Happening there the past 3 nights. There have been reports of gunshots here in louisville again these are live pictures they are protesting the death of george floyd in louisville. Theyre also protesting the death of Brianna Taylor. She is it you are tech who was fatally shot by police when they stormed her house some 2 months ago. But they remember what happened to Brianna Taylor and the death of george floyd has only really intensified what happened there you see people out in the rain tonight in louisville and what is happening in minneapolis is certainly a sight to see as the 3rd Police Precinct is currently burning to the ground. More than 500 National Guard soldiers have been deployed in minnesota there right now waiting with firefighters presumably to go clear a path. So the firefighters can start to put out the fire at the Police Precinct at the target across the street and in many other places in minneapolis again that is a live picture that were looking at from louisville. There are protesters in oakland in denver throughout the country, columbus ohio. It is a night of unrest once again tonight as we welcome u n say good evening, im grant lotus thanks for being here tonight at 10 and im Vicki Liviakis the country is dealing with 2 grim realities tonight. The coronavirus the death toll has now surpassed 101,000. Experts say that that means an average of almost 900 americans die each day since the first known coronavirus related death nearly 4 months ago, and as we mentioned unrest is following the shock and anger, they pored through communities all across the country as video of George Floyds last moments alive circulated on social media. And that video course of the incident was taken by a bystander on memorial day and the fbi is now investigating the incident want to show you the video that sparked the investigation, but of course. If you havent seen it we do want to warn you that the video is disturbing. And you see it. This all started when Police Responded reportedly to a call about an alleged forgery in progress at a Grocery Store police say they found the suspect in a car. And they say he physically resisted the arrest officers say after the man was handcuffed floyd he appeared to be suffering. The medical distress. The video shows one of the officers putting his knee on the mans neck and that lasted for at least 9 minutes. Floyd can be heard on the bystanders video complaining that he couldnt breathe. He was calling out for his family members. And he was screaming writhing in pain for several minutes before eventually and chillingly he went silent. Floyd was taken to the hospital once paramedics showed up. Police say he was unresponsive. When First Responders arrived on scene that situation has led to the chaos and the violence happening tonight in minneapolis this is video maybe the best example of the rage that its palpable tonight, this is the 3rd Police Precinct on fire. The 4 officers who have since been fired worked at that station the crowd is standing around some of them chanting some of them cheering. The reason that this is the building that was targeted is because of the officers who were involved in floyds death. They worked there as of monday. The officers who still work there tonight were forced to evacuate once theyre building was compromised in the lobby was set on fire since then. The bulk of the building appears to be engulfed in the city. The city minneapolis just tweeted about half hour ago saying that it is hearing. Reports that gas lines have been cut around the building and other explosive materials are in the building so the city right now is urging everyone to get away from that building in case of explodes, yes, certainly explosive emotions tonight, but thats not the only fire that started in minneapolis tonight. This building is also up in flames as you can see the protesters are demanding justice because the officers involved in floyds death have been fired, but not arrested or not charged in his death. Even here at home thousands of miles from minneapolis protesters in the east bay rallied at several locations today demanding justice for floyd as well as a local man who was shot in his front yard yesterday when first Ella Sogomonian is live for us in the newsroom with a look at those protests l a. They can grant earlier tonight, people marched in the streets outraged by the images from floyds last moments take a look as a group walk together down broadway and 9th streets in oakland in protest of Police Brutality then broke off at the Police Headquarters on 7th street where one man was seen holding up a sign that reads black Community Control of police and over in hayward the intersection of west winston in santa clara avenue was shut down by another protest. Help for the same reason in solidarity with mourners in minneapolis while also demanding justice for bay area, locals who may have been questionably killed and recent times hayward man identified by family members as eric was aaliyah who was tased and then shot yesterday on his front lawn as officers arrived he is still alive but their protesters believe that Excessive Force was used. He died it here for their protests and police come from Hayward Police released the body camera video of the incident that ended with shots fired over it. Bahama avenue in Sleepy Hollow drive. Pd reports of people called 911 saying that were saw he was agitated and chasing somebody on a motorcycle then banging on doors. Officers shot him saying that he held a knife. A group of about 50 people chanted for justice at the Hayward Police department and all protests here in the bay area have been peaceful so far live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you ella George Floyds brother is speaking publicly tonight. He says that black americans are simply tired of seeing the same thing every day when it comes to how people of color are treated in the u. S. Well before most or will never change. Every body is reacting up okay. But mean that every day. A tata said the same thing over everybody will injustice. Its just the point they used a justice for black people black lives matter. The president says he has ordered the department of justice to investigate the case that is in addition to the fbi. And local Law Enforcement. The asked if he had spoken to George Floyds family yet he said that he hadnt but felt very badly about the situation and called the video of floyds arrest shocking. Very shocking. Se cupp and attorney general fbi and the attorney general to take a very strong. Look and see what went on because i was a very very bad thing that i saw i saw last night and i didnt like it. The Police Officer should be prosecuted im not going any now i can tell you i think what i saw was not good was not good for that. The president says he has ordered the department of justice to investigate the case thats in addition to the fbi and local Law Enforcement and as we mention they a Justice Department and fbi are also conducting an investigation into George Floyds death. Kron 4 says he could you talk to a bay area civil rights Attorney John Burris about potential charges in minneapolis. That is a murder case for a Second Degree murder or has more. You and these are important questions civil rights Attorney John Burris answers, some of the legal questions surrounding the death of george floyd who died on may 25th 20 20 while in custody of officers with the minneapolis Police Department the incident recorded on cell phone video that has been seen nationwide. Here you have a man as he is disney what is next in the mens grieving, sandy in green. And you continue to do it. Well, whoever is the question when asked with mouse, you know, and so well, then you may have a murder case here what would be the potential charge if the officer thought the use of force was justified and i might say that you did you kill him first i wasnt at the kind of hold and out. Well that may put him in a situation of a negligent in and that in there obama are honest and mistaken belief that degree of force was it was necessary that get your gun violence and mass for the 4 officers involved in the incident were fired within 24 hours. Something the civil rights Attorney Says he cant recall seed in over 40 years of practicing law capping that happened so quickly. Burns believes the chief likely made the unusual decision to fire the officers after see their Police Camera videos after 2 were going to take a new position. Second when he was taken without first having seen the body. Warren camera john burris says he is not surprised that theres been no arrest or any charges filed as of yet in the floyd case he says that is typically because it takes at least a week or 2 to complete the investigation before any charges are filed. Has it made you kron 4 news. Tonight Bay Area Police are speaking out about George Floyds death proper received a joint statement from San Francisco, san jose and Oakland Police saying in part. What we saw on that video is inconsistent and contrary to everything that weve been taught not just just Law Enforcement but as human beings. The statement also says the departments cannot see any Law Enforcement or selfdefense rationale for what happened and they send their sympathies to floyds families and the Oakland Police chief released a statement that reads in part the men and women of the oakland Police Department are deeply disturbed at what we observed in the video involving george floyd and the minneapolis Police Department we at the oakland Police Department train and practice that all of our officers treat every individual with dignity. And respect. California is approaching a sobering milestone as the number of coronavirus cases inch closer to 100,000 tonight, the death toll in the state is now at more than 3,000. And the numbers here california cases 90,631. In the deaths of 3,708. This of course comes as San Francisco mayor london breed revealed target dates for when many San Francisco businesses are up to open to the roadmap to reopening as its called has been broken up into 4 phases. These are target dates in the target date for phase 2 a is theyre calling it is june 1st that includes child care and some businesses including dog groomers they can get back open face 2 bs target date june 15th that is a big one it includes Outdoor Dining. Most indoor retail, religious Services Summer camps and pro sports with no fans. Face to see is targeted to begin on july 13th that is when Indoor Dining can resume in harris lawns could reopen. Phase 3 could begin in mid august that is when schools would reopen, bars would be able to welcome back customers along with gyms and nail salons and the final phose is phase 4 there is not even a target date for that that includes big events things like sporting events with fans concerts and festivals. But the first key date would be june 15th and thats when restaurants could reopen with outdoor seating bars that dont serve food would have to potentially wait until august. Our first Taylor Bisacky spoke to bar and Restaurant Owners tonight. She joins us now live with their reaction taylor. Well since the shelterinplace orders theres been many unknowns for these businesses so the good news is that they now have a target date and they can start planning for that date. However, the bad news is that this timeline will still lead to many closures, especially for bars. San francisco restaurants will move from Curbside Pickup 2 dining on the actual curb after the city announced a timeline for restaurants to reopen with Outdoor Dining only well owner of the monks kettle net color is optimistic that just feels great like ok this weve got you know so in 2 and a half weeks to really. Truly work through what this means he says Outdoor Dining will still present challenges can really only get. The life for rush. 4 tables may be fine for lucky, which is why we can also see many restaurants proved to reservations only i would be surprised if there. If the majority of restaurants in the city dont switch the resignation of all just because. The imperative of maintaining clean sanitary environment is so high according to the citys timeline Indoor Dining could resume mid july that bars, the dont serve food arent included since theyre part of the 3rd phase of the governors reopening plan. The city hopes pars will be able to reopen in mid august and uses were pretty frustrated by the august 13th time were hoping to be lumped in with with a restaurant sunday on the same Time Restaurants are then blind unfounded the San Francisco bar lines in on several bars like tonic in teeth. Hes pushing for the city to also allow bars to reopen with outdoor seating in june like the restaurants are hoping that bars are able to partner with restaurants and like i said this could be a very mutually beneficial arrangement were you know bars for required certainly by state law. If theyre not sure about side and restaurants need to sell more food because theyre only able to sell it outside if not. He says a lot more bars will be forced to close before making it through the summer but if they persevere coming customer fears will be the next big hurdle. The biggest challenge is going to be making sure that customers feel safe and like their unhealthy environment when they need to really feel like places are going above and beyond. Well as you can imagine having outdoor spaces for these businesses is going to be key. Thats why the city recently announced a new program that will allow these restaurants to use some of the public spaces like sidewalks and streets for. Outdoor outside dining thats for free and the city still hasnt released yet though what streets will or can be used in cant be used reporting live in San Francisco taylor sackey kron 4 news right taylor, we have some breaking news tonight in Sonoma County the Sheriffs Department has announced that it will no longer. In force the local health order and now the board of supervisors is responding to that decision it released a statement on twitter that reads in part quote is with disappointments that the Sonoma County board of supervisors found out today about the sheriffs decision to not enforce our local health order. Well. We had knowledge the communitys frustration with the situation and the desire to return to some normalcy the sheriffs message has had the unfortunate effect creating confusion in our community. The Sonoma County board of supervisors stands behind the decisions of our health officers. Its unclear what this means moving forward for businesses and residents of the county. And back now to minneapolis more breaking news as a Police Precinct has. Burned to the president has just tweeted within the past 20 minutes or so he says i cant stand back and watch this happen to a Great American city minneapolis a total lack of leadership either the very weak radical left mayor jacob frey get his act together and bring the city under control or i will send in the National Guard and get the job done right. These dogs and im quoting the president are dishonoring the memory of george floyd and i will let that happen just spoke to governor tim walton told him that the military is with him all the way any difficulty and we will assume control but when the looting starts. The shooting starts. Thank you. Again that coming from the president in a series of tweets within the past 20 minutes or so as we mentioned the 3rd Police Precinct in southern minneapolis which is where the 4 officers involved in the death of george floyd worked up until earlier this week they were employed and based out of that precinct and that is the precinct that. Protesters tonight of taking control of and are currently burning to the ground. So well keep you posted there in minneapolis but a somber a somber and scary situation certainly. For all involved and we want to take you now to denver colorado. That is where hundreds of people marched earlier today near the capital this protest ended with shots fired. Unclear who fired a gun so far no injuries have been reported. But protesters after a brief break were back out on the streets tonight. And back to our other local top stories have a cisco establish a stronger mask requirements for people leaving their homes beginning just before midnight people will have to wear masks in most outdoor situations across the city. Our first and thorne is getting reaction to the new order. He has that story in San Francisco, san franciscans must now wear face masks outside of their homes and when interacting with others under a new health order before the city was only requiring people to wear the masks in mostly indoor situations but now maskwearing has been expanded to outdoor use as well i think its good i the more we can you know. Look like have low risk for all of all of this bad of potential the bet is chelsea schoenberg and her friend sarah demand as like getting out to enjoy places like golden gate park. They say theyve observed not enough people Wearing Masks when out and about i wish more people would wear it just to be safe. But i see a lot of people without him the new order is mandating people who are exercising less than 30 feet from others or when passing people on the sidewalk to have a mask on. David miss raw. He says the stronger mask requirements might be a little too much, i the 6 feet social distancing is probably 30 feet with a mask on at all times probably a little bit of overkill. It is raw he fears if the city tries to push some rules too hard it will turn people off and hurt progress people might start lashing out and the only way that they can which is to not wear a mask and not practice social distancing. I think the measures that were taking right now are, im perfectly fine. Others say the maskwearing expansion is just a small price to pay for the greater good better be safe than sorry i mean whats one little mask. Like the harm you nothing like if you could potentially get it by the way im asking that it be safe. In her thursday afternoon covid19 update San Francisco mayor london breed said businesses have the right to turn away anyone who is not wearing a face mask, what she is asking individuals to not confront others for not wearing the masks, reporting in San Francisco, dan thorn kron 4 news now the big story in washington, the president signed an executive order in hopes of limiting the legal protections. That social media giants like facebook and twitter happen it comes to whats posted on their platforms. Hes hoping to make it easier for federal regulators to argue theyre suppressing free speech when imposing their own standards though its unclear if this order will be enforceable and it will almost certainly face some legal challenges kron fours gayle ong joins us now live with reaction from a tech analyst gayle what did he tell you. Scranton vicki, there are serious doubts about the president s proposal and whether it can survive judicial scrutiny. When they try to silence views and they disagree with by selectively applying a fact check fact checked f a c t fact check signing an executive order thursday President Donald Trump is accusing social Media Companies of censoring voices notably bay area tech giants Twitter Facebook and google this after twitter fact check 2 of his tweets this week that made misleading claims about voting by mail in the 2020 elections, the executive order makes it easier to sue social Media Companies spent a lot has changed. I dont believe the president is on the force mundanity as much latitude because the judges should support the losses so far congress and the law of the land. A pending change kron ons spoke to tech analyst rob and early who was concerned about a political divide. Its certainly going to alienate the social Media Companies from both him and the Republican Party and probably will teach twitter. Or my twitter that they probably should have and the president and maybe the next time that they will and hurley says twitter may be overmatched against the government and says. That twitter is not in the same financial situation at school on facebook to fight this kind of battle twitter Ceo Jack Dorsey tweeted wednesday the social media platform will continue to fact check. Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg told fox news he believes facebook should not be the arbiter of truth. Legal experts say trumps proposal may be unconstitutional because the risk infringing on the First Amendment rights of private companies, reporting live gayle ong kron 4 news. Still ahead tonight more fallout after a white woman who called police on a black man in central park during an encounter involving her unleashed dog. What civil rights advocates are calling on right. Plus a republican lawmakers sparking outrage among some of his peers after he tested positive for covid and then waited weeks to go public with his diagnosis. We welcome back there could be some changes coming to the Paycheck Protection Program thats the program set up to help Small Businesses with emergency loans during the pandemic today. The house voted to make the loan more flexible hopefully making them more accessible in the process, currently Small Businesses at 8 weeks she used the money to qualify for loan forgiveness with this bill they have 24 weeks. They would also let them use more of the money to pay their employees and they could differ payroll taxes. The legislation heads to the senate now they will be back in session next week. Coming up more and more bay area businesses getting ready to reopen, but who will help implement the new health and safety rules we will take a look at the guidelines and how theyll be enforced. And a man falsely claims botox can core can cure Coronavirus Health 30 the weathers perfect. Family is all together and we switched to geico; saved money on our boat insurance. How could it get any better than this . Dad, i just caught a goldfish theres no goldfish in this lake. Whoa its pure gold. Were gonna be rich. Were gonna be rich it only gets better when you switch and save with geico. Feel like getting back out there . Nissan is ready to help you with a bold, awardwinning lineup. And great offers. Kick off summer. With no payments for 3 months. Plus, well cover your payments for up to 2 more months. Or get 0 financing on 13 models for up to 84 months. It would be really business as usual when these businesses in the bay area all of them are finally back open, he catches open the door let everybody in owner certainly are going to have to figure this all out how do you implement these new health and safety rules and to challenge ship so who is making sure that theyre following those guidelines kron fours michelle kingston gives us a look. As businesses across the bay area begin to reopen many have new guidelines and procedures they must follow in order to keep their staff and their customers safe county Health Departments tell kron 4 news individual jurisdictions are responsible for policing the businesses and making sure theyre following the new orders our emphasis here is not to. Look to Issue Citations or the to enforce just for the city which we really want this to be an educational process, San Mateo Police chief ed barberini says his officers have been working with Business Owners since midmarch and say the new waters are learning curve for everyone he says they will educate first before issuing citations and you see that we have been in force when to say were going for some. Were going to be every opportunity to compliance with your says will be doing certainly manner in a manner that is is just is meant to educate chief barberini says officers assigned to the downtown area will work to maintain relationships with the Business Owners to ensure theyre following the guidelines to keep everyone safe. He says so far his department has been appreciated that the communitys cooperation as they navigate this process together we understand the trials and the challenges that are going through and were hopeful that if we we do this right. We dont have to do to get into if we can get through this difficult period. That you know what we better off war in san mateo michelle kingston kron 4 news. There is more animosity than normal in Pennsylvania State capitol after republican lawmaker from harrisburg he did his Coronavirus Diagnosis for most of his colleagues representative andrew lewis says he tested. He got tested 2 weeks ago, learned of the positive test results last week but stayed quiet until yesterday. He says out of respect for his family and others in his circle. After some republicans learned of the positive diagnosis last week when he did house gop human resources. Officials notified people. But they say been within 6 feet of him for about 10 minutes. And all of them subsequently isolated themselves again. Thats according to gop leadership. House democrats say theyre now doing their own Contact Tracing trying to determine who may have been near lewis and others who have selfisolated democrats are furious that lewis may have infected fellow lawmakers. Every single day there are gerrymandered Republican Leadership has been calling us up into the building so they can pass these ridiculous bills pretending that it was it was safe to be out there they were covering up that it wasnt safe. No idea how the people around you are impacted and thats why its so important to notify people. So heres what needs to happen. Heres what i think needs to happen. First of all mike turzai the speaker of the house needs to resign. And any member of leadership that is known what was going on any member of Republican Leadership that knew that members were testing positive that other members were being quarantined and did not tell those of us who are exposed to those members needs to be investigated by the attorney general. I think there needs to be prosecutions. The republicans have the majority and pennsylvania and those republicans defeated a democratic proposal. They would have adjourned session for more than a week to make time to change the policy on the illness disclosures. Well botox does not cure covid19 thats the message stanislaw county is sending out to its residents. The warning comes after an anonymous tipster claimed a scammer is trying to sell the drug to unsuspecting families. Kay recede has the story. The covid19 is its south modesto hard with so many positive cases in the predominantly Latino Latina community here. Ive seen says the scammers now preying on their fears offering a fake tour somebody who identified himself as being a doctor from mexico. That was in modesto offering to give injections just a bosley botox to help cure covid19. Unfortunately there is no magic drug shot or anything else for that matter that will cure the Novel Coronavirus at this time no matter what the price was charging people 300 to get this some said shot now stanislaw county along with groups such as south partnerships are warning families of the fraudster make sure. That they are safe first and foremost and number 2 that they informed with the right resources in right directed says asa pala says he and other organizers have reached out on the phone via text email and social media for a on the grassroots ground level making telephone calls in and theyre counting. Theyre calling their 5 to 10 people in. It is going that way so far no one has reported to have been duped by the dubious doctor. I was kay recede reporting for us tonight deputies say because of the limited information theyre not sure just how many people have fallen victim to the scam weather time as we take a break from a crazy newsnight and turn to our meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez, im of greece uh. Either grant vicki yeah, lets take a look at todays daytime highs because inland areas youre finally going to get a break from the hot temperatures and back concord near triple digits today warming up to 96 degrees but take a look at downtown San Francisco only warming up to 62 degrees. Thanks to that strong sea breeze and the return of that marine layer all day long so you were actually below average so it 35 degree difference between our coastal areas and our warmest interior valleys and out there somewhere right now is the east bay over berkeley believe it or not just socked in with that dense low cloud cover and temperatures around the bay area shoreline widespread mid to upper 50s and finally cooling down into the 60s and 70s for most of our interior valleys. Antioch just to put it in perspective this should be your average daytime high 78 degrees and youre hitting that right now at this 10 oclock evening hour in her wind speeds for the most part pretty breezy throughout the day, especially along the coast, thanks to that stronger on shore flow in fact the Marin Headlands actually reported wind gusts of 40 Miles Per Hour. According to a weather spotter and tomorrow were going to see widespread gusts upwards of 35 Miles Per Hour less around the bay area so fortunately below advisory level but overnight lows tonight cooling down finally into the 50s for most of our interior valleys and along the coast and tomorrows daytime highs, anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees of cooling or most of our inland spots so said of being in the 80s and 90s are going to be in the 70s and 80s with widespread 60s and 70s along the coast and along the bay and stormtracker 4 tracking that storm to the south pushing him that ticker blanket of low and high cloud cover tonight and we could see some scattered showers as early as tomorrow night for about a quarter of an inch of rain or less the higher amounts in the north bay and the threat of possible popup thunderstorms saturday morning and saturday afternoon sun you could see light scattered showers arriving purse for those of you in the north bay very hit or miss in nature but then we are going to dry out and clear out saturday night into your sunday as well and then a warmer outlook and drier outlook ahead after saturday. Fortunately, no heat waves in the 10 day forecast after today, were going to be dry and near average for the remainder of the upcoming dates back to you grant vicki. Thank you murray said we continue to follow the protests in minneapolis tonight images. Getting out of control once again 3rd night in a row. This is in denver though happening across the country. Police using tear gas here to disperse demonstrators. Numerous similar scenes playing out all over the u. S. Tonight. And this year is a shop that protesters set on fire it is one of several businesses. Burning tonight in minneapolis. Also on fire that 3rd Police Precinct where the 4 officers involved with George Floyds death worked as of earlier this week they have since been fired. But not arrested or charged in that is part of what is sparking all this unrest, meanwhile, a controversial social media posts by a Washington State wrestling coach is sparking outrage School Officials are now investigating. And this post offended the minneapolis Police Officers after that video surfaced in which george floyd was killed timing with tasa spoke to the coach who says his post is not racist. I will not race man i dont have that in me. I turned to have that in i didnt still hadnt done. Dave holland that will be the first to admit his Facebook Post is insensitive. Im sorry. Offended anybody that was not my point i was trying to show something. The first are but the wrestling coach is pictured with a knee pressed into his back saying not dead yet hes referring to the minneapolis Police Officer seen in this video pinning his knee on George Floyds neck while hes handcuffed begging to breathe. He later died the 4 officers of the arrest were fired. I have a specialty in fighting on the ground. And uh i know that just bring your knee on the bacchus and hes next to me. I would say that thats not lead to death. I was completely. That the parents like jordan. Edwards say theyre outraged really quite frankly sick. That people trust with their kids. I was speaking to interpret things such a horrifying situation and the manner that he did School District leaders say an investigation is underway and hollenbeck is still considered an employee, but some parents are calling for the coach to be fired that picture and the caption that picture definitely issued a gray shows tendencies hallenbeck says he didnt want his posted divide an already fractured world, the picture was not intended to be racist. 10 with toss of reporting there tonight some people have raised questions about how backs tattoos to which he has responded that one is the logo from a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu association. Well the racist incident between a white woman with her dog who her dogs offleash in a new york central park. Area where you cant have dogs off leash because there are protected animals in there. She was calling the police here saying her words that an African American liz. Threatening her. The man who is just telling the woman to put her dog on a leash was involved with his birdwatching hobby and this video has prompted reaction worldwide as well as the video out of minneapolis and in the video. The woman. Amy cooper is her name she threatened at first to call police on Christian Cooper, who by the way is a harvardeducated africanamerican birdwatcher who incorrectly told her that she was in violation by not putting your dog on a leash in that whats known as the ramble section of central park that too was on monday and now there are calls for the citys human rights advocate of 4 amy cooper, be criminally charged and so far any cooper. Has been fired from her Financial Executive position. But still city leaders and local activists are calling for stronger measures against her but Christian Cooper said this about the desired outcome. It leads to people understanding that its really important to keep dogs on a leash and protected areas, then its good. The nypd issued a statement in response to criticisms leveled against the department it said we do not have a complaint on record from either party in this case we have been in the process of reviewing the incident we will go where the evidence leads. Still ahead tonight, tom hanks is giving back with a special sort of donation after successfully recovering from covid19 details ahead and sharks 7 officially started their offseason workouts after the break well hear from th when you need it, jack delivers order on uber eats, postmates and grubhub. My new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so when you need it, jack delivers irresistible youll want them whenever, so dont resist pop em while you game, hang, or do your thing. Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. Large crowds may be a thing of the past for Sports Events at least. Right now but meant be nice to have him back some sports venues theyre testing out ways to keep the audience experience even without our audience. Jeanne moos reports. Now fans at games have gone the way of the dinosaur imagine contest played in empty stadiums no now excitement. No waiting times but now theres an app for that by using the and can send your support directly to the states. Where its transmitted by loudspeakers 58 loud speakers at this japanese stadium for Yamaha Corporation that its first test that a soccer game us can tap to send applause cheers, tears, claps reaction was divided this sounds pretty cool and yes, there is even a bu but newt. Depending on the number of people and the number of times the buttons a tap excited increase. A little too much excitement earlier this month when a south Korean Soccer Team was fined 81,000 for using stalls to fill up the seats. The club said the supplier called them premium mannequins it was pretty embarrassing for the guy. Who proposed the one on the jumbotron regular blowup dolls are using the emptiness of social distancing at a South Carolina restaurant. While classy mannequins in vintage outfits act is silent standins at this 3 michelin star ian in virginia. In silence at this german soccer game with no fans allowed. Artificial crowd noise was added to the televised version and fox sportscaster joe buck says when the nfl season gets under way i know theyll do it theyre looking at ways to put virtual fans missed and so when you see a wide shot it looks like the stadium jampacked it may be the most cheer end up sharing up fans at home theres even a button labeled canes with have failed just dont squeak by. Cnn new york. Tonights weve doubled our speeds the fastest just we steal the longtime a public address announcer at the Oakland Coliseum died on thursday in his home in auburn. The oakland as released a statement shortly after his passing it reads we mourn the loss of the voice of god, roy steele who passed away today in his home at the pa voice of the as for nearly 4 decades his booming baritone filled the coliseum from the mustache gang to billy ball to the bash brothers and moneyball loved by all he touched the lives of generations of these fans. We send our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. Yesterday the nhl released its plans for when the season resumes and as we learn that plan will include the sharks and while the organization was disappointed, you cant really complain all that much when you have the second worst record in hockey. The sharks came into this season with High Expectations they were one year removed from the western conference finals series where they felt in 6 games to the eventual stanley cup champs. But san jose never mustered up any momentum in 2020 the finished second finished with a 2936 in 5 were just 17 to not make the playoff but their captain looking good core said this season has left him more motivated than ever this. Santos with this long break. Yeah, its a its time for guys to get prepared. Motivation should be an all time high for her everyone, i mean we have a year like this you want to come back and prove people it was just a fluke we believe that were good team and all the pieces now room to and to be successful. We need to go and do it. The shark should bounce back to have a lot of talent going into next year. Thats your look at sports speck to you guys. I appreciated jason some Entertainment News now including the bay area native tom hanks and a covid19 update as well as a must for music fans whose david daniel with the hollywood minute. Now that tom hanks no longer has the coronavirus hes giving back literally hank shared photos on instagram indicating hes donating plasma to help others with the virus plasma from people life hanks who have recovered from covid19 may have antibodies that could potentially help those fighting the illness. By the time the 13 most of anything her entire life Indian American students have won the Scripps National spelling bee for the past 12 years the Netflix Documentary spelling the dream looks at 4 students competing for that prize what drives them and the costs of their dreams, the film debuts june 3rd. The legendary in excess wembley arena show live baby live is coming home as youve never seen it before. The concert film has been restored from the 35 millimeter negative 2, 4, k ultra hd with more than 20 times greater resolution and the original dvd release its available on disk and digital download to 26 in hollywood, im david. One of the streaming services youve been hunkered down with the is staying home to netflix will not be participating in any festivals this season that means no films are talent. To the top festivals in telluride new york in venice, but the streaming giant told indiewire that theyre still going to sponsor some festivals this year these festivals are key for producers and media to get word out about their movies and even pick up some early oscar buzz now the question is will the festivals themselves go on. Thats up to the organizers of course who could go virtual or cancel them altogether because of the pandemic. No prom because of the pandemic well no problem according to a 7 yearold boy who goes above and beyond to make his babysi i havent this a babysitter in North Carolina could attend her High School Prom because of the outbreak but she had a special bash thrown just for her by a 7 yearold boy. Who she used to babysit. Well this is the curtis rogers. He hadnt seen his babysitter rachel in 2 whole months of course because of covid19 and he said he just wanted to throw her a prom. So curtis had the whole night planned out from their favorite after school snack, which is Peanut Butter and apples the appetizer to using a pool noodle to of course maintain a safe social distance what a guy that they both look good. Yeah, ill say that thats cute dressed to the nines rose babysitter a prom party. Well. I think we needed a little smile on our faces what we have. Then witnessing this evening as we get a final check on the forecast with our meteorologist time of recent. Either going to they were definitely the undisputed king and queen of their prom tonight, lets take a look at our bay area forecast because we are noticing some changes out their dens marine layer you can barely make out the San Francisco skyline from this camera shot and temperatures cooling down into the 50s and 60s antioch those still stubborn in the upper 70s, but it its the mid 90s that you were at earlier today overnight lows cooling down into the mid to upper 50s for most of the bay area, including our inland valleys out of that seat advisory which expired a little bit earlier today. Tomorrows daytime highs slightly above average but were going to see about 5 to 15 degrees of cooling for interior valleys. Downtown San Francisco warming up to 67 degrees oakland in the mid 70s with widespread upper 70s and low to mid 80s as you make your way inland and young 84 degrees in santa rosa and san jose and the upper 70s and they do have a slight chance of rain arriving friday night through saturday bringing us the possibility of a popup thunderstorm or 2 saturday morning through saturday afternoon but then warmer and drier weather starting sunday with a very dry seasonal weather making a comeback to the bay area ikea grande and nicki alright membrey say yeah, thanks we needed a break from that heat wave think could use the rain as well. I know, ive been eating a lot of ice cream not whole thing the lockdown delphis at the gate alright, thank you for breeze. Uh thatll wrap it up for us tonight kron 4 morning news starts tomorrow at 04 00am they will have the latest on the unrest in. Minneapolis says a Police Precinct tonight. Burns to the ground as the unrest after the murder on monday the killing. Of that unarmed man the city of minneapolis. We will continue to follow that. male announcer in new york citys war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. These are their stories

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