Mancos residents hold small protest over LivWell move to Millwood building
Durango, Colorado Currently Mon 1% chance of precipitation 15% chance of precipitation 6% chance of precipitation 9% chance of precipitation
Some upset by decision allowing the move
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021 11:21 AM Updated: Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 10:14 PM LivWell’s current location at 449 Railroad Ave. in Mancos. Anthony Nicotera/The Journal
Mancos residents hold small protest over LivWell move to Millwood building LivWell’s current location at 449 Railroad Ave. in Mancos. Anthony Nicotera/The Journal Escuchar en Español:
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A few Mancos residents gathered near the current location of marijuana dispensary LivWell on Saturday afternoon to sign a petition and object to the company’s move to the building that was formerly home to the Millwood Junction restaurant.
Mancos Town Board approves LivWell move to former Millwood Junction building
Durango, Colorado Currently Mon 22% chance of precipitation 24% chance of precipitation 42% chance of precipitation 75% chance of precipitation
Some Mancos residents upset because of building’s central location
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021 10:38 PM Updated: Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021 9:42 AM Marijuana dispensary LivWell received approval last week to move into the building that was formerly home to the Millwood Junction restaurant. The Journal file
Mancos Town Board approves LivWell move to former Millwood Junction building Marijuana dispensary LivWell received approval last week to move into the building that was formerly home to the Millwood Junction restaurant.