer, and even more. Detectives located three firearms as well as two 3d printers used to manufacture illegal firearms. According to court records, hernandez is not allowed to own any firearms because of his prior Mental Health history. Records also show that he is being accused of using a special link to convert firearms into fully automatic machine guns. Police are still trying to determine if hernandez was selling any of these guns that he was allegedly making. Power is back on for 700 people in lafayette that went out after this large tree fell about 10 00 last night near Pleasant Hill road. The tree damaged power lines and a couple of cars. Power was restored by 6 00 p. M. But the headache is not completely over. Crews have cleared most of the tree, but spring hill near marina road remains blocked. No eta for when it will reopen. Pg and e said it is still investigating what caused the tree to fall in the first place. 20 of wet roads out there today and this is a look at rain. Things are changing no. At spring and rob mayeda. We just have to get through today . We do. Good things are coming. That is the last of the rain. Everyone is looking forward to the temperatures but before we get there we are going to have to see how strong the wind gets moving forward into tomorrow. Gusty wind will be appearing across some of the hilltops along the bay area, but right now, rain showers starting to move out. The mobile doppler radar, notice the movement of the clouds from north to south. We will see more of that during the day tomorrow as the showers move out, clearing skies move in and for tomorrows high temperatures we are looking at mostly mid60s. Winds are not picking up too strong yet. 64 san jose and low mid60s around San Francisco and oakland. But speaking of the wind, after sunset tomorrow night watch the speeds around northbay hills. We will see the gusts picking up right before sunrise. 30 50 mph gusts possible and wind advisories for the interior mountains of the north bay, northbay valley and interior east bay. Similar timing south of San Francisco. Peak wind gusts thursday morning and all the areas in purple including the Santa Cruz Mountains and down near the coast, the wind speeds back off and temperatures climb into upper 60s and low 70s. Then as we move forward to friday and the weekend, mid upper 70s in reach as we head toward saturday and the seven day forecast does show temperatures climbing straight on through the weekend with dry weather taking us into the beginning of next week. Stay tuned at 5 00 oclock for the warmup on the way with our chief meteorologist. A lot of sunshine ahead. Thank you. Its cleaning close to dinnertime so lets talk about a burrito getting a lot of attention in the mission district. Yes its delicious but its more about the price. 22. It has doubled in the past few years and once we heard about it we had to send Sergio Quintana to check it out and to tasted. Why is the owner charging 22 for a burrito . Boy i tell you, toughest assignment ever that ive had. I got to be accurate saying the signature burrito is called the Grilled Cheese beef burrito and if you get birria its two dollars more and the owner says the reason why its that much is because all the Quality Ingredients that he sources to put into that burrito and all of the other food has either doubled in cost, or sometimes more than tripled. So instead of skimping on ingredients, cutting staff or even closing, he says he has decided to just raise the cost, or the prices on his menu items including that burrito. He spoke to customers. Our customers paying for this 24 burrito . Yeah. It was a busy day at lunch for the lunch rush. We talked with one guy who is a regular customer and says yes, he noticed the prices of the burritos going up and said he says he likes the Quality Ingredients that go into the food there, so he remains a loyal customer. Theres a highschooler we spoke to who said listen. She understands that the price of the ingredients have gone up as well and if you want good food, thats the price you have to pay to get good food in San Francisco. So shes okay with it as well. You tasted it. What did you think . Be honest. It was a good size, was it a good portion . Lets first off say if you are going to this place, this is not a typical burrito spot. Youre not going to go there for some and you will find on a corner. This is a premium burrito. It is delicious, and it is enormous. My photographer ethan and i actually had to split the burrito, its so big and i wasnt able to finish my half of the burrito. Im going to save it for a little bit later after work. So thats going to be good. And she completely understands that people have options to get their burritos in San Francisco and he even said, they are very close to another burrito spot thats really about four doors down. People can go there, those are good burritos as well. We will have more coming up on the full report at nbc bay area news. If its a good size its worth for 22 bucks and you can save half for later like you said. Thank you so much. Lets talk about the warriors. Steph curry will be able to rejoin the team soon. He twisted his ankle last week and has not played since. After being reevaluated today, curry can start working out again so he plans to practice with the team on friday. After that the warriors will see if he can play in saturdays game against the lakers. Still to come. How much can we trust self driving features in our cars . The Us Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is looking to find out and we will give you a new report card. California has an equal pay pledge so how is the state doing with keeping that promise . The first partner gives her candid take. We want to know which trending story would like to see later in the newscast. I have a polling question on my instagram stories. You still have time to vote for one of these. Ikea cutting prices. Babies r us making a comeback, babies r us making a comeback, and nasa launches you made a cow actually its a piggy bank. My inspiration to start saving. How about a more solid way to save . Im listening. Well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. Both cash reward . And theres a cash bonus when you open a new Checking Account to get you started. Wow. Anything you cant do . mugs. Bmo now to our climate crisis. We talked about this yesterday and now it is confirmed. New data from nasa confirms the current winter is the warmest on record. In fact, seven of the last 10 years have been among the warmest winters on record. Rob mayeda joins us with a look at the details and this report states that climate due to human caused activities is a leading factor, which is not surprising. But, weve done so much so how has it changed . I feel we are recycling more, driving ev cars the earth really cant keep up. You can see the progression through time and you mentioned the last 10 years at the end of this graph or you can see where we are now. The record warmest, theres that 10 year period. And acceleration of warming up so we look at the causes for why the last few years have jumped out so much. Some of the causes go back to fossil fuel emissions, Carbon Dioxide a leading factor, and even though weve seen better emissions standards in the united states, globally the amount of fossil fuels getting into the atmosphere is overwhelming the Natural Systems of the earth to draw that back out of the atmosphere. Another factor, el nino. We had a warmer winter as we talked about yesterday and globally that is the case as well. Record land and sea temperatures have been a contributing factor. Factor number three, and a couple factors that can limit warming from time to time would be related to things like aerosols in the atmosphere. Smoke or dust particles can filter the sunlight. That was reduced last year and theres lest see ice which acts like a mere to reflect the sunlight back into space. Those factors were reduced, and at the same times, sometimes you can have volcanic eruptions that would get materials into the atmosphere. And undersea eruption had some water vapor that did come up and contribute to some short term warming but not the cooling that you can sometimes see with those particles. But the leading factor by far to all of this, fossil fuel emissions being the leading cause. Something that has changed drastically overwhelming Earth Systems to keep up and draw that out of the atmosphere. We have to do our part countries have to step on board from all around the world. What can we do . How can we reduce Carbon Emissions . Doing what is being done in california and the country on a global scale. If you focus on fossil fuel emissions, in our lifetimes before the end of the century, the line that you see would be the new temperature graphs moving forward. So those emission standards as they are brought online on a global scale can take us away from the red line that weve been seeing over the last 10 years and have actionable change that can occur before the end of the century as we push those omissions back to where earths systems can catch up and regulate temperatures again. The red line is frightening. We need to slow things down. Thank you so much rob. A story that we featured in our climate and crisis series is Getting National attention about the possible extinction of deepwater shark species. Its on the cover of science magazine. We have previewed the study published and talked with what one of the researchers that found the population of deepwater sharks is rapidly depleting because of liver oil and meet trades which ends up in Dietary Supplements and hair care products. The species is already critically endangered and some species play a Critical Role in our ecosystems. When it comes to Autopilot Technology in our cars, most automakers are getting failing grades. The Us Insurance Institute tested 14 systems for autopilot and assisted driving. The institute says most systems do not prevent misuse or keep drivers from losing focus on the roadways. The president of another group says the results are not surprising. We werent particularly surprised considering there are no minimum federal safety standards, so automakers can put any systems they want and cars. The answer found only a lexus driverless system received an acceptable rating. The majority of systems including tesla, ford, Mercedes Benz and volvo were all given poor ratings. California is still falling short when it comes to equal pay for women but some of the states Biggest Companies are taking steps to change that right now. Jennifer newsome announced more than 200 companies are now signed on to the california equal pay pledge, promising to take strategies to close the pay gap. Women are making . 89 every dollar that a man makes with wages even lower for black women and latinas. In 2024 women are still not paid equally to their white male counterparts and continue to lose billions annually to the wage gap. Billions. There is also progress when it comes to representation. She says only 1 of Public Company awards death are dominated by men compared to 29 present just a few years ago in 2018. The goal of a local author. Marcus washington introduces us to her. We continue to celebrate womens History Month and today we are showcasing an author from the bay area who created superheroes to teach kids about diversity. Crystal foote is the author of inclusivity superheroes. The book tells the story of three superheroes, emma, carlos, and aisha or on a mission to unite people around the world and they do so by introducing people to food for different cultures. But, says that children who read the book will hopefully become open and accepting to others. Still we have to understand and embrace one another for who we are and what we are, so that is really the strong message. Discrimination doesnt get us anywhere but war and really unfortunate outcomes. I just wanted to make sure that i am conveying about diversity, inclusivity in the book. She said she hopes her message resonates with both children and their parents. You can get your own copy of the book on amazon or other bookshops. For stories like this join us early at 5 00 a. M. On air and you can also watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. You are on 24 7 on roku and other platforms. I am marcus washington. Back to you. Working on the 5 oclock newscast and theres a lot going on. Last week was super tuesday which i guess makes this a regular tuesday by comparison. So the voting happened on super tuesday but they had not finished counting and for some reason we still dont know who won. Take for example the race to fill an extra seat in congress. Ricciardo qualified by finishing first on tuesday but who came in second . Two more are separated by more than 1000 votes so we sent Damian Trujillo to the Registrars Office to see when we may just get a result from that race. Bay area proud. A woman who has a history of successful startups, but it is not what you think. Her startups dont make money. They make the Community Better for others. My heart is warm. I cant wait to watch that. Still to come, the top trending story as voted by you on my instagram pull. Also neighbors by the Hollywood Sign are not happy. We will tell you whats going on near there and heres a hit. It involves taylor swift. Everything seems to involve taylor swift. Are you registered to vote for the november election . Our sister station and telemundo have teamed up to answer questions about registering to vote for the president ial elections. You can call until 6 30 and plan your vote with the number on your screen. 8888398682. You have until 6 32 call in. Here it is. The top trending story voted by you on my instagram pull. All of you ikea shoppers out there, youre going to love this story. Ikea is expanding price cuts across all markets this year. The swedish home and Furniture Company is aiming to dialback price increases that were introduced two years ago. The latest cuts, as the cost of transportation and Raw Materials go down. The biggest owner of ikea stores says price cuts have led to an increase in both customers and items sold. I will post links to the other stories that you voted for on my instagram stories. A rock n roll icon got a star on the hollywood walk of fame, lenny kravitz, and his son and daughter joined him. He told the crowd god blessed him with an unbelievable talent and heart. Right now the buzz in hollywood that taylor swift will be doing a shoot under the Hollywood Sign. Tmz reported it this morning and said swift would be filming for disney plus in a neighborhood under the sign. Neighbors got a notice that the shoot would be happening tomorrow and it would take place at the little green house, did you see it . Right there. Neighbors worry that the chute could create too much for track it traffic and noise and a few hours later, we hear the chute is off with no word for the reason. She just flew back from singapore. She might be tired. Thank you for joining us at 4 dirty. 4 dirty. Stay wh usit sinnerman by nina simone get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. Contact your volvo retailer to learn more. Right now at 5 00, the step toward getting 3d printed guns off of s. Bay st. Lisa arrest a man that they secreted the illegal weapons. The other troubling things found inside of his home. Still counting the votes in the close race to replace the congressman retiring. The slim margin in place right now and the votes left to be tallied. Another day of gray clouds and spotty rain. We are updating you on what to expect the rest of the week. The news at 5 00 starts right now. Thank you for joining us. Im garvin thomas. And i am jessica aguirre. You shouldnt have them and shouldnt have been making them. A man arrested for what he had inside of his home. Police say he was creating illegal guns via a 3d printer. We spoke with the San Jose Police department to explain. Police are still investigating whether the suspect sold any of the weapons that he allegedly made and whether any of those guns were used during crimes in the community. San jose police have arrested 25yearold Benito Hernandez for creating illegal guns, acting on a tip and police say they searched his san jose home and found illegal guns, a silencer, ammunition and more. Detectives located three firearms as well as two 3d printers used to manufacture illegal firearms. According to court records, hernandez is prohibited from possessing any firearms because of prior Mental Health history. Investigators also claim he was converting semi automatic weapons into fully automatic machine guns inside of his home

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