Welcome back to the weekend. Donald trump resorted to crimes, to try to stay in office after the 2020 election. That is what special Counsel Jack Smith argues in a bombshell filing, recently unsealed. Putting trump legal woes back in the spotlight, just one month before the 2024 election. Smiths filing insists that Trump Separates to overturn the 2020 election were not official acts and dont fall under the scope of the supreme Courts President ial immunity rolling. The 165 page redacted document reveals new and disturbing details of trumps efforts to claim power and weeks after losing the 2020 election. Joining us is conservative lawyer George Conway. Welcome back to the table, my friend. Its always fun. Among those details, little more in The Way the former president else about his own Vice President. Upon refusing a Phone Call that Mike Pence had been taken to a secure Location Person 15 rushed to inform the defendant in hopes to ensure his safety. After p 15 delivered the news, the defendant looked at him and said quote, so what . Classic Donald Trump, cares about nobody, nothing other than himself. It is all about him. Doesnt matter whether people got hurt or are going to get hurt on January 6th. Didnt matter his Vice President who had been loyal to him for 1-2'>3 1 2 years or four years, might be in danger. He doesnt care. He is a sociopath and that is more evidence of that man, of Donald Trump opposite us. A sickness we cant allow, as Liz Cheney put so well this week. We cant allow completely, a man completely lacking in Compassion And Decency to be president again. Help us a little bit better, i mean based on what you just said and alecia framing the question The Way she did, why then do people out there are not way that . Where along The Way did we change the idea that yeah, an individual with these psychopathys and the sociopathic behaviors, that is what we now see in a president and we are okay with that. The problem is, that the real danger of narcissistic sociopaths like this man coming into office, they create Permission Structure for other people to be their worst selves. We all have choices every day on whether to do right or to do wrong or to speak a lie or tell the truth. And he gives Everybody Permission to do the very worst things because they look and say, if he can do it, that im with him, i can do it. And that is a truly corrosive effect that having a man like this in public, beyond right, left policy, this is the true danger of having a person like this as a leader in public life. As you are speaking i thought about mark robinson, i thought about the congressman from louisiana that tweeted that always has a racist tweet but tweeted recently about haitian people in this country. I think about all of these candidates and individuals elected to office that have popped up. Yes, and because Donald Trump has given this Permission Structure. They want to be like him. And people say it is okay. It doesnt matter. The worst that Donald Trump has been seeking, throughout this whole time, to show up in this filing from Jack Smith along those lines, he writes in the years after january 6, defendant, Donald Trump, reiterated support for allegiance to writers who broke into the capitol, preventing financial assistance and reminiscing about January 6th as a beautiful day. The defendant stated he would pardon individuals convicted on january 6. Jack smith is saying hes my case is strong but also, i think this, people should read this as hes telling us what is going to do, people. Take Donald Trump at his word. It isnt just hyperbole because a lot of people excuse it as, hes just, thats how he talks. He doesnt really mean it. I think he means it. This piece of evidence has Retrospective Effect and prospective. Respite the evidentiary value that shows the Mans Intent, and that Mans Intent was to destroy our republic. And the future, that is perspective messages to the public that people can glean from public filings like this that explain what is going on or what happened in the past and say, wait a minute, this person will do it again. And that, is exactly right. Heres part of why it becomes particularly relevant, which is there was that moment in the Vice President ial debate that we all cant toward The End of the debate where j. D. Vance was asked about what the election in 2020, what happened on january 6. And for All Of Us who care about democracy, it was catch her Breath Moment of clarity. Yes. But we all know someone whos like, why are we talking about 2020. Why are we talking about something that happened four years ago. So to me, part of what is in this falling filing is answering that question. We are not only looking at things that happened, were looking at things that he plans to do in the future. Dont take Jack Smiths word for it, take the expresident at his own words. That, for me, is the critical point. In that moment of the debate, should have been clarifying. But the back to your point that people go, why are we talking about january 20th. We are talking about it because as she just read, the defendant stated that if reelected he will pardon individuals convicted of crimes on january 6. The defendant, you know, has held this as a beautiful day. So we cant dismiss that. We Cant Push under the rug, the fact that a former President Of The United States literally tried to steal our constitution away from us, tear it up and create something else right in front of our eyes. It is why there is a case. They tried to steal an election. And the fact, The Last Drive of the debate, coach walls, that is the whole point. I used to care a lot about marginal Tax Rates. I used to hear about a lot. Marginal Tax Rates dont do me any good if i dont live in a free country. So you know, only issue that mattered was the last five minutes of the debate. I dont understand why it is like pulling teeth with all 40 of the country. That 47 , they are not all bad, they are not all hardcore. So what is the trigger to see in the clarifying moment that that is the court. I think if there is exhaustion factor. Maybe it is anecdotal for people looking at these crowds and looking for Yard Signs but you dont feel the level of energy they had before. And i think his own base is exhausted. And i think the whole country is exhausted. But the people who want to vote them out, who have been against him all along and the people who have come to understand his true evil, those people are motivated to get out. Other people sick of him are his own people and its like, i dont want to go to another raleigh. Do i really i have to get up on election day. How many envelopes do i have these envelopes are bad. Im not going to vote. Theres a story about that this week. I dont know where i read it, but reporters went to a Trump Rally and asked the people who are leaving why they were leaving and one woman said he was an hour late, so you dont have the decency to come on time, leaving. They said it was nasty and the ranting and vitriol. One woman came with a friend of Hers Or Family member to vote for Kamala Harris and said, im voting for Kamala Harris too now. So to your point, people are, a number of people are fed up. It was Washington Post, by The Way. Here is where i would sort of tie these together. To your point about fatigue, theres political political fatigue but the fatigue with black of accountability. So i want to put on your Attorney Head and pull back the curtain for me on what you think Jack Smiths strategy was, and understanding hes not going to be able to prosecute any of these cases against Donald Trump in time for the election. You should be prosecuting this case early next year. This case is going to go to trial if trump is not elected president. The Supreme Court, the whole proceedings with the appeals, from the d. C. Circuit to Supreme Court, that took six or seven months. And they passed the summer. It is time for the preceding the Supreme Court directed and Donald Trump asked for by The Way, to start for real because the Supreme Court ruled back in june and Jack Smith, it doesnt look like hes in a terrible hurry but i am happy he was able to file this thing before the election. Also, real quick, it is also important to note that we are here, right, because Donald Trumps lawyers pushed us into the space. We couldve been passed this by now. But that strategy of delay, delay, delay, appeal, do appeal, appeal, over and over again pushes these cases back. Now to hear Donald Trump and his whining, like a little baby , about the fact that this is put out in front of the country again. This is the clock you said hear this could have been resolved in august. It could have been resolved in june. But now you wanted to hear, so Jack Smith is like, okay. Here you go. This is it. Just proceeding in normal course. As they shed. Please stay with us. We want to discuss Donald Trump Office Revenge Tour he will go on, if he wins the second term. This is the weekend on msnbc. Legal experts concerned should Donald Trump win a second term he would follow through on the to prosecute his political adversaries. As peter keisler, founder of Conservative Federal Society tells the New York Times, theres every reason to believe that Donald Trump would seek to use criminal enforcement and the fbi as leverage for his personal and political ends in a second term. George conway is back with us. That is a huge piece of this, that i think folks also need to focus on in the context of it is not just the election but what happens. What does, you know, february, march, april, next October Look like in this country when you have a president , knowing Donald Trump as we all do, feel vindicated, to now do whatever it is he wants to do. Because the Supreme Court has said all you have to do is utter two words, that this is president ial immunity, to do these things i want to do. That the weaponization of the fbi, the department of justice, i think is not just at the federal level, in terms of washington, but around the country, and that just pressure comes down and here we are. He didnt need the Supreme Court to help him because this is a man who when some leaders say, we can do that, it is illegal, he would say i will pardon you and he did that on a couple of occasions. He somebody who thought under article 2 of the constitution he could do whatever he wants. And now hes being told if you call it an official act, he gets out. Fortunately he committed enough unofficial acts of crime that is going to go to jail and not be able to commit any more official acts. Maybe. Maybe. Our system is dealt to deal with Donald Trump. I think the system has been built to deal with anyone. It has chosen to allow Donald Trump to exploit every loophole that exists and not hold did the same standard and until people are ready to admit that, i think judge merchan, and all the judges that have handled these cases are under a remarkable amount of pressure. Their families have been targeted. They targeted judge merchans daughter. One can argue that pressure, the Target Wasnt effective because we dont have a ruling in that case now until after the election because he wants us to be about politics. I under i cant imagine what it is like to be targeted like that, to have your Family Members targeted. Whatever, you know what im looking for before that,. The black of accountability is galling and it is deeply disturbing. And Donald Trump is going to do this. Can i play Call And Response and get you to respond to it. Because there is a president saying i am confident the election will be fair and free, free and fair. I dont know whether it will be peaceful. This is what Donald Trump had to say about that. Take a listen. I can only hope it is going to be free and fair and i think at this date it will be and every stated will be and i think were going to do very well but right now were focused on this. We are not focused on the election. That is in georgia, where he had to ask Brad Raffensperger to find him votes. Leaving options open to declare any loss he may sever to be fraud. And we will see this, the same tricky poled. Jack smith, describes how basically it was his intent all along to undermine respect for the election, in the event he lost. And that he was going to always declare victory. No matter what. He told jared and ivanka that. Heres the thing i think for everybody out there, to wrap your silly little head around. Is the fact that fair and free elections, thats never been a question for us because we have are done since the redundancies in our system to check to make sure is a fair and free election. But riddle me this, republicans. How do you corrupt the top of the ticket without corrupting the rest of the ballot . Because that means a lot of your behinds should not be in congress right now and should not be in the senate. Because of that unfair, corrupt , rigged election. So help me george, to understand how i can fraudulently elect Joe Biden, but not fraudulently elect all the republicans on that same ballot. Its magic. How the hell does that happen. Please stop buying his crop. He is fed up. I am fed up today. It is asymmetrical which is democrats wouldnt deign to do that. They would not deign to call into question the result. There were other things on the ballot. We did get one piece of paper that said Donald Trump, and Everybody Republican and democrat. Tell me how his election was rigged and every name on that ballot, you got elected. You all didnt complain about that. This would be a good question. When you are in our beautiful Home State of New Jersey, i have to tell you every email i have gotten about your forthcoming appearance in New Jersey with Liz Cheney says George Conway from New Jersey. This is the jersey coroner. Stand up. How do you engage someone like her on this Conversation And Question of him going after his adversaries given that shes got to be near the top of the list. Absolutely, that is something i would love to talk to her about. When she ran for reelection, i heard that the stories were that she had to have extra protection walking around, going around the ordinary places of wyoming. And you know, she not only showed political courage to take a loss for principle, but she showed physical courage and continues to. I cant say enough about that. Just to be on a stage with her, it is going to be, i moved. George conway from New Jersey, in New Jersey. Thank you so much for being here with us. We will end on that question about how you do that ballot thing. Its magic. The Harris Campaign sets sights on Michigan And Barack obama wades into the crucial senate race. Senator Debbie Stabenow joins the conversation after he quit break. This is the weekend. Weekend. Citis industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. And help a partner like the World Food Programme as they provide more than food to people in need. Together, citi and the World Food Programme empower families across the globe. Subject 1 whos coming in the driveway . Subject 2 Dad Dad dad, we missed you daddy, hi subject 3 goodness my daughter is being treated for leukemia. 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Subject 8 yeah subject 7 Yay Subject 9 when we came here, we didnt know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow theres hope for our Little Girl to survive. Announcer lets Cure Childhood Cancer together. Please donate now. Ill be honest. By The End of the day, my floors. Yeesh. But who has the time to clean . Thats why i love my swiffer wetjet. Its a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. Wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. Look at that swiffer wetjet. Vice president harris spent the day in Michigan Campaigning in flint and detroit. The latest New York Times Siena College poll of the state shows theres just one point separating Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, well within the margin of error. Heres a Vice President Last Night in flint. America lost nearly 200,000 Manufacturing Jobs when he was president. Including Tens Of Thousands of jobs in michigan. Making Donald Trump one of the biggest losers of Manufacturing Jobs in american history. Joining us now is democratic senator of michigan, Debbie Stabenow. Greetings, senator. Senator, thank you so much. Thank you for being with us. 31 days between now and election day. One point separating them in public polls. What is it going to take to widen the gap . First of all it is great to be with you. I love this show and i have to say yesterday in flint, the energy was through the roof. People are volunteering. Our problem is we dont have enough Yard Signs and we have to keep reproducing Yard Signs. Excuse me. But the truth is, that it is close and we have Donald Trump and j. D. Vance coming in every day and it just saying lies. We have to push back and that is what weve been doing. They are doing, we are doing. The reality is, michigan was not better off under Donald Trump. We did lose jobs. We had plans close and that does not count covid. Forget covid, this is before covid. And weve got 44 new plans and counting, opening up. Weve got Tens Of Thousands of new jobs coming, we are embracing the clean Energy Economy and j. D. Vance, not long ago in michigan said they wouldnt support the financing that we are using for a new Battery Plant in lansing. We just announced a new Battery Operation in Flint And Muskegon and the u. P. We want to embrace clean Energy Economy and ev. So that people are driving american cars, preferably made in michigan and Donald Trump by The Way, who is fighting the clean energy future, is doing it because of one thing. The Oil Companies are a major factor in his campaign. The Oil Companies Donald Trump is funded by the Oil Companies, republicans are funded by the Oil Companies and there is an allout war on our economy, in michigan. And the worst part is this, being led by michigan republicans trying to undermine us. So i dont know, im with you. I am tired of this. This is crazy, but the reality is that they are going to try to change the story here on what the world is and what it was under Donald Trump, and that is our biggest fight. So part of that fight, senator, and it really its a little bit frustrating as well. But it is something i know that campaign has to sort of work itself through. You have democrats who are worried about a 2016 repeat. So you have representative Debbie Dingell and others have said harris is relatively new to many voters and that she needs to make her plans clear to voters. But here is my frustration. Donald trump has concepts of a plan. And yet everybody wants specificity from Kamala Harris. Donald trump is a former president who had an administration that has a record. Again, not much to accomplish, to speak to in terms of accomplishments, given where we were on jobs at The End of his four years, covid at The End of his four years, et cetera. How do you overcome this. Shes got to make plans clear to voters in a state like michigan. Sitting down with members of the muslim Committee Community Part of that effort. Was the focusing on jobs and workers and the Auto Industry and manufacturing part of that effort. How is that playing out . Michael, yes, yes to all of those things in terms of the effort. There is no question about it. And when we look at Kamala Harris, has she jumped into this with both feet, working every day, we have seen her more in michigan and Tim Walz more in michigan then we have ever seen candidates. And we do need more and she will come back. We need to do that. We have to keep slogging out every single day. But trump acts like he doesnt have a record, as youve said. He has a record. He put us in the biggest deficit we have ever seen, gave Tax Cuts to the very wealthy. Said he would build The Wall in mexico would pay for and there aint much while and mexico certainly didnt pay for it. And so you can go On And On And on. In michigan, he stood in warren, michigan and said we are going to do more manufacturing. Than the plant closed. The reality is so different and that is our challenge right now, that there are no guardrails around Donald Trump or j. D. Vance, they will say anything, do anything to get power. And so what we have, is both a biden Harris Administration that 16-million'>16 Million jobs, the most created ever in a single presidency. Jobs report yesterday, 250,000 jobs, through the roof for one month. And shes going to build on that. Shes going to build on that by doubling down on manufacturing and jobs. And the lowering cost. And that is the message. And we just have to keep playing it over and over and over again. Senator, shes been a candidate for three months. Vice president harris has been top of this ticket, which is remarkable to think. And i hear concerns about 2016. The difference is the Vice President and the governor are actually showing up to wisconsin, to michigan, are engaging with folks. Your point about the manufacturing and whatnot, her message really was in flint about automotive industry, credited flint with people in flint, their contribution to the automotive industry. And reminded them Donald Trump sat by went to general Motors Plant closed in warren and didnt do anything. That is happening at the top of the ticket. You have a senate race, okay, youre going to be a former senator soon. Shes like, yes, i am watching this. And there is a very competitive race for your seed. Elissa slotkin is democrat running for that seed. It is competitive and President Obama has weighed in with the ad for Elissa Slotkin. We want to play that for you right now. Michigan, this is barack obama. I want to talk with you about the Elissa Slotkin i know. She is a true Public Servant who has dedicated her career to serving the american people, no matter whos in the White House. I saw that Leadership And Character up close. The presidency matters but so does the united States Senate and congress. Your thoughts on this senate race, for your seat, and how Mike Turner is shown up and aligned himself with president trump. Elissa slotkin is wonderful. She not only served in the Department Of Defense and in iraq, with the cia, but shes been a wonderful congresswoman and wonderful partner for me. So she is doing, i believe, everything right and working hard and will win. But again, it is going to be a tough race and we see mike rogers, who has been on tv in the past, blasting the president. Like so many others including j. D. Vance. Talking about how bad trump is and now he loves trump. And so on. And the reality is, that point by point, hes wrong for michigan. He left congress, went down to florida, became a resident, made a whole bunch of money off of Drug Companies. Elissa slotkin has been taking on the Drug Companies to lower prices. I could go On And On And on but it will be a tight race, everything will be a tight race. The senate is critical. Think about this, we have president Kamala Harris and if we dont have a democratic senate, we Cant Confirm judges. We can confirm enough judges with a democratic senate to change any 5 of the federal bench right now and put people in who actually protect our freedoms and know the constitutiOn And are confident. So the senate is critical in michigan and the race is critical. Every day matters between now and election day. Senator Debbie Stabenow of michigan, we appreciate your time. Next, we shift the focus to Recovery And Repair and the aftermath of hurricane helene. North carolina gubernatorial candidate Josh Stein joins us next. Youre watching the weekend. En. The southeast is still reeling from the devastation of hurricane helene. More than 220 people have died and hundreds are still underground a poor since the category 4 storm made landfall. The biden and Harris Administration says it has provided more than 45 million to survivors and Activeduty Service members have started delivering lifesaving supplies to affected communities. Today, Vice President harris will visit North Carolina to survey the impact of the hurricane and ongoing relief efforts. Joining us now is North Carolina Attorney General and democratic gubernatorial candidate, Josh Stein. Welcome. General stein, im wondering, what have you been seeing on the ground across the state, what do you all still need. Can you take us inside, if you will, we are seeing the devastating images on televisiOn And we have now been able to do interviews with folks. But you were there in the thick of it. It is hard to take an image and extrapolate, to an entire region of the state and that is ll if you are in the ened. Building near water, your life was completely ripped apart. I was talking with a good buddy of mine today, in Avery County, in the northwestern corner of the state, a very small community called neapolis. The North Toe River that runs through the county, completely reformed. It is no longer in the same path that was before the storm and the road, of course, went alongside the river. Dozens and dozens of homes are just gone. The utilities, the power, cell service, gone. So they are up there, isolated. They can get some supplies by cars, moving very slowly on one lane, and Reformed Road but the international guard and private citizens are dropping off Water And Food and other supplies. What hes worried about, is winter is coming, and folks dont have clothes, they dont have blankets, they dont have sweatshirts. So it is going to change in the coming days and weeks and they are in for the long haul. But this is really been an incredible story of resilience, where the local community is taking care of each other. The volunteer firefighters, professional firefighters and the towns have done unbelievable work for hours on end, fearing for their neighbors and going to search for their neighbors. The international guard is evacuating people who are on medication but no longer have their medication. They are taking them to cities like hickory, down the mountains, so they can get the local care they need to be healthy and well. The met is providing critical resources. We are seeing the community and local government. The nonprofits in this work, are doing incredible work. Feeding people who otherwise have no way to get food and then you have the local governments, the State Government and federal government, everyone Working Arm in arm to address what is a complete regional devastation. General, you just laid out in very short order, the heart of the devastation, but also the important impact that service and responses to that devastation, and what it means to the people of that community. So it is very difficult, at a time like this, to lay her in politics. You are running for office. People on the ground, politicians on the ground are trying to position. But theres a call to a higher service in this moment and i want to play for you the tale of two leaders, and i put leaders in quotation marks. I want you to hear the current President Of The United States, addressing what you have just laid out and the former president , who is running again, to be president , and what he thinks of what is happening on the ground. In a moment like this, we put politics aside, at least we should put it all aside. And we have here. There are no democrats or republicans and only americans. They are doing the worst job on a hurricane, then any administration has ever done and these people dont want to talk about it. They dont want to talk about it. People are saying it is the worst job, and you people know it. A lot of you people know it because you are here but theyve done the worst job. Kamala has done the worst job. To me, it is painful in a moment like this, when americans need to come together and Joe Biden said, there are no democrats and the republicans, no independents. You are not a democrat or a publican Attorney General of the state, you are the general, Attorney General of the state who needs to be of service at this moment. How do you get the job done, in the face of the kind of ugliness coming out of people like Donald Trump. And others, in your state, who question what fema is doing, blaming people, and lying, outright lying to the point that fema has to put on its website, disclosures and statements that say folks, this is what we are doing. The Conspiracy Theories are lies. How does that hurt the effort to help people and to prevent further harm to them . It undermines our collect effort to help folks in need, and the leaders on the ground, Governor Cooper in North Carolina, Governor Mcmasters in south carolina, Governor Kemp in georgia, one democrat and two republicans. They dont care about party lines. They are doing everything they can to marshal the resources, whether it is local, a nonprofit, state or federal, to address what is real human suffering. My buddy in Avery County said the rumors about fema are going like wildfire and that is incredibly devastating. It is devastating psychologically to those people, because they now believe, some of them, that fema is going to be contrary to their interests, rather than trying to help them get back on their feet and get their lives put together again. It is just incredibly, incredibly irresponsible. I was at the briefing with the president on wednesday, and he is leading. In that moment, guaranteed that fema would reimburse North Carolina for all Cleanup Costs over the net months at 100 reimbursement which means no one is worrying about how this is going to cost because they need to have the job done and to have that kind of support from President Biden, at this incredibly trying time, for a 10th of our entire state, over 1-million'>1 Million people have been impacted. It is really important. General, we got to go but i want to make sure we highlight this reporting. Mark robinson didnt vote on the states helene emergency declaration. He has called on Governor Roy Cooper to deploy resources to help people and western North Carolina but was the only member to not vote on the request for a a state of emergency. What does that tell you . This isnt about politics. Those people in western North Carolina, summer democrats, some are republicans, some are unaffiliated, they are all north carolinians, all americans and they deserve 100 of our effort to try to help them. North Carolina Zoo Attorney General, Josh Stein, thank you so much. If you want to help victims of helene, we have made it really easy. Just take out your Smart Phone and scan the Qr Code you see on your screen and follow the prompts from there. You can help out if you can. Much more on the weekend, ahead. We will be right back. Back. Our right to reproductive Health Care is being stolen from us. I cant believe this is the world we live in, where were losing the freedom to control our own bodies. We need your support now more than ever. Go online, call, or scan this code, with your 19 monthly gift. And well send you this care. No matter what tshirt. It is your right to have safe Health Care. Thats it. Go online, call, or scan right now. 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Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, Mouth Or Tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or Eye Pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. When i think about purpose, i dont know if st. Jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. Their donations are funding the research. The research is allowing for the treatments to happen. And those treatments provide cures. And the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. Were just talking about the disinformation that is swirling around fema and i want to remind us and remind our viewers that there is a person who did what Donald Trump is accusing President Biden of doing and that person was Donald Trump. From the New York Times, he falsely accused President Biden of redirecting disaster funds, actually from the Washington Post forgive me, budget maneuver, trump himself approved in 2019. He took money from dhs that was for disaster relief, for fema, for and remember there was a disaster, okay, that happened during his presidency, Hurricane Matthew and he gave like 1 of funding. 99 , he said no. You said you cant have it when North Carolina specifically asked. And in 2019 he did this, it was direct funding to build a border wall, The Wall that he said mexico was paying for her. We forget in 2018, the california wildfires, he refused to provide aid at the request of the democratic governor, just as they gave 1 of the democratic Governor Roy Cooper in North Carolina in 2017. The president uses politics. You reminded me, i read a story and shot out to reporters, who are writing the stories. That noted the wild fires in california, Donald Trump refused any aid until his aides had to show him there were republicans in orange county, who supported him and then he said yes to giving some. That is how he sees america, at a time when americans typically come together and unite to help each other. We dont put Qr Codes up on the screen because we like the funny looking lines and we think they are hot and sexy. We put the Qr Codes up because we are asking americans to help their fellow americans and we dont need a President Sitting in the White House that looks at you and says, i will help you if you are a republican. I wont help you if you are a democrat. I will help you if you are in a red state, i wont help you if you are in a blue state. That is not what we do. And that is not what we need. And im tired of american secondguessing ourselves. We know that our instincts drive us to do in this country. We have always done that. We dont need this infection to prevent us from doing the thing that is natural for us. And that is helping our fellow americans at a time of need. The fact Donald Trump is drying red and blue lines and worse, maga lines, it is under undermining the principal. And inserting disinformation, during a difficult and chaotic environment and in the process of doing that, the Lanai Thing migrants who themselves, many of whom have been affected by this. Literally many people are fleeing Climate Disasters and environmental disasters. If you missed the Qr Code, we are going to put it back up on the screen. You can scan this, and give help if you can. Hurricane helene has affected 70 people from North Carolina to georgia to Tennessee And Anything folks can do, please, this is absolute devastation, and. Heres the thing, you are right. Most people, they watch this and want to help. Those people want to know how they can make things better for their neighbor, for fellow Countrymen And Mope most people dont want chaos and division. We have a quick note, tonight is the premier of msnbc films latest feature, it is called my generation. A Fourpart Documentary Series from Nbc News studios and it takes a closer look at hour different generations and the events of their lifetimes shaped them. The first episode focuses on Baby Boomers and is narrated by forest whitaker. It starts tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Citis industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. And help a partner like the World Food Programme as they provide more than food to people in need. Together, citi and the World Food Programme empower families across the globe. Children Speaking conflict is raging across the world, and millions of childrens lives are being devastated by war, hunger, disease and poverty. We urgently need your help to reach Children In Crisis. Please call or Go Online to give just 10 a month. Only 0. 33 a day. We need 1000 new monthly donors this month to help Children In Crisis around the World And Right here at home. You can help us provide food, essentials, and lifesaving medical care to children in the most need. In the darkest times children suffer the most. You can help by calling right now and giving just 10 a month. All we need are 1000 monthly donors. Please call or Go Online now with your monthly gift of just 10. Thanks to generous government grants, every dollar you give can have up to ten times the impact and when you call with your credit card, we will send you this Save The Children Tote Bag as a thank you for your support. Your small monthly donation of just 10. Could be the reason a child in crisis survives. Show them theyre not alone. Please call or Go Online to givetosave. Org to help Save Lives. Today was a big show, get ready for tomorrow. We will be joined by two people who can shape the Balance Of Power in virginia, Nebraska Dan Osborne and florida democrat, powell. It all starts back here tomorrow at 8 00 a. M. Eastern. Be sure to follow us on social, at the weekend msnbc. That will do it for us this morning. Velshi continues our Coverage Leiva from washington, d. C. I am waving at you, right next to you. He is in a box. I came into your studio about five minutes ago and i got some dirty looks. These guys are on tv, sir, do you mind leaving the studio . [ laughter ] i ran into your producer and i told them all how much we love the show and how much i love being in it for 45 seconds every week. We love you,

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