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6 30 pm in irans capital tahwan, this is press tv news. Thanks for joining us. Hamas says it has fired missiles towards the bangorian airport in tel aviv, as it presses ahead with his retaliation for israels relentless bombardment of the gaza strap. The Resistance Group says it has also. According to israeli media, sirens sounded in also heard in the city of ashdad, south of areas in and around tel aviv. Sirens were tel aviv. Meanwhile, a large sava of rockets was fired toward the israeli town of askalan, that after the arm wing of hamas issued a warning to the residents to leave the town. The algasan brigades said the attack was in response to israeli bombing of gaza. Palestinian resistance fighters entered the gaza envelope area on saturday following. Strikes on israeli targets under the operation alaxsa flood. According to israeli media, the operation has led to the death of over 900 israels and more than 2800 injuries. Israels embassy in the us has put the death doll at over 1,000. Hamas says the palestini resistance has more to catch the israeli enemy off guard, both in terms of weapon capabilities and the resilience to manage a protracted battle. Spokesperson hasem khassem said the aftermath of operation alasa flood continues to rattle the regime, adding that israel is lying about regaining settlements near gaza. He also said the regime is seeking to make up for the unprecedented humiliation of its army by targeting more civilians. The Resistance Movement had earlier said it is ready for prolonged battle and any possibility. The leader of irans islamic of revolution describes as یک شکست غیر قابل ترمیم خورده شکست رو همه گفتن من تاکیدم به غیر قابل ترمیم بودن است. من میگم این زلزله ویرانگر توانسته است بعضی از سازه های اصلی حاکمیت رژیم قاصب رو ویران کنه که تجدید بنای اون سازه ها به این آسانی امکان پذیر نیست. یک the operation to of nonpalestinians are making mistakes, the leader underlineed that the damage inflicted on israel and the surprise operation by palestinians is the result of the regimes own actions said the brave move by of palestinians was a response to years of israeli crimes. The leader said israel is now playing the victim card and that. Western Media Outlets are helping the regime in this regard. Khamani noted that the regime cannot be portrayed as an oppressed entity, while it is actually a monster. He warned israel and his backers that the bloodched of palestinians will bring them greater calamity. Meanwile israel is pressing ahead with this large scale offensive against gaza, pounding the basieg strip indiscriminately. Israeli war planes are raining down bombs on multiple areas across the gaza. Strip, using phosphorus bombs and parts of the enclave. The regime has also friend to bomb an area, home to Foreign Companies and embassies. Israel started its attacks on saturday after Resistance Groups launch Front Operation against the regime. Nearly 800 palestinians have been killed and around 4,00 others injured so far. As the victims of israely taks were being brushed to the hospitals in gaza on monday, citizens of the besieg territory urged fellow palestinians and the International Community to come to their aid. ما كنت تقولوا يا اهل الغده الحقونا انتم جدا الحقينا يا سينين الحقينا يا نابلس الحقونا يا اهل الطبه الحقونا يا اهل الرب الله الحقونا يا اهل الاردن الحقونا يا السعوديه عرض الله تقفوا معانا متنا احنا يا ناس الحلال الحقونا تصبرير israely warplanes have targeted the office of irans alalam Arabic News Network in the gazas trip. Activities of the office which is located in the alramal neighborhood in gaza have been completely. Halted following the bombardment, none of the employees of the news network were injured in the attack, at least seven journalists have been killed in israeli attacks in recent days. Israel has a history of launching attacks on News Networks and media personnel. Back in 2021 during the 11day war on the ghaza strip, the regime conducted an air strike a building that hosted offices of several Media Outlets, including qatar aljazira. Israels indiscriminate bombings of gaza are also taking the lives and destroying homes and offices of reporters who are covering the regimes brutalities. Israely warplanes have hit the residence of our correspondent in gaza, ashhaf shanan. Well, you so yesterday, as i was uh covering the news here from shifa hospital, weve learned that my neighborhood was uh targeted by israeli f16 fighter jets. And uh the fact that roads were blocked and no Internet Access in the area so no one knew exactly what happened there except for seen uh some of my neighbors they were injured who who were inside their homes when the bombing happened and they told me that their houses were bombed and even uh checked with my family who already evacuated the area six hours before the bombing feering for for their lives, they went to a friends, families far away from my from my neighborhood, now uh, around 1 30 am, one of my neighbors managed to get some Internet Access and then he sent the photo of of the of the house to uh to one of my sons and he posted it uh on facebook, actually actually that wasnt uh wasnt shock. I thought maybe some partial damage happened to the house, i didnt expect a six Story Building uh to be almost gone, it it it uh, it was hit directly by a missile from the Israeli Regime or bomb, luckily, no one was in the building uh, but there is there is no uh, i mean, i dont know how to describe this, uh, all of sudden. After heard the news and i was, i was sure that the building is gone, i started telling my colleagues, yesterday i had a home and now im homeless, me and my family. The leader of Yemen Movement has described operation alaxsa flood as natural response to israels relentless pression against palestinians. Abdul malik alhuthi emphasized that the Palestinian People have been left with no choice but to fight for their rights. He also strongly rebuked some arab and muslim nations standing idly by in the face of israeli crimes. Then leader condemned the western states, particularly the us for their complicity in the regimes atrocities. He also advised washington against direct involvements in the ongoing conflict, warning that yemen is ready to help palestinians if the us becomes engaged in the fight. Additionally, huthy criticized some arab states for normalizing relations with israel, describing it as part of washingtons plot to undermine the palestinian cause. Miriam sal corresponded joining us from gajar in lebanon to tell us whats going on in that area. And for an analysis, atorney, activist and political analyst, joins us from johannesburg, welcome to you both, im over to you, i believe that there have been some developments uh where you are at or where that particular area of lebanon uh with israel, what has happened . Well actually around 40 minutes ago uh the residents of the Southern Coast heard the sound of uh rockets being fired from the area, mainly in the area of northern of southern uh tire and they heard the rockets and after the rockets just minutes later we heard artillery of israeli artillery fire now it wasnt clear whether those rockets actually reach the galili but we do know that sirens sounded uh in the northern galilei near here and we also heard the sound of the rockets we then heard the sound of the shelling of the israeli shelling in that area uh a specific in the areas surrounding the nakura area which is at the coast, the Southern Coast near also daira, that area also was pounded uh by israeli shelling just yesterday uh so basically the uh the israelis are shelling areas that are not really residential, the outskirts of the uh of the villages, yesterday they did manage to target some areas and that which led to the marturdom of three of hizbullahs fighters, now uh if you can see uh also behind me, let me move away from the picture so you can get an idea also that we are still. Near the settlement and this is one settlement which is called them facing the al kham town. This is one of the areas that is considered a residential area, perhaps, a area where you have settlements but settlers, but at this very moment it is evacuated, we have absolutely no settlers uh in these homes any movement that there is in this area is purely military uh, even those moving in civilian cars are considered um members of either uh the uh israeli intelligent. Or members of the israeli army, so therefore the israelis are on high alert, they have blocked also some of the areas and put even heavy uh walls and areas in case there is any sort of escalation um or clashes, we saw also we witnessed the movement of one mercava tank, we heard right now also a the sound of shelling, its not clear whether it is rockets that were fired from South Lebanon or israeli shelling, and despite the fact that saw that the situation is somewhat contained, however there have been just direct responses and uh firing at uh from both sides, even hazballah when they fired at the israeli post, they did that using mortar uh rockets not using um for example precise rockets and so on. Now we know that from the rockets that were shelled today um reportedly they were katusha rockets and uh since before this uh this crisis uh we know that it was always palestinian factions that were firing uh katusha rockets uh from South Lebanon uh and we also know that of course the Palestinian Resistance has said that it has the right um to liberate its land from both sides whether from the north or from the south you have palestinian factions that are quite active uh in lebanon uh for example islamic shihad with its uh Saraya Al Quds groups and even. Hamas is also um active here whether politically or even uh when it comes to uh the ground of using uh lebanon of course is Training Ground that they have lot of refuges of course there are several refugee camps that are considered strongholds uh for the resistance uh in uh in in palestine uh but since there is huge number of palestinians in the diaspora they have of course a strong uh supportive ground here in lebanon uh since many of the refugees live in these 12 camps actually. So basically what we do have for now is just these direct uh responses, we dont have any reports of civilian um uh casualties so far, there are israeli reports that they speculate that there is another infiltration um in one of the border points also into the gilili, but that too has not uh been uh authenticated, so were still waiting to see, i dont know if you heard that, but we just heard now the sound of. Israeli shelling, we could probably have a long night um, if this issue continues in such a way. Yeah, we didnt hear that. Unfortunately, if it was, it didnt come through on the mic that you have, uh, but basically looking at some of the wires there, what you have said is confirmed. Uh, lets uh bring in uh zakir into the picture here, zakir ahmed mayat, attorney, activist in political analist, zakir ahmed, welcome to the program, you know, when you take a look at this operation that has happened, obviously theres so many different dimensions to it, flood, well right now, what is your viewpoint on why israel is uh and how israel is pounding the gaza strip, mean its seems like they just want to basically murder palestinians, i mean, theyre hitting all the buildings there, these palestinians dont have anywhere to hide, i mean their only place is the buildings that they are in, so what do you think the point of that operation by israel is by uh attacking the ghaza strip and then killing palestinians as a result . So theres a few reasons as to why israel is doing that at the moment, the first reason is to exect revenge and try and bolster this. Some of the emotions that are boiling within israel, that the administration has done nothing to protect israeli citizens, this is the way of pleasing the crowd so to say, the spilling of blood of palestinians is surely crowd, so that is exactly why we seeing the Israeli Regime bombing anything, including the rafa border, we saw there were approximately four strikes on rafa to send message to the egyptians to not any supplies, theres a second reason as to why israel is doing this, and the second reason is to level gaza so as to prepare for ground invasion. The third reason and very important reason is that israel was caught by surprise, they had gotten into a position where their arrogance blinded them from seeing the developments on the ground, and it was the israeli assessment, you see through numerous think tanks. Jiss, inss, mariam institute, the Jerusalem Center for public affairs, numerous israeli think tanks believes that hamas was deterred, hamas would not be entering the conflict, and this is very tactical game that was played by the resistance, in fact the last two large engagements were by islamic jihad, hamas did not enter and this created the perception that they were they had no appetite for, but the reason why israel is bombing now. Is to buy time for themselves, this is simply because they are not ready, in fact the request was sent to the United States to provide israel with combat boots and uniforms, they do not even have that to be equip their army, that is why they have called up the reserves of about 360,000, but theyre not capable of outfitting this entire military, and also thats not the complete figure, is a formula called the tuf to tail figure. And therefore its not 360,000 active troops that will be in gaza, theres support roles, logistics roles etc that many of these troops will be will be involved in, so there are a couple of reasons as to why they are doing it in this manner and passion, because simply they just not ready, they fear a ground operation, they fear the amalgamation their troops, because they are very aware and weve learned these lessons from the Ukraine Russia conflict that the moment they concentrate the. Trops, they will come under very heavy fire, and if they begin this ground invasion, its going to be a slaughter in gaza, not for the gazans, but for the israelis and theyre fully aware of it, the israelis are used to kinetic operations, quick operations, bomb and remove yourself from the situation, this is not that, the palestinians have suffered for many years and they are ready for this final battle, so when you have the israely Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who says that uh to use his. Words uh so im not misquoting him um that uh the there will be a change in the middle east based on what he said and we see he was speaking to mayors of the southern border towns uh that that was hit uh what what do you think he means by a change in the middle east i mean many are saying that he means a change in the map of the middle east but uh that there are also doubts about that what is your interpretation of it . I think he is right that there will be a change in the middle east, i think that there are few things that have changed, is the perception the Palestinian People, we have consistently portrayed within Mainstream Media the palestinians as fragile, as not capable of of defending themselves, the poor victim, but today we see the palestinians despite the fact that they are being bombarded very heavily from the a, they are proud people, they they are standing on. Their feet and they are attacking the zionist regime and it is astonishing that besieged people a people who have been subjected to incredible brutality that have been placed in a concentration camp since 2007 have mustered up such military force that it has brought a Nuclear Power to its needs. So that is the first perception that has changed. The second is that the perception that the palestinians are alone and that they have managed to isolate. The palestinians with the abraham accords, that has completely fallen apart, we see the layering that has taken place, that if the United States enters into the battle, they will they will be fought, but they will be fought by the islamic republic, they will be fought by the irogc, they will be fought by by numerous other participants in this battle, the United States has has stated if theres going to be a cround invasion, they will participate, or if will enter they will participate, and this is layering, so it is very clear that any trigger that is that is pulled, any trip wire that is activated, it will result in the entire resistance access participating in this monumental battle, and finally, i think that the the comments that have been made by israeli officials is that israel is fighting for its very existence, israel has never been threatened in this way before, yes, they have been remote threats to israel, but nothing as tangible as this, and they it is clear to every everyone who is observing this particular battle that the middle east will never. Never be the same again, it is the final battle between oppression and justice, and it is very clear, its a black and white issue now, its no longer gray, you cannot be on the face, its either you with colonialism in apartate or you with the palestinians and truth and justice. Okay, theres a key word that you use there, or a phrase i should say, when you said the final battle, um, when you take a look at what has happened, this could lead to final battle, maybe uh, but at the same time. The perception that israel was invincible, that it had this force that you couldnt conquer, that has been shattered, and i think that maybe maybe uh, why irans leader uh has said that uh, the focus should be on the fact that uh, israels failure is in underlining its irreparableness is how he quote, how he phrased it, um, so if that is the case. Then uh, how is the final battle, when is that going to happen . Are we looking at it now or are we looking it in the future . Because that fasad uh that israel had is broken, i should say shattered, so uh, its just matter of time, if its not going to happen now, is that is that one way of looking at it . Yes, i think the the israeli capability has been degraded since 2006 when it went into a hidden confrontation with hazballah, hizbullah refers to it as nasron ilahi, the divine victory that was granted to the lebanese people and the Resistance Movement and ever since 2006 and Major General retired and reserve uzi dayan had said that at the time that israel has lost its terence capacity, israel lost its deterrents capacity successively in 2008 2009 with operation castleid, it opened up the doors of laufe and even though they unleashed, they called it holiganism, call it, they they failed in the International Community, they were ham strung in 2012 with the new change in government in egypt, 2014, and then most definitely they were a loss in 2021 when when they faced quds, so israel has its capability depleting over a period of time, its been very very clear that israel is failing state and has become a glorified police for. And when the the leader of the revolution, has referred to israel as this failing state, he in fact said few days earlier that israel is a dying state, he was 100 correct, this is what we are seeing, the final battle is now, but i think our understanding of final battle is something quick, something kinetic, something momentary, its not, its a period of time, we have started the bat. The resistance has started and it will take a bit of time and this is acknowledgement both from the resistance aspect as well as from the zionist regime where they said that this will be a prolonged and protracted battle, they are fully aware that this battle is going to spell the end of the zionist regime, they know this, that is why they had to call the big brother, the United States of america to bring the most powerful Aircraft Carrier in their fleet, the uss general ford onto the shores of israel with it. Fleet uh Strike Carrier Group fleet around it, so they are fully aware of it. I think that we are in this very special period right now, where we are witnessing the final collapse of the zionist entity. They are not capable of fighting this war. They will be able to musster the troops, its not to say that we are underestimating the enemy, but it is very clear that a thousand to 2000 lightly equipped fighters from the ghaza strip was able to emo equalize the entire south of israel, that is just a small portion of what is in store for them, the resistance hasnt even revealed most of its capabilities, so i think that we are witnessing it, it is a great time to be alive, its a great time to witness this and it is time for us to support the resistance, that is how i view it . Yeah, the problem is, mean, im sorry, im just uh, when i hear the statements that youre making, um, it sounds like uh, this final battle, as we as we uh to continue with that train of thought, maybe is not something thats going to happen now based on what youre what i think i understood from you, mean it could, maybe again based on what you said, but uh lets say if its not going to happen now, what form can this uh war take afterwards . I mean, the there i cant, i think many cant imagine uh, negotiated solution or settlement to this, i mean, how can israel then uh look at itself based on what has happened, uh, and how could palestinians uh, therefore like, what, theyre going to go back to whatevers left the ghaza strip, um, i mean, which is not going to be the case, i mean, im trying to understand what form this is going to. Take after its over here or are we really looking a final battle or no . But then what form will this take uh when it comes to a win for the palestinians or for the israelis to have prevailed . If if you understand where im going with this. Most definitely. Its a connandrum of probabilities. So what we are looking at now is what is the probability of israel. Lets work with the latter one, what is the probability of israel coming to the table, sitting down with the palestinians and gotiating some form of resolution or settlement and it is not on the table that the palestinians will go back to the ghetto of gaza and automatically changing themselves up as they were and go into the besege state that israel would like to keep them in. The second aspect that prevents this i believe is the Israeli Zionist psychy. The zionist psychy is based on the concepts of superiority and they believe that they are better and this you can see just. By the leadership and these are the individuals that promote this type of of thought, so it is not likely that we are going to see negotiated settlement, israel has had that opportunity numerous occasions and has fail to grab it and they will definitely not do so now, in fact they were prepared to draw israel into complete political isolation with the with the apocalyptic viewpoints and the superiority. Complex, so it leaves us then with only one other option is that do they escalate . Israel is in such a position right now that they have other option but escalate, but to invade razza, to try and pull back some of the hostages that were taken for the prisoners of war, depends on what phrase you want to use, and to try and obliterate hamas, there is no way that they will allow hamas to exist, that is the israeli. Psychy, its its premised on revenge, this is how they work, it has always been retaliation operations, its always been price tags, this is how israel frames its defense doctrine, so i think that we will only have one option and that is escalation, the escalation is a ground operation, and this is what the resistance is waiting for, in fact they have completed in some part, the first phase of this operation, that is to take the military bases around the gaza strip. To hit key installations and take ammunition, israel has ammunition problem, that is what theyve asked from the United States, Strategic Reserves have been depleted due to the ukraine issue, so that is where we going, the the delay at the moment is that israel is not ready for the ground operation, but it will definitely come, they indicating that they do not have a choice, and once that ground operation takes place, it will set off the trip wire, we will definitely see. Enter at the moment we having skirmishes right now, its between 12 to 16 katusha rockets that were fired from the from the lebane side into israel, small skirmishes, but the moment that ground operation begins, i believe it will set a ball in motion that cannot be stopped and we will see the rewriting of the history the middle east and i believe the palestinians will be victorious, what a time to be alive . Okay, okay, let me bring in mariam soleh uh to the picture here mariam, im sorry, i got carried away there was zakir, ahmad uh, somariam, at this point, what are we looking at since we last spoke, are things um still the same state, a state of alert, i should say where youre at, well for now we dont have a state of alert, we have actually more rockets being fired into the krashuba hills and as we said earlier the

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