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Every almost every day leader meets with a group of people and there are some ceremonies, and there was a part of the speech that had to do with the crimes of the zionist regime against the palestinians and the leaders that in a in a nutshell of what of the highlights of what he said that despite all the antagonism, despite all the uh savagery and crimes being perpetrated against the palestinians in gaza uh that is being. Directly supported uh by accomplish us and other western backers, palestine resistance fighters have been able to fight this off and they are standing strong and they still have not used much of what they have as in terms of possibilities and their capabilities and hopefully they will emerging victorious. Okay now lets uh move to our newscas and lets see what we have for you. Now palestina is. The gaza strip see no ease in their suffering as these really bombardment and siege continue even during the holy months of ramadan uh well now show you moment when a new air rate targeted the Southern City of rafa مربعlahy regime hit the. Central city of the arabala twice killing nine palestinians injuring some more. 11 others lost their lives after israeli troopers again open fire on eight seekers in gaza city. According to the gaza media office, some 400 palestinians have been killed while and line for life saving aid since late february. The death tool from the genocidal war since october 7th stands at nearly 31,200, most of them women and children. Now lets now bring in our correspondent, he is in deara in central gaza, what update do you have for us, tell us about the developments happening today . Yes, actually, let me begin with the latest statement of Gazas Health Ministry as the israeli cubation for. Has committed at least eight opponic massacers over the last 24 hours, claiming the lives of 72 Palestinian Civilians and injuring some 124 others. These numbers are still high as the israeli incubation forces keep targeting the residental areas and buildings across all areas of gaza strip. Over the last couple of hours the Israeli Occupation forces attacked the eastern part of their balah city, that that areas actually were subjected to heavy bombardments of israeli artillery a mid heavy gun fire of the israeli tanks that reached all areas on the residental buildings there, douzens of the palestiniantal buildings were blown up by the israel incubation forces using the explosive devices and even more Agricultural Land were raised by the israeli beldos there. Its worth mentioning that even in the central area of gaza strip the israel war planes also destroyed another president al apartments in alb refugee camp. At least one Palestinian Civilians was reportedly killed while another one was injured. When it comes to khanuni city, as you know that the israeli incubation forces are still attacking hammed neighborhood locating located in the western part of khanuni city. More residental towers were destroyed and attacked by the intense israeli air strikes. Big fire actually blazed a residental building their horizontal tower, as a result of those intense and those relentless. Air strikes, in addition to that, the eastern parts of kanyuni city, particularly al karara neighborhood witnessed heavy bombardments of the israeli artillery, when it comes to gaza city, the israeli ocubation war blames also renewed their attacks and their strikes against the residental buildings, another residental building was destroyed by the israel air strikes in a zeitoon neighborhood, at least seven Palestinian Civilians were reportedly killed, mostly women and children, its worth mentioning that even the southern part of gaza city were subjected to heavy bombardments of the israeli artillery, on the ground the humanitarian conditions are still catastrophic and even beyond catastrophic as the Palestinian People are still grabbling to have any real access to this to their basic humanitarian needs uh, particularly with uh this holy month ramadan, as you know that the Current Situation is exacerbating as the people are still striving to find their aftar meals and they are completely devastated with the big loss of their beloved ones and their family members, so we are talking about continuous genocide hitting gaza step left center. I was just going to ask you about ramadan, just mentioned ramadan. And just started for a couple of days uh, its really hard, i mean given the situation youre talking about and lack of access to food and the water, how is it possible to actually observe all the religious rituals and ceremonies during the holy months of ramadan in gaza . Yes, as you know, ramadan this month is completely unlike any precedented months over the last couple of years, because as you know that this. Ramadan comes while the people here are completely afflicted by this genocide taking place in gaza strip, we are talking about roughly 2. 3 million Palestinian Civilians are still torn apart as they were enforced to flee their residental buildings and areas now they are living in small tints crammed in those areas particularly rafa seri and the central area of gaza strip they are struggling a daily basis to have any real access to anything eat amid this severe shortage of the humanitarian aid. Allowed it to enter into gaza strip, we are talking about even catastrophic humanitarian conditions, thousands and hundreds of thousands of the Palestinian People do not have any mear anything even to uh to break their fast uh uh due to these continuous humanitarian conditions, in addition to that uh we are still talking about roughly 40 uh 42,00 Palestinian Civilians who were either killed or still missing under the rovel of those destroyed house. Their beloved ones are completely devastated, they are still missing them and they still uh the they still do not believe that they lost their beloved ones, so we are talking about complete and continuous uh catastrophic humanitarian conditions at all levels, not only about the humanitarian conditions in terms of the food and the drinkable water, not only about the collapse that uh became palpable in every life aspect here in gaza strip, okay appreciate that uh live report and our correspondent in gaza, you want second general Antonio Guteres and message on the occasion of the muslim fasting month of ramadan has called for immediate cease fire in the gaza strip in order to honor the spirit of the holy month. Today marks the start of the holy months of ramadan, a period when muslims around the world. Celebrate and spread the values of peace, reconciliation and solidarity, yet even through ramadan, even though ramadan has begun, the killing, bombing and bloodshed continue in gaza. My strongest appeal today is to honor the spirit of ramadan by silencing the guns and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of lifesaving aid at the speed and massive scale required. Now the vessel carrying humanature in 84, palestinians set sail from a port in cyprus and is on root to the bas gaza strip. The vessel is being sent by a spanish ngo open arms. Its carrying 200 tons of food gaza. The move is aimed at opening new sea route of eight to gaza where the population is on the brink of famon due today. In the lives of three more palestinians in the occupied west bank. Among the dead as young man who succumbed to the wounds sustained during rate on area near the city of jenin. There were 200. Rates north of the city of cholkar, and one of them, Regime Forces shot a 25yearold palestinian. The other one took place near the town of il, were undercover the troops killed a palestinian man. Since october 7th, the occupied territories have witnessed intensified rates by the Regime Forces. Hundreds of palestinians have been killed and thousands abducted in the west bank in around five points. Is mondel joined us from ramala earlier and uh provided us with details on the latest israeli deadly rates in the west bank. Israeli forces disguised as palestinians or as arabs raided the towns or area between the towns of allar and za northern turkarem and they succeeded this d devan unit succeeded to murder a palestinian. 32 years old, originally from the village of arabi in jin, the Israeli Military claimed that this man muhammad was on his way to carry out an anti israeli operation inside the lands that that were occupied 1948, so jab was inside one of the shops there when the divan unit, the under units arrived at the area and they claimed that he had a gun and that he had opened a fire at them before he was shot and killed and of course his body was confiscated by the Israeli Forces. Several hours later another palestinian samed to his injuries. The palestinian uh piramidex said that a palestinian was seriously injured and was transferred to hospital also in the same area. Several hours later, the Palestinian Ministry of health revealed that tafiq hussain also from the from jen was was shot, wounded and then sumed to his injuries. What kind of people do they think we are . Is it possible they do not realize that we shall never see . To persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget, now i am become death, we now have a name for the disease, and it is covid19, a statewide order for people to stay at home, thats why. From changing really deeply that if people are sharing more then the world will be more open place where people can understand whats going on with the people around them and thats really what we want to get towards. Did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of leave. Eu . Yes i did. Welcome back, the deputy Political Bureau chief of the palestinian resistant movement. Has held talks with the secretary general of lebanonsbollah amed these really on slot on gaza, Khalid Al Haya and cyrus on nasara discussed wide range of issues, including the recent developments in gaza and the acid west bank as well as cease fire negotiations. Both Resistance Groups have been fighting Israeli Forces at different fronts, since the beginning of the genocidal war in october, hazballah has exchanged fire with the Israeli Military in support of palestinians, the Resistance Group says, it will stop attacks only if the regime stops its deadly aggression against palestinians. Meantime the israely regime has performed series of new operations against labanon triggering retaliatory rocket attacks from hazbollah against the occupied territories. According to lebonese officials, israely strikes hit the eastern city of balbec and its vicinity, some of the rates targeted area near the city of taraya, 20 kilometers west of albec. In response as well have fired more than 100 rockets at israeli positions in the akubad golen heights and galeli region. No reports of damage or casualted. Until the regime stops the genocidal war on gaza. The Israel Military has recently carried out aerial rates even on residential areas in lebanon. Earlier we joined by correspondent in for details regarding the latest exchange of fire between and they do target. And eastern lebanon, in the vicinity of the cities of taraya and balbak itself, we know that there was total destruction of the buildings that were targeted, and one person has been killed, previous time also it was more of an open area that was targeted the previous time like Agricultural Lands, there was some sort of a residence there, but that also led to the killing of two hazbillah members and now with this in place it seems that hizbullah has basically become impatient with the israelis propos presumptuousness when it comes to how they are targeting at lebanon the fact that theyre trying to put lot of pressure on the resistance and on lebanon itself with the fact that you do have some opposition uh from hezballahs political foes uh when it comes to hizballahs supportive front for the resistance inside gaza and for the people. Of gaza and so it seemed that this is why hazballah had in retaliation launched some were talking about more more than 50 rockets that were um witnessed or that were reported in some areas, the israelis are talking about more than 100 rockets from on two different rounds, a group of rockets uh was against the galila region, another salvoy was against in the Golan Heights and it seemed that they many of them landed and struck their targets and how that will play out also is another surprise and the number of rockets that hazbullah is showing day by day seemingly increasing and targeting areas that are further off. Yesterday for example uh they targeted areas in the goal on heights uh more and more and so it seemed that for hazbullah they are basically unifying the land when it comes to how they target and what they target. The Islamic Resistance in iraq says its performed. Retaliatory attack on bengorian airport deep inside the occupied territories, the umbrella Resistance Group says it targeted the Strategic International airport with a drone, it about to continue operations against what are called enemies strongholds and support of the palestinians and against the genocide in gaza. Since last october, the Islamic Resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely positions in the occupied territories. Its also rated us military bases in iraq. Can neighboring syria and retaliation for complicity in the genocide in gaza. Yemani Armed Forces Say that they have stuck yet another American Ship in the red sea vowing to step up their maritom operations in support of palestinians. The naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the American Ship pinocchio in the red sea with number of appropriate naval missiles. The emany armed forces confirmed that their military operations will escape during the month of ramadan in support of the oppressed Palestinian People in the gaza strip. The strike has been confirmed by Us Central Command that claims that the missils did not impact the vessel and caused no injuries or damage. According to sendcom, us forces have stage six retaliator attacks destroying an onmand underwater vessel and 18 antiship missiles. Belonging to yemen, tensions have run high in and around the red sea over israels genocide in gaza. Yemen has for number of times targeted israeli link vessels in the crucial lane for trade, in response to antiisraely operations, the us and the uk have repeatedly launched air strikes against the arab country since midjanuary. Yemani armed forces uh stressed despite the aggression, they will continue operations in solidarity with gaza. In our News Review Program with discuss an increase in propalestine rallies and events across the world with the youth in the spotlight. Lets see what i guess had to say. Id like to welcome my guests to this news review. Our zoom mayor. Ali cofounder of Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london and masud shajari, Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london. Thank you both for being with us, i like to. Started off with arzu, i mean your take, were continually seeing these western governments support the Israeli Regime, but at the same time we see these growing movements among the people, especially the young people, and this particular case, were looking at more and more action taking place on some university campuses, definitely, and i think its again as always every time we see this very, very positive uh sign frankly to. Stand up to what in austria has become a really really problematic state, so just to give context, um, its 20 years or more that austria has shifted from being almost a model for muslim state relationships in europe to kind of disastrous situation, which is almost as bad as germany, perhaps the same, perhaps worse, where expressions of political identity or political activism or any kind of political thought by muslims is being cracked down. Quite heavily, now in that context, sort of islamophobia has been leveled against not just muslims, but anybody, supporting palestine, so for people to go and do this, its both brave and courageous, but its also a fantastic sign that people are fed up now the overpolicing of Civil Society and the complicity by state institutions or institutions like universities an ongoing genocide that we are witnessing minute by minute. Well, so are we a a transition point because for many years we saw basically lot of apathy um in uh lot of these western societies but with the situation has been happening on this genocide for the last now almost five and a half months weve seen more and more people become aware not only of the Israeli Regime about the Israeli Regime but also aware about their own governments and how they are complicit uh not only in supporting the regime, but also in controlling their own Citizens Rights and right to speak out and right to protest. I mean, your your thoughts on that. Youre absolutely correct. I mean, the fact is that there is a fantastic awakening among the general public in the west, beat europeans or United States and elsewhere, where people are really seeing the truth and the bizarre sort of situation that this genocide is being unleashed day in day out in our television server screens and everywhere else, we are seeing it, we are feeling it, and we are being mobilized and we are being awakened, and this is on one side, and the other side these establishment and the governments and these regimes are, really starting to show their true color, few years ago they were claiming that they are democratic, they were claiming that they are champions and flag bears of freedom of speech and the human right etc etc. Now you see between 70 to 80 of people in the west are actually calling for immediate cease fire while the governments. Are supporting the genocide, they breaking their own rules, they breaking their own principles of freedom of a speech or association or assembly. Well, thank you both for being with me on this news review. Arzumly, cofounder of Islamic Human Rights Commission and masod shajure on the Islamic Human Rights Commission out of london. And thank you viewers for being with us on another news review. يلقي الروح من امره على من يشاء من عباده لينذر يوم التلى. هاق يوم هم بارزون لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم i believe that working together we can make history. A Gaza Ceasefire during the holy month of ramadan appears increasingly unlikely after hamas delegates left cairo talks without an agreement accusing israel of fourding efforts put forward by mediators. Meanwhile, the zionist war cabinet deliberates the possibility for potential security escalations across various fronts during the month of ramadan from gaza to the invasion of rafah extending to the front with lebanon on the ground. The Israeli Occupation army has expanded its operations deep into the gaza strip, intensifying battles in the cities of hamad and khan unis as a prelude to entry into rafah as the resistance reemerges again in northern gaza. Cese fire talks falter this week on the mediast stream. Tenemos, no le pies la cola al gas, soberana y popular. Estados unidos, la Gran Potencia imperialista del norte, the United States. The us has 334 million inhabitants, 46 million are immigrants, 11 million are undocumented, to which we must add all those who entered

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