Coconavirus hahas brought big brother to the doorsteps of peoples homes. After six weeks of confinement, spain says children can now go out to play. But has damage been done . A new report on lockdowns and Mental Health of young people. Brent im brent goff. To our viewers in the u. S. And around the world, welcome. We begin with a tragic milestone reached this tuesday in the United States. More than one million americans have not contracted the coronavirus, according to the tally kept by Johns Hopkins university. More than 50 7000 americans have died from covid19, the disease caused by the virus. More than 50,000 on april 10, the number of cases in the u. S. Stood at 500,000. It took 18 days for that figure to double. All the while, President Trump facing questions and criticisms for what he did and didnt do to stop the virus. Correspondent like many countries in the early days of the pandemic, the United States was in denial about the true danger of the coronavirus. Is going to disappear. One day, like a miracle, it is going to disappear. Correspondent but the miracle didnt happen and the prayer didnt help, certainly not in new york. Covid19 hit the big apple hard. Hospitals resume field and morgues were overwhelmed. Under andrew cuomo entered crisis mode and issued a warning to the rest of the country. New york is in crisis. Help new york. And then pick up, decamp, and go to the next place as this rolls across the country. Corresespondent . A prediction that. A predictioion correspondent a prediction that turned out to be true. By april, early april, it was possible to deny the seriousness of the situation. We are in a very critical phase of the war against coronavirus. Sacrifices we make over the next four weeks will have countless american lives saved. We are going to save a lot of american lives. We are in control of our own fate, very much so. Correspondent despite the sacrifices, within a week, the u. S. Led the world and covid19 debts. It still tops the grim list. Confirmed infections have top one million, a milestone no one wanted to reach at a time when calls to reopen the country are growing louder. Beaches in california were packed over the weekend, and several cities and states are preparing to loosen stayathome restrictions. Brent lets pull in our correspondent from washington. Good evening, stephan. The u. S. Now tops one million, making up one third of all coronaviruss in the world. People around the world, when they see that number, they ask, why has the u. S. Been hit so hard . I wish i could give a easy, comprehensive, noncomplex solid answer for you but this is not easy. And it iss not complex, to the contrary, but basically it is, because the u. S. Government, in the beginning the Trump Administration slipped, denied it to be a crisis or potential crisis,. You heard soundbite from President Trump saying, this will all go away by itself. In the beginning, he was criticized for downplaying, underplaying the potential threat of the virus. Now we are in the middle of it when million cases in the u. S. And grow one million cases in the u. S. And growing. We are still in the middle. The problem is, now that hospitals are not overwhelmed anymore, we need testing, testing testing. Other ways otherwise, there is no way of telling how much the virus has infiltrated society in america. Brent and at this one million mark, President Trump says he has everything under control. It does make you wonder, though, how good his Crisis Management is. We want to pull up a picture showing the u. S. Vice president. He was visiting coronavirus patients at the mayo clinic in minnesota. We are going to pull that picture up in just a second, are we pulling that picture up . There we go. You can see that pence is the only person in the room without a mask on. It has been shocking to a lot of people. Stephan, what does it say about the Crisis Management of this administration . Good question. Im asking myself the same question. Hundreds of thousands of people are asking themselves this question. What does this actually tell you about this administration . In this case, the Vice President taking seriously what is going on. He is in the room with experts and doctors and everybody is wearing a mask. It is the mayo clinic policy to wear a mask he wasnt in contact there, when this picture was taken, with somebody or with people identified as covid19 positive. But nevertheless, he was in the hospital. I myself was in hospitals. And of course wear gloves and a mask and take all precautions the hospital tells you to do. I dont know, maybe the Vice President thinks he walks above water. But it sends absolutely the wrong message, no doubt. He is heavily criticized for this instantly, the twittersphere exploding on commentators across the political spectrum shaking their heads. It is kind of symptomatic of what impression the Trump Administration left in the last few weeks to many, many, many people in the public, too many, many, many observers and critics of him and the administration. Brent do as i say, and not as i do, that could be the policy, perhaps. Thank you. Russian president Vladimir Putin says his countrys coronavirus epidemic has not yet peaeaked. During a televised videoconference today with cabinet members, putin announced that his countrys lockdown will be extended until may 11. However, restrictions could be loosened beginning may 12 russia as reported a significant increase in cases, an additional 6400 confirmed infections in one day, bringing the nationwide total to 93,000. Putin says his country still faces a difficult path. The daily number of new, confirmed coronavirus cases has relatively stabilized. But this shouldnt reassure us. The situation remains very difficult. The experts and scientists with whom we are in Constant Contact to check our plans say that our peak has not yet been reached. Brent correspondent Emily Sherwin is in moscow. She told me how people in russia are coping with lockdown restrictions. Emily even state tv in russia has been reporting people are tired of the lockdown. Here in moscow, there are a lot more people on the streets in the last few days that there had been previously. People had been hoping for measures to be loosened for those holidays that didnt happen. But i think one of the main worries for people in russia at the moment is the economy. We heard putin talk about that today, about further mothers about further measures, although he didnt go into detail. People have been taking to social media to express their concerns because this nonworking lockdown essentially means employers are supposed to keep employees on and can keep paying them, but Government Support has been limited. A lot of people just dont have money. People are really worried. Putins ratings have taken a hit as well. Brent that was dws Emily Sherwin reporting from moscow. Here are other stories making headlines. The search for a covid19 vaccine has received a big boost. Scientists at Oxford University say they sucuccessfully capped monkeys infection free for four weeks. The team is now enrolled 6000 people for human trials. They hope to have means of doses available as early as september. Protesters in the northern lebanese city of tripoli have been setting fires as the country is in the grip of the spiraling economic crisis. Antigovernment protest at gained new momentum after aull due toto coronavavirus lockdown measures. A fire, over 1000 peoplple fleeg violence in central molly, found refuge, no report of casualties. Reports say strong winds caused several small fires to burn out of control. Could the coronavirus pandemic be a chance to save the planet from Climate Change . That was a question up for debate tuesday as germany and britain hosted this years online version of the petersburg climate dialogue. German chancellor Angela Merkel sis climate protection has to be considered as part of the economic stimulus programs governments are launching to help their economies recover from the pandemic. Correspondent while berlin zoos back in business today, climate activists fear politicians may play increasingly hard to get on climate goals. Addressing the First Virtual petersburg climate dialogue, german chancellor Angela Merkel cannot in favor of ambitious eu climate goals, despite the crisis. It will be all the more important to firmly consider climate protection when we agree on stimulus packages. We must ensure we are not saving money on Climate Change, but investing in futureoriented technologies. We must not think nationally, but continue to put International Commitments first, because that is essential forr achihieving global success in climate protection. Correspondent germany will be in charge of driving forward europes green deal when it takes over the eu presidency in july. The u. N. Sees this as a moment of truth for the world. We have a very shortlived opportunity to rebuild our world for the betttter. Because as the Pandemic Recovery can provide the foundation for a safe, inclusive and more resilient world for all people. Correspondent the you and secretary general shows the fear of the fridays for future movement, protesting here in berlin last friday, that the political reflex could be to bailout carbonintensive industries at the cost of climatefriendly investment. Brent earlier, i asked dw chief Political Correspondent melinda crane whether policymakers havae greater susupport for linking pollocock leaking climate protection to stimulus measures. Melinda thehey do. There is perhaps greater openness for ambitious policies than there might have been in the past. Because people hahave just experienced in their own lives what they crisis looks likes, and are going to be eager to not eat a repeat of another crisisi, namely Cosmic Global warming. Ththat is one part. The second part is business. Business feels the same way, and for one very practical reason is this needs clear and reliable signals about one very practical reason. Business needs clear and reliable sickn signals about where to invest. Im talking about steel and chemicals, companies that normally say, we need really cheap energy. They have called for ambitious Climate Policy to be at t the center of recocovery programams, because they wanant those reliae signals for how to invest their money emerging from this crisis. Brent dws melinda crane speaking with me earlier. Surveillance cameras. They are a part of public life in china. Often they are watching when people cross the street, eat in a restaurant, ride the bus or go shopping. But according to a new report by cnn, the cororonavirus pandemic ha brought s surveillancnce cams to the front doors of peoples homes. Dw has been researching this. Good evening. First of all, what exactly is being reported here . Correspondent brent, this is a way for chinese authorities to keep an eye on people who should be saying inside staying inside. Most people in china are already being tracked by socalled Contact Tracing apps. That app will notify you if you have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with covid19. You will be told to selfquarantine. But recently, p people starteted posting pictures on we b bow weiboo, the chinese social media platform come of cameras installed outside their apartment doors and in some extreme examples, cameras installed inside apartments. This seemed extreme, especially for those who dont live in china. But remember china has more surveillance cameras per capita than any other country. Even so, the area outside your apartment door is a bit of a gray zone when it comes to the difference between public and private space. So even for china, this is extreme. Brent if china has an army of these cameras across the country, who is monitoring the cameras . Are we talking about an army of people watching as well . Correspondent first of all came firstst of all, these cameras have not been installed by the Central Government in china, but rather by local governments. They are being monitored by socalled neighborhood committees. These groups have a long history in communist china. They are basically private citizens who act as the eyes and ears of authorities, to make sure that their neighbors behave. It is important to say that in all of these reported cases, these cameras were taken down after the twoweek quarantine ended. But it does really raise questions about the use of surveillancetechnology Surveillance Technology during the coronavirus pandemic, be it cameras or tracing apps. And also what will happen to the technology, and more importantly, the data stored, after the pandemic has passed . Brent this speaks to privacy. Are we seeing similar privacy issues in other countries . Correspondent there are a few examples in hong kong. For example, people arriving from overseas are now issued an electronic b bracelet, and the d is the same, for aututhorities o make sure people stay in their apartments or hotels during their twoweek wranting g twoweek quarantine, when you are in quarantine now, you have a choice of frequent police visits or taking selfies and sending them to authorities to prove you are in your home. And in israel, the government has come under criticism for czink Surveillance Technology undercurrent under criticism for using Surveillance Technology developed by the countrys security agency. That went up to the high court on sunday and they said that it is up to the parliament to decide whether this should continue. Brent there will probably be similar cases across the world is the pandemic continues. Thank you. Spain as started listening its lockdown on children, allowing them to leave their homes for the first time in six weeks. The move followed heated public debate about spains strict curfew and came amid warnings about the psychological impact of keeping children indoors. Dw went to meet with one family as they finally left the lockdown. Corrrrpondent they have waited 43 days for this exact moment. They are finally allowed to leave their apartrtment, accompanied by their mother. They say it is a great feeling, but unusual. You see a lot of kids, hardly any adults on the street. And there arent any cars. Correspondent the restraints on children were some of the strictest in europe and spain. They were not allowed outside, not even a few minutes. This givives them all the more reason to be exexcited about wht is finally possisible agn. M my friend l lives reallye maybe e i can at least see her from a d distance. But only from a distance. And tomorrow, we all go rollerskating. Correspondent todays destination, grandma and grandpa. But very strict rules apply whwhile getting there. Cycling a and running a allllow, playing with other kids is not. Their grant parent the grandparents house is within the onekilometerer visiting radidius, but it is not this aim as it t used to be. This is something everybody has to get used to. Several days of confusion preceded the spanish governmentnts decision to allow childrenen to go outsiside once again. E originanal plalan was that thy would only be allowed to accompany their paparents to the supermararket, that eventually co of thehe public pressusure became too strong, more and mome parerents insisted that aftfterx weeks without any fresh air, the limit for children had been reached. Many experts are glad about the governments change of heart, including this psychiatrist. Diego was one of the many advocating were loosing reducing restrictions for children. But eveven if measures are gradually reduced, new problemss might arise. Children who have been spending most of t the time with their parents m might have a had timeme adjustingng to s school r other groups o outside their families. This m might causeererious phobs for resulting kids refusing to leave the house. Corresespondent these three children enjoy their time outside, despite the new, strange circumststances. They allowed 60 minutes to pass away too quickly, but the three of them are already making plpls for tomomorrow, where they can spend their next hour outside. And maybe alva will be able to see her girlfriend, even if it is only from a distance. Brent it is tough on children. I am joined tonight i a child clinical psychologist at the university of southamptpton i am joined by a clinical psychologist at the university of southampton in england. We know that children are bundles of energy and need to go outdoors and run and play. That is the physical aspect of it what are the main psychological challenges children facing the pandemic, when t they are being kept insie so l long . For youngng childldren in partrticular, they y need to exe and learn new w things, feel d touch andd smell new things. S. It has been rereally limited during the l lockdown. But we also know childrens brains, tre is a lot of plastityty. So they y have a lot of opportunitities to relearn thihs they need to. So e even if f there h have been shortterm c changes in how they learn and develop come of these wont have a longterm impact. Brent it is very dramatic what you are saying, that they would have to relearn something. We adults, we complain about things being boring, or maybee people are lonely, but children are dealing with things that we dont have to dealal with, when they are inside for so long, right . Theyy do, they do. It depenends on the agege of the child as well. All childldren are v very relatitional. They needd relationshipso feel ok. So when n they are home with thr parents and older siblings, they are getetting what they need tes of a nurturing, hopefulully. But when we think about teenagers and theheir developmpmental needs, teens e veryry, very, theyequire a lot of sococial contact, c contact h peerers. So for them, it is r really difficult to be indoorsrsrather than outut meeting theirir fries every y ngle d day. Soso the impact of t the lockdos different acaccording t to difft ages o of the children. But one thing i f found in my clclinical practctice is that yg people i i have workeked with fr momonths and months, who have hd quite severere anxiety, t this s all enlisted a as part of the lolockdown. Becacause they are l living in t ofof a bubble. Things t that used to make them anxious, such as g going to schl anand seeing other people e ther age,e, this hahas all been taken awayay from them. They are enjoying a bit of temporary relief. Brent that is good to hear. That is not something you would think of immediately as being a nice side effect of this. What about parents . What advice would you give to them, to h help their c cldren deal w with these l lockdow . Parenting i is the trickiest job. When we dont have our props, t can be much trickier. Byby propsps i mean beining ablo ouout for coffee with a f frienr taking y your children to a clas where somebody elelse is looking afteter them for h half hour,r,t is a very intense time. E. I t think foror the parts, we nd to be very easy on ourselvlves. Thatat doesnt memean we need to gigive i and about thehe give chilildren whatever r they wan t it means we ed to recall, all the imporortant things i need to do d during thihi time andnd thk about opopportunitities as wells chchallenges. One thing i w work parerenton i, if we geget up in the morning, tatake just a minute for r you t up to think abobout what to i it my d day to look likike tododay . What other the t things i woulud like to acachieve . What are the feelilis i wouldd like to get . . And that gives you a roadmapor your day a and helelps you to ee up on yourselflf. Wewe all make mistakakes througt the day asas parents, justst mae sure that at the end of the day, befofore the chihildren get to , prepare any arguments that you had and start again the next day. Brent it is good to heaear from somemeone likyou u th childldren are so resesilient, that no matr what h happens, they willl comet ofof this intact. I am sure a lot of parents are happy to hear that tonight. Child when nickel psychchologis, joining usus from the university of southampton, thank you, we appreciate your insights. Organizers of the postponed Tokyo Olympics say that the games will be canceled, if they cant take place next year. You may remember, the games were moved to july 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Scientists in japan have warned it will be difficult to host the games unless an medical solution is found quickly. Correspondent another delay isnt an option. The tokyo 2020 Committee President made it clear the games would be canceled, rather than pushed back again japans medical expert rather than pushed back again. Japans medical experts say finding a vaccine is critical of the olympics are to go on here. It would be difficult told the olympics unless effective vaccines are developed. I am not saying it should not be held, that my prediction is that it will be difficult to hold the summer olympics 2021 in 2021 unless effective vaccines are developed. Corresespondent the cancellatin of the games would have huge financial consequences. The former International Olympic marketing director told dw japan stands to o lose billionons if e gamemes are cancnceled. Thehe revenue w would be losg from youou would be losing m the japanese side would be the ticketining. Obviously,y, you have to r refud e e tickets. Ethic that is closose to 1 1 billioion. And i think that is close to 1 bilillion. The challllenge is, how do you keep everyththing readydy for 12 months . But the majority of antics of the majority of expenditure have already been invested, and that would all be lost. Correspondent what was supposed to be an International Celebration could end in a financial nightmare for tokyo. Brent a reminder of the top story we are following for you, in the United States, more than one Million People have now been confirmed with the coronavirus. President trump, insisting that enough testing is being done to protect americans, wherever they live. But in some states, they continue to ease lockdowns. You are watching dw news. I will take you through the day after a short break. Stick around. We will be right back. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its captioion content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] bloody day at two eighty k. The project test isolate t the three pointt plan outlined by the french Prime Minister ededouard philippe to bring france i dont look down from mamay the eleventh. Facemask wil be compulsory on public transport and in secondary schools. Thats about over twenty three thousand from three hundred and sixty seven over the last twenty four hours. Coverered nineteen n k. Rise ananomaly in ecuador corrrrespondent about us yet has the latest on the situation that has come under fire spreads across south america. Over a million cases a covered nineteen now in

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