Explain details on what it means grant type am one thing to be clear on here this new order does not mean that the bay areas going to be under a lockdown for the next 3 weeks with everyone. Stuck in hall the legal order only limits activity travel and business functions to what they call essential needs so what is an essential need right you will still be able to go buy groceries. You can go pick up prescriptions you can put gas in your car. All of those businesses as well as banks, well be staying open city and county Government Services like police fire hospitals a lobby open trash will still get picked up Public Transportation will be running. Also Mail Services will go on plumbers electricians will still be working Hardware Stores and laundromats stay open oaklands mayor libby schaff added that the shelterinplace order should give everybody a chance to look after one another. We also encourage you to go out doors and utilize our parks just keep a healthy distance from other people. There are many things that we as oakland ers can continue to enjoy while we do the very responsible thing and that is help prevent the spread of covid 19. We also can call on our elderly our other in from and loved ones to see what they need to make runs to the Grocery Store pharmacies for them please take this opportunity to show your care and concern for your neighbors and friends that is also part of this order. So its considered non essential. Well you cant go to a bar you can go work out at the gym, you cannot go to a movie theater. And you can sit down at a restaurant and have lunch but this does not mean that all restaurants are closed important to know they will still be open if they choose they can offer takeout and Delivery Services by the way can find a full list of what is open what is not on our web site that is kron 4 dot com pam back to hugh grant. Thank you the dmv will also stay open, but it is still telling people to avoid going to dmv offices for 60 days as much as is possible. Most were knowles can be done online or through the mail but there are some reasons where you would need to go in person that includes small issues and recent transfers the dmv is also asking Law Enforcement to use discretion when enforcing expired registrations and licenses beginning with todays date. So far its unclear if or how local Law Enforcement across the state plans to comply with the d m these requests. Peel people all over the bay area continue to swarm stores trying to stock up on toilet paper in groceries. These are some pictures that were shot earlier today from different bay area Grocery Stores. Kron fours dan thorn has been watching the influx of shoppers stock up. Even those stores will remain open. He joins us now live in concord with more dan and theres a feeling of panic and rushing to buy stuff. The stores are going to be open even during this mandatory thats right 10 but people i just think that theyre either getting this feeling that they wont be able to do those things as weve confirmed several times tonight you will be able to do those things were at the concord on the costco in concord we saw hundreds of people that were going in and out of the store today they were loading up on all of the things that they thought that they were going to need over the next several weeks they were looking to stock up and make sure that their family has what they need because theyre not expecting to leave their homes very often for a hundreds of shoppers rushing to stock up its supermarkets across the bay area. One after another shopping carts rolled out of the costco in concord full of groceries 7 a sparkling water a some eggs in oil just some veggies, yeah had see ceac in bestival sure and these items as shoppers say were essential before beginning a 3 week stay at home order issued by Bay Area Health officials the news sending shoppers in search of toilet paper meat produce and water. Much of it selling out lot of people love about the shelves are empty these pictures show empty store shelves at a safeway in san ramon, the pasta and bread virtually wiped out. A mother of 4 brenda via senor says while out shopping she was unable to find toilet paper or water but getting food for her family was her top priority. Shes also on board with the stay at home order i think its a great way to go about it. If its not stop and we have to. Take extreme measures for families plan for the next few weeks is a combination of netflix and studying she expects other families will do the same. I just hope everybody does says suggested so we could get this over with and hopefully come to an end with this virus. Some shoppers tell so the other reason why they keep coming out to the stores is because theyre concerned that they are going to be able to find any of these things online so theyre willing to brave going out here and and seeing if these things are getting restocked in the stores and unfortunately for some shoppers today. They learned as they went to the costco here in concord there was a sign up that was letting people know a running list if you will of things that were running out of stock the store here opens up as weve been told that 9 oclock tomorrow morning but people have been lining up well before that and theyre expecting the same tomorrow thats the latest here live in concord dan thorn kron 4 news stand. Thank you some people also apparently stocking up on firearms, this was outside a gun store in the la area this morning and were hearing reports its also happening in some locations around the bay area line of people some same they want to be prepared for anything. The owner of another Firearms Store says he has seen his business skyrocket specifically from Asian Americans who are apparently fearful they might be targeted because of their ethnicity. While the new order to stay at home except for essential needs takes effect at midnight in 6 bay area counties again many essential services will continue to operate in some of those Services Include Public Transportation muti and barred and other operations of federal buildings as force tale of a second joins us live from the powell street bart station in San Francisco with more on what transportation will look like over the next few weeks taylor. Him as it gets closer to midnight were seeing fewer and fewer people out here, you know many of these retail shops close earlier today and now though remain closed for several weeks but despite some places in areas like this shutting down transportation like this a bart station right here behind me will continue to operate. And just a few hours Business Operations across San Francisco will completely change is in order to stay at home kicks in in times when you need a centrals like groceries or medications. The citys transportation agencies say theyll get you there. We are providing regular service once again far will be providing regular service with long enough trains. That will allow for social distancing part immunity say its also to help our Health Care Workers and First Responders get to work. However unit will operate with some adjustments were working to rearrange in order to reallocate service to our neighborhood lines into lines that serve our Critical Health care facilities, San Francisco, Municipal Transportation Agency said theyre also suspending lee penalties issued after monday. We understand that many of our public will be affected by this emergency and we are immediately suspending all late penalties for failure to pay citations. As well stopping sending any late citations on to dmv or to collections and adjusting parking regulations. Theyre not related to Public Health safety and accessibility Effective Immediately we are suspending enforcement of residential parking permits. Peak hour toll ways and parking for longer than 72 hours. We will however need to continue enforcement of rules related to Public Health safety and accessibility of services, this includes street cleaning, walking a bike lanes double parking and parking in transit only lights the meters will continue to be enforced because our businesses will still be open. Well as you heard parking will be a little t more lenient here in the city to help with this order cause for the Streets Police say that you will see patrols out here especially in retail areas to prevent theft. Theyre also looking out for large groups gathering of course which they shouldnt be after midnight reporting live in San Francisco taylor sackey kron 4 news taylor. Thank you. 2 more people are dead because of coronavirus in Santa Clara County that brings the total number of deaths there to 4 county Health Officials say a man in his 80s and a man in his 50s died yesterday both men had been hospitalized with the infection a Santa Clara Police officers in selfisolation after testing positive for the coronavirus that officer last worked on march 9th. It is unclear how the officer became infected and steps are underway to notify people who may have come in contact with the officer. The officer is expected to make a full recovery governor Gavin Newsome is making it easier to protect renters and homeowners affected by coronavirus he sign an executive order. That allows local governments to halt the vic tions and slow down foreclosures during a facebook updates the governor said he hopes other cities will follow san jose and San Franciscos lead in putting in a more moratorium on evictions. We brought in and understanding of the capacity for local government to move in a similar direction which we encourage over the course of the next days and weeks to protect those that have lost their jobs their incomes been impacted clearly have been impacted because of Health Related expenses. The executive order which runs through may 31th also protects customers from having their utilities shut off. Due to nonpayment over coronavirus issues meanwhile say lawmakers are committing up to 1 billion to fight the coronavirus our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala explains the measure the state lawmakers passed today is designed to immediately provide more funding for the effort. California lawmakers monday approved to release millions in funding to furness the governor state of emergency declaration, the measure unanimously passed the assembly it would First Release million and later empowers the governor to spend in 50 million increment if necessary spending would be capped at billion total the effort receiving bipartisan support on the Assembly Floor we think it is very important. To give the governor the totals to fight this pandemic in our state as fans are critical to making sure that our infrastructure theres been tapped to do that is some urgency to mitigating the damage to our economy but most importantly. To making sure. That more californians are saved another measure passed monday make sure school shut down for the virus dont lose money it also provides funds for cleaning and protective equipment. California lawmakers convening this week comes as the governor and cdc urged against a large gatherings in the chambers, one assemblyman more mask while some aged 65 and up disregarded official recommendations to stay home and what do people need they need it and how do we get it to them i want to be part of that team. And i dont care whether its the governor and the legislature or the president of the united states. We have people to represent the peoples life to save and were going to were going go about doing that as responsibly as we possibly know just later is also set to consider taking a multi weeklong recess that could start as soon as next week in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. In washington dc, a measure promising Financial Relief during the coronavirus pandemic is on hold in the us senate the house passed the coronavirus recovery package over the weekend that house measure includes free coronavirus se for anyone who needs it whether or not they have insurance 14 paid sick days for employees and 3 months of paid emergency leave throughout the coronavirus crisis. The legislation would also expand federal funding for medicaid and other initiatives to help free lunch programs for children and food banks for seniors. But some republicans have issues with the paid leave provision they claim it will hurt Small Businesses Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says he has been talking to Committee Members about the next steps and that additional legislation is on the way. Now the entire relief measure could be delayed until next week when the house returns from recess. President trump announced new National Guidelines for the next 15 days but he warns the new coronavirus reality could be a new normal through summertime. Not romero reports. All nonessential a nonemergency travel in jersey is strongly discourage in new jersey, a curfew in southern Florida Spring break canceled, some cruise ships docked. And a coronavirus briefing. Trump Administration Officials asking everyone to do their part to limit the spread millennials can speak to one another about how important it is in this moment. To protect all of the people as the spread continues concerns over a lack of test kits we expect at least 2 million next week and at least 5 million the week thereafter President Trump pushing state and local governments to take charge we are also working very much on getting them the kind of equipment that they need and for the most part theyre either they either have it for they will be getting it. But remember we want the governors we want the mayors we won them locally from a local standpoint is it can go quicker. We want them to work new york, new jersey and connecticut teaming up. And were in it together not as that town jeppesen states right now increase we as a region. And as a nation more fears over the looming Economic Impact the dow plunging nearly 3,000 points. But i think in terms of recession with once this goes away once it. That goes through and were done with it i think you can see a tremendous a tremendous surge in washington. Romero kron 4 news the coronavirus pandemic continues to rattle wall street, the dow jones posted its worst point drop in history today. Following almost 3,000 points. It reaches its lowest level and that reaches lowest level in almost 3 years. The s and p 500 and nasdaq both closed today with a drop of around 12 each. Some encouraging news tonight, Clinical Trials for a Coronavirus Vaccine started today in washington state. The first for healthy participants in the trial that doses of an experimental vaccine. The vaccine trial is happening at a kaiser permanent a Research Facility in seattle public Health Officials caution though it could still take as long as 18 months to fully validate any potential vaccine. The city of San Francisco is offering safe places for children whose parents cannot stay home because they help provide the essential services for the Larger Community Health Care Workers for example are needed on the front line of this pandemic kron fours Maureen Kelly explains where they can send their children during the day. As the San Francisco School District shut down schools, those parents who still need to show up at a work site such as Health Care Workers battling the coronavirus have been left in a tough spot. Those whose kids grandparents are here locally are advised not to turn to them as backup if theyre elderly as theyre more at risk to the virus help bridge that gap. The city is turning 37 rec centers and 28 libraries into Emergency Childcare centers right now parents who qualify for Emergency Care for their children. Teens are that increased people working in San Francisco. These hospitals people working. Department of Public Health street city disaster workers. We also are providing for low in fat, working families may not have other childcare options. The spokesperson for the seas rec and Park Department says they have a limited capacity we are confined recall the e the party is recommendation this sara we out time of year its at work site. Fact 6 to libraries are providing homework help for middle and High Schoolers fall rec centers are keeping an eye on those in grades k through 5. Theyre pretty much having a summer camp everything our sports activities, those parents who qualify for this help have already been invited by email that more slots could open up. That demand is not as overwhelming as expected. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Many ski resorts in the tahoe area are temporarily closed because of coronavirus vail resorts which owns heavenly northstar and kirkwood are all closed through march 22th diamond peak ski resort suspended operations from today through the 20th sugar bowl suspended operations until further notice announcements come just after several feet of fresh snow fell in recent days in fact. Lawrence is still snowing right now. Yeah fact, some of those resorts now reporting over 6 feet snow and that is some fantastic news for a watershed a very active afternoon around the bay area, numerous thunderstorms popping up around the bay area in the south bay we had one moving through right here is senior cupertino sliding on by bringing some of that hail out there as well today and things really get active into the afternoon. Thats when you get one things very unstable out there and thats exactly what were seeing in the afternoon hours, the main front has moved on by you can see pushed all the way up in the Sierra Nevada you see those Lightning Strikes popping up just off the coastline here is the core low still kind of spinning around so certainly a chance of more showers maybe an isolated thunderstorm of the storm system beginning to wind down just a little bit certainly but a nice rain make over the last few days in for a closer look now you can see over the past few hours here. We have some lightning also into the north bay in fact some heavier storms rolling through there just north of santa rose up toward healdsburg Lightning Strikes popping up their numerous strikes in and around healdsburg late in the afternoon that beginning to settle down though once again in just a lot of clouds out there now some scattered light showers begin to pop up as well but not that much is widely scattered i think thats where planned for tomorrow as well still to storm total looking pretty impressive over the last few days over an inch in san jose that was one of the wettest spots that cold front actually stalled over the Santa Cruz Mountains across the south bay. So yeah, they usually dont get as much rain as the rest the bay area there in the rain shadow, but they managed to squeeze out more rain than most San Francisco still over an inch of rain oakland over an inch of rain redwood city over an inch of rain to santa rosa, lesser amounts 3 quarters. And just over a tense in half moon bay. Outside tonight, mostly cloudy skies a few scattered showers tomorrow, partly cloudy youll see some sunshine and a few showers the best news is this is an unsettled pattern dont see that big ridge of High Pressure building in effect syriza more storms likely to roll in temperatures getting chilly outside right now is 44 degrees in san jose, 45 and fema, 42 in livermore 48 degrees in San Francisco, 46 in oakland and berkeley got 45 degrees in playoff 45. Insanely the 41 in petaluma heres this area of low pressure spinning off the coastline and will sit here really for the next day or so and continue to pump in some more moisture now were on the backside of that cold front so were just going to see some scattered showers but certainly a chance of showers and then tomorrow and maybe into wednesday to see right here overnight tonight and more scattered showers popping up not going to be rain out but from time to time some scattered showers moving across the bay area again on wednesday. We see more showers rotating on through then things up trying to settle down a little bit on the first day of spring which is thursday but after that a chance of more rain on the way well talk about that your tent and coming up few minutes thank you lawrence also coming up tonight the shelter in place order means many businesses in the bay area will have to close ahead. Well hear from an east bay boutique where the owners have to close at just one week after their grand opening. Plus a spirit of giving is shining through this time of uncertainty at 1045 were going to show you some ways that many communities are looking out for one another and how you can take part. And another drivethru testing site is open in the bay area to test people for the my gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Discover a new world discover whats good pantene nutrient blends as we have been telling you a shelterinplace will go into effect in 6 bay area counties in about 90 minutes now at midnight, the new health order will be in place for at least the next 3 weeks. The new order does not mean that the entire bay area will be shut down there are a number of essential services which will remain open, including you will still be allowed to go buy groceries pick up your prescriptions gasoline for your vehicle, those businesses as well as banks will stay open city and county Government Services of could of course the emergency servoces such as police and fire and hospitals will all be in operation your trash will be picked up Public Transportation will run also the post office and other Mailing Services plumbers electricians Hardware Stores dry cleaners as they will all be allowed to operate. Now earlier this evening, San Francisco Health Officials sent out this message to residents reminding them about the shelter in place. The nonessential services which will have to close really were first to bars and jams movie theaters dinein restaurants restaurants will only be allowed to be open for takeout and deliveries for the full list of essential services which will stay open just go to our website kron 4 dot com and pam i want to add that to San Francisco officials also say you can go for a walk and you can even go with somebody else as long as you keep your 6 foot difference and you can walk your dog. Contra costa county is also ordering its residents to shelter in place to stay home and only for essential services. One boutique in brentwood that just opened a week ago is now forced to close its stores. Kron fours michelle kingston explains why the owners are happy to do it for the safety of others. I never had any moment of panic i just knew i knew this is what were supposed to do i knew it its been just a little over a week since randy mosher in karen berg open the all of place in downtown brentwood. We wanted to create a store where everybody you enter felt that love from us and from the community not long after filling their shop with close gibson decor they learned theyd have to shut their doors us. A little scary really honestly i think. In an a minus when i say this more worried about the nation really health thats really what came to us beginning tuesday Contra Costa County is ordering all residents to shelter in place in for only essential businesses to remain open. But were afraid were not were not scared were going to do what we have to do to get through it and we know that our community will. Will rally the owners of all of place are doing what they can to remain positive during this time while their shop is closed. They say theyll be delivering letters written by Community Members to hospital staff and First Responders who are working so hard to keep everyone safe. They want to be the vehicle. For it to inspire people to keep serving and keep cannot share. Yeah, yeah, they look forward to opening their doors again soon once everyone is healthy honestly, i feel like. And and motion of that i feel like. This is a test of us who we really are weve weve said all along our first and foremost priority is building Strong Communities so. This is our chance to to really walk the walk in brentwood, michelle kingston kron 4 news. As f iron is one of many gyms in San Francisco that will shut its doors for the next 3 weeks, the owner says he and his staff are scrambling to find other options for the business and his members but he says he agrees with the citys decision to close businesses such as his gym. I think the actions that the city is taking right now are appropriate. Yeah well be here in 3 weeks so whatever and were open aka world will get you back into training and some people can cost of and here we have a lot of time to work really hard to get really strong and for parade of losing their games in the strength of a big game come back really fast and the mother the is insignificant compared to the Overall Investment that theyve already put for the next 3 weeks eating out will also not be an option across much of the bay area shelterinplace orders. Band dining in restaurants and bars kron fours kate explains how one San Francisco staples adjusting to this new mandate. One of the Industries Hit hardest by the Economic Impact of covid 19 is the Hospitality Business and the San Franciscos new mandate that restaurants move to a takeout and delivery only model local businesses are left trying to adjust. Max is that the opera also known as maxs apa cafe has been a San Francisco institutions since it opened in november, 1982, serving up new york delicatessen style fair and classic comfort food it attracts a mix of opera symphony and ali patrons along with devoted regulars have been coming in about 30 years. 3 to about 5 years now Harriet Dennis and david are left with only one option to enjoy maxs take out typically take out accounts for about 15 of maxs total business whether thats customers picking up on their own or using a service like doordash are grub hub. Harriet says she plans to order takeout from axes but is worried about the longterm effects on society i just feel like so thats one of the reasons maxs are dot hejazi and plans to continue offering take out for as long as theres a need not only will it enable him to continue to employ at least some staff but many of maxs longtime customers are older or disabled and rely on the restaurants meals hejazi and estimates about a 70 decrease in business in the last week due to covid 19 concerns but hes hopeful that maxs take out services will fill a need in the community. He said he saw an immediate uptick in orders following San Franciscos shelterinplace directive today and wants to continue with the service as long as theres a demand this sign right behind me says open for now, but with so much changing so rapidly during this time, no one knows for sure how long it will stay that way. Reporting in San Francisco k rooney kron 4 news. Uber eats is waiving delivery fees for more than a 100,000 independently owned restaurants across north america says its an attempt to help those local restaurants cut through the coronavirus pandemic by trying to drive up demand ubereats also announces plenty more than 300,000 free meals to Health Care Workers and 4 other relief efforts. We found one restaurant in the state capital not following the governors request to close reporter rachel wolf spoke with the owner and an employee who talked about the severe financial difficulty associated with closing down. Why not shutting down because not right. The star right for my employees is not right for my patrons and its not right for my business make jameson owns the San Juan Club he says theyre already practicing socialdistancing in light of the coronavirus pandemic at the governors request to close down doesnt make dollars and cents. That are right for us to better their that. And why the nixon set to stand up for us and keep us working. Carter has been a bartender there for more than a year and have a son. So i mean you know were going to be really bad just because of that because im a single shes washing your hands and sanitizing the workspace constantly so is she worried about unknown origin or communityspread call that 19 now. I believe in building up an immunity who to germs. The idea the governor would ask Small Businesses to close their doors indefinitely is hard to swallow for bar patrons. I hes overreacting little bit. Thats my opinion, especially the night before one of the biggest bar nights of the year were the ones to get affected the most by a bigger as word spread calls of support in some criticism came in. James took it all in stride. It isnt ask not an order at this point even so the governor has threatened enforcement well thats what it would take to make me close by because im not going to close in the sick come in the store and say youre youre done. That was rachel wolf reporting leaders in a number of states are asking bars and restaurants are closed as a precaution and as we mentioned many restaurants are reducing service to takeout and delivery only instead of closing entirely. All right, lets step outside heres how it looked earlier today in one part of the bay area little bit of hail falling down you may have seen sunshine or clouds or rain. They saw this year sent us this video from cupertino this afternoon. Lawrence whats going on there. Yes that hail coming down thats a signature of thunderstorms are rolling up above and certainly making for make some exciting weather in a lot of part of the day we have a chance to see some that again as youve got the core low off the coastline. You saw a Lightning Strike this last hour but boy need to move that a little bit closer the coastline to get that going again i think eventually well see that Little Wonder on shore. Of course that will keep things unsettled here so in lori forecast this has been a great little storm for the bay area, a huge snow maker over the Sierra Nevada and maybe the most important thing of all and theyre going to continue to see more snow up there weve got a chance of a few more showers moving to the bay area tomorrow and a lingering shower could move in again a little system developing on the backside of this moving in on wednesday after that maybe a little bit of a break on thursday, the first day of spring. But behind that starr cnn she and get another cold front drops out of the gulf of alaska, heres that low spinning around latching onto a little moisture up out of the south and pushing that toward the bay area keep things unsettled impossibly west specially lot of part of the weekend and early into next week and you see next one dropping down beginning to move on shore so great news, an active weather pattern right now looks like its going to stay open not only for the next 7 to 10 days from may be as we head into early april on looks like were going to see that things continuing to roll into the bay area somewhat cold storms but lets keep this rain going that a good sign ahead over the next few days here we go weve got us more showers for tomorrow slight chance into wednesday spring begins on thursday looks like that will be mostly dry. But a chance of rain returning again late the day on friday showers continuing on or off on saturday and look at that tenant am filled with rain drops just about as far as you can see. Thank you or is canada is closing its border to try to stop the spread of coronavirus Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made that announcement monday today saying only canadian residents will be allowed into the country with. A few exceptions and for now those exceptions include us citizens, canada will also ban anyone with coronavirus of symptoms from entering the country. I know that these measures are far reaching. They are exceptional circumstances calling for exceptional measures. Earlier today. I had a call with our g 7 partners to inform them of these important changes. From the very beginning canadas response has been based on the latest available science and advice from our World Class Health professionals. Today to todays announcement. There is no different these measures will help save lives. Trudeau has been in selfisolation since thursday after his wife tested positive for the virus. Toe grand princess is now out in the San Francisco bay it had been docked at the port of oakland for about a week 21 people on board originally tested positive for the coronavirus on more that ship other passengers on the ship are currently in quarantine meantime another transit let this a transatlantic cruise ship with at least 5 confirmed coronavirus cases on board is now heading to cuba. This is a photograph of passengers on board the ms. Braemar which belongs to the British Company fred olsen cruise lines. The ship is carrying more than 600 passengers and spent days searching for somewhere to dock cuba said that it would allow the ship to dock in cuba out of quote humanitarian concerns and the need for a shared effort to confront and stop the spread of the pandemic it is not yet clear when the ship may arrive in cuba and whether the infected passengers on board will be treated there if the British Government decides to send the ship to dock there. Neighbors helping neighbors, how coronavirus has been disrupting much of our daily routines but its also leading to. Some creative ways of helping others and scores of 49 ers surprisingly trade away one of the best players and the i wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or. Kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. Talk gave all of our members disaster kit. Last couple of years so. This is a different disaster that were planned but well do our while the mayor of San Francisco has ordered City Residents to do their part by staying home, shes also urging healthy people. To help those most vulnerable in our communities and as kron fours nobel tells us. There are several ways to do that. Volunteers say they dont know how long theyll be able to help out because this is an ever changing situation but for now as these essential places continue to stay open and they feel its their duty to lend a hand you can sense the difference across San Francisco monday, restaurants, Clothing Stores and bars sitting empty. The Grocery Stores, gas stations, banks and pharmacies remain open leading volunteer groups like next village sf down a different path so were shifting more to. The essential tasks that people are going to need. Prescriptions groceries. The group has been around for 10 years offering social gatherings and other essential help to the elderly. Now amid coronavirus concerns theyre putting new precautions in place. Since a virus like this doesnt turn the affected people curb always have no way of knowing. We have suggested to them that they have close to please wear and then we are just again asking them not after contracts to try to wash other hands before and after. While next village sf offers a paid membership and background checks for volunteers signing up to help theyre noticing a new trend to call them and say do you need anything they might say. Yes. But were hearing more. I just went to the store for me have a whole conversation around how you exchange money, im really encourage everyone to join venmo or emily scott is one of many who have been using the next door app and facebook to offer up their help is even created a new group called Pacific Heights neighbor to neighbor coronavirus so heart warmed in overwhelmed by in a beautiful way. Our neighbors and how much people want to share and very willing of my children here to walk dogs or i have a car, you know your wonderful to your health right now and thats why its so important to just know your neighbors period. In San Francisco know well bellow kron 4 news. The Kentucky Derby is the latest major sporting event to be postponed or canceled because of the coronavirus organizers are pushing back to horse race possibly to september. What has been dubbed the most exciting 2 minutes in sports was originally scheduled for may the second. It usually draws more than 150,000 fans to the Churchill Downs racing track in louisville, kentucky. This would be the first time in 75 years the Kentucky Derby will not be a part of the first saturday in may. Time now brought to you by making it easy to access all your favorite entertainment at home. Well even through the coronavirus pandemic business goes on in the nfl is free agency is set to begin the fortyniners making a couple of significant roster moves today. Lets start with trading Deforest Buckner the niners reportedly sending the pro bowl defensive tackle and their team voted mvp to the colts. In exchange for the 13th overall pick in this years draft. The first round ely minn is also getting paid in the process as hes agreed to a multiyear deal that pays him million a season second highest at his position just behind aaron donald all San Francisco loses a productive star player thats only missed one game 2, 4, seasons. The team games, trapped flexibility to first from picks part of the reason the niners traded doctor because they also put together a nice payday for another defensive lineman Arik Armstead instead of using the franchise tag or letting him hit the open market is seen as giving him a 5 year deal reported to be worth million the 26 yearold coming off a career season in which he led the team to 10 54 tackles also the sports just say that safety jimmie ward has resigned with the niners on a 3 year deal worth nearly million and the raiders with a notable transactions tonight reportedly agreed to a deal with former titans quarterback. Marcus mariota the former second overall picks time in tennessee came to an end after the team in midseason switch to Ryan Tannehill heading to vegas is a fresh start for the Heisman Trophy winner and the expectation is hell be the number 2 starter behind derek carr or. Perhaps compete for the top job, well see elsewhere in the leaf. Lots of deals involving receivers today the cardinals with a significant upgrade to their acquiring fourtime all pro receiver Deandre Hopkins from the Houston Texans in exchange for running back David Johnson and a secondround picks. The best receivers in football. Its now paired with training with your qb kyler murray reports as tough on kids on his way from minnesota to marty cooper has resigned with the cowboys and deila Austin Hooper coach of the browns and the richest contract for a just pizza and other nfl news, the league announced they this years draft will still go on however it will not include any of the Public Events in las vegas. Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is not known how the Selection Process will be conducted or where it will take place, however the round are still going to be televised. Originally the nfl had set up an elaborate celebration throughout this trip which included a number of the citys resorts. Leaks look forward to future event opportunities with vegas, including the super bowl. The draft is scheduled for april 23th to the 25th. Finally Major League Baseball pushing opening day back a little further and will not play any games for at least the next 2 months so this move directly tied into the governments recommendation to hold gatherings of more than 50 people for the next 8 weeks. The league originally delayed its season until the end of march but the developing virus situation. It changed all of that season does begin and there is no plan as of now on if the year would be shortened that is a look at sports. Whats going on a weve got a lot of rain showing up around the bay area today showers thunderstorms even little hail could that continue. Talk about that your tenant geico makes the claims process so easy. I can file and manage my claim, all on the geico app. Its not just easy. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. I work hard and i want my money to work hard too. So i use my freedom unlimited card. Even when im spending, im earning 1. 5 cash back on everything i buy. Earning on my favorite soup. Got it. Earning on that eclair. Dont touch it. Dont touch it yet. Let me get the big one. Nope. This one . Nope. This one . No. Let me get them all. Im gonna get them all. Its just the basics. Can you double bag this right here . Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Can you also tell me what it is . Chase. Make more of whats yours. Movie of time the good in the days to that view was well as u s. Former california governor Arnold Schwarzenegger echoing the message for everyone to stay at home he tweeted this video yesterday say older adults like himself should take extra precautions featuring his pet donkey lulu and miniature pony whiskey schwarzenegger made a point that staying home is not all that bad not when you have pets like that coming up next in news continues on a 24 7 streaming service kron on. It is commercial free Catherine Heenan standing by in the newsroom with what were working on katherine those were pretty to thanks can we are only about an hour away from that extraordinary order that will affect millions of people in the bay area are being told to stay home. The order that takes effect at midnight not exactly a lockdown that will detail what that 3 week period could look like. Thats coming up back to you. Thank you catherine make sure to download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free local news coverage, lawrence. It was got some showers spin around the bay area that area of low pressure just really swirling around off the coast lying see the core low still well off the coast. The main front has pushed on by now still free and heavy snow from the Sierra Nevada you see the Lightning Strikes popping up out there so certainly for get this a little bit closer which i expect to happen. More showers real possibility on the way for tomorrow maybe some more thunderstorms popping up around the bay area will have to watch very very closely so. Yeah, out there right now youve got a whole lot of cloud cover looks like a for the most part were staying dry just some light scattered showers but overnight tonight, youll see the core low beginning to rotate and then begin to sag a little further south bringing a few more scattered showers into the bay area in the afternoon for tomorrow. Well more snow for the Sierra Nevada where a winter storm warnings continue to 11 oclock tomorrow morning. But even after will continue snow across the high country. Another band of rain begins to move on shore as we head into wednesday to so. All away from me and on with the storm system been around for a few days now temperatures are going to remain cool outside expect highs generally in the 50s, although you may see some upper 40s as you head over some of the mountains as its going to stay very chilly there as well. I take a look ahead, heres your tenant and were going to see more chance of scattered showers for tomorrow and wednesday spring begins on thursday friday, a chance of more rain on the way in fact look at next weekend a well in the next week rain just about every day over the next 10 days thats it for kron 4 news on behalf of all the group here have a great night be safe and well see you tomorrow. vo i know what youre thinking. Electric, it doesnt have enough range. It cant handle the elements. And, there is nowhere to charge up. Well, think again. Narrator in the criminal Justice System sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. Were only a day behind schedule. Yeah, well, i got drywallers starting. So i suggest you shift your lazy ass into high gear catch the hell up. Maybe you should think twice before insulting a man wearing a tool belt. Yeah, you know, if you werent married to my sister. What the hell is this . That wasnt here when we left

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