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But the secret service has been standing out of late in ways that the new director has been tasked to change. Well take a look at those not so secret challenges for the secret service ahead in our cover story. Then its on to American Music. And an album of photos from a near mythical era with Anthony Mason well look and listen. Its almost impossible to illustrate a history of American Music in the late 60s and 70s without the pictures of henry diltz. I love this of Joni Mitchell. Her very, very, very fine house. He shot some of the most iconic album covers of the rock air a. The photographs of henry diltz later on sunday morning. Funny girl amy sewell sir extending her funny bone into a whole new medium and still keeps her sharp wit as sharp as ever. Our mo rocca can vouch for that. Amy schumer somehow found time to write and star in a movie. This is amy. I think you when you finished did you have ha moment going go, gosh. This was like really pulling back the curtain what is going on with this girl . Do you remember having this . Later on sunday morning we go home with amy schumer. A slice of life is what bill geist found in remote and seemingly up likely place. About a three hour drive from albuquerque, new mexico, in the middle of no where. Oh, my, goodness. You might stumble upon a tiny speck of a town that takes its quirky name quite seriously. There is responsibility to have pie here. Obligation. Later on sunday morning the long, long road to pie town. Its no cake walk. Cowan retrash braver shows us an avid collectors most prized postage stamp. Well follow Charles Kuralt through the eyes of one of his fans. And a full weekend worth of summer films and a lot more. First, here are the headlines for sunday morning, the 5th of july, 2015. Investors have their ties on greece as that countrys voters head to the polls. They split to accept austerity measures teeding to keep the country afloat. The euro. The test this morning high above the earth after two failed attempts unmanned cargo ship finally docked at the International Space station delivers water food oxygen as well as other supplies. Back here op earth although security concerns were high, it didnt dampen the 4th of july festivities. Americans celebrated with cookouts, of course fireworks all for the red white and blue. Joel celebrated the 4th of july by marrying his fourth wife. 66yearold joel and 34yearold Alexis Roderick exchanged vows in a surprise ceremony. Shes expecting his second child. After 50 years the long strange trip of the grateful dead is nearing its end. Last night in chicago the band performed the second of three concerts in its fare the well tour. It will be their very last show together. U. S. Womens soccer team is just one win away from capturing the sports coveted world cup but first need to get past japan. Japanese beat the americans back in 2011, the teams face off later today in vancouver. Now todays weather nice in the northeast. But severe thunderstorms will flare up across the northern plains, storms will appear across the sow. West remains firecracker hot. In the week ahead cooler across the northwest. Stormy in the east, hot and muggy across the south. Welcome to summer. Next secret service. In the line of fire. Later following Charles Kuralt trails and tails. Cowan u. S. Secret service is on high alert at the white house this 4th of jewel weekend. Of course special agents are always in the line of fire. But the kind of fire the agency is under right now is Something Else entirely as were about to see in this mornings cover story. It was raining at the white house in march of 1981. And u. S. Secret Service Agent tim mccarthy had just bought a new suit. It was not the typical polyester suit. This was a real good suit, it was raining. You splurged . I did. Hoping to stay out of the drizzle he and another agent flipped for who would accompany president Ronald Reagan to the Washington Hill glob we flipped a coin and i went. Which was fine until i got shot. John hinckley, junior, fired six shots in a matter of seconds. All aimed at the president. I saw a flash of the gun and exactly where it was coming from. What did you do . You turned toward it . I knew where the shot was coming from, there was no doubt in my mind and i turned in that direction. Just made yourself as wide as you could. Yeah, yeah kind of. Mccarthy blocked it. Hit my rib went down to my lung liver diaphragm. No agent has taken a bullet for a president since. Yet to this day mccarthy still regrets one of hinckleys shots got by him. Theres a sense that you did your job sense that you failed. Because you were still shot despite everything that was done. You were still shot. Thats a failure. Most would call mccarthys actions heroic not a failure in light of the not so Heroic Secret Service headlines of late. These have been hard times for the once proud secret service. In september an army veteran carrying a knife made it over the white house fence and all the way to and through its unlocked front doors. That lapse in security followed some lapses in judgment. Three years ago a group of agents were disciplined for inviteness prostitutes to this hotel ahead of president obamas trip to colombia. Then just four months ago agents coming back from night of drinking were seen disrupting an active bomb investigation. Weve got to fix this. Elijah cummings the ranking democrat that oversees the secret service one of many critics demanding that the agency gets its act together. The effectiveness is the image and reputation and people believe that they cannot pierce the vail, something tragic happens to the most powerful and influential leader in the world thats a National Security problem. Barely dry on the man brought town fix it. Joe clancy a 27veer yet an agent who was once head of president obamas protective detail. Any mistake that we make is critical. We have zero tolerance for failure. We cant make mistakes. Are you confident that what youve done since taking over will prevent any more missteps . The theres no guarantees. Every day all of us wake up with that concern. Those who want to do harm to any of our protect hes theyre working just as diligently as we are. First order of business better training. Hands up. Hands up. Get back. Recites spend weeks fence jumper drills have now taken on particular urgency. Jumper in addition to the uniformed division, secret Service Attack dogs like rocky train here, too. Bring the dog to me its all about doing better next time. Helps train dogs to attack the attackers like this. Weve got to expose the dogs, the hammers the officers or the agents to different scenarios every day to make sure that were consistently ready because the bad guys will change. There are mock ups of air force one and marine one here. And clancy asked congress for 8 million to build full scale replica of the white house to replace the parking lot they train in now. Wed like to have that so that our people can train and were the same exact distances same type of fountains and bushes. History however shows that most attacks come outside the white house. Three shots were fired at president kennedys motorcades in downtown dallas. Seared into the memory that awful day in dallas in is the 63. The quick thinking of special agent clint hill. I can still see clint hill climbing on the back that have vehicle and forcing the first lady back into her seat then lying prone over mrs. Kennedy. Surrounded by his usual complement of secret services. When gerald ford was shaking hands in sacramento it was special agent who tackled lynn net week fromme a member of the manson family in 1975. Unbelievably just 17 days later. Another wouldbe assassin tried to gun ford down outside a San Francisco hotel. Theres been a shot. It takes a lot to be an agent. Takes a different type of person. Allan biladeau assigned to protect Vice President dick cheney and joe biden now runs assassination drills like this one. A lot of people have hard time sort of wrapping their heads around why someone would be willing to take a bullet for somebody else. Its a heavy toll on new you personally an agent but also your family. Its tough. Remarkably just one agent has been killed while protecting a president , president truman. The officer was leslie coffelt. He was standing post right here. It happened across the street from the white house. Truman was staying here in the blair house. From 48 to 52 while they were refurbishing the white house. Two puerto rican nationalists tried to fire their way into blair house. Coffelt was motelly wounded. He stood up, braced himself to steady himself and took a shot and hit the assailant in the ear as i recall. Rarely are they in the spotlight instead secret Service Agents are generally on the fringes of history. Unphone faces in the crowd who have a front row seat to world events. When youre on the job youre thinking two feet in front of you. Youre not thinking about history and not thinking about speeches or anything along those lines. Youre looking for where the next threat might be. It was Abraham Lincoln who created the secret service 150 years ago. Ironically it was on the very day he was assassinated. But he never intended the secret service to protect him or the office. Its sole purpose was to battle the rise of counter fit money. By 1865, amounted to as much as a third of all the money in circulation. Today, fighting counterfeiters remains its primary investigative mission, although now it includes hacking and data breaches as well. Most of what these agents do well well likely never know about. Why it may be struggling with current problems the past 150 years shows secret service has had more successes than failures. Its up to us to live up to that legacy that those who came before us left us. The people we have coming on board i think the American People would be proud of. As for tim mccarthy he never did get his new suit back. Hes now chief of police in other land park, illinois. He knows its what he did that day 34 years ago that still stands for the best of what the secret service can be. Did you feel like you were a hero . No. Well, i thought i did my job. That was most important to me. What i take away from it for the rest of my life is when i was called upon to do my duty i did it. Cowan ahead. The smore the merrier. Neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. Neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Available at walmart. You ever think about how the cement of your driveway. Connects to the ends of the earth . From roller coaster hills. To musical streets and movie chase scenes. Its all one road. Everywhere you take it tells your story. And wherever you are is where the road begins. The camry. Toyota. Lets go places. Cowan now a page from our sunday morning almanac, july 5n, 1794. 221 years ago code. The day Sylvester Graham was born in west suffield, connecticut. He became a presbyterian minister in North Hampton massachusetts, and achieved fame far and wide for his dietary beliefs. His 1837 book a treatise on bread and bread making championed the virtues of coarse flour. Ideally by the woman of the house. He also promoted the plain no frills cracker that came to bear his name. It it was you will part of his teachings on health and longevity which included such edicts as, eat no flesh nor fish nor foul. boyd butter vinegar, pepper, cinnamon sweets soups mustard, ginger and gravy. And above all he said, make love only within marriage, and just once a month. His strictures on diet and abstinence won graham both devoted followers as well as plenty of skeptics. Despite his claims to the secrets of longevity Sylvester Graham died in 1851 at just 57 years of age. Still, graham crackers live on, though sweeter now than he ever imagined especially when toasted with marshmallows over a campfire. Smores. Are that signature treat of summertime. Next dasher. Only two of them in the world. Avid collectors come up. Post haste. Before fibromyalgia, i was the goto person. I was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. For some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain, i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With lyrica i have less fibromyalgia pain and can keep moving forward. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Start healthing. Yeah, click anything. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyone. Spread the delicious taste you know and love. Hersheys is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads. Cowan fireworks for the 4th. The perfect postage stamp far this Holiday Weekend those who study staps are called philatelists. Step forward. Captain David Robinson not only loves piloting his tour boat down the waterways of richmond. Thats how richmond got its name. This particular one was original David Robinson find. He also loves all things virginia. Especially his stamps. Of some stamp here from the confederacy. That is the first in Jefferson Davis picture on it. He first started collecting at the age of ten. What made you stick with it . Girl. Girls . Wow. I found that i could make money buying and selling stamps. And having money translated into the geeky kid being able to get the girl. Had money to take her out. Absolutely. Bees selecting ever since. And recently made his biggest find ever. But the story really begins in 1918. When the u. S. Postal service issued a stamp in honor of the jenny. A world war 1 era biplane. The stamp was red and blue. They printed one with the blue upside down. One sheet . One sheet. No stamps are now worth millions. And far out of reach for people like David Robinson. But in 2013 the u. S. Postal service decided to kelp rate its most famous mistake purposely issuing a new upside down jenny stamp. And then the Postal Service did something really tricky. They announced they printed 100 with the airplane right side up. And those of course became the ones to have. Yes. And all of a sudden the stamp collecting world is shaken upside down. So David Robinson wand one badly. If youre going to open them, the correct way which is sort of slow and safer the experience you got to get it out of the plastic first. But then you got to get the cardboard. You got to dispense with the cardboard. He ended up sending almost 41,000 on sheets of jennys, and you did this in 2,900 times. Thats when robinson finally struck gold. Finding a sheet of right side up jennys. And he sold it at auction for 45,000 to an anonymous buyer. I beat the odds. Of course robinson is part of a proud tradition of stamp collecting. Once upon a time stamp collectors known as philateliss seemed to be everywhere. The new three cent stamp. Everywhere is a field day for the stamp collectors. Theres still diehard collectors and but its clear the hobby has lost a bit of the luster which seems ashame to this man. I think americans stamps tell the story of the american experience. The post masser general patrick donahoe. If you go back to the first postage stamps of washington and franklin, the p Founding Fathers of our country probably around the current of the country we issued commemorative stamps thats where we got into the history of the u. S. And now weve evolved over time into culture and birds and flowers. The story is on display at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in washington, d. C. Theres a very important stamp than youre going to show me in here. Yes. The number one seller of all times. And here it is. Yay. Elvis presley. When it went on sale in 1993 there it is. Crowds went wild. Elvis stamp right there ladies and gentlemen. Elvis may be the king of stamps but the gallery where he sits in state was funded by the king of stamp collectors. Billionaire, bill gross. Hes cofounder of the Global Investment firm, pemco. So important he made headlines last year just for changing jobs. But when its time to relax my saturdays and sundays were always stamp collecting with sports programs. You sit there with your collection youd be watching tv . Yeah. Hopefully i can rip up one of the stamps. He sold many and given the money to charity but acknowledges spending more than 100 million on his hobby over the years. Your aim was seriously to collect a copy of every single stamp that the u. S. Put out in the 19th century . Every single one . Yes. And how many were there . There was probably 350 to 400 in total. That includes this one issued in 1868. Doesnt look that interesting, does it . But only two exist in the whole world. He also got his hands on a more recent rarity, remember that anonymous buyer of David Robinsons big find . This one as you can tell, is right side up. And so i call it the inverted inverted. Thats right. Bill gross was the winning bidder. Did i know what it was absolutely not. I simply knew that maybe at some point could be worth 100,000. He show off the greatest city in america. Thanks for coming out. David robinson back captaining his boat doesnt care if gross makes a profit off the deal for him and his wife, its not really about the money. Were famous, gale and i are written into history now. Our picture was on the front page of linns stamp news. This really big deal. The pinnacle of stamp collecting is to make an original discovery like this. And basically every stamp collector in the world for a few weeks, i want to be him. One of those moms you dont need to shave above your knee. Ahead i was just aware wolf just like outspoken comedy of amy schumer. First dessert in the desert. As easy as pie. L this is a true holiday slice of life. As good as all these pies look imagine shells and shells of them. Thats just what bill geist found in the slice of the american southwest. On a lonely stretch of highway in new mexicos high desert galaxies light years away are more easily found than lunch. Im starving out here. This sign seemed a mirage. Then suddenly the pioneer restaurant appeared. Oh, my, goodness. This looks good. This is wonderful. Delicious. The plethora of pies . Theres more. When proprietor kathy knapp first came here 20 years ago pie town was just an illusion. The sign on the door there used to be pie in pie town. Aint no more. No pie . For sale. And my mother said you buy it, ill bake the pies, they will come. Its pie town. Seemed rather impulsive reaction. See a place thats closed youre on vacation you just buy it. Well my mother wanted to put the pie back in pie town. Because she knew she could. She was a pie lady. Did people come . No. Not at first. I need pie. Voila. Oh, my gosh. But today pie pilgrims come from far and wide. Just for the pie. They want to take their kids on a road trip like my mother took us and get off the highway and go to the little strange places where people still talk to people and let their children feel that experience that theyre not going to get on an interstate. Oh, boy. What was the next one . Running out of pie. Astonishingly a second pie place was opened just down the road by Baker Michael rawl. The good pie cafe. Still frequents the place as unpaid pie consultant. Kathy is a wonderful woman but are your pies better . Of course. People would love to see us like in some sort of mean competition but were actually good friends. We at days open so that theres always a place open for people. There is a responsibility to have pie here. An obligation. It is. Im starving, how about you . These guys had ridden all the way down the Continental Divide trail from canada. Looking forward to this for about step days of motorcycle riding. That is so good. Its like the power of pie. That obsession. That and maybe the altitude. At 8,000 feet theres lack of oxygen youll get a little giddy and happy. We call it pie happy. So, how did this pie happy place come by its name . Why not cakeville. In 19 a guy named clyde norman was headed across this u. S. Highway 60. And it was coast highway. He broke down and started making pies on the side of the road in order to get going again. Hence the name, pie town. Are you in here . Thats me right there. C. A. T. Rip Roberts Family came here in 1936 fleeing the depression and the dust bowl along with hordes of others. Catherine was having the pinto bean pie. The cowboys would come from ranches over there, you know going one way or the other and they would stop and the cowboys started saying, lets stop at pie town. Over the years such Hard Scrabble pioneers settled pie town. Pioneers like kathy she put the pie back in pie town. What kind of pie . Apple cranberry. Amy one way to get it. Its perishable. Point of purchase pie. You got to come to pie town to get a pie town tie. Its worth the drive. Cowan next, one man 669 rescued children. As my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. Vo levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. Levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin Pen Technology from novo nordisk. Levemir® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Todays the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. Covered by most Health Insurance and medicare plans. Does your makeup remover take does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Brandon thinks best foods is heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Cowan it happened this past week, the passing of a world war ii era hero who spent much of his life unrecognized. For we learned of the Death Outside london this past wednesday of Nicholas Winton. A stockbroker by trade, winton went to czechoslovakia in december of 1938 to try the save the children of refugees fleeing nazi germanys advance. A mix for which he admitted to 60 minutes last year he had no relevant experience. I work on the motto if it is not something thats impossible there must be way of doing it. And find way of doing it he did. Beginning in march of 1939, winton arranged through bribery and guile to have seven train loads of young refugees pass through germany to holland where a fairy carried them to safety in england. Their parents had to be left behind. Most never to be seen gyp. In all winton saved 669 children. Most of them jews. In the years that followed Nicholas Winton resumed his quiet stockbrokers life. His war time exploited coming to light many years later only after his wife discovered a hidden notebook detailing his rescue efforts. Could you stand up, please . On 1988 bbc broadcast he was reunited with many of by then middleaged refugees he had saved. Thank you very much indeed. Cowan and in 2003 knighted by queen elizabeth. In that 60 minutes broadcast he was asked why he he had kept his selfless deeds secret for so many years. I didnt really keep it secret. I just didnt talk about it. Income Nicholas Winton was a remarkable 106 years old. Cowan ahead a rock music photo album. Cowan this photo in the eagles 1973 album was taken by a man named henry diltz captured many greats, as Anthony Mason shows us. On a porch in silver lake, california, singer Paige Califano poses for photographer henry diltz. This shoot for her first solo record will be just one of his more than 200 album covers. Its been almost 50 years since diltz first picked up a camera. He shot the mamas and the papas the eagles and Jackson Browne for their album covers. Paul and lip da mccartney for a life magazine cover. A Young Michael jack on an old b. B. King. What is this, henry . These are slide files each held about 500 slides. The archives in his bungalow in North Hollywood holds some 400,000 photographs. Alphabetized from a for america to z for zappa. Its almost impossible to illustrate the history of American Music in the late 60s and 70s without his pictures. Here is csn. Well, look there is a shot from the first cover. That was just a little old shack with a couch in front of it in west hollywood. We took the picture and turned out they were sitting in the wrong order after they named themselves. So we went back to reshoot the picture and the house was gone. They torn it down. They done it down. It was a pile of sticks in the back of the lot. In 1969, he was hired to shoot some black and white publicity shots for james taylor. But he liked the light and colors that day. So, i said, dont move, james. I got my color camera took a couple of shots just for myself. That became the cover of sweet baby james. How far back does this go . 66. 66. Which is when you started . Thats when i picked up camera on the road by accident. Diltza musician himself was traveling with his band the modern folk quartet. At a stop in michigan he bought a second hand camera for fun. He loved the pictures he took so much he started having slide shows for his musician friends. Then one day steven stills invited him to his bands sound check. As i was shooting this big mural on the back of the club thinking that will be great for the slide show. They come walking out the back door. And i said hey you guys, just stand there for a minute. Couple days later teen set magazine called and said we like to run that well pay you 15 0. I went, oh, my, god. Thats how it started. Diltz, an army brat who grew up overseas and went to college in hawaii, had settled in laurel canyon. Laurel canyon nowadays is a mythical place. Its like camelot or something. In the late 60s it would become the epicenter of American Music. Denny dougherty from the mamas and the papas lived up at the top of this hill. Mickey dolenz and Joni Mitchell were at the bottom of this hill. His photographs at the Morrison Hotel gallery which he coowns and featured at exhibition at the Grammy Museum this past fall were really just pictures of friends. Like phma cass. She was the queen of laurel canyon. Yes sometimes we called her the Gertrude Stein of laurel canyon. She introduced graham nash to stills and crosby and sort of knew they needed the third voice. Then here is the famous picnic in mama cass back yard where she invited eric clapton to come and meet some friends because he didnt know anybody. And she invited david crosby who brought his young protege Joni Mitchell who sat played her entire first album before anyone had ever heard it before. I love this Joni Mitchell shot. Thats jone leaning out of the window of her very, very, very fine house. As word got around about his work, diltz got a phone call from the doors. How did you end up here . This is the hotel that ray manzarek, the keyboard player had seen driving by. In 1969 he took lead singer jim morrison and the band to a run down hotel in downtown l. A. Here it is. Morrison hotel. Right there. Jim was right about here, you know. Ray was over there. Did you position them . No. No i didnt. We came out here i thought ill have them stand here like this under the sign. And then they just hit those spots perfect. How many shots did you actually take of them . Literally one roll. No lights . No. No lights. I never knew how to use lights. Gods light. Thats all i knew. It was a great day. How popular is that photograph . All the album covers ive done that is the one that people all ages seem to know. Henry being henry he had to take a picture. The peace sign. At 76, henry diltz is still shooting whatever catches his eye. Cowan come up up, steve heart man finds history at the drugstore. Female announcer when you see this truck it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. But sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event ends sunday. Find the tempurpedic thats right for you and see why theyre the most highly recommended bed in america. Plus, get up to four years interestfree financing. Sleep riskfree with sleep trains 100day money back guarantee. And of course, free sameday delivery. Are you next . Announcer but dont wait sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event ends sunday. Your ticket to a better nights sleep cowan it happened here at proud boast only expert can make of some of hysterical event. Just the kind of expert our Steve Mart Hartman has been following around. This week i went certaining for the birth place of america. In a baltimore rite aid. Could it be in the photoshop . Yeah. Could it be down here at pharmacy . Probably closer to this end. Andy carroll a faculty member at Chapman University is the one who discovered the historical significance of this particular spot of land. Its in this area. Theres a whole world out there waiting to be found. I mean these sites exist in cities and towns across america. What andy does, for funs Research Events that have been mostly forgotten, then tracks down exactly where those events happened. Like this california Apartment Building where the man who invented the Electronic Television did his first experiments. Or the Iowa Laboratory now parking garage where the First American car was built. Or the new york Street Corner where the first cell phone call was made. I love the idea that people walk past these places every day everything no idea that this extraordinary event took place right there in the neighborhood. This is it. His latest Discovery Centers on nothing less than the declaration of independence. There are several versions of the declaration but this version, printed a few months after the original by woman named Mary Catherine goddard played a crucial role in the war which we were losing at the time. Congress was on the run. They wanted to send a message that the country was still united, far beaten and so Mary Catherine goddard distributed this new declaration of independence, but this time it had all the signers. I think it helps solidify and really ramly the nation the time when it was needed. Which brings us back here. . Where it happened. The make up aisle at rite aid, likely site of the print shop. Absolutely one of the birth places of our nation. Thats the beauty of it no pun intended. These places are hidden. Ironically right near the americana display. Very fitting. So to honor the woman month helped make our picnics possible andy installed a plaque inside the drugstore. He hopes her story this story, remind people that you dont need to go to the smithsonian to go back in time. That there may be a lot of history right under your massaging gel insoles. Cowan next, amy schumer. Strictly for laughs. Rate to severe plaque psoriasis. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. 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Amy schumer will tell you exactly whats on her mind as she did recently at sold out show at new yorks beacon heater. Im a good person, i swear to god. I i adopted a rescue pug this week. Right. Im sorry. I bought a pair of uggs what did i say . Just in the last few months things have changed so much for you. Totally. But now it feels like i went from this one level to just like a giant leap. We need the professional. Now shes starring in a movie that she wrote. Is that true . No. In train wreck schumer plays amy a girl who really doesnt seem to want to settle down. Her Love Interest is played by bill hader. I was wondering if i could see you again. You know what ill just talk to you about it tomorrow okay . Your character is behaving in a way that we expect guys to behave, is that intentional . No. Thats never occurred to me. Being crazy like, i dont know any guys like that actually. I know it exists but it was like you know guys become the crazy texter. The dynamic is true. Yes. Lets take another vote if anybody thinks that amy schumer shouldnt be on the tv because shes not hot enough for whatever reason how men and women actually see each other provides plenty of material for her Peabody Award Winning tv series n inside amy schumer. This girl think shes deserves to be on camera. Sounds like someone needs the 80s ladies. The sketch show on Comedy Central can be silly. Here, try this. And sometimes raunchy. But its almost never just that. Some of the shows subjects sound like the farthest thing from funny. We do two days. Take the incidence of rape by student athletes. The show dealt with that issue in a Pitch Perfect parody of the football drama friday night lights. Coach we play football. You dont like it . Dont let the door hit you on the way out. The statistics on girls getting raped in college is unreal. Its horrible. Also maybe girl would see this that this happened to. Maybe guy sees it its not cool if the girl is sleeping. Maybe that i will get in there. Shes dressed like a sexy cat . Youre perfectly fine with your comedy being labeled feminist. If im preaching for womens equality then sign me up. Its so crazy that people dont identify as feminists. Less you think the show just beats up on the boys, its sewell who are is usually the butt of the joke. Playing sadsack and soused with equal relish. This is slamming. Seems like youre harder on no one more so than white girls. Yeah, well theyre the worst. Youll be very bumped out over hearing all their conversations. Kim caramele writes for the show. You have nail polish on your knee. Shes also amys younger sisser. A lot of those girls will come up to me, oh, my, god im you. Youre me and im you. Im like literally you. The sketch about the universe. Thats good. Is that a good example . Definitely. I was driving and i ended up taking a wrong turn that took me correctly past a vitamin shop. And i was like this is totally the universe telling me i should taking calcium. Oh, my, god. Right . The universe. Definitely. Like women in their 20s and 30s. Having to take any responsibility for what happens to them and around them and just to think like the universe is thinking about you. Nobody cares. But the universe hasnt always been kind to schumer. Born in manhattan her family was at first well off. You were 12 years old when sort of everything kind of when bleep hit the fan. My dad got m. S. , we went bankrupt. Yeah, thats enough, right . The family moved to long island her parents divorced. In high school schumer was popular, captain of the volleyball team. Returning to south side high in rockville center, she seemed totally at ease. This is my teacher. Go to class. Cracking wise, of course. And captivating these students when she walked into their drama class unannounced. This is such a time in your life when all these like insecurities creep in and youre looking in the mirror like i dont look like all the kardashians. And you think that thats wrong. But its not. You should just like, totally look in the mirror and just like love yourself. This is the package i come in. Im just going to embrace it. Dont try to make your parents proud because its impossible. Break a leg, you guys. Thank you so cool. The friends that schumer made in High School Like Denise Oconnor and caroline are still some of her closest. On this day they were celebrating schumers recent birthday. Its a cake. Yes, you can take the girl out of long island but you cant take the long island out of the girl. Because you know how much we love our chardonnay. We belong to a beach club. Like really fancy they learned to swim, shes learned to surf. Amys mother joined us on the boardwalk in nearby long beach. Do you ever think like the sex and the booze talk . I never embarrassed. The guys shes dated have you had a favorite . About everybody shes dated. Sex and relationships are subjects that schumer doesnt just joke about. Why i do think people sabotage relationships . I dont know why they do. I know why i do. I think the fear of getting hurt. Most relationships dont end well. And im 34 ive been dating for a long time. And even if its someone really likes you, you like them, then at this age theres some discovery usually thats a deal breaker m. Times you want to find out the thing that is going to hurt you so much that you can almost create it. You can will it to happen. Also believing that you deserve love that youre not just like disgusting and unloveable. Ladies and gentlemen the Emily Dickensen of rockville center. Amy schumer. Cool. I love that. I think i do. I look to have fun. I try i think thats something that comes having a sick parent is you dont know whats going to happen so ill be like, im so psyched my legs still work. I want to experience all i can do make as many memories as i can. Everybody i meet, would i want them to push me . Do i want to you change my colostomy bag . Changes your perspective, you captain help it. Cowan coming up. Where Charles Kuralt went, lou schell as followed. I juice. And then theres that other thing. This. I can do easily. New benefiber healthy shape. Just a couple of spoonfuls every day means fewer cravings. Plus, its all natural, clear, tastefree and dissolves completely. Its clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. New benefiber healthy shape. N do. We love petsmart because they treat us like the stars we are. So this is the. Celebrity section. Its just the bonus size for our customers. For celebrities for everyone okay now through sunday, petperks members can spend forty in store and get a fivedollar coupon for a future purchase. cause pethoods better with a partner. 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Were off again to meet people of the back roads of america. Many while he visited on the road for cbs news. We read the book, thought how wonderful to do Something Like that when he retired. When her husband of 52 years died lou schell thought her dream of going on the road had died with him. But at age 77 she realize the it had not. I asked my four children to come to lunch and told them that i would be spending their inheritance. And their reply was mom go for it. She decided to spend a month in each of kuralts favorite spots. Rearranging his itinerary so that she and her sister janie might drive from place to place. On the 1st of january 2011, they set out. My driveway was filled with neighbors and friends and family and i always say a few doubters. And i get in my car and pull out of my driveway with a police escort. First stop, new orleans louisiana. The scenery so different. Of course, you can always eat your way through. Then key west in florida. What could be more perfect. We got key lime pie with meringue four inches tall. Charleston, south carolina. I got in a boat and rode through a former rice field and shot pictures of alligators. And blowing rock, in this case. Where her piano playing skills made her feel right at home. We arrived there april 1st. It was snowing. I played the piano for a church there on easter sunday. New york city, the big apple was their next destination. We rented i suppose youd call it a loft in a brown stone in the bedfordstuyvesant area of brooklyn. As they had everywhere they went, lou and janie made good friends. Roy and david were there bedstuy neighbors. They would sit out on their stoop in the afternoon wed visit with them i felt like we became very good friends. For new york, they headed north to woodstock vermont and booth bay harbor, maine where sadly janie was taken ill and had to go home. Undaunted, lou set her sights and her gps for ely minnesota. I figured it was like 1700 almost 1800 miles. When i saw the ely sign i said thank you lord. Because i was there perfectly safe and sound. Safe and sound she drove ton twin bridges montana then by ferry to ketchikan alaska. Last stop, taos, new mexico. I sauce had difficulty saying taos. Everybody told me think house so i am like think house before i say taos. 13,000 miles nearly a year after her journey began lou schell arrived back in chatham. The same people that lipped the driveway the day i left were in my driveway the day that i returned home. With so many stories to tell, lou decided to write a book. Shed never done that before either. I said before i left, i know you dont put extra versus in the bible but i added an extra verse. The lord protects old ladies and craze hes. I just figure both of those categories. Like to think charles cure at would have been pleased to meet lou schell in chatham alabama. She set out to discover foreherself the america he loved. They are just wonderful, talented gracious people everywhere. 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Cowan this holiday week send a big moviegoing weekend our film critic david old steen has suggestions galore. Sumsumsummer at the movies when theres no vaccine against raging sequelitis. Here i am to help strengthen you are immune system. Im joy. For petes sake, i hope youve seen pixars inside out for your sake because this mad cap dram tie occasion of a sad 11yearold girls mind is a new pop culture touch stone. Going to help sad girls and boys and grownups who grew up from them for as long as there are movies. Otherwise, youre stuck with sequels. Jurassic world, which at least as killer effects. Ted 2. Terminate or genisys magic mike lll chaining tatums mike is a stripper it means size matters. The film is actually very fun transforming the original, a morality play about how capitalism turns sex into a soulless commodity into a ram shackle road comedy with good dancing and tanned, topped torso, driving ladies into paroxysm of lust. Terminator genisyn is terminally lousy. Makes something old look new also old using old timer Arnold Schwarzenegger but changing the timeline to set up fresh sequels, taking convoluted premise adding more convolutess,. In 1984, no longer he cannists. If you no idea what im talking about lucky you. I now pronounce you teddy bear and wife. Now run dont walk away officer ted 2 the smutty giant teddy bears quest to be legally recognized as a person. Objection sustained. The witness cant object. Stop. Not this time. Gets get off the path. Look out for director ken loachs rousing jimmys hall a sort of period irish commie foot loose. Thats not to like . Amazing dock u commentaries like amy documentaries. Which makes alternately thrilling and depressing sense of arguably the most soulful vocalist of the last quarter century, amy winehouse. I dont think im going to be ive gone mad. I havent yet seen ant man or minions but i can say amy schumer sex comedy train wreck i know she was sunday mornings profile this week but i feel bound to add my wise and discerning critical imprimatur, is dollars crazy brill that guy is in jail. You know what i mean . Yeah, but ive been thinking about maybe train vehicle what keeps up my spirits. A sign that some trains are on the track. Walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. From a little touchup. Come on, guys to finding that perfect finishing touch. To making memories at the touch of a button. All without missing a beat. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Cowan here is a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calendar. Monday sees the release of the album songs for tibet twothe art of peace in honor of the dalai lamas 80 birthday. Tuesday is day for years running of the bulls in pamplona spain. The risky ritual i am mortalized by earnest hemingway. Wednesday kicks off taste of chicago. A five day festival of food and music. Thursday is day one for comiccon in san diego. The worlds Biggest Comic Book convention with marvel comic pledge end stan lee among the participants. Friday marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the 15week long battle of britain in which the Royal Air Force defeated the german luftwaffes attempt to achieve air supremacy over southern england. Saturday is start of two major civil rights meeting. The Naacp Convention in philadelphia. And the National Latino family expo in kansas city. Now to John Dickerson in washington for look what is ahead on face the nation. Good morning john. Dickerson good morning. Theres been a significant attack in syria well talk about that as well as u. S. Negotiations with iran, theyre headed toward tuesday deadline then also have lot of 2016 politics which will include poll six conversation with rick santorum. Cowan next week here on sunday morning. A sunday at the shore. Dont let em pick guitars or drive them old trucks. Boys . Mamas, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys. Stop less. Go more. The passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 highway miles per tank. Hurry in and you can get 0 apr plus a 1,000 volkswagen credit bonus on 2015 passat tdi clean diesel models. Cowan we leave you this 4th of july weekend in the company of bald eagles at the Iroquois National wildlife refuge in western new york state. Thank for joining us we hope you have a happy and safe rest of your Holiday Weekend. Body pain . Motrin helps you be an unstoppable, icantotallydothis allinonetrip kind of woman. When pain tries to stop you, theres motrin. Motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. Make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. Captioning made possible by Johnson Johnson where quality products for the American Family have been a tradition for generations captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org good morning. It is 7 30 on sunday july 5. Thanks for joining us. There is a lot to get to in our next hour. Californias right to die bill is up for a vote this week. The bill inspired by Brittany Maynard who wanted to end her life once diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and had to move to oregon in order to do it. It looked like it had support at first but now it might not make it out of committee. I will be sitting down with mark levine to talk about what changed. The contractor who built the balcony that collapsed in

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