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Thank you very much for letting us into your homes during these extra ordinary times. Hi, nicole, do you have Plans Tomorrow . With you. Plans with america. I will see you then and rachel. Thank you. Welcome to the beat, with this being Debate Week we will show you how Kamala Harris looks on this important night. Striking a note there arriving in philadelphia. Her team has been talking up trumps tricks and his certain skills on the Debate Stage while tearing down his pension for lies and the babble. She was also seen walking with the second gentleman and asked about the big night tomorrow. Are you ready Madam Vice President . Ready there you have it. Harris did her first national News Interview as the nominee. She is doing other media and just discussed the debate with Radio Personality with ricky smiley. Truth versus lies. He plays from this really old and tired playbook, right. Where he, there is no floor for him in terms of how low he will go and we should be prepared for that. We should be prepared for the fact that he is not burdened by telling the truth and we should be prepared for the fact that he is probably going to speak a lot of untruth. A lot of untruth. A point that may sound obvious to news viewers, trump lies more than any other politician in both parties, not a republican versus democrat, it is a trump versus everybody thing. The reason Debates Matter is they reach tons of people who rarely follow politics and news. So, yes, i am talking to you through the news, nicole and i were talking to you, rachel has coverage tomorrow, it is all of the news, the reason campaigns care so much about there is how it goes beyond the normal people involved in the news and civic life if you want to call it that. Well beyond us. Summer debate . With biden, it reached over 51 Million people live. The 2020 Trump Debate reached a whopping 73 Million people. That is orders of magnitude, six times the normal News Consumption Audience any given night. Those people will hear from Harris And Trump Tomorrow Night. High six. It may not be obvious to people who are not regular political consumers just how much trump lies. Take one example. The Maga Abortion Crack down that so many people are living through, is widely opposed around the nation. It is unpopular, including in conservative states. At the last debate, trump went out claiming how it was actually really popular. And, some people could be tricked or confused by that especially if they dont have personal experience in that. That is just an example of something he does where the Candidate Responding has to decide how much do you Fact Check that with your answer and rebut that and reframe it and make sure people understand it is not a red blue thing, kansas, florida has a plan to maybe overthrow some of it, legally. But that is why so many candidates, including republicans, have found trump is hard to debate. Harris for her part has shown an assertive style including on these kind of issues and truth and lies when she was in debates running against the Trump Pence Ticket last cycle. Donald trump on the other hand has been about covering up everything. We are about freedom and respecting the freedom of the american people. Lets talk about respecting the american people. You respect the american people when you tell them the truth. I think it is supposed to be a debate based on fact and truth. Donald trump doesnt understand that because he doesnt understand what it means to be honest. Honesty, facts, truth. Truth not only as a democratic value if you want to be high minded that we can debate the size of the government, the size of immigration flows, or how much money we should spend on this or that but we would have to be telling the truth. What is the point of debating if the numbers are made up. That is sort of the active kind of obvious reason why you have truth if you are debating something. But she went further there, we may see that as a preview of what she does Tomorrow Night. Trying to make sure the public understands that if the other side, she argues it, trump and pence, lie about everything they dont respect you. It is a front. Trying to put what we might call a larger Organizing Structure around it. So it is not just politicians snapping at Each Other about each claim or lie but a larger point. And to land that she has to find ways to prove it. So that people with their own eyes and ears in they are not super political and have questions about her or even if they have not decided who they are voting for start to get the sense of where this hour plus, one person might be lying more, and that person does not respect you as she put it, how are you going to give them power if you can not believe what they say . Now, Donald Trump has done six general election debates, harris has done one with pence, i just showed you. She is trying to prep up and catch up in a way. Reporting shows they have a mock stage, a Trump Stand in unleashing the kind of harsh attacks and offensive comment that can throw a seasoned politician off like practicing anything else. Trump is practicing how to respond to his attacks on his character the post reports. Now, usually campaigns slow down a little bit right now in this week. The Harris Campaign started later than ever because of the shift that we all know about. And because it a tight Race Harris is pushing all kinds of themes new this week and prepping for the debate. They got that Dick Cheney Endorsement last week and,they are using their Cash Edge to run the new ads, i will show you briefly. About Donald Trump and how he can not keep the confidence of his own aides who have seen him up close and private. I can tell you they are running on Fox News which trump officials criticizing trump, and they also, we know, are airing this locally in the mar alago media market. So, that Donald Trump himself might catch it live. Anyone who puts themselves over the constitution should never be the president of the united states. His defense secretary. Do you think trump can be trusted with the nations secrets ever again . No. His national security advisory. Donald trump will cause a lot of damage. Take it from the people who knew him best, Donald Trump is a danger to our troops and our democracy. Pretty striking. That comes, again, after Dick Cheney himself endorsed harris. I want to be clear. What you are seeing here in the politics of national security and these republicans is extraordinary. In the traditional sense of the world extraordinary. Not ordinary, unusual, striking. Because we live through these times i talked to you about this before where a lot of extraordinary and unusual things happen. You can say it cant all be unusual, right . But this Cheney Swing of both Family Members was unknowledgeable unimaginable eight years ago when he was endorsing trump. Lifelong republicans, hawks, saying we have seen Donald Trump, our Number One issue is national security, and you can not give him power again. It would be dangerous to this country. That is the Mood Music going into this big debate. Donald trumps response is important because sometimes you see him adjust. I told you, this character of him is a angry Idiot End Quote it is not only unfair it is not true. Sometimes he has a keen sense of things like i told you, he has been changing his position or claiming he has different positions on abortion because he sees his position is unpop ar, running from project 2025 and sees it is toxic and states the matter. On his national security Issues Trump is not adjusting, not tacking to the senator, to the center, and he is not responding to the substance of those serious people including Dick Cheney that i just showed you. What trump was doing over the weekend, and there is a reason we are showing you this. We dont just show you things and show you lies around here but it is important to Fact Check and show you. Trump is vowing what sounds like violent or illegal order policies. Before i slow you what he says i will put this law as you see it. I will leave it on the screen for a moment. U. S. Law enforcement are not supposed to escalate encounters let alone aim for bloody border patrol. Indeed, under law, using Deadly Force is illegal unless an officer faces an individually grave measurable risk of harm. Those rules bind all u. S. Law enforcement including border patrol. That brings me to it should be known so you can understand what we get from Trump Tomorrow Night might not be this extreme. He might run away from this. To his base with that programming he is campaigning on what he says he will do. He will order officials to go passed what i just showed you what the law is, that he will do quote bloody border enforcement, he will have people killed immediately for returning to the u. S. Border. Getting them out will be a bloody story. Should never have been allowed to come into our country f. You come back you will be executed. You will be killed immediately. Not going to be easy. But we will do it. That is what he is running on in public. Even as he might run away from it because he has some political and pr instincts Tomorrow Night. Fact check. What you just heard him say, the former president , current republican nominee is requesting an illegal order. So, those are the kind of order that if issued are still immediately illegal. There is no immediate Kill Policy allowed. U. S. Officials take an oath to the constitution. Not to any president even Donald Trump and whatever he thinks he can order even if he is reelected. U. S. Officials would have an obligation to resist that kind of unlawful order. Groups might sue to prevent anyone from doing immediate executions on the border. And this is not just me as a lawyer turned News Anchor Reminding of you of some technicalities, we have precedents, judges swiftly halted trumps Immigration Bans because they were found to be likely unlawful. They were Halting Penaltiing further Court Review even throw he said do it, everyone who follows the constitution, people in law enforcement, dhs, said no. By the way, that Travel Ban did not involve something as extreme as people being quote killed immediately unquote. It was still halted. At the same rally i wanted you to know he made the claim quote this might be our last election and over the weekend he posted lies about the election and played a vow to jail lawyers, operatives, donors, quote, illegal voters, basically who cross him. Officials say rhetoric could provoke violence. A careful sentence but an understatement. Not just a risk of what could happen that may or may not happen. It is a logical Outcome And Intent of the same person who fanned the flames of the last insurrection with the big Lie That led to the violent storms of the capital, attempted coup. There is a real link from trumps lies to the damage that harris aims to address in realtime when it goes down Tomorrow Night. While she also has to do the balance of advocating her vision, not getting completely buried in responding to trump. Which is the Debate Balance i mentioned earlier in this break down. And that is, again, not a blue or red thing, not a democrat or republican thing. If you are old enough to remember the early republican debates that balance, how much do you respond to him without looking like all of your time in the debate is about him, which in a weird way makes him larger even if it criticizes him. The balance is confounded republicans who thought they could stop him when he appeared and dismissed his types of lies and Bluster And Performance as a thrash in the pan, back in the day. Remember, if you are getting ready for Tomorrow Night going trump is going to blow it. Democrats also had to witness how trump managed to strike a less plod that worked strategically to biden there is true in the courtroom or the debate. It is a mark of skill if you are already winning to know when to drop back or calm down because you dont need to say more. The other side is helping you win. Harristeam knows all of this. Best we can tell. They also know one reason they are currently doing better in the state polls that matter than the same democratic ticket seem to be doing a few months ago when she was the runningmate and not the nominee. Right now, i am going to do what i do around here. Tell you something that you already know. The Harris Campaign sees that democrats and her side are more excited than they were a few months ago because they have something affirmative. Her energy, positivity, the idea of turning the page with a new leader for the country. And that is different than just warning about the very real dangers of more trumpism that i just slowed you with facts that is sought there this weekend and can not be ignored, either. A tough balance, maybe too tough for me. Maybe too tough for some of the People Trump has vanquished . Is it too tough for harris . 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An allinone cleaning tool, with a 360degree Swivel Head that goes places a regular mop just cant. Mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. It is going to be good. We are going to be good, we are gonna be fine. We are all in this together. Yes, we are. We are going to be fine. Yes, we are. We are. Thank you very much. Harris sharing a moment on the Campaign Trail we are joined as promised by michael and christina. Christina i will jump right into it on Debate Eve a lot going on. I mentioned both the real threats and vows of trump including spotlighting some of that against the law here over the weekend. But, the balance, it might be harder than it looks that harris has to face tomorrow, your thoughts . Absolutely. People tune into the debates not to change their mind but to see how their candidate performs and behave but it difficult for harris because we know that Donald Trump is just perfected lie machine. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a falsehood or a downright lie. We know that i believe he, you know, he will be muted so if that is the case it will be a similar case where she can possibly hear him speaking and we dont hear him speaking saying who knows what. And it will be just opportunity for her to try to present herself as strong, President Ial, ready to lead the country and also trying to Fact Check simultaneously just some of the more egregious things that he has said and the more things he has done and promise to do and that is a complicated endeavor for harris, he is a show man, has no shame, has outright lies with a straight face. I think she is right about that. I would put a small addendum. They watch to see if there will be a train wreck. And, so, this is as much entertainment for voters as it is the substance of policy. You know, keep in mind this is not a traditional debate, you know. You have reporters asking a question. Someone may respond or not or move on to another question. There is no real debate. So, the framing becomes very important for each candidate. How they debate the other person. And in her case i think she will have a chance to do that in the sense that, to the points made, yeah, he is going to say some bad you know what crazy stuff and she can look at him and go, mr. , that is a lie and very quickly state why it is a lie so she does the Fact Check and then pivot into why her leadership as president will matter. Part of that is doing two things, one, showing the guy that is standing next to you is a clown. And not prepare to be with the united states. And two, establishing a trust for the voters that you are. And that is a big part of the test for her Tomorrow Night. No matter where people place the bar for her they have to come away trusting her to be president. So let me play something for you michael. You know about all of these negotiations having run the rnc and the primary debates in the classic whats love. Fat joe had the three words that many remember from that. Mic is on. Right . That means a lot if you know how to rock a mic. And mic is off in these breaks and it is so fascinating that what they thought would help biden, again, some of it is game manship, biden have them muted now they wanted them unmuted because they think harris can handle him and know how well she did it last time. I will slow you the type of exchange that is far less likely from our understanding of the rules. Harris handled pence just fine with as Fat Joe would say, Mic Is On, take a look. Thanks to bob we learned that they knew about it and when it was exposed the Vice President said when asks, why didnt yall tell anybody. He said because the president wanted people to remain calm. But susan this is important and i want to mr. Vice president im speaking. I have to weigh in. I am speaking. Yeah, look, that was one of those moments. But, the reality is she is not going to be able to recreate that moment. Donald trump is not mike pence. And so that is Number One. Number 2, sitting there running for Vice President , not running for president. Very different way people look at that exchange. And so if this is something that i wanted to point out in the piece that i did for msnbc daily about the Expectation Game and the test for her is yes, she is going to have to stress, hope they are Stress Testing now the narrative around her being a prosecutor because she needs to be president. She has to show people she is more President Ial than prosecutor. And so, she does not need to take everything that is coming her way from Donald Trump if the Mic Is On or off. What she needs to do is whatever situation she is in, she needs to own that moment. That is the only moment she will have because there will be another moment after that in which it will be very different from the one before. I think she is well suited to do that. Donald trump is going to be prepared for that moment. He thinks he is going to get a little bit of a replay of that. Mr. President, im speaking when he interrupts her but the mics are off. No need for her to do it. You mentioned change. I want to bring in christina on that. It has become a Folk Message on the right, the farther right you go the more blunt attack. Hair sis somehow unqualified or inexperienced. People will make up their own minds and they dont agree with her, fine. It is a Lie T is false to say that and it is a super lie. I am going to show you, professor as you would in class, here is a chart that shows the elected Government Experience of other nominees when they first ran for president. Across both parties, reagan 8 years, jfk, 13 years, harris you can see, stacked up. 21 years. And that is elected. If you include total Government Experience, Public Service before she was elected she also, we color coded it, spent many years in sort of lard working, nonlucrative, nonfamous Ones Ada and dwarfs them more. How should he is address her experience Tomorrow Night . We know, ari, the more Trump And Vance repeat things they become facts and sadly media picks up on it as a fact. As michael was saying, she does not necessarily need to be a prosecutor since democrats have done so much progressive work on incorporating formally incarcerated folks back in the fold. What she needs to do is a this is who we represent and where we are going forward, right, her message of we are not going back we are going forward. As i lead the country in Truth And Honesty and hold up to these ideals that we never obtained as nation just yet but striving towards them f we can get ourselves back on track we can move forward. We know Donald Trump is going to call her a nasty women or something to that effect. She does not need to be the lawyer, she will present a case to the american public but she does need to show people she has the experience but she can do multiple things at once. Talk about domestic issues, she has been talking about domestic issues and talk about Foreign Policy and womens right to choose. When we talk about It Trump is caught flat footed. He knows it is not a winning issue and his party is on the wrong side of history and they are being extremist and dont understand a womans body f. They can get him on the defensive, pretty quickly, i have a feeling we might see him unravel just a bit. They have not been in the same room together. We know he does not do well against women, against people of color and definitely not women of color. Christina, michael, my thanks to both of you. Let me tell folks what is Coming Up. Break down on Harris And Barack Obama Coalition and now dc republicans want harris to win and Al Sharpton on the debate, Coming Up and Al Sharpton on the debate, Coming Up think about it. Boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. What straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space . Boring does. 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Walk us through something that you would not have expected to be the answer eight years ago when Dick Cheney was endorsing trump, let alone a few cycles previous when the Bush Cheney was everywhere endorsing democrats. For those of us old enough to remember, not a democratic icon or even remotely bipartisan icon or any kind of icon but on the right and he was, a revile figure among a lot of people back in those days, and now, as a sign of how upside down our politics are, supporting harris, obviously Liz Cheney is the vehicle for this. The most stead past and spoken with the most moral clarity on her opposition to trump and there is a new iteration of it last week when she would take the step of voting for Kamala Harris and to bring her father into it, he is not involved in politics, long retired and she did not have to do that. He could of stayed on the sidelines, it is not like people have been clammerring for that. You say surprising, did you have any idea that day before . That she was going to answer that way . Um, i had an inkling given that he in the past did, when he endorsed liz in her re Election Campaign a couple years ago in wyoming he did not just endorse his daughter as you would expect he put out an ad that was harsh on trump saying he is the biggest threat to our republic in our History Something to that effect. I was not surprised by the sentiment but surprised someone who is partisan would take the step i am voting for a democrat. In your new reporting, you write about trump saying that they might speak badly about me now but they wont later. They are public servants, his Voice Dripping with deriision with servants that you write. You go on to say they would evolve as they say in politics. Trump says it will be very easy, i can make them evolve. Like most people who have been around politics for awhile i was wrong they evolve. I give you the balance of our time in this segment, about 90 seconds so you know where you are headed. Okay. How does that transactional but mostly accurate view of the republican Party Fit into the message that trump is pitching Tomorrow Night . What i was struck by is the degree to which not just, it obviously is not a new story that trump has been at the republican party to his will but the devotion that your leader has become and the republican platform of the last decade or so. What i was struck by is looking back at some of the interviews with trump and 2015, 2016 back when he was talking to traders like us and sort of looking at what he said and how he basically predicted this whole thing. He basically said yes, i might be criticized now by my opponents now in 2016, wait, that will make it sweeter when they completely, you know, bend the knee to me and i will control this party like No One ever has before. Again, we will watch the evolution to this. Including in milwaukee, a continuation of that. Continuing through tomorrow, as you mentioned, what i think what Donald Trump will do is that he will speak with the confidence of knowing lecan say anything and one of our two major parties will abide him, forgive him, support him and, you know, continue to participate. And that includes lying or going to the center the other republicans worry about that Bush Sr would worry about because he was held accountable and trump holds them accountable and they have to swallow anything. Mark, thank you. We will take a break. Al sharpton is here, Coming Up Al Sharpton is here, Coming Up everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that hollywood white smile. New sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitivity protection. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients. Hi. I use Febreze Fade defy plug. And i use this. Febreze has a microchip to control Scent Release so it smells firstday fresh for 50 days. 50 days . 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Evan youre helping them with savings, right . somebody just got their first Debit Card Ice cream on you . Your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. All eyes on tomorrows debate. One thing that both campaigns agree on is that debates can matter a lot the last Debate Hastened Bidens exit. One seen 73 Million. And letting candidates tell their own Story Infiltered something that a less known Kamala Harris did when she showcased her experience rebutting mike pence. We dont have to choose between supporting law enforcement, improving Public Safety and protecting african american. I will not sit here and be lectured by The Vise president on what it means. I am the only one on the stage who personally prosecuted child Sexual Assault to homicide. Harris hit on something important that is widely supported, most persons do want tough prosecutions of those kinds of violent crimes, at the same time, there has been increasing debate over the overprosecution of the Drug War. With a push from the Blm Protest to even conservative libertarians calling for change. Biden administration faced tough and fair criticism about not getting enough done on criminal Justice Reform although of course the senate and republican filibusters have been part of that. There is also questions in Harris Prosecutor Record makes her too bound to this harsh failed system. Let me tell you for her part. Kamala harris has long argue that she backs reform from the inside. We checked and she was talking up reform long before she entered national politics including describing parts of the Drug War as failed and needing a smart on crime reset. She was, frankly, a moderate Prosecurity Type Prosecutor as da. Not a far lefty activist. Although that might be good for her politically right now. I will tell you something else. When there were calls to confront Justice Reform she didup. One of a few democratic candidates in the 2020 cycle who came to this summit we did with the directly impacted. I comoderated that discussion, here is what some of what she said about fixing incarceration. If we want healthy communities f we want to be true to the values of redemption we have to agree that the Incarceration System of america is one of the greatest failures of Public Policy in our country. The goal should be healthy communities. Because healthy communities are safe communities. Reform, health, and safety. Is it possible . The politics may maffor her because as i mentioned a moderate tough on crime approach might work and talking about reform in a real way with a record could appeal to the Barack Obama Coalition that democrats want to rebuild. A lot of data that young voters and minority voters care about these issues including reform. The debate is Tomorrow Night. We have an expert who has been walking the walk on reform for decades and stood on a Debate Stage. Al sharpton is here, next a de stage. Al sharpton is here, next Citis Industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. And help a partner like the World Food Programme as they provide more than food to people in need. Together, citi and the World Food Programme empower families across the globe. Still have symptoms from moderate to severe Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns Disease after a Tnf Blocker like Humira Or Remicade . Put them in check with rinvoq. Rinvoq works differently and its a oncedaily pill. When symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief with rinvoq. Check. When flares tried to slow me down, i got lasting Steroidfree Remission with rinvoq. Check. 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Its called project 2025, a 922page Blueprint to make Donald Trump the most powerful president ever overhauling the department of justice, Giving Trump the unchecked power to seek vengeance, eliminating the department of education, and defunding k through 12 schools, requiring the government to monitor womens pregnancies, and severe cuts to medicare and social security. Donald trump may try to deny it, but those are Donald Trumps plans. Well revenge does take time. I will say that sometimes revenge can be justified. Hell take control. Well pay the price. Im Kamala Harris, and i approved this message. It is Debate Eve in america and we are joined by msnbcs own Al Sharpton. He ran for president and has Debate Experience under his belt. What do you mean, gays and lesbians human or not . Of course they are human why cant they have the same Human Rights we can not continue to let the lack of democracy in washington, d. C. Become the Dirty Little Secret of American Politics he knows how to debate and civil rights leader. Host of politicsination on msnbc. We will get to all of the serious stuff but we love to broden our minds, it is a fall back today. And that means we have a debut guest. Wallo, 267. A figure that began his adult life in prison picking up on the themes that i mentioned in the set up earlier, incarcerated at 15. I spent five years in juvenile system, when i turned 17, i committed two armed robberies, caught with two firearms and went to proven for 20 years. I walked out of prison, february 18th, 2017. Those are the mistakes but what came after was reshaping not only his own life but many others, entrepreneur, Activist And Podcast host tells a story Armed With Good Intentions out tomorrow. I got to mention the big podcast which if you are under a certain age you have seen it. Millions dollaz worth of game. Many stars stopped by that famously came on the show and made it literal with A Million dollas in the game. I have A Million dollars cash. Wait, wait, wait, lets talk about that. Yes. I have it. Yes. Million Dollars Worth of its. He came to A Million dollars s. Worth of game with A Million dollars. Listen, its going down. Its going down. Welcome to both of you. Good to see you. Thank you for having me. Good to be here. It was A Million dollars. A million cash. Well get into that. Rev has the home court advantage. Whats on your Fallback List . They need to kill this whole roast of Kamala Harris. I think that were in very serious times. Its a consequential election, and Criminal Justice is certainly part of what we need to deal with, and to be roasting her and playing entertainment like this is something light to deal with is not good for anybody. And i think that clearly, theyre trying to reduce this to some comedic kind of show rather than the seriousness of the hour. They need to fall back. Yeah, and rev, on the one hand, people say they want free speech, which i support, and you want to tell jokes, but these arent people known for comedy tours. They want to cover it as hate. They want to use it as a cover to do hate and they want hate to appear light. If you can start laughing and joking about hate, then you can hate without any kind of pushback or reaction. And i think that that is why we need to get rid of that kind of Stuff And Deal with serious policy. Whats on your list . We need to fall back from young young artists dying young. Recording artists. Violence, you know, because it trickles down to the communities. Young black males dying young. Not understanding the value of life. Young brothers shooting in the mirror. When i shoot somebody that looks like me, im shooting in the mirror. We need to fall back from that. We be losing a lot of young men that dont understand that we can do anything. We come from extraordinary circumstances. We have one headline up you can tell us about. Rich homey kwan, who is someone we know. He tragically died. He came to one of our beat events. Youre talking about the gap between saying we dont necessarily want a War On Drugs that locks people up forever. Thats the government side. But then the Culture Side is making sure we support Each Other and dont glorify poison that kills ourselves. Yes, you know, it goes both ways sometimes. But its like, man, my main focus is trying to let us know that we be stronger together, and we have to stop seeing that. Its like death is normalized in our community. Going to a funeral is regular. I have been to more funerals by the time i was 14 and im 45 now. Youre not joking. Im dead serious. Thats why i always let Young Brothers know i love them, give them a hug and let them know they can do anything. Its so interesting having both of you here, because rev, people know your credentials on civil rights and on fighting government abuse. Police abuse. But you also for a long time have spoken about how do you cooperatively or voluntarily, which i mean not having the Government Force it, try to change some of this culture. People ask all the time, what about hiphop glorifying Violence Or Sexism or drugs. How d we do that while letting it flourish . We need to go back to what was going on when i was a kid. They used to call penal Institutions Correction facilities. Now they call them detention facilities. When you look at someone like wallow here, think of all of what hes done since hes been out. Entrepreneur, author of a new book. This was on lock down, how many people inside are locked down because of these long sentences that dont try to reform them, they just cage them in . We need to have, yes, we need to have violence off the street, but we need to try to redeem people, not just try to hold them down, which stifles their growth and their positive contribution they can make to the communities they come out of. In many ways theyre reflecting the communities they lived in. They need to be helping make those communities be viable which hes doing as an entrepreneur. The book is Armed With Good Intentions. In a different era, you might have needed a major Newspaper Or Tv network to sign you, and they might not have signed you with a record. But because of your Talent And Intelligence and also you start a podcast thats easier than getting a Television Show in the beginning, and turns out, you got more people listening than a lot of shows. Yeah, theres different ways of communication these days and media is different. Media is in your hand with technology. That phone, you can do anything you want to do, you can start your own network. Some podcasts are bigger than networks. Were one of them. How hard was that for you coming out of the Prison Experience . It took me some years being around my cousin and we figured it out. We live in a world now when if you have that satellite in your pocket, that phone, it aint no gate keeper, Cant Nobody Block you, Cant Nobody get in your way. If you believe in yourself, you go after your dreams, thats what you can do. Does It Help that gilead is so funny . Yeah, were both funny. We got to be old in a place where you dont. Does he work off his material . Thats all from the chest, its just him. In this world where everybody is pretending and theyre scripting it down, that authenticity is going to win every time. Yeah. Whats the last thing you would say with regard to where this is all headed . Because you have your whole life ahead of you even with everything you have been through. Im going to the next level. All good intentions. Theres a lot of great things coming. Airplanes and hotel clothing line, perfume, sports drink. Im showing people that come from where i come from that its never over. Youre never out of the game. You can always wake up and turn it up. I tell you what Rick Ross said and then im going to let it go. 20 Million in cash, i bet you want to look. Ive been printing paper, i even wrote a book. I wrote mine. I appreciate you coming on. Your debut here. Thats our show. Joy reid up next. Ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. In a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. Stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. Prevagen. In stores everywhere without a prescription. Molly leaving was one thing. But then i thought moms weak bones might keep us stuck on the couch. No way. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can do more than just slow bone loss. You can build new bone in just 12 months with evenity®. Evenity® is proven to reduce Spine Fracture Risk by 73 . I heard her say the evenity® shes taking builds new bone. 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