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More now from washington. President trump says the coronavirus pandemic is worse than sitting target american tragedy like this is worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the world trade center. Theres never been attacked like this. And it should have never had. He also reversed his decision to dissolve the White House Coronavirus task force adding the doctor Anthony Fauci and doctor deborah birx will remain part of the group very happy with doctor fauci and. Well be doing the same and a denver will be doing the same. But a pivotal new priorities is expected including Vaccine Development in treatment and reopening the u. S. Economy. More than 40 states will have loosened restrictions by the end of this week, even though experts told a house panel wednesday its too soon. Its clear to me that we are in a critical moment of this fight we risk complacency in accepting the preventable deaths of 2000 americans each day hot spots continue to emerge and flair. Kansas Health Officials say theyre monitoring 75 clusters across the state south dakota anticipates a spike after mass testing for smithfield Food Processing plant employees as we do more and more testing. In a community where there is already community spread. We do expect to see a big increase in positive cases and has new jersey reported 300 a new deaths wednesday. Governor phil murphy extended a state of emergency to june 5th. In washington karen caifa kron 4 news. While at appearance at the white house, the president contradicted a nurse that he was honoring in the oval office on wednesday insisting that there are no personal protective equipment. Shortages. The nurses said that availability of them was sporadic. I talked to my colleagues around the country certainly there are pockets of areas where ppe is not ideal. But this is an unprecedented time and the Infection Control measures that we learn we went to school one gallon when asked for one patient a day or per tied. This is a different time and ive been reusing my on 95 mask for. A few weeks now. Thats for for a lot of because ive heard the that they are loaded up with with 2 counts now and to take it on initially we had nothing we had empty cupboards in empty shelves. We had nothing. Frontline Health Workers have reported shortages of ppe as the coronavirus has swept through the country something they were from reporting on extensively. A warning of a second wave of covid19 infections that could happen is more parts of the economy reopen for of course kate rooney takes a closer look. When shelterinplace orders began some of the Public Health sector warned that the spread of coronavirus might not be linear rather a roller coaster of surges with some california counties starting to reopen this week experts say are reminder of that is timely i think weve we really dodged a bullet. In this certain initial phase of the virus. But theres no doubt that i knew were going to a second spike and just like with the first wave. The question really is how big will that will that be. The answer is unclear along with when a second wave could be expected. The cdc works with Numerous Research institutions to create forecasting models but most projections are for just a few weeks out the good news is we have a lot preparations that we undertake in are in place and so were definitely more prepared for. Potential surge and we and we were once a month ago or 2 months ago when this was all v ry very new that preparedness includes better hospital workflows and access to personal protective equipment also better testing capabilities for vulnerable populations such as the homeless are People Living in nursing facilities. Still experts say a slow reopening process is advantageous from a Health Perspective we do need to get there and we need to do been a very datadriven and logically a rigorous way that really pays attention to whats happening. In in the Community Without just kind of a broadly and fast realistically that could mean continuing some measure of physical distancing until a vaccine is widely implemented reporting in San Francisco, Kate Rooney Kron 4 news. A million face masks are ready to be shipped to bay area hospitals to help fight against coronavirus the donation was made anonymously as part of the Silicon Valley Leadership Groups covid19 challenge and so far that challenge has raised more than 7 million in donations and equipment for area hospitals, a large portion of the face shields was sent to Lucille Packard childrens hospital, stanford. And this is going to be with us for a while and when you just look at the volume of patients that we see here at stanford as well as our sister organizations throughout the bay area. And this is going to be an ongoing need well into the future. The donation will allow the hospital to resume treating patients with other illnesses and perform surgeries that had to be put on hold. Valley city is handing out hefty fines to people who violate their stay at home orders. The city of men teacup authorized to citation for cost of a 1000 kristy gross takes a look. Its another truly within our 2 blocks to be able to foresee warder mantega police can now find people a 1000 if theyre caught in large groups in defiance of stay at home orders is a last resort is not something that is going to be the first thing out of her bag Police Spokesman lieutenant steven store says he hopes they wont have to cite any one business tease slowly begins to reopen gatherings of people outside of your family and household is still off limits to stop the spread of coronavirus we dont want this to be a we want is for the compliance, we eric umpires slurs says the city is taking in education based approach and says it will be up to the officer to decide when to cite someone after giving multiple warnings were going to do is use it for larger group gatherings, a. And then when. Everything else is the exhaust or mean to city Council Voted to amend an existing ordinance to give police the power to write administrative citations during times of emergency has ever arresting people and taking them to jail this can be used not only for this to a 19 but it can also be used for floods fires natural disasters or 2 in 2020 or whatever the next disaster is slur says officers wont be a patrolling the streets looking for violators but will respond to reported complaints. He says well so far compliance has been a problem having another an option is for the public safety. Its better to have something in app to be used. That was kristi gross reporting the citys Emergency Operations center will be handling the complaints. In San Francisco, least hotel rooms for Homeless People to isolate themselves during the pandemic and now the citys using private donations to deliver them. Things like alcohol and tobacco and medical marijuana and while the city is defending the program as a way to keep covid positive attics indoors. Others say its doing more harm than good kron fours Maureen Kelly has the story. Said that theyre bringing them a call and we thomas will says hes heard about the citys practice of delivering booze cannabis and cigarettes to those in quarantine or isolation from a man he knew back when he was living on the street. He says that friend told him that he got the delivery wall in one of the hotels being used to house the homeless or marginally housed people either infected with covid19 or exposed and waiting for test results. As a recovering alcoholic and addict will says this practice concerns him. But alcohol is the leading killer of all. I just cant get behind the ethical idea of giving alcohol to a call it because i just also speeds up again thats also doing them are. So you really have to consider that. The department of Public Health says everyone who comes into the Hotel Housing program for isolation or quarantine is screened multiple times by Health Professionals and social workers to try and find out the substances they would be uncomfortable with out and offered counseling if they want to quit. They say the goal in all of this is to just make sure infected people stay inside and away from others. Our focus needs to be on supporting down and meeting them where they are. They have arranged for delivery a prescribed opioid replacement drugs like methadone and in a handful of cases so far helped facilitate patients, buying medical not Recreational Cannabis private donations, not taxpayer dollars are underwriting the purchase of Tobacco Products and booze for some but dee ph says the alcohol is for those who get the shakes without it and theyre given the minimum medically appropriate amount with meals. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Its after School Leaders have a new plan now to address homelessness in the tenderloin the district is seeing a significant increase in homelessness during this pandemic back to 31 page plan calls for an initial focus on 13 specific blocks with the highest need the city will dispatch a team of ambassadors to enforce socialdistancing and provide resources and help with street cleaning and starting on monday, some Homeless People will be moved to a safe sleeping village where they can set up their tents at safe distances from each other and have access to things like water fountains and restrooms. The associated student body at Los Altos High School have lots of plans for students this spring, but the pandemic of course canceled all that in an effort to keep student morale high a junior at the school decided to get a little creative kron fours noelle bellow explains. You can get totally send somebody a text message and say oh my god i miss you so much, but then years eve handmade graham with coloring and really nice message. You know it just means so much more jimmy to suu kyi is a junior at Los Altos High School like most teens texting and posting on social media is the norm. But when his school shifted to at Home Learning he realized his fellow students might need a little right now as we know that times are tough pele are scared. People are sad, you know. They need a little bit of encouraging so i thought you know what why dont we take this idea and we can expand it every february students send a valentines grams to fellow classmates. So to suu kyi and his fellow associated student body members use that framework and set up an online form to create quarantine kindness grams. Sending a homey letter or a handmade let a sound like a great idea, but a lot of people you know they dont really put the effort into doing it so we wanted to take the hard part away. And all you have to do is fill out a form and my fellow classmates and i we will fill out the letters will make the letter for you and we will send it. Key says in a week they got more than 80 requests for kindness grams the best part hes even got his family involved i would write the messages on the inside and then. The person who actually did the drawings was my as we seize 80 years old and she you know she needs them something to fill the during this point he away for fellow students and friends to remember were all in this together a positive. If you need a grand you can contact me i will have to make some more. Well i was unwell or reporting and right now the kindness grams or just for Los Altos High School students but the project may be expanded in the future. Our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is there for website kron 4 dot com stories like you just saw there a moment ago and the rest of the headlines regarding coronavirus are there and updated every minute of the day so if you need the latest go to kron 4 dot com to check it out it is for 43 well and we are back time now for 45 in time to get a check of the forecast as we look outside here our live camera showing us the view from the embarcadero in San Francisco with the bay bridge lights in the background which we can see clearly because the skies are a nice and clear and its Little Christmas morning weve got john travel standing by with a look at that forecast cool in the morning, but boy like yesterday going to be hot today. Yeah james, definitely getting hot our inland areas back to the 90s today and for coastal areas, although not as hot as some of our inland neighbors. Going to be the warmest that theyre going to be in this forecast so time to give the ac on and find yourself a cool spot. The house on the afternoon. Id say holy curtains and keep that cooler air is much possible you can see outside this morning under a full moon conditions are nice and upper right, a full moon and no fog that makes for a very clear morning for essential workers that are taking to roadways. Temperatures right now are fairly mild with a 50s and 60s for many spots pittsburgh are warm spot at 63 right now 40s in livermore and then much the north bay where temperatures are at their coolest. I pressure ridges talking a lot about yesterday. Now sitting right and in the process is pushing out any of that cool ocean air well offshore so that relief that sometimes comes in the form of a nice cool afternoon breeze is not going to be there this afternoon so do expect a hot to kind of stagnant pattern across the bay today, something that youre really gonna feel inland, especially today. No cloud cover really no marine layer tomorrow, coastal areas will be good to see a few clouds pushing in right along the coast evidence of some nice ocean cooled air thats going to help our areas closer to the water tomorrow. Our inland spots, not quite going to have that on friday though come saturday will start to notice a cool down all across the bay area still going to be hot on saturday just not as hot. Temperatures today in the 90s for any yorks conquered livermore napa and santa rosa. Well 70s and 80s else for the bay, san jose 88 now you have a really hot 89 degrees tomorrow, inland areas, hotter than today all coastal in bayside areas, a touch cooler we all start to reverse the current and a little cooler come saturday. Next week brings musher aliy with daytime highs of the warmest only in the 70s thats your forecast also to back to jeffs all right. Thank you very much john quick check of the roads this morning, a few cameras for you first off the Richmond Center fell bridge toll plaza shows that weve got pretty light traffic out there chp log not showing anything major getting in your way so so far so good smooth drive from richmond out towards the north bay. And for murren county down in the San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge. Again its an easy ride we havent seen anything gumming up the works are all week long and todays just more of the same for you with easy conditions out there on the roads not just for the Golden Gate Bridge but for all of our major arteries out there. Are back to the headlines. There are thousands of people all over the bay area who need a doctor for conditions that have nothing to do with coronavirus and people who dont treat their Underlying Health issues are at an increased risk for covid19 so they do need care and kron fours pam moore went to the San Francisco area, a free clinic specifically where theyre trying to provide a safety net for the uninsured. Torontos who hate up is picking up much needed medications. He has diabetes a heart condition and high Blood Pressure each serious enough by itself all the more serious because of covid19 or medium there much concern i know your net in condition is much a it only matters enough to us so hayden knows he is vulnerable, although he is employed, he does not have insurance and those are the patients the San Francisco free clinic serves these are the very people that are having disastrous outcomes if they get infected by the virus. These are the people that are dying actually for the most part. So its critical that they continue their care they stay on their medications. They stay in touch with their caregivers. The free clinic has been providing Free Health Care for people with no insurance for more than 25 years. Ducked founded by doctor tricia gibbs and her husband doctor richard way to go to the clinic is normally bustling with warm and supportive staff and volunteers helping patients with all kinds of health news the entire full range of chronic and acute conditions as 9 pulmonary conditions like most general medicine clinics and we see injuries and wounds the clinic has classes for stress reduction heart health and nutrition eye exams and more that is during normal times they today, it is masks and scrubs and staff taking temperatures lots of greeting patients at the door with their medications and loss of telemedicine all examples of the value of Community Clinics keeping low income in communities of color healthy during this pandemic especially since recent data has come from dramatic Racial Disparities in covid19 infections. The other thing that unity clinics that they really take care of the minority and underserved populations in places where they exist in. You know the Health Care Disparities were existing before call it buyers hume along but this to become a vice is just really exacerbating that an and highlighted tremendous inequity said its something gives are optimistic that the Health Care System will adjust and do better when this crisis has passed for 2 riders who had a is grateful right just really is near you or for me. You can say can by e some huge issue it seeks to see and also the chief of the border. It was. You know he got up or the price. So the end of the 10 point that there is a key. That was pam moore reporting. The clinic also offers a Delivery Service for medications and even provides food for some in need. For the very latest on the coronavirus make sure to go to our website at kron 4 dot com well have information remember facts not fear and also the relevant stories weve done all the different angles to it and the various ripple effects across the bay area kron 4 dot com the place to go. Its now 5. 52 will be right back. And were back at 4. 54 kron 4 is saluting the class of 2020 every morning were doing a sort of a spotlight on a specific senior in today. Its Caitlin Carlton caitlin is graduating from Liberty High School in brentwood. Theres her picture, shes a student athlete there. She says shes going to going on the chico state to play soccer. So congratulations to you Caitlin Weldon getting through high school and of course best of luck on everything coming your way and congratulations to all of the other graduating seniors as well, you can submit a graduate in your life just go to kron 4 dot com find our salute to grads twentytwenty section under the news tab and submit their picture and let us know what high school ey went to what their plans are going forward, and well do our best to shine a spotlight on them. Throughout this pandemic kron 4 also shining a spotlight on what difference in their community. This morning crowd for heroes is highlighting domenici and her family in napa theyre spreading positivity by decorating neighbors lawns with fleming hooks and inspirational messages like be silly the kind live rad you can see as an example of that right there the family says that they were inspired to share the love because the Community Offer them support after the passing of their daughter last year. They wanted to return the favor so far theyve flocked more than a 100 homes, wow you can spotlight, someone making a difference in your community. Let us know we have a special section on our website called kron 4 heroes fill out that quick little form and explain to us why this hero is impacting the lives of your yours and your neighbors. You can find that on a special page there kron 4 dot com. Well take a break a time when he sets coming up in the next hour part of california is preparing to reopen for some businesses in this phase to reopening. Well have more details coming up in a live report. And heres a quick live look outside the bay bridge toll plaza. When the economy fully opens reports say traffic will probably be worse than it was before the lockdown well take a closer look at that story many california businesses shut down for 7 weeks because that shelter in place. Could reopen and just a few hours from now coming up well break down governor newsoms plan to roll out face too. A new study projects that traffic in the bay area will be worse than ever after the shelter in place order is live with the details coming up on. It was worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the world trade center. Theres never been attacked like this. And it should have never had. President trump says the coronavirus pandemic is worse than some of americas darkest strategies and he vows to keep the Coronavirus Task force going. It is 05 00am thank you for joining us. Im James Fletcher and im darya folsom and today governor newsome is expected to announce phase 2 in the reopening of the state as early as tomorrow have a some bay area cities say theyre not ready to move in

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