State response to athe pandemic and taking his aNews Conference on the road today in napa acounty. Last thursday they improved the Health Care Report the county is letting more businesses reopening a county officials a seeking approvala to move into the net phase including opening upa restaurants for dining and service we awill bring you the governors News Conference aonce it gets underwy. a the first part of phase two out aof four of governor chasm newsomsa effort to reopen started afor four bay area counties. Alameda, marin, san amateo and santa aclara counties in the city of berkeley will move into phase two aand read have a new clarence cnter anone has details. a the counties in the city of berkely entering athe next astage of reopening economies. This first part of Governor Newsoms roadmap to recovery allows the lower risk opening slick retail for acurbside pickup. a we have to stop Service Report and we take you love to anapa county work governor newsm ais live. Also, to make some announcements in relationship to some additional modifications to our stay aat home order. Let me contextualize as ai stan here today where we are in this state asa it relates to the broader trnd lines and begin to impact where we are going aover the course of the next week and aof course over the many months ahead until we have immunity ada we have a vaccine. We have 24 counties currently in athe state of california that have solved a tested, certified ith acontainment plans, with protection plasa, that we have put onlinea as a regional variance to athe state wide sta at home order. 24 counties have suffered tested. Attestation on may 7th icked the counties begin the process of organizing and we saw the afirst number of counties butte county and othrs in northern californiaa begin that process with the concurrence in the a technical ssistancea and counsel aof our state Health Directors. They were able to self a test on the basis of a number of factors that were unique to their county and their region. It awas a recognition in california, athat is larger in population than 21 states combined. None o us aare nacve that once i sit fits all. Needs are adistinct depending o where ayou are across the state the amodifications we meet stat wide we allow for further modification and what we refer to as astage two in this 24 counties. a we have been working collaboratively and closely with aHealth Directors and we have puta those of the attestationsa upon one at our covida19. Ca. Gov website and w have aloweda to Mapping Technology thi appeal the ability afor you and others not only i the community abut outside the community to check in and see how those counties a are doing against their commitments and their Self Certification in terms of their capacity to test and trace and track, isolate, provide protectiona to the most vulnerablea and Skilled Nursing facilities ahospital search and the like today we want to update you only on that progress but, congressa has been having with the state of california nd as a leaders and weve abeen trackin over the course of the last four dys. We have seen a decline aof 7. 5 decline over a 14 day. a and ahospitalizations state wid and an 8. 7 decline in the number icu patient returns overa 14 day. a we also seen an unprecedented number masks distributed throughoutthe state of californiaa. Weve moved into this next phase of our stay at homea order. Our appe is critical to make modifications to our stay aat home order. To distribute some 11 million aamasks on friday to critical sectors ofour aeconomy, our farmworkers, Grocery Stores and inhome support serviceaworkers and folks on the afront lines across thespectrum, iancluding childcare workersa in the education. More and more masks come in and affect the inventory his that we now have in our possession and we were able ato distributea 46. 1 million of those aprocedure masks procedur masks, in addition to the 45. 5 million n95 masksweve baeen able to distribute. The ppe is acoming in and it is comingin and its going out as quickly aas we can get it out. Itsa going out into critical sectiosa of our economy. Asa we move to modify our stay at hom aorder having appropiate levelsa of ppe is foundaionala in terms of advancing that cause. uawe are significantly advancin the cause of increasing our a Testing Capacitya in the state of calfornia. a 1. 3milliontestsa have been aconducted today in the state o california. 57,000 tests in the alast a24 hours. As we move to modfy aour stay at home order, having appropriate levels of ppe ais undaof advancing the cause. We are significantly advancing the acause of increasing our Testing Capacity in the state of calfornia. a 1. 3million tess have been conducted today in the state of acalifornia, 57,000 tests in just the last 24 hours were conducted in the state and we are making real aprogress in ou atesting as well. aaccordingly we said it is foundational in order to advance more meaningful modifications that we get a workforce together aand tracing in his astate. Some of you have followed alonga with thea announcement. We have a sophisticated tracing court thatis wellestabliashed in the state of california. In every couny in the state agoing back decades with Health Departments athat have professionala trained tracers and tractors tat adeal with Infectious Disease spread from hiv aand aids to measles, tb an the like and it was referenced a few weeks ago athat 23 countis actively have been participating in tracing covid19 we had a workforce of a little over 2800 that were already trained at athe local level and a robust workforce in that space. We now have been able to train an additional500a through our partnership with you cfs and uclaa. In that cohort is being distributed inreal time. Many are already in counties that have been trained through a this partnershpa with ucs. That cohort is being replaced with an additional 300 entering into that training. aso we see that increase in terms of the capacity to have more tracers and tractors. We are seeing that ahappen in real time and we see the spread of a that capacity in a very meaningfulwaya. We are also looking to identify hundreds aand hundreds of others and tha training capacty aas well is ultimatelymeeting thea 10,000 goal in terms of the total numbers that we will be advancing in the very anear term. Testng is improving, tracing. a we are training and deploying our tracers. We are gettingppe up and we are agetting it out and seeing significant steady rate of decline over a onga period of timea in the number of people hospitalizeda in our icus. All of those are very agood trendlinesa and thus the reason awe are here today not just to talk about the past and those tested abut to talk about ered additional couties that we believe are in a position to go into phase two even further. atoday we want folks to know tht ain our additional modifications,we aare moving forward to allow some of the larger couties to continue to make progress deeper into phase two and ato do so Effective Immediately but on their own pace. Meeting the guidelines are out there and the processes are ain place. They can go at their own pace. We estimate roughly b1plus dynamic number, roughly 53 of the 58a counties would be eligible t move in this space. anot everyone will move into this phase and eligibility is conditioned ona the criteria that we aare putting out. We will hear from doctor galli in a moment and he will talk more about the criteria. Its foundational and we are really starting to focus in on the ahotspots within counties, particulary in and araound our skilled anursing facilities in those areas within the counties that remain the most vulnerable and challengingin termas of protecting people and protecting the spread of athis virus. We in this next phase are lookin to redouble the efforts around those hotspots awithin those counties as well. E are lookiang to advance some guidelines related to atotal hospitalizationsa. No greater than 5 increase over a seven a day aperiod and make sure that the atracing capacity is adequate to meet at aleast need of 15 atracers per 100,000 populationa and continued to make sure that the Positivity Rate. a this is a Sexual Assault i brought upa on a few occasions in the past and it tracks it at less than a percent. aif you have not been following the reference to positivity arates, that is the simple percentage of apeople testing tested postive. }uas an example we were able to test over 57,000 individuals and 1591 positive tests. You have the denominator in athe 50 7 thousand. You have the number of test you come up with a Positivity Rate. athat is the rate we are tracking more closely and does the testing significantly increases athe Positivity Rate becomes moe important athan the total number of positives and that rate is aspelled out in th attestationsa as we move forwar and three we are tracking. Closely and again we want to asee the rate below 8 and we want to make sure people are testing. We wont get into too many details. auits not just the total tests aa lot of counties may pull bac abecause they dont want to see positives. Its the rte aof positives that is the focus from our health perspectiv. so athat is the aframework toda and aencouragin move frwarda deeper into phase two in the state. I ashould note that we are also looking foward, in the next few aweeks, at a number of significant miestonesa that are worthy of highlighting. We expect, if e hold athe rate Positivity Rate down. We continue to do justice to the hospitalization aand icu number. we awill make announcements state wide not just with a regional variacesa that would allow for retail not just to be pickedup but in the store retaila to be loosened up. In addition ato that, pro sport in the firt week or so aof june without aspectators and modifications and very prescriptive conditions can also beginto amove forward and a number of sectors of our economy will open up again, if we hold athese trendlines in th nexta comic number of weeks. Getting a haircut which is very meaningfula. It could be done o a aregional variance. It will b able to be advance, we believe in t and agetting a haircut. The regional variances that we announced oday will allow for modifications and athat space. Statewide we will see f the trend linea holds. And we will watch ita statewide. a i continue down this path but im sitting here sevn feet away afrom our doctor, doctor galli whos abeen working overtime an i woul abe remiss if i did not invite him to the mic about where we ae and where awe are a going at this stage. Thank you, governor. It is a pleasure to be here today to discuss the change to our county variants the goernor began to aoutline for us. I awant to begin by thinking all aof the people, not just at the astate level but across the state and Public Health offices throughout the state and help directors, Board Members and bords of asupervisors who really came together over the past many adays to listen and get feedback on athe criteria the astate is announcing today ain the deep thanks to all the state employees who have made a this possile di todays criteraa tha to attest for county variance. That is to move through stage ii at aa phase that is faster than wherethe state is. Focus aon three distinct things first athe data on the one hand and the atwo data points are hospitaliztions lookiang at no agreater than 5 increase in hospitalizatios overa the past seven adays on average. a for some counties that have few ahospitalizations already we ar looking aat no more than 20 people hospitalized with covid a19 throughout your county in any aone of the days. That is to account for the that some counties have very few hospitalizatons anda the addition of one or two people hospitalized with covid19 a would represent quite large percentage increase. Its meeting that first metric arounda hospitalizations and th seconad is looking at having no more than 25 individuals diagnosed awith covid19 per 100,000 residents in your county over the past 14 adays. It is that one, or as the governor mentioned, or test aPositivity Rate at less than 8 . M glad the agovernor went to the testa Positivity Rate. We are more focused aon that. We want to look aat just a few number of aabsolute cases. Your average number of people who atest positive as you do 10 tests having fewer than aa positives is both that we understand the transmission of covid9 ian your community but we have not understanding of the level aof testing in the community aas well. Together meaning the hospitaliztion metrica of no more than 5 increase in the average in the last seven days. And, one of the other two, 25 per 100,000 ain the past 14 day of cases. Or less than 8 test positiity. athat is on the data showing th ounties are botah doing what it takes toa do on the testings side istability aas well as stableospitalaization numbers. We are asking counties to attest to a number aof things. Many of the things remain in many are the same as in the a announcement on may 7th were counties ahad to attest to having Testing Capacityaof at least 1. 5 tests per 1000 peoplea per day. Ora, having 15 people trained doing contacta casein. This Second Opportunity to ameet criteriaa for a county variants are requiring the counties begin to work closer with the Skilled Nursing facilities in a their county. a aso not only making weekly communicaton awith each of those facilities but abringing them together. Elevating best practices are not just protecting residences in athe workforcesa. And having astrategies to adjust challenge like staffing shortages or ppe shortages in those facilities. State leadership, but also the countya leadership to partner with our Skilled Nursing facilities to awork and protect the very vulnerable population in our state. Additionally we aaare asking counties to attest they have the worker, those who awork on public transportation, and many others, including the ahealth field. They need to have protectiona and requiring that counties cna demonstrate the ability ato work with all of those partners are protecting a essential workers is very, verya important. a in addition we are asking countiesa to work with their local hospital coalitions or hopitaals themselves to demonstrate the ability to maintain a surge acapacity adequatea to respond to the needs of potentially a growing number of individuals who need care for covid 19 break that requirement, we did a great ajo over the last many weeks and months building up our Surge Capacity and now we need to make sure that is maintained as companies begin to increase the anumber of sectors open throughout the county. The last element of athis criteriaaaaa that is very essential,we work and havae counties demonstrate the ability to pull back if they a need to. If we see a surge in hospitalizationsa, or a number of cases throughout theacounty, we want to make sure the counties have thoughtful plans to reistitutea parts of the astay at home orders we are losing or arelaxing today and b prepared to meet the needs of the residents in the counties to make sure that we can serve their aclinical needs as quickl aand accurately as possible and if youneed to areduce movement to reduce the number of cases that we are saying that we have the strategies and abilities toa do that. As the state we are certainly looking forward to working wih our county partners to make sure this can be done as safe as possible, especially as we move into aadditional sectors being available with the guidelines posted with this state to open up. We want to amake sure that we ae contining to receive data on a very regular basis and on our state covida19 website we will have specific data. It shows how each county ais doing as it relates to cases in hospitalizationsa and testing numbers, so we can keep you informed on your local conditions anda conditions throughout he astate. We continue to move forward as a stat on the one hand, recognizing the state is very big. a different regions have experience acovid19 in differnt ways and different acompanies have prepared differently over atime and announcing couty leaders and countyhealth officers have a very strong and historical responsibiity fora guiding the counties. With the support of the state we are confident we can begin to ado thisa in a safe and modulated ay. That we can come aback to you in the next many weeks with additional sectors in the guidelines for those ectors to open backup in the meanwhile watching closely the dataa will if we have to make any other changes to reinstate somea stay at home orders, or other modiicationsa modificatins, thata we will be able to do that in Strong Partnership awith our local partners and local leaders and withathat i turned back to the governor. a thank you, dr. The abottom line is people can go at atheir own pace and we empower Health Directors who understand2 athe conditions better than any of us. a we need to hold all of aourselves to account transprencya in real accountability in aterms of the implementaion of thesae rules and regulations. Weve been saying this for many, aamany weeks. It is an iterative period. Not an ideological one, meaning we are not alocked in to presuppose aything. Interested in evidence and engaged in two way conversations all aup and down the state. I know its been frustrating afor many people. They want us to move amore aquickly. Others feel we are moving a little atoo quickly. A i expressed the localism, let me respect the decisionmaking. The bay area is in a different positiona than some parts of th state. La county is in aa different position than other parts of they acan move at their own pac based on teir own aalocal conditions. a now awe broaden the case where people canenter into phase twoo more broadya. I should note we areworking with faaithbased leaders and ai wanted to expres my deepesta admiration for the faith in the community and the needa to know when the congreants cana start once again coming back together. We will note that the order put out today will offer Counseling Services in churches to be more broadly but for the congregants thats a few weeks away. anot months, weeks if aeverythi holds. I want people to know that we are encouraged by the progressa the only thing that will set us back is that we amove too quickly and no longer practicea distancing that, so fara and it is incumbent on all of us to listen to our ulocaal Health Directors to tak seriously these astatewide ordes and ai recognize the cabin feedr and athe need so many people have to get ato work there will be no greater mistake that a regretting removed too quickly and athere was a setback, not only our local community but more broadly, the entire state of california. I want to aencourage pele to contine to hold athe line and continue to move as we are moving deliberately in a phased approacha, looking always at th indicators as aour guidance wit data i aPublic Health as a prerequisite to amoving forward to more meaningful modifications aof our stay at home order. a this is an important. In time. We have an important few weeks ahead of us and awe will start to ca lot amore activity. Lets amake sure we do it lawfullya and strategically. To that end i want to agive you an update in terms of what guides our thoughts and strategiesa. Those are the aissues that i bring up on a a daily basis. Hospitalizations and icus ive given you the trendlines over the apast atwo weeks in those categories. }u7. 5 decline in 8. 7 ain icus and aboth the hospitalization rate in the icu rates over the last 24 hours were not modestly. a. 4 and. 7 respectively. It gives you a sense of stability and amodest decline but awith the tracks over the course of the last few weeks. In athe capacity to address the surge in the amount of ppe we provide, including the number of tests athat identified 1591 additional postives. a we feel we are well positioned to move into this next stage more robustly nd we have to date. a accordngly,a the number that is the amost tragic, and the most difficult difficult. Tragically we lost 41 lives ovea the past 24 hours in the state ofa california. Just aa reminder of the deadliness in the virulence of this disease and the transmissibility of athis disease. awe cannot impress our folks more that the disease has not a gone away. It is made ver visiblae in the lives of those who have been torna asunder because of the loss of a loved one in family member. awe express our condolences and her aheart goes out to each and every one of those families that one againa lost a loved one to the deadliness of this virus. Beforea i open it up to questions and a reminder to you that if you choose or wish to a be tested we encourage that. To the extenta you fall into a category of aconcern and you have smptoms and you aare asymptomatic but you are concerned about family members and apossiblea spread. aTesting Capacity is increasing significanly. a 57,000 tests done in the last 24 ahour period and not where w need to be but we are moving apace aon the goals that we set forth over a month ago when we completely dida a reset on our testing acapacity. Part of our reset was targeting our testing as well and thats why ai want to encourage you to go ato the covid i 19. Ca. Gova. Type in your zip code and determine the closest testing asite in community. For asites going up and more and amore rural sites and interim city sitesa and the expansion o thata partnership from 80 to 86a total of them mendocino and lake and these are starting to roll ota and we encourage you to make a reservation and avail yourselfa to free testing. Free testing across the state of californiaa. Go to the covid1. Ca. Gov awebsite. Avail yourselfa of these websits were cost should not be a factor. Factor in any of the questions and concerns that are araised today. You been listening to governor anewsoms daily News Conference taking athis on the road to napa county. Look, if the anumbers hold and thick client, the client, pro a sports could resume in two weeks. Sports teamsa down south the chargers anda the rams in the 49ers here. a maybe Start Holding practices. As and giants could hold practices here and thats aa bigger issue with mlb across the acountry and, Retail Stores could be possibly reopening. ano more curbside down the road and they could hav acustomers inside. Why is this a possibility. aawe talked about the declining numbers at 7. 5 and athe declin in hospitalizations over the last atwo weeks. 8. 7 decline when it comes to those indiviuals who had been admitted t the icu aover the last 14 days. The trendlines are looking good across athe state and because o that 53 out of 58 counties, garcia, acan go into phase two, if not deeper into hasae two of reopening the astate economy. Although he did say athat the counties have to go at their own pacea. Especially we know you live in one county aand work in anothe and ayour friends are all over. a they are tweeting us saying i dont aknow why this business i open and my parents county but not aopen in mind. Some confusion about which bay area countes are moving and ahow deep they are into phase two an awe will talk about that ina just a minute. In the weeks before e ame decision e1he makes would have be driven aby data. The agovernor highlighted a situation that is 180 from where awe were four months ago. There is an unprecedented number aof ppp available to apeople here in our state. Not just frontline workers. He said the number of ppe now in our state is head aand shoulders of where it was beforeand there is far more testing happening. aas of today californians have been through 1. 3 million covid 9 tests. To the dramatic increase in the number of cases. Testing is a good thingand youve aheard the governor say there are more test sites available. In the city aaof oakland, there is a new covid19 testing site reopening. ajust a small example of the change in testing happening here throuhout our state. Wea keep have an ion air on the governors new conference in any major changes we bring to you and keep watching that live if you like aon ktvu. Com. alets stay on topic and fousing on bay aarea counties, garcia. Alameda and others have joined the alist of phase two. Health officers from the countiesa issued an order just ths morninga and they along with mers, San Francisco and san mateo counties are using covid19 bsinessesa to ease up and aallows covid clothes restaurants beopen for pickup. amayor london breed is talking about the plan to reopaen the city and what happens next. a just last eeka mayor brayden announced allowing curbside sales for acertain types of businesses to begin today. If we continue to follow the social distancing requirements, it is areally possible that we can get things to a better place sooner rather athan later mayor brayden announced the city i expanding its covid19 atesting with three new testing sites,a including the citys first mobile unit in the tenderloindistrict. a tesla restarted production at aits fremont factory today and may scale up to full production by the end of this week. a the shelter in place order to allow ll a manufacturing to resume. It appears tesla was repaired and aplenty of aactivity outsid we watched dozens of wrkers had been wearing masks. The atests will factory a scale up to full production by the end of this week. It cites an internal letter sent to employees ver the a weekend explaining athey receivd local asupport or permission from county Health Officials to return to full start this week. They defied Public Health orders andofficials told tesla to stop aand then must file a lawsuit and threatened to move the headquarters out aof california. a tesla awas allowed to reopen atoday with conditions. An emal asaid we are working with the Fremont Police department ato verify tesla is adhering to physical distancing and agreed upon health aand safeya in plac for the safety of atheir workers. Wea reached out to tesla for comment in the electric car uamaker did not respond in the activity made ait clear they were readya for production to resume. a allie rasms. a ktvu ox a2 news. Uber is cutting another 3000 jobs and became aweeks after th company cut 3700 jobs. Between athe two layoffs is 25 of the San Franciscobased companys aglobal workforce. It appearstheir officae with is set to clothes. Long lines outside of dmv offices all aaacross the bay area. a athe dmv says there are other option. a lets show you what it look like. a one of 25 offices across the state currentl aopen. Steve gordon was at the san aose facility he said the dmv ahas seen an increasea of online traffic edits virtual field office. a 50 increase over the past four or afive weeks. The aheavily promoted that but think people solid convenience and we added a bunch of new transactios. a the offices that are open include sa francisco, santa rosa, concord and the claimant location i oakland. Good nutritious food being distributed atoday in the east abay the east bay to people in need. a the church of christ of hayward handing out 25 boxes of fruits and vegetales and 70 boxes given aaway at the church. athe church says this is in respone to Governor Newsoms plana to get food from farmers into thea hands of families during the covid19 apandemic. I think about these fruits a and vegetalesa. Its an opportunity to share itha the community of people who have called are ready who said awev lost our jobs and we dont knowa what to do in this is a place where people can find hope so they can be lifted up today. The church said it will distributea fruits and vegetables beginning at a10 00 a. M. a every amonday and wednesday for as long as they acan. aa deadly attack at a pensacola florida base and the information hata links the attackto terrorism. In the bay area its a cool rainy day for some parts and we check in with rosemary with the full forecast acoming up. Just between us, you know whats better than mopping . Anything at the end of a long day, its the last thing i want to do. Well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. Its an allinone so its ready to go when i am. The cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. And the pad absorbs it deep inside. So, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. Plus, its safe to use on all my floors, even wood. Glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. Try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee the fbi found link a between active li years shootin at Naval Air Station pensacola and an al qaeda operative. On december 6th aaand sunday a student shot and killed three american sailors and injured eiht others. a investigatrs were able to break ainto encryption on cell aphones that had previously bee locked. Meticulous in his planning and had been radicalized for at aleast five years. athe new evidence shows the men had radicalized not after training here ain the u. S. , but at leasta as far back as 2015, and he had beenconanecting and associating with the number of dangerous oprators ever since. Officials say the shooter posted on atwitter before the shooting criticizing the u. S. Support for israel and accusing america aof being antimuslim. aantioch police are searchng for clues in an early mornin shaooting that left one man dead and another injured and it happened in the twin a creeks aprtment complex on ajames develin boulevard. A 36yearold man was on the back ptioa and pronounced dead at thea scene. The 23yearold man was shot. He is expected to survive. Several people were inside the a apartment and the man fired the gun aafter an altercation. So far, no one is n custody. a this morning i woke up to asome light rain outside here but rosemarya is the hours have moved aalong this is a Little Pocket of sunshine over athe house. a hello, mike, gasia. Inside the clouds brief downpours repoted in some areas. And seeing pictures aof rainbow and thatspretty amazing. A look at the estuary where we will continue in athis others pattern. Before the system pushesa out of the area. Before we look at the radar lets look at the preliminary amounts of arain fall thus far. asome of us are faring well. a[ low audio ] reporting more than two inches. Mount diablo more than an inch. Areas like napa a half an inch in petaluma even more than that. a east bay aand south bay anywher from a tenth of an inch ato happen and reported and we have an opportunity for amore as the systems good sarong the coast. It brings aus unsettled weather and wraparounda moisture. We get the sunshine and warmth ata the surface in the cold top triggersa thunderstorms. Let me take you into the central avalley in the foothill where aweve got thunderstorms firingoff just on the east side of stockton and lodi closer to alinden in farmington and ranchoa calaveras. For aus at the moment a few light ascattered showers with te few packet ain between. The north bay we see over the hills a little amoderate rain towardsonoma and as we shift into thea central bay you see i and out of a few sprinkles here. a light ascattered shower activit up aover our hills. We will not shake this. We wil be in and aout of the sun, clouds in the slight risk of athunderstorms today. Even in the sierra the Weather Service will issue a winter storm warning for the west slope agoing all the way until tomorrw afternoon. a above 6500 feet we can see 510 ainches of rain or snow and isolated areas could see up to a 15 inches. A late aseason storm and we lov this idea because we could use the rain in the snow. Futurecasta model into the afternoon. a mainly dry and pop up showers and athey slithered thundershowes possibility as the system excludes the coast and brings us this apattern. Tomorrow morning began up with mostly skies and slim chance beforeit finally moves out. Into athe afternoon hours the moisture hanging on especially over areas of the anorth bay in this era and with this pattern itsa hard to nail down exactly who willa get those scattered showers. atemperatures cooler than yesterday. a low 60s San Francisco. Upper 60s in brentwood and the wind is abusy. Napa reporting 30 miles an hour sustaine. a oakland and concord reporting afor 10 miles per hour. Widespread 60s around the abay area. a athe extended forecast we will show you and tomorrow morning we call for the possibility of a ew showers and awe adry out and awarm up for the business week into athe weekend. See sunny and 60s along the acoast nearing 84 inland cities backa to you. a rosemary, thank you. A long time known afor its sandwiches and cookies is shutting adown for good. Ktvu alysa ahearin is telling us why the bakery is shutting down. a reporter athe covid19 plagu has shut dwn aanother bakery. A the annaouncement posted on the restaurants website. Part of it reads current amarke conditionsa contribute covid19 isa decimated company revenues. The family is devastated. Eric bird all said his family put in xtra takeouat orders to support the business. The app is now anot working and he wanted to put in one last order. Speacialties has been Something Special for lunches or treats aafor us for years an years and we did not expect it to closea. a specialty has been in business 33 years and hedquartered ain pleasanton and i spoke with the ice mayaor over zoom. a we were disappointed and sad. She is concerned about other astruggling restaurants in aapleasanton and only offering takeout. a we wonder who else, particlarly in our alovely downtown. Caroline brown says the acol closure means the loss of jobs a but well impact budget and tax revenue revenue. Ive been a caterer at many events have been to the big disappointment. a another pillar to fall. Specialty has locations all over the bay area catering to Office Buildings and aoffering box ameals for people on the go and warm cookie radar to let peopleknowa when their product was out of the oven. aexpect the company said anyone who placed an order scheduled refund. a Elissa Harrington fox two news. astill to come. Live sports returning for the a first timea. How sports are adaptinga to the changes of thea coronavirus. Active listort en officials asaying clinics are a safe, open and ready to serve the public. The number aof patients hospitalized has dropped throughout the county and Health Leaders are amaking sure people who need medical attention for aurgent issues, afeel safe visiting medical centers aor emergency rooms. a a minor problem can become complex aand complex can become severe anda critical. Wea want people to come and see their adoctor and see their primary are providers. a if you had an appointment or consultation or procedure ayou delayed there is no good reason to delay those. All facilities following strict cleaning and asanitizing protocol anda easily accessible for anyone with covid19 systems. Italy and the vaticanare a entering a new post alockdown phase. A sharp aconfrontation between the Italian Government and the bishops over worshiping during a the virus. They took the temperature of the faithfla were pope francis celebrated an Early Morning mass for handful of people in aa side chapel to come right the birth ofa st. Paul the second. Children in belgium had back to class during the oronaviarus pandemic. Students wearing protective facemasks alined upa outside of school in brusels. athe school usually has more than 6000 abut 200,000 attendeda class. Studentsa will comply with socil adistancing rules and attend classes twice a week until the aend of june. amarin county testing safeguard for schools per county leaders planning a pilot reopening at a three schols. They start with small groups of studens who stayed together with tea same teachers and classroom as ahealth and safety stations in the first thing people do is come in and wash her hands for a20 seconds. airwindale school and burns school in san ajose ill and in novato aa we heard Governor Newsom announced pro sports here in california could get up aand running sometime during the afirst week of june. Talking aabout two weeks away i the number declined. Sportsa fans across the countrya were able to witness the retort of live sports. Theres aa race on the nascar series. A few golfers went out and playaed golf for acharity and Mark Meredith has the story. Sunday marked the live sporting events after the coronavirus bench americas beloved patimes. a nascar astarted engines in darlingtona south carolina. Everyone waringa facemasks, adrivers having temperatures check and announcers calling the base from approved in a charlotte. No afans allowed. The presidnt of one racinag team said it wont impact you. It will sound the same. You will hear it and feel it. areporter pro golfers hit th links in the taylor made a driving relief match. Presidnt trumpa called in to discuss sports. We need sports in terms of the psyche a the psycheof our country. Wea want to get it back to wher it was. we want biga stadiums loaded with people and have a15,000 peoplea watching alabama lsu, a ana example. Reporter while the baseball season remains unclear, abaseball will hold the draft ia june virtually. Mark meredith, darlington, south arolina. a ktvu fox a2 news. Instead of walking across the stage these students crossed the afinish line at phoenix raceway. Theya drove around the track an each of their names were read as they crossed the finish line and it was a great way to celebrate accomplishments. The afirst of several. as across the country that will hold similar events for seniors. As the scool year aawinds down ktvua is honoring teachers a making a difference. ato nominate someone send us an eamail and tell us why you nominate that specific teacher and send photos and avideos to my hero and fox tv. Com. Its my ahero at fox tv. Com. I know there are thousands of teachers out there who deserve somea recognition. I could go on forever. Thank you to them all and thank }uyou for joining us. Doctoroz is next. Can we feel safe knowing the virus is still out there . We exam how other countries did it and break down what works, what didnt and why . Im very concerned with dense populations and sporting events. Says plasma study could be the hope weve been waiting for. Coming up next. [sirens blaring] dr. Oz its 119 of the coronaviru

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