Translator the legislalatio to safeguard National Security and an enforcement mechanism are entirely necessary to uphold and improve the institutional framework of one countrytwo systems principiple of hongg ko. Analyst say beijing has decided National Security cannot be guaranteed if it is left to hong kong. Multiple Hong Kong Media say the Chinese Government will likely press ahead with establishing National Security legislation at the upcoming parliamentary session. Prodemocracy lawmakers from hong kongs legislative cououns aree strongly protesting the introduction of the draft resolution. They say the one countrytwo systems role would be and here in japan, the government has lifted the state of emergency for three western prefectures and says it may do the same for the tokyo metropolitan area and the northern prefecture of hokkaido next week. Translator tokyo, its three neighbors and hokkaido, will remain under the state of emergency. We will ask experts to evaluate the situation early next week, likely on monday. If the situation remains the same, we mayay be able to lift e declaration for those prefectures. Osaka, kyoto and hyogo met the cry teiteria set by the government for it to be lifted. Officials say the prefectures are also have sufficient medical supplies and Monitoring Systems in place. 11 new cases were reported in the capital on thursday, and the daily increase has been trending downward, but both tokyo and its neighboring kanagawa did not meet the criteria for the state of emergency to be lifted as of wednesday. Si saitama and chiba did, but the four prefectures are treat ed as one group due to the proximity to each other. People living in those areas are being asked to refrain from nonessential outings. The declaration is due to expire at the end ever the month. 379 oth 39 other prefectures had the measure lifted. More than 16,500 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in japan. About 800 have died. As the state of emergency has been lifted in most prefectures, two Japanese Airlines say they will resume some domestic flights in an ana is one o of those. And seven to nine flights between haneda to fukuoka. They will start other destinations. After slashing 85 of its flights. Sky mark airlines also plans to increase the number of flights leaving and arriving at haneda, pufukuoka. It will go from 85 to 80 . Flights are picking up slightly. Meanwhile, Japan Airlines plans to cancel 72 of its flights in the first half of june, the same proportion as this month. The International Olympics Committee President thomas bach has speculated that the 2020 games will have to be canceled if they cannot be held next summer. Abe shinzo has made it clear, as far as tokyo is concerned, next summer is the last option. It is impossible to keep people indefinitely employed. The ioc president says his organization has to be prepared for differerent scenarios. The sececretarygeneneral of th organizing committee declined to comment on the remarks. He says he has no direct knowledge of what bach reportedly said. The tokyo games are now scheduled to take place from july 23 to august 8 next year. The south korean government says the number of coronavirus cases linked to ann outbreak at night clubs in seoul lahas topp 2700. Officials say a total of it 206 people have been confirmed to be affected as of thursday. It originated in 95 visited clubs. Two High School Students who visited a karaoke parlor have also tested positive, prompting authorities to order the closure of such facilities. South koreas high schools opened for third year students. But more than 60 students in incheon suspended classes the nenext day. A third year student tested positive on thursday, leaving the school to shut its doors as well. The pandemic has dealt a severe blow to the arts, with performances and other events across south korea canceled. This has put artists and staff out of workforci, forcing them find new ways to make ends meet. Reporter since canceling its performances in february, this seoul Theater Company has replaced a heated rehearsal with talks on survival. Even in the best of times, small Theater Companies take in limited profits. Now thouey are scraping by. Traranslator i worked at a cafe and delivery company. Im thinking about taking on another job. My Current Employer slashed my work hours due to the crisis. Reporter there are concerns not only for actors. Translator the most serious concern is our passion, our emotion. Money aside, art is about the will to express our inner world, even in difficult times, right . Now were in chaos. People are demoralized. How can we remotivate them . I think this is the biggest challenge. Reporter ticket sales took a heavy south koreaas l largestst com started live streamingng performances in march. The program is free and subsidized by the city of seoul. It features performances that usually do not take place at the theater, such as plays by Small Companies and young musicians. Translator its our role to ensure that artists can go on stage. Thats because art involves not just performers but also many Staff Members and organizatioio. We need to create an engine so that artrt will circulate andndy in m motion as an ecosystem. Reporter after implementing safety measures, some performing arts spaces have been reopening their doors. Seoul life center is one of them. Even seatings arranged for appropriate social distancing. One expert says the p pandemic should be used as a opportuty resess how t toupupporthe arts. Tralator aer the crisi sses, pple w wl want to again, bututheyay discovever that theyve disappeared. Its necessary to protect these fields and guarantee peoples creative activities during this emergency. We need to consider how that can also sustain us emotionally. Reporter a young actor i interviewed stresses people should understand that performers are just like any other worker. Their very survival is critical for the successful rebuilding of our lives. Kim chan ju, nhk world. Ththe north ir eastern port of india and bangladesh have been damme damaged by a stororm. I it weakened before it made landfall in northeast india but it was a category two hurricane bringing heavy heavy raiaialls. Over 250 millimeters havee falle in northeast india, leading to deadly flooding. The storm left severe flooding in cualcuttas airport. It is the most powerful storm to hit the area in the last 20 years. Winds tumbled down power cables. At least 84 people have been reported dead. It has weakened to a lowpressure system, but the storm will continue to produce showers in the mountain areas, and that rainfall could fall down to the river. So flooding concerns will persist in the lower a areas ov the next few days. Now we are looking at a couple of low pressure systems in the eastern portion of the u. S. Severe thunderstorms are expected, especially in the Southern Plains and mid atlantic on friday. Weve already seen some tornados and flooding in the earlier part of the week, so the situation may worsen with more rainfall. Speaking of more rainfall, the rainy season front is very active in asia. Over 100 millimeters in okinawa in the last 2 h4 hours. On top of that, up to 200 millimeters is expected over the next 24 hours. More showers are expected in hong kong and tie bay a aipei a into friday. Thats all for now. Stay safe and have a nice weekend. Thats it for this hour on nhk newsline. Im yuko fukushima. Thanks for joining us. Welcome to newsline in depth. Im marie yanaka. Today, we look at a project thats brought a migrating bird back from the brink of extinction. That bird is the elusion cackling goose. Along with many other birds, it flies south to ease knewma in japan for the winter. The journey covers thousands of kilometers. So every winter, people in miyagi welcome the arrival of thousands of geese from russia, but it hasnt always been like this. Back in the 1970s, habitat banning overhunting. One man in miyagi has also been hard at work. For half a century, hes been trying to save the beautiful creatures and has recently had success with the aleutian cackling goose. Nhk went to miyagi to report on hiss conservationn efforts. Reporter its morning. About 80,000 wild geese fill the sky. They migrate to japan from eastern siberia into winter. Translator i was impressed at how splendid the geese looked in the morning sun. So many geese flew by, and i was surprised. But they were beautiful and cool. Reporter one mans life was changed forever when he first saw the massive flock of back in 1970. Masayuki has devoted himself to their conservation for almost half a century. Translator you have to stay 100 meters away from the birds. If you get closer, the geese fly off right away. Theyre one of the most easilyfrightened of all birds. Reporter many species spend the weather here. The most common is the greatate whitefronted goose. This species likes beans, not surprisingly, its known as the bean goose. But the 70 year old has a special place in his heart for the aleutian cackling goose. Its an endangered species. He has spent a quarter of a century trying to restore the birds annual migration between russia and japan. Historical records show that in the 18th century, the bird was a common sight in japan. But, by the early 20th century, many off i its b breeding ground been destroyed. The culprit . Foxes. Introduce t the by humans who prprized the animals for their fur. Records show only one of the birds flew to ease knewma in 1982. The following year, he and his Conservation Group launched a project to revived the species. Translator many people thought it was impossible, but we definitely wanted this project to be done. Reporter geese raised at an institution in the United States were sent to japan to take part in a breeding program. The idea was to release the pirpir birds into the wild. But there was just one problem. They seem to prefer warm, comfortabli comfortable ease knewma. The birds had lost their natural sense to migrate and didnt bother to fly. Translator we wanted to revive the annual migration of the geese. They shouldnt stay in japan all yearlong. We decided to capture themm and brought them back to the zoo. Reporter he realized that getting t the birds to migrate meant releasing them in their traditional breeding grounds in russia. The coral islands were once japanese territory but russia took them over in 1945. It was basically impossible for japanese scitizens to conduct research on the islands. Bubut everythgg changeded with collapse of the soviet unionn i 1991. Thee cold war was over. This opened the door to further collaboration between japanese and russian researchers. It also meant that releasing cackling geese w was now pososs. Translator we f found one suitabable island without foxox. The geese are very small and foxes are really d dangerous prededators. Repororter dozens of geese bred in captivity in j and russia were takaken by helicopt to an uninhabited volcanic island in the coral chain. The lack of predators means the geese can safely bring up their young. They learn how to migrate by watching other species of geese that fly by. T translator in the end, it woworked out in thehe best way possible. Reporter the efforts finally paid off in 2007. A group of geese migrated to spend the winter in japan. More than 5,000 cackling geese made the journey this winter. Translator i thanked the bird the from my heart. I was really grateful thahat th cameme back. The geese are so sweet to my eyes. Reporter but now there is another problem. Shrinking wet lands. Translator the wide area on the bank seemed to be marshy. Reporter japan has lost nmoe than 60 of its wet lands. Mainly for agricultural reclamation. As wet lands are cleared too many geese are concentrated in a small area. This could make the entire species vulnerable to disease. He has been working with local governmentss and farmers to tur abandoned rice paddies into new wet lands. Translator there used to b rice paddies here, but the wet lands that serve as a resting place for the birds have dwipdled. So we asked for the help of locals and turn the ted the pla into wet lands. Reporter he hopes this conservation technique will spread nationwide to provide new homes for the returning dwees. Its been 50 years since he began trying to save these wild geese from extinction. It hasnt been easy. But the magnificent sight of flying formation always fills his heart with joy and gives him the be strength to carry on. Translator every year, the geese migrate to exactly the same place, traveling 4,000 kilometers without know tools. For me, theyre not just birds, they feel like my old friends. Reporter nhk world, ease knewma. Joining us now in the studio is our reporter. That was an interesting story and amazing to see all the geese flying across the sky. About 5,000 of the birds have come to japan this winter. Extipgs is a concern. So we can say the aleutian cackling geese have escaped. Many other birds are in danger. What efforts are being used to protect them. There is a treaty. Tokyo and moscow have each introduced domestic laws for the protection of birds and are involved in joint study projects. This year, too, researchers will be exchanging the results of their work. It looks like things are headed in the right direction. Are there any worries, though . Yes, another type of migrating bird known as the snowbird is an easy the idea is that the snow goose chicks will safely migrate with stepfamilies. So many measures like this are helping the situation. There was a p point when we saw almost no snow geese in japan. But this year, more than 1,000 of them spend the winter here. Researchers were excited seeing them for the first final time i dedecade decadedes i i imagine theyy were. E. Thee birds are attracting tourists. Vast numbers of geese are gathering through the dawn and dusk, but theres still a long way to go, isnt there . You mentioned a lack of wet lands in your report, can you elaborate . Yes, wet lands are vital for water fowl, because theyre a safe place to sleep. He is calling for preservation in other parties of japan. However, the same cannot be said for the rest of asia. Some researchers believe that the geese have started to choose japan as a winter destination and that has increased the number of birds coming here. Right. And are there any other things that influence migration patterns . Yes, one thing is sgloebl warming. We are having a warm winter in japan this year. Snow geese breed in arctic regions and the warmer weather has allowed more chicks to survive. I will be keeping up with developments. Looking forward to it. Thank you for your insights. My pleasure. And thats all for todays newsline in depthth. Thanksks for tuning in. This is the end of hong kong. Host anger in hong kong as china proposes tough new National Security laws for the city. Host this is al jazeera, live from london. Coming up, more than 80 dead after a powerful cyclone of estate coastal villages in eastern india and bangladesh. President trump says he is putting the u. S. Pulling the u. S. Out of you another international treaty. Countries seek to reopen to tourists without driving up

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