11 30 am iran capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. Leave or face death. This is yet another warning, the Israeli Military has issued to residents living in the northern part of the besieged gaza strap. The warning comes as hundreds of thousands of gazas. Have already moved southward to take refuge in temporary shelters, however, the areas they have fled to are also being hit by israeli war planes and artillery. More than 4700 palestinians have been killed since the regime launched his onslot on gaza over two weeks ago. More than 16,00 people have been wounded. According to the un agency for Palestinian Refugees or unarwa, it has also lost at least 29 of its staff in israeli bombardments. In the meantime, the Israeli Military said one of his tanks had accidentally fired. At an egyptian post near the border with gaza. Meanwile israelplanes have rain down bombs in areas around three hospitals in gaza, adding to the immense strain on medical facilities in the besieg territory. According to palestinian media reports, israeli missiles hit the vicinity of asshifah and alqutz hospitals in gaza city. The strike also heard was also heard near indonesia hospital in northern gaza and its director reported injuries and Severe Damage to the complex. Of but there were no immediate reports of possible destruction and injuries near the two other hospitals. On saturday, israel ordered 20 hospitals in gaza, including a evacuate. The regime is facing a course of condemnation from around the world over its bombardment of the hospital on tuesday. Nearly 500 people, including those who had taken refuge from israels assaults were killed in the strike. Is with the. Federation of iraqi trade unions, she tells us about the need for solidarity with palestinians in with israels onslot on gaza and the normalization deals between some arab states and the regime. Right now the people of gaza and the children of gaza are dying and the world is quiet, even some of the arab countries that pretend to be concerned for the future of jerusalem and its liberation. They are now normalizing with israel. This thing, the normalization which is humiliating and frighting. Because the people of palestine is in need of total solidarity and and support and a firm stand of every arab and all free people of the world. We are embroiled with him in the struggle, even في though we are from far offland geographically. We continue our struggle with him in order to prepare and mobilize the Arab Public Opinion and international Public Opinion in order to assist and and support and stand firmly with the struggle of the Palestinian People. And now i believe that the iraqi people will spare nothing. Not hold back to be with their Palestinian People in solidarity, and in fact, some youth have all the determination to go to palestine in order to help their people in gaza. Israel, says one of his troops was killed and three others injured during raid into the gaza strip. The Israeli Military Spokesman Says the raid was carried out as part of preparation for ground attack and to gather intelligence. Earlier, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance moved hamas, said that it had ambushed an Israeli Armored units that had trespassed few meters into the territory. The algason brigades added that two israel bulldozers and a tank were destroyed and the forces retreated back across the separation frence fence. Hamas has warned that gaza will turn into a graveyard for invaders. The Resistance Movement has also been firing thousands of missiles into israel. Since the beginning of operation iwasa flood. At least 1500 israels have been killed and nearly 500 injured. Israel is also escalating its atrocities in the west bank while continuing relentless bombardment of the ghaza strep. The Regime Forces have killed two more. In the occupied territory. 17yearold jihad salah and muhammad abur aged 29 were fatally shot during an israeli raid on the town of zawata, west of nablus. Two other palestinians were injured by the regimes live bullets. Earlier, another Young Palestinian was killed by israel troops near a refugee camp north of alkalil. Since the start of israels bloody war on gaza, 93 palestinians have been killed and some 1400 others injured in the west bank. Live uh in the ghaza strip you can see two huge explosions have taken place, not explosions, actually those are bombs uh that have targeted whatever they have targeted there and that seems like a pretty big uh explosion to have occurred as a result of that uh so the bombardment uh is continuing uh albeit in this couple cases that were seeing here, i believe there are two separate uh strikes that have occurred here if im correct in seeing it. Way and thats a thats a pretty big one those two explosions that were seeing here as a result of a strike uh yesterday um its hard to tell the way these strikes occur now you can see how big these uh strikes have been because the whole ghaza skyline is now filled with the smoke unless the. Well doctors in the gaza strip, moving to now what were seeing through their eyes um say that uh the situation is getting more catastrophic due to a shortage of medical supplies and electricity. Lets take a look at these scenes. المعدات الطبيه محدوده جدا ونشتغل ب. اقل الامكانيات ايه نحاول ان ان نوقف نزيف الدماء الذي يحصل باقل الامكانيات مع مع الامل ان نستطيع ذلك لكن في كثير من الحالات فقدناها للاسف الشديد لقله الوقت وكثره الاصابات وا والقصف الشديد و والذي لا والقصف الشديد الذي لا نستطيع ايقافه ابرز المعيقات والصعبات اللي بتواجهكم خلال العمل خلال العمل هي كثره الاصابات المعيقات التي تزق كثره كثره الاصابات وشدتها خلال العمليات والكم الهائل الذي ياتي الينا والهم يستخدمون والله اعلم انواع من الاسلحه التي تنثر الالتهابات في في الجسم وتنثر التتهتك الشديد في الاعضاء التي تعيق عملنا وتعيق الاالتئام ما بعد ذلك المستههلات الطبيه المسلزمات لاجراء العمليه. نحن نعمل بلا شيء نعمل باقل الامكانيات الموجوده يعني مقارنه بالدول التي اشتغلنا فيها تقريبا الامكانيات شبه معدومه كما ترون جميع ما القسم هم اوزان قليله بحاله بحاجه الى رعايه او مكثفه على مدار الساعه ولكن ما ينقصنا هو الادويه الرئيسيه زي الكافايين سيتريت والمضادات الحيويه امبسلين وجنتاميسين والسرفاكتانت ويوجد لدينا اجهزه تننفس صناعي الان سبع اجهزه لا يعملون بسبب عدم وجود الموصلات المناسبه لها ونحن نعمل فقط في 10 اجهزه تننفس صناعي وهذا اشاره قويه على قرب انهيار هذا القسم ونناشد الجميع برسال المستلزمات الطبيه الضروريه لهذا القسم الحساس واللا سنقع في كارثه كبيره لا سيما في حال انقطاع التيار الكهربائي ستكون هنا في هذه الاقسام المكونه من 55 طفل جميعهم من يعتمد على الكهرباء سنفقد حياتهم خلال خمس دقائق okay heard some of the doctors that are speaking out of that hospital with the Horror Stories that uh is unfolding in front of their eyes. Keep in mind as a medic its very hard to obviously be at the scene and not be able to treat the patients and ghaza we are looking at the aftermath of. Two strikes that occurred there uh, thats my interpretation, um, i should say its not verified, but looking at the images on the screen, it seems like two locations were hit, and um, it was rather big explosion that resulted from that of which the smoke there uh supports uh how big an explosion this uh has been, and uh, we are now looking at the a grim milestone, the total death will expect. To hit the 5000 mark as israel continues with this bombing campaign. Okay, lets bring in guest arzu mirali, cofounder of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, joins us from london. Arzu mirali, welcome to the program, its hard to um keep composure after 17 days, whether youre a journalist, whether youre a reporter, whether youre anything or human to look at whats unfolding there, because no matter whats been. That whats been covered and uh how this whole situation has been handled, the Regime Forces of israel are continuing with the bombardments and were seeing casualties mounts. What are your thoughts on this . I havetedly agree with that its very very hard to be composed or calm to give a sort of what quiet is very very difficult. 17 days, as awful as they have been, i think we need to also put this into a context that this is not something aborent or unusual, this is escalation of an ongoing genocide for 75 years, i think we have to really both have the courage to describe what is happening now as genocide and genocidal, but also that that is actually the culmination of decades and decades really since the beginning of the founding of this regime and actually we can give it hundred years since. The beginning of the project or the elevation of the zinus project with the balfall declaration which you brings the british into this whole scene as being highly complicit and then we have the International Community as it developed protecting this sort of last vestige of colonialism, keeping a foot in if you like of the old colonial powers in west asia, and that struggle has become for the rest of the world, actually for which they see their. Struggles, so this painful, painful scenario were seeing, as aborent as it is, we also know that it is, this is moment that everything changes, i think all of us can see that now that its not business as usual as regards to the response to israels crimes, israels crimes have been going on for how long, things are changing and sadly, its the blood and of the palestinians that is the price of it, but things will never be as again. All right, lets take a look at uh this uh footage that we have from uh what has what occurred in berlin in terms of uh the way that the protesters there were uh handled by the uh German Police force. As we now have are taking a look at the skyline of the gaza strip. Um, and then id like to then ask you rs about that, so if we can just uh watch that footage. Okay, those were scenes that came through uh recorded that happened in um berlin. All right, so uh, im curious as to what you think about protest like the one we just saw in germany. I dont know if you saw what occurred, but basically about it was about protesters what came out showing the solidarity with the palestinians that got a little uh violent and uh there were some scuffles between the uh German Police uhs and Security Forces and and the protesters. A couple things of note there that id like to get your idea on is um. Couldnt help but see so many young people that were out there and uh the second factor uh that i really curious as to what you think is how uh it appears that this war isnt uh just the only cause that have uh that has brought people out in the numbers that it has uh which again your opinion matters here but i think that people have experienced the the suffering of the palestinians in one form or another throughout the year. Especially through the wars, so theyre educated enough, which is why they uh have come out in the numbers that they have, with this war to have broken out, to show their anger and to vent their frustration, but lot of them seem to be aware of what the palestinian cause is, do you see it that way, and what are your thoughts on these protests which uh Different Countries like france and particular, are trying to the the forces that are trying to suppress them and and them on the head when you said that people have been feeling the pain of the palestinians, theyve been following this, they are very, very connected to it, i think it goes back to the fact that somehow palestine has become emblematic of everybodys liberation struggles, and i think its a huge own goal for western governments, particularly france, uk, germany, i didnt see the footage, but ive been seeing footage come out of germany and all the western European Countries for. Last 17 days that the more they be are just uh ridiculously and shamelessly in support of israel. This is going to upset ordinary people, not necessarily just muslims, not necessarily just you can see manifest injustice in taking that position. I cant see your screen, but you described it very eloquently that you are seeing this ghaza skyline on fire, basically. We have seen this all the time, this is not even in these 17. Days, theres always been periodic bombings, theres always been, bombings, etc. Etc. And for any state or regime or institution of the state to come out in support of the power that is inflicting a medieval siege a imprisoned population, whether its in these 17 days or whether its outside of those 17 days, because lets not forget there was a siege on gaza all of this time for a state to come out and support a regime, through its soldiers, its police and its complicit, Palestinian Authority in the west bank to be killing and shooting and peaceful protesters, children, accusing them of being terrorists, its no wonder, it doesnt even matter how skewed the media is, people are able to see of the lie that there is any justification for anything the regime is doing, and they have become deeply. Deeply embedded in the palestinian cause, now you talked about the suppression of those, well palestine is very very now and intertwined with calls for justice on many many issues, so its no longer about okay, were clamping down on propalestinian activism because we want to support israel, its actually about suppressing any kind of descent to these states, because there are a lot of things to complain about in these states as well, of course we are not under siege, we are not being targeted by military, but we have many, many issues going on, we have huge disparities of wealth, you have collapsing economies, you have a climate crisis, we have for example, in a country like france, such embedded violent racism in the system, thats you know the actual basic norms of society are fraying at the edges, theres no longer kind of civilized discourse when it comes to social relations, so we have that kind of uh inmesment of the of these issues and palestine as i said has become the symbol of liberation not just for the palestinians but for many many people in many settings. Now take a look at another footage which i will then follow through with the question for you and its the israely targeting of hospital in gaza. Lets take a look at that. جوه يا عم هيو طيب ناس انا معاك جو اسرع اسرى بسرعه يا اختي بسرعه. فوز جوه يا عم هو طيب ناس انا معاك تعال جوه الو ا اسرع. Believe as south africa that we as Global Community need to pay far greater attention to the situation of injustice and lack of enjoyment of human rights that is confronting the people of palestine. As south africa, weve often spoken about how to the world community, particularly the most developed countries in the world, some deserve human rights, others do not deserve human rights. We see this in the treatment of the people of palestine, that their land can be occupied, but we dont talk about occupation, so it is important. That as the Global Community we really begin to draw together as progressive nations to have far greater activism against the injustice that is being experienced by the people of palestine. It is sad that many countries in the region in which palestine exists had essentially deserted the people of palestine, but i think they can see today why countries like south africa have been consistent in their support for palestine and have never deviated from the belief president mandela held that until the people of palestine are free, south africa will not be fully free, nor any other person that suffers from injustice, so it is our task as nations the world to do. Much more than we have done before, to support the people of palestine, be it in the United Nations system or elsewhere, to ensure that finally they enjoy justice and the human rights that many of us have access to today, and we dont pretend that palestine is not occupied, we do not pretend that the people of palestine do not enjoy rights, we find it. Conchable that israel is supported to essentially wage a war of ethnic cleansing against the people of palestine and the world should be horrified and should be acting far more urgently on this matter. Okay, that was the south africa minister, speaking there when she came to iran in that press conference with her counterpart minister Hussain Amir Abdullah han. Uh the point that she made, which were several uh, and it was to the point in on so many occasions, i like to ask you about how she said israel is waging a war of ethnic cleansing, given the position that she has in terms of uh, not only a representation of south africa, but also bricks as a whole and the number of countries that associated with that organization or with that group trade block, i should say, uh, what do you think uh of what she said . I think she used a very interesting phrase, you said whether we are going to seek justice for the palestinians through the United Nations or some other organization, and once more were seeing in these 17 days, the irrelevance and the uselessness of the United Nations. Im old enough to remember when the Israeli Regime bombed a Un Peacekeeping center in southern lebanon, which was full of refugees, and slaughted some hundred and so uh lebanese. Seeking shelter, this isnt even just averation, we have so many of these incidents over the years, whether its in southern lebanon or palestine or elsewhere, perpetrated by the Israeli Regime, and the un has been sitting there and has not not been able to do anything, its itself, and so her comments that what is that other organization, and as you mentioned, south africa is key, a cornerstone of breaks and we now have iran and other countries being taken into that fault of that. Organization, we have to ask, we have new world rising, we have the idea now that progressive nations, these are the nations that actually seek justice for palestine, again, palestine. Becomes a cornerstone of the Ideological Foundation of that new world, what are the institutions that could be developed or the mechanisms uh developed to find a lasting justice and peace for the region . And i think its a key question, now we have organizations like asian, we have the afr, you know, the oic, lets not perhaps deviate about its usefulness or uselessness, however you want to see it, but ultimately. There are possibilities now to actually create institutions, whether theyre legal institutions like courts, whether they are for intergovernmentality to find resolution. United nations is becoming irrelevant, westernized countries with their failed support of the Israeli Regime are also making themselves irrelevant to this new world thats rising, so i pray, and i hope that we quickly and peacefully, but where it is. Now we no longer just look to the United Nations, i think we have new set of options and we need to be working as much on those as trying to use the existing system. Thank you very much for your contribution, do appreciate a cofounder of the Islamic Human Rights Commission from london, lets bring in uh simon abbas, political commentator who joins us also from london, simon, welcome, we were just speaking with our guests about the relevancy of the un in this case and point more so. Than ever before of a situation that they have been long aware of and been familiar with uh and uh like to get your thoughts on that and how we are still seeing the israeli Regime Forces uh continue with their bombardment we just noticed in the past five minutes not noticed but we witness uh two huge strikes uh where the explosion as a result of it uh just completely filled the skyline yes first of all the weapons which is are using phosphorus bombs and the like, the guided missiles, the awareness of the israelies about the the reality on the ground, whether its a mosk or whether its a hospital, the fact they have all that intelligence, yet that they still choose to use these uh, you know, absolutely devastating weapons, knowing full well theyre going to take out the lives of these children and and these mums and ordinary civilians, it just has really laid bare, i think to the world just how barbaric this whole, this whole entity is, mean if there was any shadow of doubt before, this campaign really has nailed it, youve seen people uh on the ground turning out in their you know hundreds of thousands in in london this weekend, 300 thousand people, and if you look any capital around the world, the same sort of numbers are turning out, so the people are becoming aware if they werent aware already, and theyre certainly also putting their the their um their sort of actions, but its the into into the the backing of the palestinians, the leaders and the institutions that you talk about, of course, this is a really key issue, because now weve seen this far too many times and its far too uh blatantly obvious again that the institutions which are meant to protect children and to protect the oppress meant to support you equality, justice, democracy etc. Um, they are all just selectively used and abused by the people who actually created them, and if we we cannot forget that the institutions that we have today, the International Institutions that are created, they theyre largely created on the back of um, zionist control, Money Lending, you know, the entire system, whether i was just reading an article about the barkleys bank and how much money, they sponsor, donate and lone towards making these bombs and these dractions, but they also the. Are the same Corporate Companies that invest in the background in uh the major major institutions alongside of course the United States and the anglozionist empire which is another just another um state front for the same Money Lending fraternity that are behind the killings of palestinians and im afraid you one has to see this that the the west when we talk about the west were not talking about the ordinary folk in the west were talking about the system the the. The entire apparatus that came into being, especially after the second world war, although there were other systems prior to that, which were operating with the same money lenders interest at heart, you only need to go back to the rold histories during the napoleonic wars for instance to see that they were backing every side, and i think that youve got to place that narrative back in the modern day and age, that if you see the rothsh brothers and family were

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