Im frank mallicoat. Lets check in with rosemary and get that forecast. Good morning. Good morning. Mainly dry starting out. Thats going to change during upper 40s in livermore and san jose is at 52. Temperatures are beginning to rebound and we are a few degrees warmer than yesterday. Your sunday. Scattered showers in the forecast for the first part of half moon bay, a whopping 13 your day, becoming more degrees warmer. It has to do with some offshore wind out widespread into the second there. Half, especially for the central and south bay. It just shifted and its coming in from the southeast but it the north bay, a few sprinkles expected. Was coming in from the northeast. It is the south bay in the we will continue to have a central bank will receive most light breeze in and around the of the precipitation. We have an extended forecast. Bay area. A little dusty in the hills at it looks a bit rainy and cooler a little breeze year in the than what we are experiencing this weekend. Hills. 18 mileperhour. Again, details on the numbers and what you can expect for the week, awaiting that system there that will bring us rain. At least coming up. The number of cozy cases for the afternoon before it keeps climbing. Tapers off. There are now 1490 cases in heres a view of where we see it this morning. Santa cruz the california. The map shows at least 648 we have Scotts Valley on the confirmed cases of more than 100 edge there. Just on the edge of capitola and a little further to the areas near watsonville. Coming from yesterday. Going from 196 in Santa Clara County to 263. Other areas enclosing double moving east across the central portions of the california area digitsare alameda and san. We get the wraparound moisture. We will get the north edge of it. South bay and central bay mateo county. Seeing it. They are rolling out a test north bay perhaps not so much. Heres a look at 1 00 in the that could provide results in afternoon. Areas over higher elevations. 45 minutes. It is a molecular diagnostic there will be enough unstable Company Based out of sunnyvale. Air with that as we get into the second part of the afternoon. They just received emergency 3 00 or so comes a little more operation for a rapid detection widespread. Test. It has been designed to operate south bay into the central bay and into areas right around 5 00 or so shifting north but on systems worldwide. It does not look like a lot. As we get into the evening hours, its gone. Rainfall amounts are a quarter inch or so for the south bay. The medical officer says it will be mainly used at hospitals, allowing doctors to better treat patients because of quick turnaround times. With more to come, tuesday and what is unique about it, the wednesday time frame, another storm. This one dropping from the north is going to be a colder one. It will drop snow levels as well. Snow levels today right around ability to carry out all the steps of a laboratory analysis, 6000 feet. A Reference Lab analysis, which heres a view of the means extracting rna from the temperatures right now. Half moon bay at 63 degrees. 47 sample. Amplifying it with molecular in napa and 47 in areas of walnut creek. I will have a look at the amplification methods and detecting it, although steps afternoon highs today. Widespread 60s in the forecast are integrated from the point and eventually temperatures that you add a sample to the dropping the afternoon highs to cartridge. About 60 degrees by tuesday and currently, coronavirus wednesday. More on this coming up. Up next, public gyms are all shut down. We are looking samples are sent to a centralized lab with results in at the new ways to work out and several days. The secretary of stay connected during this new health and Human Services says world of shelter in place. The new diagnostics means test and the stars of a new was far more assessable. Streaming show little fires Vice President mike pence everywhere explains how the coronavirus has had an impact on hollywood. And his wife have both tested negative for the coronavirus. The couple was tested after a staff member from his office was infected. Vice president mike pence saying that the aid is doing well and has mild symptoms but had not been at the white house since last monday. Doctors are tracing the movements of both the president and the Vice President to make sure they have not come in contact with anyone that has the virus. Heres a look at the situation across the united states. There is almost 27,000 confirmed cases now. Nearly half of those are in new york state. It jumped 4500 cases just yesterday. Experts are calling new york city the epicenter of the united states. There are 340 deaths so far in the u. S. Washington state has the most at 94. That is followed by new york at 76th and california at 27. The white house plans to hold a Daily Briefing at 1 30 this afternoon. Demonstration is calling on more companies to fill the shortage of medical equipment. President trump is invoking the defense protection act which gives them Broad Authority to meet the needs of the national defense. Companies are already retrofitting production lines to help manufacture medical masks. Vice president mike pence is drinking apple for their contribution. This is another story about Great American industry. The present and i heard directly from apple that they are donating 2 million industrial masks to this effort. Distilleries that normally brew alcohol are using ingredients to produce hand sanitizer. Leaders are meeting this morning to work out a massive Coronavirus Relief bill. The meeting includes nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell. They are close to agreeing on a proposal that could eventually provide a 2 trillion boost to the u. S. Economy. The size of the plan would almost double the rescue package during the 2008 financial crisis. A current Sticking Point includes increasing unemployment benefits. We are working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to Small Businesses and industries and give direct payments to the great workers and hardworking american families. There has never been anything like we are doing on the hill right now. First, there is a procedural vault later today. Mitch mcconnell is aiming for a senate vote tomorrow on that new legislation. And other popular tourist spot is closing during this pandemic. State and Health Agencies announce the florida keys will be off limits starting tonight. State agencies have begun shutting down hotels and staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak means figuring out a new routine. Restaurants along the coast. The shutdown order will remain how people are finding ways to in effect for at least the next stay active and connected with two weeks. Others while staying at home. San franciscos police chief has released a public reporter many are adjusting Service Announcement urging everyone to do their part to to working from home and social distancing right now, so here help slow down the spread of are some ideas which hopefully the virus. Can be helpful. Getting into a we are confronted with a new threat like we have never seen routine and starting the day with a workout. From pop sugar before. We will get through this with fitness on youtube to studios commitment, resolve, and and classes including orange patience. The psa reminds the series, planet fitness, Zumba Community to stay at home and and more. Only go out for essential items. If you do leave your house, celebrity trainers are posting maintain a safe distance of at workouts. Debbie allen even held a couple least six feet from one another. Governor gavin newson online dance classes. Issued an accident of order so getting a little dress for the athome office can be motivating. And the tip for someone whos distancing. Were working on this now. Worked from home for years, leave work at the office. Sarah. Drug well, governor gavin during the days schedule coffee and lunch dates with friends and get them fresh air newson is doing what he can to with a short walk. Make sure that california is after work there are many options for entertainment online , especially as celebrities try prepared which is what he is expecting. He announced an executive order to allow the state to increase to keep spirits up. Artists are Live Streaming performances. Mobile health units and adult broadway fans Andrew Lloyd Webber even taking twitter requests at his home piano. Healthcare facilities. Its all in an effort to treat more patients. Local governments will have more flexibility to get help from retired employees. Speaking of theater, broadway hd streams hit musicals. Virtual tours of museums around the world. Money will go to buy medical equipment, expand testing, and zoos and aquariums are doing the same. And for spending time with family and friends, there are face time happy hours, google it will leave two hospitals to treat people with coronavirus. Hangouts, even Binge Watching one in daly city and one in los as a group. Just some ideas. Angeles. The state also wants to set up keep sharing yours with everyone 10,000 extra hospital beds in. Hotels and Convention Centers we look for ways to stay just in case the demand gets connected while staying apart. That high. In hollywood, fox news. At the Santa Clara Convention center, a temporary medical station care for up to 250 people. Whatever it takes. Most Starbucks Coffee shops have closed their doors, but elon musk says he is producing ventilators. Drivethroughs are still open. In san ramon we found some long lines of cars going through it is frustrating to see people not taking social distancing seriously. That drivethrough. One customer who ordered online governor newson has some stern said she was surprised when she arrived. Words. We ordered online, and we those young people that are on the beaches, thinking this didnt realize you couldnt pop is a party, time to grow up. Time to wake up. In and out out. Time to recognize it is not about the old folks it is about we just hopped in the drive through line. Your impact on the lives. There you go. Most customers are taking everything in stride and say they are happy to wait in a drivethrough line as long as if people start going out, they can still get that coffee fix. People are watching a lot more tv and movies at home right now, thats for sure. There is a new series called Little Fires Everywhere. They will enforce it. He produces 56 of the it is streaming on hulu. Our reporter sat down with the population could get coronavirus stars to talk about coronavirus concerns at home and in within the next two months if hollywood. Prevention is not taken seriously. Reporting live, sara zendehnam, ktvu fox 2 news. Alayna, someone burn down your house. With you inside. Thank you. Time now is 7 08. Shall we go outside . Lets check in with rosemary. Showers off and on . Big names starting in Little Spring showers in the forecast. Fires everywhere. This hulu today, tuesday, wednesday as well. Series is based off a best selling book and takes place in shaker heights, ohio. Temperatures are going to be one day you wake up in your cooling off as we get in the days ahead. Snow levels will be dropping. Life is settled. Giving you a look here over mt. And while the streaming diablo where it is a mostly series seems to be a safe bet cloudy start to the day. These days, coronavirus concerns were heavy on everyones mind. As moms and professionals, temperatures within a few what precautions are you taking degrees of yesterday, at least in your everyday life now . For most of us. We are starting out mainly dry. We are similar in that we temperatures at this hours in have small children and older the 40s. 40 degrees for santa rosa. Parents so we have similar concerns about safety 52 in San Francisco. Oakland at 49. And trying to get really well livermore, 44. Informed. I think we also have talked trying to strike that balance of getting as much information as you can to take care of yourself and your loved ones but also realizing that your stress san jose, 49 as well. As we get into the second part of your day, the scattered level impacts your immunity as showers are going to increase. Heres a look at the radar well, so how can you cultivate right now. Some calm and really try to you can see a lot of it is offshore. That system moving in is decompress and hang out with expected to come ashore right loved ones. Around san luis obispo. We will continue with the wraparound moisture coming into and watch streaming shows the bay area. South bay, from the comfort of your own home. Sure, if you choose to. I also think its a great time to show classic movies. It is. Ive been working on a list. Central bay, likely to see most we follow your book club. Of this. The north bay will just get a couple scattered showers. Im going to post a list. Heres your lunch hour. You can see areas of the south bay along the coastline, perhaps the peninsula, into the dinner hour, lighten the date, classic movies for knights inn it becomes a little more widespread. As we get into the evening at home. Thats a great idea. Hours, it is gone. A little unsettled for monday you are coming completely with the next system coming in on tuesday. As far as rain falls amounts, unraveled. Joshua jackson plays the husband of rhys character but area south of san jose into monterey, 0. 5 inches of rain. In real life is married to jody turnersmith and they are expecting their first child within the next month. Im out of work right now because the baby is coming. I san jose, 0. 25 inches. Am on baby hiatus. The further north you go, the less you will see today. How are you taking extra another item of note, if you precautions . Plan on spending a little bit i think the best precaution is to just think of it not only of time getting fresh air along the coastline, the north and northwest facing beaches today see an increase in rip is protecting yourself but protecting the most Vulnerable People around. Currents. When i come back, i will have a look at afternoon highs for today and the cooler temperatures that are coming fox entertainment allstars. Our way in addition to another storm on tuesday. More on that coming up. As we move on, it affects thank you. Police in the by area are everything. Everything we do. Everything. I was looking for a series adjusting to the latest that are ones i have missed, directives. All Law Enforcement across the bay is adapting during theres like multiple seasons. Are you Binge Watching . Im going to watch all the marvel movies, some people have posted. Awesome internet. Its more than just fast. Im like, well, you have time. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. You know the movie ive wanted to see for so long and with builtin security that protects your kids. Havent, its a lady gaga movie. No matter what theyre up to. What is that called . It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. A star is born. That if its connected, its protected. Im watching that. Even that that petcamera thingy. Thats not a pick me up, [ whines ] just in case. Can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Should i wait question mike. Simple, easy, awesome. Sorry. We wont spoil the ending. [ barking ] you might want to watch dodgeball right after that. Getting alive look here. Folks are getting a little bit of fresh air. Of course, you know, this is acceptable. Give yourself some space and dont take too long. Get in and get out. 48 degrees right now in santa rosa. San francisco is at 51. Low 50s in oakland, upper 50s in livermore, san jose at 52. You may need a light jacket getting out there. Stretching her legs, hanging out on the patio. 3 degrees warmer this morning. 13 degrees warmer in half moon bay. Most of us starting out a tad warmer. You may not notice. Over half moon bay, we had a northeast breeze. That really kicked up the numbers. It is now coming from the south. Calm conditions over hayward. A bit of a light breeze out there. Anywhere 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour reported. 22 at middle peak. Mount diablo is at 10 and coming in from the east, it has to do with that system rolling over the central portion of california and bringing some rain to the south bay locations over areas of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Highway 17 over toward capitola, maybe a few sprinkles. At some light you can run liked theres no tomorrow. Reported over areas of monterey. The system is going to make a but tomorrow always comes. Pass toward the Central Coast and pushed east. We are going to see some rain over the south bay, central bay, north bay will be hit or miss. Here is the future cast. 2 00 in the afternoon, seeing some over the higher elevations. It looks unstable. We could have thunderstorms embedded. As we move through 4 00 or so, now its into the central bay. It weakens as it moves through areas over the north bay and then it moves out. We will be dry by tonight. Into tomorrow it looks mainly dry. The next storm we are tracking comes in on tuesday. This one comes from the north and its a colder storm. Snow levels today around 6000 feet. No advisories for folks that need to travel over those passes, but always a good idea to have the chains or snow tires handy. We have the snow showers the faa briefly halted that will continue monday into flights to four major airports tuesday with levels dropping down to 4000 feet. On the east coast after the agency learned a trainee had heres a look at the temperatures right now. Upper 40s to well, lets tested positive for coronavirus. Departures were suspended for half an hour. Just say 50s. Half moon bay stands alone in Officials Say they are now working to trace who that the low 60s. 64 in San Francisco, 64 oakland, trainee may have come in 67 concord. The soggy weather moving in today, as we dry out contact with. We have reached a global infection point of 307,000 cases now of the coronavirus. There are 13,000 people who and we are mainly dry on monday, tuesday and wednesday with more rain in the forecast. Afternoon highs are in the upper 50s. Back to you. Thanks. It has been a little slow lately in the sports department. We are going to take a look have died and 92,000 people who at some of the greatest moments have recovered from covid19. In sports on this day years ago in italy, the death toll jumped by 600 overnight and that is the largest single day of fatalities anywhere in the. Good stuff coming up. Stay right there. World. There are more than 53,000 cases in italy. Fox news is Steve Harrigan has awesome internet. More. Reporter italy seeing the worst day for the coronavirus death on saturday with nearly 800 in a 24hour period. This convoy was dispatched in northern italy to transport the body of 30 People Killed by the virus. The authorities are becoming increasingly frustrated as people continue to leave their homes despite appeals to stay indoors, prompting stricter controls including more checkpoints. Some stores, like this when in rome, or checking shoppers temperatures. Checking the temperature is a good precaution considering the current situation. I dont think it is an exaggeration. Restrictions were intensified in germany with officials urging people to stay home. On saturday, cuban lawmakers decided to temporarily ban tourists from the island. Translator we need to take strong makers are is now because we dont know when this ends. Reporter there is a desperate scramble for additional hospital beds and medical equipment. In spain, overcrowded icus prompting the conversion of hotels and Convention Centers into makeshift medical words. People in the small Spanish Village are making masks to help protect workers. Support for healthcare workers on the front lines knows no borders. In france, the eiffel tower dazzled in a light showed tribute to healthcare workers. In spain, First Responders honked and switched on sirens to publicly praise some of the hospital workers. At least four states in the u. S. Have asked all nonessential workers to stay home. New jersey being the latest to add to a growing list. In atlanta, Steve Harrigan, fox news. Their growing calls to postpone the 2020 olympics. The track and Field Federation is asking that the games be delayed following a similar he coursed by the swimming federation. U. S. Track and field says they its more than just fast. Understand the ramifications of it keeps all your devices running smoothly. The request but moving forward, with builtin security that protects your kids. It would not be in the best interest of the athletes. No matter what theyre up to. As of right now, the tokyo it protects your info. Olympic games are scheduled to. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. Take place on july 24th. There is one constant, that. That if its connected, its protected. Is the weather. We have had off and on showers even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] for the last week or so. The song remains the same. Right . Take it well it is coming. Scattered showers today. We will get a shot at rain tuesday and wednesday. That midweek system, the tuesday system, is going to bring cooler weather and lower snow levels. If you do have traveling that you need to do, be aware of that. Giving you a great just a few over areas over the oakland estuary and into San Francisco where we are seeing good weather. We have mainly dry conditions at the moment. This is going to change getting into the second part of the morning and into the early afternoon. We pull back just a little bit, showing you that system there. Thats going to come ashore right along the Central Coast. Well, theres not a lot going on in the world of sports. Its tough. How about we look back on what monterey could see 0. 5 inches of rain. South bay, 0. 25 inches. Happened on this weekend years the further north you go, the ago. Less we are going to see. We go inside the ring and on the court on this day moons ago. The next system on tuesday, it will actually drop from the north. The champion. On this day in sports in that is going to bring with it the colder weather. 1967, heavyweight boxing champ heres a look at the future cast mohammed ali knocked out zora foley in the seventh round to into the second part of the retain his title. Afternoon, right about 4 00 or 5 00, it becomes a little more widespread for us. It pulls out fairly quickly. Monday looks fairly dry. After that fight he was stripped of his title for refusing to be drafted and didnt fight again until more leaving just a chance. Than three years later. Tuesday though, thats when the on this day in 1958, kentucky next normal come in. You can see from Northern California dropping from this direction. Snow levels expected to get down seattle from the ncaa down to 2500 feet that could championship, despite being on the losing side. The tournaments most outstanding also bring us some snow player. In 1972, four years away from including the sierra. This is what we are expecting his days as a laker, kareem today. Snow showers in the forecast. No advisory for travel today. Snow levels are expected to abduljabbar was named to the remain right around 6000 feet and above. And as i was a good idea to nbas most valuable player. And in 1989, the u. S. Guided have the snow tires. Monday to the nfls most dramatic growth announcing his retirement. Thats this day in sports on tuesday, snow levels drop to march march 22nd. About 4000 feet. They continue to drop wednesday, perhaps into thursday. Outside this morning, partly cloudy conditions. As the sun just up yet . I kind of feel for the sports. Like well, what are we going to do . Its kind of like all of about 7 30 officially. 53 in berkeley. These things that would make it 52 in San Francisco. A little bit easier if there was sports on tv. 40 degrees in santa rosa. Good release. Afternoon highs today, low to mid 60s for most. Upper 60s expected over the but none of it. North bay. We will get through it. Center areas, notice how how about a forecast . Temperatures drop off i can handle that. Dramatically tuesday into wednesday and thursday. Scattered showers in the forecast for the afternoon today. Afternoon highs only reach into temperatures in the 60s. The upper 50s to near 60 mainly dry for tomorrow before more rain moves in on tuesday into wednesday and that will be a colder storm dropping the degrees. Afternoon highs into the upper back to you. Thank you. 50s. Back to you. Still ahead, the work Homeland Security is putting in rosemary, i have a request to put rumors to rest about the for you. You can say hi to art in spread of coronavirus. How the National Guard is brentwood. Hello. Happy sunday. Helping food banks in the bay area keep their doors open. Can i say happy sunday still . Big fan. Heres a live look outside. There is the oakland estuary this morning as the sun is thanks for watching. Beginning to rise. We appreciate it. All the latest news online. That picture changed a little bit but you can see the sky have a great day. Still looking very pretty outside. Have a great day, everybody. bright jingle it is 7 19 and you are watching mornings on 2. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. Welcome to our program. Im tony noakes, and with me today is dr. Wendy walsh. Todays program is focused on asbestos, an industrial product that has caused phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Devastating lung diseases, including mesothelioma, get details on this state program. Visit right now asbestosis, and lung cancer. Or call countless members of the military and men and women in over 75 other occupations during business hours. Have been diagnosed with these deadly diseases. So today, we have information you may need to be aware of that may help you deal with the impact a lung cancer, mesothelioma or asbestosis diagnosis and change the world. Here at abbvie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Welcome back. The Defense Department is dispelling rumors of a possible National Standard home order while stepping up efforts to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Lucas has the latest from the pentagon. Reporter top government Officials Say there is no truth whatsoever that they will enforce martial law. Chad wolf spoke on fox and friends. Its simply not true. What we see is a lot of disinformation campaigns via text, social media. We want to make sure that we refute those. We have no plans for National Lock down her national quarantine. Reporter the head of the National Guard said quote, i hear unfounded rumors about troops supporting a nationwide quarantine. Let me be clear, there is been no such discussion. The National Guard will continue to have committees. The defense secretary says over 4000 have been mobilized across 31 states and tens of thousands could be called up. The army corps of engineers exploring ways to convert thousands of rooms in new york into makeshift hospitals. We are talking about over 10,000 that we are looking at now. We need to set that up. In fairness to new york but that is not my decision. That has to go to the my has to make that decision. We will exercise whatever fema tells us to do. Reporter the u. S. Womens Football Team returned home after being stranded in honduras along with other americans. The state Department Says it is doing everything i can to bring other americans home including those stuck in peru. The navy says it has delivered the first coronavirus test kits two ships in the western pacific. So far, no sailors have tested positive. A u. S. Central command in tampa, a sailor has tested positive after returning home from the middle east. At the pentagon, lucas thomason, fox news. The National Guard is being deployed to help food banks during the stay at home order. Governor gavin newson is calling on the National Guard to complete a short appointment to help with the shortage of volunteers at food banks. What we have asked for his a few Truck Drivers as well as people to help us box food. The National Guard might be helping or they are helping and they will think we dont need committee volunteers. Thats not true. We still need Community Volunteers to help us. Volunteers are keeping operations afloat, putting together food boxes for people who need it most. Time now is 7 25. 60 troops deployed to the Sacramento Food bank after it saw a 70 drop in volunteers. The Food Bank House provided food to 150,000 people. Troops say they are helping to feed many, many more. A lot of our volunteers, the volunteers are senior citizens. So, we want them to stay home and be careful. It is really, really nice to have the california National Guard to come out here. Expeditiously they work a lot faster than a lot of others and we are getting a lot of work done. Even with the National Guard, officials with the Sacramento Food bank say they still need some help. People can volunteer under the mandatory stay at home order. A faster form of testing for covid19 is being developed in the bay area. Next, how quickly a new test could turn around results and what that would mean for treating those infected. Also, smart trains are turning up their service times. What you know to know ahead of your commute and how Long Services will be disrupted. Thats all when mornings on 2 continues. Lets make it more delicious menutaur put an extra patty on that bam woah uhuhhh my 4. 99 triple bonus jack combo stack it up for an extra buck. It may come as a surprise but medicare doesnt pay for everything. And that can leave you looking for help with some outofpocket costs. Well, heres a way to help bridge the gap with a medigap plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medigap plans help pay some of what medicare doesnt, reducing your outofpocket costs. With zero networks and zero referrals needed. Which all adds up to a little more peace of mind. Call or click now to connect with Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company and talk with a licensed Insurance Agent about the range of plans and rates available. Or, schedule an appointment with a licensed Insurance Agent right in your area. Remember, a medigap plan helps bridge the gap medicare doesnt pay for. And, these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today about aarp Medicare Supplement plans. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today check out my triple bonus jack check it out with an extra patty yeah ok lets ride oh hey man, uhh. [car beeps] my 4. 99 triple bonus jack combo stack it up for an extra buck. Coming up, hospital workers sounding the alarm about the desperate need for masks and other equipment vital for healthcare workers on the front line to the coronavirus pandemic. Plus, we are not taking enforcement action. No arrests, no citations. A shift in protocol as Law Enforcement adjusted the latest shelter in place orders to help stop the spread of covid19. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. And good morning. Welcome back to mornings on 2 on this sunday. A nice view of mt. Diablo there. People are getting up and dealing with another day of the coronavirus. It has been a little crazy. We are glad youre tuned in here on sunday, march 22nd. I am frank mallicoat. Good morning. I am claudia wong. Rosemary orozco is joining us. It is the time where we are trying to find the things we love and new things to do. [ laughter ] yes. It feels a little longer as each dough goes on. Im hearing a lot of people trying to figure out, how my going to exercise . New routines. We may walk away with something that we actually are happier with. In any event, im happy to report we have rain on the way. Scattered showers in the forecast for the second part of your day. The south bay and central bank likely to get most of it. Its not a big system. Anywhere from a few 107 inch to a quarter of an inch with widespread 60s for your afternoon. More rain and cooler conditions for the days ahead. Details on today and the week ahead, coming up in just a bit. A company has develop a testing kit that is now fda approved. It is designed to provide coronavirus results in less than an hour. Sara zendehnam is working from home and she joins us live with details about when this will be rolled out. Reporter right now, if youre tested for coronavirus it could be days before you get results. This new test gives you an answer in 45 minutes. Cepheid is a diagnostic company in sunnyvale. They gave Emergency Operation further rapid detection test. Cats will start shipping next week. It can be done on site. It is the first pointofcare test approved by the fda. If you go to a clinic or hospital, you can be tested right then and there. And to give more people access. Officials acknowledge currently is primarily for people who are already sick, the elderly, and those with preexisting conditions. The faster you get your results, the lower the chance of community spread. The ceo explains the first of this kind test. What is unique about it, the ability to carry out all the steps of a laboratory analysis, a Reference Lab analysis, which means extracting rna from the sample. Amplifying it with molecular amplification methods and detecting it , although steps are integrated from the point that you add a sample to the cartridge. Reporter Health Officials urge people not to get tested and lets you are actually showing symptoms. Reporting live, sara zendehnam, ktvu fox 2 news. Governor gavin newson has issued a new order that dramatically expands the response to the pandemic. The order includes a massive Program Underway to meet the Unprecedented Demand for hospital space in california. Reporter it is about 1000 beds that we been able to. The he ordered the program yesterday. We have made clear that most vulnerable californians include the homeless. 10 8000 on sheltered homeless in the state of california. Im pleased to announce we have over 2400 hotel rooms that we have already secured. He says he is also enlisting the help of two of the most famous executives, the governor says tim cook will donate 1 million medical masks to the state and elon musk has pledged 250,000 masks along with 1000 ventilators. Volunteers and medical staffers taking up collections to try to get any protective equipment that they get their hands on. As Leigh Martinez shows us, medical professionals or even willing to take used masks. Reporter on saturday, Vice President mike pence said personal protective equipment such as n95 masks and eye protection are available to hospitals and medical centers to buy now. Close to half 1 billion masks will enter the supply. The supply of socalled n95 masks has been vastly increased in the country because the president insisted that we extend Liability Protection to industrial masks. Reporter Vice President mike pence also called on michael areas to take up donations since several hospitals complain they have not been able to get ppe supplies. At 18th and dolores streets on saturday, medical students spent their free time organizing a drive for mask donations. Yesterday, we came at 10 00 a. M. With no promotion. We were able to collect 235 masks. Even now, i dont even think it is noon yet. We have exceeded that amount by a lot. Reporter many locals have them. The masks that i have were in my first aid kit supply and leftovers. I saw them here yesterday. I realized im not using them and what little contribution i can make. Reporter pg e announced it will donate nearly 1 Million Masks it keeps from the wildfire supply to california hospitals. The masks the students collected will go to general and highland hospitals. Other hospitals have drives for n95 masks and other medical supplies. Santa clara finally medical foundation, san mateo county, San Francisco medical center, and ucf Childrens Hospital in oakland. Theyll be out collecting masks again on sunday and on monday from 8 00 until 5 00 at mount zion. Leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. The Health Department is reporting the first death. He is a man in his 50s. Ktvu news spoke with his uncle. Alfonso says his uncle, martin, lived in monterey and started feeling sick two weeks ago. He was taken to a hospital where he died on friday. If you feel ill, if you are weak, have a fever, please contact your primary care physician or do whatever you need to do. You know, this virus doesnt discriminate. We have felt it firsthand in my family the effects of that. She also says his uncle had diabetes but was otherwise physically fit and worked out. The received San Jose Police officer who tested positive early this month is now in hospital intensive care unit. His wife has posted a message asking the public to pray for her husband. He is older than 50 and is considered to be at risk. San jose pd says he often shared a squad car with a partner during his shifts. Is being congressman Mark Desaulnier is listing Critical Condition. The lawmaker was admitted to a washington, d. C. Hospital a week ago after fracturing a rib during a ride. He is now suffering from complications from pneumonia and is in Critical Condition. He has tested negative for the coronavirus. The lawmaker is 67 years old and is also a cancer survivor. Seven grams princess cruise passengers have tested positive for the coronavirus. All seven did not show any symptoms. According to the chronicle cook, they were identified after the first batch of results from the voluntary testing came back friday. It raised questions about the quarantine and the fact that two thirds of the 858 passengers isolated on Travis Air Force base have declined to be tested. Coronavirus is changing the way Many Bay Area Police departments are doing their business. Henry lee tells us the goal is to limit Public Contact while responding to more serious crimes. Reporter at the Emeryville Police department, the front doors are locked because it has to be by law. The elevator to the lobby, now offlimits to the public because of the coronavirus. We dont have front counter service. We have canceled all nonessential interviews, nonessential appointments. Reporter other departments are doing the same thing. Emeryville police chief says her officers began a unique work schedule tailored to the pandemic. Half the department is working 12 hours on and 12 hours off for the next two weeks. The other half will work for the next 14 days. That is the incubation period for this virus. The hope is that we are preserving the health of staff by keeping them separated. Reporter many agencies are asking the public to do its part by making Police Reports by phone or computer. If you need the police, we are always going to be there. You can file that report online. We encourage that. Reporter they are out monitoring bars and clubs for compliance for much of the bay area. In oakland, officers say there out to educate the public. We are not taking enforcement action. No arrest, no citations. Just a reminder of social distancing. Reporter and a reminder to call 211 and not tie up 911 by asking questions about the virus. On the 911 line, they are questions if i dont feel well, as is going to be open . Well the Police Respond to my house . Reporter police say they will respond to emergencies while taking proper percussions and making sure vehicles are clean. We saw this crew Washing Police cars. A separate Crime Scene Cleaning Company was coming by to decontaminate the inside of the vehicles. In motivate, the chief used wives to clean his Steering Wheel and he also had a message. We are ready to respond. Please, practice good hygiene, obey the Public Health orders, and remember, we check all in this together. Be safe. Reporter henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. Lets talk about the weather in the rain that is headed our way. More rain, rosemary. Whats up with that . I just saw an airplane at ss about. We do have scattered showers. You can expect that if you like laying in the rain, maybe put on the boots and get outdoors. At least the backyard. Right . We want to give you look at mt. Diablo where it is a mostly cloudy, mainly dry start to the day. Scattered showers remain off the coastline and its approaching santa cruz. Heres a look at sfo. San francisco, right about 52 degrees. Oakland, 49. Livermore, 44. San jose, 49. Santa rosa, sunny skies and 40 degrees over the airport there. Temperatures within a few degrees of yesterday emma at least for most of the area. Half moon bay, 11 degrees warmer with a little bit of a cloud cover and perhaps an offshore breeze. Heres a look at where we are seeing some of that rain will from the south that is how this is going to go. For the south bay, anywhere from a quarter inch of rainfall for the central bay, maybe if you 100s to a 10th of an inch. The north bay, we may see just a few 100 and a few areas may not see much. Were getting ready to see this move in and we will see that increase is big into the afternoon. Also for the beaches, santa cruz and into the north bay, the north and northwest facing beaches, we do have dangerous rip currents and sneaker waves in the forecast. Something to be aware of if you plan on getting in a little bit of exercise or walking the dog near the coastline for today. Heres a look at the future cast model. Notice as we get into the second part of the afternoon, and begins to roll in right around dinnertime, perhaps. Its not going to last though. When i come back, i will have a look at what you can expect as far as the rainfall amounts and more rain and cooler weather on the way in the extended forecast. Thank you. The coronavirus pandemic is having an effect on several faliesn the bay area. Schools remain shut down. Coming up next, we are going to hear from a parenting expert about some of the tips and tricks to keep your kids engaged without the use of screens. Thats coming up. Concerns of a food shortage in the u. S. Why Officials Say hoarding and panic buying is only going to make the problem worse. Tv just keeps getting better. How you watch it does too. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Wean air force veteran made of doing whats right,. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could evenpe thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our member usaa with all these new regulations because of the coronavirus, many families have note choice but to stay at home to avoid potential exposure. If youre stuck at home, what can you do to keep your kids entertained . It is a daunting task and a parenting expert is here via skype to discuss the latest green free games to keep the kids connected. Good morning. Good morning. How are you . I like this green free parts. This is not an xbox vacation for the kids. Right. It is not summer vacation. Have at it, we are trying to find a balance between having fun, staying engaged or doing some schoolwork insanity for mom and dad too. Hopefully some of these things i have here will help you bring some of that fun and joy. Lets dive right in. The kids want to play a little bit. What you do . I love toys that strike a chord with creativity. They are having fun but they are learning. This is a kit where kids get to create these cute animals. How cute is this elephant. My son put this together and they can make this kid. It gives you the directions to put together one little creature. You get to use the directions but you can also make four others. They are always going back to this and creating something new. It is just keeping them entertained so maybe moms can get work done. I was actually able to clean the kitchen while he was doing this. How about things that you already have in your house. How about just cooking . For things you already have in your house, i love the idea of making your own marshmallow playdoh. Youre going to grab some marshmallows, you grab coconut more or any cooking oil that you have and powdered sugar. You toss about five marshmallows with two teaspoons of the oil and three tablespoons of powdered sugar. Put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Add food coloring and mix it together. You get this fun tasting play doh. I dont like the idea of edible plato at this point but it smells great and it is fun to play with. They can make it and play with it. Put it inside of a box and they can play with it tomorrow. I love this recipe because if you mess it up, it is easy to fix. Add oil if you need more oil. You cant mess up this recipe up. The kids get to jump in the kitchen and have fun. You have three kids. Say a 12yearold wants to hang out with their friend. What advice would you give in these times to tell your son or daughter, hey, thats not a good idea. It is so hard. They just want to hang with friends. There are so many ways they can do that as far as face time, breaking out the skype, there are so many different games they can play online. Different ways to stay in touch with their friends and see what is going on. Just a way they can still feel like their friends are with them. Just give them those options. We like to keep the kids screen free but face typing or skype or zoom, let them feel like they can stay connected even though they are at home. Do you think habits will change. Maybe kids will put down the phone and the tablet and start doing things in a more creative way down the road . How about your kids . Are they getting used to this . They really are. Okay, guys. We need a brain break. We found the love of building toys. One thing i found online is a building challenge. Every day, it is something new. They have been grabbing blocks and legos, they have been creating and building things, taking it back down. It is just tapping into their creativity. There is something that the kids have always loved but they got a new interest added is using the problemsolving skills. They can come up with their own creativity. Again, we are tapping into the problem solving skills. I just do a quick swipe and theyre all cleaned up. Lets talk about the parents a little bit. Any advice to the parents that are becoming schoolteachers and probably doing their own work from home, how to let the stress fall off your back. The kids play off your emotions, too. 100 . If you are anxious and angry, your kids will feel the same way. I know this is total chaos but i really hope that we are slowing down and finding joy in this chaos. I have seen beautiful schedules floating around social media. If that works for you and your family, awesome. If you create this schedule and everything falls apart everyone is weeping over fourth grade math and things are working out, take a break. Take a deep breath. Try again tomorrow. If its not working tomorrow, we will try this tomorrow. Find some peace and joy in this chaos. We always want a slower schedule. Heres the chance. Give yourself a break. Give your kids a break. Again, it doesnt work out today, we are here again tomorrow. We try to figure it out together. School is in session for a while. Amanda, we thank you for that insight and all the best with your three kids as well. Thank you. Stay safe. Wash your hands. You too. The time now is 7 52. Great advice. A lot of that stuff can all be done inside. Today when it starts raining, you might need some inside activities to keep the family busy. Absolutely. Find a little bit of happiness amongst this chaos. Thats all we can do. Outside this morning, mainly dry but if you look behind me, that rain is beginning to move closer to areas over santa cruz and already over the monterey area. Giving you a look at San Francisco, it is a partly sunny start to the day and a dry one. This will change as we get into the afternoon. The system bring in the moisture from the south. It is going to favor areas of the south bay which makes it easy to understand. Northbay, not so much. The northbay mostly sunny skies this morning. Take a look at how close it is to santa cruz. The next 15 minutes or so it should move ashore. Scattered showers for the first part of the day, becoming more widespread by the second half. It is going to move ashore right around san luis obispo. It will continue ease. It will bring us that rain later today and into tonight. Bennett moves out. Heres a look at the extended forecast. You can see how it is right around monowi and further south over los angeles, the sierra will also see some snow later today with snow levels remaining at about 6000 feet or so. As we get into monday, mainly dry. Thats next system will drop from the north and it will be a colder one. Snow levels expected all the way down to 2500 feet eventually. The next chance of rain is tuesday. As far as rainfall amounts, anywhere from 0. 25 inches to a view of about 0. 10 inches. Additional rain on the way. Temperatures this morning, low 40s to low 50s. 55 degrees at half moon bay. Free afternoon, widespread 60s. 64, San Francisco. Napa, 66. The extended forecast, that storm comes in tuesday into wednesday. Is going to drop the afternoon highs. Its going to feel quite chilly. Upper 50s to near 50 degrees for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. Back to you. Thank you. Still ahead, where many businesses are featuring hardships, one company is giving employees a raise. How much more target workers will now be making. Also had met, look at my dads face. He was too young to die. A grieving doctors warning for people dont take the covid 19 pandemic seriously after her father died from the virus. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. 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Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Welcome back. A woman from the south bay is speaking out after her fathers recent debts from covid19. Andre senior says she is sharing her story to prevent the spread of the virus. He was lovable. He was kind. Anybody he meant on the street or while working, he was shake their hand. Reporter fond memories and pictures are all she has left of her dad. Her father passed away tuesday, just months before his 67th birthday. This is not a joke, people. Reporter a passionate plea from a daughter who finds herself in the position of going from watching the pandemic unfold to living the horrific folly from the covid 19 spread which is ended up in the front door of her gilroy home. Used at home, you watch the news, and it is still so far away until it reaches so close to home. Reporter she says the journey began on march 3rd when her father took a trip to the emergency room for migraine and cough but was sent home. Two days later, he went to his personal doctor but was told to go back to the er. Five days later, he was admitted to a hospital in gilroy come up put on a ventilator because he couldnt breathe on his own. He passed away days later. I will say this. I wish they did more. I really do. I wish he wouldnt have been sent home. Two days . Two days couldve meant he would still be here. She is grieving but also wants to bring attention to the activities surrounding the virus in recognition of those dealing with the infection and those who have already passed away. Take this seriously. Stop joking about it and social media. Its not a joke. It really isnt. Look at my dads face. He was too young to die. Reporter she isnt sure how her father contracted the coronavirus and he has been in isolation since early this month. They lived together in gilroy. She told me that Health Officials will not test her or her family because theyre not showing symptoms. They are currently under a 14 day on quarentini. Im andre senior, ktvu fox 2 news. We want to know your questions about the coronavirus. Call the number on your screen, there it is. Or you can also email us. You can also see the questions we already answering just look for the Factor Fiction section. Abundance of our beliefs that we cannot only get through this but on the capacity to meet this moment together. Up next, the very latest and directives as Health Experts work to stop the spread of the coronavirus. We are confronted with a new threat we have never seen before. San franciscos police chief urging the public to stay at home. More from the chief as Police Officers cope with the coronavirus. Medical students and volunteers taking charge, collecting masks in San Francisco. More on the shortage and how desperate the medical world is to receive supplies. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. Good morning to you. You are taking alive look outside at the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. It looks beautiful. The span looks very quiet this morning. As do many roads on the sunday morning as we all try to shelter in place. Shelter where it is safer and just keep this thing from spreading. Welcome to mornings on 2. It is sunday, march 22nd. I am claudia wong. Thanks for joining us. I am frank mallicoat. Lets get to rosemary what the weather. The rain is going to hang around. Right . We will get a little bit today. Monday looks mainly dry. More coming tuesday, wednesday. You will notice a change in the temperatures as well. Its going to be cooler out there. Even cooler than today. Today, widespread 60s for the afternoon. Starting out with partly cloudy skies. That chance for showers increasing especially for the south bay this morning. Into the afternoon, a little more widespread. Anywhere from 0. 25 inches or less. The Rainy Weather and cooler weather will continue into the days ahead. Details and what you can expect for that, coming up. Thanks, rosemary. Lets talk about the number of coronavirus cases. It keeps climbing. When you talk about california, there are no 1470 in the state. Lets break it down county by county. The map shows at least 648 confirmed cases up more than 100 coming from yesterday. Going from 196 in Santa Clara County to 263. Other areas with double digits are alameda and san mateo county. A company is rolling out a test that could provide results in 45 minutes. It is a molecular diagnostic Company Based out of sunnyvale. They just received emergency authorization for a rapid detection test. It has been designed to operate on systems worldwide. The medical officer says it will be mainly used at hospitals, allowing doctors to better treat patients because of quick turnaround times. What is unique about it, the ability to carry out all the steps of a laboratory analysis, a Reference Lab analysis, which means extracting rna from the sample. Amplifying it with molecular amplification methods and detecting it , all those steps are integrated from the point that you add a sample to the cartridge. Currently, coronavirus samples are sent to a centralized lab with results in several days. The secretary of health and Human Services says the new diagnostics means test s will be far more assessable. Governor gavin newson dramatically expands the response will giving a serious warning about the importance of social distancing. Sara zendehnam is working from home and she joins us now live with the details. Good morning. Reporter good morning, claudine. I know you have heard this. If we dont take preventative measures, 66 of the state could get coronavirus in the next two months. That is 22 Million People just in california. The governor is trying to prepare for a worstcase scenario and plan ways to treat people. He announced an executive order to allow the state to increase mobile health units and adeles healthcare facilities. Local governments will also have more flexibility to get help from retired employees. Governor gavin newson ordered the spending of 42 million in emergency funding. It will buy medical equipment, expand testing, and will create two hospitals. The state wants to set up 10,000 extra hospital beds in hotels and Convention Centers just in case the demand gets that high. A temporary federal medical station is being set up to care for up to 250 people. State leaders and business moguls like elon musk who promised to produce ventilators and donate medical masks are doing their part to stop the spread of coronavirus. It is understandable why they would be frustrated by people not addressing social distancing. If you need to go outside to get some exercise, do that. Dont do that in a group setting. If you see a busy street, dont run down that street. Again, use common sense. Reporter the governor says if people continue to ignore the order, they will start to enforce it. Not necessarily with police but with communication. He hoped social pressure will force people to do the right thing. Again, if you need to get out the house, you can. Just avoid groups and make sure to stay six feet away from people. Reporting live, sara zendehnam, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you for that. Heres a look a situation across the united states. There is almost 27,000 confirmed cases now. Nearly half of those are in new york state. It jumped 4500 cases just yesterday. Experts are calling new york city the epicenter of the united states. There are 340 deaths so far in the u. S. Washington state has the most at 94. That is followed by new york at 76 and california at 27. The white house plans to hold a Daily Briefing at 1 30 this afternoon. The administration is calling on more companies to fill the shortage of medical equipment. President trump is invoking the defense production act which gives them Broad Authority to meet the needs of the national defense. Companies are already retrofitting production lines to help manufacture medical masks. Vice president mike pence is thanking apple for their contribution. This is another story about Great American industry. The president and i heard directly from apple that they are donating 2 million industrial masks to this effort. Distilleries that normally brew high proof alcohol are using ingredients to produce hand sanitizer. This morning to work out a massive Coronavirus Relief bill. The meeting includes nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell. He says they are close to agreeing on a proposal that could eventually provide a 2 trillion boost to the u. S. Economy. The size of the plan would almost double the rescue package during the 2008 financial crisis. A current Sticking Point includes increasing unemployment benefits. We are working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to Small Businesses and industries and give direct payments to the great workers and hardworking american families. There has never been anything like we are doing on the hill right now. First, there is a procedural vote later today. Mitch mcconnell is aiming for a senate vote tomorrow on that new legislation. Coming up, we will hear from Steven Mnuchin about the ongoing negotiations going on in washington. Bill scott has released a public Service Announcement urging everyone to help slow down the spread of the virus. We are confronted with a new threat like we have never seen before. We will get through this with commitment, resolve, and patience. The psa reminds the community to stay at home and only go out for essential items. If you do leave your house, maintain a safe distance of at least six feet from one another. If youre going to step outside, you might want to grab an umbrella. It is a little chilly and we could have a little rain as well. We will see some rain today. There is more on the way, hopefully. Hopefully youll get some fresh air even if it is just your backyard. We will be mainly dry for the first part of the day and then the rain expected to move in right around the dinnertime, between 5 00 and 6 00, is when it should be the heaviest. Heres a look at mount diablo where we do, again, have a partly sunny start to the day over the central bay. Partly sunny over the south bay. The north bay enjoying sunshine this morning. Santa rosa, 42 degrees. San francisco, 52. Sfo, it is dry at the moment. 49 in oakland. San jose at 50 degrees. High temperatures similar to yesterday, within a few degrees or so. Santa rosa, palo alto, up by 11 degrees. You may actually feel the difference but for most, it would be hard to tell. Heres a few of that rain moving into areas over santa cruz, monterey seeing some light rain. This will continue to shift over the Santa Cruz Mountains and into the south bay. The south bay definitely has the best bet at seeing that rainfall for today. You could pick up 0. 25 inches or so. The north bay, it will be less than that. Winds right now, generally light. A little breezy are in the hills. Middle peak reporting 20. A little bit of a breeze for the hills, most of us seeing calm conditions. If you are thinking about heading to the coast to get some exercise, there is a beach hazard alert for today. Looking at an increase in dangerous rip currents as well as sneaker waves. When i come back tomorrow i will have a look at the afternoon highs for today and we will talk about the wet weather for today and into the days ahead. Thats coming up. Panic shopping in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. How the Food Industry is responding to the surge in store purchases. How people around the world are still coming together while still practicing social distancing. They are getting creative. We will be right back. Shouldnt you pay less when you use less data . Now you can. Because Xfinity Mobile gives you more flexible data. You can choose to share data between lines, mix with unlimited, or switch it up at any time. All on the most reliable wireless network. Which means you can save money without compromising on coverage. Get more flexible data, the most reliable network, and more savings. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click or visit a store today. It may come as a surprise but medicare doesnt pay for everything. And that can leave you looking for help with some outofpocket costs. Well, heres a way to help bridge the gap with a medigap plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medigap plans help pay some of what medicare doesnt, reducing your outofpocket costs. With zero networks and zero referrals needed. Which all adds up to a little more peace of mind. Call or click now to connect with Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company and talk with a licensed Insurance Agent about the range of plans and rates available. Or, schedule an appointment with a licensed Insurance Agent right in your area. Remember, a medigap plan helps bridge the gap medicare doesnt pay for. And, these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today about aarp Medicare Supplement plans. Most starbucks have close their stores to customers but drafters are open. One customer who ordered online says she was surprised when she arrived. We ordered online and we didnt realize you couldnt just pop in and out. We just hopped in the drive through line. Most customers are taking everything in stride. Theyre happy to wait in the line as long as they can still get that caffeine fix. Target says 300,000 employees will be receiving a 2 wage increase effective at least through may 2nd. They are also offering workers were pregnant, 65 years or older, or have Underlying Health conditions are getting access to paid leave. Time now is 8 16. Empty shelves have a number of people across the country worried about a possible food shortage. Fox poff six outlines the steps being taken to keep the food supply going. Reporter panic shopping has put an enormous strain on grocery stores. Online, some high demand items are out of stock. People are wondering is a food shortage ahead as this puts a strain on manufacturers and farmers who would otherwise be planting with confidence this spring. The scarcity at some stores right now isnt reflective of a deeper problem. The industry is balanced to supply computers with average needs. Even after previous disasters, needs spiked in certain areas for finite period of time, not nation wide like we are seeing now. Manufacturers are working 24 hours a day to pump out product and the Food Industry association which represents retailers and products says the system will catch up and people can speed up the process if they stop hoarding. What we are dealing with is a demand issue rather than a supply issue. It is unprecedented the amount of purchases that have happened. This resilient food system that we have in the u. S. Is responding. Broke with restaurants shuttered there is a surplus of food that typically goes to the service industry. One supplier found that opening and converted its business, updating their website to offer home grocery orders. The Retail Supply chain is maxed out. The Foodservice Supply chain is waiting to be put into good use. What better way to get food then have it delivered to your door and limit your exposure to the virus . Reporter one airy world might see a shortage is imports. Specialty foods are seeing an impact but that provides an opening for domestic products. Jacqui heinrich, fox news. Latest to head to balconies to share solidarity with italy as they deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Check out the scene playing out in germany. They joined together to sing the italian resistance song. This comes after workers saw people in i tell you holding singalongs. They cheered on the First Responders at helping those in medical care. We have seen some really cool things here. We have seen a lot of people doing chalk art. I have also seen people say lets put out the christmas lights. Who is insured up by twinkling lights at night around neighborhoods . I agree. I love holiday lights. Outside it is our, we have a little bit of light and sunshine over the north bay. Partly cloudy over the central and south bay. Partly sunny as we await the next rainfall. Heres a look at what we are seeing. A very empty highway, freeway, roadway outside this morning. If you dont have to be outdoors, perhaps, hang out on the couch and watch us here on ktvu. You can see that rain is beginning to move a short around santa cruz and then onto the Santa Cruz Mountains before it works its way into the south bay. Light scattered showers in the forecast for the south bay. It becomes more widespread by the afternoon. Heres a look at the center of the storm. That is expected to move ashore along the Central Coast line before pushes off to the east. This is why areas over monterey and the south bay likely to see most of the rainfall. Central bay, anywhere from a few 100 to a 10th of an inch. May see less than that over areas of the north bay. The winds are generally light but a little breezy in the hills. Mount diablo, 11 Miles Per Hour. Heres a view of the future cast model for you. Into the afternoon, it becomes more widespread. 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 or so, it is coming down. Notice the north bay, not a lot going on. It wouldnt take much for her to move to the north and well get some good rain. Right now, the model is showing it kind of stops right about i 80, right about the Golden Gate Bridge with only a couple scattered showers expected over the north bay. As we get into monday, mainly dry. Tuesday, that changes, once again, as the next system drops in. This one coming from the north. Its a colder storm with the snow levels expected to drop to 2500 feet for the days ahead. Today, the level will be right around 6000 feet. With todays storm, anywhere from 0. 25 inches around san jose. Listen that the further north you go. More on the what we expect for the sierra today. Levels it 2000 feet. Monday tuesday, 4000 feet. Wednesday to thursday, 2500 feet. If there is enough moisture around, we could see some in the hills as well. Temperatures this morning, low 40s to low 50s. Mid50s at half moon bay. For your afternoon, widespread 60s in the forecast. 64, San Francisco. Upper 60s in the south bay of san jose. The extended forecast, temperatures remain in the 60s for tomorrow. The cold air storms really going to drop the afternoon highs as well as overnight lows for tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. Near 60 degrees for the afternoon highs. Back to you. Thank you. Coming up, restaurants and bars facing a lot of challenges in this very trying time to stay open. Later, we talk with one oakland restaurant that is offering popular sunday brunch to go. First, a muchneeded moment of brevity in the world of sports. We have of scooter sports highlights. Welcome by. Espn is doing its best to find new and interesting content by rebranding to the ocho , which came from the movie dodge well. Now it is the real deal. No obscure sport is off limits. They will be brought testing the 2020 cornhole championships. Not to mention the dodgeball Continental Cup and marble championships. It is the ocho. They are digging for new content. It kicks off tonight. How about a look back on what happened on this weekend years ago . Joe fonzi takes us inside the ring and on the court on this day moons ago. Mohammed ali, the champion. On this date in 1967, mohammed ali knocked out in the seventh round to retain his title. The heavyweight champion of the world, mohammed ali reporter he was stripped of his title for refusing to be drafted and didnt fight again until more than three years later. On this day in 1958, kentucky down to seattle for the ncaa championship. The chieftains were named the most outstanding player. In 1972, four away from his days as a laker, Kareem Abdul Jabbar was named the nbas most valuable player. In 1989, pete roselle guided the nfl most rectum guide. Thats a stand sports, march 22nd. Im joe fonzi. Love it. Whatever it takes. Coming up, a faster form of testing for covid19 is being developed. How quickly a new test could turn around results and what that would mean for treating those that are infected. How the white house is pushing back against claims it ignored early warnings of the coronavirus. We will be right back. Which of your devices are protected by daily security updates . Daily security updates. Daily . I dont know. The only thing. Im struggling with this. Some providers you have to manually download updates to each device. Comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes to help keep your connected devices protected against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. Every 10 minutes feels pretty good. Get secure, reliable internet and voice for an amazing price. Call today. Comcast business. Beyond fast. I cant believe it. That chad really was raised by wolves . Which one is your mother . Thats her right there. Oh, gosh. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Well, im just so glad to have met your beautiful family. And we better be sitting down now. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. A south bay company has developed a new rapid test for the coronavirus. Authorities hope to deploy it by the end of the month. The white house is trying to take an allencompassing approach to the coronavirus. How senior officials are pushing back the Trump Administration ignored early warnings of this pandemic. From ktvu fox 2 news , this is mornings on 2. Good morning, one and all. Welcome to mornings on 2 on this sunday. We have some blue skies. A couple clouds over ahead. If youre out on the roads, you shouldnt be but if you have essential things to do, there is not a lot of traffic out there. You should be not. [ laughter ] not good grammar but i got the point across. Good to have you on a sunday. I am frank mallicoat. And i am claudine wong. I want to say we should be not. Im going to the store. Im going to the work. Im not hanging out with friends. What are you doing out . Why are you out . You feel guilty a little bit. Maybe thats a good thing. It is a new reality. It is. I to run early this morning. What . Security guards are the only people i saw out. Rosemary is crazy. I am finally broken out of my shell and at least i can say good morning. At first, dont talk to me. Dont look at me. Im going to keep my distance. Scattered showers in the forecast for today. Rainfall anywhere from 0. 25 to a few one hundredths over the north bay. Details and what you can expect for the bay area sunday and cooler wet weather in the forecast, coming up. A company has develop a testing kit that is now fda approved. It is designed to provide coronavirus results in less than an hour. Sara zendehnam is working from home and she joins us live with details about when this will be rolled out. This is good news for folks who are really wanting to get tested and wanting to know quickly. Reporter there is a lot of anxiety around getting tested and then having of those days. That can be pretty stressful. In 45 minutes. The faster you get results, the lower the chance of community spread. Testing kids will start shipping next week after the fda deemed emergency approval. Cepheid is a diagnostic company in sunnyvale. The test can be done on site. It is the first point of care test approved by the fda. If you go to a clinic or hospital, you can be tested right then and there. And will give more people access. Officials acknowledge currently is primarily for people who are already sick, the elderly, and those with preexisting conditions. Right now, it is batched with other tests and sent to the la that leads to turn around time being days. The ceo explains the importance of having results faster. For realtime patient management, it needs to be done in hospitals. It can determine status on site, when they are being seen, when they are being admitted through the emergency room or other channels. Reporter Health Officials still urge people to not get tested unless they are actively showing symptoms. Reporting live, sara zendehnam, ktvu fox 2 news. Steven mnuchin says nobody couldve predicted that coronavirus pandemic would spread so quickly in the united states. He appeared on Fox News Sunday this morning to denied the Trump Administration was too slow to respond. The situation has changed very quickly. The president has responded to that. You know, as we saw the spread here, we shut down Airline Travel abroad with europe. That was a very important move. As we have seen states have been working with the recommendations. I dont think anybody should secondguess the government actions. This has been moving very quickly and i think weve responded appropriately. Steve mnuchin was responding to a recent investigation that found the Trump Administration largely ignored the intelligent reports about the threat of the virus earlier this year. The governor is pushing for more resources to battled the coronavirus and he is a doubling down on his pleas for people to stay home to slow the spreading. We will be right back. Also ahead, high school has been disrupted. When we come back, we are going to talk to a High School Student who is pulling together his classmates to continue their tv news broadcast from home. More on that when mornings on 2 continues. We made usaa insurance for members like kate. A former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. She can even pick her payment plan so its easy on her budget and her life. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa a kind of sucks that i cant see my friends. I feel like it is better to be physically there. Then i want slack off as much. I miss everyone and i miss being able to come out like, i dont know. Sad face. It is so hard. The tv news production is continuing on. Randy nelson and his classmates are reducing panther tv from home. Venetian high school is closed until at least friday, april 10th. As you know, the governor has said schools are likely to remain closed for the rest of the year. Certainly a disappointing end to the school year especially for the seniors. We have Brandon Nelson joining us via skypethis morning. Good morning. How are you. Im good. Tell me about panther tv. Usually gets it do it at school and put it together. I dont know if you were told you had to keep it going or if it could just go away during this break . Its a little bit different. Again, yeah, we usually do it at the school. But we decided when we heard that school was going to be canceled for these next three weeks that we wanted to keep doing it because we thought it would be a normality at a time that isnt normal. We thought it would be a fun way to do it and changeup the way we do things and keep on going strong. What kind of reaction are you getting . You are a senior. This is a different spring semester. This does give normalcy. Are you finding le happy to be a part of it and have not this taken away from them . Yes. Actually we got a lot more reviews than we usually get. We were surprised about that. We have gotten a lot of positive feedback from the teachers and the students. We are pretty happy with how people are liking it. Brandon, there is a lot to talk about. Right . Week one of social distancing. Online learning. This is New Territory for everyone. The things you are talking about are things that people are curious to see how everyone else is handling this. Yes. Yes. It is definitely a talking point of the episode. Im sure it will continue to be. I think it is important to gauge how students and teachers are feeling about the new system and the team that we should focus on that and make content out of that. It is important for everybody to know what we are doing. How many people are working on this . We have 11 people on the team. Easy how hard is it to do it with each of you separately at your own houses getting this accomplished . We are learning how to do it here remotely as well. It is a little more difficult. We are used to being in the same room and talk about things. Most of the content is focused on the school so finding ways to get everything done online is a little bit difficult. We are getting it done and figuring it out. Thinking on your feet. How is everyone doing emotionally . Especially the seniors, we feel for you, the entire senior class in terms of it was supposed to be prom and it was supposed to be graduation and it was supposed to be all of these things, we certainly hope those will still come to pass, but how is everyone handling it . I would say pretty well. It definitely is a hard thing to deal with and i know like prime getting taken away sucks and the thought of graduation, and just struggling to get a full years worth of work or the last semesters work online is hard. I think everyone is doing pretty well with it. Our class just rolls with the punches which is nice. Thats good to hear. Yeah. The other question i have for you, and i think this is something parents and adults are looking at, we see the videos that you have from people , teens at home, do you feel like young people and the people you know are hearing to these shelter in place, stay at home orders . Or are people going out and meeting out with friends . There is a good amount of people i would say a majority or staying home. That is weird. Usually that is, like, what i would want. Stay home and play video games. Like, now that it is there, not being able to go with friends is difficult. There are some people that ive noticed on social media that are still hanging out with friends. A majority of us are sticking with the protocol. That is good to hear. How many more of these episodes are you hoping to create in the next few weeks as we cross our fingers that this virus was down we get back to normal life sooner than later . We had an episode last week and that we have two more weeks of on light classes before spring break. Two more episodes. Episode 25 and 26. Good for you making the best of this difficult situation. I appreciate it and i think it is good to see everybody connecting. Good luck to surviving over these next couple of weeks. A great job. Thank you. That is brandon. Good for these young people who are saying, we can do this and we can use this technology. Were learning here how to do a lot of things differently than we have done them before too. Absolutely. I see a long future for that young man. Great job. Lets move over to weather and check in with rosemary and find out how much rain, how long, all that good stuff. A few one hundredths of an inch, the south bay could get 0. 25 inches. Snow levels, 6000 feet. There is a look at mount diablo where we are mainly dry. It takes until the afternoon before the showers become more widespread. Already seeing them move into areas along the coastline of santa cruz and eventually working its way north towards the south bay. 42 degrees in santa rosa. Partly cloudy skies. Sfo, dry conditions. San francisco, 52. Livermore, 45. San jose, 50. Heres a look at Storm Tracker 2. Heres a look at where that rain is movingcontinue to push the south. The south bay gets the rain first. Central bay, next. The north bay perhaps, just a couple scattered showers. This system will move right across the colorado. Thats why santa cruz, monterey, south bay will have the most amount of rain. Heres a look at the future cast model on that. 4 00 in the afternoon, pretty good rain falling. Northbay, not so much. A couple sprinkles perhaps there. As we get to the evening, that storm is moving east. We begin to see it taper off. Monday looks mainly dry. Tuesday, dropping in from the north and it will bring colder air. Snow levels today, 6000 feet. Dropping to 6000 and eventually to 2500. Heres a look at tuesday afternoon. The northbay, more out of that. No advisory for travel today. That will change as we get into the days ahead. Monday, tuesday, the snow showers down to 4000 feet. Wednesday into thursday, all the way down to about 2500 feet. There is enough moisture hanging around, we may see snow in the hills coming midweek wednesday or so. Temperatures at this hour, lower 40s to low 50s. The inner east bay, a cool 45 in livermore. The northbay, 42 in santa rosa. Low 60s at the coast. Mid60s in hayward. Upper 60s expected in antioch. Your extended forecast, temperatures will be a little cooler monday. Mostly cloudy. Only dry on monday. Tuesday, wednesday, the cold air star moves in. Afternoon highs in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. Tuesday, wednesday, and thursday for that. Back to you. Theyre going to furlough tens of thousands of people. The hospital industry fighting to stay alive. People are trying to get fit while staying at home. They are getting creative. We will be right back. Or call during business hours. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Out of crisis come support, unity, and community. We are checking in with a sunday brunch to go. Good morning, jan. How are you . Great to see you. Im good. How are you . Im great. You are having drivers working for free. One of the hardest things do wa come in and lay them off and show them how to get an unemployment. It was their idea. They said we would like to volunteer and actually deliver for free. In the local neighborhood here, theyre actually coming in and going doortodoor. That is so commendable. Breakfast burritos for 8. You are offering one with protein and vegetarian . Thats correct. We can make vegetarian. We have just eggs as well. Okay. These burritos to go, they also come with a mimosa for 15. That is something new, being able to offer wine, beer, cocktails to go. Right . This must mean a new opportunity for establishments like you . Yes. And bloody marries as well. Its a little different. They relaxed the laws, allowing people to do sales of beer and wine. Now they are letting us do spirits and cocktails. Cocktails themselves have to come with food. Atare offering the purchase of the burrito. What Safety Measures do have in place for people who are worried about the delivery drivers, you are not accepting payment by cash, right . No exchange like that . Thats correct. We are taking every preventative measure we can possibly do. We keep it extremely limited. We are enforcing the six foot rules. We are not taking cash. We prefer cards over the phone. There is very minimal contact. Sunday brunch today but you are actually offering food most days of the week . Rweek thats when we do 4 00 8 00 p. M. We do family style meals. You can pick up meals for two people or four people. Those are prepackaged and ready to go. I have a freezer full of food, but i still try to order out. Even if you cant afford to feed the whole family, you could it was do two and supplement it. For example, if i ordered a couple of burritos, i could supplement it with fresh fruit at home. The idea is to get out and support your local businesses. The best way to find you is instagram, facebook any other way . Social media is the best. Every day, we will post the menu. Every day it will change. Follow us for that measure and pick up some good food. Good luck to you. Get out and support those places that are open. Secondly, talking to you about how you are tackling this issue sparks innovation for other businesses. Thanks a lot. Good morning to you. Thank you as well. Back to the anchors. The coronavirus a break means figure out a new routine for everyone. We see how people are fingering ways to stay active and connect with others while staying at home. Reporter many are adjusting from working at home so here are some ideas. Getting into a routine and maybe starting the day with a workout, there are so many choices. From pop sugar fitness to studios and classes including orange theory, planet fitness, zumba instructors, and more Live Streaming. Celebrity trainers are posting workouts. Debbie allen even held a couple of free online dance classes. Getting a little dressed for the at home office can be motivating. A tip from someone who is work from home for years is make a workspace. That way you can leave work at the office. During the day, you can schedule facetime lunch dates with friends. Get fresh air with a short walk. Afterward, there are many options for entertainment online, especially as artists are trying to help. Andrew lloyd webber is taking twitter request it is on piano. Reporter broadway hd streams hit musicals. Google arts and culture is offering futrell tours of museums around the world. Zunes and aquariums are doing the same. Spending time with family and friends, there are facetime happy hours, google hangouts, and even Binge Watching as a group with netflix party. Keep sharing your ideas with everyone too as we all look for ways to stay connected while staying apart. Ashley dvorkin, fox news. Coming up next, california shelter in place orders is affecting those who plan on making a we can stop at a popular beach. More on that, coming up. New information about seven cruiseship passengers who are quarantined at Travis Air Force base. Seven of the grand princess Cruise Ship Passengers quarantined have reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus. All seven did not show any symptoms. According to the chronicle, these patients were identified after the first best of results from the voluntary testing came back on friday. These results do raise questions about the quarantined and the fact that two thirds of the 858 passengers that were isolated have declined to be tested. The Monterey County Health Department is reporting the first death in this pandemic. It was a man in his 50s that did have Underlying Health conditions. We spoke with his uncles. His uncle lives on the peninsula and started feeling sick two weeks ago and was taken to a Community Hospital where he died. His family is urging others not to ignore the symptoms. If you feel ill, if you are weak, have a fever, please contact your primary care physician or do whatever you need to do. You know, this virus doesnt discriminate. We have felt firsthand in my family the effects of that. He also says his uncle had diabetes but was otherwise physically fit and often worked out to stay in shape. People who take president will have to adjust to new schedules during this Health Crisis. Trains are not running on sunday. We can services are out through early next month becain place order. Some morning weekday Train Service is also being cut starting on monday. And midday train from Sonoma County to larkspur will be added to ensure adequate afternoon service. The governor is setting up his calls for people to do more to help fight against the coronavirus. How he is doubling down on his message for people to stay home. The federal government getting private Companies Involved with companies being called to help with masks and other medical equipment. The Airline Industry as for help. How executives are trying to put employees first in securing aid from congress. From ktvu fox 2 news, this good morning to you. Take a look at the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. Really a handful of cars on the roads. People are trying to social distance. If you need groceries or medication, it is a different kind of weekend that we normally see. Welcome to mornings on 2. Details on today plus the cooler, Rainy Weather in the extended forecast coming up. Well, the number of coronavirus cases keeps climbing. There are 1518 cases in california. Lets break that down. County by county, our map shows at least 648 confirmed cases, up more than a hundred from yesterday. Much of this increase comes from Santa Clara County going from 196 all the way to 263. Some other areas experienced double digit increases. Here is a look at the situation across the u. S. There are 27000 confirmed cases, nearly half are in new york state. It jumped 4500 cases yesterday. Experts are calling new york city the epicenter of the united states. There are 346 deaths so far in the u. S. Washington state has the most at 94 followed by new york, and here in california we have 28. Governor net gavin newsom issued an executive order while giving a serious warning about the importance of social distancing. We are working life from home we have sarah joining us live with more. Reporter if you just mentioned, there are more than 1500 confirmed cases of coronavirus in california. Of course, as testing becomes more accessible, that number will go up. Thats why the governor has a plan to deal with the uptick in cases and wants the state to prepare its hospital beds. He announced an executive order to allow the state to increase healthcare capacity in clinics, mobile health units, and adult day healthcare facilities. Local governments will have more flexibility to get help from retired employees. The state wants to set up 10000 extra hospital beds and hotels in Convention Centers just in case the demand gets that. At the Santa Clara County convention center, a temporary medical station is being set up to care for 250 people. At 40 million in emergency funding will also help. It will have two hospitals to treat people with coronavirus. Governor gavin newsom said something that stuck with a lot of people. If we do not take preventative measures seriously, 56 of the state population or 22 Million People could get coronavirus within the next two months. We spoke to one woman who is doing her part to stay safe. We are over 60. We are not seeing anybody. No friends. We are playing bridge online by skype with our friends and things like that. We are meeting people for a walk that is 6 feet apart. The only people i am closer than 3 feet it is my husband. While that woman is following the rules, some arent. If people continue to ignore the state at home order, they will start to enforce it. He hopes social pressure will force people to do the right thing. Just like that woman you just heard from, if you need to get out of the house, you can. There are a lot of people taking those walks and going on hikes. Just avoid groups and make sure to stay 6 feet away from each other. Fox to news. Sections are closed today and that is to stop people from violating the statewide stay at home order. The Sheriffs Office when on social media to call attention to the crowds of people that assembled along the coast yesterday who were not practicing social distancing. Check out these cars and how many folks left. The gates will be close to the main roads. Access will be limited in other areas. The white house plans to hold its Daily Briefing around 1 30 this afternoon. The administration is calling on more American Companies to help with the shortage of medical equipment. This gives the federal government Broad Authority to direct the private sector to meet the needs of the national defense. Companies like Haynes Clothing are retrofitting production lines to help manufacture medical facemasks, and the Vice President is thanking apple for its contribution as well. This is another story about Great American industry. The president and i literally heard directly from apple that they are donating 2 million industrial masks to this efforts. Normally they brew high alcohol in distilleries but they are using the same ingredients to produce hand sanitizers. Congressional leaders meet to work out a massive relief plan. That includes a House Speaker nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell. They are close to agreeing on a proposal that could provide a 2 trillion boost to the economy. The size of the plan would double the rescue package during the 2008 financial crisis but current Sticking Points include increasing Unemployment Insurance benefits and housing subsidies. We are working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to Small Businesses and give direct payments to our great workers and hardworking american families. Theres never been anything like we are doing on the hill right now. First, there is a procedural vote later today, but he aims for a senate vote tomorrow on the legislation. A congressman listed in Critical Condition in a Health Crisis thats not tied to this pandemic. The veteran democratic lawmaker was admitted to a washington dc hospital a week ago because he fractured a rib after falling during a run. He is now suffering from complications of pneumonia. At last word, he was in Critical Condition. They did test for the virus and that came back negative. The lawmaker is 67 years old and he is also a cancer survivor. With more and more cases being recorded, hospitals and clinics are bracing for more patients. A lot of people are also wondering what symptoms to look out for. More on this. We are joined by the Fox Medical Team in philly. Dr. Mike, good morning. Reporter good morning. I applaud you for the pronunciation of my name. Im impressed. I got some italian roots, so there you go. Ive practiced a little bit also. Good to have you with us, doctor. First, lets talk about mental health. Parents have their kids home. Many are working from home, home schooling as well. Youve got the threat of the virus. Some are in financial strains. A prtime. How about some advice for parents that are coping with all of this right now . Well, i had a little incident this morning with my 11yearold and eightyearold. They both want to eat breakfast in front of the television. They got into a big argument. I will tell you another story. They just have stopped having people be able to get their own coffee, right . Apparently, we have a problem. Hopefully, we can bring you back. Your audio is not coming in clear. We kind of lost some of the picture as well, but we hope to get back to him in philly. Hes got some great insight. Hopefully, we can do that in short order. Lots to talk about there. A lot to talk about in terms of the weather as well. We just saw the point raised, information about all the people. Certainly, people are looking for a way to just kind of get out shoe, you just cant have the same idea as everyone else in the area. There is some advice. Some of the sections of the beach are closed off because so many people are gravitating there for fresh air. Here is a breath of fresh air over lake tahoe. What a Beautiful Day there. We do have snow levels write about 6000 feet for today. Those levels will be dropping in the days ahead as a colder storm works through california. Here is a look at sfo where we start with partly cloudy skies. San francisco is at 52 degrees. Santa rosa is at 48. Low 50s in areas over oakland. A bit of a cool start, but not too bad. The winds are generally light. Temperatures are a little bit warmer than yesterday at this time. Up by 13 in the bay. Hayward, 4 degrees warmer there. Here is a look at where we see the rain already moving in. Looks like just on the south edge of gilroy, this will continue to work into areas areas over the south bay and into the central bay by the second part of our afternoon. In fact, it could be the early part of the afternoon. The models are shifting a little bit and bringing it in a little bit sooner. Here is a view of the center of the storm. It will move ashore over the center coast. We are going to moisture comin this direction. Makes sense as to why the south bay will receive the most amount of rain. Heres a look at your future cast. Here is a look at 1 00 where it is over areas of the south bay. 2 00 or 3 00 its in the central bay, and the second part of the day, the north kind of missed out. Scattered showers in the forecast, but san jose could pick up a quarter inch or so out of this system. There is an advisory for the coastline today. Northwest and north facing beaches all the way to the evening hours. A dangerous recurrence as well. As far as the sierra, snow showers developing later today and into tonight with snow levels right around 6000 feet. Monday into tuesday, 4000 feet. Wednesday and thursday, may be 2500 feet, which means we could actually see snow in our hills by about midweek wednesday. It will also drop the afternoon hi. I will have a look at the extended forecast coming up. Thank you. Could be a game changer when it comes to detect during the virus. The Bay Area Company that has developed a device that could provide test results in less than one hour. And american stuck in peru and other countries are asking for help. How they are trying to get back home. The california senators sent a letter to mike pompeo on friday urging him to make a plan to get american stuck abroad back homeout to the state department on behalf of more than 50 individuals and families from california who are stuck in honduras, peru, morocco, algeria, and ecuador. She says they are stuck and having trouble getting in contact with the u. S. Embassy. Now, one of the people stuck is a bay area native who decided to book a lastminute chip to peru jennifer joins us now. How are you doing question mike. Good. How are you . I am sorry that you are stuck. We are feeling for you here. Tell me where you are, how you kind of got into this predicament. It was a lastminute trip. Great, i can get down there and i can get back and then what happened happened . So originally i was traveling to europe, and then i he heard the news about coronavirus, so i made the last minute decision to choose peru because peru was one of the safest countries to travel to. There was no recorded cases of coronavirus there. Two weeks into my trip, there was no news about the coronavirus, no negative news at all. On march 15th, at 8 00 p. M. , thats when the president announced he was going to close the border to peru. Where were you and how did you respond . It didnt really give anyone any time to rush to the airport to try to get out. When we heard the news, i was boarding a bus, a 10 hour bus, so at that time it was like, wow, im about to be on a 10 hour bus. When i got to that city, i had less than 24 hours to even act. And then it was nearly impossible because everything started canceling. All the flights canceled. I was with the travel agency, and they were rushing to do anything for us. They said they couldnt. I talked to another person who was stuck in peru as well and she said it was hard to even find a place to stay. She found a place where they were nice enough, even though they were supposed to be closed, to let her bunk up there and wait this out. Where are you and were you able to find lodging and have you been able to get the resources that you need . Yes. Im one of the lucky ones. I chose to go with a travel agency, so we had our accommodations booked already be because we were a group of 19 people, that was enough to have the hotel stay open. Ive heard stories of Many Americans that was just two of them or five of them and thats not enough for the hotel to stay open. Therefore, they were forced to find different accommodations. Its very scary. Senator harris says that she is trying to put together a plan or is encouraging a plan to get you home. We have also talked about this difficulty of getting in talk contact with the embassy. The woman i interviewed said she emailed and it took two days to get an email back. Have you had any success figuring out what your next steps are . Not much. When it first happened, i was on hold. No one answered their phones. When i did get an initial response from the embassy recruit, it was a standard e mail, if you dont get out within 24 hours, you may stay in peru indefinitely. In the e mail, it cites, dont count on charter planes. That is not standard practice. We were freaking out because we were like, what are we going to do . Our u. S. Embassy pretty much left a stranded. So what are your plans . Obviously, you are hoping some coordinated plan comes together to help get you out. I know there was a Facebook Group. I think the title was stuck in peru peru. What are you doing day today pastor mark what his life down there and what in your life back here in the states, how do you manage all of that . Well, whats been really helpful is there was nearly 4000 of us. We banded together in this Facebook Group that continues to grow. What has been helping is the media attention. Weve been reaching out to the local media, to senators to put a lot of pressure on the government to do something and thats been helping a lot. We finally got some texts, but each day is just a new day and we are waiting and waiting for information to come out. There is police on every corner. We really cant do anything besides be quarantined at the place you are at. So you have just stayed put. Are people staying away from each other . Are you basically spending your days by yourself in your room or have you had interaction with the folks in your hotel . There is just us, its just my travel group in the hotel. So we have just been together. We have just been isolated as a group pretty much. We just been helping each other by playing like card games and making sure we are still staying positive. And are you able to reach out to your families back here at home and keep that connection going . Correct. We are one of the lucky ones. There is working wifi here. There is a working kitchen here, a restaurant here that is willing to stay open to feed us, but theres not that Many Americans in the same situation as me who are lucky enough. There are a lot of hospitals that dont have working kitchens. When you go to the supermarkets, its not like america where you can go to a restaurant and get takeout. They are closed. I am so sorry you are stuck there and im so sorry that so far there is not a plan to get you back home. Certainly, the senator has sent a letter. I know that they have mentioned it in press conferences. We hope the conversation continues and you are back home soon. Such a tough situation as we head over to you. You think how difficult it is to be at home dealing with all of this and all of the fears being abroad or being in a different country. Its just so much worse. I cant imagine. 24 hours notice she received. A. Outside our doors at this hour, we are looking at the mix of sun and clouds. Heres a look at the Golden Gate Bridge. You fleet you see that flag. The system is bringing some rain two areas over monterey and santa cruz. If we move in closer, you can see where we have light rain. The coastline and into the hills at this point. Scotts valley, boulder creek, along highway nine. The wind shift over. You can see some there as well. It looks like you are in and out of a few light showers. There is a look at the storm that will continue to move east. We are not going to see much out of this. A quarter inch for areas of the south bay. The central bay could pick up a tenth of an inch or so and the north bay may only have a few sprinkles. Some areas may not get anything. Heres a look at this sunday afternoon where its over areas of the south bay. By 2 00 or 3 00, its into the central bay. Into the afternoon, it kind of falls apart as it shifts east and the north bay gets in on just a few scattered showers. The sierra will get snow later today and into tonight. Snow levels are expected around 6000 feet with this system. Monday looks mainly dry as the storm moved through the Central Coast. The storm will drop snow levels. Here is a look at tuesday morning. We start scattered showers. Tuesday and wednesday time frame looks to be on and off. Colder temperatures coming our way. For today, again, we are a quarter inch for san jose. Santa rosa. By wednesday we accumulate some more. That is some good news there. Here is a view of the temperatures outside right now. It mostly cloudy skies with a bit of an offshore breeze. 61 degrees there. Thats an anomaly. As we head to the north bay, we have 47 in napa and for the inner east bay, chile 45 over walnut creek. The afternoon highs today in the low 60s, low to mid 60s around the bay, and the inland cities in the north bay. The extended forecast, so tomorrow will be mainly dry. Scattered showers are expected later today into the early evening hours before we turn to dry weather by tonight. We will hold onto that trend through monday with more rain moving in on tuesday and wednesday. Remember when i said colder temperatures on the way. Upper 50s to near 60 degrees for the afternoon hi tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. For allowing tens of thousands of employees. And this shelter in place means a lot of people are spending a lot more time watching tv and movies. The stars of the new streaming show Little Fires Everywhere explain how the coronavirus has expecting has affected viewing in hollywood. Hey there, california residents on medicare. It may come as a surprise but medicare doesnt pay for everything. And that can leave you looking for help with some outofpocket costs. Well, heres a way to help bridge the gap with a medigap plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medigap plans help pay some of what medicare doesnt, reducing your outofpocket costs. With zero networks and zero referrals needed. Which all adds up to a little more peace of mind. Call or click now to connect with Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company and talk with a licensed Insurance Agent about the range of plans and rates available. Or, schedule an appointment with a licensed Insurance Agent right in your area. Remember, a medigap plan helps bridge the gap medicare doesnt pay for. And, these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today about aarp Medicare Supplement plans. The Marriott Hotel chain plans to furlough thousands of its corporate employees. The furlough will affect roughly two thirds of the employees and thousands of others around the world. They will all receive 20 of their salary during the furlough which is expected to last at least 90 days. There are 40 Marriott Hotels right here in the bay area. One of the Largest Airlines in the world will continue Passenger Service after all. Halting all passenger flights because of the coronavirus. Its owned by the government of duke hi of dubai. A short time ago and where it said it will cut flights but will continue flying to the 13 destinations including the u. S. And the uk after receiving requests to help travelers return home amidst the travel plans. Airlines in the u. S. Are pleading with the federal government for a bailout. Executive sent a letter to congress yesterday asking for loans of at least 29 billion. The Companies Say if they do not receive that Financial Relief they will be forced to furlough or lay off workers. That letter was signed by the ceos of Companies Like alaska, american, united, southwest, as well as fedex and u. P. S. Up next, a faster form of testing for covid19 could be developed here in the bay area. How quickly this could turn things around in terms of results for the virus. What would that mean for treating those that are impacted . And how the white pass is pushing back claims about ignoring early warnings of the virus. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus on what matters most. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. A south bay company has developed a new rapid test for the coronavirus that is hope to be deployed by the end of the month. The white house trying to take an allencompassing approach to the white house. Senior officials are pushing back on claims that the white house ignored early warnings. This is mornings on 2. No matter the time, that picture is timeless. Kind of makes you feel good. Its gorgeous. The Golden Gate Bridge and all its glory there. A lot going on in our world. Hopefully, you are safe and sound at home. Thank you for joining us on this sunday morning. Good morning to you. Lets talk about the weather. We need that rain to fall. Its coming. We have some nice scattered shower activity going on already. Through the second part of the morning and the early afternoon, it will become more widespread. A second storm to follow right around tuesday will not only bring additional rain but it will. Outside our doors at this hour, a mix of sun and clouds. The winds are generally light turning a bit breezy for some. Scattered showers especially over the south bay today. Widespread 60s in the forecast for the afternoon. Details on your sunday and that extended forecast coming up. The first of its kind testing kit has now been approved by the fda. It is designed to provide a coronavirus test result in less than an hour. We have details on when all of this will be rolled out. Certainly, that is good news because we know testing is so important right now. Reporter very good news. Testing kits will actually start shipping next week, but it really cannot come soon enough. The faster you get your results, the lower the chance of community spread. The new tests give you an answer even 45 minutes. The Molecular Diagnostic Company created the coronavirus detection test. That is after the fda gave emergency authorization for it. This is the first coronavirus point of care test approved by the fda. If you go to a clinic or hospital, the tests happen in the office instead of being sent to a lab. The process is pretty lengthy. The test is collected and then it gets patched together with other tests and then it gets into a lab. It then takes time for the lab to run the batches which leaves the turnaround time being days. The company ceo explains the importance of having results faster faster. The results are available much more quickly, and that means that the results will play into how those patients are managed, who gets respiratory isolation, who needs antibiotics and who doesnt. Those kinds of decisions can be made in real time. You know your body better than anyone else, but Health Officials urge anyone if they are not showing symptoms, just keep monitoring those symptoms. Just be aware. You know your body the best. Fox to news. Live from home. Thank you for that. The treasury secretary steve nguyen is insisting nobody could have predicted the coronavirus pandemic which spread so quickly here in the united states. He appeared on Fox News Sunday to deny the administration was too slow to respond. The situation has changed very quickly, and the president has responded to that. As we saw the spread here, we shut down Airline Travel abroad with europe. That was a very important move. As we have seen states, we have been working with the states and recommending of us. I do not think anyone should secondguess the government actions. This has been moving very quickly, and i think we have responded appropriately. He was responding to a recent Washington Post investigation that found the Trump Administration largely ignored the u. S. Intelligence reports about the threat of the virus earlier in the year. The Defense Department is dispelling rumors of a possible national stayathome order while stepping up efforts across all branches of the military to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. We have the latest from the pentagon. Reporter top government Officials Say there is no truth to rumors the National Guard will enforce a nationwide lockdown. The acting secretary spoke on fox and friends. Its simply not true. What we see is a lot of campaigns via text and social media. We want to make sure that we refute those. We have no plans for a National Lockdown or a national quarantine. The head of the National Guard said, i hear unfounded rumors about National Guard troops supporting a nationwide quarantine. Let me be clear. There has been no such discussion. The National Guard will continue to help their communities. The defense secretary says over 4000 guardsmen have been mobilized across 31 states and tens of thousands could eventually be called up. The army corps of engineers top generals is exploring ways to convert thousands of rooms from existing hotels and College Dorms into makeshift hospitals. We are talking over 10000 that we are looking at right now. We need to send that up. In fairness to the state of new york, that is not my decision. Fema has to make the decision of what is that allocation and we will exercise whatever fema asks us to do. The u. S. Womens tackle Football Team returned home after being stranded in honduras along with dozens of other americans. The state Department Says it is doing everything it can to bring other americans home, including those stuck in peru. The u. S. Navy says it has deliver the first test kits to ships at sea in the western pacific. So far no sailors have tested positive. Mmand in tampa tested positive after returning home from the middle east east. Fox news from the pentagon. The governor has issued a new executive order dramatically expanding the states response to the pandemic. Governor newsome says the order includes a massive program already underway to meet the Unprecedented Demand for hospital space across our state. All told, its about a thousand beds that we have been able to procure in just the last number of days. The governor issued the sweeping order during a televised address yesterday evening. He says will also secure thousands of hotel rooms for the homeless so they can shelter in place during the crisis. We have made clear that our most vulnerable californians, including the homeless. 108,000 unsheltered homeless. I am pleased to announce that we have over 200400 hotel rooms that we have already secured. Newsom has enlisted the help of two of the silicon valleys most famous executives. The governor says apples ceo tim cook will donate a million medical masks to the state and the test was ceo has pledged 250,000 masks along with 1000 ventilators. The reserve San Jose Police officer that tested positive for the virus earlier this month is in hospital intensive care unit. The voice his wife is asked for the public to pray for her husband. He is considered to be at risk. San jose police say he shared a squad car with a partner during his shift. And people who take transit will have to adjust to new schedules. Smart trains are not running on this sunday. Starting tomorrow,

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