Marred the city since jacob blake, a black man, was shot in the back by a Police Officer on sunday. Masks to become compulsory throughout paris. The french Prime Minister laid planse plans as part of to fight covid19. Those are your headldlines. Yoyou are for r joining us. I am genie godula. Hasfrench foreign minister announced measures for covid19. France has seen a resurgence of cases of covid19, an average of about 3000 new cases a day. That number went up to a most 5000 new cases reported on wednesday. A percentage of positive cases among those tested is growing. Lockdown,just after and now it is at 3. 7 . Statistics tell us that the virus is most active among young people, people between 20 and 30 years old test positive at a rate of 6 higher than the national average. The covid19 9 security measures are having a big effect on the france French Business community. To talk more about that, lets bring in our Business Editor stephen carroll. What were business leadeders interested in the most . Stephen it was a press conference talking mullen mainly about Public Health measures that have an impact on business. On the issue of masks, there is a particular area of interest for business leaders, and that comingrule and theres into effect next to say that people have to wear masks in workplaces all over france. Had called for there to be flexibility in those rules not something currently been consulted on by frances Public Health committee. They are due to report by friday. The Prime Minister said for the moment, the rule will remain everyone at work and in places shared with people will have to wear masks. Only those that will get individual offices will have an exception to the rule. The Health Committee comes up with suggestions on how to make a rule more flexible, they will take that into account. Maintain the rule around masks. Think about mechanics and people working in industrial areas. Here could be difficulties the focus is what the what france will do for the economy. You are there at the conference, the French Business and theeeting, and french finance minister spoke not long after the Prime Minister get his comments. What did he have to say . On the h he was focused aftetermath of the crisis and me a pledge that frances economy should recover, ererase the effects ofof the crisis in two years. That is whahat he was here to tl entrepreneurs gathered. That is being helped by parts of this economic recovery plan. Lets take a listen to what he had to say. I want to tell the french people we are going to get this crisis. We h have a strong economymy wih good, sosolid foundations. Hardworking,ent, motivated workers, and industries a a rebuildining themselves. We have Exceptional Services and a french Administrative State that was able to provide a guaranteed to kickstart the economy. We have all the elements for success. Dont forget, before the crisis, and the beginning of the year, we had one of the most thriving economies in europe. Stephen so, talking about what he is hoping they recovery will lolook like. Details, we have been getting them in drips and drabs. We know therere will be money to help companies transition production methods into more envivironmentally friendly methods. We know there will be a special grant for Small Businesses to help the digital transition. We know digitalization has been a really big issue for businesses as well. The full details still to come next week, but the government very keen that business has the tools needed to recover from the crisis. The general move, reasonably optimistic. There are some industries that are hardhit. Most entrepreneurs have characterized things to coming back to a level they can cope with afd disastrous first half of the year. They are expecting 2020 to be a tough year, but they are hopeful somewhat hopeful of a recovery. The question iss when that recovery might come. Genie thank you. France is urging lebanon to undertake sererious reform after blastvastating beirut warnining that the country risks a state if its fails. Frfrench president nt emmanuel mn is visisiting next week to h har home the message on the need for change. That was august 6, two days after the devastating explosion left close to 200 dead. Here is more from the french Prime Minister. Lebananese authoritities must t into place a stronger government that will oversee indispensable reforms, otherwise International Community will not be able to help. Were not going to sign a blank check for a government that will not implement reforms s that everyonene knows is necessary. Inthere is no government lebanon right now. They need to form one quickly bebecause this is s an emergenc. There are deep ones and a humanitarian and sanitary crisis, and also a political emergency we want lebanon to get through. The risk today is that lebanon does not survive. Genie to talk more about the situation, lets bring in lela malala allen. Strong words there. He has spokenthat quite strongly about lebanon in the past. A few months ago he was saying help us help you put in some of these reformrm so thatat we cano somemething for you, but ththere saysys lebanon is this in danger of f disappring. Lebanese people would say they have taken on the mantle of the state since the explosion, and the formatation of a new of course lester we saw the Prime Minister resigned. Formed. Vernment was a cabinet was put together this year. Design inforced to response to the public reaction. Because a resignation of the government does not prompt a new election, the Current Parliament was elected in 2018. All that is going to happen now, if they do p push toward a new government, is exactly t the sae process for each of the political blolocs worked togethr to find a Prime Minister they i i sayatable, and he he because there doeoes not seem to be a female candidate at the moment. Hehe puts together a cabinet. Many people would respond saying finding a new government is pointless. Even if there is an election, if the system remains the same, people in lebanon, many of the protesters saying the result would be the same. While they do want help from frfrance and other countries, ty dont want toto be based on n ts currenent political system. They have been c counting on aid to go direrectly into their han. People work with local ngos t to rebuild everything. There is very little coming from the government. Macron visitedt beirut just two days after it happened pity is coming back next week. Has anything changed since the french presidedent visited . Lela a few things have changed largely the anger has grown. There is now clear evidence that at least on a dozen occasions, messages were sent to various leaders about the nitrate. They had confirmed they knew it was sitting there. Believee people that it is of the the coming in september, the 100 year anniversary. Many people saying this is the opportunity for a new system and way forward. There has still been little action on the ground on the part of political actors and they will be looking to president macron not begging fofor him not to work handinhand with the government. Thank you for that. In new zealand, the man who killed 51 people at a mosque last year has been handed the heaviest sentencee in that cocountrys history. He has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. In march last yearar, attacked two mosques and plan to attack a third, killing infants and the elderly. Witnesses who testified in court welcomed the decision. The deadliest attack in new zealands history led to an historic sentence. On n each of the 51 charges f murder, chargrges one two 51, he is sentenced to life imprisonment. I order that you s serve the sesentences withoutut parole. Brenton tarrant had pleaded guilty to the killing of 51 people last year when he attacked two mosques in christchurch. Hadwhite supremacist thousands of rounds of ammunition, flew a drone for reconnaissance. He had planned to burn the mosques and attack a third. No punishment will bring our loved ones back. They represent hate, but we are here today. We represent love. Dozens of survivors, victims, relatives confronted him in court, sharing the traumaa they have been through. I i want to h hear my dads voice. To frighten ands we can muslims the opposite was achieved. The offender achieve the opposisite of what he intended because they have come out as a community stronger. Coming out of courts, many of the survivors and vivictims families united with those that have stood by them during the tragedy, celebrating a nation that faced a tragedy united. Laura madeicane landfall as a monster category 4 storm. It has been weakened to category two but it is still hitting the u. S. Statetes of texas and louisiana. Hundreds of thousands of g golf course residents have been ordered to evacuate. Surges could ocean reach up to 40 miles or 65 kilometers inland. Protests continued again in wisconsin, last night, but more peacefully than the night before when two people were shot dead. A 17yearold white man has been arrested length to those shootings. Police that protests have happened since sunday when police shot a black man in the back. Alison sargent has new details on the case. Continue for a fortnight in n kenosha, wiscons, investigators finally gave new details about the Police Shooting of 29yearold black man jacob blake. The state attorney general says the officer who shot him had been on the force for seven years. The officer fired his Service Weapon seven times. Mr. Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possessioion, and e division of criminal investigation recovered a knife fromom the driver side floorboad of mr. Blakes vehicle. A search of the vehicle located no additional weapons. Blake was hit by four of the seven bullets, which his family and lawyer say have left him paralyzed from the waist down. The officers involved seven placed on administrative leave and a federal investigation has been open. During the third night of protest over blakes shooting, two people were shot dead and another injured. Police arrested a white 17yearold identified as kyle rittenhouse, from neighboring illinois, and his Facebook Page is devoted to praising law enforcement. He has been charged with firstdegree, intentional homicide. The disturbance led to the to the use of deadly violence by this person. Groups of armed vigilantes have been patrolling the streets, facing off with protesters. Enforced a 7 00 p. M. Curfew ununtil at leastst sunday. Wisconsins governor has authorized the deployment of 500 National Guard troops and d dond trump says as many as 2000 limited available. Genie stay with us on france 24 will be made available. Genie stay with us on france 24. I will be back with more. Reporter, you get a sense of how important it is to be able to go and check out things for yourself on the ground. My example that stays in mind is when i went up to northeastern nigeria with my colleague and we wanted to a report on the impact the islamist boko haram had left on the communities there, and we were being told by the Nigerian Army f for months that they had won the ground war that militants no longer posed a threat, and as soon as we were in the zone ourselves, we could sesee that was clearly not the case. There were some roads that our producer was terrified to take. The fear of being kidnapped we were flown out to enclaves of land by helicopter because we could not drive. People afraid to go back to their homes a kilometer away because there was fighting going on. We even located one active boko haram member living in a refugee camp told us he was in contact with fighters out in the woods. It highlighted for me how important it is to see for yourself what is happening and not believe what is in official statements, press releases, or communicate communiques. H hello, and welcome to the ininterview. My g guest has literally stared deatath in the e eye after an elephahant charged him and gored him in the leg. The godfather of customer alation apps and see all of startup that has just been valued at 3 billion. Tom siebel, thank you for being with us today. You are also the author of this bestseller, Digital Transformation, survive and thrive. You drive an interesting parallel on how life evolved on earth. Why is it simimilar to the Business World and what we are witnessing today . Tom in the Natural World we have had life on the planet for. 5 billion years. We have had massive extinction events, the most recent being when the meteor hit the yucatan 65 million years ago. 85 of the speeches on earth became extinct. After eachch of the mass extincti events, it was followed by a recent pcish and where new species would come into existence. Dinosaurs disappeared from the planet, and that vacuum was filled by mammals. That turned out to work out well for almost saving, at least so far. When you get into a corporate boardroom today or you talk to a ceo in beijing, san francisco, nenew york,k, the top of the cs agenda is this thing called digital l transformation. There is a m mandate to didigity transform. M. It is something critically important and it is existential. And a lot of time thinking about this. What is going on here. I am in the Information Technology industry, and this is a rapidly growing space. In that space, we are seeing new vectors in the 21st cecentury tt are changing everything, and these include elastic cloud can big data, theing, internet of things and this phenomenon that we call Artificial Intelligence. At the confluence of these factors you find Digital Transformation, so you are asking why are people still focused on Digital Transformation just likeke in te Natural World, in the corporate world in the 2 21st century, we are going through a mass extinction event. 52 of the fortune 500 companies have disappeared in the last 18 years. Where is codec where is westinghouse . Toys r us . These companies have vaporized. It is estimimated that as many s 70 of the compapanies that exit today will be gone in the next 20 years. So, what is going on is t theres a rush wewe are seeing compmpanies with new dna like tesla, likik airbnb, like amazo, that are all about Artificial Intelligence, big data, elastic clououd computing in retail, transportation, hospitality, automotive industries, and these companies with new dna are replacing a vacuum these companies that are going out of business. That is what i think is going on. Genie it is all about how people will harness those technologies. I would like to followup on a statement you made in your book in which you say Artificial Intelligence will be as big or bigger or as disruptive as the Industrial Revolution. Knowing what happened after the Industrial Revolution with world war ii, what you have in minind is it an apocalyptic vision . Tom an important book was published called the coming postindustrial society, and he predicted in 1973 before the minicomputer, the personal computer, the internet, before the cell phone, if you could imagine that, that the world was about to experience a restruructuring ofof the Global Economy on the order of the Industrial Revolution, and he called this the postitindustrial society, or the information age, and in fact, in the last 50 years, eveverything he predidict has become true. Ininformation technolology has changeged the wayay the structuf the economy the way that we were, entertain ourselelves, communicate, the way we look at what is going on in Public Security today, and how muchh publblic security is dominated y informrmation technology companies. It has changed everything. Have would like to i would like to have your take on the net states and china. I heard microsoft United States and china. I heard the e president ofof micrososofts a both companies e on the verge of a tech cold war, and what is your opinion . Who will win the battle is it about Artificial Intelligence, 5g what is it all about . Saidwell, Vladimir Putin in 2017 that webbeber wins the r on a ai dominates the world. I believe that is true, and it will not be russia. It will either be ai, where there e are massive investments going on in advancing Artificial Intelligence for controlliling people, social compliance, weapons systems, Defense Systems the weaeaponization of ai, or the United States pit we are in chinakinetic warfare with today and they are investing billions of dollars. S. They are educacating more peopl. They are spending more money. They are filing more patents. I think there is a reason to be concerned. If things continue to go the way they are going today, i think china might win this war. On the u. S. A call government to do a little bit more . Tom i think if the western governments dont do more in this area we will be very sorry. Your startlk about up. Maybe give us an example of how you help your clients. Tom we have spent the last decades and a most three quarters of a billion dollars building a Software Platform that allows customers like shell, the notices air force, apply ai to massive social and economic benefits. This is about cleaner energy, more efficient manufacacturing, lower inventory costs, lower , more satisisfied customers. So, we do this in banking, telecommunications, smart cities, defense, intelligence clean energy. Now, you have decided to set up your headquarters here in europe i mean, your European Headquarters are here in france paid you seem to appreciate france. Is it still is same after all of the strikes and why do you think it is a good country to invest in . Tom paris is centrally located. It is a great transportation hub. Francece offers a very deep and rich resesource inin the area of humaman capitital. They have some of the best research and educational institutions on n the planet. Great computer scientists, data scientists, grereat human capit. Headquarters. That worked out well for us. Paris is our h headquarters for c3. Ai as we draw our footprint throughout europe and the middle east. I started the interview by saying you had stared death in the e eye. Referring to what happened on a safari. You are attacked by an elephant and went under 19 surgeries and were not able to walk for four years. On a personal level, how did u change her life to have to go through that . Tom i was on a photo safari in tanzania and attacked by an elephant. My left leg was gored. I broke a bunch of ribs. An elephant stuck to my right leg, and my foot came off. It was pretty challengining. The next four years i had 1 19 reconstructitive surgery and i walkeded four years lateter. The good news is, t today i am finene. It puts things into perspective y you approacach risk a little bit differently. K know, most ofu the thinings that t you worry at before an elephant a attack that you think are e important t y are not reallyly importantnt at. It helps you prioritize what is important from what is not. It changes the way you think. You or someone be starting a startup or a company, what is your advice . Tom become a domain expert. The idea that whethther we ae Information Technology, materials science, travel, transportation, there is no substitute for getting an education and being a domain expert in that field. Secondly, before i started a company, i would go to work for a company that is a leader in that field and learn how it is done, help customers are engaged the language of the business, how customer contacting is done, how customers are supporting. How you can be more successful out of the gate. Thomas siebel, thank you for that. Hey, imm valer j june. Comiming up on reel south. In 1964, a band of blues hounds traveled uth. [man] i anan, miissisippi, for younwhite people who might c come om w englanor calalornia s reallyike a neworl you codndnt iginet. [verie] thr one al, to sff o early lends of the missisppi blues. [woman] th h had t rececor, ey had t recordings. But there was still so mu we e dit kw. [man] therereas any chance theseseeople stilbeing alive, w was wth w whatever efforte had tout i to g g them in front of a mrophone ain. Freightrain, frght ain, runn so fa alaleriehitctch ride on two trains runn frehtht tra, frfreit ain, runnin so st

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