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Shooter in. Main police say the suspect is Armed And Dangerous and a shelter in place order has been issued for the town of lewiston as well as four androscoggin county, that is in maine. Police have identified 40 year old robert card as a Person Of Interest. Officials released this photo of card, who they believe as a military background, potentially 20 years of experience in the military, also potentially a history of mental illness. Theyve also released these pictures of the Person Of Interest during the shooting. The shooter reportedly opened fire at a Bowling Alley and a bar and grill in lewiston, it happened just before seven pm eastern time. Police sources say 15 to 20 people have been killed. And heres some of what we heard at a news Briefing Held by maine officials a little earlier. Police are currently searching for a robert are card for, for, 1983 of bowdoin. The card is considered Armed And Dangerous. Hes a Person Of Interest however. And thats what we will label him as as we move forward. Intellectuals. If people see him, they should not approach card or make contact with him in any way. The shelter in place order that currently stands in lewiston remains. A vehicle that was a vehicle of interest in this incident was located in lisbon and we are now also asking residents in lisbon to shelter in place. So please share that information with communities as well. Officials also say at least 50 people were injured in the shooting and in the rush to escape the gunfire. President biden has been briefed on the shooting and spoke to the governor of maine by phone a little earlier tonight. Lets go right now to nbcs emma barnett who has the latest there from lewiston, maine. Shes been on scene for a few hours now. What are you hearing from anyone there on the ground right now. I know you try to make contact with police officials. Where the able to tell you anything, emma . Alex, i have not heard anything for the police officials. And i just want to step back for a second and set the scene. I got here about two, three hours ago, drove here in the middle of the night through the dark. Im standing right behind, or in front of the Bowling Alley where that was the first location that the shooter went to. And just about ten minutes ago, i met maher over here, and more lives about four miles away from where from lewiston mar, i just want to ask how are you doing, whats going through your head right now . I dont even know. Im honestly in shock. This is devastating. Can you tell me a little bit about how you found out about whats happening . I actually am a little cold and i lay down around 3 30 nfl asleep and it woke up around midnight, 12 30. And i actually checked my phone on youtube, because i have a youtube channel, and i saw that great hughes had 20 people dead in lewiston with an active shooter, maine. And i was like, what . I got the alert on my, phone locked in the place and i saw that and then i called my friend clay and said i want to go down there and see whats going on. Because i have a lot of family, i have a lot of friends in this area. My mom goes to the doctor right there, we go to the subway all the time after the doctors. Can you tell me a little bit about this community and this town . Everybody knows everybody its a peaceful community, like the worst thing you are afraid of happening is jaywalking. Its main, it doesnt happen here. Are you loved ones safe right now . I hope so. I went by my moms, and i locked her in, made sure the doors were locked and everything, and i picked up klay and i came down i called my pop in norway, maine, i said theres an active shooter, he didnt even know. Did you get your alert on your phone about the active shooter . Can you tell me what it said . I can read it to you, i just saw that there is an active shooter in lewiston, maine, its a lock in place you are also mentioning on google maps you saw something in google maps what has been in the address to come here, just to see a back wave coming around and not getting stuck in the jams, it actually has an icon on google maps this is active shooter in the area. Have you ever been to that pulling out . Yes. You want to the bar . Schemengees, yes. What does it mean that a place that is notoriously so safe is shot up . I am my lone this does not happen here. It doesnt happen here . Its a safe community. And i want to start locking my doors at night. Ive never lock my door at night, i leave the wide open. Now, im going to get scary. Have you been talking to your friends or family . What has the sentiment on the ground in shock. I dont think anyone has digested it yet. I think everyone is still, whoa, not even going to digest yet, whats going on, this is crazy. We dont see that here. How are you doing . I feel sad getting ready to cry, i think. I feel sad. I want to know who, when, where, why, why would he do this, why in lewiston, maine . And what happened at the Bowling Alley or schemengees that would cause someone to come back and opened fire like that . I know its a really small town did you know of this shooter . Have you ever seens face before . Ive never seens face before, looking at him, i dont know who he is. You dont know . But i could not imagine how scared those people of Bowling Alley would be, coming in like that. I cannot imagine. Thank you so much for speaking. Be safe. Its a difficult time. Im sending my heart to you, truly emma, before mar leaves, and you ask her a question for, me and that, is she said she drove from four miles away. What were the roads like . Did she pass a lot of police . Did anyone try to stop her and say, oh, we want you to shelter in place. We have one more question for you, theres a shelter in place happening right now. When you are driving from your house about four miles away . Did anyone stop you . Did anyone trying to question you while you are driving . No, because i know how to come in through the back roads. Can you describe the scene was like on the way here . No cars. I think when i passed, from the Four Mile Run down for coming into your, i think we passed two cars. Thats when we came down this road, saw all of you guys. Emma, can i ask another question i passed to cars the whole way, four miles, two cars. As alex, we have another question for you. And that is can she describe the Bowling Alley that she said she is patronized, where this whole incident went down . Is it a big Bowling Alley . Is there a bar area there . I mean, just curious what it looks like inside, how big of a place it is. Mar, i know youve been to this Bowling Alley before. Can you describe what the inside of this Bowling Alley is like . Is it big . Is there a bar . Its pretty big. Its not a fubar, its got the pins to the right, a kid to hang out, basically. Would you say its normally kids that go to this Bowling Alley . I think so. They have bowling leagues, on those nights, they have adult, but mostly teenagers, kids hanging out. Is there a bar . Is there a restaurant . There is like a food stand, counter. And what about the bar . I dont know, its been a couple years since ive been there. And what are some of your thoughts everyone knows everyone by name. When you come into town, you know people. If you see someone you dont know, its like, oh, whos that. You know everybody. Alex, i just want to check of this anything else you want me to ask while i have no, just please mar thank you for your insights and please tell or to get home safely. Thank you very much. And we share her concern about all of our Community Friends there. All of o we share you concernt the community and im so sorry that this happened in a place thats so was be safe for you. You too, thank you. So, alex, you just heard that. Its just a depiction of the kind of shock that this town is experiencing and i have no doubt that when the sun rises in just a couple hours from now that feeling that we can sense from mar that is palpable is gonna be present in everyone that lives in or near this community all right, emma barnett, and i just want to tell you, for someone whos never reported on Breaking News, youve done a darn good job and appreciate you also passing along so eloquently, so i appreciate you, and you be safe as youre covering the story as well. Meantime joining me right now, mary ellen otoole, retired fbi agent and criminal profiler, i know a Program Director for the Forensic Science program at george mason university. Welcome to, you mary ellen, thank you for being here. So were learning a little bit more about the Person Of Interest, robert card. Im curious the level of danger you believe that he poses right now at this hour. Well, hes at the maximum level, we know in fact that hes heavily armed, hes trained in the use of that Lethal Weapon and hes just at the extreme and of being dangerous. And of being dangerous when you look at the photo and im gonna have our direct to put that back up to the left hes holding this weapon his face is uncovered, he is wearing no body armor. No camouflage gear, no flag jacket. No any kind of protective vest. What does it tell you about his potential State Of Mind . Must this have been eight action of four thought, could this been something that he gets up and go through . I dont believe this is a spontaneous, or impulsive act. I we know in prior cases, i go all the way back to the days of Charles Whitman in 1966 i, did some work on that case these are well thought out crimes. Violence always begins in the brain, what do i mean by that . I mean there is planning and thoughtfulness that went into it, we still dont know why he chose those locations but there is a reason for it. I think the reason that he is not covered up, is also concerning its a really suggests that he doesnt care if people see him that could go also to a State Of Mind, and what happens later. It may indicate that as we know other cases Suicidal Ideation we have so many of these Mass Shootings so there may be thinking on his part this is the end of it theyre gonna know and i dont care that they know this is suicide by cop that is the phrase we hear . It could be it could be suicide by cop echoed by suicide, he killed himself. We have to consider that. I know they are considering that. They are being saved thinking about, what if this is one more place of attack . What if hes hiding out. That is always a possibility. I know in the hundreds of cases that we have seen in the last 20 plus years, suicide is an underlying motivations. That has to be considered here as well. Mary ellens, when it comes to someone with Mental Health issues. Anybody who commit a crime like this is going to have some level of Mental Health issues but in this case for mr. Card it isnt reported that he spent about two weeks this summer, in a Mental Health facility. Also recently he was complaining about, having voices in his head and also threatened to shoot up the military Training Base in cisco maine, it is a National Guard Training Base. This is someone who has fire arm training, he was an instructor. Theres a reports that hes part of the military for 20 years. Putting all of that together, does it tell you anything about a motive . It is really concerning that we have someone that does have more than just one contact with Mental Health, to the point where he was. In a psychiatric facility apparently for about two weeks we dont know if he placed himself there or if that was an involuntary commitment. We do not know why. We dont know if there was ideation that he voiced to Family Members or two fronts, this is what i am going to do. That is really very concerning. That that is in his history. Once this case gets resolved, theres certainly going to take a look at that. Having said that though, people can have Mental Health issues, however, it does not mean that the reason that they committed a crime like this is because they are mentally ill. It needs to be said is that most people, with Mental Health issues, are less violent than you and me. People that have Mental Health issues can make very cogent, very thoughtful decisions about acting out violently. We tend to get either or thinking about these cases. We have to be careful not to do that. Exploration of his Mental Health history is going to be extremely important. If he was having these ideas weeks and months ago, and they were not addressed, or they were not successfully addressed. That is a concern. When you hear someone say they are Hearing Voices in their head, does that also amplify your concern . Ive heard that a lot in other cases. Heres the issue. The issue is, self reported information especially in the psyche at a trick construct, is some of the most unreliable information. Heres what i mean by that, if you are approached by a police officer, social worker, or psychiatrist. They may city, are you thinking of hurting . Someone you maybe. But you may say no oh no officer im not at all. Or you may say on the other hand, oh yes i am thinking about all these things. Because you want to get something out of saying it that way, Self Reporting information in cases, where you are trying to evaluate danger to self for others, is extremely unreliable. The person can tell you anything that they want to tell you. And you have no way to verify it. , all that in this context is a question, it will have to be reviewed and looked at. If that was genuine, that there are voices. And he was hearing them and not medicated. That would be the very concerning. You are clearly looking at this from abroad analytical protests. Given your experience as a former senior profile for the fbi. Give me a sense of what you would be focusing on right now for next steps for Law Enforcement . Where might this go, in what direction . One of the things that they are looking at, and im sure because its a multi jurisdictional trust forks. With loss of experiences. They have to have parallel tracks of investigation, they have to look at is this a law before another storm, is he contemplating other kinds of Mass Shootings. One of the ways they are discerning that. That we go through his home, his apartment, looking at his writings and his computers. To see if hes recorded anything. To suggest that. The other thing that they are doing, they are going back and they are talking to Family Members, people that know him. To try to find out if he were to commit suicide, where would be a likely place to go and do it . They have to consider both options. Not one after, not sequentially but simultaneously. That is what they are doing they are going to people who know him and care about him, his writings his journeys what he puts in his computers. All of that is gonna help them decide where do we go next, this next places are not equally as important. They have to know, at the places that he talked about going to, if he were going to carrying out a Mass Shooting. They have to look at those places first. If it were me, and if i were still an agent. I would say if you love quarter to cooper to hurt them so, where is the place they love a care about they have been to in the class . Where would that be . I would look at those. Place thank you for your time with us particulate this early hour plus 3 00 in the morning thank you marianne. Coming up next, were gonna hear from local reporters been talking to people impacted by the shooting, he is at the Reunification Center. That conversation next. That conversation next hi, my names steve. I lost 138 pounds on golo and i kept it off. Golos changed my life in so many ways. Before, i was over 300 pounds. Now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go Out In The Sun where i would have never done that before. Try golo. It works. 21 past the hour, return to our Breaking News. A desperate search nearing its eight hour now in maine, after a Mass Shooting killed at least 15 people, and injured dozens more. Police are looking for a Person Of Interest named robert card. He remains on the loose at this hour the Shooti Uolded in the city of lewistown at a Bowling Alley and move to a bar cards vehicle was found nearby lisbon falls that is where report from our at nbc station in maine describes the scene. Im at the top of the driveway from the high school, weve been at the campus throughout the evening. Honestly this driveway here, we saw three tactical vehicles down thes driveway, we have yet to see them come out. In ways this area of weve been posted up here on, the junction and one 96. Its quieter but still active. The only reason i say that because also sam if, you dont mind swinging around the gusty shun over here weve shown you over here had several vehicles in, unlike police cars. Police cars are now still some, this whole entire parking lot was full. There was a moment in time, where all of a sudden all of them pulled out and were zooming, going very fast and the opposite direction. Weve had some lee, and then tactical vehicles come, still no clear answer as the search continues i will say this out the chopper still present, its not here at the second. It has been the loudest we have heard it, that is probably because its been kind of covering right over Lisbon High School there have been reports that released on social media, showing a track of the chopper. The flight platt at that shop or. Its done several loops all along and are still, the river right behind lewiston. Lisbon high school excuse me. Where that flight track its been lots of loops around. Heavy focus in this area. Once again, we do not know anything we know the search is continuing here. We know the empty car was found in lisbon false. And that we attempted to go down to the boat launch, earlier this evening on Frostville Avenue it was blocked off at that time. There is still obviously a Police Presence here all the cars that left, theyve not come back a lot of questions still out there, kind of in this period at least in the scene. Things are uncertain, we know stuff is happening. But you dont really know the answers. Salmon are constantly looking over our shoulders, getting back into her vehicle in away from the fray when we can. There is a shelter in place here in lisbon falls. We are supposed to be away from danger and safety, Law Enforcement has a really nice job making sure we are informed of areas that we can and cannot be. Letting them do their job letting us do our jobs. Trying to keep everyone informed of what its like here in lisbon fall. Doing the job as well as could be expected as other concern. Joining us now from the u reunification, Michael Shepard reported from bangor daily. Michael welcome lets talk about the Reunification Center, i imagine its quiet now. But talk about what went down earlier, the emotions express. The numbers of people, that gathered. What they were being told by officials . We spoke to the mayor as the group or retort ors earlier, two or three hours ago now. He said it was mostly a happy place. Mostly placed to come get good news. However, there are also people who walked in there and found out their loved ones were not coming back. At that time he had said 45 to 50 people have been through the Reunification Center again that is all good news. Those are witnesses who have been processed and gotten out of the scene. There were we talked to a woman just before i left that scene, who was looking for a loved one had talked to police talk to hospitals, and had no good answer subs where even her her loved one was. It was it was a tense scene. It was everything you would come to expect in a situation like this. That sounds absolutely horrifying to not have any information being given. Let me ask you about the information readily of type two, identify the individuals who died in the attack. Have loved ones been informed the best of your knowledge . I think there are some local who have been informed. Ive seen some folks on social media raising the names of loved ones who they think where there. That information is really just beginning to trickle out i feel, both families its going to be a long process here before we find out not only the number of total casualties here but the names of of the people involved. Do you have a sense of the nature the types of injuries that have been sustained. Weve heard reports of 50 to 60 appoints. We understand son may be gunshot, there is also people that are injured in a rush to get out of the area. And seek shelter . What do you know about the nature of the injuries . The nature of the injuries, its unclear at this point. We see the pictures, this guy walked into a crowded Bowling Alley. The sheriff told me that seven people were dead there, the bar scene was a lot more complicated. There could have been according to the sheriff, people who are running from the scene and may have been gunned. You are talking about injuries in the bar, and potentially outside the bar as well. This is all really tentative information. The police have not confirmed those numbers of those stories yet we are really at the beginning here when it comes to unraveling this and figuring out what happened, and the nature of those injuries. The fact that your police source, said that seven were killed at the Bowling Alley. We had heard reports that there was a youth night on their way. I dont know if that is typical. If that bowling on chance to have seemed nights like that. Was there any description about those that had been killed at the bowling on . Ive seen i cant confirm it, ive looked at the Bowling Alleys online schedule. It doesnt indicate that. Im not saying one way or another whether that is true or not. We havent heard anything about the fact that there was a disproportionate number of children involved here or or not. Its really just too early to speculate this Bowling Alley, were taking photos to the left of our screen here the shooter walking in holding this arstyle weapon. I cannot really tell, how one gets into that Bowling Alley. Is it through a building . Is it open to the street . Its hard to tell how the back of the interest goes . Are you familiar with the Bowling Alley . Ive never been to this Bowling Alley. I live about 40 minutes away. I know the city well, but i have not been to this bowling ali or barr involved. Im familiar with Bowling Alleys that look like this, i think what you see is there is an entryway behind him, and the picture he is walking through essentially through the door. Bowling alleys, are very open right . You have all the space you have those lean, lots of open space. Its not as if people wouldve had a lot of areas, walls around which to hide or cower, or try to escape. Target rich environment, its pretty heartbreaking to think about. Michael let me ask you about what folks are telling you about their concerns this person on our screen, 40 year old robert card is still on the loose. What kind of precautions are people taking . The city is well deserted, it was deserted when i came around 8 00 from the north, really it was chaotic on the highway way down. I live in the capital of augusta was 40 minutes more severe. I was getting buzzed by cop cars, once i was in the city they were going in every direction. Nowhere in particular, people were stationed throughout the city right now. I came down on the the other side of the river, back down to lisbon. There were on the other side of the river, opposite loosen. There were police very slowly driving, to go down the long road that goes along the river. The people are heeding this stayathome order from what i can see. The police are trying to search this perimeter, as best they can. Can you tell me about lewiston . What that town is like . I love lewiston. Its one of those, its history is that of a a middle town. It is struggled over the years, a lot of it unfairly with a bad reputation, over the past 20 years it seemed a wave of immigrants from africa, theres a Sense Of Community here. It has political divisions, its a sweating city. Its got a democratic mayor, but the city council is narrowly controlled by republicans. Its a city that we all watch, i cover politics, it is the city we all watch. Its basically the main battleground, in the heart of the state of me. Its got a huge franco american population. If you can boil it down to its essence, i think you would get lewiston, it is a safe state. A state that is controlled by democrats, but has a hunting culture. Its a gun friendly state. The laws are lax. If you love me, you love lewiston. Lewiston is one of my Favorite Places in the state. Well that is sad to. Here you used appropriately the word battleground for that city, there are people that are battling for their lives right now no doubt in those local hospitals. Michael shepard reporter with bangor daily. Thank you for your insist. Best of luck as you continue covering the story. Meantime at this hour, we are following a story without too familiar tragic themes. More sinister air. A suspect still on the list, coming up next i will talk with someone who knows this all too well. Someone with a singular perspective. Ive. I recommend sensodyne. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. And my patients say you know doc, it really works. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Blendjets halloween sale is back from the dead. Take advantage of spine chilling savings. 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I also want to just pivot back to, the civilian perspective we have from someone named jeremy his friend son was shot he, is absolutely horrible i want to take you listen. I heard about my friend friends on, from one of my other france. He is here right now at the hospital, he was shot tonight. We are hoping and praying that everybody is okay, in that he is okay. I saw a herd he was shot one time, i heard he was doing okay. A lot of families tonight hoping and praying that their loved ones are also okay. Their sentiment is being shared across the country, is many people watching what went down with her empathy of what those suffering. Tonight we will speak with you tonight. For more on the Breaking News on the Mass Shooting in loosened mean i spoke a bit earlier with chris brown, president of brady. Chris is unfortunate to talk under these circumstances all too often. I would love your initial reaction to this latest Mass Shooting in this country. That is terrific, im in San Diego California right now. I was with a lot of folks who care passionately about this issues, the news came out of this Mass Shooting in maine. And like so many other examples of this, who are of the reality of this. A lot of questions that you are asking right now alex, how did the shooter get the gun . What about an Extremist Protection Law that couldve seemingly made a difference here . Analysis quickly of mean law i would say, is really lacking in a number really important measures, but other states have adopted. And maybe couldve made a difference here. Agony from my side, that we dont have standards across this country to make it harder for people, to access guns who shouldnt have them. And more connections for Family Members, and Law Enforcement to remove firearms from individuals who are clearly at risk, of harms to themselves or others. Very frustrated that neither have had that capability under law to do that under law or should. It was reported this that there were people in his neighborhood, who really tried to get him some Mental Health access and were not able to do so. I think that mean is also a state that does have a number of private firearms in homes. It is a Hunting State and the like. Does that give you or should that give people a false sense of security . Im curious about people who buy guns for a sense of self protection and the like, how often do you find things go awry when that is the intended purpose for having a gun in your home . We have about 40,000 gun deaths every year we have more than 450 million guns we have more guns than people across the country if you look about the kinds of gun deaths that are, happening in that 40,000 the vast majority of them are from guns in the home they are not safely stored. Eight kids today are killed or injured with guns in the home not safely stormed 65 of our contents are suicide, and that largely is triggered with unsecured easy access to guns and. Home 75 of School Shooters get their guns on the home we dont know the details on there right now, it is absolutely critical that every Single Person that chooses to have a firearm in their home, and their family finally, in this kind of carnage by ensuring that those guns are safely stored that means unloaded locked almost separate. The fact that there are reports this Person Of Interest he was trained by the military if that indeed is the case what are your concerns considering that he is still at large grave concerns obviously. It is imperative, im hearing from so many people in and around maine you reported about this in complete lockdown. Its terrifying enough to know that this is happening in your community, but then to know that this individual is at large whos been trained in the military is obviously very terrifying the impact of this is not just on the immediate community, but folks nearby who are also extremely fearful, and we dont have to live this way. There are laws there regulations, there are things that other states have adopted, that i would hope people look at in maine, because they could make a difference in saving lives. I think that is our bottom line message. Absolutely. Chris i thank you for joining us from san diego, where i know you are always trying to get your message out to those people with whom youve been a cctv. Eric cumin for joining us. Have to be successful the pressure on mom forsman as they search for a Person Of Interest in means deadly Mass Shooting. G. Or where you get to reinvent the automobile. All with easy access to this. This, this, and this. This is michigan. This is where big careers shape the future. Your future. Want to start living your best life . You can in michigan. 49 past the hour, with this Breaking News Police Sources say 15 to 20 people are dead after a Mass Shooting in lewiston maine, a manhunt is right now under hunt. People say the suspect is Armed And Dangerous, a shelter in place order, in lewiston county in maine. Witnesses are describing the scene. I wen inside and i was bubbling out of nowhere he came in and i heard a loud pop ahead my back turned to the door as soon as i turned i saw that he was holding a wet and thin and i just booked it down the lane, and they slip into where the pins inclined up the machine in those onto the machines for about ten minutes before the cops got there. Thats an extraordinary tale. Going into the end of the Bowling Alley into where the pins are, and then climbing out through the machine to escape. Joining me right now rob damico, founding of former member of the hostage ref you team when you hear that that man booking it to try to get away. It shows that initial sense of terror he said his back was to the. Door he saw this man come in and he saw a gun and he took off that is what it takes institution reaction to have awareness and know youve got to get out of there in a situation like this. For some though they werent as lucky. Its when you are in los forsman you have the tendency to be, on the collar scare under of yellow. You look for things like i can never go into a bank on a friday without thinking its going to be robbed. Any reactives. Its getting to the point where kids now, are getting to that point where they are in a heightened sense. If you are a Bowling Alley in your having fun youre just not paying attention. This happens when the first shot rings out obviously. Probably inside youre gonna know what it is its gonna be so distinctive. But when they see it when you talk to witnesses they start laying out what they saw, and how they reacted. It saved his life probably and and some werent lucky. You can never ive never got to a point where understood who survive and who doesnt on things and ive just given up because after seeing so many good people die and other people a i really think society is changing to the point where these are more expected which is sad. Its getting that way i think more people Pay Attention like i do being in Law Enforcement than ever before. Weve had you on throughout this coverage you mentioned giving your experience of a four member of of fbi Hostage Rescue teams you had experience with the Eric Rudolph Case let me quickly remind your viewers, eric rudolph became known as the olympic park bombing. Around inland took Summer Olympics games in 1996, thats my recollection for a couple of years he carried out bombings, nefarious acts in the southeastern part of the United States but he was not caught, for a long time, it was in the early 2000s he was actually caught . I it was a couple years he was caught in a dumpster behind as door looking for food the parallels, with this he had some military training, he was a survivalist he was good with weapons everyone kind of put it into he was this a first almost like a rambo figure out there i dont think he was that good. But they draw the same. Paralyze this guy but he had military training. Even if you have a little, you have enough to put you above a lot of people. He is good with firearms, hes a firearms instructor. He knows how to use them. He knows how to fix the gym. Theres a lot of Mass Shootings, the weapons will jam and the people arent that proficient at clearing a jam, they probably was. He couldve had a jump in there and cleared it i think i saw one of his magazines might have been a double magazine, he knew how to change bags during a time. I know mass shooters theyve gotten tackled when theyre changing magazines. Good point there, let me ask you to look at the photo that were showing of this man robert card. When you see the way hes holding his gun, to see look like someone who is doing knows what hes doing . Hes coming into a place where he has various intentions, it looks like he is ready to go . Right at the start . I got sent this picture median, hour two after when it first came out, it hit my phone and the first thing i thought of, oh. The casualties are going to be hot. Two reasons, his demeanor coming in, is someone who is comfortable around weapons. You can tell when someone has that ability is worked with him. Another thing its, a rifle. Rifles are easier to shoot, they are more deadly. A lot more deadly than a pistol. Anytime i see numbers this high, im really going to a rifle, because the destruction of one round. Is a lot greater than a pistol. Theres a whole bunch of ballistics in it. And with police officers, also their vests dont protect against this round. They have to have what we call pleats in there to protect against rifle round. This is not automatic weapon for sure. Thank you so much rob damico for your help in this. Were Gonna Have Moran and as, be Breaking News state officials are holding a News Conference at 10 30 we, will have new information for you at the top of the hour. Top of the hour. Attention hearing loss sufferers do you struggle to hear loved ones . Do you have trouble keeping up with conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss makes you miss out on important moments. You feel alone. Start hearing better today, with rcas all new micro hearing aids. The fda now allows us to bring true, highquality hearing aids direct to you through rcas hearing america program, you can get state of the art, Ultra Discrete Hearing Aids listed at over a thousand dollars, for a special, Introductory Price of just 299. 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I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. Welcome every everyone at the top of the hour. Im alex witt here as were continuing our live Breaking News coverage. It is an extraordinary story. Were reporting the very latest for you at this hour. A manhunt is under way right now for

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