Photo: EBU / Thomas Hanses
The 9 May saw nine acts from semi-final one of Eurovision 2021 undertake their first rehearsal on the Rotterdam Ahoy stage. Elena Tsagrinou brought the fire, Hooverphonic went for dark glamour, Go_A brought a psychedelic rave, and that’s just a sample.
After counting 7,890 votes, we can now reveal the winner…
Go_A delivered your favourite first rehearsal on 9 May
Earning the top spot for this poll are
Go_A from Ukraine. The group received 1,803 votes, which is 22.85% of the total number cast.
Tron meets Ukrainian folk was the theme of the day with Go_A’s staging and they effectively brought their entry “SHUM” to life. These were wiwiblogger Padraig’s thoughts on Go_A’s first rehearsal: