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Chief described the confusion as emergency calls started to flood in from multiple locations, where victims ran for help. For a certain amount of time that evening, we knew we had what was going on at concert venue and starting to think, are we having an attack at other locations. Reporter tourist have started returning even though signs of the attack are still visible from the street. Extraordinary to see that two Little Windows can do so much damage. Reporter as investigators look for a motive, they say shooters background reveals a low key man and high steaks gamble erika seen owes cater too. When he comes to the door there will be things waiting for him. He will be able to request sort offer accommodations he wants. Reporter shooters girlfriend said he had no idea he was planning a rampage even while he stockpiled 33 weapons last year len by spreading his purchases throughout Different Stores in different states. He was able to stay under the radar. Out of those who were injured in the attack, 50 remain in critical condition. Incredible stories of self lessness and courage, continued to emerge in the aftermath of the las vegas shooting. Comedian concert goer jane says her life was saved by a nevada bartender she had never met. They saw each other again yesterday for the very First Time Since that attack. When gunman opened fire jan was hit in the stomach. Justin uheart put his hand on that wound and stayed with her until she was taken in for surgery. She was terrified, i was just asking her the silly questions, you know, her cats, where she is from, she was in a lot of pain. I said i wont leave her. Jan continues to recover at a las vegas hospital, neither she nor justin remember just how much time they spent together but both say they now share a bond, for life. A photo circulating on social media show mask gun from the Delaware High School holding a racial slur on the written piece of paper. Officials say they know who is responsible for the picture and they have taken action. Coming up tonight on Eyewitness News at 6 00 our cleve bryan speaks with the local naacp and students from the school who are outrage, over the hateful message. Bricks of heroin are off the streets of the bucks county thanks to Bensalem Police. It all started with a traffic stop. Eyewitness News Reporter joe holden is live in bensalem tonight where officers explained how they found this stash of drugs, hi, joe. Reporter nicole very interesting story police say these three men were carting heroin, hidden around in a pickup truck, and what did they in the end, tinted windows. That right there is four milliondollar worth of heroin , and Bensalem Police say they pulled from it a Toyota Pickup truck. Not from the seat or a floor in one here will have a wire like this. Reporter yank ago this wire revealed a secret compartment. We have a hidden compartment where the drugs are kept. Reporter a trap to transport that raw heroin, police this week said they stopped the truck because deep tinted windows were illegal. The three men inside began spinning their wheels, mixing and matching stories. Biggest clue is, one guy has got an ankle bracelet and start taking off running. We call that clue one. Why is he running . What is going on. Reporter turns out edward toures from camden was supposed to be house arrest for robbery and gun charges, instead detectives found tour es and his accomplices sergio landeras anal sand dro green madees with the mother load of heroin. K9 helped with the discovery. We will never to have clean up a mess from 400,000 doses of poison, these doses will never poison anyone of our citizens. Reporter Police Say Three men are lock up on a milliondollar bail each. The end of the road is six keys off the street and three bad guys in jail. Reporter tonight no word if any of the suspected drug traffickers is cooperating with police, at this point right now they remain behind bars, and the dea is also assisting, with the investigation. That is story live tonight from Bensalem Joe Holden for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Joe, thank you. Police arrested bush kill township man for the shooting death of his cousin at a Northampton County home. Police charged 61 yearold john michael hand with criminal homicide after allegedly shot his cousin, joseph, five times last night, police say it also allegedly shot his cousins wife who survived and was taken to the hospital. Police arrested hann this morning after a standoff with police on Oakland Square drivein bethlehem. The standoff caused a lock down at several schools in the area, including Freedom High School and bethlehem vocational high school. Philadelphia Police Continue to investigate a triple shooting that left a 24 yearold man dead. Officers say shots were fired at 2500 block of dover street in north philadelphia around 11 30 wednesday night. A 24 yearold man and a 17 yearold were also rushed to the hospital, with gunshot wounds. Those victims were taken to temple hospital in stable condition, and no arrests have been made. The scene is clear after a serious crash left a motorcyclist dead and shut down eastbound lanes of the schuylkill expressway for hours. Accident happened in grays ferry just after 3 30 this morning, involving a motorcycle and a vehicle. Police say driver of the motorcycle looked for someone dead at the scene. Vehicles were forced off i76e at grays ferry avenue exit. Traffic was stalled for miles during the morning rush hour. The tropics are heating up again new we are keeping an eye on Tropical Storm nate, Florida Governor rick scott says his state will be ready if nate head their way. As we find out where this storm is going, then ill work with the white house to make sure that fema provides everything that they can provide. Nate is causing flash flood and mud slide in honduras today and it is expect to gain strength. Meteorologist kate bilo is tracking nate as well. So where does it look like storm is heading next. It will head through Central America and up toward yucatan peninsula right around cancun passing right over the tip of the yucatan peninsula and heading in the gulf of mexico. Any areas along the gulf will to have watch progression of nate. Heres where storm is right now, right over honduras, eastern Central America. There is an area have on disturbed weather over south florida and down toward cuba lifting to the north and we will eventually get in on this tropical moisture, thinks all, pushing northward, lets look at stats from nate. It is currently a Tropical Storm, winds sustained at 40 miles an hour moving north northwest at 10 miles an hour with the central pressure of a thousand millibars. But after it moves over the yucatan peninsula and in the warm waters of the gulf look at is what expect to happen by saturday at 1 00 nate is expect to briefly strength men to a category one hurricane, and current track has it making land fall, late saturday or sunday right around new orleans, and, and, that remnant low, will move through our area on monday. We have been talking about this all week long tropical moisture and heavy rain, it looks like monday, columbus day is when we will get on that action with left over rainfall from nate as well as an advancing cold front that will pick nate up and bring that storm to the north ande. In the meantime it vice warm, very muggy, feels like we have learned to summer, temperatures in the 80s right now, and, 80 down in millville and winds are out of the south that will keep on coming through the rest of the week and into the weekend as we await the arrival of that rain heading out this evening most of the evening will be dry there could be a isolated shower around seven or 8 00 and notice how mild compared with what we felt over weekend temperatures will stay in the 70s until 11 00 oclock tonight and will only get hotter before we talk with the arrival of the rain, im time them both out with the full forecast but for now, ukee and nicole back over to you. As for people of puerto rico continue to clean up in the aftermath of maria more local help is on the way. Addition at members of the Salvation Army of eastern pennsylvania and delaware left from Philadelphia International airport this morning. They will ab cyst continuing with need on the ground for two weeks a machining those heading there is bob myers who recently return from the deployment to florida, with hurricane irma. Our mission is largely from a feeding standpoint our goal is to do a couple thousand meals a day to support folks impacted by the storm. Salvation army will focus on distributing supplies that may still be leaving in shipping containers on that island. Coming up on Eyewitness News latest nominees for rock and role hall of fame and then this. Does that give you a little bit of enjoyment. Funny. But the reporter didnt think it was so funny, hear the rest of the quarterback guam newtons comments and reaction it is getting at 5 30 if you are on the fence about getting a Flu Shot Health reporter Stephanie Stahl will explain why it is a good idea especially with predictions for this upcoming flu season. When we think of distracted driving we think of cell phones but some experts say some cars have built in distraction that is can be very dangerous. And a live look now at the Schuylkill River trail, nice day to get out, side, we have got one. Im just playing. We will check in with people to see if they like this warmer weather or if they had rather have a taste of fall, we will be right back family stay with do i use. One thatsthat wgood for my teeth . Now i dont have to choose from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. Its our best whitening technology. Plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. My dbut now, i take used tometamucil every day. Sh it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. Try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. My challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge a Freight Train derails in atlanta, smashing, into a home fourteen cars of a csx train jumped tracks and one of the cars went careening in the house in northwest atlanta, this happened around 3 00 a. M. This morning. Man was sleeping inside of that home but was taken to the hospital and is now in stable condition. Neighbors say the whole thing was frightening. A big old, i dont know, a boom, it was just like, it just woke us up, real stuff like it made you not want to move. Like really like a big old something blew up. The train was hauling sand as well as material used in the manufacturing of tires, it is unclear what cause that had derailment. Kate bilo joins us now, tropics are heating up and we will be heating up too. Yes, we are. Just step outside today you felt like that. It is warm already. We hit 81 today so far in the city and it feels like we are back to summer. Humidity is back. Yes. It is october. Broke those jackets out for i day or two and they are back in the closet. Arent they though. We may not need them until next thursday or friday. Wow. In the meantime even though it is warmer then average it is still wonderful day to enjoy this taste of summer because pretty soon we will be dying for 80 degrees, meteorologist Chelsea Ingram live along the kelly drive in philadelphia, with the mobile weather watchers, hey there, chelsea. Reporter hey there kate, right around 79 degrees outside here where i am along the Schuylkill River trail and there has been lots of people out here, they have been enjoying bike ride, enjoying a nice walk and enjoying a nice run as well along the trail and i spoke to several people today and asked them how they feel about this unseasonably warm weather, during early october and heres what they had to say. I dont think Mother Nature knows what she wants to do because it is fall making me frayed what the winter will be like. I hope we dont get a lot of snow. I like fall too. You know, the beginning of the fall because it still feels like summer but it is not as intense. You might be able to wear a tank top in october. Yes, do i. I love wearing my tshirt, jeans and something to walk around and be comfortable. Reporter we did make it in the lower 80s here in philadelphia today ill let you know if that is unusual, for the month of october, coming up in the next hour, for now lets send it back inside to meteorologist kate bilo and kate, it looks like we may have more 80 degrees day on our hands in the near future. We may indeed, thanks very much. Through rest of the week and weekend were talking lower 80 s, i was sitting outsideand watching my kid at the park and it was nice and warm. Like chelsea said you didnt need a jacket. Wear a tshirt. That is nice in october even though we want to break out those fall clothes. Lets look at cape may and see a few cloud building this afternoon. Couple showers may pop up this evening into tonight but for now it is nice night to take a walk along the beach, promenade, take a bike ride this evening before the sun, goes down. Checking in on one of our live Neighborhood Network spots you can see cloud taken over in the poconos as well, bit overcast in broad headville 74 but notice with the humidity we are ceiling feels like temperatures running above what the thermometer says feeling close to 80 even in the poconos and it is 80 degrees still here in philadelphia. Eighty in trenton. Eighty in millville. Seventynine in atlantic city. Now that we have a southeasterly flow even flow off the ocean doesnt help because we are still heating up in our shore town. Seventynine in lancaster. Storm scan three does show showers right about here, progress ago cross South Central pennsylvania, and they are hitching a ride on the turnpike and heading our way for the rest of this evening. As we zoom out our next cold front, all the way back here and this is not going to bring us relief until middle of next week because this will pull moisture from nate and this disturb weather over south florida, north across eastern seaboard right through the rest of the week and into the weekend. I do want to tell you if the cloud break up enough with beautiful weather last night may be beautiful tonight as well. Harvest moon full moon closest to the fall equinox at 6 56. Moon set at 7 45 tomorrow morning. We can get out and take a peak at. That future weather shows around 8 00 off to the north we will see scattered showers, diminishing quickly, wake up tomorrow morning to cloud, fog a few breaks of sun in the afternoon, tomorrow doesnt look like a wet day a stray shower in the evening a lot like today. Then as we have been talking about all week that front lifts back north of the warm front so saturday we will get into the heat and hugh mid, southwest flow, showers still off to the south but look what is also happening, in the weekend we zoom down the gulf coast and heres nate poised to make land fall sunday at 5 00 a. M. Nate is a category one hurricane making land fall on the coast of louisiana. This track will put new orleans in the risk forstrom surge, flooding and threat for tornadoes as storm making land fall can produce that in the right front quadrant of the storm which is where new orleans would be. Heading in to sunday or monday this will get pulled to the north by an advancing front and eventually we will tap into some of that tropical moisture. It does look like our wetest day will be monday, columbus day next week. Overnight stray shower early and then mostly cloudy 64 degrees is your overnight low. Tomorrow starts off with fog and then sun, cant rule out stray shower in the afternoon or evening. High around 8o eagles taking on the cardinals this weekend cant rule out showers on sunday. It is not our wash out of the day. More rain on monday but cant rule out a stray shower. With that said wear shorts and tshirts, it will be 79 degrees, at kick off for eagles game and see how warm it is next couple days, 85 on saturday very warm, very humid , sticky, buggy air, that feeling when you sit outside and just really sticky, monday , columbus day rain at times and then finally by middle or end of next week we will head back to some more seasonal fall temperatures. This is another stretch of un seasonable warmth and hugh mid in october. Im feeling it. I didnt like it then. I dont like it now. Still ahead your orange juice might taste different and cost a little more. You why might feel like something missing at your local dunkin donuts. Dont worry, it is not the coffee, don. Two wins in a row can they make it three we get buzz on the eagles with the always excitable duo of chris carolyn and ike reese. Sports coming up next. Segways with spirit, coming up on Eyewitness News at 6 00 see you the unique way to see the spooky side of the city. We are giving you a preview of the ghost tour unlike any other. Tonight at 6 00. I have never done that. I tried a segway they are not easy. We will go out as a team. I probably wouldnt recommend doing that. Dont are scared, especially on broad street. What are we talking about today. Were talking about the bird getting ready for their next game. A little nervous. We will break it down. Lets look at the nfl standings for the nfc you will see three one eagles leading the pack. Can they stay there though . Sunday they hoe twotwo arizona cardinals. Today i went to wip to catch up with chris car len and ike reese to get the buzz and we will start with the toughest match up in the game. Whoever is guarding Larry Fitzgerald, yes, Larry Fitzgerald ageless wonder it seems like he gets better every year. Doesnt get faster but gets better and Patrick Robinson or young guys on the outside because they like to move Larry Fitzgerald around to find a mismatch. That is key match up. They have great speed but lie at that hall of fame wide receiver, they go, on owe even if as he goes. When get him at food balance it lead to success. Carson palmer has been hit 43 times this year. Eagles line has to get to him. That line has not about good for the cardinals and that is the way they will disrupt him. That is it. Always good to catch up with those guys. Switching gears sixthers with their first preseason game last night. They who to the Memphis Grizzlies but former first round pick ben simmons was impressive, six points, nine assists and seven board. Coming up at 6 00, some big news, with the sixers and it involves joel embiid, joe joe. Saw some nice things last night. Indeed. Thanks, buddy. Another story from the world of sports that has people buzzing take a lot carolina quarterback cam newton answering the question. Does that give you a little bit of enjoyment to see that. It is fun toy hear female talking about routes. As you can imagine, loft people are talking about this today. This is the team, the eagles are playing one week. Yes. Thursday night football on cbs3. This is an interesting comment for me because it is a guy who who is holding his fist up, protesting social injustice a week ago and now he is sound ing nonsense. Im done. A bit uncomfortable. Our in a cash brown has entire exchange and reaction coming up after the break so looking forward to that. Flu shot. It that is time of the year many of us here got our shots today, Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl will explain why it is a good idea to get one up hows it going down there . Thats good. Lica misses you. Im over it though. laughter thats fine. I miss her more than you anyway. Hey, my window is closing. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. Carolina panthers quarterback cam newton is in hot water over remarks he made at a news conference. Or saying his comments were sexist, and newton has now lost one of his endorsement deals. Our Natasha Brown has what newton said and, of course, fall out that came. Reporter lots of fall out, you guys, at this point, there is a lot of fall out and discussion from newtons recent comments during a press conference after practice after hearing the remarks, folks we talked to today said they run acceptable and he should apologize. Really embraced the physicality of his routes and getting those extra yard, does that give you a little bit of enjoyment. This is exchange that has Carolina Panthers quarterback cam newton in hot water during his news media availability on wednesday, you hear the female reporter asking about the route running of one of his receivers, using that specific term. It is fun toy hear female talking about routes, like it is funny. Newton went on to answer the question but reaction to the female journalist his broad smile near laughter and reluctant response has drawn Harsh Criticism from those who found his word sexist. Doesnt he have a wife and kid . Reporter we showed folks in center city and asked what they thought most did not skip word. Someone with a wife and kid probably shouldnt have that reaction, disrespectful if he were to use the word man instead of woman, i dont think he would have said what he said, turf say it is sexist personally we do have to work harder. I do think it is a shame because he should be trying to help support and promote equal rights for woman in the trying to set us back. Reporter jordan who covers panthers for charlotte observers and was female report shore fired off the question to cam took to twitter and fired back saying quote i dont think it is funny to be a female and talk about routes, i think it is my job. Team spokesperson said cam, jordan had a conversation after the exchange but she says he never apologized. Former eagles player and wip sports radio hoe ike reese says, that is unacceptable. Dude, you were wrong, everyone knows you were wrong, the panthers know you were wrong and an apology, not some twit era polling, i mean a facetoface apology to her is what is needed. Well, newton lost an endorsement deal with dan on yogurt in light of the controversy. The nfl release aid statement that read in part comments are just plane wrong and disrespectful to the exceptional female reporters and all journalist who cover our league. Our cbs philly Facebook Page is buzzing as well about cams comments, amy writes he is always disrespectful why is anyone surprised . Angela takes a different view she says, wow, is this world that sensitive . And, also, that is getting a lieutenant of reaction, now there is a new twist everyone to this story, parentally female reporter at center of cams statement has apologized for tweets of racist over tones for her twitter page saying she is deeply sorry, so now we will be talking about that. Oh, boy. Never ending story. They need to get together and apologize about everything keep us updated. By the way, eagles play panthers one week from tonight for thursday night football, so cbs3 is going on the road, as well. Ill head to Charlotte North Carolina with sports director don bell and Vittoria Woodill to bring you live coverage for the big game next thursday night. Dont miss the action, tonight, as tom brady and patriots head into tampa bay to take on jameis wins exton and Tampa Bay Buccaneers tonight at 8 25 right here on cbs3. Now a developing story embattled pennsylvania congressman tim murphy is resigning in the wake of a salacious affair and abortion controversy this comes just a day after he announced wow retire at the end of his term in 2019. Congressman murphy made that decision after Text Messages surfaced shows that he suggested his mistress have an abortion, despite the congressmans pro life stance. At the time both thought that she was pregnant but it turned out she was not. Congressman murphy represents the pittsburgh area and in a statement, House Speaker paul ryan says murphys resignation will be effective october 21st now u. S. Immigration and cuss tells enforcement sweep called Operation Safe city is than scrutiny by immigrants and clergy here in the philadelphia area last week ice raid rounded up 498 immigrants across the country, 107 of those were in philadelphia. Today the community is holding a ritual and prayer vigil, ice offices on north eighth street to help remember those taken in the raids. Immigrants argued that sanctuary cities are being unfairly targeted in the raid as retaliation against laws that reduced deportations. Well that time of the year time to get the flu shot, Eyewitness News morning team got their, with the help of a comforting friend to calm some nerves. Stuffed animal, how about that. Thank you. I love it, love it. There are different strains , specific type of flu vaccines, does it depend on your age. It does, we want everybody over age of six months. Little tension. There you go, you are done. That wasnt so bad, rahel. Kate, jim, meisha got their shot, courtesy of doctor jen cud who will says everyone should get the shot and do it before the end of october. Now flu can be serious which is why it is recommended that every one gets vaccinated every year, flu shots are available in most locations. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl has more on the importance of getting the flu shot. Reporter nicole, it is really important despite yearly recommendations fewer then 50 percent of americans get an annual flu shot and Health Officials say that lead to more than 9 million flu related illnesses every year and 12,000 deaths. Reporter stephen alex director of Disease Control at Philadelphia Department of Public Health got his flu shot and urging everyone else to follow his lead. With influenza it is a disease that changes every year, we have it every winter season and there are multiple strains that circulate every year. Reporter Health Officials say this could be a bad flu season based on global track ing from australia their winter saw a significant influenza out break. They had a bad flu year meaning there were more cases of flu then they normally see every year, two times as many. Reporter flu not only brings misery but it can be deadliest specially for elderly children and these with compromised immune systems. It is important for those people to get vaccinated and good vaccine causes an immune response so it primes your body to have a reaction, to produce antibodies which are proteins that fight virus when you do come in contact with it at a later date. And no, contrary toy popular legend flu shots dont give you the flu but there can be a mild reaction like a slight fever or injection site soreness. Why there. Because that is your muscle area. Reporter while doing Facebook Live i got my flu shot at cbs3 health fair following the recommendation that is everyone, over six months of age get vaccinated. Injection. Not hurting. Still doesnt hurt, really. It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to kick in and while february is usually the peak flu season it can start in november which why is now is the time to get your flu shot. Look at you facebook living it. Yes. You have to tell people. Get the word out. Our health fair that was here had all kinds of other screenings and a reminder we are staying healthy here and all of our viewers, friends on facebook. Good example, stephanie. I try to be. Thanks, stephanie. Still to come why your morning orange juice might taste different and cost a bit more. A space walk and big repairs outside International Space station, what they are replacing that makes a big difference when other spacecraft come visit. It is supposed to help from you making calls to sending texts and listening to music during your drive, but, experts say your dashboard may be dangerous. Kate . Well, we are getting ever closer to the weekend and unfortunately not a lot of cooling expect for weekend, the heat is on, our current hot stretch is really going to peak on saturday with temperatures in the mid 80s and summertime hugh mid to boot, couple spotty showers this weekend most likely on sunday so keep that in mind head being to the eagles game we may have steady rain as we head into next you may begin to notice your orange juice taste tart. Hurricane irma destroyed much of the floridas citrus crops so some u. S. Beverage co say they will start using orange from his brazil, and this will make o. J. Less sweet cost of orange juice could rise and analyst say brazil annex posser may increase by 50 percent. Dunkin donuts is down sizing, at many locations the chains menu will now offer just 18 doughnut varieties instead of the 30. What . Company executives say idea toys streamline quality and service and focus on featured, flavors. Okay. Just dont miss with the blueberry cake. Or boston cream. Blueberry cake on schuylkill expressway, im running over and pick it up and eat it. Maybe not but i like them. I like them. Dont mess with the blueberry cake. Up next, vicepresident wants u. S. To be leaders and not followers in space. What he wants if youd have told me three years ago. That wed be downloading in seconds, what used to take. Minutes. That guests would compliment our wifi. That we could video conference. And do it like that. snaps if youd have told me that i could afford. A gigspeed. A gigspeed network. Its like 20 times faster than what most people have. Id of said. Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. It pushes us. We push back. Challenging conventional thinking. Finding smarter solutions. Thats what makes Cancer Treatment centers of america one of the leaders in precision Cancer Treatment. Using tools like advanced Genomic Testing and immunotherapy to bring more options to our patients. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Were not just fighting cancer any more. Were outsmarting it. Visit cancercenter. Com outsmart to learn more. First of three planned space walks was completed outside the International Space station. Astronauts on board are working to fix an enormous robotic hand that is experience something wear and tear over the last 16 years. The arm and hand are responsible for grabbing visiting spacecraft, remaining space walks will be completed over the next two weeks. Meanwhile vicepresident mike pence speaks at First National Space Council meeting in virginia today, mr. Pence told the crowd gathered in shan till i that under president trumps leadership the u. S. Will never again fall behind in the race for space. The Trump Administration wants to put americans back on the moon and be first country to make it to mars. Pence added that the u. S. Rel ies to heavily on expensive russian expert to take astronauts to the International Space station. When Space Shuttle Program Ended in 2011 we have four years to find an assured way for our astronauts to get in the space, in the meantime we agreed to pay russia to hitch a ride on their rockets to the International Space station. U. S. Intelligence reports that russia and china are developing a full range of technology that could take out satellite systems in space, and council will review National Space policy and help coordinate security and exploration. A mother in florida is warning parents around the country after her sons toy tonka truck caught fire. It happened when her husband was moving the toy. Parents found out it was recalled a few months ago, the company said it was recalled because acceleration pedal would stick. It didnt mention anything about it being a fire hazard. I just want to let parents know to be wear and fit is in your garages specially. We were lucky enough our son was not on it, or it was in the in the garage. Company that makes the toy visited that family. They will reimbursed for the cost of the truck. When it comes to the big cars, distracted driving is a serious problem and people often associated it with smart phones and texting but as three on your sides jim donovan explains the technology built into many dashboards can also lead to dangerous distractions. Reporter info tane. Systems put technology at our fingertips but new study from triple a find they can be distracting. Tune radio to 97. 1fm. Reporter researchers had two dozen volunteers test 30 different vehicles on a residential road, they measured how much drivers had to look at the screen and think about what they were doing while making a call, sending a text or using the stereo and Navigation System. Professor David Strayer from the university of utah, led the research. Some of the most advanced system are really very difficult for the driver to use and may take minutes to be performed. Reporter study find drivers were visibly distract for 40 seconds when programming Navigation System offer sending a text message, triple a says removing your eyes from the road for just two seconds can double risk of the crash. Ricardo mayes took part in the research abe nearly missed a stop sign while using a touch screen. The car that uses screen and touch pad are won that made me feel most discomfort able. Reporter voice commands also take drivers attention off of the road. Look at this womans eyes as she tries to make a call. Triple a is sharing results with auto makers Safety Experts want car co to chain systems so most distracting features are locked out, when the carries in motion. Reporting for three on your side, im jim donovan, be sure to start your day with rahel, katie, meisha and me at 4 30 a. M. Right here on cbs3. Kate bilo joins us now and man, it is pretty warm outside warm in here. Humid it is a little sticky im sweating. Im sweating. One of those days where do i want to go for an outdoor run. Yes, right. Tight temperature gradient. Yes. The ants is no. It has to be 55, crips, perfect. When it is warm, sticky. Will we have 55 crisp and perfect. We need a little bit of the cool down. We had a brief break as we went through this past weekend cool, crisp, beautiful, everyone at soccer field was talking about this is perfect fall weather this is what we have been waiting for and then just as quickly it gets taken away and we are back to the heat and humidity. Beautiful night from our brand new camera in Plymouth Meeting , plymouth township field there looking in the western side in the distance. Not a whole lot to see as far as sunset is concern tonight because cloud moved out ahead of the batch of showers pushing from the west and those will get here especially areas off to the north about seven or 8 00 tonight. Not looking like much, but especially here in the Lehigh Valley, berks county pick up a couple showers here this evening and tonight. Were checking in with our eyewitness weather watchers and seeing temperatures higher then in recent days. We are looking at upper zero sevens all across the map, 78 we will check in here with knoll pits in mantua, new jersey. Seventyeight says knoll. I can tell humidity, dew point are rising because nuisance bugs are back. I said earlier, it feels buggy i was sitting outside having to swat bugs away. Not like. That i like cool crisp fall weather. Bugs stay away from you. Joes neff orlandis at 75. He has sun peeking out through the cloud, beautiful weather there. Not too bad. Seventynine greg mccoy in marshall ton, delaware, mostly sunny and warm mid afternoon cloud now moving in and increasing, and that they are, speak afternoon has looked cloudy, take a look, at this photo from bill mostly cloudy skies but warm temperatures unfortunately we may not see that full moon rise what phil says, he sent us a picture from the moon last night almost full or 5 30 this morning he says but unfortunately the cloud are in place. We may clear it out later tonight, press toy see that full harvest moon. Take a look at a live Neighborhood Network sites from palmyra cove looking out toward the city and you can see city sky line obscured by those cloud, hazy outside, 77 degrees in palmyra. Our high today hit 81 at the airport. More than 10 degrees above average. Normal high is 7o record is 96 , setback in 1941 no where near that record thankfully. Again we have a batch of showers heading our way, right here across central pennsylvania. All of the heat and humidity down across the south and once this front lifts back to the north all that will open up flood gates and heat and humidity will lift northward as well. See what happens saturday that front starts as a cold front and lifts back north as a warm front and this actual cold front will not move through until that tropical moisture gets lifted in our region. Mild, muggy with the front nearby, spotty showers move through this evening and then rain chances do continue in the weekend and next week. Heres what this evening looks like cloud in place couple showers right new trying to pop up and about six or seven or 8 00 that this batch of moisture moves in from the Lehigh Valley and berks county at 7 00. 9 00 up through poconos and clear it out overnight. Tomorrow just some cloud and a stray sprinkle here or there. Talking quickly about Tropical Storm nate. Here are computer models expect to make land fall this weekend long the gulf coast and that moisture gets push in our region by columbus damon. That looks like the wetest day of our seven day forecast, warm, humid in the weekend. Sunday just a few showers for eagles game but then monday rain at times and that rain could be heavy, showers lingering in to tuesday, finally front pushes through by thursday and that is when we will try to cool things down, ukee and nicole back to you. Kate, thank you. Still ahead on Eyewitness News nominations are out. Find out who made the list to the rock and roll hall of fame that includes new jersey rockers hot minute with bex but the living rooms pretty blank. Its really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. Working with a bassett designer was really easy. Just kind of ties in very well. We love it its been on the decline with the closing of the just kind of ties in very well. Refineries and theres no jobs in the community. If theres no jobs, theres no education, theres no food on the table. Whats important is the children. Steve sweeney. He fought for em. This is where hes from. Steve sweeneys been here since the beginning. Steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. It wouldve never been done without steve. It was a pride in building this port and then knowing that were coming back. Bon jovi may be finally bound for rock and rel rel hall of fame and nsynx reunion could be in the card. Julia roberts reinacts a key movie moments. Bex from our sister station 96. 5 has it all in her hot minute. Thanks, ukee and nicole. 2018 rock and roll hall of fame nominee have been announced and John Bon Jovi tops the list. Nine of the 18 musicians are first timers like british rockers radio head and iconic singer nina simon. As for a returning face, l. L. Cool j is only rapper to be nominated for the hall, beginning today through december 5th fans can cast their vote on whom they believe is mess deserving of the induction. And, could it be possible, an nsynx reunion during 2018 super bowl half time performance . As i mentioned last week Justin Timberlake is expect to hit big stage this year but if he does he might not do it alone according to the tmz video of joey fattone. You know what, if it is to do it and it is right we will do it. He is saying is there a chance. Finally julia robert fans, they have a must much video for you the Award Winning actress stopped by late, late show with james corden and recreated every single one of her beloved rolls including noting hill, and im also just a girl standing in front of the boy asking him to love her. Press would i man. Big, huge mistake. And of course oceans 11 and 12. What are you doing. Im being george clooney. Coffee, tequilla, and a couple of these. That is your hot minute im bex from todays 96. 5. I love him. That is Eyewitness News at 5 00. Now at 6 00. A School Mascot holding up a paper with the racial slur, roxane Africanamerican Community near dover, delaware im cleve bryan coming up and why one student left school early. A school scare a new jersey elementary school, shutting its doors at least for a few weeks, what was found inside that has officials taking action. Plus this. A group of volunteers, dedicated to saving animals lives, is disbanding im anita oh in delaware county. The reason why and how people here can help. It is feeling like summer as temperatures head back to the 80s today ill tell you how long this stretch of warm weather will last and whether Tropical Storm nate will impact our area Eyewitness News at 6 00 starts right now. Some students in williamstown new jersey will not be returning to their classrooms anytime soon. Good evening, everyone im ukee washington. Im Nicole Brewer in for jessica dean. Air quality inspection, found mold inside holy Glenn Elementary School. Eyewitness News Reporter, david spunt is live, where a meeting is about to take place , david . Reporter nicole and ukee thinks discouraging news for students and parents, after all students started here about a month ago. We were talking about holy Glenn Elementary School just down the street from where i am. Right now im in front of williamstown high school. Im here because in an hour the school board will hold a public meeting. Superintendent and other top officials will be here to listen to parental concerns. Were told that an Environmental Protection agency was out just a few days ago conducting several tests and they found a strong presence of mold inside of the school in separate rooms. Now in order to remedy this they are at least having the students leave for three weeks , could be more, they are going to send them to separate schools but that is what will be discussed behind me tonight at 7 00, i did test the superintendent on his way into an executive session meeting earlier and said obviously this is top of the mind for the school district. He takes this incredibly seriously. He wants to hear from parents tonight and he wants them to know school will be closed until they fix this problem at lee three weeks, for the students and

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