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Facing 78 Felony Counts across three separate Criminal Cases with a four potential indictment from Fulton County, georgia coming any day now. This d. C. Case and the charges now facing the former president are as serious as it gets. Here is trumps own former Attorney General bill barr. I think this case is the most serious of the cases because the conduct here involved trying to subvert and prevent the progress, the execution, probably the most important process and proceeding we have in our country, which is the peaceful transfer of power after an election. Putting aside whether its criminal or not, you know, it i dont see how the Republican Party can nominate someone who is capable of doing Something Like that. So were going to have more of that interview in just a moment with the man who was asking those questions. We also have the latest on what lawyers who practice frequently in washington, d. C. Are calling an unusual warning the former president received from the judge yesterday. I want to get right to it with Garrett Haake, who was in the courtroom during yesterdays arraignment along with jeff bennett as well. Garrett, lets start off with you. Tell me about what stood out to you in that courtroom yesterday and then talk a little bit about this warning, this unusual warning we heard from the judge. Yeah, look, this is my third arraignment in the courtroom with donald trump and the former president is clearly getting much more comfortable in that environment, certainly than he was in new york when this all got started back in april, but he was, you know, responsive to the judge several times, standing up to be sworn in, answering specific questions. Talking to his attorneys and looking around the room at basically everybody except jack smith, who was sitting diagonal from him maybe 15 feet away. The pair were clearly aware at one another. You could tell trump was trying to avoid smiths gaze, smith going very much the other direction, keeping his eye on trump throughout the course of the hearing. One of the more interesting things about the hearing itself is kind of an admonition from the judge, not the typical youre about to be out on bond here are the rules portion of this but the very specific warning about not trying to intimidate or bribe or otherwise coerce any witness or anyone involved in this case and certainly not to discuss specifics of the case with any witness. Given how donald trump has made everything about his legal challenges into sort of public, political issues, it will be very interesting to see how or indeed if those warnings from the Magistrate Judge are followed. Jeff, talk to me about this interview, speaking about the former Attorney General bill barr there while this Arraign Arraignment was actually happening. He thinks that jack smith has a pretty strong case against the former president but he doesnt think hes actually going to see any jail time. Why is that . Its really interesting. I asked the Attorney General about that. He said he doesnt think the country can withstand the spectacle of a form are former president doing prison time. I asked president trumps attorney is there any universe in which donald trump would accept a plea and john laro said, no, that the president views his defense against these cases as an extension of the promise he made to fight for the American People and Attorney General barr said he wouldnt counsel donald trump to accept a plea. But we are a long way off from prison time and plea deals and all of that. What i would say is nobody can question bill barr for his conservative credentials or the fact that he was one of Donald Trumps most effective, loyal and influential Cabinet Members and faced criticism from democrats and Establishment Republicans for enabling donald trump during the administration and really giving rise to some of his most autocratic impulses. And so thats why its really notable to have someone like a bill barr come out and blow huge holes through all of Donald Trumps legal teams stated defenses for his behavior leading up to january 6th. I want to play a little bit of that exchange that you had with him and then well talk on the other side. I actually think this stuff about prison time is hyped. At the end of the day, even if hes convicted of both crimes, i dont think he will serve a day in prison. As a former president , its inappropriate . I think hell have a Felony Record but i think any president , republican or democrat, in any Department Of Justice would basically cut some kind of deal so we dont have the spectacle of a former president in prison. I dont think thats going to happen. Now, the president is out there of course saying hes at risk of 500 years in prison or Something Like that because hes raising money. He also spoke about, jeff, geoff, you mentioned who he was then and who he is now. Hes not a democrat, right . He still vehemently agrees with many of. Former president s policies, believes the Department Of Justice has not done the hunter biden case as well as it should have been done, that they kind of dropped the ball on that. He did say if he was asked to testify by the Special Counsel, he would. What kind of witness, considering his history, his position in the trump administration, what kind of witness would he be, geoff . Well, i can tell you this, i asked him if he believed that donald trump knew he was lying about having lost the election and the former Attorney General said yes, that it became clear to him that donald trump was Cherry Picking Information and it was basically crowd sourcing among attorneys who he viewed favorable to him to get the information that he needed to make the case that there was fraud and that this investigation needed to move forward, the investigation that the Special Counsel characterizes as a conspiracy in the indictment. So bill barr could give potentially more insight into that aspect. Remember, he did resign so was not there toward the very end of the trump term, but he had unique access to the man, had unique access to his thought processes, to his thinking and to the team of attorneys, now the six unindicted coconspirators who had Donald Trumps here at the time. The Attorney General would not engage in the question as to whether or not he had already spoken to the Special Counsel team, but he did say that if he was called as a witness, that he would be more than happy to testify. Garrett, real quick here, you and i are on this train we didnt know was going to exist, which is the indictment train. Three, possibly four coming in the next couple weeks. Couple that with the train you are on, which is the Trump Campaign trail, right, how are they planning are managing the intersection of these trials that are coming up along with the campaign trail, the primaries and are they seeing these trials as a way to campaign, if in fact he wont be able to be out there . I think that is a good point. Certainly theyve been able to use his arraignments as a tool to raise money. The single biggest fundraising day was the day of the new york arraignment and miami was a big day for them and they are used these arraignments and indictments quite effectively to basically block out the sun and choke off any attention to any other republican candidate in the primary. Its worked for them thus far, though it does get more and more complicated. If theres another arraignment and indictment in georgia soon and the Court Appearances start to stack up. So far donald trump has been able to avoid other hearings. He just submitted paperwork today to not appear in florida on an arraignment on the new documents charge, remember that story from a week ago now . Hes going to plead not guilty to those but he doesnt have to show up. His lawyers are going to try to keep him out of the courtroom as much as possible but its going to get more and more complicated as the schedule wraps up. Right now hes not doing as much on the campaign as other candidates. Hes not doing bus tours, multiday states and that kind of thing because he doesnt have to given the strong position hes in in the republican primary. Scheduling complication, something that Garrett Haake knows well right about now. Thats right. Geoff bennett, great to see you as well. I want to bring in deputy chief in the Southern District of new york, kristy greenberg. I want you to pick up with where i left off with Geoff Bennett talking about the possibility of bill barr testifying in front of the Special Counsel if he in fact were asked to do so and he said he would do it. What type of witness would he be, considering the fact that he has been open about the fact that he still agrees with the former president s policies. He may not vote for him but hes still very much in his camp when it comes to his politics. I think he would be a very strong witness because he is somebody who was appointed by trump, he does not have any bias towards trump. Either trump put him in the position as Attorney General and hes somebody who is going to explain exactly what happened and what his advice was repeatedly, that there was no finding from d. O. J. Of Election Fraud and that he continued to reiterate that message, as did others to the president. So i think just in terms of credibility and consistency of message, he would be a strong witness. Talk about the warning the former president got from this judge yesterday that seems somewhat odd when we talked to a lot of legal experts on the ground in washington in a not many other folks get. It was certainly an unusual message, but not a message that was unwarranted. Clearly the judge was aware of Donald Trumps track record of the kinds of dark posts that hes been putting out there on social media, on truth social, seeming to try to intimidate prosecutors, witnesses, judges. So it was not an inappropriate message and i think it sent a clear signal that in d. C. , as this case goes forward, the judges are not going to have a lot of tolerance for his kind of antics on social media, any kind of witness tampering, any attempts to affect an infect the jury pool. I think it was an appropriate message. I want to talk about expectations as were looking ahead to august. The government has been asked to file a brief by august 10th. Trumps defense team will have to file a brief in response by august 17th. Then were looking at the first hearing to discuss that timeline at 10 a. M. On august 28th. If you will, give us kind of the expectations that you see Going Forward when it comes to both the prosecutions deadline in just a couple of days and then the defense on august 17th. I think we can look for jack smiths january 6th case to be the first Criminal Case against donald trump to go to trial. And i think it will go to trial in the first half of 2024. Youre going to see a push from jack smith to have that trial go first. Now, the judges will confer privately. Obviously he has other trials already on the calendar, but i think those schedules will be adjusted. January 6th is the most serious Criminal Case with serious charges and it is a case of intense Public Interest. You have a former president and a current president ial candidate being charged with trying to overturn the results of the prior president ial elections. Theres intense Public Interest in having a resolution, a jury verdict, before having to cast a vote. Also you have the consequences of delay. This case could go away if trump or any other republican becomes the president. They can either pardon if theres a conviction or if there isnt a conviction yet or a trial yet, there could be a dismissal of the case by the new Attorney General. So given that all of those factors, youre going to see jack smith really push for an aggressive schedule and youre going to see donald trump do the opposite. Hes going to pull every delay tactic which we already saw a bit of in front of the Magistrate Judge. I believe his defense said three separate times that they needed more time over and over again. Right. And really thats because they dont want this to go to trial before the election. They have a Delay Strategy and theyre going to stick to it. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Coming up, what impact this third indictment is having on Donald Trumps very loyal base. And speaking of indictments, the former president is still facing, if you can believe this, a possible fourth in georgia on election interference. The latest from the Fulton County d. A. Plus Police Identify another victim in the gilgo beach murders. What we now know about the woman who was for decades known as jane doe number 7. We are back in just 60 seconds. Now is the time to partner with our experts. Get started today with verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Welcome back. The former president is going to be Juggling Courtrooms and campaign trails. The man who was his Vice President will also be hosting an event tonight in New Hampshire. Mike pences own testimony and notes were some of the strongest evidence against trump in this indictment. Joining me now from the first primary saturday of New Hampshire is julia jester. Thanks for joining us on this. Appreciate it. The first indictment did not seem to have an effect on Donald Trumps base. How are voters reacting to indictment number three . Reporter well, there seems to be a little bit of indictment fatigue among voters here in New Hampshire. Speaking to voters that are undecided or leaning toward trump, they care more about the Kitchen Table issues than anything. We spoke to one trump supporter who recognized maybe trump in all three indictments didnt act in the most proper way, but in terms of how it should impact the election, this is what he told me. Right now it just seems to me like theres too many human issues that are being trumped up, that has nothing to do with what this country is going through right now and what the country is going through is quite, from my point of view, is quite devastating. Reporter and for republican primary voters, especially independent voters who can vote in that republican primary, they would much rather talk about the economy and Foreign Policy because in their minds, nothing that trump does is going to change what his base thinks about him. That was reflected in conversations that we had with Trump Supporters whose opinions were not swayed by the first two indictment and its certainly not going to be with the third, even though they are completely different. I love that you played that sound for me. For more on this, we are joined by nbc news Political Editor mark murray. Julia teed us up to what were talking about. Were talking to folks that there are some Trump Devotees maybe not devotees but swing voters who are not sure if theyre going to do it this time because they are disillusioned with the baggage hes bringing to the table. I think there are two different bases. There usually seem to be one in four, one in five republican primary voters who end up saying, look, ive had enough of donald trump, i want to go in a completely different direction. What is notable, particularly in this crowded field that about half of republican primary voters say we want donald trump to remain our political leader, even despite the multiple indictments and that half, 50 , could end up being a winning percentage in contests like iowa, New Hampshire and south carolina. So thats like there is a divide but still overwhelmingly a lot of republicans still back donald trump. What is interesting when you actually turn to independent voters and general election voters, there does seem to be a drag and this is where donald trump could end up being very vulnerable. There is a new abc news poll that ended up coming out just after the latest indictment and it did show that independent voters seem to show that this is a more serious charge than past indictments of the former president. And of course i do think that were going to get even a better picture of the Polling Sentiment around donald trump and this latest indictment in the weeks ahead. It still is a little too early to get the actual sentiment of what took place on tuesday, as well as yesterdays arraignment but by and large i think we have a Republican Party that still remains devoted to donald trump and doesnt think much about the wrong doing. I want to talk about the communication coming out of the democrats and the biden camp, especially when it comes to bidenomics. Youre looking at Unemployment Rate at 3. 5 , the lowest in nearly half a century, wages up, inflation down, Consumer Confidence and stocks are high skel. You think back to what julia just Sports Illustrated us, this individual saying devastating things are happening in this country. People want to hear about the economy. The economy might be avoiding the recession because of the Biden Policies in place and yet it doesnt seem to be registering. Bidenomics just does not seem to be registering with voters. Why is that . What are you seeing . I think it is still really early. When they unveiled this bidenomics, its only been in the making for a few weeks now. What im going to be most interested in is not the situation of the summer of 2023 but more the summer and fall of 2024 come the general election after youve had billions of dollars of advertising and certainly much more Campaign Activity from the biden side of things hammering this message. I think youre right when you look at the totality of polling right now, the message from the white house hasnt really budged things certainly in the direction they would think the Overall Economic statistics that we are seeing. I do caution, lets see where the situation is a year from now, particularly if the positive economic developments keep coming. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Some Breaking News that were following out of new york. The suspect in the fatal stabbing of a 28yearold man was stabbed at a gas station. He was stabbed by a group of men who told him to stop dancing. Well bring you more updates to this story as it develops. Coming up, five and a half years later, why ballistic experts are reenacting the Horrific Parkland Mass Shooting that left 17 people dead. But up first, what Fulton County is saying about Donald Trumps attempt to overturn Election Results in georgia. Well be right back. Ection results in georgia well be right back. Help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. E trade from Morgan Stanley. With powerful, easytouse tools, power e trade makes complex trading easier. React to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. E trade from Morgan Stanley have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Oh stuffed up again . So congested you need sinex saline from vicks. 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I took an oath that i follow the law and that if somebody broke the law, i have a duty to prosecutor and thats what i intend to do. They say that she is building a case under rico law. In this case the goal is the attempt to overturn the states Election Results. Joining me more greg bluestein. Greg, as always, its great to talk to you. So we got three down. It looks like theres one more in the pipeline coming from your state, from georgia. What are we looking at when it comes to timing of this thing along with preparations in place that could indicate timing . Georgia seems like its on deck right now. Weve been preparing for this indictment for months. Were looking at likely mid august. We know theres significant overlap between fani williss investigation and we know that fani willis is pursuing her own independent investigation. So the federal timelines and indictments have nothing to do with her track. We still expect this to go forward very, very soon. So ive been curious about this because i remember back in january fani willis essentially said charges were imminent. We thought it was going to happen pretty quickly and were in august and things still have not come down. Since then she has become fairly vocal about what is impending and that is different than what weve seen from, for instance, Special Counsel jack smith and also from d. A. Bragg. Do you know why that is . I think partly because shes a local elected officials. One of the interviews was at a Book Giveaway that her office does. The other was at a public event. She is doing some interviews but shes not necessarily going out there trying to make news on this. But she knows when shes at a public event, shes going to get questions from folks like me about it and shes answering them truthfully. Talk about how this case might look different if were looking at the use of georgias rico law, which is pretty broad, how do you see that playing out differently than weve seen so far from the Special Counsel in his most recent indictment . Fani willis is an expert in that rico law. Shes even joked it doesnt have to be over suspects eating spaghetti. Shes made the joke that its not just involving organized crime figures. They could be gang members, street game members. You can use it against folks who are coordinating to cheat on tests, like shes done before and in this case it looks like she could use it to pursue charges against maybe donald trump and his allies. Again, all signs point towards that but this is a complicated case. Its not a cutanddry issue, which is why its taking months and months. Really its been a nearly twoyear long or so investigation and weve had potential Target Letters to 20 or so people here getting letters saying they could be criminally charged in this case. I know were going to be speaking to you a lot in the next couple of weeks as we await a Charging Decision from the Fulton County d. A. But for now, greg bluestein, thank you. Theyre back. Two lawmakers have won back their seats. Justin jones won his election for a Statehouse Seat in nashville and justin j. Pierceon won his race in memphis. They were expelled in an unprecedented vote after they had led a Gun Safety Protest in april. After yesterdays special election they will resume their terms just in time for a special legislative session that tennessees republican governor called specifically to address, gun reform. Jones signalled their fight for Gun Legislation is not over tweeting this well, mr. Speaker, the people is spoken, the find out era of politics is just beginning. See you august 21st. Coming up, why they are reenacting the Marjory Stoneman douglas shooting. Well be right back. Right back. Steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go from prom dresses. To workouts. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. Now as youre thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need, make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. The company goes to the firstborn, audrey. The Model Train Set is entrusted to todd. Mr. Marbles will receive recurring deliveries for all of his needs in perpetuity, thanks to autoship from chewy. I always loved that old man. Whats it say about the summer house . 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Since that day blood still stains the stores and the walls remain riddled with bullets. Joining me is sam brock with more on this. Sam, good to talk to you. This is an incredibly emotional day for the family of these victims. What are they hoping to learn from this reenactment . Reporter sure. You and i were both on the ground together in uvalde. These communities when they absorb Mass Casualty are never the same. The community has lived through this every single month for five years and the Reenactment Of The Gun Fire because of the Scott Peterson civil trial. In a criminal setting the former School Resource officer was found not guilty of felony child neglect. But hes being sued by the parents for the cowardice he showed for not going into the building where the tragic events unfolded. He said the entire time he could not tell where the gunfire was coming from. Thats why theyre reenacting it with live ammunition today. The street blocked off in both directions. People cannot drive around parts of parkland because this event is still going on. Were told that the simulated gunfire is finished. A delegation and this is really an extraordinary thing of nine members of congress, i cannot think of another time in history where they have been taken through the setting of a mass tragedy, which they did through Stoneman Douglas and it is untouched from where it was five and a half years ago. The hallways are riddled with bullet holes, bloodstained floors, pieces of homework that have bullet holes through those. Theres windows where there are signs the shooter tried to get out. Thats what hes lawmakers are absorbing, democrats, republicans all coming together with the idea that they can find Common Ground on some gun safety reform and School Safety reform. Its not any one thing. Tony, who founded stand with parkland, who lost his daughter tragically on that day talked about whats to gain here with bipartisan cooperation. I wake up every day with the terrible knowledge with the loss of our children or our spouses. Its terrible. Going through that school heightens that and we think it changes everybody whos been there. We hopeful that the Congress Members who came today will take what they learned back to d. C. And be able to build consensus around positive changes. We look forward to their actions. Uvalde had hundreds of millions for Mental Health services in schools and yet as we stand here on this day in august, there have been more than 400 Mass Shootings in the United States so far this year. Unbelievable. Why is this still an active crime scene . I was shocked to see there were still bullet holes and blood stains on the floors of this school. Why is that . Reporter you and me both. Its no longer really an active crime scene in the sense that the criminal trials for the shooter in this case and Scott Peterson have now concluded. But up until that point, there was still evidence being gleaned there. The civil lawsuit is still part of the crime scene. Im told theyre going to demolish this building any day now, which was why there was an urgency for them to come today. Thank you. Two u. S. Navy sailors arrested for allegedly sharing Military Attention with china. And why florida is banning a. P. Psychology classes across the state. Well be right back. E state. Well be right back. On business. Its your business. Its your verizon. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. 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Its your business. Its your verizon. Welcome back. Two u. S. Navy sailors are in custody after being accused of providing sensitive Military Information to china. Miguel almaguer has more. Reporter this morning two american sailors charged with passing sensitive intelligence to china in exchange for money. The Department Of Justice and fbi announcing their arrests. When a soldier or sailor chooses cash over country and hands over National Defense information in an ultimate act of betrayal, we have to be ready to act. Reporter this 22yearold, a naturalized u. S. Citizens was a sailor on the Amphibious Assaultship the u. S. S. Essex. He sent photos, documents. Reporter he has been charged under the espionage act, which carries a life sentence, his attorney entering a not guilty plea on his behalfalso arrested in a separate case of espionage, a 26yearold Petty Officer working at a naval base in ventura county, california, pleading not guilty in federal court. Officials say ch iou gave nonpublic intel to a chinese Intelligence Officer for almost two years, passing along operational plans for military exercises, photographs and blueprints of a radar system on a u. S. Military base in okinawa, japan and details about the navys operations at his home base and on san clement island. In exchange they allege an operative paid him about 15,000. He chose a path of corruption. Officials say the charges were part of a broader strategy by the u. S. To counter chinas criminal efforts to steal its sensitive information. The scheme alleged here is just one more example of the people republic of chinas ongoing and Brazen Campaign to target u. S. Officials with access to sensitive military secrets. Thank you to miguel for that. I want to bring in former nato Supreme Allied Commander james stavridis. As always, its a pleasure. The Justice Department saying the charges demonstrate chinas determination to obtain information that is critical to our National Defense by any means so it can be used to their advantage. How damaging could this breach be . Oh, extremely damaging. We should always think of intelligence not as a photograph. Its kind of a mosaic. In other words, the opponents are trying to fill in the little bits and pieces and eventually The Big Picture emerges. So you look at what these two individuals have turned over. It provides these little bits of information, the chinese can then add to it, things theyre getting from satellites, telephone intercepts, spy balloons, et cetera, they can put it all together. This seems incredibly brazen, admiral. Im wondering if you are a member of the intelligence community, youre watching what china is now doing, does this kind of give you runway to go Full Throttle with your spying capabilities . Because its not like everyone doesnt spy. Yeah, everyone is spying, and that is Full Throttle both ways. What this says to me, particularly when we add it the case of about a month ago of the airman up in new england who was giving away secrets to his gaming partners, weve got to tighten up, particularly on these junior people like these two, like Airman Teixeira who still seem to have access to pretty highlevel information. So weve got to go at that part of the problem, the supply side, and then over in china itself where the Demand Signal is coming from, yeah, its game on both ways. So let me just switch gears for a moment and ask you about the war in ukraine as well. I know russia has accused ukraine of disabling a warship with a naval drone attack. How significant is the show of force like this . Oh, its very significant, particularly because this strike and youre showing video taken from that sea borne drone thats headed right at a russian warship and a few seconds after what youre showing big explosion and that ship starts to sink. Here is the punch line, thats not in a ukrainian port, thats in a russian port, which is on the black sea. So the ukrainians demonstrated the ability to use drones here on the surface of the sea and theyre also using them in the air, even to strike moscow. Theyre bringing the war home to russia. Thats the significance. Bringing the war home, which we have seen repeatedly now it seems over the last couple of weeks amidst this ukrainian offensive on russia while russia seems to be a precarious place. Admiral, as always, thank you. Russia just handed down a new 19year sentence for one of its most outspoken opposition leaders, Alexei Nasally has been found guilty of Funding Extremism and rehabilitating naziism. This is the fifth criminal conviction against navalny who is already serving a nineyear sentence in a maximum security prison. He and his supporters say all cases against him are politically motivated an an attempt to silence criticism against president vladimir putin. Neville knee will now be sent to one of the most highsecurity prisons inside russia. One where lying down and sitting in bed throughout the day is prohibited. Coming up next, florida basically bans ap Psychology Classes in the state. What this means for the tens of thousands of students already signed up for the course. We will be right back. Y signed up for the course we will be right back. You cant leave without cuddles. But, you also cant leave covered in hair. With bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. Its the sheet. Let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. 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The College Board saying floridas Department Of Education has instructed teachers to omit lessons on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, material that has been included in the courses curriculum for the last three decades. But instead of altering its course the College Board has asked all florida high schools to top teaching it outright. Joining me now guad venegas. As always, great to talk to you. The College Board saying floridas Education Restrictions is derailing, quote, college readiness. How is this going to impact students . Reporter yasmin, well, lets start with the students. Students in american high schools take ap courses, advanced placement courses, for many reasons, one of those is to earn college credit, they also save money taking the class in high school as opposed to paying for it in college and also to become much more competitive. These ap classes allow students to carry a higher gpa and they are much more competitive when they apply to specific schools when they have more ap classes on their high school resume. So this whole thing goes back, as you mentioned, to the law that critics call dont say gay that was passed in florida. Originally that law only included students in kindergarten, first, second and third grade, but last april the states Board Of Education decided to expand the law and include all grades up to 12th grade. Now, that claw says that educators in florida cannot teach Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the schools. So what happens then was that the states Board Of Education asked the College Board to remove Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation content from the ap Psychology Course thats offered in high schools. The College Board responded we are not going to change this because they believe that this consent is essential to the course, so instead what theyve said, as you mentioned, theyve got the high schools they should stop teaching that class and not teach the modified version, which the state was asking the high schools to teach. Governor ron desantis spoke today about what the College Board has told the schools to do. Here is ron desantis speaking. I think that thats wrong. You know, we work really hard to give kids college credits, we do have ap, we have cambridge, we have International Baccalaureate and we really expanded dual enrollment with our community colleges. So thats part of our course catalog, its being offered, i think they have taken it back. I think thats a mistake. I bet you it will end up being offered. Reporter now, Governor Desantis is making reference to other programs that exist, one of those being the International Cambridge and the other one the baccalaureate international. These programs would have to look into whether theyve made changes or not made any changes to that advanced psychology, advanced placement Psychology Course. But what we know here is that the ap Psychology Course offered by the College Board is the most popular class in this country, yasmin, just to get an idea, last year 28,000 students in florida took the ap test out of 292,000 in the country. So 10 of students in the country who took the class and the test last year took it here in florida. You wonder what Domino Effect this will have on the future of education in the state of florida. Guad venegas, thank you. That does it for me today. I will see you right back here tomorrow and sunday 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Deadline white house starts right now. Hi, everyone. It is 4 00 in new york, im Alias Menendez in for nicolle wallace. There are now two federal cases involving the words the United States versus donald j. Trump. Both brought by Special Counsel jack smith. Each making an extraordinary set of allegations in its criminal probe into efforts to overturn the

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