Sweeter featured Terrace Martin a song written after George Floyds murder. You know we have to ask ourselves how do we the people take the protest and turn them into progress. How do we take the changes were seeing in the hearts and minds of people and translate it into real and lasting change in peoples lives. We need to address the economic inequalities that this virus has exposed and worsen and we need to solve the testing and Health Care Disparities that have led to people of color color, dying from covid at higher rates than white people and we need to make it easier for americans to vote. We have a lot to do and to do this we need Community Action we need congress that can have power to do it and we need a president who understands that this is the moment. Over has come for our nation to deal with systemic reasons. To do the growing economic inequities that exist in our nation. To do. Which to proms nations. We need to so many. Weve said from the outset the selections. And for the soul of this nation. We believe. And maybe most importantly. We want to be. Its all state. This jury today than its ever been least in my lifetime. And this is an urgent is. In these. We can find a path forward. Everybody how i a thanks for doing all greeting thank you, thank you, thank you, jim era, teller s the folks about your background. I started doing activism when i was 15 it was at the intersection of knowing that the perpetrator and a victim. My brother was shot and killed in philadelphia. It made me realize that i had responsibility almost a collective responsibility to ensure that that didnt happen to other young people i think thats whats missing in america right now is our collective responsibility to each other and to realize that the person down the street or around the corner even across the country. We have a responsibility to ensure that were making sure that theyre safe. They have access to education and that in all their feet in a world in which their differences are celebrated as well protected in the law. Mair higher prioritizing many things you have to do that as we try to tackle in a way that we havent before systemic racism in the city it really is about economic empowerment. Because if people are lifted out of poverty and they are given an opportunity to feel a stake in their own future. That goes a long way. And were also challenging you know all kinds of institutions from corporations to communitybased organizations and think about what they can do better to end systemic racism and make sure that were also getting the quality of life and the communities, but also the voices of people that traditionally dont have a seat at the table. The president is talking about defunding the post office and mail in voting the main what do you think we should be do mister president. Thats what we have to. Changed the Public Discourse voting. It should be seen as the a democratic thing to do the most patriotic thing we can do and not a partisan exercise. Simply how do we open up access to voting. So we can address some of the systemic problems i dont want to show we reauthorize the Voting Rights act we have to go up most importantly, voting should be see as a constitutional right this guarantee and with the novel of sign that all citizens can be assured that they can have unfettered access. Without being suppressed with this a watershed moment we cant lose this moment, we have got to have. Action at the National Level we have got to have congressional action, we cannot have 18,000 Police Departments and in 2020 have Police Department still allowing the use of a need on a mans neck in george floyd i lot of us were shocked and i and i think what gives me hope is the Police Officers were shot Police Officers spoken out and were hopeful that well have some national. Standards as it relates to policing use of force a national abolishment prohibition on a National Standard in terms of bud show called in that we actually used the death of george floyd and others to actually make policing taken to the next level which is what Everyone Wants including all the good cops are out there the thankful there are more of them and there are bad cops. Most cops ers are good. But the fact is the bad ones have to be identified and. Prosecuted and out period. When how are you doing. Oh well im doing pretty as well as can be expected. You know i im sure the words of george floyd i cant breathe were not new to you and theyre going your mind every single day. The 6 years ago when your son. I we cant let this keep happening what do you think the next thing we have to do when. First of all i know when my son was murdered. There was a big uprising. But then it settled down. We cant let things settle down we have to go to the politicians we have to hold their feet to the fire because otherwise the big a prize and is not going to mean a lot so im just asking if you become the president that to make sure that we get national law as well as state and local law, especially when it comes to polling spoken talent c because at has age old problem. I may be can myself but i think the people are ready. I think people are ready. We just got to keep pushing. We cant let up. But thank you for what youre doing i really appreciate thanks for joining me and bob i thank you. Racism structurally individually has systematically. Israel. Black around no matter what you look like you should not ever theyre full of your life you see the color of your skin what i want to see the next president of United States. Is someone who is fair. See this through. Revolution that were experiencing right now joe biden is a healer hes a unifier he will fight for the black lives Matter Movement and you remove tear down. The remnants of structural and systematic racism in this country, the systemic injustices that exist these that our nation has overlooked. They need to be addressed we need to stand on our platform and introduce legislation that makes this platform fell from coast to coast man on the job, i was the first or the values that we hold so near and dear to our hearts have a 2 yearold son. I want to make sure that there is a world thats left. Good evening. Im cars and jim clark run here in his start. Good evening. Im carson jim car burned here in his start also south carolina. 6 months ago, stood not far from here and the dos joe biden dubai of the hour 46 president. It was a decision i made it my feet firmly planted in this community. This community for 80 of African Americans in this country can plan and thats a start for arrive on these shows in bondage if you block from here over a guest as well off. This community that is still healing from the war to receive other White Supremacists and emanuel am e church and murdered 9 black parishioners at this started the bible together. The ground beneath our feet is seeded that paying that is both old and new. But from that soil. We always find a way to grow together. Earlier this summer. The city of toss and remove the statute on and John C Calhoun and on it advocate of slavery. And construction is underway. On the International Dear california. We know these are challenging times. Rest assured, you are not alone. Weve all had to adapt. And with summer here, your energy bills might go up with rising temperatures. Together, we can save energy and money. Try closing your shades during the day. Setting your ac to 78 or higher. Or cooling off with a fan when you can. United we are always stronger. Stay well, california, and keep it golden. To see these kids and spend time with them. Its easy to lose faith in humanity, especially today, theres a lot of polarization leaves a lot of room for a lot of hope. Or take the late a real character when you see policys are great and we need sound policies as well which that he also has those kids got the chops raids. Its almost like none of that matters if you dont have the character. This is a very unprecedented and challenging time that requires an unprecedented and a courageous leader you need someone with the courage to do whats necessary once right to strike was a perfect game. Thats joe biden i know joe. Because he cares about everybody else before himself. You know what else joan knows, joe knows about pandemics. In 2014 he help stop the spread of ebola and brought the world together to keep it contained. And after that success knowing this would happen again Vice President biden and president obama assembled a pandemic playbook to make sure that america was prepared and protected. The Trump Administration disbanded the Pandemic Response e viied to ignore and then trie to politicize it. The failed federal government that watch new york get ambushed by their negligence and then watched new york suffer. But all through it learned absolutely nothing. So today 6 months after it began. The nation is still unprepared. And we now face a second threat. But this time not from mother nature. This is a manmade threat by our own negligence. We now see the virus ricocheting across the country. From one state to another. Today we trail the world in defeating covid we have over 5 million case. Americans learned the critical lesson. How vulnerable we are when we are divided. And how many lives can be lost when our government is incompetent. But we learned Something Else my friends we saw the negative but we also saw the positive as prove their way failed we proved that our way succeeded that america can still rise to the occasion we can put our differences aside and find commonality government can tell the truth and can build trust. We can judge by content of character rather than color of skin. We can care for one another. That americans can Work Together and Forge Community and a competent government. That of course we will wear masks because we are smart and because i care about you in because you care about me. Of course we will socially distance because staying away shows how close we actually are. Yes we will set of testing and tracing and do whatever we need to do to mobilize to win this battle because we are america we win wars and were the greatest country on the globe. And for all the pain and all that heres our way worked. And it was beautiful. We showed that our better angels, a strong and that americans will rise to their call. We saw that even at the end of the day even if it is a long day that love wins. Americas eyes have been opened and we have seen in this crisis. The truth that Government Matters and leadership matters. And it determines whether we thrive and grow or whether we live or die. Now we need leaders, good as our people. A leader who appeals to the best within us not the worst. A leader who can unify not divide. A leader who can bring us up not tear us down. I know that man. Ive worked with that man. Ive seen his talent ive seen a strength ive seen his pain and ive seen his heart. That man is Joe Biden Joe biden is what i call america tough often the best way. Tough that is smart united disciplined and loving. Joe biden can restore the soul of america. And thats exactly what our country needs today. And now well hear from kristen or im kristin turkey set. Im one of the many who has lost a loved one to covid. My dad marc anthony york isa should be here today. But he isnt. He had faith and donald trump. He voted for him listen to him believed him and his mouth pieces when they said that coronavirus was under control and going to disappear. It was ok to and social distancing rules before it was safe. That if you had no Underlying Health conditions you probably be fine. So in late may after the stay at home order was lifted in arizona. My dad went to a karaoke bar with his friends. A few weeks later, he was put on a ventilator and after 5 agonizing days. He died alone. In the icu with a nurse holding his hand. My dad was a healthy 65 yearold his only preexisting condition was trusting donald trump and for that he paid with his life. Im not alone. Once i told my story a lot of people reached out to me to share theirs. They asked me to help them keep their community safe. Especially communities of color. Which have been disproportionately affected. They asked me a normal person to help because donald trump while out. The coronavirus has made it clear that there are 2 americas. The america that donald trump lives in and the america that my father died in. Enough is enough. Donald trump may not have caused the coronavirus but his dishonesty and is irresponsible actions made it so much worse. We need a leader who has a National Accord needed datadriven response to stop this pandemic from claiming more lives and to safely reopen the country. We need a leader who will step in on day one and do his job to care. One of the last things that my father said to me was that he felt betrayed by the likes of donald trump. And so when i cast my vote for joe biden i will do it for my dad. Thank you kristen for sharing your story our nation. Grieves for your father and all those who have lost weve lost to this virus. Its a toll that hasnt fallen equally on us people of color have been disproportionately p affected dying at greater rates than white americans. But we can honor all of those weve lost by giving Joe Biden Kamala harris. The opportunity to put in place a Real National plan that tests and tracks that makes sure that access to a vaccine will be fair and turns the full power of our government toward making sure we have the supplies and technology and people, scientists and Public Health officials and contact tracers we need to stop this. So right now. Lets hear from a champion. For frontline workers who also happens to be an olympic champion and a world cup champion. Megan ruhpeenoe. Hi everybody my name is megan ruhpeenoe and i have the distinct honor today to host the conversation with 4 of our frontline workers here in america we should rename heroes absolutely tom we can you tell us a little bit about how youre doing during this time the government was so anxious. They are all a part of cough back from my workers. Inviting the contracted covid through a patient back. Well i played i thought what a week full of life and they should know contact why cover likely i went back to the ice to continue here up to you recently watching people die alone going on is theres a loud. Everyone was totally isolated. Week that was me not knowing if youve been wake up not if you make it to who cares. Thats joe biden. Doctor Bradley Dreyfus other martinez Michelle Boyle internally i cant thank you enough. The American People are forever. And its you to your work and your sacrifice and just you showing up every single day and giving everything you have and thank you again for all of the work you do on the front theres no way we could ever repay so thank you very much. Millions of people and veterans and Senior Citizens rely on the postal system for prescription medicines for their checks the Postal Service a little about this vicious cant even walk on covid19 virus in the United States however now with donald trump in office and his attempts to undermine the United States Postal Service we are extremely concerned this administrations dec actress sharon stone, her sisters life threatening battle with covid19. My sister is not doing well. Wedding raider. The beach is closed. Why she stepped in to break up the beach front ceremony. The cops are coming that sinking feeling. I dont know what to do. The teen trapped in her car as water rushes in. The new joe biden interview by cardi b. Hello there, joe. I heard youve got some questions for me. Tug of war. The College Football team that rescued a

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