Bay by comparison. We still have heat advisory in place tells a formality of Solano County but were going to see some of those effects in Contra Costa County and probably napa counties as well into this afternoon expecting more round of temperatures in the 90s today, well try about 87 by 1 oclock by 4 to 89 but reaching 90s for highs well look at some of those locations for you coming up in a bit marty. All right dave thanks a lot. Lets get right to our top story this morning, the Oakland Unified School district has voted to eliminate its Police Department at the schools. The vote happened last night kron fours reyna harvey live in oakland. She has all the details on this rain. Marty good morning that decision by the board unanimous the board citing that there are other ways to go about implementing disciplined for their students on their various campuses were going to show you the moment that the decision actually came down. You can see Community Members reacting to the boards decision this group on your screen right now is the black organizing project. They were one of the groups responsible for calling for the Oakland Unified School district to redirect money spent on police into social services for students. Its called the george floyd resolution to eliminate the Oakland School Police Department background that the board you some of their statistics in making this decision and that resolution from 2015 2016 school year through the 2019 2020 school year. Black students accounted for 73 of arrest in city schools but just 26 of enrollment. Also in 5 years from 2013 to 2014 into the 2018 2019 school year the district spent million on its armed police force. Now lets hear from the organizers from the black organizing project along with the Oakland Unified School District Police chief. This is very historic for our members and for the people plan and we are really hoping that we can set a or what remove Police Free Schools looks like throughout the country calls are still going to be answered is high priority, although previous still going to be big and those out and if somebody from a school picks up the phone and called 9, 1, 1, one you now. The only difference is my officers wont pick up that dont freebies. Spot. Now the resolution directs the superintendent to tell the board by august 20th. How she will launch a communitydriven effort to revise the district safety plan. The board voted to get rid of the School Police by january one of the district wants to part ways by the end of the school year and a couple of things to know marty to we want to know where that money is going to go now that theyre cutting the funds from the school Police Department also the second thing how long this is going to take to implement and we just placed a call in to the Police Department to find out whats going to happen to those officers for now reporting here in oakland raider harvey kron 4 news all right dana, thanks a lot that live report well be waiting for any updates that you might uncover. Well the San Francisco Unified School District board also voted to remove police from school from Public School campuses under this resolution, the district will not renew its contract with the citys Police Department. Its also labeling it schools as sanctuaries spaces from Law Enforcement armed officers will not be allowed on School Grounds and the money that was previously used to pay Campus Police will instead be redirected towards Student Support services. And School Districts across the country are looking into removing police from their campuses as well state superintendent Tony Thurmond says his department will be speeding up research into the potential harm caused by Police Intervention in schools. Ive already seen data that shows in may cases when there police on campus. This results in more suspensions or rest of our students any particular africanamerican students. You know the students of color. Thurman says the data is Still Limited so the state will be implementing a threepronged approach first of all they are the establishment of a task force secondly analysis of data and research from that task force and 3rd establishing alternatives to keep School Campuses safe. The department of education plans to work with lawmakers, advocacy groups and Police Representatives to figure out the next steps. And new this morning, voters in california will be deciding in november whether colleges and universities can consider race in admitting students. The state banned affirmative action policies back in the mid 90s. But yesterday the state Senate Approved a move to appeal an amendment to the state constitution. That bans affirmative action policies. Now voters must vote whether or not they want to approve that before it becomes law. This comes during a time of nationwide demonstrations over Racial Injustice. The big story were following this thursday morning. Theres new research that projects nearly 180,000 people in the country could die from coronavirus by the first of october. Now this comes as the state of california just set a new record for the number of new virus cases in one single day. Kron 4 Sarah Stinson live in San Francisco. She has these grim details sarah. Im martie thats right the projection you just mentioned a 180,000 people. You know dying from the coronavirus that number is up from 50,000 thats up 58,000 from where were at right now so thats a significant amount of people who would die from the coronavirus by this october according to these productions, lets take a look at them so you can see the chart for yourself this is put out by university of washington showing again a production of 179,000 deaths by october 1st and remember these are projections created by their computer models which have closely been monitoring in referring since the beginning of the pandemic weve been showing you these and they do change at one point the chart showed a prediction of the death toll exceeding 200,000 people so it has gone down slightly but again it goes up and down is fluctuates right now in the u. S. Or death toll with the coronavirus stands again and 120,000 people according to their model in california 11,600 people are projected to die of the coronavirus by october. Thats about double the current number of deaths we have in california you can see on your screen right now we stand at 5,725 looking at the total number of cases in our state right now were at 195,925 and this includes or recent single day surge in cases of 7,000 cases of the deadly disease that we heard from governor Gavin Newsome earlier hes been pleading with californians to wear a mask with the news to a statewide face coverings order now lets hear from doctor fauci he comments on the state of california and the rise in cases. I dont think its anything that the state of california is doing wrong not its what the response of the to what the opening process is you dont really need to go back to lock down he need to pause and say wait a minute. Were starting to opening and things are going right what do we need to do to correct that you may need to stay where you are in impose a few more restrictions or maybe back up a little. And so its going to be something either the state decides and as weve heard from governor Gavin Newsome he said that if the numbers do continue to rise, then we may have to revert back to shutting down. Our economy and putting people back in that shelter in place order but of course that is to be determined also its up to you and i to wear or mass and San Francisco, its even stricter than most you Must Wear Masks within 30 feet of others and this is all to stop these numbers from rising, we looked at a lot of numbers us now those are all projections and what our state city and government leaders want is a storm do our part so we can stop those productions from becoming reality elam live here on polk street in San Francisco for saying not every Single Person wearing a mask and when i was on poke swells on fillmore street earlier saw just about everybody wearing one its really interesting marty some people wear their masks hanging from their here some people are their mass love revealing their nose and discovering their math their mouth so a lot of misuse of the mass make sure you cover your nose and her mouth. You have it around your entire face marty i dont know if you seen that yourself. Yeah i have and if you turn around and look at the family behind you looks like a dad and 2 children all of them wearing masks. Think about how cute is that yes they are setting a good example. They the role models for us sara thanks a lot for that live report from San Francisco, lets take a look at the latest numbers now in the bay area there are over 21,000 cases and over 540 deaths and were seeing the most cases in Alameda County with 5200 and a 100 infections. The virus though has taken the most lives in Santa Clara County which has 154 deaths weve broken all of this down by county and city you can find it online at kron 4 dot com. Now to the peninsula where San Mateo County supervisor david canada wants Governor Newsome to find people who do not wear a mask. He sent a letter to the governor are proposing a warning for the first offense. A 100 fine for the second offense, a 500 fine for the 3rd offense. Supervisor cannabis suggest the Community Service officers couldnt force the fines rather than Police Officers. In a statement he wrote quote, im seen too many people ignore this Simple Practice which is frankly putting the entire community at risk to this deadly disease. More than 5500 californians have died from this disease and just 3 months. If we want to truly save lives and we must all wear face coverings. Well dozens of cases have been linked to a nursing home in concord in the east bay, the state Health Department says 75 patients and Staff Members at the san miguel de le a nursing home has tested positive for the virus. 14 patients and at least one caregiver have died because of covid19 we have reached out to the nursing home to try and get more details and were waiting to hear back. Now developing story in the east bay where one person is dead following an overnight fight at a Grocery Store in antioch it happened about 10 oclock last night at the luckys Grocery Store on contra loma boulevard. Police say that a store employee caught the man who was trying to steal from the Grocery Store when the worker confronted the man the man attacked during the fight the attacker stopped breathing and died at the scene. Still not clear this morning if he died as a result of the fight or another medical condition. The store worker was taken to the hospital to be treated for the injuries he received during that fight. Still ahead this morning calls to End Police Brutality in the bay area were going to take you to a rally for police from. That was prompted by a controversial facebook com. And Law Enforcement agencies in the east bay teaming up to try to put an end to the recent rash of fireworks stand. And after the break a woman caught on camera in the south bay intentionally coughing on a child. Well that woman works for a bay area School District will find out how the district is responding. Good morning, welcome back to kron 00 04am morning news take a live look outside Golden Gate Bridge right now were still flown little bit of fog there but really nothing to worry about days far has the forecast today marty good morning, good morning everybody see some kind of a similar street now the shot from timber on. There you can see quite a bit of fog. Thats still kind of lingering around a little bit at this hour you saw the golden gate up close and personal we see the southern tower nice even the northern tower off to the distance but still that fog remains also acting as a cooling mechanism to slowing down or ascension 71 for now at this hour, but most of the readings are a mixture of 50s and 60s over the journal bay area. Lots of green still on the board here as well but a warm up this afternoon is in the cards now 2 different types of moisture at work here the low level moisture is this fog clears out along monterey bay too. And later on because of the slow up to the north will be the fire up of some showers look at that right there boom into the afternoon. And it looks like well see a little bit again tomorrow but that will be far to the south though again the mechanism of this low. More locally whats going to do is help drive a little bit of an on shore wind for us tonight. Bring back this marine layer again, so the heat spike burns on its another heat advisory day for Solano County for weeks and its hot inland. Warm for the bay now were talking 80s for the bay 90s happening inland but not everybody there will be in the 90s and then for this weekend cooling quickly the big day to look out for a sunday, a nice big drop out of the 80s temporarily early certainly the 90s will be wiped off the map entirely today were talking 6 to 7 San Francisco 74 for oakland, 88 meanwhile for san jose. So what the south bay looks like theyre going to stay out of 90s territory for today, heres a look at the wider picture, although in the far east bay reaches will be in the well in the 90s more 80s up here to the north bay tuna well zoom in on this a little bit more in your 4 zone forecast coming up in a bit marty. Sounds good dave see in a couple minutes to get to a developing story were following this thursday morning. A woman accused of intentionally coughing on a baby in the south bay works for a bay area School District. It happened at yogurtland on cottle road in San Jose Police say the coughing woman was apparently upset that the mom was not following proper social distancing guidelines as she waited for her order. So she coughed on the on the womans baby, the oak grove School District in san jose released a statement saying its aware of the incident allegedly involving one of their employees. The statement also says that the unidentified employees currently off work and not providing services to students. District also says its cooperating with the san jose Police Department. In the east Bay Hospitals are seen an increase in covid19 patients this week compared to last week. John muir health and walnut creek unconquered have already set aside a unit on their campuses to care for an influx of covid19 patients. 9 nick mica says the medical director of Clinical Operations and says that his hospitals are safe and theyre prepared for a surge in cases, hes expecting that surge around labor day. Planning for capacity of 4 its if he just wants you to shun is and were nowhere near or standard capacity much less and forcing a point that he can keep her parents are little one safe the store and thats what we have some things are not. And theres new data from Contra Costa County Health Services that shows more than 400 new cases have been reported in the past week. And thats nearly the double double the number of new cases reported the week before that. New this morning, dozens of secret Service Agents will be quarantine following president trumps rally to president trumps rally in tulsa oklahoma over the weekend. Thats according to a Law Enforcement official who described the quarantine as a precaution. Now according to firefighters, saturdays rally packed a little over 6,000 people into that arena. But face masks and social distancing were not required. A trump staffers who helped set up the event have tested positive for the coronavirus as did 2 secret Service Agents, the secret service says this quarantine does not impact its ability to fulfill all of its students. Well if you have any plans to go to hawaii. Soon you will be allowed to get around the islands as soon as you land if you test negative for covid19. Why is governor announced a new pre travel Testing Program that will start on august 1st travelers who test negative will not have to quarantine for 14 days. But they will have to get tested before they land in hawaii. The governor there says state officials will not be offering tests for travelers because that could lead to congestion travelers who choose not to get a pre travel test. Well have to quarantine for a couple of weeks. I post the quarantine requirement back in march with penalties up to a year in jail and 5,000 in fines for those who leave quarantine for any other for anything other than a medical emergency. Disney is delaying the phased reopening of his disneyland and disney california adventure theme parks, the Southern California trash and was scheduled to reopen on july 17th with new safety requirements for it to guess, but it faced strong opposition from a union that represents disneyland employees. Disney has not yet given a new reopening date. On capitol hill republicans in the u. S. Senate trying to bring up their Police Reform bill but democrats blocked it calling the reforms a political stunt rather than a good face a good faith effort to improve policing. Joe khaleel has more. The motion is not agreed to Senate Democrats voted to block republicans Police Reform bill there are a lot of political games being played here, they put this bill theyre saying you vote on it were not going to discuss it. Up for a vote. It is empty and they expect us to im not going to get played democrat Kamala Harris argues Senate Republicans introduced their bill because they had to to address public demands for change, but she says their bill doesnt create a use of force standard ban chokeholds or require independent Police Investigations and it gives lip service to an issue that requires teeth that requires real substance. Senator harris says instead shes going to wait for the house to pass its democrat led Police Reform bill and hopes that public pressure will force republican senators to take it up republican senators like john cornyn from texas say democrats are stifling the possibility of Police Reform coren says some of democrats on measures are in the republican bill and now theyre going to filibuster their own bill i dont i dont get the only reason youd want to die as best i can tell you dont want anything to pass louisiana senator bill cassidy says the republican bill does make substantive changes to policing and he says if democrats want more substance can an amendment to completely replace is the underline legislation while the bill failed to move to the senate floor republican leader Mitch Mcconnell says hell bring it up again. In washington, im joe khaleel. And still ahead this morning were continuing to celebrate 50 years of pride in San Francisco and coming up after the break, well take a look at how the castro neighborhood is showing their pride. Well this week were celebrating 50 years of pride in San Francisco. And the next time youre in the castro neighborhood be sure to look down thats because you wont want to miss the rainbow honor walk kron fours john trouble takes a look. You may not have noticed it before but theres something very special on the sidewalks of the castro neighborhood plaques that honor some of the bravest pioneers and lgbtq history, located in San Franciscos castro neighborhood, the rainbow honor walk features bron sidewalk plaques that honor bisexual and transgender individuals who have made a significant difference to society in california the u. S. Or elsewhere around the world. Now spanning several blocks the rainbow honor walk landmarks or educational for all who walk with some of the greatest and brave us pioneers in modern history. Some of the honorees on the rainbow honor walk include the First American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 jane addams american novelist james baldwin, activists george choy spanish playwright Federico Garcia lorca senior Sylvester James poet Tennessee Williams astronaut sally ride and novelist Virginia Woolf among many many others. And be sure to join us this weekend for our kron 4 news special that celebrates 50 years of pride it will air both saturday and sunday at 10 00pm. And coming up. This morning. The calls to defund the Police Departments have been heard across the u. S. Will find out how the city of oakland is taking steps to do just that. And we are just days away from thousands of inmates from prisons like sam quinn that they could be released before their sentence 9. 29 this thursday morning welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, lets go ahead and get the forecast from dave spahr hide a mardi good morning. Good morning everybody and live shot coming in from timber on here as we still in the battle, the fog here as we can see still looking for some blue does it off in the distance just a touch here we have this alone our backyard here providing that onshore wind complements also some inland heating its going to drive some of that marine layer coming back again for overnight. And well probably do that again into saturday morning even as well most the readings are a mixture of 50s and 60s, although 60 seem to be winning the battle 71 meanwhile for antioch and just knowing the future cast wind gusts as we can see in the inland valleys, it starts to pick up a little bit this afternoon and overnight to greet us for friday morning and thats whats going to help keep those temperatures supported off the far east. So 87 going on at 1 oclock at 4 oclock word 89 and checking your 4 zone forecast coming up in a bit party sounds good dave see a couple minutes. Thank you, lets get to another big story were following this thursday morning Governor Newsom says the state of california is hoping to speed up the release of thousands of inmates in california state prisons and its all because of the coronavirus kron fours will tran live at san quentin this morning. He has all the details for us well. The reason marty he wants to do this and other people want to do this to create social distance, the slow down coronavirus which is just racing through the prison systems in fact at san quentin 464 inmates have already tested positive for coronavirus and theyre still about 1800 cases that still need to wait for the results to come back so that number is expected to climb the governor is trying to slow down coronavirus through the prisons which is why up to 3500 inmates could be released from now until july first a lot of people and they do not support this decision, but the governor says time is not on the state side because lets face it there are employees that work at the prison system there are people who visit the inmates and they can spread. Coronavirus so he needs to slow it down. Right now there are about 3800 cases of coronavirus throughout the prison system. What he wants to do is release low risk inmates a lot of people are either horrify angry about the situation, but we are talking about lowrisk inmates who were not convicted of Violent Crimes, including Domestic Violence in fact theyre getting close to the release date anyway, which is why the governor says they are going to be revealing all the cases and then making a decision on who could possibly be released. He says right now unless they do something it would only get worse, not just in society of course because he says were still in the first wave. But because of places like prison. And yes, they do have areas where they can isolate prisoners but those places. I quickly filling up with people either who have coronavirus or have been exposed to people with coronavirus and he says unless we do something we will run out of those isolation areas as well. Thank you mark all right well, thanks a lot for that live report from san well new this morning. The number of workers who applied for Unemployment Benefits declined slightly to just under. 1. 5 million last week and that makes it the 12th straight week that theres been a decline. Join us with more on that and what it all means is kron 4 Sanaz Tahernia shes in the newsroom with more hi son us good morning, good morning. Marty the number of laidoff workers seeking unemployment did dip but only slightly last week but even a slight dip. Is better than nothing now. The government reports that while applications have declined 5 in the past 2 weeks. Its still a much slower rate of improvement then in april and may even more notable is that an additional 700,000 people applied for jobless benefits last week under a new program for gig workers and the government doesnt include those people in the official count. Another improvement were seeing is with the number of people already receiving Unemployment Benefits the number dropped last week from 20. 3 million to 19. 5 million which is evidence that despite the slower rate of decline. The job market is ultimately improving now as weve been seeing over the last couple weeks. Coronavirus cases in a number of states have jumped in experts say that if that trend continues. States may re impose limits on businesses which would then trigger job cuts which could bring us back to square one. A situation that experts say could be dire marty. And nobody wants to go back to that sanaas thank you and thank you for that live report from the newsroom. Nownlets go to the east bay this morning with the Oakland City Council is defunding its Police Department a portion of the million annual budget will be redirected and invested in alternative Public Safety resources and programs. This revised budget is the work of the City Councils equity caucus. Its led by finance Committee Chairman Lynette Gibson mcelhaney she says giving police more time to respond to Violent Crime is one of the aims of this new budget. What we want to do is to get some better policing on the serious and significant crimes murder, trafficking kidnapping. Rate. And relieve the department of any of the things that are better suited for social workers that are better suited for. But they are up as are better syria. For a Community Response know that we cannot police are way to safety. We have to do the things that create healthy whole community. Atlanta and that the revised budget also allows for the council to study what it will take to reduce the Police Departments funding from the citys general budget by 50 . Theres now a call for Police Reform in antioch this after the citys Police Union President posted a comment on facebook the city leaders have called insensitive and unacceptable kron fours michelle kingston has more. A rally for Police Reform in antioch on people here are asking for the citys Police Union President to step down after he commented on a photo on facebook of a protester flipping off a Police Officer he wrote that he believes an open hand slap in the face is 100 justified later releasing a statement that said his comment was taken out of context and that he apologizes for having made it the Antioch Police chief called the comments insensitive in its says opened an investigation into the matter its not ok i exercise my right to protest, im going to be here as everyone else and i will not get slapped in the face by a Police Officer in the crowd on wednesday katharine wade, the mother of an antioch man who she says was beaten by the cops in 2014, this is a photo of an officer with his knee in her sons neck just outside of her home where she says the officers pulled him out of her car in her driveway, theyve sent settled a federal civil rights lawsuit the officer is still with the Police Department dont know until you of our victim. I have condolences but it was the lies at the hands of the police. But what about the was this live in through the trauma. The brutalization from police is the protesters marched from antioch city park to city hall. Hoping to hear from the mayor for answers in leadership, we want the Police Department to be held accountable. And. With recent events that have taken place it just makes me question the accountability from our Police Department we also reached out to the mayor for comment but just like the protesters who we heard or from on wednesday. We have not heard back from him an antioch michelle kingston kron 4 news. Meanwhile in the south bay plans are in the works in san jose to reform its Police Department mayor sam liccardo laid out an ambitious ninepoint plan that includes steps to improve transparency and accountability in arbitration and disciplinary decisions also independent investigations of alleged Police Misconduct and a ban on rubber bullets and also a review of use of force policy. The mayor says these reflect his commitment to reforming the Police Department without defunding it. I believe the overwhelming majority of our residents. Want us to continue funding the police because they want Police Officers to show up particularly in communities that are heavily him by crime. Our residents are overwhelmingly telling us we want more police. Well this move comes as protesters call to defund the Police Department amid the outrage over Police Brutality across the country. Coming up on the kron 00 04am morning news covid19 cases are on the rise and more than half of the u. S. We have updated research that shows the simple act of wearing a mask could be the difference between life and death. And were taking a live look outside where traffic is moving smoothly in both directions on the san mateo bridge will be right back. Developing story this morning Law Enforcement agencies in Contra Costa County are teaming up. To tie and try and stop a rash of recent fireworks there enrichment for instance fireworks calls have jumped 82 compared to last year. Now agencies are using already depleted resources to try and get more officers on the streets. Officials are worried about the impact fireworks could have on pets, people who suffer from ptsd and of course the possible damage to homes and buildings. Here we normally start receiving calls ground early june this year we started receiving calls as early as april been idle for a long time and so fireworks season, we know that theres not going to be a lot of fireworks shows and since this year and so we think that reason that people are going out and getting fireworks on your own. Well fire crews in Pleasant Hill battle, this large grass fire happened on tuesday night they say was sparked by fireworks possession of fireworks is a misdemeanor in Contra Costa County, Richmond Police have issued at least one citation but theyre hoping a new reward program will generate more tips and that can lead to more fireworks being discovered day. All morning looking at 60s and 50s in the board for the most part 71 off antioch. A check in your 4 zone forecast is next. Well many people have such a misunderstanding as to how a reverse mortgage works. People think that the bank takes your home, but that is not true. Thats absolutely 100 wrong. The home is ours. We can sell it if we want to at any time. I like the flexibility of not having a payment, but i can make the payment if i want to. Youre responsible for keeping up your property taxes and youre responsible for paying your insurance on the property. For us, it was a security blanket. The value of our house, was to fund our longterm health care. These are just a few uses of reverse mortgages. Or go online to request your free information kit. Without a doubt, one of the best financial tools ive learned about. Everybody should be taking a look at it. If theyre over 62, they should at least investigate it. For years, reverse Mortgage Funding has been helping customers like these use the equity from their homes to finance their lives. They know the importance of having financial security. Weve got great peace of mind. Whatever comes up. Were ready. I advise you to call them. Make an appointment so they can tell you how it works. Its a good thing. Reverse Mortgage Funding. Access your equity. Stay in your home. Have peace of mind. Thursday morning welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, lets go ahead and get a check of the weather as we take this live look outside at the traffic moving smoothly on to the bay bridge days for has the forecast high day okay, good morning. Marty good morning everybody live shot coming in from sfo not a whole lot in the way of fog leftover course no delays going on this morning. Weve got 50s and 60s now at this hour 71 off to antioch its been kind of the outline or all this morning because of the winds keeping temperatures support a little bit overnight across the states Central Valley will be 100 plus today 70s down to socal. Got 60 so long the central coast, our 4 zone forecast for today, 67 San Francisco. In the city 6563 pacifica Half Moon Bay at 62. Got the 70s up to the northern end of the peninsula here and down south were into the lower 80s here 80 around mountain view, 83 for palo alto in redwood city, 76 carlos and the south bay, the upper 80s holding on here pretty nicely. Morgan hill about 84. Meanwhile on the east bay shoreline lower 80s. There was lower 90s off the tri valley, dublin at 89 90 coming in from walnut creek 93 for concord 79 san leandro and 69 meanwhile for berkeley. The label at 69 but he should 83 nap at 8189 an 87 for santa rose with more 80s heading down to southern moran, a chilly 58, maybe perhaps for stenson beach today. We do see a big draw for everybody coming sunday as we get into some cooler temperatures theyre just struggling to get to about 80 or so and the lower 80s for much of the balance and early next week marty all right jay thanks a lot of the coronavirus pandemic is not expected to ease throughout the summer and theres new research that shows the importance of being cautious and wearing a mask. John lawrence has more. If youre heading outside of the house cover your face not wearing a mask in public, its like driving drunk the latest coronavirus projection from the university of washington says more than 179,000 americans will die by october 1st and as agreement on this graphic shows if masks are worn universally. Researchers say the death toll could drop by about 33,000 more from pretty much every state that weve looked at it. If we didnt get people to wear mosques. We can not only save lives. But i sort of think of it as we can also say the economy because we get the business going this comes as more than half of the u. S. Is seeing an increase in week 3 cases with the records being set in california florida and texas for singleday coronavirus case reports you need to understand covid19 is still here, its spreading faster than ever before. And while the white house says progress is being made on vaccines. I think you can have a big surprise a beautiful surprise sooner than anybody would think Health Experts stress erring on the side of caution could be the difference between life and death we have evidence that early evidence of masks can reduce transmission even up to 6 fold. I think its clear that they can save lives. Im John Lawrence reporting. The department of justice is warning americans that flyers on the internet about face masks and disabled americans are not real. Some cards have been circulating online that allegedly exempt the holder from ordinances that require face coverings many of these cards site the disability americans with disabilities act and contain a seal from the department of justice. Authorities say that unless that information comes from an official government website. It should be considered fake. National news this morning cities across the country are seeing an increase in gun fire and it comes during the continuing corona about the virus pandemic as well as social unrest and issues of Police Reform following the Police Killing of george floyd Brynn Gingras has more. In many major cities across the country gun violence is on the rise. In the chicago suburb, a 13 yearold girl hit by bullets while watching tv. The gunfire outside her window among more than 100 shootings in the windy city last weekend in minneapolis by some people to shooting just. 3040 50 shots Officials Say more than a 100 people have been shot in the last month since the death of george floyd. And in new york city nypd crime data shows the number of shooting victims is up 414 last week compared to the same time period last year. Chief of Department Terence monahan calls it troubling it goes back to 1996. We havent seen this level of violence, researchers with the council on criminal justice looked at homicide rates across 64 cities this year compared to the previous 3 years if you see see sun in crime trends across country you need to look at some Type National shock to the system. Broader underlying structural trends are not explain as part of their Study Released this morning the authors cite 2 major trends, the coronavirus pandemic and the aftermath of floyds death historically incidents like the Police Involved killing of Michael Brown in ferguson freddie gray in baltimore had led to a period of more gun violence. Now many cities are seeing more Violent Crime as protesters call to defund Police Departments and Police Reforms across the country are put into place in atlanta, a task force is working to rethink training policies for the citys officers, there is a fierce urgency of now. In our communities it will be felt immediately in the communities that we protect. Last week, the nypd disbanded its anticrime unit plainclothes officers to combat Violent Crime. But those aggressive tactics were often met with controversy money and says Constant Police changes are causing confusion among the rank and file how did the communities want us to place quality of life policing in new york. Was one of the things got us to where we were a cop the question what do communities wants to go in there are people out there to take advantage of it. And then theres the pandemic Public Resources least Hospital Service providers communitybased users less resources to fight Violent Crime and the pandemic is these people under Reach Financial mental emotional strain and so all of those things can trigger. More violence. The councils research had already found killings in major cities were on the rise, this year starting in january and february. Now a dramatic increase in numbers as cities reopened after shutting down in the spring. A nationwide trend, many believe will continue were deeply concerned that in the months ahead he see more rounds this huge. Researchers and members of Law Enforcement say the burden to bring crime down cant solely rest on the shoulders of police we need to hear from the community that i live in foodies gunfire. They have to see it each and every day what exactly do they want us to go this is monumental period in policing. Well that was Brynn Gingras reporting for us this morning, a republican Police Reform measure collapsed in the senate yesterday, democrats say that it didnt do enough to address issues of Police Misconduct and Racial Injustice theyre planning to introduce their own proposal later today. Lets go and take you outside for a live look at sfo this morning, clearing skies and no delays well be right back. On the peninsula after more than 100 days of being shut down San Mateo County officially allowed gyms to reopen on monday. One of those gyms now open as the body studio for fitness the business is run by danny and theresa gordon, the couple moved quickly to stay afloat when their door shut in march with a Small Business loan from foster city. But it also helped was switching to virtual fitness classes. So happy to see our audience their love and their one gave us a have run so we were like trying to figure out how to do this week we created these wears and theres 4 squares inside hes where as everything that you need to train the quiet yes, so there are some workout stations. Well despite being reopened those virtual workouts were such a big success the danny in teresa plan to keep them going. Well were going to go ahead and switch gears and head over to kron on and find out what they what theyre working on Sanaz Tahernia in the newsroom with that high sauce. Hey marty so this morning well be taking a look at the impact the spike occurred of coronavirus numbers is having here in the bay area specifically with inmates. Plus a new today, the governor is holding a covid19 press briefing well have that for you live right here on kron on and a little later on this afternoon, well be speaking with a doctor about covid19 testing and the implications of slowing down testing so head over to your App Store Download the kron on app stay live with us all day long party. As usual a full day, thanks a lot of sun as well thats going to wrap things up for us, thanks so much for joining us. This thursday morning will be back here bright and early tomorrow at 04 00am in the meantime have yourself a great day. And the west. See you tomorrow. You want to talk to me . Today on dr. Phil. You got 10 seconds to sit down and talk to me. If you dont, youre not gonna believe what happens next. Shes 15. You confessed to multiple felonies on tape. Out of control. Grand theft auto, credit card fraud, theft of identification. Are you pregnant . She needs to take a pregnancy test and she needs to take it today. Theres no negotiating. Take the test. Marie is resisting taking the pregnancy test. Shes on the floor whining and crying and making excuses. And hours later. Do you need a bottle of water . Can you get a pillow and a blanket . Were not leaving. She took that Drinking Water and diluted the test. We brought in a nurse. Weve run out of patience with our daughter, were done. Will she take the pregnancy test

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