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Drowned video you can see how all the smoke from the fire is filling the sky the fire is burning in a very remote area of the Livermore Valley other images of this fire which grew extremely quickly overnight. James fortunately the temperatures in livermore was in the 60s and around the time the fire broke out the ones around to in the modify our along with those dry in a very the drop like conditions making this a real challenge if you took pictures or video of the fire would love to see whether to get more on the fire coverage would have michelle with a look at the fire forecast for today. Michelle apon fires in this area can be very drive the good news is it is timmy this morning temperatures and to the mid60s and humidity values are still at some of the to lower seventh maybe dusty at times later on today temperatures all actually be warming upper as you make a way out the door across the bay at the coast of right now into the lower 60s with a bottle of mildest the couple of degrees warmer than yesterday as you turn our attention to the lunch hour at temperatures are going to continue to one up into the mid 70s for those elements spots it will be comfortable will see the skies turn to sunshine will be dealt with sunshine for the part of the afternoon if you are across the bay by 5 00 later on temperatures are going to stay into the upper 60s to run around 70. Michelle apon if you are critical view will be done with partly cloudy skies breezy conditions with those western wind and was thought the season for the vote after five and 6 00 here is a live look outside the net as the fall will talk more offense and the delays as of right now cloud cover their the potential it could be into come intoat looks like we have a good onshore flow keeping the temperature is on the court cited inspire us will be warming up to mid 80s the data still below average for the time of the year timber to we ride around the average for the time of the year if you arent san Jose Tim Rogers are mild into the mid 60s continue to fall this a couple more degrees into the low to mid 60s were by 10 00 into lunch hour plan on to ms. Savage will stay into the upper seventies. Michelle apon wens will be like, if youre heading into San Francisco tech in the bay bridge no delays over here as to continue was bound across 580 look at the San Mateo Branch traveled westbound not prevent his the few cars on the road as you continue westbound no delays there if you are continuing question to the peninsula you could begin with some patched fog and drizzle will one looks nice no patch of fog or drizzle as of yet when you could start to see some of that coming up in the next couple of hours as we see more. James that is one of our big stores were following this morning subway pitchman jerry was a child porn and secs case what the face of subway and now he faces jail time and the loss of his fortune. Scott rates including images of children as young as sex and engaging in sexual act timmy with minors he admitted that he repeatedly traveled from new york from indiana to new york to engage in commercial sex acts with victims he knew to be children under a plea build your faces up to 13 years behind bars hes been hawking some wins damages ever since 2000 and even started a foundation to fight child with obesity a friend of him and the executive director of the foundation was arrested in april on federal trial private charges according to prosecutors a fickle they recordedwhile they were changing are braving a share a similar material with him. Scott rates he will be paid out 1. 4 million of 100,000 each to a total of 14 victims in a Statement Today i am extremely shocked and disappointed im in the process of seeking a dissolution of our marriage. James he and his wife have two children aged 1 and 3 and as part of the plea deal he would not be allowed to visit his children unless they are supervised. James we want to know more about what you can tell us their kids to keep the second five creditors rejected in with what they come lerner from the fog case. have to make our kids understand that it is ok to say no and must be a regular part of discussion between parents and their children, they are under fire the senses of the attorney is taking aim at the on demand ride service the expanded lawsuit that claimed the Company Background checks for drivers are letting criminals skipped protracts. Phillipe djegal most drivers one and nothing to do with our cameras some totally unaware of a lawsuit against this driver coming to a defense saying that he does that have a criminal record despite advertising that it does everything it can to ensure its customers safety in a lawsuit against the company with the los angeles, edition of turning San Francisco the eighth list in the complaint several drivers who passed the background check despite having criminal history and driving records that are disqualifying under the own rules we disagree that the life and processes used by companies is an inherently better system for screening drivers been our background checks james they plan to fall the area tomorrow morning so far this season of human cases of west nonviolence have been reported however officials have confirmed that three birds found and Oakley Danville in Pleasant Hill contracted the disease the mosquitoes have to the positive for westmount and oakley in martinez would take a quick break coming up traffic on the Richmond San Rafael bridge is not for is to have it during the evening commute will tell you what state law mcadoo and to help ease the problem chaos in the streets of st. Louis masuria academic officer involved shooting of an armed black teenager and donald trump is at it again this time taking on political figures what they would he said about jeb bush coming up. James they consist of Tropical Weather from that system the ongoing drought a new study says if the drought persists across the state the biggest problem we will face are more wild animals dying but the wild fires and buying a farm towns their environment has been hardest hit by the drought. Michelle apon were off to the mile start because of the cloud cover across the east if youre confident of this morning temperatures far into the low 60s for inland locations to the judge have to be intimate opera 80s timber to the cost the area here was where we stand some mid 60s across san jose people on a milder side because the cloud cover will lead this afternoon will have some sunshine cool air conditions continued to shuffle and plan on most crowded skies turn into sunshine as needed the temperature at 11 00 will be ms. Savage to the inland locations mild but across the bay opera sixties looking at some Cool Temperatures across the coals with the mid60s by 3 00 mechanical it will be cool if you find opposite his friend on the day is what weather. Michelle apon later on today was will be one of San Francisco 67 degrees above seven is across the south and the north bank if you are across the eastern shoreline east bay shoreline seventh as will be right around 70 degrees and if you are and then plan on from mid 80s later on today as we fastforward into the weekend that is what we are all the thinking about plan on may 80 for the inland spots planets upper 60s to run around 77 to one of just a little bit come monday by tuesday wednesday turning slightly cooler if a quick check of traffic looking at the bay bridge toll plaza still pretty quiet no delays as you approached the toll plaza in the fast track or cash lanes nonetheless is a very easy as a continue into downtown San Francisco plan on it taking you about five minutes are some. Michelle apon no delays drive times from and and is about 12 minutes a very easy and smooth commute could encounter of apache fog or drizzle is even closer to the peninsula the Golden Gate Bridge to concede patched fog and drizzle until about 10 00 this morning the driver could no delays a five minute drive into San Francisco the Richmond San Rafael bridge move traffic moving westbound 580 know the layout of the here not bad with the star we will with the tucson, conditions and it will recall into the afternoon. Michelle apon mild weekend for some and some sunshine. James 3 firefighters have been killed four others injured while battling a raging wildfire in Washington State investigator said the massive fire over to the vehicle if that they were driving for a while fire is burning did the town of twist which is about a hundred 50 mi. Northeast of seattle the fire barnacles the 41 a. In grow to squaremile and for about a home in the area have been evacuated meanwhile big news this morning chaos in the streets of st. Louis missouri after 18 youre suspect was shot and killed by police we have images on a left this video from the scene of that shooting and area of the protesters gathered in the streets nearby the bill on your right is video police clashing with the protesters theyre arrested nine protesters and had to use tear gas to clear streets the images through glass bottles and rocks at those officers is that when the police a operas with two home and serve a search warrant arrested and they said that is when they sought to men armed with guns are out of the back of house. James that for those 2 to drop the weapon one of the man pointed a gun at the office of would say that is when two officers fired four shots in india and the 18 yearold was killed a teenager died at the same base plan why they resorted to tear gas police said the 18 yearold serve a had a gun a that was stolen they are still looking for the second suspect they found a crack cocaine inside the house. James another headline this morning happen today the victims of a mass killing in you taxes will be laid to rest them all shot and killed police have arrested david for the murder and that he is the exboyfriend he has been charged with capital murder todays Funeral Service will be held minnesota were also live in seven lives today prosecutors could this side of it will seek the Death Penalty against the trout to issue the building roof today is the deadline for a pretrial motions in decades is charged with killing nine people and a predominantly black church back in june he won to plead guilty to charges against of the lawyer into the plate to see if the prosecution will seek a definite. James the evening commute the marin county is a protest the presence along the approach to the Richmond San Rafael bridge that fact has lawmakers calling for the opening of a third line on the average ratio was the problem now and talk to run, leaders who want action now. Jeff bush they open up a third line on the richmond braves out of the earthquake to relieve congestion on bay area roadways but events of that line was closed to make way for an emergency shoulder early in the year the plant to reopen the land was proposed but all like the Environmental Impact review will have to be conducted as well as other bureaucratic red tape, at the discretion was committed sacramental to speed up the lane opening into the car rolling along the third line prior to the e i rv completed logic as a contra costa, marin county as well as the city of effective by the bridge they say that caltrans and need to get to work sooner rather than later. Jeff bush and use the bridge at full capacity they agree and that the time has come to do something about the gridlock that stretches all the way back to highway 1 01. i just noticed people were trying to get their way home and no one like sitting in traffic. traffic is terrible and not only affecting the residents it is affecting businesses and the employees what to make the commute is about over the bridge is really an acceptable if the past the third leg of the Richmond San Rafael bridge could be reopened before the end of the year. James which total about earlier this week caltrans wants to demolish the large a section of the old eastern span of the bay bridge using explosives but the plan has five is concerned about shortterm fax this is small explosives will be used to bring down the five Stores Section of the old bridge according to and bill read the plan to make a mixture of water droplets of water of the here yet but it is not time or Cost Effective in the final analysis theyre concerned about the impact it also project will have on fish and wildlife in the area. theyre related to the potential Water Quality associated with the basic with the spread of a giant plume of exploding concrete if theyre trying to recover the cost through potentially greater impact to the environment that is concerning. James theyre hoping to get a permit for a will for the project by september if so they can take down the largest election in november we will let you know how that progresses, they figure out how of the key gene types of the city makes people fact the experiments showed of faulty version of the jeanclaude fet 0 causes and is difficult to be stored as fat rather than burn as energy discover could open the door to helps all of the city beyond diet and exercise after tinkering on life and human cells this set of fixed for the gene may be possible by altman genetics. James the latest on the shrine bombing in bangkok will tell you what Officials Say there are more suspect out there is alive the outside the camera at the bay bridge toll plaza was about 80 traffic moving well this morning will the another update on the commute coming up in just a few minutes. James the search continues for a suspect the bomb downtown bangkok killing 20 people aboard is are still looking for a man who was seen on video leaving behind a backpack he left the back have just minutes before mondays attack at the downtown trying they say in the town of the suspects may be involved in that bombing last officials there are not asking for International Help from interpol to help track down the shrine bomb suspects build and town halls in New Hampshire as the candidates storm the state they say it is the time telling the crowd that the other a was unelectable he repeatedly criticized the former government as low energy a mountain from drawing a small crowd that he did he portrayed the been a businessman and gop front runner as a tax hike promoting democrat. James because of recent violence there will be a new level of security as a movie theaters and on the country will tell you which ones by sex and the california are sinking dropping more than a foot we will explain james one building has burned San Francisco this maternity has expanded a Consumer Protection law suits that continues on fairly claim as rigorously checked in the background check of drivers economic decline, such as director of the same process required a taxi drivers in california and its five years in prison he had agreed to plead guilty to paying for sex to girls as young as 16 and receiving child pornography meanwhile the fastfood chain subject has was in trouble long before the mess that had been suffering from falling self and declining Customer Satisfaction from competition last year for the fourth time ever in lost of longheld spot the the nations run by sale to starbucks the to the quick of day before we give back to the news we have machel given is the update. Michelle apon antioch to put to the into the upper 50s and that continues to strut to a fair filled and vallejo we have mid60s across the east bay shoreline down to san jose if youre across the north bank with no to some of for 50 to napa or 52 or 60 across the peninsula probability morning clouds and patchy fog and drizzle and minced no change in yesterday morning and then into the afternoon will have some sunshine will cause temperatures close to average for much of the bay this afternoon by tomorrow followed by some sunshine as we turn closer to weaken and the pretty good we have some low 60s when they drop down couple more degrees over the next couple i was before the sun comes up a will slow the one back up to lower 60s by 10 00 by known from the 60s and will stay to the mid to upper 60s for a good part of the afternoon and as you drive home winds will start to pick up plan on winds from the west of the 50 mi. A our. Michelle apon back in october to fall to lower 60s coming up a 445 will talk about the rest of the storm track for seven a forecast of the raid potential no delays as of right now in the past and are moving smoothly if youre continuing on a to downtown San Francisco and is about five to six minutes the van at the san mateo bridge traffic with pretty good movie across 92 you may encounter of the apache fog and you get closer to the peninsula about 13 minutes and and. Michelle apon 90 at the Richmond San Rafael bridge track and moving across 580 westbound no delays the starts the of the better fog as a bit closer working up to the patch of fog that will continue to lift will have some time this afternoon the temperature is right around average. James one of the big headlines were following this morning out of california hospital and the fact we have another bacteria outbreak. Scott rates this one happened at Huntington Memorial Hospital has in pasadena of this is the deadly bacteria can become trapped in a reasonable medical devices and passed on to other patients to hospitals said they became aware of the potential bacteria after a routine surveillance sweep in june half of them begin to start looking into the potential of antibiotic resistant infections after an outbreak back in february that led ucla behalf of the patients who might have been infected. James california as well to its fourth year of the historic grout. Reporter it is drive water is rationed and farmers are pumping groundwater as fast as they can to keep their crops alive the land is becoming unstable calif. The problem resources said it is causing costly damage to major canals that deliver water up and down the state is sunk 8 in. In four months last year. Reporter in some place of the ground is seeking nearly 2 in. A month and in the city of corporate its egg 13 in. That is more than a foot in less than a year long term subsidence has already destroyed thousands of public and private brown waters the department of Water Resources is mounting a 10 Million Program to help, and develop conservation plans this is their county already has a manager Recharge Program in place to pull the question what happened off the ground water is used up i was told web for all went around it before it happens. James , which feared a chain is on a to such customers bags before for its admission to the fears that not in response to recent parachuting they may be stretched and inspected before entering the theater they said they did not mind if giving some very guest in order to increase the security bit there is armed zapatista and across the east bank expect that if youre headed to the movie sometime soon still ahead can your toddler spell success while your kids vocabulary may tell the future that infestation is threatened to ruin will tell you that is all about. Gabe slate were getting ready for school will show you some great laptops that you could score for under 300 some of them are as low as a hundred and 50. Vicki liviakis it is very hard to be a cat not hard to be a cat here if you love cats this cafe is for you mccaffrey in oakland as americas First Permanent cap cap and started by friends of the feed line and an atom here in the cat zone of the compact cassette and even take one home anyone can come here accept no balls are allowed if you want to be really popular. James the child vocabulary at age 2 can predict their success later on in life the financial and entering kindergarten with higher reading and math levels are more likely to go on to college own homes and live helping successful lives the toller caballero magic of a survey that found that children born with very low birth weight or for mothers to have Health Problems has smaller vocabulary findings could help spots for parenting and of will have more headlines of course will have a live look out of San Francisco International Airport will the another of the coming up in just a minute. Michelle apon there on the milder side for the inland spots to have mid60s across parts of the location if youre an antioch and the delta kappa to the edge of the upper 50s looking at the east bay shoreline into san jose mid 60s if youre not the upper fifties once again looking at the peninsula we have some low 60s 61 right now in San Francisco the 5 00 hour is almost here here is what you can expect at 5 00 low 60s you be in Conference Room pettifog mizzenmast tempered as well warmer for the spot on ron mid 70s and nice patio whether you may have some sunshine across the bay you begin with cement and for 64 by 5 00 on the drive home it will be breezy across the cold temperatures of oil to be into the mid 60s but if you are driving eastbound will have a gut tell when with the western winds blowing at the location is tempted will be an ultimate 80s by the clock will turn attention to live the outside looking at sfo. Michelle apon 01 to turn the attention to Tropical Storm banning continuing to make his way off to the west you may know someone traveling to west or even pr over the next few days because it potentially could hit that area possibly this weekend will continue to strengthen into a category one hurricane by this weekend in some heavy rainfall across those areas over the next several days back to oakland back into the mid 60s low 60s will continue on for the part of the Morning Hours then with the cloud cover for the part of the morning plan of a 60s by that time in into the early afternoon temperatures will be very close to average with the lower to mid 70s later on by 8 00 to befall into the upper 60s. Michelle apon 50 armor and whatever to will continue to heat up into the upper 80s to remind the apricot ifout a plan of the 70s for san jose and santa clara or Milpitas Temple been to lower a is for the south we have met 80s across the south because the to the banks plan on incentives 67 degrees up for seven days the rest of the 74 f a very easy drive your continued westbound to downtown know the level right now looking at the san mateo bridge traffic will what about costs 92 nonetheless of a hero to many account a little bit of patchy fog the same store across the golden gate we have some Clear Conditions of fall anson drizzle and is thought to develop as a continue to of the coastline of your traveling southbound, recounting the drive times to be about 10 minutes quick check of the Richmond San Rafael bridge required as a continued 580 with 9. Michelle apon 21 to talk about possible delays in the 5 00 hour. Gabe slate weve been getting ready for school right now talk about a for laptops under 300 miller new breed of nobles called the crown books and really catching on with students you can get a good book for low the hundred 50 and the quite laptop and theyre a lot different they do not have spinet hard drive and a solid state hard drives you cannot store a lot of debt on these machines use the clout for that this means they cannot run a lot of our applications that can on a traditional laptop this a very simplified laptop one benefit of not having a spinning hard drive and turns on and off relief it takes just seconds to fire up and get to work the battering last long time but are grateful live in the gulf and as one from class to class they run on the operating system is basically the version of a laptop everything you do with the runs off cloud of internet applications it is great for web serving in the mail document creating through google. Gabe slate they provide users with faster and Affordable Access to the web and word processing and a lot of ways that all the others need this can be a good low price to the laptop on our website www. Kron4. Com will setup a special ready for School Section elicit out a bunch of books that i recommend you to check them out a tune with us will show you some great applications to help with homework or getting on the mentoringtutoring. James were talking about bombs and a lot of them taken to some of these pictures its soldiers would organize le dealing with this year those above and the tire and even more on the ground theyre not just an inconvenience these insects recovering tent get into food and clothing there is an abiding people, so bad that they took to the blockbuster to warn people no word was causing the infestation east bay mud considering easing a ban on mountain bikes bikers have been banned from the trails for nearly 50 years over fears that increased erosion into the reservoir the of the ticket, from the public on easing that band and a Public Meeting tonight in oakland the navys newest combat ship will be named after oakland the picture is similar to what it will look like it is a pretty impressive design is considered an advanced nationnavy ships it will be delivered to the navy by the year 2020. James how much is this tweaked the better the kendall, each character calls it is worth one grand per character if you ran the company fell 1 to endorse your product, would be worth to you to open doors a company that monetizes social need campaign for aphids have valued wanted about hundred and 40,000 gal. That about not for character and will take a quick break coming of will have more headlines as you review the top stories coming up this next hour and a is a quick live look outside the san mateo bridge camera traffic on 92 will pretty well the volume building which travel at the limit will be right back. James president obama will be visiting new orleans to mark the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina causing significant damage to the gulf coast and forcing a bridge normans letter system path info and large sections of the city to thousand people died because of that storm the president plans to meet august 27th with the mayor helped deliver remarks on the regions thrifts. James theyre not taking pictures of the reef in using them to monitor and study the health of the time scientists and a large amount press began to bleach and that happens when water temperatures rise and causes it to leave key nutrients into recurs or severe it will average slid five this suffered another bleaches event last year and will keep monitoring to see it happen again next year, up about five continues to burn on the border of the more interesting for water main break flooded the streets leaving residents without water this morning were the main broker who was affecting come alive report here is a quick look at the west by a camera at the bay bridge traffic is beginning to build this morning is not backed up get at all will be back with more weather and traffic updates in just a moment. Male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now james 0 what fire continues to burn out of control and the more good morning. Mark room at 2,500 a. We have pictures from the fire to start a law to 45 yesterday afternoon off of tesla road in an area between the more interesting we want to get to the scene right now we have will live with the very latest. Will tran it is breezy this morning and that is the biggest enemy for firefighters because members of going all over the place because of the Drought Conditions this area is extremely dry because even right behind me is a roadblock about 50 mi. Away is simply right now little too dangerous to allow us to go inside but we cant tell you theyve been at drop the night to monitor such a wish and once the sun comes up the once again use the helicopter to try to do airdrops they cannot do that overnight for safety reasons does the few minutes ago we have our hands of himself on video we want to show you their people already in on the front lines and he got does the cell phone bill the camera was zone in and you can see just how chart the hillside is at this particular point. Will tran we have not heard the numbers change but we do expect an update from 630 this morning we know the two structures have been destroyed since the fire started around 245 yesterday afternoon opposite at this point man on robotics. Michelle apon will have the upper 50s as of right now humidity values right now 96 percent of the the type of conditions that firefighters will be delivered on to that will slow the one of into the midst of this amount of a clock by the early afternoon mid 80s so close that average one thing they will be built a little bit closer to bay area weather we have mid60s for those in an spots across the they plan on mid60s as well looking and lower sections of off the coast dimwits and cloudless skies once again this one of the the fog and drizzle and missed the call to you are to the cops looking at the lunch hour to average of one of the cement seven for the inland spots revenue has and hasnt of europe off the coast or the banks met the upper 60s and address and a few layers will build more cloud cover of off the coast and will be saying a little more sunshine. Michelle apon you have a tail wind with the wind from the west that could last up to 20 mi. From our across the in an spots temperatures will be in the ultimate 80s by 5 00 p. M. George all the kids are back in school when of the reasons were sing heavier traffic this week bigger backup about the bay bridge in san mateo all right now in easy ride good morning if youre heading up the door when not tracking any hot spots right now where every year drive takes you in jeopardy normal conditions at the bay bridge 11 minutes the trip time in japan from the east bay into San Francisco limit of a transit92 from the toplevel looks west and an easy ride began modernizing and a minute trip time from the toll plaza to the west end of the spend. George no delays at the toll plaza or, for richmond on five a westbound trackings and drive times for your the short freeway commute in the west 80 ride 15 minutes from hercules to berkeley the 580 ride a leading out of dublin into dublin greyed out toward hayward looks good but 880 commute from san leandro down to millipede is not bad at 25 minutes looking of the south bay freeway showing green all the way around the northbound drive is just 18 minutes from copper express went to the montague. Mark chaos in the streets of st. Louis missouri after a suspect was killed in an officer involved shooting the process of getting interest nearby the video on the rise showed Police Clashed with protesters theyre arrested nine protesters and used tear a glass tear gas to use clear the streets is but one is the officers want to serve such war at home this saw two men armed with guns one of the back of the house when order to drop their weapons officer said one of the man from a gun at them the two ossify for gunshot and the 18 yearold actor that did not have any affect the crotch the teargassed the was the fourth could intersection is in the foot of the total of nine arrests nine individuals rent from charges from the flow of traffic to of resisting arrest the 18 yearold fearing a stolen gun this is a drug to found in the phone malcolm for the of suspects. James Police Released a sketch of a man take a close look at happen before 9 00 along the San Francisco trailed this a couple in the 40s the man on the backs of the behind back in june a man tried to wreck a woman on the popular Nature Preserve job and trailed the one moved in to fight off the man he ran away they believe the man fall off of remind for attacking her. Mark and Armed Robbery at a gas station at San Franciscos lead side neighborhood the man with his gun in this video of what a gas station and 100 block of the boulevard is up the five in the morning the savannas video showing it approached the curb from behind a red stamp on a gun at him his 27 to 30 years of 5 ft. 9 when a hundred 60 lbs. Mark been found in the skills Nida Martinez waterfront the Vector Control district plans to fog the area tomorrow morning no human cases of whats now virus seven reported. James the chopper not for charges and paying for sex with girls as young as 16 they see him out in front of the court ruled prosecutors say he would go on trips to europe on behalf of a charity he said as well as on behalf of someone what he was on these trips he would seek out how prostitutes for sex under a plea deal is pleading guilty to the charges he faces in were from 5 to 0 1 2 years behind bars you also be paid out 1. 4 million to his victims this allow you and what the status in secrecy to illegally exploited children the wife says she was shocked and disappointed and she is now seeking a dissolution of their marriage he rose to fame when he lost when the 45 lbs. After following his subway diet. Mark we check which howe safety and advocate he gave this advice will parents can learn from the four enclaves that says because the child exportations fears matter and must be a regular part of discussion between parents and their children will have a lot more on the case including an interview with the legal and less about the guilty plea and that is all on our web site www. Kron4. Com. James and deciding if they will seek the Death Penalty against the trout in shooting today is the deadline for the motions in that case is charged with killing nine people at a predominantly black church back in june he won to plead guilty to the charges with the lawyers into a plea of not guilty to see if prosecutors would then try to seek the death happen today he plans to discuss his recent cancer diagnosis for the First Time Since announcing his illness is scheduled to hold a News Conference this morning in atlanta the 90 yearold announced this month that the liver surgeon from cancer desperate to other parts of his biting the press conference before this morning a 7 00 will bring the announcement you live as happens. Mark see how police were able to find this mass of tunnel a falloff for 19 kids accounting is the mental another sex scandal, trump taken on bush clinton and the pope more of a clinical story when we come back. Im cadee. I hadodere toever plue prias most of myife. Buthatasnstopd mefromodelg. My doctotolde abt stara it hel keemy sn clrer. Withnly dosea ye afr 2 artedose. Stela® hps mbe i seon. Stelar® m low youabily fig inftion and incrse yr ri ofinfeions some siousnfecons quir hoitalatio before srtinstela® youroctoshou tesfortubeulos. Stela®ay ireasyouriskof ccer. Alwa telyouroctoif y ha anyign inftion have had ccer, orf yodevep annewskinrowt. Do n takstela®f yoarealleic tsta or any oits grednts. Aleryouroctoof n orworsing oble including heache seires,confion and vion pblem thesmay sig of rare potentlly tal aincondion. Serious lerg reaionscan cur. Tell yr door iyou anne iyourouse needs or h rectly ceiv a ccin in a micaltudy mo stera®aties saat ast clrer in and the majoty we rad cleed ominil at 12 week elar® hps kp mykinclear. Ask yo docr abt stara. [female announcer] dsave up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. N, get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Michelle apon however if our inland temperatures are a few degrees cooler than what they should read this, the year across the bayliss feminism across the cold upper 60s will do it again into tomorrow and then for saturday will top and allow this to continue on to talk more about it, a 530. Michelle apon as of right now have low clouds and fog and drizzle across the coastal spots will have made this difficult to bay and in an spots with the to one of salt as the can be given credit for research or the lunch hour memories of sweater weather for those kids knock the vatican for cash and friends in the school as you leave your home to go work or school here is what looks like right now on sfo by delays will continue to monitor and see if they will be delayed because of low clouds will selling will wanted to keep you uptodate on that to the judge will be about 34 degrees cooler the weather should refer this time of year mid80s in store for the in the location across the south bank center as a warming up to 79 degrees a quick check of traffic here in georgia. George were not talking any hot spots no unusual delays this morning the start with the look of the ride on the bay bridge a little slow on the west past nine, down were watching with some interest to see whether or not we get the early activation of the metering lights again this morning as we stand for several days of this week theyve been turned on before 53012 to 17 minutes ahead of normal will see this as part of a new pattern or not over at the san mateo bridge the pattern is fine for not checking any delays yet for the westbound ride the old has backed up earlier than usual again this week sometime between 60 and 45 this is a phone call stop and go conditions over at the rich member is the ride into moran we are delayed free the tracks to drive times the east of a commute there is a report of an accident on the nimitz freeway in the south by you concede green shown on the road with sensors is not going to affect the rise since a south bought leading down the dublin 20 minutes and will turn into fremont here in the south they retract the 101 drive pair is a look at 280 just a 14 minute trip time as a head north from 101 of to 85 in cupertino. Mark the biggest problem will friends are more wild animal dynes bigger fire and drive farm towns it was done by the nonprofit policy of california may participate this consequences if the four year drought stretches into 2016 and 17 the policies of the environment has been hardest hit by the drought and is the 18 species of california fish and on the verge of extinction three firefighters have been killed and four others injured battling a raging wildfire in Washington State. James may open up a third land after the earthquake but then eventually close the line again earlier in the year the plant to reopen the mine was proposed by lawmakers on wednesday legislation was a minute and sacramento to speed the process and the plant reopened if the bill passes it could be open by the end of the year. Mark the companys background check for drivers are letting criminals slip through the cracks lawsuit against the company with a loss and the comedy and the klan a single job of past the background check despite having criminal records and driving records which should have qualified imponderables in l. A. Alone the register sex offenders and the convicted murderer past the background check in a Statement Released yesterday and what they agree with the District Attorney this is a priority of the Companies Said they disagree with him and that the background check use by Tech Companies is a better system for screening drivers. James the man who was arrested for is near the calexico area wearing a wet suit and scuba gear and carrying 55 lbs. Of cocaine demand came through the tunnel that began at home in mexico and and and and the canal and california in face of the 20 years in prison meanwhile josh the other is in the middle of another sex scandal he had to account on the madison web site which is an Online Dating site for people interested in cheating on their significant others according to an attempt to mask some use of a car belonging to jos paid nearly a thousand dollars for two different subscriptions the scandal comes after the 1910, we are this far admitted to molesting five young girls including four of his younger sisters would use a teenager by a glitch in bloomingdale women to the store. The buttery jack was a huge success. People went crazy for a burger with melted garlic herb butter. Now, heres the sequel. With portobello mushrooms. Boom. Hang on, i dont want anyone to trip. Ok. Oh yeah. Thats jacks new portobello mushroom buttery jack, the sequel to the classic and bacon swiss, topped with the same melted garlic herb butter, plus portobello mushrooms and grilled onions. Spoiler alert its awesome. Jame mark they spent time telling their clouds that the other is unelectable been repeatedly criticized the former Florida Governor as no energy in my truck and drive a small crowd in a dead people traded in a businessman as the gop front runner as a tax hike promoting democrat peer attack Hillary Clinton signs it is no longer in that the law because of the e mail scandal surrounding her and even when not to talk about pope said he probably scare as the pope and that the pope is becoming too political in exchange of reporters she said she would not aware if the data was erased the sent email to other data can be distracted from the personal server even after. James customers receive that email from the store on friday and one shopper we know of to the advantage and bought by men in rings and a new watch in the back before the store finally caught on other sorts of the to use the gift card for the ninth they ask anyone who make purchases with the cards to please return the merchandise but it is unclear if anyone would actually do that or look into what occurred cases are almost size of this we will let him after this break will have an update on the brick and new store a mass of what fire burning in the more also california is sinking at an alarming rate will see how the drought affecting when you live. This summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. Take advantage of our summer offers. Get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month. Looks like you left these two west coast birds behind foster farms chickens california grown. You guys arent from here. Wrong we love yoga and sunshine and stuff. Well foster farms chicken has no added hormones. Well i wish you didnt have any added negativity ha high five yeah hes not going far. Theyre local. Introducing fresh and natural chicken. California grown with no added hormones. From foster farms. Simply better. Mark a fastmoving grass fire burning 2,500 a. Just east of livermore will show you this drawn video with us you can call the test of fire is burning off the tesla road is start against the net to 45 and the afternoon nickel hollow road is burning in an area between charity and the more the fire grew to 200 a. By five yesterday evening by a 30 just three and half hours later it had grown to to to 500 a. A home was destroyed by fleet no injuries were reported in the last of the fire to a 5 percent contained. 16 wildfires that burned across the state with more than 10,000 firefighters battling the flames right now this morning the officials have determined the cause of the massive rocket fire the one of the lake county that sent smoke down of the bay area is burn nearly 70,000 a. Over harvests for miles it started by a faulty gas water heater in and out building the here sparked a fire and then out building and the Flammable Liquids inside its spread the rocket fire destroyed more than 40 homes in 53 buildings. Michelle apon temperatures right now are mild as well mid 60s for these in an spots looking in the mid 60s across the south bank but in the north but were on the court cited to the upper 50s if your car as the peninsula and San Francisco theyre hovering 60 degrees and as to continue on with the dates of the judge will continue to stick around for the next 30 minutes looking at the lunch hour attempt to warm up to the inland spots with the mets have this plan on sunshine the what talk about some of its upper 64 the bay and across the coast mid60s guys will gradually turn sunny but you can still expect a little bit of power cover to the coast by 5 00 when will start to pick up if you are across San Francisco are heading eastbound back to the east bank you get a good tell when for the western winds will gust of 25 mi. Our sunny light winds low to mid 80s by 5 00 p. M. , a 545 will be talking about what to expect for the weekend of the details coming up in 15 minutes. George that is the case this morning there is an accident at the bay bridge toll plaza on the good news it is captain midlife from being activated before 530 because it is holding off some of this traffic to and moving it back into the toll lanes as a come in from the macarthur maze so far this is not a big problem and it does not appear it will appear too long to clear because of the location this does not want to have an impact on the metering lights overall and is not one to add to the drive times it may very well be the reason why the meeting allies have not yet been activated for this was the bomb bay bridge ride for the westbound san mateo bridge right youre looking at a good 11 minute drive times by the with 12 minutes back to bay bridge for the trip on 92 problem free all the way out to the peninsula. George 101 in the convict they finish with the realignment of the lanes the four lanes in light of the spend southbound the Richmond Bridge in the news because of the desire so many people will see a a third line this morning backing used to more towlines families for cash players that is why the backed up on the right side. James we have some residents in the east of a waking up without water this morning because a water main break and oakland. Jackie sissel you conceive and shoveling some of the mud and debris that came out of that broken water main right at the corner of 580 and the overpass on oakland avenue at macarthur the actual holes right over here in fact we have felt on video were shot by one of the east bay mud accrues insane at the point where he got here 200 gal. A minute it has been in place since 1933 right now there said there was a little over a dozen customers in the area of without water theyre saying that they believe that this could potentially be an allday job that means the seven lines of oakland avenue will be shut down and those customers may be without water for the majority of the day and then to revisit what happened last week we saw nine water main breaks after that 4. 0 earthquake along the hayward fault which we are very close to in fact one east bay mud official out here says that bill been looking into that obviously but as we told you come back out here you could say the have the intersection open to one lane but they believe that it will cause traffic issues and the continued to work to figure out exactly how much longer the working on a 13 in. Water main. Mark their hunting a third suspect year prison savannahs videos with two other men the two men were shot and killed by police in separate incidents in the week the police said that the man them looking for is on the dangers and asking for the Publics Health and finding them the meantime we learn more about the man of three suspects killed his name is Christopher Maxwell ran he was shot and killed an Office Complex on lundy avenue one week ago. Dan kerman piddling his version of ice bucket challenge the video and bottles to a fast pace set up by his friends call in memory of Christopher Maxwell ran we spoke to the room by from. Dan kerman his lifeless body was found at the monday avenue Office Complex august 13th you can see him in the security video being hunted by three armed men he is the one with his hands up and his friends are still in the state of shock some friends also operates by the focus placed on the Police Shooting of the suspect they believe that the only victim here is their friend the only person in this equation that needs justice is christopher theyre hopeful the poor suspect will be captured with some of the letter before they say he can do harm to someone else. James california is sinking and fast that is the news from nasa and the bill would distort the out the resources in some places is taxes in nearly 2 in. A month at the drop continues the force committed to pump groundwater the second land is causing costly damage to major canals that deliver water up and down the state the report said landed the city of copper and sank 13 in. In eight months and part of the california is sinking 8 in. In four months last year. James the department of Water Resources is launching a 10 Million Program to help, to develop conservation plan. Mark new video of an explosion that leveled a motel in Washington State will show it to you before prayer to show more than just a movie ticket stub at the theater will table a new policy on a to a fact of the moment there. We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treats about trand help reducerelto®. The risk of dvt xareand pe blood clots. Reats axarelto® has also been proven the risk of dvt xato reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, xato rnot caused by a heartoke valve problem. In ri tried warfarin before,ke mawarfarin compari but the blood testing routine not ill have anothero arnold palmer. Make mine a kevin nealon. Hey, safety first. Hero arnold palmer. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® wias this may increase your risk arnold palmer. Of a blood clot or stroke. Wias twhile taking, you may risk bruise more easily xarelto® may increaser your risk of bleeding if you taxarelto® canedicine cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. Gif you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watchtell your doctor beforeer saall planned medical or dental procedures. Before stell your doctor about any kidney, liverxarelto® has beenblem prescribed more than and that numbers growing. U. Like your guys scores. Withtreatment with xarelto® was thright move for us. G ask your doctor about xarelto®. Mark after an explosion rocked a motel 6 in Washington State two nights ago this the Surveillance Video of the explosion and fire Officials Say they did not find in one in the wreckage of the explosion happened at their work to repair natural gas with a hotel and operative in back rent the blast knocked firefighters 20 ft. Back and report lift up for miles and gas Company Employee who was critically injured was second and third degree burns with a of a to a hospital no word on his condition. This condition james the next time you get to the movies you may be searched your back and look through a pair the staff this is all response to a recipient shooting we have the cinema that all moviegoers may be subject to inspection before entering they do not know if anyone would be affected off of their random search expect of a fair does with the Companies Said they do not mind if amazing gift is this to increase security the fed is all over the bay area so be prepared to have your back look through if you have to reappear. Michelle apon nice to whether if you want to go to the move is the custom of this will be on the qualified for today but were looking outside we have some low clouds parted fog and drizzle talk about a warmup and ready for School Coming up after the break. Mark will have an update on the fire is raging here in california and tell you where this fire and then a broker out look at the tunnel fire. James she has a Breast Cancer and is spreading she is blaming her former manager why she says theyre at fault will explain as a 25, a Student Exchange lot of information to the university it turns out their prime target for several criminal with you and detective fuhrmans. Michelle apon we have six kids out there and a few isolated upper 50s look at antioch 56 degrees vallejo unfair from its upper 50s and also across the north bank but and then we have those mild temperatures mid60s across the south bay 65 degrees for san jose the east bay shoreline mid 60s across the peninsula right along 60 degrees we have been ready for school get the kids ready of on 7 october continue to stay into the 60s may be just and a few layers it was the equal of off the coast in breezing by the afternoon but in an eternal sunshine of the call went of how to construct about 11 00 we have some sunshine and mostly sunny skies across the coals 75 degrees around 11 mid60s of off the coast in the bank 3 00 when it is about to get out or even into the a afternoon for Outdoor Activities like football practice to the jews will be warm and and with those mid 80s the that the bay somewhere in the upper 60s across the coast will to show you what it looks like a san mateo bridge if you are traveling closer to the peninsula if youre on to say a little fog and drizzle and missed and that one that up until about 10 or 11 00 this morning. Michelle apon plan on the 80s from the inland spots ms. Savage across the back by tomorrow will again pretty much the same forecast and not as breezy private afternoon looking closer to the weekend mostly sunny skies and temperatures of wrapped around average if you are heading into San Francisco low to mid 60s timber to warm up into mid60s with intimates of the 60s to of this could fill a letter today because of the breezy when from the west the conduct of the 20 mi. Our lives as well by endicott still falling as low 60s on the other side of the bay looking at the east bay shoreline we have 07 for much of the afternoon in the mid70s to for the south getting closer to fremont. Michelle apon we have the upper seven from 80 degrees and has a 79 santa clara 81 up by 3 00 p. M. And the rest of the in an spots also low to mid 80s and across San Francisco the rest of the peninsula mid to upper 60s. Michelle apon by tomorrow and even to the first half of the weakened or 80 for the inland locations below average for this time of the year of a comfortable looking a similar sum is across the bay of off the coast of the 60s by worm should refer this time of the year of looking at the rest of the 74 cast the second half of the weekend and early next week is up to one just of the bed and then back to cool weather by tuesday. George another good news bad news update from the bay bridge the good news the accident has gone the bad news the good news of the metering lights were not activated earlier than usual they did not come on until 541 this morning instead of a come on before 530 which they have for the last several days that is about the same where were starting to back already into the macarthur maze but again the good news is drive times on the 15 minutes triolet westbound out of the major heading toward San Francisco within make recycling these guys from slowly we could see the back of gross and material bridge 92 still looks good we are delayed for westbound and the Golden Gate Bridge ride is also a problem offering into and out of marin county know the latest the only delays that the richmond braves westbound are here in the right handline. George that is because they will not open to appeal 6 this morning once that happens in the next and the 12 minutes things of the back of should clear out pretty easily and quickly. George we are watching the stopped and there have been an accident report on the it is right here before a partner in is a more cycle accident that block three lanes in you wonder why it has not backed up because it is in the southbound direction not north bound to the convict side of the freeway for the earlyMorning Hours. James we are giving you ready for school and the major issue the we are looking into this will be affected theres always the possibility of young kids darting into traffic when they are getting on and off the buses and ignoring the signs can get drivers pretty hefty ticket. Here is Stanley Roberts who found some people behaving badly Stanley Roberts there is a quick way to get one of the most expensive moving violation california has offer is ignoring a school bus with a red light is a stop sign activated which is exactly what the driver dead and for what all this about were from california Highway Patrol as he enforce the laws governing school buses and drivers stopping or in this case not stopping, this is what is supposed to happen the buckeyes a activated the driver stopped until the red light turned deactivated no matter how long it takes what year the School Bus Stops and the flashing red has activated the first car is a silver car keep in mind down its of a silver car of all crops as sought to driver speeds faster bus the gap portal for not stopping as you watch more School Bus Stops there use lee were violated the biggest out world didnt yet again but to separate driver to pull over going back to the driver at the beginning of the story it was on the fitting that we had a conversation the fein for ignoring the flashing red lights is 700 and appoint a your drivers license. Mark bass alameda and Jimmy Rollins with the to run jack to the dodgers a 221 lead in the segment eric scoring in the game of the as had a game at 2 does go to the eighth inning and struck cell in in in the golan to win by a fine of five to two straight wins for the as after seven straight losses detritus Second Branch of the doctors lost the game is tied at 3 with a solo home run and strickland then to go to the ninth and Madison Baumgartner this time it did not work out day 14 to three the giants dropped its birth the tech on the giants. James here is a quick look at temperatures of around the bay right now San Francisco 6364 open 65 in san jose a lot of the 50s and 60s right now. Whatsapped tonackg . Abntmdedl how d itecom eati onefterhe nt . We are areamchee tha stl beeves in saving r fo. Thlaugng c. Inve snaing. L neemernzz. E sleep revolutio a natul wato per dn. Wi melonin plusitam c a oth anoxidts. To wk thr mac whe yo slp. Donjustleeprevilize neemernzz, wer wn tpoweup. James , and the next hour we have a live report from the scene of a water main break in the east said the water flowing down the street will tell you where people are without water this morning the former president jimmy carter expected to talk about this up this morning were standing by for his live announcement he was with me died of cancer and recon allow fire in the war spreads to 2,500 a. In just a matter of hours will live on the scene a quick live look at the san the sabres, and the truck traffic is beginning to build in the commit direction will have door to the update coming up in just a minute. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. Save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now james a wildfire that is burned out of control and the more this morning of your sharing vestron video with us in the second from on the horizon from 2,500 a. Water around to 45 yesterday afternoon off tesla road in an area between the more interesting one victim home was destroyed. Will tran the biggest challenge for the firefighters this morning is vested in my location for about 5 mi. Away concede use a truck right behind me there is a water tanker truck leaving the scene to the in refill water it down and a ravine is destiny which was 55 is a man on the scene the choice and video we shot about 20 minutes to go it is obviously dark in this location to shut to destroy including one house defensive the flames in that video is pumped the trees and is on fire and embers of blown all over the place where inside that location extremely smoking. James we will check back in grout the morning as to continue to bring us the latest on the fire burning in livermore one of the numbers were tracking for you and back out in the five fires of battling massive wildfires burning along the western u. S. We have to video with a share with you the popular tourist destinations already been evacuated the fiat group shall utter thousand acres and is just 3 percent contained from the top rack that fire has burned and a bespoke comment brennan the town of Santa Margarita and as the garden because the hot spots it hitting the town Fire Fighters met a lot a progress building a fire line of combat planes. Mark 3 firefighters were killed and some parts of the state because of the smoke from the test file to barnett talked with three firefighters were killed when their vehicle crashed and investigators for the five present and dont balun the five included a 25 youre a man in Critical Condition with severe burns the fire burn coal to putting acres and about the homes of an evacuation is requesting federal Disaster Relief funds will talk what did testify of running out near livermore conditions. Michelle apon temperatures on the cool side 57 right now humidity values of what they will fall propagate to a 20 percent and temperatures will be on a milder side as well plan on the 80s by the afternoon with the winds are not want to let up it will stiffen the southwest of 25 mi. By our it will continue to be possible look and act as a follow cloud of gray sky to stop morning will have a comfortable they plan amid a for the inland spots by friday will be dead again into the first half of the weekend plan on top of the to be very similar, of the 615 was what the rest of the we can forecast. George does your monitor in active and hear on interstate 618 it just occurred at the dublin and to change since we havent and the difficulty with the maps zone and jolted this is a truck on its side and for is only a pickup truck and a big rate was about on interstate 580 it is however a blocking and is one possible to lines and so it is one to be adding some delays in a to the commit on the westbound 580 ride and this of the southbound drive time for those in a time of the corner from dublin down to fremont is 21 minutes weve also been monitoring this accident in san jose here on the guadalupe parkway but this crash and southbound on the guadalupe parkway the northbound traffic delay is not because of the accident but rather just a typical traffic flow try to get up to join interstate 280 on 87 the guadalupe parkway northbound the ride to the bay bridge thankfully no unusual problems your for your typical activation of the metering lights instead of on early this morning 15 minutes the drive time 92 and the san mateo bridge still down to one of the 13 minute trip time out of hayward over to foster city where our sincere regrets cmon. George at the Golden Gate Bridge we are delayed free stock from an easy ride still through marin accounting into marin county of be the richmond original batch of delays at the top of the problem free from the Richmond Park went all the way to san the federal. James we have some residents working of this one without any water what so ever because of a mass of water main break early this morning. Jackie sissel theyre still out hear the good news is the water is off the bad news is that ms. About a dozen or more customers in the area do not have water and probably will not have any for some time in the continue to figure out exactly what led up to this 13 in. Cast iron water main break in fact his video that was shot by a crew from east bay mud early this morning that is when they say about 200 gal. A minute were flowing out of the 13 in. Water main a right near 580 in fact in his right underneath 580 at oakland avenue and macarthur boulevard but said that iran for about 35 to 40 minutes that estimate five to 6,000 gal. Of water and and mother were streaming into the street the big question is will cause a water main break obviously remembering last week on had earthquake there were nine water main breaks were on the just a few miles away from piedmont after some of mondays earthquake 4. 0 and we are less than a victory for miles away from an opposite that will be part of the discussion with and not miss water main breaks cracked and because of that earthquake which can tell you that according to east bay mud that this water main was put and in 1933 so it is a very old pipe all that will be considered with a slave the east bay mud will have the crew, dropped around 7 00 this morning. James obviously a lot still to be done and will be getting updates periodically throughout the morning. Mark video on the election on the scene of the shooting on the right it does it please class and the protesters after the killing this all started with an that came home office is ordered to drop their weapons but they said one of the man pointed a gun at officer they fired four gunshots at 18 year old he died at the scene based on what a resort to teargas during protests over the shooting than 80 your of them shot and killed was caring a stolen gun drug found in a home there still looking for the second suspect nine people were arrested for the protest former subway spokesman jarrett now facing at least five years in prison after agreeing to plead guilty to talk like the charges and paying for sex with girls as young as 16 years old he made his First Court Appearance and the charges and Indianapolis Federal Court yesterday to walk on the porch steps prosecutors say he would go on trips to europe on behalf of a charity that he said as well as on behalf of subway and more on these trips he would seek the top pontifex under a plea deal his pleading guilty to the charges anywhere from 5 to 12 1 2 years behind bars can also be paying 1. 4 million to as victims 100,000 mi. Will go to each of the 14 victims. James she was shocked by this development should with distant planet and that she is seeking a dissolution of the marriage he cut all ties with him who want to find out which equity of 50 african hills with the sec hanscom learn from the dairy case. wafted into our kids understand that it is ok to save know that they should always tell their parents where they are better from an feels romani to put distance between themselves and what ever that is and that they can generally go to anyone that is not making them feel bad because the vast majority of the people are people talk exportation is a serious matter that parents need to talk about regularly with their children. James police are looking for armed robber who to call paula and cell phone from a couple walking along with auto travel theyre released this cash to close look at happened just before 9 00 to the night a couple in their 40s was walking near french a bridge when this man on a box now behind them to, semiautomatic handgun and told to hand over their valuables they last saw him fleeing west on the trail plays heavily savannahs bit of a non grata and gas station in San Francisco lakeside neighborhood. Mark there is a man approaching with a hood and a sweatshirt he pointed a gun at the clerk and they think the mans 27 about 30 years of about 5 ft. 9 in winning hundred and 60 lbs. Were standing by for former president jimmy carter to speak about his cancer diagnoses will carry live wanted begins at the drop continued could face more than just a worm shortage the alarming information just come out this morning. Mark a big a crisis could become for californias on bomb dropped in for persist in the state more about animals could dive wild fires could get bigger and farm towns the drive out as a foreman will for the book down by a nonprofit Public Policy at the public about 20 in. Thick its consequences before you drop stretches in the 2016 twins 17 the policy says the environment has been hit hardest by the drought this 18 species of california fish are now on the verge of extinction. Michelle apon we have some 07 is across the bay and to educate the kids ready for school plan on mid60s to stop the morning if youre across the cold temperatures right not to lower 60s one thing you will be waking up with as usual in the morning we have low clouds and patchy fog and drizzle mainly across the coast line looking at 11 00 forecast made this the time for kids have recess or maybe even much time to ever to walk into the mens semifinals in an spots across the bay and coat them with most beclouded the part because its battle despite temperatures are still want to stay in that range the in the spots will warm up into the mid 80s but for the bay to molest them is across the coals a lot of run average into the upper 60s given us the weather and will have some preconditions to be expected across the coastal spots as the drive home around 5 00. Michelle apon will have to tell when with those with the southwest when the king of sfo writedown no flight delays will continue to monitor that all morning long and severe in the delays and say if youre the south bank will have some mid 60s as of right now will stay into low sixties for the part of the morning and start the season sunshine and temperatures one of the to mid70s, by the early afternoon once again san jose in most of the south back into the upper salmon is later on today will have some nice northwest winds and will be like in will have some comfortable temperatures into the upper 60s by 8 00. Michelle apon temperatures will be ride around the 70 degree mark recalls that average inland temperatures will be a few degrees cooler the wish of the office of mr. Low 80s timbers of us will want to be pretty warm with floor 80s by 3 00 in to the afternoon the consensus of at 3 00 p. M. Its upper 60s across the north the upper seventies to run around 80 degrees the rest of the seventh forecast will talk about mid 80s to continue on to the inland spots into the weekend and for the rest of the weekend will top lost milosevic but it will continue to stay drive for part of the weekend by monday. George this patrol as on the side on interstate 580 in the westbound direction with accident occurring right at the sixth 80 or a government to change, it is backing up the right now, of livermore for westbound interstate 58038 minutes we just off 41 minute drive times, and about it is fluctuating a bit but about eight to 12 minutes longer than it should take this morning and of course not much in the wake of an alternate route for that ride bear in mind also because of the test of fire tesla road to also call for hollow road are both shut down this morning and that would otherwise have been a back door route coming over from 580 trying to connect up with the ride from i. Five track and the commit for you and the south bank earlier recovering problems at the guadalupe parkway have cleared up the southbound accident now gone the northbound traffic typically slow try to get up from 85 for the 280 interchange. George 492 in the mid bay transit where looking at a normal ride a 11 to 13 minutes it took time out of hay with over to foster city out of more randy Golden Gate Bridge delay free southbound and we are in said and free for the county for the 101 ride getting into miranda v the Richmond Bridge in the back of or delays the means of a minute trip time across the span. James prosecutes a decided they will seek the death county against the accused trout in touch shooting today is the deadline for the motion in that case he is charged with killing nine people at a black church to back in june he won to plead guilty to charges against him were his lawyer into a plea of not guilty to see a prosecution would then seek the Death Penalty. Mark hes speaking about his recent cancer diagnoses the 90 youre a democrat announced that is correct in his body he sucked as president from 977 to 1981 it remained very active in this video from him in the bay area a few years of building a house for habitat for humanity to explain what is expected at this mornings News Conference. Reporter he will discuss the diagnoses is expected stop what two main points one when his cancer originated and how far it has spread. The former president jimmy carter lost his parents brother into systems to answer now is facing his own cancer diagnosis the announcement came last week in a short press release in the center today he will go more in depth about it. Reporter the surgery revealed the can some of mr. Carter will likely go into how far has spread and his prognosis from a doctor that and more help can plant a onetime in gonna burst into the National Spotlight in the aftermath of targets in vietnam after a single term of president he would not have one of the long as the most active retirement of any president. Experience in lebanon home in monterey elections in trying to eradicate the world deceases he is not done yet. He has had a full life and as the title of this biography published in july in which he talked about as a reflection that the age of 90 james theyre pushing for an extra lane to be added to the richmond braves have built some of the capital injection that they deal with every single day they opened a couple of land on that bridge after the bomb. A quick which a lot of folks enjoyed with davis deposal line back down to the can dedicate the third line as an. Emergency an james the plant to reopen the land and justice has wanted legislation was submitted in sacramento to speed up the process to get their land opens on a bottom level if a passive the third like to be reopened to traffic by the end of the year a study finding to citizens of the california of rhetoric is the tsunami them prevented fox it would be a risk in the computer simulation of the seventh 17 magnitude earthquake to the resulting wave could move as far as a mile inland and in ventura and oxnard on to the top of laws and thus could be hit with a 23 ft. High waves the centaurs to have come down with the play after visiting yosemite expected to record for recovery and have an effect a while hiking in not been treated antibiotics this the second case unless the amount of the plating a summit in july a tile fell ill while camping with family authorities are investigating an outbreak of plague is easily treated with antibiotics what can be deadly if left untreated. James is a large ship used for transporting vehicles the team of four parachuted into the ocean to board that ship and treat the sailors have been received a call on tuesday that fainted and was bleeding in work through the night to take care of the sale of but we learned that he died yesterday morning. Mark she is now suing her former Business Manager why shes blaming him giving a nine a bay area weather and traffic a live look of the san mateo bridge festival to continue to pour down traffic now beginning of and a few bricks i started to happen ride of really getting heavy on the san mateo bridge at 625. James shes battling Breast Cancer the 44 your is known for her role on the tv series barely hears 90210 to talk about her illness in an interview with People Magazine as they reveal the she was suing her Business Management firm a quantity of the the firm fell to the Insurance Premium and her Health Insurance lapse because of this she did not receive medical care in the cancer spread the firm denied those accusations. Mark accused of letting criminals become virus will toy we do need to know about hopping in the next car. Emale announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. I know youre staying golden by managing your energy use. Ns which means managing water too, sfx rawr especially during a drought. Learn to save water, energy and money at energyupgradeca. Org mark the dow down over to one. Recovering from big losses in the front another down day oil continuing to drop thats a spell lower gas prices from us and six weeks in the meantime they are down another hundred and 18. That will put a down to 17,0016761 points lower the war started the year. James awhile fire burned out of control in the war this morning this video from arthur to allow the viewer he shot this with his drawn the attention of the video with us you can say just the glow on the horizon installed in about 245 this afternoon and is in an area between the more interesting one because home we understand has been destroyed. Will tran not a lot of progress at last check there would give an update probably in about 30 minutes from now a mountain p. M. Last night the fire was on a 5 percent contained and that was about nine hours into the fight now we are and to 15 hours and it is still burning lets get right to the video we shot this about 45 minutes ago it was dark at the time but will continue being often a hillside charged excessive the flames and it is spotty drought that area in reserve on all of a place and that is a dangerous because it is extremely gusting. Will tran the best the condition of the aircraft fly drop the night and not the sun is up different to go back up in the air drop water on to the fire in the meantime to drop the nine what they did what the have the fire trucks out there to monitor the situation and also bring in the belief in the form water tanker trucks to drive out their interest of firetrucks need to be refilled for water will continue in the track when we out there with the messages to wall in the fight even though it is on a 5 percent contained the urgency at this point does not seem to really high. Mark we have more on the forecast. Michelle apon because of the location in that area gusty winds could be up to 35 mi. By our men assistance and other inland and they spots across lower 60s and quick enough to live in a pettifogging a little bit of low cloud cover in the region index figure was sunny skies however across the bay in the coastal habits of the 60s cool with a little cloud cover and wilsons and sunshine is a letter parts of the afternoon if you are crossed the coast may be heading eastbound of get a cattell youll get a good reason when to the 5 mi. An hour across in an spots. Michelle apon if you are possibly flying into sfo in of someone who will be their belated crackdown 76 minutes because of low visibility. George the clinic the crash from the traffic gains in this was right and the 680 and to change the dublin and to change the westbound ride has been heavier than usual out of the more this morning the drive time from the optima past actually not so bad will show you why atlas should have its traffic and will show you the drive times you see that it is heavy in the altamont but unusual this morning all this traffic on 582 05 that have something to do with the fire this morning the test of fire because tesla is the back door way to take some of the pressure off be and that and to change a lot of people like to uses it is now 44 minutes but long and that if youre coming out of patterson or over for interstate 5. George the bay ridge was on the metering lights were not activated early we are looking at a 15 to 18 metric time with the backed up midway between the 585 president obama in the 24 connect and macarthur maze for the san mateo bridge rise slightly against rebecca or of unusual for the west by a trip there is some of the flashing lights with a tow truck on the righthand shoulder but the bright lights also come and gone out closer to mid span on the flat section drive times to push it up to above 15 minutes now for the west about 92 trip. Mark theyre still searching for a third suspect wanted in connection with the murder because he the man and a surveillance picture and his face is hidden his presence of an video with two other murder suspect those two suspects were shot and killed by police in separate incidents as police said the man of the imports armed and dangerous matt asked if the republics of the find. James their expanded loss to the kind of Company Background check for drivers and letting criminals to the cracks and a lawsuit against the company filed jointly silver jarvis past the background checks the complaint also says a los angeles alone the such offenders and even a convicted murderer past. The past checks james in a Statement Released on wednesday they say while they agree with the District Attorney the sec is a priority if it disagrees with the background check use the tax the companys is better than the one the employing. Mark truck and jeb bush to attack one another on the campaign trail this spend time telling the crowd that the other is unelectable they criticized the former for governor as low energy a mountain from drawn a smaller crop and a dead the portrait of a and a businessman and gop front runner as a tax hike from one democrat he skipped in of Education Forum attended by half a dozen of its competitors in New Hampshire and change in the reporter says that she was not aware of the data was still on the server or had been erased and they said the e mails can still be extracted from servers even after their sponged. James tutors and colleges are defined in with that of going after and how you protect the students at the get ready for school a place in indiana has given new meaning to the time small town how few people live in this town will take about that coming up. A new season brings a new look. A chance to try something different. This summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. Take advantage of our summer offers. Get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month. Mark a woman and Shirley Fisher has lived there for 76 years it used to be a Thriving Community but after her husband died two years ago it was heard her son who were left in the two of them do not plan on leaving a lot of people drive to them without even knowing the town has one sign it and as the population on the other one kids getting stolen in the comment stop repressing the signs this is video of the grooms wedding dances on viral this morning that happened back in july in virginia but was saved more than a Million Viewers in the last week alone his professional dancing treated the seven minute dance to table his bondsmen featuring current chart toppers and some throwbacks. Michelle apon and we have some call it whatever to this optimal were working to some fault and the the passages and missed. Mark man of a lot of information when the School Year Starts in this era of mass of data bridges there wondering how colleges are keeping your Information Secure them become more prevalent in the last three years in the institution has not been a minimum the cost and Exchange Information with schools combine that with and let but recession of the signs of the contract you have a prime problem for soccer criminals mission to protect themselves as well as the network the stars of the very best level ever use of the taxes and the network Something Like of the and Software Patches mounted fact authentic as would have been implemented almost every College Campus at this point of past a home can help by staying in touch with the kids and mention of aware of any breaches poor Bank Insurance companies are anything but the firm does business. Michelle apon does it get the kids to read just uncomfortable because players are keeping if youre and let everyone know sometime this afternoon in your quanticos you may want to hold on to like jack sunshine for those in an spots for the office will activities across the coastal will be breezing keep that mine is immaculate out the door to him and to work but smaller govett forecasts once again the kantor the week and which havent we can plant plan on sunshine for much of the weekend time to pull piranha avid for the weekend maintenance level one of the summit of the seventh by the afternoon across the beach planner mid60s but across have month backed the bill the warmer temperatures along 70 degrees on the part codifies the south but once again offer seven to run 80 by this afternoon san jose 79 degrees and none will be a few degrees below what they should be this time of the year. Michelle apon a lower intimidated the more one of to 84 degrees looking at the east bay shoreline plan on similar 70s by 3 00 this afternoon the rest of the storm track the seventh forecast looks pretty good drive mid80s for the in an spots. George there were not turned on early this morning the backed up midway into the macarthur maze 80 minutes the average trip time of the san mateo bridge things have slowed a bit more with their current the stock never showed you earlier as a result traffic as backing up a bit behind a truck down for the 1 01 ride north on southbound a little heavy on the south tower but no delays across the span and tomorrow and the average of when to the Richmond Park west is only adding about to the agreement for the response trip time making and 11 minute drive times coming out of richmond and heading toward san rafael. Mark he was kayaking last week as south of tahoe when he saw a friend felipe of a struggle in water the family held in sacramento where he lived. James the resistance of bacteria has been found at a Pasadena Hospital it is called a super bug in it is being blamed for three deaths earlier this year at the cedarssinai in at the Medical Center the Memorial Hospital says that any patient steps procedures with this came down with the bug the hospital has wanted the devices and is trying to discover it sank 13 in. And 6 months 8 in. In four months last year wanted to amend the program tub, is conservation plans. James the bottle police are unveiling another way the people in the neighborhood can help fight crime is called scram the savannas carry this remodeling program this new tool will allow officers to is to identify the locations and the Surveillance System with the setting and send out help the department would not have access to the foot is the will be aware that can exist in that it will be investigating crimes. Mark it was 661,000 that as compared to a peak of 65 in june and july of 2007 the number of home sales last month was still considered normal the San Francisco had the highest median home sell price in any bay area city at 1,075,000 better the from 965 about dollars last year the have the lowest priced at 330,000 size on wall street respecting the drop in the market once again today the price of the selling once again the dow up another percent down 1. 05 december sent out the 165 still had if youre interested in owning a home from the movie silence of the lamb youre in luck would say how much does go on for we have a quick live look 653 hear the live view of the san mateo bridge if you need to hand out in the next seven minutes this would you expect across highway 92. A new sea chance to tryew look. Something different. This summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. The 2015 cadillac srx. Lease this from around 339 per month, or purchase with 0 apr financing. Mark the famous house from silence of the members of for sale this is number eight circles tree in the ventilate and in Pennsylvania House is three stories into the hundred and five years old and made payments of one of the greatest things you might recognize the house with jodie foster knocked on the door and the serial killer inand the house is owned by the lower rates in the cave them the ok in turn into modest dwelling now theyre selling it in it can be yours for just 300 paulo dollars. James private about lack of firm is asking for your help to name a new one monkey the baby, was born on all this with the far west he weighs about 4 lbs. And but not of the 20 to 27 lbs. Of his four grown fast and friends and guests suggested favorite name for the deadline to submit unaided midnight next monday in a to go to the web site the one in nine will be announced on august 31st in the winner will receive a Gift Certificate for one adult to for a trip up to preserve some those nominations and where does mommas away from jimmy carter opening of about his recent cancer diagnosis were going to carry the speech live as soon as it begins in just the next few minutes. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. Save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now mark is expected of the aba has a brief recess cancer diagnosed with. James feet turned politician Service Credits have been unsuccessful 1977 to 1981 he was very active since leaving Office Worker for a variety of causes clivias ago he was here in the bay area public to build houses would have attacked the humanity among the questions were hoping to get into today from mr. Carter howe for example have the cancer spread of what the prognosis frontal live bass of the center in atlanta as soon as he starts speaking here is a live look right now.

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