PRESENT: Patricia Fisher, David Mahan, James Scher, John Pitts and Kelly Boyle
The board:
• Reported that middle school science teacher David Murduck was awarded a 2021 GroMore Good Grassroots $500 grant for the youth garden program and 2021 Science Education Council of Ohio $500 grant for grades 3-5 garden project;
• Hired up to 10 summer school teachers for up to 25 hours each to provide instruction to students in grades 1 to 4 with total cost not to exceed $15,000 for the elementary extension program paid for by ESSER II funds. Busing will be provided;
• Hired up to 10 summer school teachers for up to 25 hours each to provide remediation in English language arts and math to students in grades 5 to 8 not to exceed $15,000 for the middle school summer program paid for by ESSER II funds. Busing will be provided;