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Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news. Laura this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am laura trevelyan. It is time for north korea to make a deal, says President Trump. On his trip to asia, pyongyangs Nuclear Ambitions are center stage. President trump i really believe it makes sense for north korea to come to the table and make a deal. Laura as the town of suerland springs mourns the 26 People Killed in a texas church, Police Reports show the attacker once escaped from a Mental Health clinic. And his donald trump impersonation has boosted his career bigly. We hear from alec baldwwin about his famous role in latenight. To our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. It is time for north korea to come to the table and make a deal to surrender its Nuclear Ambitions. That was the message from President Trump today in seoul. Instead of threatening pyongyang, mr. Trump said that he hoped to god that using military force wouldnt be necessary. From seoul, mark lowen reports. Mark backing the mende sake and canacking the man they say stop north koreas march to war , supporters of donald trump out in seoul today defending his hardline approach to the weapons test. It is a kind of warning to kim jongun and his regime, if you do the wrong thing, you will be destroyed. Mark but across the road, the other side fearing mr. Trumps bombastic talk over north korea. Passions and division accompany him on this trip. Threatening north korea is not the answer. We have to make the table and we have to talk about it. Mark these people say that when donald trump fires off a tweetstorm or tirade at kim jongun from the other side of the world, it is seoul 30 miles from the north korean border that is made to feel vulnerable. They have lived with the Nuclear Threat from the north for decades and they say mr. Trump is making it worse. The welcome was traditional, the reminder of an old alliance now strained as mr. Trump has accused his south korean counterpart of appeasing north korea. It has vowed to develop a longrange Nuclear Missile that could hit the u. S. The two leaders seemed to present a united front, president moon saying he hoped it would mark a turning point on north korea. From donald trump, less fire, more talk of pressure on the north to change course. President trump we have many things happening that we hope we hope in fact, i will go a step further we hope to god we never have to use. With that being said, i really believe that it makes sense for north korea to come to the table and to make a deal. Mark that more restrained tone did not stop the protesters. Tomorrow they will hear more from mr. Trump as he addresses parliament. With tension on the Korean Peninsula at a critical level, the call for peace grows louder. Mark lowen, bbc news, seoul. Laura how big time ago, i spoke to a brief time ago, i spoke to a former state Department Official who is now a visiting professor at georgetown university. A month ago donald trump was tweeting that direct talks would be a waste of time. Now he is urging north korea to come to the table and make a deal. Is this a genuine diplomatic shift . I think we have to separate his rhetoric from the actual policy that the entire u. S. Administration has been actually following since rather early on in the since the inauguration and the administration. The north korea policy review was very clear about what u. S. Policy would be, which is to strengthen pressure, extreme pressure, but also open the path to a peaceful way out. This is the message that various officials have been saying and also following to this day. Laura ok, despite that fiery rhetoric, then, he is following the past line. Donald trump makes a muchanticipated speech on weesday to south koreas national assembly. What will you be watching for . First, i hope he stays consistent with his message that he has made quite clear and i hope allays the fear and uncertainty about what u. S. Policy is. Second, we forget that north korea is not the only topic, and that actually, economics and trade relations are very, very important topics for south korea and the United States, and bilateral relations. Laura do you think that President Trump will use this speech to tweak south kore about trade, something he feels strongly about . Well, i suspect he would. Trade seems to be the one issue area where he has been remarkably consistent in his rhetoric and his actions, actually since the campaign period. He is quite transactional, he will make certain demands of south korea. Laura President Trump goes on from south korea to china, where it seems he will try to persuade president xi to turn the screws more tightly on north korea. How do you think that will go . Well, some would argue that it has been quite effective. Clearly, President Trumps message in seoul indicates that he think the approach has been successful. It is unclear i dont think that china will ultimately change its longterm strategic interests. But President Trump is dealing with essentially a whole new leader of china. The men he has met before, but this is a brandnew president xi. Laura because president xi has the congress and is this allpowerful figure. Is that going to change the dynamic on north korea . It could possibly, and it all depends on how president xi portrays his newfound legitimacy. Laura on the subject of north korea and the sanctions and tough talk, what is your sense of how north korea is responding to the u. S. Position . Again, i think all of this talk about diplomacy, in the end, we have to remember that negotiations and diplomacy is a twoway street, and you cannot negotiate by yourself, you cannot have diplomacy by yourself. Lets be very clear, north korea is the one that has rejected diplomacy and negotiations for years, and has ratcheted up actions. This is where we are, and President Trump has put the ball back in north koreas court. North korea needs to decide whether it is serious about taking President Trump seriously. Laura is it possible that he has rattled the north koreans with his rhetoric even if he is pursuing a peaceful path . Oh, he absolutely has. Remember, these are not mutually exclusive options. What President Trump is saying we want to avoid war, but we koreao to war if north makes it necessary. Laura thanks for joining us. Police reports show that the gun man who killed 26 churchgoers on sunday escape from a Mental Health clinic in 2012. The fbi has his cell phone, but so far theyve been unable to access his device. Authorities are looking at how he got access to the guns used in the assault. James cook reports from Sutherland Springs. James Sutherland Springs is united in suffering. In this Tiny Community of 400 people, the grief is universal. It is not like a car wreck or some natural disaster. It is an evil attack. Which is so much harder to assimilate and accept. Much harder. James and you have lost friends . Yes. Yes. Dear, wonderful friends that were just going about their everyday life. Going to church, doing what smalltown america does. James among those at last nights vigil, the hero who shot and chased the gun man as he left the church. To this team falls the task of applying reason to chaos and asking how and why. This church in Sutherland Springs is now symptomatic of a plague, an epidemic unique to the United States of america. No other advanced country has so many guns or so ma mass shootings. How will this nation respond . In south korea, the president chose scorn. I wonder if you would consider extreme vetting for people trying to buy a gun. President trump you are bringing up a situation that should not be discussed too much right now. Let time go by. But its ok, if you feel that is an appropriate question even we are in the heart of south korea. If you did what we are suggesting, there would be no difference three days ago, and you might not have had that very brave person if he didnt have a gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead. James and so, in the presence of grief and the absence of action, only one question remains, where next . James cook, bbc news, Sutherland Springs, texas. Laura in other news from around the world, resident from has not been invited to next months Climate Summit in paris. Other World Leaders will gather ther and u. S. Government representatives will be attending. In june, donald trump said he is pulling the u. S. Out of the agreement on limiting carbon emissions. A Public Health emergency has been declared in the indian capital of delhi after Dangerous Levels of pollution. The smog is being blamed in part on the burning of stubble by farmers across the north of india, as well aemissions from coalfired power plants. The pollution levels are being compared to smoking 50 cigarettes a day. You are watching world news merica. Still to come, a year after donald trump won the presidency, a governors race in virginia is a major test of both parties. Bon in java was the first of its species to be born in the wild, with parents part of the illegal trade. Here is victoria gill. Victoria and is protected rain forest in nesia, conservationists introduced me to a very special family. These are javan gibbons, released by a team who rescued them from the pet trade. It is the first baby javan gibbon to be born in the wild from rehabilitated and rereleased parents. Now they are living wild, they are family. We hope the baby will make a sto. Amily victoria but these eggs are still taken in the wild eight are still taken from while unseld illegally as pets. This was posted on instagram. And we found this baby gibbon advertise on febook. Both Companies Said the sale was prohibited on their sites, and they removed the post after we reported them. But the trade is not confined to one species. Orangutans make up 70 of the great apes seized by law enforcement. His twoyearold was found on a bus in jakarta. You know where you put your luggage and that is where she was for 10 hours. When they found her, she was to the bone. Ized victoria while this precious new family is safe in the wild, conservationists will have to fight for the future of this species. Victoria gill, bbc news, west java. Laura it is election day here in america, and are normal a governors race in just one state wouldnt be headline news. But this year the contest in virginia is just that. It is a tight race between Democrat Ralph Northam and his republican rival, ed gillespie. The results could tell us an awful lot about next years midterm elections. The bbcs katty kay is there. She has been out and about during the last push for votes. Katty they know what it is like to be on the front line of political fights in richmond. This small southern town was the capital of the confederacy in the civil war. It was the site of the souths biggest ironworks. This is where they built their weapons. On monument avenue, souths iconic leaders still loom over the city. Today these massive statues are part of a new political battle, Racial Division has been the dark backdrop to this ugly campaign. Are you ready to win on november 7 . Katty chances are you have never heard of this man, Democrat Ralph Northam. We are going to win this election, i can feel it. Katty or this man, republican ed gillespie. But this race isnt really about them. It is about the president and whether democrats can win in the age of trump. When we caught up with mr. Gillespie last night in richmond, mr. Trumps name did not pass his lips, not once. Think of that, the republican candidate did not mention the republican president. Ms13 is a menace katty yet mr. Gillespie has run ads echoing mr. Trumps key issues tough on immigration, tough on crime. The republican playbook is trumpism without trump. Here is gillespies problem like much of urban virginia, richmond is basically liberal , full of hipster coffee shops and even more hipster murals. This is the changing face of an increasingly diverse state. You would think that these people would rush to send donald trump a message. But even with the democrats cap top warmup act beside him, ranortham is an anemic campaigner. He has flipflopped on Critical Issues like immigration. There is a lot of fire in the liberal base, but you will not find it in mr. Northam. Democrats should win this race in virginia, but politics look a bit like this right now. It is really, really wild. Katty joined us from richmond a short time ago. Why is the virginia governors race the center of the political universe for both parties . Katty normally, i have to say, to be honest, laura, i would not be down for the bbc in virginia covering the governors race, but this is the first big election since donald trump surprised everybody and won the white house. I think it really is a test for democrats, how do they win in the age of trump . How to they convert the anger on the Democratic Left you reported on them, the womens march and all of the protests can they translate that into actual votes and winning . That is why virginia has become so important, because it is really their first big test of that. Can they win . Theyve got the anger, they have got the fire itheir belly. Can they win in races like this one . Laura you said in your report there that the Gillespie Campaign has been trumpism without trump, hamlet without the prince. How difficult is the balancing act there . Katty [laughter] that is a great way of putting it, hamlet without the prie. At the gillespie last night ed gillespie last night did not mention nald trump once. I tried to give him a question afterwards and ask about donald trump, and he pushed me aside, said far too busy, not talking, not answering questions. Push ed gillespie, and he still wont mention donald trump. I think you will see this repeated. If he wins tonight, this will be the new republican playbook. Go tough on immigration, tough on crime, far more hard right than the Republican Party has been in recent years. Forget all that stuff about being more inclusive and reaching out to immigrants. If gillespie wins in virginia, that will go out the window, and you will get republicans saying that is the way we win, we go tough on things like immigration, tough on crime, and we talk about peoples fears about the changing america, but we dont actually mention donald trump. People do it here, they think they can do it somewhere else. Laura what is your takeaway about the mood of the voters in virginia in these very disputatious times . Katty today i would say they are a bit cold and freezing. Its rather rainy, and that will probably depress turnout. They are fed up with all the ads. The ads have run nonstop and they have been really vicious adring the course of this campaign, playing on cultural divisions, Racial Divisions. I imagine most virginians, when it gets to the end of today, say thank goodness all the ads are over and i can watch Television Without beg bombarded all the time. You would think the democrats would be fired up, they say they are, but lets see if they turn out to vote, particularly africanamerican voters. I spoke to the africanamerican mayor of richmond, democrat, and he conceded that that is the problem, they have got to get turnout, turnout big amongst minority groups. Laura katty kay in virginia, thank you. Donald trump prides himself on boosting jobs and tv ratings, and while he might not have had alec baldwwin in mind, the president has undoubtedly given the actors career a lift. Impression was a hit on saturday night live during the campaign, and now baldwin has a new book out called you cant spell america without me. Nick bryant asked him how he perfected the portrayal. Alec the goal was to try to sind a very small menu of tic you could stick to and wouldnt lose very easily, the less i throw up in the mouth of as far as you can come and the hands going. Nick and there are words, too. China is a big one. Alec we almost made up our lexicon with trump saying china. He was digging for a stronger word in his speech that he would never find, so he would fall back on the same three words. Tax plan, tax plan im very proud of, i think the American People will find it is really, really a great tax plan, just a great. There is a laziness to his vocabulary. All of that aside, i think we are in another place now which is what is trump going to do now that the wagons appear to be circling back up appear to be circling . Nick one donald trump one on expect to become was there any professional part of you that thought, all right, i get to do donald trump again . Alec no, not at all. The thing im doing that i think people enjoy to some degree is channeling their frustration. It has been a year since he won, and people have been very, very confused and frustrated. This show we have done has helped them to manage those feelings. Nick is there a downside to the comedy . There are many people who regard donald trump as an object of fear, and you have made it an object of fun. Does that in a way have a normalizing effect . Alec people have said that, and ive said that myself, prompted by other people. A Critical Mass of americans bought this nonsense that trump is this crack, go get rejected if you see on some stupid reality show, go get executive that you see on some stupid reality show. The portrayal on snl had little to do with it at all. I dont think people view snl for any latenight comedy i dont think people view trevor noah or samantha bee or latenight hosts of tv shows have any role in the political process. Nick lets talk about the book, you cant spell america without me. It is a fake memoir in the age of fake news, but people will read this and say, this is the kind of stuff i read in the New York Times every day. Alec Curt Anderson Kurt Andersen is a great writer and this is his take on trump trying to be introspective and reflective. He is one of the least introspective man who has ever breathes oxygen in human history, and throuout the book you see he is as petty and bitter as trump is in real life, but in a clever way. Nick this is an extraordinary moment for america and an extraordinary moment for hollywood with harvey weinstein. I wonder how that impacted industry, impacted you. You have spoken very honestly rently about it. Alec you are going to see a lot of changes in this business. You are not going to see an unsupervised, unmonitored casting session in this business for quite some time to come. I hope that people who, prior to now, took settlement money rose mcgowan took settlement money from weinstein and kept quiet for 20 years, and i perfectly understand that because she was probably led to believe that is what is in your interest,areerwise, but i hope continuing along that path, people understand that what is going on is not exclusive to our business, that T Entertainment business does not have a greater percentage of people being sexually assaulted in the workplace. It is the same in the military, it is the same on wall street, it is the same in washington. Everywhere you go, this is a , culturally, not confined to the entertainment business which i think people seem to have an impression right now. Nick has there ever been a moment of personal introspection . Womeni have bullied before meaning that if i raise my voice to my wife that is bullying. I will never forget my daughter said to me once, my daughter ireland, are you telling me your mother doesnt yell at you at all we were having this intense conversation when she was younger, and she said, oh no, my mother yells at me 10 times more than you do, but when you do it it is different. I realize that for men, that is a condition you have to live with, the fear involved and if you get angry and get upset and become forceful. Ani have a minimum of that in my life meaning that the women are not running around in fear i will be something, but what ive realized even more importantly is that i have lived in a maledominated society most of my life. The director is a guy, the president is a guy, head of the company is a guy. I have been in a room where a n spoke and i said, yeah, thats great, susan, and then i turned to the guy in charge and was dismissive not even dismissive, but just elevated men. Men have always been in control, and men were in charge in my lifetime. Hopefully we will see that change as well. Laura alec baldwwin there. I am laura trevelyan. Thanks so much for watching. With the bbc news app, our vertical videos are designed to work around your lifestyle, so you can swipe your way through the news of the day and stay up to date with the latest headlines you can trust. Download now from selected app stores. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, and kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You n find it here in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm, sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most mar airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world ne was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, its election day in a number of states virginias race for governor draws National Attention as a test of the president s popularity. Also ahead, the u. S. Air force admits it made an error that allowed a shooter to buy the guns he used to kill 26 people at a texas church. Then, President Trump arrives in south korea pushing for Diplomatic Solutions with the north, changing his tune from earlier threats of fire and fury. And, teaching diversity to the youngest students, how some schools are adding antibias lessons to their curriculum by allowing kids to talk about

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