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They reached the deal if everything is meant that Safety Measures are in place that theres no spike in Health Indicators like coronavirus cases then they can resume full operations as early as next week. This all started when Ceo Tesla Elon musk he was very frustrated with shelter in place hes been politicking for a while now to get his tesla factory up and running again and that did not happen which is why last saturday actually filed a lawsuit in federal court saying shelter in place was unconstitutional and then on monday he openly told the world through a tweet that he planned to defy shelter in place and get the employees back to work and sure enough we were here yesterday when we saw so many people coming and going from the tesla facility. He even said if arrests were made he would be on the Assembly Line and do not arrest as employees. But arrest him ultimately no one was arrested they all work things out. And again Alameda County says if they meet everything that theyre looking for they will be allowed to resume operations and yes, the Fremont Police department they are monitoring the situation in case things get out of hand and the law must does not follow the settlement. Arrests could be possible that they even said they dont plan to make any arrests so long as both sides continue to cooperate and get back to work possibly as early as monday party. Back to you. All right, thank 40 live in fremont thank you marty. All right, lets go ahead and get the forecast from dave spahr david has been a little bit cooler start to the day compared to what weve been used to maybe last yeah we were already seen those 90s going on and not even boy get to friday to well nothing like last week. Yeah, good morning marty good morning, everybody and the quite a bit of cloud cover is kind of redevelop cars live shot coming in from timber on now, well call for clouds on balance going on here for today but losing some of that sunshine were to show you about a half hour ago or so they are in temperatures kind of slowmoving a 56 for can livermore 53 for a free month. Hayward 5756, san jose and up to the north bay lower to middle 50s 56 going on for San Francisco. Getting some sun here at the bay bridge toll plaza were coming in at 66 at high noon at 3 were looking at about 67. Some scattered showers in our future but not everybody will get them and certainly not at the same time but maybe enough to what some of the roads on your ride home. Well go to project all that for you coming up in just a bit back to you. All right sounds good well, another big story that were following for you this morning, big changes coming to the cal state and you see system. Those changes will impact 10s of thousands of students right here in the bay area kron 4 Sarah Stinson live at San Francisco State University with the latest this morning on those changes sarah. Robin thats right. The california State University system they decided for the fall semester to be mainly online classes and thats what students have been doing this semester. Its been looking like this on campus said sf state just nobody around everyones doing their Classes Online in virtually and the whole system will be doing that continuing on into the fall semester, this is the first. Type of Initiative Like this in the nation to continue on till fall semester and this will impact all 23 universities, including the 4 right here in the bay area. Sf state san jose state sonoma state and cal state east bay in hayward. Students will be experiencing a mainly virtual semester to protect the health of students and faculty from the spread of the coronavirus there are few exceptions to this some classes will be caught we will be taught in person like labs for example, nursing students in clinical classes will still have those in person classes who need hands on training. The president of s of state wrote in a letter very heartfelt letter to the campus explaining that she had to make this decision along with the chancellor of the entire see us use. Saying it would take a ton of protective equipment and testing if they wanted to continue on is in person plus is not only would that be expensive but it would also not even be a guarantee that a spread would occur on campuses state schools arent alone in this initiative, the university of california says its campuses are not likely to fully reopen for in person plus is either this mall that includes the systems 10 campuses and here locally that will impact u c Berkeley Students Officials Say theyre planning for a mixed approach a little bit different than the issue of which will involve both in person classes and online courses altogether more than a quarter of a million College Students in california will have to adjust like this by taking online courses only. And while it will be a gym adjustment is for the health and wellbeing of everybody involved but hopefully this sacrifice can get students back on campus because for freshman, this is a really hard hitting. I mean i cant imagine going into college and not even stepping foot on campus, not that socialization but hopefully it will pay off in the long run, im live in sf state Sarah Stinson kron 4 news yet so its understandable but its tough i mean that in Person College experience stress. Does it compare to taking classes. Online a virtual experience. Thank you sarah. Here in california butte in eldorado counties other first 2 counties that are going further into California Space 2 of reopening indoor and outdoor malls can now reopened for Curbside Pickup and office work can resume under new guidelines that were released yesterday car washes and pet grooming facilities can also reopen. Putin eldorado counties are now allowed to how people eat in restaurants shop in stores with modifications the 2 counties met the states testing and tracing criteria along with a mandate for no covid19 deaths and no more than one case per 10,000 people in the last 2 weeks. Recognize that were going to hear from folks saying well what about this circumstance that you never and we by definition want to be consider it. Well the state guidelines say that these counties still cannot open jams personal care salons parlors are is a religious services or weddings in person in person. The governor insists up 8 more counties could be added to the list of those allowed to go further than the rest of the state. Governor newsom also laid out new guidelines for restaurants when they reopen for dinein now many of them are emphasizing physical distancing and that includes having customers wait in their cars if theres a line also ensuring 6 feet of space between workers and customers and staggering shifts of possible. And also keeping the bar area close to customers ultimately it will be up to county officials to decide when its time to reopen their restaurants. Marotta lou owns San Franciscos were on an disease or restaurants. He says that hes moving now removing tables to allow for that 6 feet of physical distancing among customers he says thats possible. But not for cooks in the kitchen. Its possible to expect to kiss and that is you know 10 feet by 10 feet with for cooks to be able to operate and cook the foods that is necessary for them to survive into circumstances, the answer is not is now. Well dining inside a restaurant is the second part of phase 2 and San Francisco and 5 other bay area counties still are dull on part one of phase 2, San Francisco though has indicated it could happen as early as next week may 18th. But that will be tied to the rate of hospitalizations for covid19. Earlier this morning frontline medical workers at Novato Community hospital they were honored for their work and helping fight the coronavirus kron fours reyna harvey was there and she is live in nevada with that story this morning, yeah thats right. Its quiet out here now but thats because all the staffers of major way inside and theyre caring for the patients it was in nearly a 150 staffers that took that walk into work this morning take a look at the images that we got from them arriving to work to applause from the local Police Department out here as well as the Fire Department they were about 51st responders that lined the walkway here to applaud the First Responders as they walk into work again to get a chance to talk to some people who were working at the hospital this morning. And heres what they had to say about the heros welcome. Were just so incredibly proud of our team and during this time and so we cant do what we do without the First Responders of marine county and we just want to say thank you so much for doing this summit is a True Partnership between the hospital and our First Responders and i just its a wonderful thing that theyre doing today that to say thank you all Health Care Workers have been working with friendly hard during these challenging times. Now again they work about 12 hour long shifts here so definitely a lot of work being done in this hospital and from the workers that i got a chance to talk to today, he said they were just happy they were able to walk in and have this experience with one another for now reporting in nevada or in the harvey kron 4 news all right. Thank you reyna well check back with you a little later marty. Also happening today in just a couple of hours the California Air National Guard will be flying fighter jets over the state that includes right here in the bay area of course take a look at the map of their route theyll be all over the place today they should be flying over the east bay and oakland at about 1043. This morning so look to the skies if youre in the east bay, then in the south bay theyll be in san jose about 1055 that flyover is to salute and think local hair a Health Care Workers and First Responders for all of their efforts during the coronavirus pandemic. And coming up on the kron 4 morning news high and home sales in the bay area are picking up during the pandemic were going to take a look at what it means for the bay area Housing Market. And after the break more people are starting to fly again, but theres new concern over how airlines will enforce social distance seen in good morning welcome back to kron 00 04am morning news things looking pretty good out at sfo this morning, no delays to tell you about lets check in with dave who has never has any delays at his place high day. Haha get in some ways, yes, but anyway, good luck to you marty good morning everybody on quite a bit of cloud cover you can see from that shot there too. We say variable clouds on balance for the whole region and for the whole day because its going very the suns going to come out a little bit and spots but we also looking for some scattered showers. The shot from timber on a couple of hours ago were actually seeing some sun fill up some of the valleys there and now were kind of a fillup of clouds as you can see from the Golden Gate Bridge shot way off to the distance. We try to flip things around and still kind of gloomy looking here too as well. A little bit more traffic shaking and bacon there as well. Temperatures now for us were in the upper 50s the immediate they it looks like a perimeter 57 for a work freeman also San Francisco. 60 for oakland, 58 for concord and 56 going on for livermore an antioch up to the north bay. They got 50s going on too at 56 for napa course of overcast and recent rains. A lot of uniformity with those temperatures getting back to this rains business. We expect some scattered showers to traverse across the region will be some sun poking a little bit but that will carry us into the evening hours so potentially some wet roads and your drive home. Now tomorrow some morning rain that looks a little different than before looks like we can to get more of a morning shower event but still capable of some scattered showers on tap into the even the evening hours as well. But by friday, this really subsides we look for some warming as we get into friday, so variable clouds with a few showers are going on here cool with 60s for the bay 70s happening in london. For tomorrow with scattered showers heaviest in the north bay and then 4 weeks and clearing with inland warming highs near about 80 is what it looks like our forecast calling for 63 San Francisco 66 for oakland and 71 san jose. Were keeping an isolated shower down to the south bay with a few showers for the east bay and scatter for San Francisco, 71 any arc and 70 per conquered livermore in fremont and Mountain View all coming in at 69 was 71 for san jose or 60s up to the north bay and for the peninsula as well i get a little bit of a warmup were expecting for friday nothing like last week, however. And then in the long range forecast models we have another batch of rain a little train coming our way for sunday into monday that hopes to hold some more terms quantitatively and were seeing with this patch here robin whats going on highways and byways. Well its been pretty quiet throughout the morning we started off with the awesome heavier traffic on the san mateo bridge and now we have some countering crews in the way theyre blocking the left lane here just west of the toll plaza, its not abnormal to see caltrans work. In fact we seen a lot of it during the shelter in place because theyre taking advantage of the fact that we dont have as much traffic out there so do expect a little crowding here west 92 west of the toll plaza but youll get your relief at the high rise. Its a great trip into foster city and san mateo alright, lets get some more bridges, the bay bridge 80 west snow a road work in your way here its been a nice commute across the upper deck all the way into downtown San Francisco. Marty back to you. All right robin will new this morning former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released from federal prison because of concerns over the coronavirus manafort will be on home confinement instead, he was convicted as part of the special counsels russia investigation. Manafort was in the middle of a sevenyear sentence following his conviction. New Research Shows that people are starting to fly again. The numbers are not huge not yet anyway. But planes are beginning to fill up, however there is concern about a lack of social distancing on planes and just how far airlines will go to enforce it. Pete muntean reports. Packed in passengers might not be the norm right now according to Major Airlines but more scenes like this are raising new concerns about whether you can maintain socialdistancing while flying change or cancel a trip because of coronavirus and you are not entitled to a refund according to new guidance just laid out by the department of transportation, its as you can get your money back within a week if it is the airline that cancels but if you cancel what you get back is up to the airline in the u. S. More than half of all airliners are now parked but more passengers are stepping on board a shrinkrng fleet. The number of people passing through security has climbed to the highest level in 6 weeks were already seeing visiting friends or relatives cover backbone of our business were seeing that start to come back. Ah but its a very United Airlines will now warn passengers if a flight is near capacity and let them rebook even though it stresses that most flights are less than half fall all Major Airlines are now mandating that passengers where mass but are not guaranteeing that every middle seat will be empty. We need federal rules high ranking House Democrats say there is inconsistency and uncertainty in airline policies. And one federal agencies to act i they that we should quote. Carefully at whether or not we require distancing on airplanes. And that could require leading middle c. Open in a statement to cnn the f a a says its authority lies and safe operation of aircraft and that it is lending aviation expertise to Health Officials and Airlines Airline workers one more intervention is a smart way to do that. We need to ensure that were doing everything we get. Unnecessary additional annabelle risk. Without federal mandates Industry Groups say each airline is coming up with its own protocols frontier for instance will do temperature checks at the gate. And may turn you away with a fever higher than 100. 4 we believe youre safer. On board a frontier and most airlines also that matter the most the most the most votes. Well that was pete muntean reporting airlines are trying to entice flyers while some fares may be low. Its not something that the airlines will be able to do for a long one International Airline Association Says those middle seats are empty airlines will have to raise fair prices more than 50 just to break even ouch. Well the president of the university of california wants to end the use of s a t m a c t tests as admission requirements, instead she wants a homegrown test. Janet napolitano is recommending suspending the standardized testing until 2024 and to have a new test ready by 2025 education activists have long claimed the test put poor and minority students at a disadvantage and a decision could be made by the you see as early as next week. Coming up on the kron 00 04am morning news, a group of researchers at ucsf are working to find out how covid19 could affect women who are pregnant. And well take a live look outside at toll plazas cars are streaming into the city from the east bay looking pretty good well be right back. Were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden. Back a group of researchers at ucsf are looking for pregnant women to take part in the study. They have just a handful of donations and some small grants and theyre working to find out how covid19 might affect expectant moms, theyre going to focus on 10,000 women from all over the country kron fours michelle kingston has the story. We just dont know this is a new virus were learning new things about it every day that are surprising us and then lastly really rigorously look at what happens to pregnancies and and especially to develop their development and babies. Were were not necessarily in an oust Heather Huddleston is one of 6 investigators at ucsf working on a study to find out of covid19 affects pregnant women or their developing babies whats happening. Now youre hearing case reports coming out where theres like a handful of patients studied huddleston says not enough research has been done they plan to look at 10,000 pregnant women and their babies focusing on the first trimester they hope to answer questions like is it safe to get pregnant now are pregnant women at higher risk for severe illness if they get covid19 are women exposed during the first trimester at higher risk of miscarriage or preterm delivery and even if women dont get symptoms could the virus affect their pregnancy. Women who participate in the study will submit symptom tracking reports and collect finger stick blood samples from home at several points throughout their pregnancy but were hoping its actually are the babies. To rule passed in the first year light so we want to make sure were really im not just looking at what happens at delivery but looking how hes turned up and just making sure that there really isnt hasnt been significant. Concerning thing happening in the east bay, michelle kingston kron 4 news. Johns Hopkins University launched a free online course on Contact Tracing this week as more contact tracers are needed in the fight against coronavirus so that racers track down anyone who might have been affected by a person who was recently diagnosed with coronavirus this is so that they can quarantine themselves and prevent further spread. The 5 hour courses offered by the universitys Bloomberg School of Public Health, new york state alone is hiring up to 17,000 contact tracers and Johns Hopkins estimated the u. S. Will need at least a 100,000 contact tracers to safely reopen. Next as many parts of the country begin to reopen new research. Projects projects a possible increase in covid19 deaths good morning welcome back our top story, a 30 new research is increasing the project a death toll from the coronavirus here in the u. S. The university of washington study is now projecting 147,000 asked by early august thats 10,000 more than the model estimated over the weekend which is also higher than earlier projections university, researchers say that the reasons behind the latest increase vary from state to state. But it is pointing toward some common factors that include changes in testing and reopenings. Its a relaxed people have heard the message that got me out to become more mobile out there having more contact and were seeing the effects of already of that transition. Well the university of washington model has often been cited by the white house the model does have good news for some states, including georgia and indiana whose death toll projections have been lowered in california the model is projecting that the death toll will reach nearly 6,000. According to johns Hopkins University nearly 2900 people have died in california. So far. Well here in the bay area theyre almost 10,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus over 350 people have died from the virus. So far Santa Clara County which has been hit the hardest by covid19. Still has the most cases with 2300 infections and a 130 deaths you can find a complete list of cases broken down by county on our website kron 4 dot com. Well a bay area social media giant is now giving employees the option to work from home permanently San Francisco based twitter was one of the First Companies to adjust their Business Operations with employees for working from home in the wake of the covid19 pandemic and now Ceo Jack Dorsey is allowing twitter employees who would like to continue working from home. The ability to do just stops indefinitely. Now this is a move that has businesses and city leaders worried about what that could mean for the local economy. There was a significant amount of money given to these businesses to locate in this. In this location. We gave a lot of flexibility in terms of allowing them to have internal cafeterias and tax break on their payroll. And then them to them ultimately to decide that they would then go uh telecommute. Now without waiting for there to be a final decision on how the economy will evolve. I think is is the wrong direction to go in. According to a twitter block employees who want to return to the office will precautions. Experts believe that it wont be long before other Big Name Companies follow suit. Real estate web site zillow is reporting a resurgence in listings for higher end homes and right here in the bay area. Analysts are seen a similar trend thats despite an overall drop in all home listings during the pandemic kron 4 sweep to call reports it appears that sellers are gaining more confidence as more buyers are interested in making a move. Zillow economist skyler olson says the nation is seeing more high end homes listed on the market than any other kind possibly a sign sellers believe more buyers are looking to make a purchase. Olson says new listings are still down 39 overall from last year a dramatic drop accelerated by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic but overall new listings have been rising for 3 straight weeks and higher end homes appear to be outperforming whats considered more affordable our National Forecast has a steady Recovery Project into the future of probably 10 growth in the number of cells every month which would put us back to february numbers which honestly were looking. Mary much better than in previous years a part of every numbers around mid and of 2021 zillow an online real estate Database Company defines high end in the San Francisco metro area has million and above in the san jose metro area, the threshold for higher end homes as million. Last week in San Francisco, there was a 12. 4 increase in high end home listings and the 13. 3 increase in more affordable listings during that same time period in the south bay there was a 76. 7 increase in expensive listings compared to a 25. 1 increase in more Affordable Homes from frustrated shopping seasons with low low inventory. There are probably an not buyers reach a major life stages of Home Ownership people who come to at least look this all son says despite the paralyzing effects on the Housing Market caused by the pandemic home prices have stayed mostly steady, though she expects home values may fall some 3 nationally by october. The league told kron 4 news. A San Francisco company is helping hundreds of thousands of families in california with a valuable tool and the Coronavirus Fight for the first time in months students in pittsburgh return to campus. They were allowed to pick up the items they left inside classrooms and they also drove away with medical supplies 2000 families to comb digital thermometers and this is just a fraction of the 400,000 being donated to School Districts all across the state. Courtesy of San Francisco based tends to health. Are really amazing thermometers they provide Health Helpful tips for our families and theres an app that connects to the phone to provide tons of information back to the families. School leaders say theyre thankful to receive the hard to come by items and they know the small devices will provide a big boost to the families of the Coronavirus Fight. Some california families with children who are eligible for free or reduced School Lunches may be getting more state funding. This is all part of a new program introduced by governor newsome eligible families will get a one time payment of up to 365 for each child, the payments will be uploaded on to debit cards that should arrive in the mail between now and next friday. The cards can only be used to buy food and theyre accepted at most grocery stores, including walmart and online on amazon. If youd like some more information on how to apply you can visit our website at kron 4 dot com. And a developing story in San Francisco as police are still investigating a tuesday afternoon shooting it happened along the intersection of jewels and ocean avenues in the city. Thats near a valero gas station and a target store. The victim was rushed to the hospital with life threatening injuries. Not clear this morning if theres any information on the shooter or what led up to the shooting. Well update you as we learn more about this incident. Well along the peninsula after a string of sightings in just one week hikers on a popular trail. Theyre being warned to keep an eye out for Mountain Lions. Yes, the Sweeney Ridge trail has remained open during the coronavirus pandemic but within the last week look at that thereve been multiple big cat sightings out there now the san bruno Police Department. They put up some science and theyre asking folks to just be careful when youre out there hiking. And while some are taking precautions well not all are concerned about the Mountain Lions. So we trying to come to after they have a breakfast and then go take command, yeah i always wanted to see a Mountain Lion and going to i dont know why im fascinated with big cats and so ive always wanted to see one in person i just want it for my kuffar just want to see it. Yeah like real far like way over if you do encounter a Mountain Lion a couple of things that you need to remember dont run away thats the first thing you think about just run, but now they say dont do that and that could trigger the Mountain Lions instinct to chase after you. Instead you just want to stop just make as much noise as he can to try and scare it away and also keep an eye out for the small kids and the pets that you have with you and if youre walking just try to make sure you have a partner. Well coming up next a different way to celebrate High School Graduation how San Mateo County is modifying its shelterinplace order for vehicle base to gather us. I mean a warning king in washington as Congress Gets ready to vote on the next coronavirus from the package some groups say the americans that need the most help right now our seniors, ill have that story coming up. And a little peek outside before we go it looks like the caltrans work is out of the way earlier it was blocking the traffic the still crowded here on west thanks for sharing your diy haircuts. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. So thanks again. Tso is this. And so are these. They all represent something more. The feeling of home. Thats why were here. To help make your home be everything you want it to be. Because home is what unites us. The new Healthcare Research reveals at longterm care facilities like Nursing Homes are making up one 3rd of coronavirus to coronavirus deaths and in some states they count for half some groups are calling on congress to help Older Americans in the next Coronavirus Relief package. Our Washington Dc Court of some correspondent anna werner key has more. Its heartbreaking and really gut wrenching what were seeing happening in Nursing Homes right now bill sweeney with a or p says for most states at least a 3rd of coronavirus deaths are in longterm care facilities in some states, its more than half of the deaths in sweeney says those numbers are only going to get worse. He says nursing home residents are on the frontlines in the fight against covid they are older and most of them already have Chronic Health problems we need to be made a priority so that we can win the battle Mark Parkinson with the American Health care Association Says all of the Money Congress has appropriated so far has only helps hospitals and that made sense they were the focus of all of that. They also were being fought. That Nursing Homes were left behind parkinson is asking congress for billion in the next Coronavirus Relief package to go specifically to assisted living facilities. Thats enough to get the facilities for the summer with bind the additional equipment additional testing texas republican senator john cornyn says hes working with his colleagues to make sure the next round of funding goes directly to seniors is Older Americans. It is people with underlying chronic illness that are the most vulnerable and so it makes sense to me to 7. Put the money where its needed most the house could vote on the next round of Coronavirus Relief as early as friday. In washington, im anna warning key. Dallas were calling it variable clouds going on for today, but we do still have some scattered showers into the afternoon a look at the Area Temperatures upper 50s at this hour 60 going on for oakland, keep it here look at your forecast both in short term and long term caught 4 morning good morning, welcome back and were expecting another nice day around the bay area a little cool start to the morning, lets go ahead and find out more about todays forecast and a spar hi dave. A good morning morning, good morning, everybody assuring the skies with the clouds and sun clouds will have the upper hand with some scattered showers bring along with the road too. And well see some fog redevelop again for tonight, you know somewhat typical i guess on that ground. Heres a live shot of sfo going on here, we dont have any delays going on, but were still dealing with that cloud cover jumping to whats going to happen tonight now. After some of the scattered showers into the night will see the fog redevelop and spill into the Central Valley, this will be a kind of a. More the radiation fog type of variety weve expecting mid 70s for highs, it looks like in the Central Valley today, sacramento up to about 7063 San Francisco in moderation. Donna so cal only about a 70 or so so much cooler across the state entirely than anything we saw last week. Were expect a little bit of a warmup happening by the end of the week but nothing like last week going into motion here here those scattered showers in place into the afternoon and up to maybe whats roads as a writer and a ride home. Tomorrow, there comes a new dose of rain showers looks like its starting off in the north a little bit more intense and scattered showers into the afternoon. By that point were done and we start to clear out as you can see for friday and warming up a touch more and saturday looks pretty good too. Lets get to future rain totals, not great but were going to check him out anyway there you can see maybe barely a dime because santa rosa and most of the locations only hundreds of an inch. Adding tomorrows rain on top of that amounts still say still very much well under a quarter of an inch of rain. A trace role that the on with that but some locations picking up maybe perhaps a nickel with all of that too nice to add to the guard. I guess whatever some folks work hard and their neighbor tweets by now. There ought to the next couple of days here. We have a couple rain events then by friday clear now little bit warming up to about 70 or so not to talk about another rain event coming by sunday into monday oh yeah wave one on sunday and then another one on monday that second one will have some colder air aloft. It may drive maybe perhaps some claps of thunder and there may be potentially some hail fairly uneventful for the week ahead today were expecting 63 San Francisco oakland 6671 san jose with an isolated shower for the south bay across the wider bay lower 70s that work out to the delta middle to upper 60s on the east bay shoreline redwood city about 7069 for mountain dew and 71 for san jose, lining up for you theres the rain when were done and looks okay for friday saturday here comes for sunday monday another dose, temperatures remain mild to start into next week but the bay area roadways and highways in such robin bridges, whats going on. Checking in on the morning commute which is just about overweight. We had some heavier traffic earlier this morning. But now its looking pretty good here at the bay bridge toll plaza so your trip into San Francisco trouble free looks good on the upper deck in the skyway as well lets take a peek at another brit how about the richmond sandra fell no problems here from the east bay to the north bay, a nice connection to north and south one on one you can make it to one o 110 minutes so no problems for 5. 80 westbound and a peek at the golden gate traffic still light from nevado through sandra fell on through saw sileo and into San Francisco, we are still moving at the limit marty back to you ok robin Many Americans of course working from home in for moms a lot of moms that means double or triple duty. Well we just separate a celebrated mothers day on sunday, but many folks in our community are doing more during the pandemic to show moms just how much we care nadia romero has more in this report. A new study by lifestyle brand motherly Shows Millennial moms are stressed out and burn down with covid19 only making things more difficult thats why people across the nation are stepping up and working over time for moms. Family and friends gathered outside of spalding hospital cambridge massachusetts along with the front line workers who knew what was at stake for one of their patients. Isabel gonzalez battle covid19 and gave birth 6 weeks ago by emergency c section tuesday her successful fight against the virus was rewarded by holding her newborn baby for the first all my family that is here today nurses and doctors who helped thank you so Hawaiian Community showed the aloha spirit to a mother facing furlough after 37 years at the same hotel job. Her story of waking up hours before food bank open just to feed her kids and grandkids touch the community. A few days later they rally behind her to drop off a months worth of supplies for the family of 12 i just hope that if i was ever in that position. The community would come forward and help as well and one new york mother is helping other moms explain the covid19 pandemic to their kids by recreating covers 2 classic childrens books with a twist like green eggs and wash your hands. Stephanie trailing says its also a way to document these important times shes working with a nonprofit to publish or covers for charity. In washington, im nadia romero. The great stories. All right on the peninsula, San Mateo County has modified its shelterinplace order to allow for what theyre calling vehicle based gatherings. The countys Public Health officer signed the modification order meant to give students a way to celebrate their graduation at a drivein movie but there are some restrictions. The events would have to be held in a place thats large enough like parking lot so theres enough social distancing road between the cars and only people from the same household could be in a car together gatherings of 10 cars are more require security or Police Presence and then theres also a limit of 200 cars per event. One party time people can get out to for example walk across the stage for their photo op and collect their diploma. And take some nice pictures but then they have to get back in their car. And when are people need to make sure they have their Face Covering on i feel as though we actually better at this, i mean this. Police are there was late in your experience, it well this order was written with graduation ceremonies in mind but it could also affect Church Services which could also be held in this manner. The new order does not allow for an impromptu parking lot party, all plants need to be submitted in advance for review. Kron 4 is proud to salute the class of 2020 and this morning we want to congratulate jaleesa camille julies a is graduating from James Logan High School in union city where shell be pursuing a career in nursing at Hawaii Pacific university fantastic. Well you can let us know about a graduate in your life as well go to kron 4 dot npcom to find salute to grads 2020 under the news tab and then submit a picture of your graduate. Let us know the high school at the graduate attended and whats next for he or she. Well take you outside for a live look at conditions and the sfo this morning where things are drying out following yesterdays rain an kron fours honoring bay area residents who are doing some great things in their community during this pandemic and today were highlighting Design Tech High School in redwood city. Its found a way to celebrate its graduating seniors teachers and administrators surprise them recently at their homes with the small Graduation Ceremony was also Man High School Officials Say theyll continue to find more ways to recognize all students. And you can spotlight someone whos making a difference in your community as well we have a special section on our web site called kron 4 heroes and all you have to do is fill out a quick form to let us know about your hero you can find the page on our website at kron 4 dot com. And we can find a spar at home telling us all about the weather forecast, lets check in with them now hi dave. A good morning. Marty good morning, everybody and still fighting to quite a bit of cloud cover across the bay. We are at this hour. Still dont like kind of mostly cloudy skies, although it will be some breaks happening there and we got some scattered showers on tap here is the shot from timber on the golden gate off towards the distance most bay Area Temperatures weather poking through the lower 60s but mostly in the mid to upper 50s across most of the real estate, the breakdown for you today. Well were keep quite a bit of cloud cover around by midafternoon. We have a few school in scattered showers and about 68 or so by midafternoon a watch out maybe some wet roads and your commute home back to you. All right sounds good. Thank you dave. Coming up in the next hour teslas getting the green light to continue operations as long as it delivers on certain safety precautions. The latest details on the agreement between the company and Alameda County thats coming up in a live report. Plus a big surprise for a big surprise announcement from cal state schools. The changes that students can expect when the fall semester begins. This is one. So is this. And so are these. They all represent something more. The feeling of home. Thats why were here. To help make your home be everything you want it to be. Because home is what unites us. Good morning. Thanks a lot for joining us on the kron 00 04am morning news on Marty Gonzales were going to get right to our top story this wednesday morning. The clash between Alameda County and tesla now appears to be over the county Health Department announcing late last night that the tesla factory in fremont will be allowed to go beyond basic operations kron fours will tran has been watching the activity at the tesla factory in fremont throughout the morning and he has the latest will. Can go beyond basic operations if they proved Alameda County Health Officials that they are doing everything that they can to make sure that their employees are safe marty and also all the Health Indicators are either stable or going down obviously theyre talking about coronavirus cases you can see all the cars behind me at the tesla plant it was so full yesterday one ilan mosque told the workers on monday i will defy the shelterinplace order and said my workers back and sure enough thats exactly what they did yesterday and even President Trump he chimed in and supported ilan mosque, so they negotiated all

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