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Environment is so high according to the citys timeline. Indoor dining could resume mid july as for bars that dont serve food. They have to wait even longer bars are included in phase 3 of the governors reopening plan in the city says that may not happen for San Francisco until mid august and news is were pretty frustrated by the august 13th time were hoping to be in with with a restaurant sunday on the same Time Restaurants are then blind unfounded the San Francisco bar lions in on several bars like tonic in teeth. Hes pushing for the city to also allow bars to reopen with outdoor seating in june like the restaurants can actually be really helpful to one another. We can help more fun because will required by the state to do that. And help the restaurant survive and also and more space for people to see that as a socially distance from one another. So theyre not packing in are waiting for states outside near restaurants if not. He says a lot more bars will be forced to close before making it through the summer without a doubt. This will be a guest nulls for some of the spaces for free that included sidewalks and streets however, the city has not yet released what streets may or may not be used. In San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. San francisco is also establishing stronger mass requirement starting tonight at midnight. You will now be required to wear a mask in outdoor situations all across the city kron fours dan thorn has reaction to the new order. San franciscans must now wear face masks outside of their homes and when interacting with others under a new health order before the city was only requiring people to wear the masks in mostly indoor situations but now maskwearing has been expanded to outdoor use as well i think its good i the more we can you know look like have low risk for. All of all of this bad of potential the bet is chelsea schoenberg and her friend sarah demand as like getting out to enjoy places like golden gate park. They say theyve observed not enough people Wearing Masks when out and about i wish more people would wear it just to be safe. But i see a lot of people without him the new order is mandating people who are exercising less than 30 feet from others or when passing people on the sidewalk to have a mask on. David miss raw. He says the stronger mask requirements might be a little too much, i the 6 feet social distancing is probably 30 feet with a mask on at all times probably a little bit of overkill. Miss raw. He fears if the city tries to push some rules too hard it will turn people off and hurt progress people might start lashing out and that the only way that they can which is to not wear a mask and not practice social distancing. I think the measures that were taking right now are, im perfectly fine. Others say the maskwearing expansion is just a small price to pay for the greater good better be safe than sorry i mean whats one little mask. They going to harm you nothing like if you could potentially get it by the way im asking that it be safe. In her thursday afternoon covid19 update San Francisco mayor london breed said businesses have the right to turn away anyone who is not wearing a face mask, what she is asking individuals to not confront others for not wearing the masks, reporting in San Francisco, dan thorn kron 4 news. As businesses across the bay area begin to reopen many have new guidelines and procedures that they must follow in order to keep their staff and their customers say county Health Departments tell kron 4 news that you know individual jurisdictions are responsible for policing the businesses and making sure that theyre following the new orders San Mateo Police chief ed barberini says that his officers have been working with Business Owners since midmarch and say that they will educate first before issuing citations. You see that we have and force of witness say were going to were going to give you every opportunity to comply with the order says would be to send the manner in a manner that is is just is meant to educate. Chief operating says that officers assigned to the downtown area will work to maintain relationships with the Business Owners to ensure that they are following the guidelines to keep everyone safe. And also adds that his department has been appreciative of the communities cooperation as they navigate this process together. Is resume this fall much of the learning will be done from a distance and at the College Level that Distance Learning could be the key to a job in a bigger paycheck down the road kron fours rob fladeboe explains. This was San Jose State University one busy day before covid19 empty classrooms amid social distancing orders. And this is what going to college here looks like now and for the foreseeable future Distance Learning is here to stay says san jose state economics chair, colleen hate in fact it is. Quite a large change to go from in Person Instruction to online instruction. But what we predict is that students will be better equipped for our future because of the online experience so hello, everyone and welcome to unit to online classes like this archives and management class taught by professor lisa dolby utilizes many of the tools most students and would be students are already using amid stay home orders transitioning to Distance Learning should be seamless for many students and will look good on their resume says professor hate as students learn the skills in an online class that you dont get in in person class. They are better prepared for the global marketplace and for the possibility of working remotely in their future. Theyre learning skills such as how to manage their time how to make sure that they are self supervising and thats when employers are going to be looking for Distance Learning offers flexibility for those facing housing and transportation issues. Well, no substitute for the social aspects of college life in and out of the classroom Distance Learning offers a path to higher education. That might otherwise have been close to many people amid an uncertain economic future. So students who are interested in working but need to work particular hours. An online class allows them to continue to do that without any problems if i were student today facing the uncertainties that we had in front of us with covid19. I would invest in my education at this point. Is san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. Our coverage of the coronavirus continues on our website kron 4 dot com thats where you find the latest on outbreaks in the bay area an interactive map and just so much information on ways that you can stay safe once again you can find all of this and more on our website kron 4 dot com. It wasnt just a homeless man could be arraigned as soon as today on murder charges for the beating death of a 94 yearold man was just out walking his dog kron fours Maureen Kelly reports. Thought that he was very serious said that she wanted to be the glen park resident shawns of odd is talking about the run and she says she had with the man you see in this mug shot. Peter roche a roche is currently in custody facing charges of murder assault with a Deadly Weapon and elder abuse for the fatal attack of 94 yearold leo hazel hazel was a neighborhood fixture living in his sussex street home for decades and was often seen taking long walks with his dog angels last walk was here at Glen Canyon Park just after 08 00am on memorial day. Officials say there was an altercation in which the elderly man was badly beaten with a stick. He later died at the hospital officers on patrol spotted a person matching the suspect description later at the glen park bart station and took 53 yearold roche a into custody, the van says she too was walking her dog in glen canyon when roach us started up with her on Christmas Day right up to me and said. The park is for people not dogs. You look like you im getting give it to you she says the homeless man left when she called police and she says road just seen here with the crutches he often carried but didnt seem to need threatened other people in the neighborhood as well as yelling at other people we scratches and other people making threats but it was clear women elderly people. Pretty good they had dogs so. And out of the park mental he was looking for people that are smaller she says she was told multiple times that nothing could be done about roche a and less he heard someone. Now that hes behind bars, she hopes city officials start taking responsibility and action in cases where there are so many warning signs Maureen Kelly kron 4 news. The California Senate rolled out its version of the state budget which rejects many of the governors cuts so instead of making permanent cuts too. K through 12 education and Community Colleges newsome propose the Senate Proposed delaying 9 billion in payments to Public Schools for one year. The state has done this in past recessions, but never to act into the senate also proposed to continue californias plan to extend state Health Insurance to undocumented immigrants. Seniors, beginning 2022. Is great. Because the hill we have to climb. Theres also. I hope that the proposed what ideas of the senate puts forward have a positive impact particularly when it comes to addressing the budget shortfall in america that does not make conditions of all california residents. The assembly has yet to finalize its proposal. The legislature and governor have 2 weeks to negotiate the final budget. Coming up next on the kron 4 morning news, a San Francisco couple is giving back. On wheels will tell you about this mobile food truck serving up free meals during the pendant looks tasty. A little peek outside and thats the bay bridge there in the background you can see its covered in fog so we have some dense fog out there for some of you, were waking up to mild temperatures and theres rain in the forecast theyve spark welcome back everyone the time now for 44 good morning and thanks for staying with was a pretty nice day yesterday, another warm one lets see. If were going to cool it down for friday are heading into the weekend, lets check in with dave spahr and see how this forecast is shaping up good morning, dave a good morning robin good morning. Everybody, yes things are changing in a big way you know the hot stuff its pretty much gone, so were going to have kind of mild weather compare weve been through already wouldnt call it that of temperatures have been mild before but much reduced. And rain coming this weekend thats right. Its going to start late tonight and built into your saturday morning live shot of the bay bridge. Cant really get an impression of the fog one on from there, but our shot from alcatraz island. Well, its in there somewhere San Francisco behind that of all that so you an idea the fog we take a look at the bay itself so that marine layer is snapping back. Clearly this morning. We have temperatures currently around 60 for oakland 58 for hayward over the east bay hills kind of the same really up to the north bay lower to middle 50s 60 san jose in the peninsula. More the 50s 61 for redwood city. There it is that low weve been talking about just about all week long it was pinned out really because of High Pressure system here to most like to go in a wrestling match with a high clap its hands or whatever and said come on in low. So now its coming on ian and with that you might have some high level Thunder Showers before anything happens so tonight you may hear the crackling of thunders showers to get in the north bay before any rain actually starts to happen. And then through tomorrow morning we have rain and then starting to break up in your saturday afternoon well give you some of those projections in just a bit 95 fresno for the high but at this and Central Valley numbers are changing 95 for bakersfield, 85 or mental 71 for monterey 68 ing on for San Francisco with 68 also for la x 72 for san diego future cast for for today, variable clouds on balance kind of waiting for things to happen. That fight 05 45am tonight or so you know say sunset tonight, not too much is going on some Thunder Showers developing some rain boom look at it come alive up there are way up in the north bay by sunday more saturday morning and then well have some scattered showers and Thunder Showers through the Morning Hours by the afternoon tapering off clearing out nicely by sunday and then by sunday night we might have the rain a little shower to return briefly, okay here the rain projections, this is bison a saturday morng at 06 00am to give you a general idea of what we expect rainfall coverage to be and then we project that on forward the heavier dose clearly will be up in the north bay that may be overstating the case so you can see for most of the baby amounts will be under a 10th of an inch of rain and probably most the noise and such will be up in the north bay with all of this and further up to Northern California now the wide perspective of all of this here comes that well we talked a lot about okay its come and gone maybe a little sprinkle for sunday night into monday, fairly quiet for the week ahead no major heat spikes here and then comes another dose of rain coming our way for next weekend. Now we do have a surge of some cooler air from the northwest that might lower snow levels enough to the mountains to actually see a return to some snow out there all the way till next weekend that also means we might get some Thunder Showers too that possibly as well. All right, lets get your 4 zone forecast for today with improved numbers, 68 San Francisco for daly city 67 pacifica 63, Half Moon Bay at 67. Weve got 70 ish or so and the northern end of the peninsula burlingame about 73, heading down south in the upper 70s, it looks like mountain dew palo alto at 79. The south bay. Morgan hill manages 8079 san Jose Milpitas and 82. The east bay shoreline to the south upper 70s tri valley lower 80s to with 81 for a dublin. So the 9 walnut creek 81 going on for concord 71 up a berkeley and richmond also about 70 up in the north bay 77 sonoma, 75 for napa much improved here even antioch 8482 for vacaville and for a santa rosa 7663, point re and 71 or fell. 70 forecast your get unsettled for the weekend early on is where most the actual be saturday morning. And potentially a little sprinkle sunday night and then for most on balance the week ahead clear the skies out a bit. Well get to highs into the 80s temporarily in next weekend watching out for you to return to some rain showers and Thunder Showers work for 2 we do you do need that rain by the way is a little side note here. The beginning of this event on saturday morning potentially maybe some dry Thunder Showers and that is a fire threat a little bit. So thats kind of on the corner of our eyes a little bit. Rob whats going on area roadways and bridges. Well, its looking a lot better we started off with a incidents in berkeley on westbound 88 University Avenue, a pedestrian on the freeway was struck and killed and shortly after that we had an overturned crash right behind the scene 80 west at gilman street. So we have 2 major problems right there together both are out of the way, but you can see that little bit of orange in the middle of your screen. There is some residual slowing on 80 west from 5. 80 heading down toward tied University Avenue but all lanes are open looking much much better so you dont have to worry about major delays. Heres your drive time as i zoom out you can see the whole stretch 14 minutes from crockett down to oakland, not bad if youre heading into San Francisco. Its pretty quiet at the bay bridge toll plaza smooth on the upper deck clear downtown no problems on the skyway and 92 our busiest bridge this morning. Yeah folks are heading to work so theres a bit of a crowd here going west 12 minutes from hayward to send the tale. The bay areas first nonprofit food truck is continuing to serve families in need during the coronavirus pandemic kron fours kate rooney has the story of mobilize love. Food trucks have taken the Hospitality Business by storm in recent years. But in 2018 a San Francisco couple decided to flip the script, mobilize loves the citys first food truck to serve all of its meals and a whole host of other services for free generally its like a big outreach for the community where we can just mean multiple needs lost peoples laundry do now care hair cuts. Feed provide activities for children the mobilize love truck fleet can most often be spotted in San Francisco neighborhoods like bayview double rock and the sunset targeting communities that often fall through the cracks when it comes to city provided services, its mostly geared children and families like thats our goal in some people that are. I have less that are. I have less resources, especially during reach a 10 the night there since shelterinplace began mobilize love has had to cut back to just the food tck, but theyve done that in a big way serving 4,400 free hot meals since march 16th. Thats thanks in part to a famous face. Nba player, jeremy lin lynn is a family friend who helped launch mobilize love in 2018. Now hes running a campaign called be the light to raise a Million Dollars for charities during coronavirus as part of the campaign lins matching donations to mobilize love up to 20,000. Hes chosen us to be kind of the west coasts local nonprofit. Hes from palo alto she loves the bay area. And he loves our mission which is you not to show up and you have kids hope so far mobilize love has received just under 18,000 in donations other local churches and owners have agreed to match as well making it possible for the nonprofit to keep the free food coming we fall in love with these communities that were just going to continue for as long as it takes. Our our initial plan was to go through the end of summer over to skin and she will. The organization hopes to relaunch its other services as San Francisco continues lifting shelter in place restrictions for kron 4 news, im kate rooney. Its great to efforts like that of people out there doing great things will kron fours also saluting the class of 2020. And this morning we want to congratulate owen walsh and is graduating from. Anna Lee High School and sebastien will hopefully im pronouncing that right. He was senior class president and captain of the varsity soccer team. He plans on attending you see Santa Barbara congratulations and you can let us know about a graduate in your life like owen and all these folks right here you see on your screen check out these great photos, this is what we received so far you have to do is go to kron 4 dot com you find salute to grads twentytwenty right under the news tab, so that your pitcher let us know where your is going and whats next for them and we cant wait to welcome back everyone kron fours been honoring people doing great things and their communities during this Public Health crisis weve received so many Great Stories so far but this morning, were shining spotlights on brian jones, the principal of crate Elementary School in brentwood. So for the last several weeks, france will jones and 5 other Staff Members theyve been delivering meals to more than 40 families. These families live pretty far out from school and they cant afford to drive into town each day. So you know they make these deliveries each delivery families get boxes of food to last them the entire week so awesome story shot out to the staff there principal jones were proud of you we appreciate you keep in mind that you can spotlight, someone making a difference in your community we have a special section on our website, its called kron 4 dot here also go there submit the form its really quick you can fill it out let us know about your hero you can find that page on our website kron 4 dot com. All right coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news. Were getting a better picture of when San Francisco will reopen well have details on mayor london breeds for park road map. And San Francisco is expanding face mass requirements under a major new health order what you need to know before leaving your home. Plus a temporary tent city in San Francisco for people who are homeless is opening up today. Youre watching kron 00 04am morning news at 5. Good morning, everyone and thank you for waking up with us on a friday morning may 29th im robin once we made it to friday kyra and Marty Gonzales our top story this morning, the roadmap to reopening San Francisco mayor london breed lays out the citys plan to reopen. The state has provided us a guide and we are following that guy based on the data in San Francisco to make informed decisions as to when we believe we will be able able to open safely the last thing we want to do is begin the process of reopening see a surge of cases and then have to go back to closing the city completely. The target date for face 2 a is next week in june 1st and includes child care and some businesses including dog groomers. Phase 2 bs target date is june 15th and its a big one. It includes Outdoor Dining m st indoor retail religious Services Summer camps and pro sports with no fans face to see is targeted to begin on july 13. And that is when Indoor Dining can resume in hair salons can reopen. Then phase 3 would begi

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