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It was not obvious by now, the Republican Party has become the party of sore losers. From donald trump to carry like, put me on. The gop has repeatedly ignored the will of the voters and refused to accept defeat. However, the situation is now actually escalating. Republicans are not just refusing to recognize election results, but they dont. Like the refusing to recognize judges and prosecutors they dont like. As well. Across the, Country Members of the gop launched a four frontal assault. With a rule of law. And by extension on our very democracy. Starting in georgia, where Fulton County District Attorney fani willis has of course indicted donald trump and several members of his inner circle for their election interference efforts. The ex president has pleaded not guilty to those charges, and waived his right to an arraignment. Meaning he will not return to atlanta this week for a scheduled wednesday hearing. Trump and several of his fellow codefendants are now battling it out in, Court Fighting to sever themselves from one another in the broader conspiracy case. Now, rather than focusing on this latest indictment against trump and a political message bound to create, Georgia Republicans have a different focus. I was doing the prosecutor, yes. I was doing fani willis. Earlier this year republicans in the state established bill 1982 which was a commission appointed by the governor andy st. Officials tasked with disciplining and removing any prosecutors who, according to that commission, violate the oath of office. After a grand jury handed down that Indictment Strip Trump in Georgia Republicans have their sights on the air first to target. With the states in fulton more calling for an Emergency Session to reviews due williss actions. On, thursday the states Top Republican senator thankfully shot down malls call. Up to this, point i had not seen in the evidence that d. A. Willis is an accident or lack thereof warrant action by the prosecutors attorney oversight commission. It is good to see cam speaking out but he is hardly a hero here. He is the one who signed this ridiculous law in the first place. As msnbcs To Hone Junes points that with his signature, compass actually gave into witness conservatives a weapon and told him to. Use it it was a desperate display of, quote a man trying to put out a fire he helped fuel. Its not just trump the Republican Party is trying to protect. Look at wisconsin, which has been dubbed the unions most gerrymandered state. Four years republicans have redistricted the state so aggressively it has now become practically impossible for democrats to gain control of the legislature there. These mass despite clearly giving the gop and prevented wearables to stay in place due to the conservative controls. And change this year after the justice assailant took on the high court with a new liberal majority for the first time in more than 15 years. And they are locked into the court came just in time is it set to have to lawsuits this term which seeks to have the match pasta. Now, even before the newly elected to justice has heard a single case, republican lawmakers are already asking them to accuse herself and threatening the unprecedented step of removing her from office if she refuses to do so. Leading the chargers republican speaker robin vos, who has allege theyve somehow pre the case due to comments she made during her campaign. I also argue her acceptance of nearly 10 million from the Wisconsin Democratic party is disqualified. Is vos making his case to reporters last week. My hope is we still will see the Supreme Court justices your prejudge cases saying, thats not right. Thats the way our systems address and americans operated. With the prejudge. Case they will recuse themselves from any potential case where they will be involved. If, not to me that is a pretty clear violation of the way that all of america works. As opposed to not prejudge ring. And we have to discuss it. You will began . I dont. Now we have to wait and see what happens. Now i want to be clear, even the republicans in wisconsin among the democrats would benefit from federal match, it Wisconsin State Democratic Party some of local lawsuits before the court. Not also just like to point out the concerns helped a majority in the court and set the recusal. Laws and designed a Campaign Donations dont necessarily require. There refusal from a case involving a donor. Its also important to note the comments made during a campaign have never previously been used as a reason for justice to step aside. There is no precedent for what the republicans are doing in wisconsin, but it gets worse. Perhaps the most ludicrous example of these desperate attacks to attack the judiciary is the gops baseless investigation into North Carolina Supreme Court justice, and you. Charles back in, june earl gave an interview to an online News Magazine when she was asked about the state reported which are the most lawyers appearing before the court our white man. Or lissie only black women on the bench, saying the court should examine the reasons behind that disparity. Which she referred to as implicit bias within the judiciary. Pretty knocked was comments, right . Not according to North Carolina republicans. As a result liberal some remarks, a state Judicial Commission opened an investigation into the justice. Asking whether she violated the code of the states condo just for saying that there was implicit bias. It could result in a hurry disciplining or removal from office. The only black woman on the court for really speaking factually about racial bias. You cannot make the stuff up. There is only one way to describe what those republicans in georgia and wisconsin and North Carolina are doing. It is fundamentally anti democratic. All the people we just talked about, fani willis, janet and anita charles, were elected to their position. And republicans are not going after these three individuals because they violate the law or any real code of conduct. It is because they disagree with a politically. As we await the outcome of these investigations, the impact of these could extend far beyond three individuals in three states. The results, impossible Domino Effect that will continue to undermine american democracy as we know it. Here to discuss, former california Supreme Court judge and Glenn Kirschner former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst and email highs, or Senior Correspondent of vox focusing on courts constitutional democracy. Thank you all for joining me this. Evening let me start with. You want to get your reaction to that in georgia, to try to compete and remove d. A. Fani willis. This kind of personal targeted attack on an individual prosecutor, just the logic and depressing next step on assault on our justice. I dont know how low some of these State Legislatures will go. I would like to try to find a little bit of silver linings. Behind that big dark cloud that you just laid out for us. The one place i think i could trying to put the ball up tomorrows over the last several years the courts have by and large held. They held in the election challenge litigation, even the Supreme Court. Even the Supreme Court refused to give donald trump any play, any audience when he went about trying to overturn the elections results. This is some ugly stuff being done by The State Legislature. But i still want to believe that these statutes will be challenged. They will move into the courts. And i still believe the courts will hold. Although i now look back at my 30 years practicing courts and military civilian, both federal and local, both trial and i always felt like it was a politics free zone. I dont think my experience in that regard was unique. But boy, the republicans trying to go after elected District Attorneys now, feels just really ugly and dangerous. The, and lets move on to wisconsin. You wrote extensively about the. Here is this just republican everything to burn their state from actually functioning as a democracy . Thats exactly right. Lets be clear whats happened in wisconsin. The Republican Legislature has been gerrymandered past the point of democracy since about 2010. In 2018 democrats won 54 of the popular vote for the states. Republicans still get the Super Majority in the legislature. This is virtually impervious gerrymandering. Democrats have now taken every step they can possibly take. They tried to elect a State Legislature that would undo the gerrymandering. Couldnt do it since it was too powerful. They had federal lawsuits in a state called which went all the way to the Supreme Court. There was a case called where the Supreme Court so were not going to do anything at all about gerrymandering, period. That option was out. And then democrats said we still want our state to be a democracy so were going to elect and majority in the state Supreme Court. And then the state Supreme Court will strike down this gerrymandering. I think because The State Legislature stepping in through impeachment or federal courts stepping in through some kind of junction, if Something Like that happens the message will be sent to the people of wisconsin is, essentially wisconsin is it all a garki. There is a legislative body that not only is elected by the people but in practice can only be held by republicans. All of The Powers That Be have won by one taken away all of the the can be used to do something about gerrymandering until there is nothing left. And just moving over to North Carolina, josh, as a black woman who has served on the bench, how blatantly racist is it for republicans in North Carolina to go after the only black woman on the Supreme Court there for speaking about the subject of racial bias . Mehdi, we have been here before. After the civil war during reconstruction, formerly enslaved men had the vote and used to elect African American men into office in the south. Let us take georgia. During reconstruction 69 African Americans were elected by black voters a State Delegates and state senators. However, when the federal government had orders from Andrew Johnson and withdrew federal troops from the south, we construction came to an end in jim crow began. In georgia, white southerners used terror, intimidation in the kkk to in their words reviewed the state. One quarter of georgias elected were killed and threatened and beaten or jailed. By 1906, there was just one bullet legislature who was elected by block voters in georgia. What does this have to do with . Today after the murder of george floyd in what seems to be a racial awakening in america, we were in a 21st century reconstruction. When we saw efforts to reform the criminal legal system and to bring Racial Equity to a minor of institutions. But i fear now, as in georgia and North Carolina and wisconsin, the history repeats. We are seeing blatant efforts by the gop to remove our lawfully elected judges, State Representatives and prosecutors who are almost exclusively African American. I believe that what we are witnessing todays reconstruction reductions. It is truly scary and some of these places. Glenn we have talked about trumps legal problems. Criminal legal problems. Let us talk about his constitutional problem. There has been a push to solidify donald trump from Holding Office following the 14th Amendment with his actions in january the 6th. The 14th Amendment says you cannot run for office or hold office if you have been involved in an insurrection. We are seeing a few lawsuits now from activists referencing it, secretaries of State Suggestion they should at least look into this provision including michigans joshua benson. The plan to speak with her counterpart in another battleground state. Is this a legal plan, a constitutional plan, worth pursuing . It looks like this train is barreling down the tracks. And it looks like lawsuits will be brought, mehdi, whether state Election Officials or secretaries of state pushed donald trump on the ballot will be challenged in court. Whether they declined to put donald trump on the ballot, that will be challenged in court. And you know, i have to say with judge luttig on the right and professor tribe on the right in the two Law Professors who are so seated with the federal society, professors and polson. There are some is there in the lengthy articles that are as provocative as it is definitive. What they say regarding the self executing nature of Section Three of the 14th Amendment. They say every official state and federal who judges or certifies our for office must disqualify donald trump. I mean, that is a definitive. I think it is going to be a great day for lawyers because they are going to be fully employed with all the legal challenges that will be brought. Glenn, interestingly enough you mentioned the Supreme Court earlier having not taking trump s side during his big lie campaign. I want to bring it in here. If this ends up in the Supreme Court which i assume it will be, if the states takes the radical stamp of disqualifying when is a two major president ial candidates from running on the basis that is a violation of the 14th Amendment, all the Supreme Court Supreme Court justices, what will they do . We have been looking for one new tricks to save us from donald trump since 2016 and ill be honest, i dont think there is one. I think i mean, legal academics can argue over this legal theory and i think it is a perfectly fine legal theory. I think it is very unlikely that the republican Super Majority on the u. S. Supreme court can buy it. And also missile, a i think the message that every single American Needs To Internalize is that if you want to get rid of donald trump you cannot expect the courts to saving you cannot expect the prosecutor to save you and you cannot expect anyone to save you by yourself. And the only thing you can do is get out and vote for joe biden and hopeful of other people do as well. Judge, cordell 30s or guns left. Do you think the suns up before the Supreme Court . And what do you make of it in your opinion . A very well could end up before the Supreme Court. We wont know what will happen because it will be. Six supermajority six who can do whatever they want. Because they can hopefully follow the law. There is just no guarantee. Im not particularly hopeful but i do think if this is brought it will end up with the court. I would remind everyone that Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell called january 6th insurrection. And so donald trump was to blame. Coming up, next politics of everything for Florida Governor ron desantis who has refused to meet with joe biden in the aftermath of Hurricane Adalja. Adalja. Cold water cant clean tough stains . Id say that myth is busted. Turn to cold, with tide. Im orlando and im living with hiv. I dont have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to everyothermonth cabenuva. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Its two injections from a healthcare provider. Now when i have people over, hiv pills arent on my mind. 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Heres why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Ahead of a visit to the aftermath of Hurricane Adalja in florida. President joe biden expected to meet with governor ron desantis. But no such meeting happened. Biden did not meet with desantis. And thats because desantis refused. Its often said there were no plans for such a meeting. There is no great mystery as to why this is the case because desantis is running for president. Im also pretty sick of his campaign, they say theyre trying to avoid recreating an awkward moment of the two of them together like this. One in 2022 in the aftermath of yet another florida Climate Disaster, hurricane ian. But weirdly, former republican governor in current senator rick scott did meet with biden. Scoff is no fan of the president either but he did have this to say about bidens response to the category three storm. The president did a great job with this. That was a big deal. He had all these first responders. And then how fast you approve through theme of the individual systems. The intelligence systems, that was a big deal to everyone in these communities. These are not rich communities. These are, many of them struggle. Thank you for doing that. Wow. Joining me now to discuss all of this and more are molly john faust, special correspondent for vanity fair and host of the fast politics podcast. And brandon will, of Equality Florida Press Secretary and author of the new memoir, a place for. Us thank you both for joining me tonight. Brandon, let us start by talking about what floridians are saying in the aftermath of yet another Climate Disaster in their state. What do residents make a governor desantiss leadership under near constant hurricanes and his willingness to just not meet with the president when florida needs federal help . I think it is really sad. I think what youre hearing from floridianss frustration but you have a governor and ron desantis who is more interested in Playing Politics and he is with reaching across the aisle and doing the right thing. Im a huge fan of rick scott. He and i have certainly had our disagreements in the past obviously. What you heard there was the basic, i would say the lowest bar for him at a day where you stand next to another leader and you talk about the work you are getting done together. You talk about the communities who have been impacted and you talk about the Solutions Moving forward. And you praise someone when theyve done a good job. The fact that ron desantis is not capable of that, i think is really frustrating for people. You have to remember again that it is not politics. We are talking about peoples lives who are being impacted. People who have had their Small Businesses flooded. People who have had their homes destroyed or damaged. People who are going to be putting the pieces back together for a very long time. It is infuriating when you are in that situation all their belongings are on the curve, and you are not sure what tomorrow looks. Like you have holes in the roof and you are not sure if your Insurance Companies even going to pull through because of the crisis created by politics. It is infuriating to launch politicians calculated triangulate and put their own Career Ambitions over the solutions that are necessary the next day. We applaud elected republicans for clearing the lowest vause. As you, sam erica in 2020. Three well here is what joe biden said yesterday when he was asked about not meeting with desantis or desantis not meeting with him. I am not disappointed. He may have had other reasons. But he did help us plan this. He sat with fema and decide where we should go. Where it be the least disruption. Im very pleased. The guy, who we dont agree very much at all, the former governor and senior senator, he came and talked to mean to you all of what incredible job the federal government was doing. And i found that reassuring. Republicans like to see joe biden going to sleep in the basement and areas rather shrewdly being number on the sand isnt that you see him go, hey, did you see rick scott praise me . It is not the first time that desantis has tried to reject. Biden he is rejected this from the inflation reduction act, which would provide inexpensive solar panels for people for whom energy is very expensive and will be a huge help for that. He is rejecting millions of millions of dollars in federal funding for branded this inflation reduction act. I think it is important to realize that desantis really has a pattern of putting his president ial ambitions above the wellbeing of the people of florida. As we work scoff, think it was good that he went for joe biden. Work scott really does want Mitch Mcconnells job. The senate is not the house. They are expected to be a little better. I dont know that i would put a lot of stake and what rick scott is doing. Over give him any kudos. But it shows that there is a part of the Republican Party that is not completely maggots. It has some sense of what the government is supposed to do. Branden, molly just mentioned it but months before this hurricane, desantis turned down millions of dollars in Climate Funding from the federal government. He is constantly out of his state in iowa New Hampshire campaigning for florida. If is a poll suggest he loses this case to a guy that has four trials coming up, does he returned to florida as a weekend less popular governor or no . I shouldnt think he will do to the people of florida. If he is put in that position. He is a vindictive and petty person and he generates headlines. Most frequently, tries to be scrolling on fox news chyrons. He attempts to be trending on twitter in the way he does that is by making life as miserable as possible for people here in the state of florida. I would imagine that this president ial election cycle, no matter how it goes, he is not the end of desantiss political ambition. And so he will probably come back and make life help for floridians by frankly, continuing to generate the kind of hysteria that he needs to build his donor base. And help him climb the ranks of power that hes looking for, and keep in mind that he has vetoed lgbtq specific filing from the state budget as part of todays culture war. He is punished transgender people for existing. He has punished woman for wanting to make decisions about their own bodies. He is censored books, and propagandized curriculum. All of that stuff is in an effort to generate headlines, and make him seem like the trump era. Parents on a mansion about how this president ial election cycle, those who dont get it from the dialogue on more. New polling from the Wall Street Journal yesterday shows that trump is still the top choice for almost 60 of gop voters. Desantis is at 13 , double since april increasing to 46 points. That survey also found binding in almost dead heat with trump in the general. You have a poll that shows bad news for desantis and not great news for biden. Trump still has rock solid support. 400 plus days until this election, im not gonna take the polls as gospel. Also we have seen every poll since roe v. Wade was overturned. Democrats have overperform by a significant margin. From that last wisconsin vote for the judge. The Abortion Vote in october, in ohio, which we thought would be a very small margin turned out to be ten points. Im not gonna take any of these polls as gospel. That said i do think Desantis Assuring herself to be a very untalented politician. I think he goes the way of scott walker. Scott walker and jeff bush molly and brian please do stick around much more politics to discuss tonight. Coming up next, fox says hes not perfectly okay if trump is under multiple criminal indictments. Im gonna remind you with receipts how they screamed constitutional crisis over the fbi investigation of hillary clinton. Plus, dont forget you can listen to the mehdi hassan show anytime, free wherever you get your podcasts. horn honks im the team mascot, and boy, am i running late. But ive got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. Woo ha ha what a hit and if you have cut rate Car Insurance the cost to cover that, might tank your season. So, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. 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Now that trump is running in 2020, for theyre seeing a very different ten but multiple indictments and forthcoming trials. Roll the tape. We cannot have a country led by the president subject to ongoing criminal investigations and potential indictments and neverending hearings. The rico statute is just a theater. It is a bunch of theater in the midst of politics and illegal thing. Hillary clinton could be sworn into office while still being under investigation from the fbi. Which would then put this country into a major constitutional crisis. This will be nothing other than a show indictments to cover their overtly political, never ending persecution of any and all things donald j trump. She is under fbi investigation less than two weeks before the president ial election. Holy smokes. Yes, donald trump is a flawed man. But his stands are minor compared to those of his persecutors. The American People are about to have a candidate who is clearly going to be under criminal investigation. For the entire first and second year of that presidency. All these indictments or about politics and not a single one of them is about the law. Yeah the hypocrisy. Still to come. Are we living in a gerontocracy . If, so is that a bad day . First, Richard Louis is here with more headlines. Hello. Hello, matt. The other one reported death of The Burning Man Festival in the nevada desert. The cause of that death remains unclear but nearly 70,000 people remain stuck at the festival. After heavy rainstorm halted all inbound and outbound traffic. Attendees were asked to shelter in place conserve water and food on friday. Ukraines president announced he would replace his countrys defense minister, Alexei Reznikov who has helped secure billions of dollars of western aid but was scrutinized for mishandling military contracts. This marks the first major change to ukrainian leadership since the start of the russian evasion. Over 40 people are injured and tens of thousands of homes are without power after a Typhoon Haikui swept taiwan. The typhoon made landfall along the country southeastern coast, for saying only 7000 people to evacuate. More of the mehdi hasan show right after this break. Ght after this break the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. 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The longtime Republican Leaders suffered a similar percent back in july when he appeared unable to speak News Conference with his gop senate colleagues. In politics, a Single Health scare can be weaved away as a runoff. But to can call for resignation not just on your political opponents but also from your friends. As this week the or conservative National Review Editorial Board published a piece demanding that 81 yearold mcconnell step aside. Well that is rather a shocking headline it is not necessarily to surprise and given the fact we have been engaged today National Conversation about the u. S. Becoming a iran top receiver quite some time now. It for good reason. Of all the congresses in 1789 and they are the signal a summit with an average age of 64 and a third oldest House Of Representatives with an average age of 57 and a half. I also dont have to remind you that Joe Biden 80s the oldest president in American History and showed his probable republican rival, 77yearold donald trump won in 2020, four come the end of his term, he would steal the title of oldest president. All of this begs the question, why would any of these people just step aside and let a new generation come through . Only to run fast and Brandon Will For Back with. Me melia, you were to piece back in april calling on Dan Feinstein to resign. That was back on her Health Issues were front and center in the news and she was missing votes and subsequently has been reported that she had ceded power 22 or daughter would still want to cast votes in the sentence until structure gives a perceives. This is irresponsible, it is reckless, and why did they do it do we think . I think it is important to draw a line here, a difference between joe biden who is doing his job despite being old, three years older than trump, in someone like i wrote that piece about dianne feinstein, she had been out for a month in juneau when she would return. Office was not answering questions and they were quite defiant. I think that is a very different from Mitch Mcconnell was a similar thing. We see him freezing in these press conferences. What i think is interesting about mcconnell is that mcconnell is extremely effective leader. I am not a fan but he has basically got three Supreme Court seats were donald trump. His people didnt want him to resign particularly because they know theyre not going to get someone better. And i think the political calculus has to be factored in here. I wrote that piece about scifi and got everyone mad at me in the entire world. Feinstein is not even 80. She is like 90. She is quite old and she was not serving. You just mentioned the biden versus mcconnell. Can you imagine the reaction on fox if biden do what Mitch Mcconnell did twice in the space of a summer. Brandon, molly much the people got mad at her for running out. Hes when amateur peoples age people accuse me of. Ageism ageism towards elderly people. Look, there definitely is ageism against older people in our public life and our everyday lives. I would argue there is also an agent against young people in this country are being blocked from jobs by people who shouldve retired long ago. And by, the way there is a constitutional lower limit i35 before you can run for president. As there often is. Yeah. I appreciate you for zooming out a little bit. The question has to be asked, how do we get to this place. And while we could talk about solutions, people have talked about term limits and h limits, we cannot really talk about the overrepresentation of older generations of wealthy people in congress and in governments across the board, state legislative bodies which are the same especially here in florida, we cannot have those conversations without talking about the very real systemic of obstacles to young, dynamic candidates running for office and serving. Think about the Florida State legislatures for a moment. For the State Legislator says it is a parttime job, although you were on call 365 days a year. And the salaries about 30,000 a year. Somebody whos lets say 25 or 26 years old, wants to run for the state house, they have to raise hundreds of thousands if not over 1 Million Dollars to win their states because our politics has been so pumped with corporate money that to these races are very expensive. And once they get there theyre only getting 30,000 a year. So what does that do, that creates a vacuum that is filled by older generations who are independently wealthy and continue forward seats. They stay there for a long time and theres a lot of power and influence it comes with those things. So you have to talk i think about the systemic structural issues to other younger dynamic candidates running. And i think there are groups that are doing that. I know David Hollies launched a new organization. Working on. That that for me is core of that conversation. They also gen z Congressman Head of florida, maxwell foster. Lets talk with the president ial race because i do think it was illegitimate issue there. Does the age issue for joe biden become less of an issue if it is donald trump and he is running against or not ron desantis or tim scott or a Vivek Ramaswamy . Because neither of them are softly Spring Chickens and people are worried about biden s mental competence, the Person Man Woman camera tv would effort was, guy surely that makes it easier for biden to touch that issue . Trump and trump world has for a long time said the buying the suffering from mental decline. This is been their thing as long as they have been as long as theyve been running against biden theyve said hes got mental decline in is hiding in his basement. In what happens, what they do is then when he does a debate or he does a really good job, or what he does that speech he did it where he gives the speech and they go while the sky is pretty good. A man was never gifted orator, but the truth is that trump really does work hard to diminish expectations. I would also add that yeah, if you are not somebody who is 45 i think that would really sort of look back. But the fact is hes running at 70 or 77, has four different indictments and several simple cases against him, who has also had this very scary very serious case of covid. This guy is not an amazing and you have biden who bikes and does this or that. Hes very fit. Now again, and how this plays out, were still 400 plus days from the election. I do think it is a different case versus and desantis versus a trump. Were 400 days out of the, election you. Say thats going to fly by. Brandon, wolf thank you both appreciate you both. Coming up, it is not just israels critics suggesting that country is guilty of racism and apartheid, it is israels own farright minister. My active Psoriatic Arthritis can make me feel like im losing my rhythm. With skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, im getting into my groove. uplifting music along with significantly clearer skin. Skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. And is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. 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In the, at israels own ministers and members of perhaps the most farright government in that countrys history dont seem to have gotten the memo. They just keep saying the quiet part out loud. Again and again. Late last, month for, Example You Guys the National Security minister, who has himself in the past been convicted of supporting racism and a terrorist organization, go on National Televisions rules to channel 12 did say there. [speaking in a nonenglish language] sorry,. Mohammed being muhammad mcgarvey. The only palestinian on the panel that night. And you have the heritage minister, my hat and i had to, denying accusations of apartheid by appearing to compare the occupied west bank to a prison. [speaking in a nonenglish language] [speaking in a nonenglish language] [speaking in a nonenglish language] [speaking in a nonenglish language] all of the palestinians in the west bank are prisoners of israel . Perhaps not the defense of israels behavior that he thinks it is. Then you have israel zone tourism, openly saying he doesnt want israel to join the u u. S. Visa ways program because it will bring an influx of unwanted Palestinian Americans into the country. People the Tourism Minister wants to keep out because they are palestinian. And yet, as i said, our politicians are likely members of congress here in the u. S. Are bent on convincing us that israel is not guilty of apartheid or racism against the palestinians. And that anyone who says otherwise is being antisemitic. So, a word of advice. The next time they want to take a vote on this issue, perhaps i should listen to israels own ministers first. Coming up at the top of the, trumps vowed to lock up his political enemies if he wins in 2024. Authoritarianism expert sarah kenzy will be here and joined by Charles Coleman and jennifer. Horan thats next right here on msnbc but before that you will never guess what senator ted cruz days on Live Television just to prove he is a Real American Man who will be told what to do. Ill be back in a moment with amen to talk about it. Dont go away. Glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. fan 1 there ya go thats what im talkin about josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. 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Will have to tell you if they want to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my eyes. Okay. Aymen, not only is ted cruz more desperate for attention and human beings and perhaps the rise of paris hilton, but what he is saying there is nonsense. It is not a new guideline. Is what one Public Health official suggested in the future. Even then it would not stop anyone from drinking as much beer as they want. Its like the whole, they are coming for your gas stove thing. It is a manufacture story to rally up the base. It is now theyre reminded nobody is more content for the Republican Base than republican politicians like ted cruz. A level we and threw the bottle cap and threw a town on the ground. And there was a delay desantis spiral. We need like you to take that swing. The truth is, this there is one where the comes to mind anytime i see ted cruz or any of these republicans engage in these political stunts,. Cringe. The only thing i can think of. I can only cringe so bad. The Spear Segment was almost as awful is that twotime ted cruz wanted to show, himself as you say, a real night of the people by eating a slice of bacon off of the barrel of a machine gun. Watch this. To texas, we can make a little differently than most. Coming, down lets see who got some bacon. Machine gun bacon. Some machine gun ten, even clearly seahawk or trouble he was in that tiny piece of bacon with that plastic fork. Those harvard and princeton alarms, hes always crumbling for attention always scrambling scrambling for relevance. This is a guy who was supposed to be the sitting sinister, he faints at range and the pretends to be a tough guy. And of course his tough talk and bravado was no match for donald trump who as you will recall, humiliated having called his wife ugly and implied his wife or his dad rather killed jfk. And then what does ted cruz do after all of that, he ends up campaigning for donald trump

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