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And we will keep them in our prayers so were now hearing now from the mayor that the stabbing weve been talking about has now turned deadly. 2 people have died luckily, a suspect has been arrested by police and it happened right here and this is a new not map that were showing you of Grace Baptist Church. Its right Near San Jose State University on san fernando right near 10th. We just learned about this about 30 minutes ago weve been following the details for you this information from mayor locarno is brandnew literally we just got this tweet in from them. In the last 5 minutes or so we do know that there are still other multiple. People who are wounded in this attack. We learned from San Jose Police that and as many many of them still have life threatening injuries. But once again we now know at least 2 people now dead as a result of the stabbing attack at the Grace Baptist Church just east of San Jose State University. Tonight the scene still unfolding there. We are working to get multiple are working to get more information from San Jose Police but once again that tweet just coming in to the kron 4 news room tonight. From san jose mayor sam liccardo. We still dont know anything about what prompted this attack who the suspect is thing still very active still a very fluid situation that is unfolding tonight there in san jose we are still gathering those details we monitoring the twitter pages and calling San Jose Police to gather more details for you tonight. He had san jose saying that multiple people have been stabbed theyre calling it a mass stabbing according to officials that happened at a church in san jose this evening. Grace, Baptist Church on east san fernando happening around 8. 45. Is when things started to really unfold. Following reports of a possible stabbing we now know that 2 people have died that information coming to us from the mayor of san jose. And that there are multiple other victims, some who have life threatening injuries. We have gone to churchs website to learn a little bit more about Grace Baptist Church and they were saying that they are in compliance with governor newsoms order to shelter in place and they have canceled all inperson worship. For however, long that order remains in effect so its unclear what was happening at the church this evening that may have led up to this stabbing again, this is a breaking news story. Were also working to get some video from the scene so stay with us here on kron 4 as we continue to gather new information but as the mayor said. Others are seriously wounded and hes asking us to keep them in our prayers during your heart just has to go out to those obviously learning of details the scene once again still very fresh still unfolding there tonight. Of this stabbing a situation where once again we do know that 2 people dead. We know that multiple people are still wounded, we dont have an exact. Total on how many other people have also been injured. In this attack, but we do know that is just was just saying a moment ago, many of some of victims have life threatening injuries as a result of this. The other good sign. Police do have a suspect in custody. So there is not someone who is still running around on the streets possibly carrying out. More tax possibly injuring other people as well so once again, a person of interest or a suspect in custody. Now connected to this deadly stabbing attack just east of San Jose State University once again we still do not know his name police have not given that to us just yet and theres still no motive fast to what may have some what may have prompted. This attack but once again we are gathering more details as a scene continues to unfold, its still very fluid. There. For San Jose Police. The latest information can always be found on our website kron 4 dot com well move on now to our other big story that were watching tonight which is the covid curfew coronavirus cases are surging in San Francisco. Health Officials Say the county is on the brink of moving back into the most restrictive purple tier and thank you so much for joining us here on kron 4 news tonight, im Justine Waldman of Jonathan Mccall San Francisco and san mateo counties right now the only counties here in the bay area not under the states stay at home order. Which now begins just 5 minutes ago it will last until 5 oclock tomorrow morning. The move is now also impacts gyms places of worship and all bands all indoor gatherings. But before the thanksgiving holiday, San Franciscos top doctor now warning that San Francisco county is very close to moving back to the purple tier, some businesses say they are especially concerned about the new curfew bars like sycamore in the mission say they depend on those late night customers for their bottom lines. They say if theyre forced to close at 10 oclock and steer their regular time at midnight. Theyll take an even bigger impact and what theyre feeling now. As jeremy. Our business is already down closing early or would it bring us even further down its terrible. However i get it its its a good thing i just wish people stan cider. Can be saved. It would have to go through this again. Under the curfew people will still be able to do essential activities like walk your dog pick up. Picking up takeout or doing some grocery shopping. We now have more than 3 million new cases in just the month of november alone about one quarter of all us cases since the pandemic began. More than 256,000 people have also died from the virus. The virus is spreading all across the country, including here in the bay area, local Health Departments are reporting 185 new cases of covid19 nearly 139,000 cases and more than 1900 deaths have been recorded here in the bay area. California saw 14,000 new cases today the states Positivity Rate over the past 2 weeks has now jumped to more than 5 . Thanksgiving is fast approaching the cdc is warning against traveling for the holidays covid19 cases continue to rise across the country saying that staying at home is the safest place to be even so wednesday and sunday are expected to be the busiest travel days. Kron fours gayle, ong talk to passengers at sfo today about their decision to fly despite the warnings. A personal decision that comes with the risk i havent seen family this whole year militias. I just i just wanted to see them meadows, ill is worried about flying during the pandemic despite the cdcs plea not to 5 for the holiday of course that took precautions and pay my hand santizer mask and all that. If lying is not as bad as people say as long as you protect yourself, you know. The cdc says most viruses and germs do not spread easily on flights because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes but its the lack of social distancing on a crowded flight sitting close 4 hours that may increase your risk of getting covid19 aaa believes those flying will drop 48 but nationwide tsa saw a busy stretch on friday and saturday since before the pandemic including here at sfo but sunday afternoon we saw empty terminals, but airport Officials Say the crowds come in waves busier in the mornings and late afternoons, travelers could be seen taking extra precautions, this traveler says shes not leaving for the holidays, im going to its not just the potential transmission inflight Health Officials are worried about the cdc warns small household gatherings are an important contributor to the rise in covid cases travelers returning to the bay area from out of state are advised to self quarantine. And if you must fly airlines are doing the best that they can to keep passengers safe delta will keep blocking middle seats through march. Masks are required on board but keep in mind they can come up for meals. Here at gayle ong kron 4 news. More breaking news that were following this sunday night here on kron 4 news just moments ago, California Governor Gavin Newsom issuing this tweet saying that he is now in quarantine after being exposed to covid19. The governor issuing this tweet saying quote late friday night. Jennifer and i learned that learned that 3 of our children have been exposed to an officer from the california Highway Patrol who had tested positive for covid19 jen and i had no direct interaction with the officer and wish them a speedy recovery. The also wanted to continue in a few other treats saying that jen and i had no direct interaction with the officer and we wish them a speedy recovery. Also the entire family has tested negative for coronavirus but they will. Be quarantining now for the next 14 days saying thats consistent with local guidance. Theyre grateful for all the officers there keep our family safe and for every front line worker who continues to go to work during this pandemic it was earlier that we had reported yesterday that one of new sums children was already quarantining because of sun exposure at their private school and sacramento, but now were hearing now 2 days later because he saying this happened on friday night that not the first partner jen and gavin our governor that they had 3 of their children have also been exposed to coronavirus and theyre not going to quarantine together for the next 14 days will be interesting to see how this all plays out will continue to monitor this as well to see if the. Governor has any updates or any new information to pass along kron fours actually zavala is actually gathering more details about this right now in sacramento. Well see if she has any new details to pass along during the newscast as well. Some other news that were following still this sunday night. All right were going to go to break right now weve got other things and have more kron 4 news at for staying on top of breaking news for you this sunday night at 10 oclock once again were following a scene from san jose tonight where at least 2 people are dead multiple others wounded in a stabbing just east of San Jose State University. This is a tweet that just came in to the newsroom just about 50 moment 15 minutes ago from san jose mayor sam liccardo saying quote our hearts go out to the families of the 2 Community Members who have succumb to stabbing wounds in the attack at Grace Baptist Church tonight, San Jose Police have arrested the suspect believed to be connected to this incident. He says that others are seriously wounded and we keep them in our prayers, San Jose Police have also have just put out some new information theyre saying that no Church Services are being conducted at the time. Of the stabbing. And unhoused individuals were brought into the church to get them out of the cold what thats referring to specifically unclear at this moment, but theyre saying unhoused individuals were brought into the church to get them out of the cold but no Church Services are being held at the time of the stabbing and police also did confirm that 2 victims have died from their injuries and that air there is a person under arrest. Right now we did learn that from the mayor of san jose again this happened at Grace Baptist Church thats downtown were showing a map now of the location. It is off of east, san fernando, and thats right by 10th thats very close to san jose. State university. Again officials have confirmed that there are multiple stabbing victims, 2 people have died. Some of the other victims have life threatening injuries that was from an earlier tweet from San Jose Police. The mayor also asking us to keep people in our play prayers because people are seriously wounded. But again a suspect has been arrested after 2 people were stabbed to death at a church in san jose more details as soon as we get them go and we are working the phones right now to get more information and watching the twitter feeds as well to see if and when San Jose Police. Do put out any new information. Were going to break away from the breaking news right now were going to talk about another big story weve been following this week a lot of folks will be paying attention to and that is the weather meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez has details hi he there just cnn jonathan yeah, lets take a look at your conditions out there right now as we take a live look at downtown San Francisco. Were noticing an increase in that blanket of cloud cover. That to help cool us down a few degrees from yesterdays daytime highs to near average temperatures today, but things of the blanket of clouds sticking around were actually going to warm up for overnight lows so not going to be as chilly. So far very dry outlook. As we noticed the cloud cover making its way inland into our valleys out there this evening looks like a drier outlook though according to the latest model run for those of you in the north bay, but we could see some light scattered hit or miss showers for the San Francisco peninsula and even extending into the south bay and even parts of the east bay shoreline as well but that by mid morning for your monday drive we are going to dry out and clear out but for the Early Morning commute expect some possible slick roads because we are expecting about reeses amount of rain for those of you in mount view, san jose and even into hayward and livermore in the east bay, but temperatures out there right now few degrees warmer than where we were about 5 degrees warmer compared to last nights of seeing a lot more 50s as opposed to last nights 40s but were still cooling down in the 40s specifically for those of you in the north a mid 40s for santa rosa, nevado right now with livermore in the upper 40s as is half moon bay, but everyone else in the bay area in the low to mid 50s and overnight lows tonight, widespread low to mid and upper 40s. But santa rosa out of that freezing mark in the mid 30s, instead so enjoy the warm up overnight because we are going to be about 3 to 5 degrees warmer from last night. They said the blanket of clouds and then temperatures also warming up to start out your work week monday or thanksgiving holiday week monday. It. Whatever you plan on celebrating this upcoming week low 60s for downtown San Francisco oakland in the mid 60s those of you in the tri valley, 65 degrees a pretty uniform numbers there novato warming up to 67 degrees below 60s for those of you in san jose and your 10 at 10 outlook tracking a gradual cool down through wednesday. But then we are going to notice by thursday overall pretty dry seasonable weather for the next 10 day forecast so very little change just a gradual increase or decrease in temperatures but pretty nice weather pattern even as we wrap up the end of november as well but so far no rain in sight. So lets keep our fingers crossed that by december we actually get some rain making its way into our wet season when your blessing the turkey on thursday make sure you had. A little bit of rain and that blessing as well, yes please, especially or turkey, mercy rise, right guard and now its right. Its a very still hard to find a spot. Just easier to park. Still the big move. Just more moving. Still singing. Just more in tune. Still the gangs all here. Just less are we there yet . The chevy family of suvs. Making lifes journey just better. Now during the chevy cyber sales event, use 500 cyber cash on most suv models. To get 5,250 total cash allowance on most 2020 equinox models. Visit chevycybersalesevent. Com today. A breaking news happening tonight here on kron 4 news this one is that governor Gavin Newsome and his family are now in quarantine after 3 of his children, were exposed to a member of the california Highway Patrol who tested positive for covid19 all the new sums though have tested negative for the virus that was as of this morning, the governor putting up the street late the sunday night expressing now what has happened saying that he found out on friday night that not only himself but his wife jen that and 3 of their children were exposed to an officer from the california Highway Patrol who had tested positive for covid19 so there are some Contract Tracing that must have been going on there to show who that officer was and who they were around and it happened to be the first family of california. So now the entire family following health protocols. They say theyre going to be quarantining now for the next 14 it comes just. Few days after the governor as we were saying earlier put out. Let the folks know that of his daughter. I think when you want a child was are one of his children. Had been exposed one of the classmate at school who tested positive for covid19 so the governor saying that theyre one of their children had been coring taking quarantining in been isolated. As a result of that as well and this obviously comes this news of covid restrictions on another night here in california going into effect for 41 counties here in california another night day 2 of those new curfew restrictions going into effect at 10 oclock tonight last intel. 05 00am as well. It was one of a schoolmate of one of the children at their private school in sacramento, who diagnosed with coronavirus and as a precaution. That particular child was quarantining that news came out we reported that last night here on kron 4 news. 10 oclock. Now were hearing that the entire first family is going to be quarantining after exposure to coronavirus but they have as of glass test that they took. Tested negative was interesting to see because obviously were just saying that because the contract. Contact tracing theyve been able to go back figure out who that particular officer was is it someone part of his security detail. And if thats the case obviously theyre going to be more officers potentially with chp that are going to have to be a potentially off the off the job as they are. Looking back to see if theyve had contact with this particular officer as well. We will take a break and be right back more breaking news after this. Make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less yep get the gifts you love. Yesss . For everyone on your list. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you. With all the gift for less. At ross. Yes for less just got new video into the kron 4 news room of the scene in san jose where 2 people have been killed in a stabbing at a church multiple other people are wounded. We can see here the Police Presence and ambulance driving away from the scene it happened at the Grace Baptist Church in downtown san jose. Against San Jose Police have arrested a suspect that was according to san joses mayor sam liccardo but he deleted that tweet and said that more information was going to be coming from San Jose Police. Shortly so we will work now to confirm that officially from police San Jose Police also put out at some interesting information about this what was happening at the church because indoor Church Services are not supposed to be happening during the shelterinplace orders. Theyre saying that unhoused individuals are brought into the church to get them out of the cold they were putting them out as clarification so heres the tweet the san joses a Police Media Relations department put out no Church Services are being held at the time of the stabbing an house individuals were brought into the church to get them out of the call but we do know tonight that 2 people are now dead after this stabbing, we also know that several others as you are saying are also wounded many of them some of them with life threatening injuries. We dont have an exact number. At this as we were saying we were. Mayor sam liccardo deleted his tweet but some of the information that was in there. Were still waiting for San Jose Police to get more information but once again this is new video just in to the kron 4 news room tonight showing us first hand the scene that is unfolding there tonight. In san jose outside of the Grace Baptist Church, right off of 10th and san fernando its right Near San Jose State University. Officials had confirmed originally that there were multiple stabbing victims some had life threatening injuries as the evening progressed, they have confirmed that 2 people have now died following the stabbing at the Grace Baptist Church on east san fernando. Again, San Jose Police saying that unhoused individuals are being held at the church because it was cold outside not going to try to dive too deep into what exactly theyre referring to there. Other than people must have been inside the despite shelterinplace orders and no Church Services were being held. Again the mayor saying that a person was arrested, but he may have backtracked on that may be waiting to wait for police to make the official announcement and once again that is still a very active scene we do know that as you can see from the video on your screen. Police there have cordoned off or taped off a a large area there. As they still try to piece together exactly how this all went down with those 2 people now dead several others now wounded. Still waiting for official from San Jose Police once again. Sale of mayor sam liccardo tweeting out. That a person of interest was in custody or suspect was in custody. But just moments ago issuing a tweet saying that hes backtracking doing an aboutface on that information now kind of San Jose Police take the lead on providing that information as well as just he was saying this is just east San Jose State University. So a lot of folks would you know not necessarily be out and about. During this particular time of night, especially especially with curfew restrictions now in place going into effect at 10 oclock tonight. But some folks leading up to this likely were out may have seen something especially if its right near the some folks may have just been outside walking in doing other activities and likely came upon the scene. And many churches to let Homeless People stay in there. Search their facilities overnight when it is cold giving them a place to rest possibly even the meals giving them place to get out of the cold frigid temperatures so that may be what San Jose Police are referring to when theyre saying that an house individuals were staying in the church. Now we know that 2 people have died others were wounded in the stabbing. And were still getting new information we just got these 2 new pieces of video into our newsroom kind of illustrating whats happening there, including ambulances that are seen Police Presence and Emergency Responders were there. Yeah, its still a very fluid scene very active things are coming in to the kron 4 news room literally by the moment. Were going to continue to stay on top of this bring you new information including any new information from the mayor especially from San Jose Police as soon as we get it before the end of the newscast. Lets take a live look outside right now at downtown San Francisco on this very busy breaking news sunday night our meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is here now with a look at the forecast for the week ahead, yeah its going to be a busy forecast because it is holiday week forecast ahead of thanksgiving which is on thursday, lets take a live look outside from the south bay of san jose noticing those high clouds streaming through could also see some very light scattered hit or miss showers during the overnight hours. Impacting your Early Morning commute shortly before sunrise, but really just tracking about traces amount of rain at best but temperatures out there right now upper 40s for san jose and even for inland valleys of the east bay 49 degrees for dublin and livermore as well around the bay area shoreline milder temperatures low to mid 50. So we are a few degrees warmer this evening compared to last night, thanks to those blanket of clouds napa in the low 50s with petaluma and avato at 45 degrees 49 degrees as you step outside for your sunday night lets take a look at your microclimate monday outlook because a lot of you may be hitting the roads to get to your holiday destination for thanksgiving at downtown San Francisco warming up about 5 degrees to exactly where you should be for this time of year 62 degrees with widespread mid 50s for most of the San Francisco peninsula coastline, daly city 56 degrees elgood not at 55 degrees wind speeds on the light to breezy side for most of your monday 20 Miles Per Hour or less in brisbane to burlingame 57 degrees so going to start out cloudy with some dense low clouds and fog but then by around monday afternoon were going to notice mostly sunny skies that is going to contribute to our monday warmups amatil 59 degrees as the san carlos but redwood city warming up to 62 degrees with widespread low 60s for those of you in the south bay so your average temperatures for san jose at 62 degrees as his cupertino and as we take a look at the east bay livermore few degrees above average warming up to 65 degrees when you should be in the low 60s this time of year so enjoy those pleasant temperatures. He word 62 degrees of san Leandro Castro valley at 59 degrees. Concord and walnut creek, 65 degrees for your monday afternoon highs and we are tracking little change for those of you in the north bay napa 63 degrees sonoma, 64 and take a look at nevada the warmest city of the bay area warming up to 67 degrees so almost in that low 70 degree mark but very dry seasonable weather for next 10 day outlook and it looks like our thanksgiving thursday. Its the best in fact after we cool down by midweek we are going to gradually start to warm up even through next weekend. So this is a pretty typical la nina pattern where we see above average temperatures and below average precipitation but it looks like our thanksgiving thursday. The best if youre planning a covid outdoor event make sure to take advantage of noon to 3 oclock on thursday because thats when the temperatures will be the warmest with near seasonal averages for that day. Thank you so much for greece and can reverse a happy thanksgiving have a great guys. Well for the second night in a row theres a new stay at home order thats in effect in the state it began about 30 minutes ago and right now all non essential work. Movement and gatherings are banned until 5 oclock in the morning couple of things to keep in mind that means going out to eat after 10 oclock you can cannot do that. But you can order takeout go grab it. Bring yourself back home businesses like Grocery Stores and drugstores can also stay open after hours. Can also do things like go outside for a walk or walk a dog as well. This limited curfew impacting every county that you see on your screen in the purple tier thats many of us here in the bay area with the exception of more in San Francisco and san mateo counties, San Franciscos top doctors says he predicted that they would enter the purple to this weekend but as of now they are still in the less restrictive red tier. Today la county Health Officials announced a ban on all in person dining that means no eating at restaurants even if its outside its an outright ban for breweries and wineries that do not serve food. The order takes effect on wednesday right before thanksgiving. It starts at 10 oclock at night and People Living in l a county are frustrated by the even harsher restrictions. And you know coming hours. I usually does the whole be apple. Poison want to thank mike the mental state of a percent of their likes being a home. I feel like any time that you hold people back. And then youre implementing back into society theres going to be a spike i feel like its inevitable. The ban does not come out with without data to back it up Los Angeles County health Officials Say the 5 day average infection rate has reached concerning levels surpassing 4,000 cases. They also say a full lockdown order is possible. If hospitalizations surpassed 2000 per day. In just a few days we could learn the names of the first members im president elect joe bidens cabinet. So far biden has not said exactly who he will choose for his position. But his incoming chief of staff says that some of those names will be announced on tuesday. Tonight the Associated Press reporting that anthony blink lee will become his secretary of state biden has also gone on the record saying that he does know who he will choose as his treasury secretary, but no names have been given. President trump meanwh le still refusing to concede or help in the transition, becoming the First American president in modern history to obstruct that process. Michigan now looms as the next battleground in President Trumps attempt to challenge the Election Results without any evidence biden won michigan by more than 150,000 votes and the state elections board is supposed to clarify the results tomorrow thats monday. However, the foreperson board has 2 grafts and to republicans so theres a chance of a split vote. Michigans Top Republicans but with President Trump on friday, but said they were not made aware of any information to change the outcome but now the Republican National committee is trying to challenge the results. The clarification could end up in the courts where President Trumps attorneys have lost dozens of challenges already and the Trump Campaign is also appealing a judges decision to throw out an election law suit in pennsylvania. The judge firmly dismissed the campaigns attempt to invalidate about 7 million ballots. He says the campaigns argument lacked merit and evidence and amounted to an attempt to disenfranchise legal voters. Experts say the chances of success the Second Time Around are extremely small. Kron 4 following 2 big breaking news stories for you this sunday night first California Governor Gavin Newsome and his family. Now quarantining after being exposed to covid19. The governor issuing this tweet tonight saying that friday night. He and his wife and their 3 children exposed to an officer from the california Highway Patrol who tested positive for covid19. He said that he and his first partner had no direct interaction with the officer. Now wishing them a speedy recovery going on to say thankfully the entire family has tested negative. However consistent with local guidance. We will be quarantining for 14 days we are grateful for all the officers that keep our family safe and for every front line worker who continues to go to work during this pandemic and think about it this way the. First family they have 4 children but the tweet us saying that they have 3 kids now that are quarantining because one of the other children was already quarantining after being exposed at school at their private school in sacramento, so heres a picture of the first family we dont know which child was exposed at school but it sounds like the other 3 have now also been exposed while traveling with the family by a member of the california Highway Patrol that must at some point provide some sort of protection. For the family. The new sums they parent for children under the age of 10 and then now all be quarantining for the next 14 days, definitely be a fun time at the new some household meanwhile, the other big. Breaking news story. Were following this sunday night. 2 people dead several others wounded, but others with a life threatening injuries after a stabbing incident that happened tonight in san jose. And San Jose Police now backtracking what mayor sam liccardo had tweeted earlier saying that an arrest has been made San Jose Police saying there has been no arrest. No arrests now has been made after 2 people have been stabbed to death at a church in san jose multiple other people have been wounded in the stabbing. This is all new video just coming into our newsroom now showing us the big Police Presence that is there the ambulances there on the scene. These Police Department did also point out to us that they were housing some unhoused individuals at the church overnight to keep them out of the cold. Were still working to put together all the pieces there but again San Jose Police saying no arrests have been once again we do know from police that. They were saying that there are no Church Services being held in that particular at the time. But once again the scene still very active right now that does it for us here on kron 4 news at 10 oclock updates on both these breaking news stories will be found on our website kron 4 dot com and back here tomorrow morning. Im justine waltman Jonathan Mccall jasons now unless youve been living under a rock you know it has been a wild wild week for the Golden State Warriors you had the nba draft. You had to Klay Thompson news and you had free agency beginning but some big news that also happened they were able to acquire a new player. Kelly oubre a junior from the Oklahoma City thunder and he just so happens to be joining us here as sports night live now talk about the warriors kelly, but i know youve had a crazy world when week yourself you have a career year for the phoenix suns then 5 days ago to train due to the Oklahoma City thunder. Couple days later, they train due to the Golden State Warriors what has your week been like. Us minutes after that a roller coaster. And ive been just trying to maintain you know levelheaded his throughout it all, but everything happens for a reason you know, im just so happy to wear the most highs brought is mess to be known say were years just couldnt be more excited to get started. What you are traded to the thunder. The reports were that they were looking to move you was golden state one of your preferred destinations. Use somewhere great fit for unfortunately obviously clay went down and that was and i wish that on anybody man size can way from a good healthy, so you can have full force but

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