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Heroes after they killed four men suspected of gang rape and murder in a case that sparked nationwide outrage. And they are calling it the magnifier. Areral australian bushfires so widespread, Authorities Say they cannot be contained. Anchor we begin with a shooting inside a classroom at a u. S. Naval base in florida, which has left four people dead, including the gunman. The suspect is a Saudi National in the u. S. For training. At least eight others are injured at the Naval Air Station in pensacola, florida. Officials say the suspect was unhappy with his commanders and was receiving counseling. U. S. President donald trump says he has been contacted by the saudi leader, who has condemned the shooting. Pres. Trump the kings at the saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the inoter, and this person no way, shape, or form represents the saudi people, who love the American People so much. That was given to me by the king of saudi arabia, and i can tell you it is a horrible thing that took place, and we are getting to the bottom of it. All the investigators are steadying at studying it very closely. Anchor mike, we understand floridas governor has been talking to President Trump about that shooting. What more has he been saying . Anchor the governor reporter the governor expressed deep concern at the situation and deep tragedy at the situation as well. He pointed out the Pensacola Naval base is integral to the community, and the attack would have a massive impact on the tens of thousands that live in neighborhoods surrounding the base. He also raised the question of the Saudi National being the gunman, and asked whether it is possible whether reparations might have to be made by the. Audi state there are going to be a lot of questions about this individual being a Foreign National, part of the Saudi Air Force. Dod,he fbi is working with with the county sheriffs. One of the things i talked to the president about is, given this was a Foreign National in the employ of a foreign service, the government of saudi arabia needs to make things better for these victims. I think they are going to owe a debt here, given this is one of their individuals. Arren and this is clearly very sensitive case because of their relationship between saudi arabia and the u. S. , but what details are emerging in the shooting itself and the Police Investigation Going Forward . Reportsere have been that the officer was receiving counseling and was dissatisfied with his superior officers, but what the npi points out as well is that all of the cadets that were taken in training on this case, particularly the Foreign Nationals, got invented by several foreign agencies in the u. S. , and one of the questions being asked is, how was this particular individual able to get through the vetting process . The other question is how did he get a handgun. Weapons are banned at this particular base, particularly among the students, so certainly there are many questions the investigators are looking at, but principal among them is to remove any possibility that this was indeed a terror attack. Investigators would not comment on a motive, but this is one of the issues they will be looking at in the days ahead. Californias governor saying this is an investigation that could take a long period of time. Darren mike, thank you. Lets bring in our senior fellow at georgetown university, and a human rights lawyer. He joins us via skype. President trump says the shooting is a horrible thing, but he has an extremely tight relationship with the saudis, so what is the diplomatic impact between the two countries, and how sensitive is it . Think it isest, i going to have very little diplomatic impact between the United States and saudi arabia, mainly because of trumps type relationship with the king and prince. I think the bigger impact is going to be on islamophobia here in the United States. You are already seeing many conservative republican lawmakers, both in florida and nationwide, calling this an act of terrorism, when we see these sorts of same Mass Shootings happening on a daily basis. This year there have actually been more Mass Shootings in the United States then days. There have been 300 85 Mass Shootings, 335 days. Just the day before, there was a mass shooting in pearl harbor, in hawaii. But since that perpetrator was not a muslim, it was not called an act of terrorism. My concern is with this being used as a political football by the many rightwing politicians. Floridas governor says there are going to be a lot of questions asked about the shooter. We know he is part of the Saudi Air Force and obviously was training on u. S. Soil. What questions, then, will be shooting itself throw up . Think the main question from a logistical standpoint is going to be in terms of how he was vented to enter the base. Those people who enter military installations in the United States, their names are run against fbi criminal databases from a probably against interpol databases for Foreign Nationals. Criminal databases, for Foreign Nationals, probably against interpol databases. But you are not going to have somebody who showed up in the armed forces of a foreign nation with a criminal record that would show up on a database. Darren i want to pick up on something you mentioned earlier, because one representative in florida says this was indeed a terrorist incident and not just workplace violence. But foreign minute terry trainees Foreign Military trainees have been studying in pensacola for decades. Is anything likely to change . Arsalan the short answer is no. The long answer is trying to understand how things are framed in the United States in the media when we see these Mass Shootings. According to a 2014 study, they found that when a mass shooting is committed by a muslim, that receives 357 more Media Coverage that a miss shooting mass shooting committed by a nonmuslim. Often times, when we see Mass Shootings committed by people who are not muslim, the word terrorism is removed from the discussion, but anytime a muslim commits a mass shooting, the framing of terrorism shows up in the media framework, and i think that is the most disconcerting thing here. Darren thank you for talking to al jazeera. Arsalan my pleasure, darren. Darren to baghdad, where a gunman has killed at least 10 people in iraqs capital. It happened near a protest site in central big dad. Central baghdad. It comes on the day of a new Prime Minister being chosen without foreign interference. The u. S. Imposed sanctions on four iraqis over human rights abuses. It targeted people linked with iran backed militia groups. As the incident is an unusual escalation of the violence. Our reporter says the incident is an unusual escalation of the violence. It appears to be a targeted attack. They pulled up to one of the buildings near the bridges close to the epicenter of the demonstrations in baghdad, and opened fire, killing at least 10, but we are also getting reports that up to 15 protesters may have been killed during the attack with dozens injured, so it is possible the number of deaths will rise in the coming hours because we are curing a lot of people were seriously injured. They burnt the tents and mattresses inside the building, which protesters used to camp out. Then the violence moved into the square. One Security Force tells us that iranian backed arms may be behind this, but we cannot confirm this account. What is certain is that this is unusual escalation. The violence we have seen so far has been the result of Police Firing either teargas canisters or using ammunition. We have not had this sort of attack of an unknown gunman opening fire to attack demonstrators in such a fashion. We are also hearing that three members of an armed group have been killed while trying to protect demonstrators. All this comes at a time when a lot of demonstrators fear infiltration by different agendas and groups trying to hijack these protests to pursue their own objectives. The situation remains tense. We do hear the violence has subsided over the past hour. There are still sounds of gunshots coming from tahrir square, but the situation seems to have deescalated a little bit over the past hour. In our bests bring from indiana university, who is also a former iraqi ambassador. Good to have you back on the program. The violence we have seen so far is between Security Forces and protesters. Now it appears protesters are being targeted by other groups. How significant is this, do you think . We have seen these sort of armed militias being involved in the past, targeting protesters. If thats whats happening, it is not unique. It has happened before, although reported Security Forces being involved. This seems to be significant escalation, not because it is the worst single day of violence, but the cause in part comes on the same day that the hisd ayatollah has issued Statement Today about peaceable demonstrators and the obligation of the Security Forces to protect peaceable demonstrators as well as telling the demonstrators that they must remain peaceful. It looks like it is hampered by effort by ats an least some in the political make cosmetic changes and keep doing business as usual. Darren there are various armed groups backed by iran who have their own agendas, it is suggested. If true, why would they want to hijack the bridges movement the protest movement . Feisal the iranians had their own protests themselves. They cant be looking at these demonstrations with any degree sanguinity. The sectarian dispensation in iraq with those 2003 settlements suits iran to a t. That is what these demonstrators are rejecting. I think iran has a real interest in ensuring that genuine political reform does not come to iraq. Darren an interesting point you make about iran, because the shootings follow callings for a new Prime Minister to be chosen without foreign interference. Is this a reference to iran and its influence inside iraq . Feisal officially, the grand ayatollah can say he also means the headd states, but has been meeting with groups on the issue of the next Prime Minister of iraq. It seems clear that the general meeting, the intent of it, is to say that this is an iraqi issue, stay out of it. Darren final thought from you, we have seen the Iraqi Parliament accept the resignation of the iraqi Prime Minister. What is your assessment of the Political Landscape Going Forward . Feisal the problem we have in iraq is that there is a real deadlock in parliament amongst the parliamentary parties, which is why we have ended up with the outgoing Prime Minister in the first place about a year ago. He was a compromise candidate, brought out of retirement. He had not been in politics for nearly a decade. He had no Political Party in parliament. That same deadlock that led to him being chosen still exists. I do not see that deadlock being broken, im afraid, anytime soon. Im afraid we are in for a period of more uncertainty and chaos, and that is never a good thing in iraq. Darren good to talk to you again. Feisal always a pleasure, thank you. Darren whats to come, including a desperate search for survivors after a 16 Story Building collapses in kenya, killing three people. Plus, climate activists march in madrid on the final day of climate talks. And the countdown is on for boxings firstever heavyweight title fight in the middle east. Details coming up later. Darren Indian Police have shot dead four men suspected of raping and killing a 27yearold woman. They were killed while trying to escape. How many have welcomed the controversial killing, activists have described the incident as a dangerous precedent. Flowers and messages to congratulate them, the kind of Welcome Police in india warmly received rarely receive. Forpolice are being praised shooting four men accused of gang raping and murdering a 27yearold veterinarian dr. Last week. The accused were taken to the alleged crime scene to answer questions, but tried to escape. One of the suspects is said to have smashed a policemans gun and opened fire. Them to surrender, but without listening to us, they continued to fire and attack us. [indiscernible] reporter the family of the murdered woman says justice has been delivered. I think this will be an example, and nobody will ever think of doing this. Protests were organized in several cities across the country to seek justice. Some parliamentarians have been speaking out. One called for the lynching of rapists, another advocating crest rate and advocating castration. China was 23 when a man whose Marriage Proposal she refused through acid on her. She supports the polices action and also demanded other culprits be hanged. When rapists get the death penalty, then we will stop protesting. Rapists should be hanged. However, some crime experts say Capital Punishment was not an effective deterrent. The killings have been welcomed by many here who continue to be frustrated. Andseveral lawyers activists say that justice must be delivered only by following proper legal procedures. They say giving defenders too much leeway as the real problem. Activists say the government must address the wider problem of prejudice against women in a mostly milddominated society. Maledominated society. The killings and lynchings and so on, the perpetrators are the ones perpetrating patriarchy and patriarchal attitudes towards women. Reporter the gang rape of a woman on a bus who later died of her injuries promoted massive protests and outrage seven years ago. Indias government responded by passing a law with tougher penalties for rapists. But experts say conviction rates have not risen. They say attitude changes in society are needed to reduce Sexual Violence throughout india. And a woman who was set on fire by man accused of raping her in india has died the 23yearold suffered a heart attack has died. The 23yearold suffered a heart attack. She suffered 90 burns in the attack on thursday. She was on the way to a Court Hearing about her case when it happened. She was beaten and stabbed before five men set her on fire. In australia, several fires have combined into a magnifier. The blaze north of sydney has been stoked by strong winds. More than 100 fires are burning in the state of new south wales. The smoke has caused some sporting events to be canceled and outdoor workers chose to stay at home. Is another smoky day in sydney and new south wales. We are seeing evidence in our Surveillance Systems that this smoke is having an impact on peoples health. Last week we have seen a 25 increase in people presenting to our Emergency Departments with breathing problems. That is an increase from an average of about 900 to just over 1100 people. That means this smoke is having an effect, and it reinforces the people, particularly those with existing conditions, to take the conditions seriously and do what they can to avoid exposure. Darren a rescue operation is underway in kenya after a residential building collapsed in nairobi. At least three people died. Several others trapped. Reporter this sixStory Building was home to more than 20 families. It is now the sight of a rescue operation in kenyas capital. Amid the rubble, emergency crews desperately look for survivors. It was neighbors who first arrived to the scene looking for victims, sifting through the debris with their bare hands. Many were injured and covered in dust, but alive. After the building collapsed this morning, we rushed in and tried to rescue as many people as possible. We are still doing what we can to find more victims. Reporter during the search, a glimpse of hope. Crowds cheer when a child is rescued and carried out on a stretcher. Nearby, First Responders walked through the rubble, taking a newborn wrapped in a blanket to safety. Others were not as lucky. We have rescued several people, but on the others of the building, our team found two women who died. Reporter rain made the rescue effort more challenging. Resources were stretched thin, and access to the site took longer than usual. Collapsed buildings are common in kenya, with the high demand for housing, regulations are often ignored by developers. A 2015 audit of kenyas buildings revealed that nearly 50 were unfit or unsafe to live in. The investigation was ordered by the president after eight buildings collapsed. Similar years later, a tragedy has left an entire community in disbelief. Thousandsanwhile, have been displaced in southern kenya in the last week after the river china burst its banks. More than 130 people have died across the country in october as a result of flooding and land caused and landslides by heavy rains. Reporter this is the village and its chief. He showed us what was left after the river tana burst its banks. He and all his neighbors had to flee to higher ground. This is his house. Inside, everything that he could not carry away was ruined. Are builte houses with sticks, earth, and stones. Walls have been washed away. This whole structure will have to be taken down and built again from scratch. That can only be done when the rain stops and floodwater subsides. The People Living in the shelter were washed away. Most livestock suffered the same fate. Along the banks of the river, farms and crops have been completely destroyed. In the months ahead, many people here will be suffering from a serious food shortage. There is hardly anything to eat or drink at a nearby camp that is now home for the whole community. More than 4000 people are staying here, waiting for the government to bring emergency supplies. We need food. We have no pots and pans. Everything has been swept away. We are sleeping on the sand. Last night, my child was bit by a scorpion. Every year, we come here because of the water problem. We need to be resettled in a new area. Reporter flake its and plastic sheets blankets and plastic sheets from the red cross will help. It changed to every three hours every three years. Now it is one year. Reporter this womans home was washed away last year as well. She is 71 years old. She says the flooding this year and last year is the worst she has ever known. When the flood reached my home, it collapsed. It washed away my goats and all my other possessions. Reporter thousands have been displaced by flooding in kenya in recent weeks and doesnt have died. Scientists expect rain events to increase in eastern and Southern Africa as the world gets warmer and more rain is forecast in the coming days. The first time she and her community have been displaced by flooding, and it probably will not be the last. Malcolm webb, al jazeera. Darren a gas explosion at an apartment block in a slovakian town has killed at least five people. The blast caused a fire which ripped through the top five floors of the 12Story Building. The roof and internal staircase also caved in. Firefighters say it is at risk of collapsing. The towns mayor called it the biggest tragedy in half a century. When we come back, the british Prime Minister hand Opposition Leader clash in the final debate before next weeks election. The french government sticks to plans for Pension Reforms despite the biggest mass strike in more than two decades. A wheelchair, Basketball Team changes perception about disability. There are slow, creeping, rising temperatures in these states in the u. S. It is still wintry in ontario, and the clouds suggest that. All the action is taking place on the pacific coast. Substantial snow seems likely along the border, and in the cascades and rockies. It is rainy all of the california coast in washington. Temperaturures are s slowly ris. There is a creep in the wind. You will see the clouds produce more snow in ontario. The temperatures come up three or four to rees in most cities in these states. Increasing clouds seem likely. The snow has moved further east towards. You can see further eastward. You can see what is falling out of the sky is going to affect california more than anybody else. The wind has been on shore and has picked up, so it is not just producing thunderstorms, it is producing continuous storms. Flooding seems quite likely. Darren welcome back. A shooting at a u. S. Naval base in florida has left four people dead, including the gunman. Authorities say the suspect was a Saudi National receiving training. A gunman opened fire in iraq. The shooting happened near a in central baghdad. Indian police shot four men suspected of rape and murder. The case has ignited nationwide protests. Palestinians in the gaza strip have resumed their weekly protest to demand an end to israeli occupation. The Health Minister says at least 27 people were injured on friday, some by live fire. Demonstrations were canceled after three weeks after an escalation in violence. Want to returns to their ancestral homes. Says heforeign minister expects positive results in the talks with saudi arabia. He said talks with kingdom have gone well and they blockade have gone well. They blockade has been in place since 2017 when saudi arabia, bahrain, and each of cut and egypt cut trade and diplomatic ties with qatar. We have made progress where there are some talks that took , specificallyus but saudi. We hope these talks will lead to seek an where we can end to the crisis. Darren saudi arabias stateowned oil company has priced its initial Public Offering at 8 4 three dollars a share. 8. 43 a level, at share. It overtakes apple is one of the worlds most valuable listed firms. Countries have agreed to cut output. The idea is that less applied to the output will stabilize prices. But raising prices may not be that simple. Reporter the worlds oil markets move decisions made by the ministers at the headquarters of opec. For the last three years, saudi arabia has lead in reducing oil output. That was supposed to keep the demandsupply ratio in check and Keep Oil Prices between 50 and 65 per barrel. Saudi arabia has announced additional cuts beyond the opec quota, but further cuts made be easier said than done might be easier said than done. There have been quite a few elements moving each way, including economic growth, including trade issues. Reporter countries like russia also play an important role, but in getting all they wanted, one analyst told al jazeera christmas came early for the russian delegation. [speaking russian] reporter we have come to the conclusion that splitting crude oil and cotton is more transparent and basically does not lead to any changes in the quota. Russias quota before todays agreement has been 228 barrels a day, with or without compensate, so there are no changes to the quota. Reduction cuts are also meant to keep prices low enough so u. S. Shale Oil Producers cannot make large profits, which has helped the u. S. In becoming the worlds leading oil producer. Cuts in the output of iran and venezuela because of sanctions means it was relatively easy for opec to reduce duction in 2019 reduce production in 2019. Option a is watch oil prices collapsed. Option b is doing the work to signal to the market credible production cuts, and thats the challenge today, to make credible production cuts. Reporter the bigger question is, how will they get noncompliant nations to abide by the cuts . Countries need Higher Oil Prices and the ability to sell the volume of oil to support their budgets. That paradox has meant Oil Producers such as iraq agreed to output cuts, but in reality that does not always happen. [indiscernible] and we will market that oil. Therefore, iraq and the minister of oil of iraq will be in a much better position for compliance. Reporter when opec was formed, it was all about oil growth, but with nonopec Oil Producers coming into the market, bridging the demandsupply gap, the cartels insulin has dwindled. And with increasing oil demands in the global economy, oil does not seem to have a guaranteed future. Angela merkel has visited the Auschwitz Memorial for the first time in her 14 years as german chancellor. With a polish Prime Minister. She announced a 16 million euro donation to help preserve what was the nazis biggest death camp. Frances government says it is sticking to its plans for Pension Reforms, despite a nationwide strike that has brought nearly a Million People out on the streets. Prime minister Edward Philippe insisted change would be gradual and not brutal. It is the biggest strike in 20 years. On friday, petrol stations remained empty and schools shut for a second day. The roads clogged up with traffic. Reporter i am outside one of the main train stations. It is a lot busier than yesterday, when all the services were cut. There are some trains running. About a third of Railway Workers actually are at work today. You might see behind me a poster. That is telling you about the metro lines, because several are being cut. Getting around is very difficult, and you are seeing people on bicycles and scooters. It is pouring down rain, though, so that is making it harder. It looks as like we moved look a look says that we might have another day like thursday, because the trade union has called for a nationwide strike. They are hoping to mobilize people like they did on thursday to go into the streets. The governments pension reform plans. All across society, they are really worried the government plans will lead to smaller pensions, less payout. They are also worried they will have work for longer. They say they will continue with action until their demands are met. The government is responding, you might say, in a way, because they were supposed to reveal the details for the plan towards the end of next week. It looks like they will probably reveal the details in the middle of next week, so a bit earlier. The leaders of the uks two main parties have gone headtohead in their final tv debate before the election. Brexit issue being one of the main ones to future throughout the campaign. Boris johnson and Jeremy Corbyn repeatedly targeted each other on the subject. We cannot go on forever saying we represent the 48 or the 52. I want to lead a government that represents the whole country and community. We will negotiate a leave agreement with the European Union that will protect trade and jobs and the Peace Process in northern ireland, and put that alongside remain in a referendum within six months. What we can do is get it done by january 31. We come out. And for the advantages, we can increase standards for animal welfare, cut vat on tam ponds, tampons, do on things to create free ports around the country. Darren it has been a week since the attack on london bridge. The attacker had a conviction for terrorism and was only released from prison last year. He was taking part in a rehab but will a Rehabilitation Program. The attack has led questions about the effectiveness of such initiatives. Reporter they were dedicated to whatevereople, prisoners or former prisoners had done in the past. Was 25, saskia just 23. Murdered in london by a man who had only been in prison out of prison for 11 months after serving half his sentence for a bomb plot. He had an unremarkable childhood, but by his teens, he was known to the police. Many here, like elsewhere, are asking how khan could spend so long behind bars and still come out and killed. Clearly in the case of this individual, the rehabilitation system has failed, because having spent seven years in prison, he has gone out and committed the murder of two innocent people. Han was released from prison in december. He had taken part in a Rehabilitation Program, but he was still deemed a risk. He was restricted in who he could meet and where he could go, and he had to wear an electronic tag so authorities knew where he was. Helped bybeen Cambridge Universitys learning together Rehabilitation Program for months before he was given permission to travel alone to london. He even wrote a poem expressing wrote a poem expressing his gratitude to staff. Its unclear whether he had been deceiving them all along, whether his violent ideology has the attack has led to an urgent debate about those imprison who have been convicted of terror offenses and those who have been released. All are what the government calls ages assistance and disengagement program, which aims to rehabilitate people who have been involved in terror related activity, and reduce the risk they pose to the u. K. Khan had been on the course. He was imprisoned for 70,000 hours. He would probably spend a few hours engaged in d radicalization program. Just using common sense, how can a few hours of untested de radicalization programs can be expected to do anything when day today you tell them you are a terrorist . Reporter some have warned it may be impossible to ever change the mindset of those who support the kind of ideology practiced by khan. There are many Unanswered Questions as to how two innocent people, with so much to, lost their lives. Darren the white house says it will not participate in impeachment hearings next week. A letter from the white House Counsel has criticized the inquiry, calling it baseless. President trump faces a five day deadline to notify the House Committee if he intended to send a representative to face questions on monday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiated articles of impeachment against the president on thursday. A jury has cleared teslas ceo elon musk in a devilish lawsuit. It relates to a tweet referring to a british diver as a pet as a pedo guy. The man rescued boys trapped in a thailand cave last year. Was as given livia given libyas ambassador 72 hours to leave the country in a dispute over a controversial maritime border deal. Turkey and libya have signed an agreement that maps out a c boundary between them in the eastern mediterranean, close to crete. Several mediterranean states are jostling to control the regions oil and gas reserves. We have reaction from tripoli. The decision by the great foreign minister to expel libyas ambassador has raised a wave of the schism wave of criticism both in libya and turkey. The decision, which has come immediately after the turkish. Arliament an agreement was sealed between turkey and libya last week, which includes maritime jurisdiction and military cooperation between the two countries. In libya, a tripolibased foreign minister told the Russian News Agency that the greek decision was unacceptable, and if greece believes the agreement is not in its favor or interest, then greece can Seek International justice. He also said that this agreement with turkey, the talks started years ago. And it was set forth last year and was sealed and finalized this year. The minister also said there have been talks between libya and greece regarding the same issue, but the talks failed. Hich started in 2004 also in libya, the head of the high Stake Council here said that the greek decision is a kind of diplomatic bullying. In turkey, the Turkish Foreign minister said the greek decision is against diplomatic norms. Darren the democraticled house of representatives have passed a resolution for the two state solution between israel and palestine. They voted mostly along party lines for the nonbinding packed. They said the United States should discourage steps taken by either side that could put a peaceful resolution to conflict further out of reach. Winter weather and floods in syria are adding to the plight of hundreds of thousands of war refugees. They are sheltering in camps in a northwestern province, many of them driven from their homes as progovernment forces hunt opposition fighters. Reporter and other frontline in the battle to survive in syria another frontline in the battle to survive in syria. These boys are gathering floodwater. We are helpless. The rains attacked us last night and we lost everything. We face rains and cold weather and we do not know what to do. There is no heat and no fire to cook. I left my village because of the barbaric attacks. We have been displaced for five months. The tents dont protect us from the rain and it is scarily cold for the children. We have no money to buy shoes or clothes for them. Reporter Syrian Government forces pounded the village in august, tinting to drive out opposition fighters. Several towns in the province have been under attack for months. Aid agencies estimate that nearly a million syrians are huddled in camps like this one in idlib, but winter has come, and so has heavy rain. The rain shocked us. We lost food and clothes because the tents flooded. We have nothing and we need almost everything. Because of the rain, the whole camp is flooded with water. Half of the camp will be destroyed if the weather continues. It is a disaster situation. Reporter many people, like those in this camp, have seen their homes destroyed. The latest threat is from nature itself. Darren tens of thousands around the world rallied against Climate Change after a call by the teenage activist greta thunberg. She led a march in madrid, where the u. N. Climate change conference is being held. She became the global face of public anger over environmental destruction. We are in the middle of a climate emergency, and we need to start treating this crisis like a crisis. We need to step out of our comfort zones. We will not let them get away with this anymore. We face enough now. Change is coming, whether you like it or not. Darren many around the world are trying to do things differently to reduce their impact on the planet. Maori woman from new zealand and embarked on a campaign against waste. People need to care about their footprint, the way we engage with the environment and how we respect that. We are pretty close to zero waste growing up, but i didnt even think of it that way until the beginning of this year, when i decided that i will try zero waste from one month. I thought i would share this with others. I was really focused on being one month. Maybe for one month i would try this thing out. I think i probably failed immediately. Undo so much of what you have learned. I have discovered how much we believe that we need stuff that we actually dont need. I had to undo a lot of beliefs and practices, and one of those things was discovering that i do not need cleaning products. And i was trying things like baking bread and making biscuits. I am a total sugarfree canned did not want to be buying chocolate like i normally would sugar freak and did not want to be buying chocolate like i normally would. The focus for me is trying to keep the rubbish bin empty. This is some of the paraphernalia i have collected for zero waste over the year. I have usually two or three of these things, depending on what i think im going to need during the day. If i see something i would like two by but dont have the ability to do without, i have this. We are not winning every day, but we try it every day. Thats what i say to people who are interested, try every day. Do what you can hand a bit more every single day. At the end of the month, there was no question as to whether i would keep going. A lot of that has to do with the joy that i founded practicing this lifestyle. You reconnect to what the earth provides for us, and how l lucky we are that we have a planet that is, despite our great efforts, is still trying to keep us alive. Can see more stories like this one on al jazeeras environment program, planet sos. That is this saturday at 7 30 gmt. Darren to sport. Into hiss heading fight against andy ruiz junior they are getting ready for a rematch in saudi arabia on saturday and the first heavyweight title fight to take place in the middle east. The britt weighed in at just under 108 kilograms, lighter than his opponent. Louise pulled off one of the biggest upsets of all time in june, when he stopped an undefeated fighter to secure three world titles. Meanwhile, he goes into the fight nearly seven kilos heavier than last time. Chelsea have had their transfer ban reduced after hearing at the court of arbitration for sport. The team will now be able to buy players during the january transfer window. Chelsea had been sanctioned for breaching rules on finding young players. We have the potential to look at the market Going Forward. Business to get involved in the reasons why or the legal side of it. View, it ist of obviously a good thing. A footballer has agreed to an unusual loan deal. He is swapping Oxford United for reallocation or. He will be heading to one of the most politically contentious regions in the world. We sat down with them to find out why he agreed to the move. You have played football professionally for pakistan. You are part indian in terms of heritage. You are about to find yourself in the ipo of a Nuclear Storm when you head towards kashmir. Does that worry you, the militarism of it, the danger, whats at stake . Anfor me, i use it as exciting part of my lifes journey. Im not really thinking about the negative. Im thinking about the positive of what i can bring. I can see that this will be by far the most challenging issue i will be in. Having played for the Pakistan National team, i think there is that footballage is about bringing people together. This, to me, is the message going into the region and something i am trying to advocate for. How much do know about what to expect . Yes, there will be security issues. We will have armed guards fulltime. I will be under protection. It is not your normal move. But i guess i am not a normal individual. Farrah and you can watch the talk withview on al jazeera, which airs at 4 30 gmt on saturday. Womens wheelchair Basketball Teams are competing in thailand this week and championship switch they hope will set them on the road to the paralympics in tokyo. We have followed the cambodian team as they aim to change perceptions about disability in their country. She was three when she contracted polio. It left her permanently disabled. In cambodia, there were few facilities and limited access for those with disabilities, and she soon felt isolated and lonely for most of her life. But earlier this year at the age of 25, she joined the womens wheelchair Basketball Team. She had never played before but saw it as a way to make friends and be with people in a similar situation to herself. Toso now, not only do i get be outside and i have my teammates, i get to travel abroad for tournaments. Reporter her team is in thailand competing in the asian oceane of championships, which act as qualifiers for the 2020 paralytics in tokyo. The team is supported by the international midi of the red cross. It provides training and coaching, even for wheelchairs. Canadian joe higgins is head coach. He has played and coached wheelchair basketball for more than 40 years, including at the paralympics. We really need the people of cambodia to inspire people with disabilities, to want to be active, to want to play sport, to be the voice of the future, pity for favors favors, but what they would want if they were in the same space. Reporter the spark for the program came about 10 years ago in afghanistan. Support has grown steadily. Now there are programs in more than 20 countries around the world. The red cross is also supporting two other teams in the championships. The man behind the red cross involvement in wheelchair basketball was himself disabled after the accident. After an accident. Seeing that these amazing athletes are also people with disabilities, it starts to change societys perspective on what the people with disabilities are really capable of. It is a gradual, slow process, but you start to see a seachange in terms of the opportunities available to those with disabilities. So while the cambodian team may not be that successful on the scoreboard, the victory comes from changing peoples minds at home. Tennis worldormer number one Caroline Wozniacki says she will retire next year. The 29yearold from denmark wrote on instagram that she wants to start a family and raise awareness about rheumatoid arthritis, something she suffers from. Niacki is currently rated number 37 in the world. That is all your sport for now. Darren thats it for me. Dont worry, i will be back in a moment with much of the days news

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