Mancos residents hold small protest over LivWell move to Millwood building
Durango, Colorado
1% chance of precipitation
15% chance of precipitation
6% chance of precipitation
9% chance of precipitation
Some upset by decision allowing the move
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021 11:21 AM
Updated: Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 10:14 PM
LivWell’s current location at 449 Railroad Ave. in Mancos.
Anthony Nicotera/The Journal
Mancos residents hold small protest over LivWell move to Millwood building
LivWell’s current location at 449 Railroad Ave. in Mancos.
Anthony Nicotera/The Journal
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A few Mancos residents gathered near the current location of marijuana dispensary LivWell on Saturday afternoon to sign a petition and object to the company’s move to the building that was formerly home to the Millwood Junction restaurant.