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Deliveries fell to at one point. The historic drop was partltly e to market mechanics with the may delivery contract close to expiring itsts tradingng volume light. Storage facilities are also at their limit as producers run out of places to keep the oil. Market players say that traders dump the may contract as the cost to store and transport crude oil are expected to be higher with no potential consumers. The plunge highlights current concerns about the volatility in the global market. Major Oil Producers including saudi arabia and russia reached a deal last week to prop up prices by cutting p production 9. 7 Million Barrels a day in may and june. But that still isnt expected to counter evaporating demand for oil, and Market Players warned there could be a serious economic impact. The governor of new york state says the medical situation there is better than it was. Still, in the latest daily count more than 470 people died. And andrew cuomo has a message for people angry about having to stay at home. Nhk worlds catherine kobyashi reports. Reporter americans have grown unaccustomed to seeing a few of their neighbors gathered together, but some are disregarding the rules to show their frustration. Hundreds protested in pennsylvania against orders to stay home, something they say infringes on their civil liberties. I really wish they would open us up. Reporter new yorks governor wants to open up, too, but not yet. You dont need protests to convince anyone in this country that we have to get back to work and we have to get the economy going, and we have to get out of our homes, nobody. Cuomo says the situation in new York Hospitals has been chaotic even hellish. But fewer people are entering hospitals, and fewer people are dying. Cuomo has said throughout the crisis that testing was crucial to stopping the spread. Now state Health Officials have started asking people at Grocery Stores to submit to a blood test. Theyll collect 3,000 samples, an approach cuomo calls the first true snapshot of how many people have been infected. But he says people will still have to keep their distance, wear masks, stay home. We make smart decisions, you will see smart outcomes in two weeks. We make bad decisions you will see bad outcomes in two weeks. Cuomo says how people act is all cause and effect. And he says theyre not going to need history books to find out what happens. Catherine kobyashi, nhk world, new york. Data from the new york blood tests could be used to help decide when to reopen the states economy. But the head of the World Health Organization says that finding carriers of the virus and trtreating patients should rema the priority. While antibody tests are important for knowing who has been infected, tests that find the virus are a core tool for active case finding, diagnosis, isolation and treatment. European countries are divided on whether to carry out antibody testing. In the netherlands researchers plan to compare about 6,000 blood samples with those collected from the same people three years ago. The study will last over a year. It could shed light on how long antibodies are effective. The United Kingdom is also planning antibody tests, but experts say it will take some time as they are still preparing the kits. France is cautious about carrying out the test. It says its unclear whether people with antibodies are really immune to reinfections. Data compiled by a u. S. University shows the number of confirmed infections has topped 2. 4 million worldwide. John Hopkins University says the global death toll is over 167,000. The u. S. Has the most fatalities at over 40,000. Authoritieies in bangkok ha converted ambulances into mobile facilities for people suspected of coronavirus infections. The converted ambulances are designed to protect medical staff from being exposed to the virus. The ambulances have a window with two holes so the staff can stay inside and extend only their gloveved hands to collect samples. The Health Authorities say they have more than ten mobile facilities and have tested 881 people so far. Six were positive for the virus. The vehicles are being sent to places with a high risk of contagion. Thats determined based on data residents input through an online questionnaire. Last month thailand declarered state of emergency forcing most stores to close. People have been barred from eating in restaurants. The rate of infection has slowed since then, but bangkok still represents a large proportion of the new cases confirmed across the country. As the coronavirus spreads through the world the curtain has come down on theaters, concert venues and movie studios. In the u. S. The hub of the Global Entertainment industry, huge numbers of actors and musbrigzs a musbrim musicians are adjusting to life without work. Nhk worlds andrew beale reports. Reporter in new york people have been ordered to stay home. Times square usually a hive of activity is and the citys legendary jazz clubs are shuttered. Akiko is a new york based jazz organist. Shes performed in the city for about 20 years. Under the lockckdown theres no way y she can play her usual gi. Translator almost alall liv performances have been canceled. In new york we cannot leave home. I dont know how the situation will play out. Over on the west coast hollywood has also been hit hard. Television and movie studios are reeling from the pandemic. Vick anthony says the studio he runs has no reservations. He expects big losses. Just this studio alone were talking about half a Million Dollars just the studio alone and plus the others ive got around l. A. About a total of six studios. So you multiply that by six times and you can get a figure. Reporter and actors are struggling. Jason george has been in a variety of tv dramas. Hes also an official for an actors union. He says shooting was suddenly canceled. He plans to ask authorities for helplp as peopleles incomes hav drdried up. The unions tried to paiaint e real picicture for the governme to undererstand our situation a to make sure w we get a part o that relief money. Online performances are offering something off a lifelie to a few musicians. Theyve been streaming concerts from their homes. Appreciative viewers can give tips via app. This reporter from a Major Business magazine said it could have a big impact on the future of the entertainment industrtry. Its s so unknown howow beha is going to chchange across the board. Its possible what were learning now will help the Entertainment Industry grow as a whole. With actorsrs and musicians grapplpling with fall out t froe coronavirus, support from entertrtainment and ththe arts set to come ununder the spotlig. Andrew beale, nhk world. Japanese Health Authorities reported 25 fatalities from the coronavirus on monday. Thats the highest daily death toll so far. A total of 276 people have died in japan including 13 from the diamond princess cruise ship, which was quarantined in yokohama in february. Health authorities reported over 340 infections on monday with more than 100 of thehem in toky. Ththe capital has more than n a quarter of japans confirmed infections with nearly 3,200. The total number of confirmed cases now stands at over 11,800. This includes ovever 700 c case link today the cruise ship. Health officialsls saying neaea 1,900 patients have been discharged and recovered from hospitals. A hospital that treats the largest number of Cancer Patients in japan is scaling back its operations after one of its nurses tested positive for the coronavirus. The Cancer Institute hospital in tokyo says none of the patients or other Staff Members are showing symptoms. About 110 people who shared a locker room and other areas with the nurse have started selfisolating at home. The hospital usually conducts up to 40 surgeries a day, but it says its cutting the number by 80 because of a staff shortage. And now switching to world weather. Intense thunderstorms have swept through the u. S. Deep south on monday. Our meteorologist joins us starting with how long the storm will remain in the region. Yoko . Hello, there. Conditions are improving overr much of the south eastern u. S. , but a few showers persisting in florida and carolinas. We alreaeady saw gususts over 1 kilometers per hour, and the storm has brought s some tornad. Severere weather h hit flolorid wednesday and wininds and rain affected t the souththeast. People t took videos of the tornados. Local Authorities Say four tornados with damaging winds hit the state. Media reports say at least two people have been killed and thousands are left without power. A number of tornados usually peaks in may, so were starting to get into tornado season. In fact, another storm will develop over the central u. S. Creating some instabilities on tuesday. That will move ahead towards the deep south for another round of Severe Weather i in the latter part of the week. Meanwhile wet and chilly conditions will were cyst in the north in places like winnipeg, chicago, and toronto and in the meantime a heat wave will approach the southwestern states. Highs could exceed 30 degrees in parts of california by thursday. After we saw wet and chilly conditions in japan, things are improving across a good portion of the country on tuesday. Meanwhile North Eastern china and hokkaido will continue to see strong winds and rain for the next couple of days as a large low pressure system lingers. A front will stretch across Southern China bringing showers and heavy rain at times. Rainfall could total 100 millimeters in some places. Theres a high risk of flooding and landslides. Thats it for now. Stay safe. Before we go, a bell is ringing out in the clock tower in the heart of tokyo as gratitude to Health Care Workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. The ginza district is famous for high end shops and the sound echoed around the shopping district which is largy deserted due to a state of emergency declaration. The chime is called the bell of life. It will toll from 7 00 p. M. Every day, and be live streamed to reach as many people as possible. And that concludes this edition of nhk newsline. Thank you very much for staying with us. Well be back with more. Welcome to newsline in depth. Im aiko doden. Today we will be looking at how communities can learn from disaster and pass on the most valuable lessons to future generations. By their very nature earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons are unpredictable. Just as each is different so too is the response of the communities and people affected and how they come together to get back thon their feet. Here in japan the Recovery Process is still continuing after two major earthquakes, one in 1995, the other just 9 years ago. We begin with the great east japan earthquake and tsunami of march 11, 2011. The disaster left nearly 16,000 people dead and more than 2,500 others missing. Among the many stories of personal tragedy was an Elementary School in miyagi prefecture when 74 children died when their teachers chose to wait out the tsunami rather than evacuate to Higher Ground. Now that inspired a drive to learn from the decisions made that day and improve disaster readiness. A university in miyagi held its first ever Disaster Preparedness program. As part of it 20 teachers from around japan visited the ruins of okowa Elementary School where 74 students perished. On that fateful day march of 2011 there were around 50 minutes between the first earthquake and the tsunami that battered the school. Ever since families have been asking why that time wasnt used to move the children to safety. The schools manual recommended evacuating students to an empty lot or playground, but these didnt exist. Even though theres a mountain nearby children were not moved to Higher Ground. The teachers met with toshiro sato whose daughter was one of the victims. Translator Higher Ground is right there, but that alone couldnt save lives. For that you need decisiveness and action. The teachers were responsible, though i know they never would have wanted this to happen. The visit deeply affected the teachers. Translator we must never allow another tragedy like the one at okawa Elementary School. Translator we study Disaster Preparedness but i now realize not all measures in the past have prioritized children. The participants went onto another school where its contingency plan saved many lives. Atsushi was the principal at the time. The evacuation sites designated in the schools manual was the school roof or nearby hill. Due to the strength of the earthquake asakawa immediately chose the hill. That decision spared the lives of the students when the tsunami wiped out the school below. Translator if the faculty hadnt spent the Previous Year or two discussing Disaster Preparedness i would have simply taken everyone to the roof. We need to use our knowledge to make the right decisions otherwise theres no point in preparing. The Training Program wrapped up with teachers discussing their concerns. One of thehem iss the vice princicipal off an Elementary School. Translator we have a School Manual and conduct drills but they are just a formality. I dont know if any other plans would actually save lives . Her school is only 50 meters from the ocean. There are fears a massive earthquake could trigger a 16 meter tsunami. After participating in the program shimoasaka decided to have a second look at her schools measures. She started with a manual which recommended evacuating to the schools third floor. Translator if there is a huge tsunami and youre on the third floor theres nowhere to run. The manual only recommended locations within the grounds. Shimosaka looked for other places to designate for evacuation, but she found that the high ground nearby would only fit a third of her students and would also be used by residents. Translator preschool students would also evacuate here, so wed only be able to fit the first and second graders. A bigger patch of high ground is a 20minute walk away raising questions of whether there would be enough time to reach it. When shimosaka returned to her school she asked her Disaster Management team to rethink disaster procedures. After careful consideration they decided that children in the lower grades would go to the nearby evacuation area. Children in higher grades would go to the site farther away because they can move faster. The school now plans to continue reviewing and updating the manual to secure measures that will save lives. Translator my personal opinion is that all facululty members need to be beyond prepared to save students lives and that means preparation so thorough that teachers can think on their feet and take instant acaction. So that will require us t to be vigilant every single day. Through the lens of unthinkable tragedy teachers in schools from around japan have begun viewing their own plans in a different light. As we saw with vice principal shimosaka the message that simple manuals alone are not enough is blindingly clear. When lives are at stake what may matter most are flexibility and creative thinking particularly as no two disasters are ever the same. Our next report goes back a quarter of a century to the great earthquake which hit the region in 1995. On top of more than 6,000 deaths infrastructure and businesses were badly hit. Lessons learned from the rebuilding process there are at the heart of a message one shop owner is sharing with communities in the disaster area of northeast japan that are on their own road to recovery. The district in downtown kobe is home to dozens of major commercial and residential buildings. Its also the site of a sprawling government complex. In 1995 earthquake leveled much of this neighborhood including an old shopping suite in the heart of the community. Kobe city was keen to rebuild quickly. The government solution was to build anew and sell again. It converted the old shopping suite into a shiny new arcade. But that was a long way from the vision. This shop owner is one of several people. The area has become quieter and the lack of business took a toll. Thee repair costs added to thei repayment, and then there was a property tax which has doubled because of the improvements to the buildings. Several owners were forced to close. Translator we dont want big or fancy spaces because 10 or 15 years down the track the cost of maintaining them might be too expensive for us. It became a case study for a town on the other side of the country. In the miyagi prefecture it was ravaged. The governor there took itos comments to heart. Translator mr. Ito told me we shohould take a a pragmatic approachch to rebuildiding our. Hihis message made a deep impression on me. Doi spent many hours talking to residents. The local government decided not to sell new properties but to lend them instead. It also built compact onestory buildings that will be cheaper to maintain as they age. Translator i think the efforts of the residents will help build a community that can thriveve 20 or 30 years from no. We learned a lot from shinagata. The stumbling block in kobe has become a guide for a country recovering from disaster. Nhnhk world, kobe. As weve seen expensive shopping malls were never on the agenda for the Business People of onogawa. Instead they used lessons from on earlier disaster to keep rents low and focus on the needs of individual traders rather than trying to appeal to big companies. And looking to the future they now hold monthly meetings to assess and share ideas for a sustainable future. Our stories today show that even years after a disaster communities continue to face challenges and that there is no one size fits all blueprint for rebuilding. They also tell us that reconstruction is not just about rebuilding the economy but about individuals and making sure they see hope in the lives their putting back together one day at a time. Thats it for todays newsline in depth. Thank you for watching the bottom of the barrel. U. S. Oil prices turn negative for the first time as demand dries up in storage run short. What does the record drop mean for consumers . You are watching al jazeera, live from london. Is one of many country starting to ease their coronavirus lock down. Of any kind has no place in canada. Anchor canada in

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